Mars was destroyed by a nuclear attack from an aggressive civilization. Comparison of Mars and Earth Nuclear War on Mars theory

2nd part - the end.

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1st part

What do the legends say about this event?
V " Puranas"Described" Great Wars in the Sky", From the ancient Greek author Hesiod « Titan Wars», the Bible describes the war in the sky of the army of Michael against « Dragon - Jupiter " and " Lucifer - Venus ».
Mongolian peoples: Buryats, Khakass, Yakuts, Evenks, Tuvans, Altai, etc. tell us about Tsolbone (Solmone) - the lord of Venus who is in heaven causes wars on earth, and, if desired, can stop them.
Thus, the legends confirm that the gods were not from Earth and moreover, one of their locations was Venus.

Photos of the incandescent atmosphere of Venus.

Modern Venus's atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide, about 2% nitrogen and almost 1% water vapor.
The temperature on it is about 430 degrees Celsius, and the pressure is 90 atmospheres.
There were no nuclear bombings on Venus, because then the atmospheric pressure would be low.
The biosphere on Venus died due to solar prominence, which the burned all the oxygen in the atmosphere and vaporized the oceans, and water vapor entered into a chemical combination with the evaporated soil of the planet.
The temperature of the prominence was not lower than 5,000 degrees, at which the evaporation of solids begins, as a result of which the biosphere of Venus burned out.
Considering that carbon dioxide appeared as a result of the combustion of the biosphere and oxygen in the Venusian atmosphere, we get that the mass of the biosphere was 400,000 times larger than the modern earth's and 20 times larger than the then biosphere of the Earth(the time of the Asura civilization), and the pressure there was about 15 atmospheres.
The water observed today in the atmosphere of Venus is newly formed in its bowels. juvenile water.
If we assume that the Earth and Venus have similar processes in the depths, then it will take 6,000 years for 1% of water to form in the atmosphere of Venus (this amount has already formed). the Venus catastrophe happened about 6,000 years ago.
Curious coincidence: the last flood on Earth occurred almost 6,000 years ago, and to be more precise, about 7.500 years according to the Borean calendar, the ocean level, according to geological data, rose by 6 meters.
While the solar prominence was moving towards Venus, only a few inhabitants of Venus were able to escape, only those that hastily evacuated to Earth and the Moon.
According to A.S. Famitsin, a researcher of Slavic myths, is described in Russian fairy tales that the exodus of all evil spirits to Earth took place for 40 days and nights (approximately so many days are needed for the solar prominence to reach Venus).
In similar terms almost all European peoples have a description of this event.
Exactly the appearance of the Egyptian god should be attributed to this time « Bes"(Compare with Russian" demon") - someone else's god.
Some of the overpowered did not take root and died.
Other, who managed to settle down got into the service the invaders of the Earth and perhaps only one anthropomorphic species mingled with humans .
The death of the biosphere of Venus was a kind of retribution of the Venusians for the death of the biosphere of Mars, The moon and killing the civilization of asuras on earth.

What forced the Venusians to attack Earth and her colonies- The moon and Mars?
Venus is closer to the Sun and evolutionary processes there are much more intensive.
If we recall the law of biology about the "general plan of the structure of life", then we can conclude that on Mars, Earth and Venus's life was not much different from one another.
The differences were only in the degree of evolution.
She was more advanced on Venus..
Today there are 19 orders of mammals on Earth.
Based on the works of Nikolai Vavilov, we can conclude that theoretically there could be 343 squads, each squad must eventually come to the top of evolution, To reasonable mind.
In our biosphere, only a group of primates, to which the human species belongs, has attained reason.
On Venus, due to more intense evolution than on other planets in the solar system, not only mammals could achieve intelligence, but also other classes that existed there.
Abundance of sentient beings, which belong to different classes, leads to contradictions, and if the level of rationality is low, then to conflicts and even wars.

When the geographical zones of the habitat of animals are separated by natural barriers that prevent the entry of animals from another zone, then they arise independent, dissimilar intelligent species.
And so happened on Venus where was many intelligent species, in any case, much more than on Earth.
Some of these species decided to colonize the Earth., Mars and The moon and decided to attack them.
The other part that was an ally of the asuras, was against, but nevertheless, the attack was made.
According to Vedic sources, as reported above, the reason for the war with the gods was the kidnapping of the wife of the ruler of the asuras- Tara, although we, of course, all understand that the cause of wars is in the values ​​that govern society, everything else is just a pretext.
In this case, the reason for the next war could be overpopulation of Venus, and possibly Mercury because, according to astronomers, he recently threw off his shell once again.
If so, then earthlings were able to organize a retaliatory strike, which the led to the death of the biosphere of Mercury.
Although maybe it is made by the Venusians even before the war with the Asuras... It is possible that the attack on Earth by the Venusians was provoked by a civilization not from the solar system.
Be that as it may, there are much more questions about the reasons for the death of the asuras than answers.

The civilization of the conquerors.

There is, perhaps, not a single people on Earth who would not have a myth or a fairy tale. about the dragon to whom had to give not only pets, but also people.
North American Indians have legends about the invasion of the land of dragon monsters , which destroyed the civilization of ancestors... Therefore, those whom the Vedas call gods-Nagami most likely were dragons, who came to us from Venus and colonizing the Earth.
Remember the serpent people depicted in the halls of the Egyptian pyramids and The serpent from biblical myth who seduced Eve with the forbidden fruit. P
most likely snakemen and dragons - it same.
And how many legends have come down to us about the battles of heroes and heroes with these monsters?
Sanskrit sources call them Nagami- That's what it is serpent gods living, according to the legends, in underground palaces.
Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia - peoples everywhere talk about one thing and the same, oh dragons, with whom we had to fight, since there was no way to pay an unbearable tribute.
Russian word " fight", (Compare" the Dragon") Allows us to assume that originally battles were only with dragons and.
And it's no coincidence one of the meanings « dragon » - Satan, and the same sounding of these two words among different peoples, speaks not so much of a single origin of cultures, but of a single real history.
The Chinese legends description of a horned dragon named Long matches the descriptions of the biblical horned Satan.
Rule in ancient Greece an archon named Dragon, known in history for its cruel laws, was provoked by the forces of Satan on purpose, since everyone began to think that draconian laws existed only during the period of the above-named archon, people immediately forgot about the open slavery of Mankind during the existence of Atlantis.

Apparently colonizing the Earth, these forces continued to destroy all the remaining asuras and their followers, but left everything, what unsustainable and aggressive.
Didn't touch Atlanteans, which went to self-destruction... Didn't touch monkey civilization, which, according to the drawings on the Ica stones, had cruel slavery as well as those peoples, which deified dragons: Egyptians, Chinese and Africans, one of the first to adopt moon worship (dragon), while on Earth it was ubiquitous sun worship.
All this may seem like bad fiction, as it sometimes seems to us a fantastic description in the Old Testament of all kinds of monsters, but in reality most of what is written in the Bible is true, although many of modern Christian theologians consider the facts given in it to be allegory.

Are there any traces " conquering gods" on the ground?
Unfortunately all the twisted history of Mankind is all the consequences of the conquest of the Earth by the civilization of dragons.
At first, the forces of Satan could not succeed in subduing Mankind, since people adhered to the solar cult and refused to change their faith and language.
And only the last 3-4 thousand years have they managed to uproot the completely solar cult, which was worshiped by our ancestors and replace him to " moon cult"Or even worse, complete disbelief.
Moreover, all peoples who have completely transferred to this cult - already disappeared.

Curious that in the battle of the asuras with« gods", how report "Vishna Purana", last first lost the battle and then they turned to Vishnu with the following prayer: ... "Glory to you, who is one with the Serpent Race, bilingual, ardent, cruel, insatiable in pleasures and abundant wealth... Glory to you ... O Lord, who has neither color, nor length, nor a single approved quality "...

AND Vishnu came to the aid of the gods.
Further legend similar to biblical « Of Satan's Deception (Serpent) Eve eat an apple", Only here acts as a seducer of Vishnu, which the persuades the asuras to abandon the Vedas and as soon as the asuras did it, their gods immediately defeated.

Atlantean civilization.

The Atlantean period is probably the strangest time in the history of our planet.
The myths of various peoples tell us that at this time monkeys reigned while others argue that after the fiery catastrophe dragons reigned.
But everyone is right - this is the time of the greatest variety of types of civilizations on our planet.

In 1902 the eruption of the volcano Mont Pele on the island of Martinique(Antilles) destroyed all life, but life quickly returned to the island.
However now everything was gigantic: vegetation, dogs, cats, turtles, lizards, insects - all became large and continued to grow from generation to generation.
A French research station established on the island to study this phenomenon determined that the growth of animals was caused by the radiation of those fossils, which were carried out by the eruption.
The station manager, Jules Graver, himself grew by 6 cm, and his assistant, Dr. Ruyen, who was 57 years old, by 5.5 cm.
The ten-centimeter lizard "ldorui" has turned into a half-meter.
The phenomenon of abnormal growth ceased immediately as soon as the object was removed from Martinique..
After the fall of radiation, the monsters began to decrease in size..
Is it not this phenomenon that explains reptile renaissance, known among various peoples under the name dragons and monsters?
When in Antarctica, scientists have discovered a frozen dragon, they decided that the glaciation happened in the Mesozoic... But it happened 30,000 years ago.
Remember the findings of the American expedition of Admiral Beyerd in 1946-47.
On one of Iki stones engraved drawing of a dinosaur attacked by two hunters.
This engraving belongs to the era of the Atlanteans, which replaced the Asura civilization.

Basalt figures - Atlanteans, the city of Tollan - the capital of the Toltecs.

The people who came out of the dungeon began to gain height at first, but due to low atmospheric pressure, the newly born lost it.
The asuras who survived in the dungeons were engaged in the restoration of the destroyed biosphere.
They recreated it for at least 5,000 years.
Such a long period was due to the fact that both only the biomass of the biosphere increased, for what water from the oceans was used, how right there the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water increased.
He was intensely released into the atmosphere, there was a greenhouse effect, and heavy rains began growing into another the flood that destroyed everything that was recreated.
The era of the Atlanteans has come - the first civilization in the last 10 million years, which began to build its cities on the surface of the Earth.
However, not everyone followed her example.
An underground city found in North Africa, refers exactly to era of Boreans because the size of the rooms is more suitable for their growth.
This is how the English writer and traveler John Wellard describes the system of tunnels under the Sahara in his book The Lost Worlds of Africa.

In the collection “ Secrets of the millennia"M., 1995, Around the World:
“This system consists of many parallel and intersecting shafts, here called“ vogtaras ”... Despite the fact that they look like the irrigation tunnels in Persia (which are still in use), the structure of the African system is different ... From the inside, the main tunnels are no less 4.5 meters high and 5 meters wide. On both sides of the main tunnels there are side shafts that connect them to the main underground highway. Many of these remains of ancient structures are unknown, although hundreds of tunnels are still visible. Traces of more than 230 tunnels were found, with a total length of about 2.000 km

Atlantis that existed between Europe and North America, the first to recover from the blow inflicted on the planet and gradually spread its influence over the entire planet.
But terrible external conditions that existed after a nuclear disaster, spawned a cruel moral b, which survived even after the restoration of the biosphere and still exists.

Atlanta, adopting a draconian morality, fell apart into many nationalities, peoples and races.
They had no choice but become conquerors in these conditions.
It was at this time slavery arose.
Having conquered almost all continents and partially restored their former power, they, as Agni Yoga reports, moved on their vimanas with the speed of thought to anywhere in the world to commit your next villainy.
The ruthless exploitation of natural resources by the metropolis, which built more and more cities, gave rise to a lot of environmental problems, which gradually turned into an ecological and climatic disaster.
At this time, many predictors appear who warned the then Mankind of a possible global cataclysm.
But the rulers were deaf to their warnings and, as the Agni Yogi reports, even the death penalty was introduced for such predictions.
And now, according to Plato, for 9.000 BC there was the penultimate Flood, which should have happened under these conditions.
By the way, one should not forget the current situation, when the leaders of a number of countries brush aside such problems.
Although it is very likely that The Flood was provoked again by a war of two races , about which he writes, referring to the "Puranas", E.P. Blavatsky ("The Secret Doctrine").
In "Agni Yoga" E.I. Roerich reported on this event that Atlanteans died because, what took possession of the monstrous energy of crystals .

Ancient Atlantean cities discovered by our scientists in Syria and Lebanon.
In every dead city many sarcophagi can be found, which historians consider to be reservoirs of water, closed with lids weighing 1-4 tons.
They are probably very difficult to move aside to scoop up a mug of water, if you are not a giant.
Yes and ceilings in houses are 2-3 times higher than usual.

Ecological and climatic disaster.

Our civilization, to some extent, repeats the mistakes made by the Atlanteans.
Therefore, it is appropriate to describe in more detail the cataclysm that threatens to repeat itself, so that those who suddenly appear to witness it have the opportunity to survive.
Coming continental showers will cause crustal stresses and earthquakes on all continents, will destroy not only human civilization, but also cause irreparable damage to the biosphere.
Where will there be enough to sit out in the bunkers!
Destruction and fires at chemical plants, explosions and accidents at nuclear power plants and military facilities will make the planet radioactive and will change the chemical composition of the atmosphere so much that not only humans, but also many species of animals and plants will not be able to exist.
Only in one Of Russia as a result of the arms race accumulated about 50,000 tons of toxic substances that she is going to liquidate and 120.000 tons it has already been eliminated, or rather buried.
The United States is not yet going to eliminate its chemical potential of toxic substances, which by weight is not inferior to the potential of Russia.
But for that only 2 tons are enough to poison all life on Earth.
And in the event of floods and earthquakes, all this will fall into the biosphere.

There is no need to hide from people the truth about what is happening with the atmosphere and ecology of the planet, fears that this information will cause panic are unfounded.
In conditions of an ecological and climatic catastrophe, when hurricane winds and the muddy streams of boiling water will absorb more and more victims, people will not need any bags of food or chests with valuables.
A in the flooded plains, in cities collapsing from earthquakes and raging oceans, a person will not be able to find a safe hiding place.
In these conditions, the values ​​that postpone death will be endurance, strength and knowledge.
In the events ahead of us, individual salvation is useless.
What will await those who, for some reason, will be able to escape and adapt to new conditions?
Without housing, farming, without pets?
In a constant struggle with the elements and cold, in climatic conditions completely unusual for our planet, among disfigured landscapes?
Only illness, mutations, run wild!
Therefore, there are only two ways: to prevent the impending catastrophe, or at least to reduce its destructive power.

The rise in temperature on the planet occurs as a result of the influx of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (2 × 10 to the tenth power of tons) responsible for the greenhouse effect and thermal pollution of the atmosphere(70% of the energy consumed by humanity is dissipated in the form of heat into the surrounding space).

Pollution of the oceans by the waste of civilization (according to Elizabeth Borgase annually 20 million tons of waste are dumped into the oceans) enhances absorption of solar heat(albedo) ocean water, and promotes warming her up.
The rise in temperature is also due to decrease in forest area assimilating excess CO2.
According to Tibor Bokach, by the age of 70, 70% of the forests had been destroyed which caused widespread soil erosion.
Only in Europe alone, the wind carries 840 million tons of fertile soil into the oceans every year, in Africa 21 billion tons, the situation is no better in America and Asia.
Dust-swept soil enters the Arctic and Antarctic glaciers and causes them to melt.
For, to melt the glaciers of the North and South Poles, enough to raise, according to Budyko's calculations, average annual air temperature by 2 degrees.
The ongoing melting of ice caps releases huge amounts of methane frozen in ice (traces of decomposition of the biosphere of the asuras).
According to Soviet glaciologists, there is one methane molecule for three water molecules.
Easy reaching the ozone layer since it is lighter than air, methane destroys it intensively, how increases harsh solar radiation and stimulates further glacier melting.
So ozone holes are more often observed precisely over Antarctica and mountain glaciers.
Spreading to continents, ozone holes cause doom, diseases and mutations all living things and lead to large-scale forest fires.

All of these reasons include two positive feedbacks.
The first, discovered by Manabe and Wieserold, is due to the fact that with an increase in the absolute humidity of the air, the temperature rises.
This leads to an increase in humidity (due to evaporation), which gives rise to a rise in temperature. And the second link: as the ocean temperature rises, carbon dioxide begins to emit from it which again causes the temperature of ocean water to rise.
If now 10-20% of solar energy is spent on atmospheric turbulence (wind), and the rest is spent on evaporation, then with an increase in ocean temperature, according to the observations of the Earth Institute, the energy consumption for turbulence increases 4-5 times and is compared with the energy for evaporation. In this case the evaporated water will be carried away by the winds to the continents, where torrential rains will be raging, and over the oceans, conditions for intense vaporization will constantly persist.
Under the rays of the sun the ocean will turn into « steam boiler».
Hurricane winds and torrential rains wash away all the soil, for this there will be enough 400 mm of precipitation per month.
The amount of precipitation will be twenty times more and will amount to about 8 meters per month.

The end of the world is already discernible.

Devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, a fever epidemic in Madagascar, tsunamis that swept South America, global warming and melting of glaciers, and even an asteroid that, according to astronomers' forecasts, is about to collide with the Earth. It seems that all the worst-case scenarios of science fiction writers about global catastrophe are becoming reality. Moreover, there is talk about the end of the world, predicted by the Maya ... Clubs are already being created on the Internet who want to meet the end of the world cheerfully ... So will Armageddon be and can it be prevented? ?

The only way to prevent the impending ecological and climatic catastrophe is to stop deforestation and stop pollution of the environment, primarily of the oceans.
According to our estimates with A.I. Krylov, since 1987 the Earth's biosphere has entered a period of instability, which means that any subsequent year for human civilization may be the last.

In the days of the Atlanteans, everyone was accustomed to prolonged rains and frequent floods.
The destruction of forests by their civilization and the burning of mineral raw materials led to the formation of an excess of carbon dioxide, which the remaining forests could no longer absorb, and as a result of the greenhouse effect, the planet began to warm up.

If precipitation falls more than 5 meters, an earthquake occurs, insofar as the resulting stresses in the earth's crust cause recrystallization and compaction of the earth's layers(this critical water thickness is taken into account in the construction of reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants), as a result of which subsidence, which are pressed by the water column.
During periods of global floods whole continents were sinking.
The floor of the Atlantic Ocean consists of a small layer of granites.
The transformation of sandstone to granite is due to excess pressure. Sandstone has almost 1.5 times less density than granite, therefore, judging by the thickness of the granite layer, the land subsided by almost a kilometer.
A four-kilometer wave has arisen- she had exactly this height, since Noah's Ark was found on Mount Ararat exactly at this mark.
This wave went around the entire globe, erasing cities, forests, countries from the face of the earth, destroying all living things and taking the soil with it.
Humanity was again thrown back into the Stone Age.
The restoration of the biosphere took 600 years(soil recovery time).
The bulk of the remaining humanity was deprived of the opportunity to engage in agriculture.
Agriculture survived only in places where the wave carried the soil, mainly in tropical and subtropical lowlands, for example, the Fergana Valley, Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley, Ganges, Mississippi, etc.

Comparing the calendars of the Indians and the Mayans, A.A. Gorbovsky concluded that the disaster lasted 110 years, i.e. the flood(sedimentary tectonic cycle) happened every three years, changing in winter, lasting almost three years, so 36 times until the excess carbon dioxide was absorbed by the regenerating biosphere.

In the second half of the 20th century, thanks to the successes of astronomy and unmanned astronautics, it became clear that developed life forms on Mars no, but all the talk about the existence of an ancient civilization there is a common fantasy. And nevertheless, the neighboring planet threw scientists a lot of new mysteries that force them to turn to its distant past.

Mysterious rivers of Mars

Rivers cannot flow on Mars today. The reason is that at atmospheric pressure, which prevails there, water boils at very low temperatures.

However, no other fluid could form the Martian channels that are visible from space, and the only possible explanation for their presence is the formation of rivers that flowed in the distant past. To do this, it must be assumed that in earlier epochs the atmospheric pressure on Mars was significantly higher.

Is this possible? Yes, because Mars is the only planet where the material of the polar caps coincides in composition with the main gas of the atmosphere - carbon dioxide. This means that if all the material of the polar caps of Mars is converted into vapor, then the pressure of its atmosphere will increase.

In the 1970s, several hypotheses were put forward to explain global climate change on Mars. For example, the famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan proposed an original theory. Over the past 100,000 years, the Earth has experienced four periods of glaciation, interspersed with warm interglacial periods.

The most likely reason for the alternating periods is a change in solar heat gain. Perhaps Mars is also susceptible to this impact, which, according to Sagan, is currently downgraded.

The proof of his theory is the discovery on Mars of characteristic landforms formed by glaciers: "hanging" valleys, sharp ridges, saddles. But the glaciers themselves are not visible, so it was concluded that such glaciations happened in the distant past - in the era of a more diverse climate.

Abnormal planet

However, soon the theory of the Martian ice age was replaced by the theory of the catastrophe, which claims that the neighboring planet was once in everything similar to the Earth, but died as a result of a collision with some large celestial body.

"Catastrophists" reason like this. Mars is an "anomalous" planet. It has a highly eccentric orbit. It has almost no magnetic field. The axis of its rotation writes out wild "pretzels" in space. Most impact craters on the surface of Mars are "crowded" south of the so-called dichotomy line separating zones with a characteristic relief.

The line itself is unusual and marked by the escarpment of the mountainous southern hemisphere. There is another unique formation on Mars - a monstrous Mariner Valley canyon 4,000 km long and 7 km deep.

Most notable: the deep and wide craters Hellas, Isis and Argir are "compensated" on the other side of the Martian sphere by the bulges of Elysium and Tarsis, from the eastern edge of which the Mariner Valley begins.

Mariner Valley Canyon

First of all, the "catastrophists" tried to explain the riddle of the planet's dichotomy. A number of scientists have spoken in favor of tectonic processes, but most agree with William Hartmann, who in January 1977 stated: “A collision of an asteroid a thousand kilometers across with a planet could produce significant asymmetry, possibly knocking down the crust on one side of the planet ... the collision could have caused the asymmetry of Mars, where one hemisphere is dotted with many ancient craters, and the other has been almost completely altered by volcanic activity. "

According to a popular hypothesis, in ancient times there was a small planetoid whose orbit passed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (in the very place where the main asteroid belt is now located) - it is called Astra. At the next approach to Mars, the planetoid was torn apart by gravitational forces, as a result of which several large debris rushed to the Sun.

The largest debris, leaving behind the crater Hellas, struck a vertical direct impact on the crust of Mars. He pushed it down to the inner magma, causing an enormous compressional and shear waves. As a result, the Tarsis Upland began to swell on the opposite side.

At the same time, two more large fragments of Astra pierced the crust of Mars. The shock waves reached such a force that they not only ran around the planet, but also had to "pierce" it through and through. Internal pressure sought a way out, and the dying planet burst at the seam - a monstrous cut formed, which we now know as the Mariner Valley. At the same time, Mars also lost part of its atmosphere, which was literally "ripped off" by a monstrous cataclysm.

When did the disaster happen? No answer. The only method for dating individual objects on the surface of neighboring planets is by counting impact craters on them based on the likelihood of collisions.

If we accept the assumption that a large amount of debris of a hypothetical Aster fell at the same time on the southern hemisphere of Mars, then the dating method through meteorite statistics loses its meaning. That is, the catastrophe could have happened 3 billion years ago or 300 million years ago.

Nuclear war on Mars

"Catastrophists", describing the death of Mars, usually proceed from the consideration that it was a natural process that has nothing to do with the activities of intelligent beings.

However, renowned American scientist John Brandenburg, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Davis for his work in the field of cosmic plasma, put forward an extravagant theory according to which Mars died as a result of ... wars using thermonuclear weapons.

The fact is that even the Viking devices, which operated on a neighboring planet in the 1970s, established an excess content of the light isotope xenon-129 in comparison with heavy isotopes in the local weak atmosphere, and in fact, for example, in the earth's air their shares are approximately are equal. The data received was confirmed by the Curiosity rover.

The discovered light isotope could only be formed from radioactive iodine-129, which in turn has a relatively short half-life of 15.7 million years. The question is: where did it come from in such significant quantities on modern Mars?

Scientists have not yet been able to find a clear explanation for the next Martian "anomaly".

Therefore, speaking on March 1, 2015 at the Lunar Planetary Conference in Houston, John Brandenburg gave his interpretation of the origin of xenon-129. The researcher noted that such an overabundance of a light isotope occurs during the fission of uranium-238 by fast neutrons and is common for those locations of the earth's atmosphere where it was contaminated with the products of atomic tests.

The scientist also recalled the observations of the Mars Express spacecraft, which recorded from orbit the presence of dark deposits on the northern plains of the Red Planet, similar to volcanic glass, with an area of ​​10 million km2. Moreover, the zones of these rocks coincide with the regions of maximum concentration of radioactive elements.

Brandenburg suggested that Mars Express found nothing more than trinitite - nuclear glass, which appeared on Earth after the tests of the first atomic bomb in the Nevada desert.

In the official scientific report, John Brandenburg only stated the facts discovered, without trying to give them an explanation, but in an interview with journalists he did not stint on sensational statements.

Moreover, he published the book Death on Mars. Discovery of planetary nuclear annihilation ", in which he outlined his version of the ancient history of the neighboring planet. He believes that the climate on Mars was similar to that on Earth, there was an ocean, rivers and forests, and there was a civilization.

But at some point, two Martian races, the Sidonians and the Utopians, were subjected to thermonuclear bombardment from a third force. In this case, it is possible that Astra was not an accidental airborne body, but an "Armageddon machine" that destroyed the planet in response to a thermonuclear fighter strike.

Groups of scientists studying Mars rushed to disown the theory of John Brandenburg, but the secrets of the neighboring planet will still have to be revealed someday, and we should wait for new sensational news.


In the atmosphere of Mars there is a high concentration of the gas xenon 129. Xenon 129 arises from a nuclear reaction. The surface of the Red Planet also contains excessive amounts of uranium and thorium.

Similar conditions could have been caused by two large anomalous nuclear explosions on Mars - such a hypothesis was put forward by Dr. John Brandenburg in his 2014 report "Evidence of a powerful nuclear explosion on Mars in the past."

There is a uranium deposit on Earth in Oklo, Gabon. In 1972, scientists discovered that uranium had unusual properties there. Dr. Francis Perrin, former chairman of the Commission on Nuclear Energy, told the French Academy of Sciences on September 25, 1972 that a nuclear reaction took place there 1.7 billion years ago.

Natural uranium deposits contain 0.7% U235. However, in the Oklo mine, the U235 isotope is 0.6%, which means that some of the U235 has already been "burned out". According to many scientists, nuclear reactions on Earth and Mars occurred naturally. Other scientists disagree with them. But if nuclear reactions were not natural, then they were caused by intelligent beings (humans? Aliens?).

If nuclear reactions can spontaneously begin in natural conditions, the question arises: is the Earth threatened by a natural nuclear explosion?

A prehistoric nuclear reactor?

The Oklo uranium deposit is 1.7 billion years old. Perrin believed that the nuclear reaction occurred naturally, when the uranium was of the highest purity. The concentration of U235 reached 3% instead of 0.7%. Water is needed to start a nuclear reaction. The popular explanation is that the reaction started when water entered the uranium ore.

But to trigger a nuclear reaction, the water must be extremely pure, notes Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg. Seaborg headed the American nuclear energy commission, he received the Nobel Prize for his research on the synthesis of heavy elements. From his point of view, the nuclear reaction in Oklo could not have started naturally.

Nuclear reactor in Oklo, Republic of Gabon.

His opinion is stated in Nurbergen's book Secrets of a Lost Race: “Even a few particles per million impurities make the reaction impossible. The problem is that there is no such pure water in nature! The second objection to Perrin's theory has to do with uranium itself. Uranium at Oklo has never been rich enough in the isotope U-235 for a natural reaction.

Even after the ore was formed, the fissile isotope was only 3% - too low for a natural nuclear reaction. Nevertheless, there was a reaction. This means that the original uranium contained more U235 than can be found in natural ore. "

Explosions on Mars

Oklo is often cited as an example when it is said that natural nuclear reactions could have occurred on Mars. But Brandenburg rejects the "natural" version. According to him, xenon 129 on Mars is most likely a product of a nuclear process, and not mass fractionation (a natural process when a certain amount of an isotope or other substance is released from a mixture during the transition period).

Over time, a planet's atmosphere can collapse, especially if it doesn't have a strong magnetic field like Mars. When this happens, light isotopes on the surface are destroyed more than heavy isotopes. This leads to an increase in the number of heavy isotopes. “What is strange, on Mars: the number of light isotopes is comparatively greater than that of heavy ones.

This is only possible as a result of a nuclear reaction, not fractionation, ”he writes. If the explosions were natural, large craters would remain on the surface of Mars, Brandenburg says. He believes that the explosions were caused by a thermonuclear weapon dropped from the air, similar to what exists on Earth.

He explained how xenon 129 is formed on Earth: “To increase the strength of a hydrogen bomb, its body is usually made of uranium 238 or thorium. During natural fractionation, xenon 129 is released in small quantities, and when a hydrogen bomb explodes, it is released in large volumes. "

He analyzed the distribution of uranium and thorium on the surface of Mars and concluded that it corresponds to explosions at two points. Dr. David Beaty, head of NASA's science program on Mars, finds Brandenburg's ideas interesting, quoted by But testing this hypothesis on Mars will require a lot of money.

They refrained from speculating whether the explosions were caused by alien attacks. Space consultant Eward D. McCullough and Garrison Schmitt, a geologist and former astronaut, partly agree with Brandenburg's theory.

Should we worry about a natural nuclear explosion on Earth?

Hypothetically, a billion years from now, a natural nuclear reaction is possible on Earth, but that's not something we should worry about now, Beaty told FoxNews. Geological conditions do not change overnight. According to Brandenburg, the explosions on Mars occurred 180 million years ago. He believes that they were powerful enough to lead to global catastrophe and climate change on Mars.

At the NASA planetary conference, which was held two years ago in Houston, physicist John Brandenburg gave irrefutable evidence that a powerful nuclear explosion was once made on Mars, or several nuclear explosions at the same time. Moreover - in the air (there are no large craters on the surface), the power of this terrible charge should be at least several billion megatons.

This is indicated, the scientist said, by a large concentration of radioactive potassium and thorium in two opposite regions of the planet: on the Utopia plateau and in the Acidalian Sea. That is, an explosion thundered in one place, and in another, the shock wave, having rounded Mars, met with itself. At the same time, a thin layer of these radioactive elements is observed over the entire surface of the planet, since they scattered everywhere.
Of course, Brandenburg countered with skeptical remarks, it can be assumed that it was a natural explosion of such power, but in this case it would be accompanied by slow neutrons of uranium-235, but in reality we are dealing with fast neutrons and an abundance of xenon-129 in the atmosphere of Mars, which indicates an artificial nuclear weapon. Note that an increased concentration of xenon-129 in the Earth's atmosphere appeared only after the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - after 1945.
Life on Mars did not die - and this makes the planet extremely attractive
At that time, the scientist did not dwell on the two civilizations of the Martians (Utopians and Kidonts), which were destroyed by that nuclear explosion launched by an unknown alien force, but hinted that traces of those societies are still visible. Moreover, the theory of the underground existence of the descendants of these civilizations is not devoid of meaning either.

Is it for this reason that the leading powers of the world, and first of all the United States, are showing an increased interest in Mars, moreover, starting from the last century. At first, these were telescopic observations, then automatic interplanetary stations flew to the Red Planet, at first simply for the purpose of flying around the planet, a little later - with the installation of constant observation using artificial satellites. And as an intermediate finale, scientific modules, first stationary, and then - rovers, descend to the surface of Mars. Currently, NASA is already talking about the colonization of the Red Planet, and not just talking about it, but doing something on the sly ...
The proposed new documentary film (see below), although it tells about the history of the study of Mars, but first of all, is an attempt to penetrate the secrets of NASA regarding the Red Planet, to answer the questions of concern to many scientists (for example, virtual archaeologists, ufologists): why the staff of the American space do agencies constantly retouch photographs, change colors on them, erase certain parts of the photographs, or even simply mount collages, for example, of the Gale crater, thus hiding irrefutable evidence of the presence of life on this planet?
The authors of the documentary project basically answer this question: if there is life on Mars, then the planet itself becomes a very interesting object for its colonization, that is, a new space race has practically begun between the United States and other leading countries of the world. For this reason, the United States, having its own self-propelled rover on Mars, is in a privileged position, and having collected unique information about this planet, it does not want to share it with anyone. Mars today is practically a forbidden zone, and the United States is still setting a ban on its exploration. But are only earthlings interested in Mars today? ..

). Some of the brightest elements of the Martian surface are the already mentioned giant meteorite craters Argyre and Hellas, located in the southern hemisphere on the Tsarsis continent, as well as the Isis crater located just north of the equator. It was once a gulf of the Great Northern Ocean, reminiscent of the Gulf of Mexico on Earth. The diameters of these craters are colossal and amount to 700 km, 2000 km and 1000 km, respectively. All these craters were previously filled with seas, the depths of which reached six kilometers in the craters of Argyra and Isis and eight or nine in the crater Hellas.
The crater of Hellas is of the greatest interest. It has the largest dimensions and depths on Mars - a diameter of about 2000 km and a depth of up to 9 km - and is characterized by a regular cup-shaped shape with steep sides. It seems that it was in this place that Mars took on the impact of the largest of all asteroids, the size of which could reach several tens of kilometers. Such an asteroid could well even pierce the Martian crust. The other two craters are also traces of huge boulders, albeit slightly smaller in size, colliding with the planet.

Phobos and Deimos - asteroids that did not fall on Mars?

The traces of a powerful meteorite bombardment of Mars by asteroids ranging in size from several meters to several tens of kilometers make it possible to pay close attention to its two satellites - Phobos and Deimos, whose names literally mean Fear and Horror in Greek. They are asteroids trapped in the gravitational field of Mars, not the moons that once formed near the planet.
Phobos and Deimos are shapeless and very small. Their dark surface, like most other asteroids, is covered with numerous craters and pitted with furrows. According to astronomers, both satellites of Mars belong to the carbon-rich so-called C-type asteroids. Their density is 1.9 g / cm 2, which suggests that Phobos and Deimos are a mixture of rocks and ice.
The larger moon of Mars, Phobos, orbits just 5,920 km from the planet's surface. Its orbit is very close to the so-called Roche limit - the critical distance at which gravitational forces tear the satellite apart. Astronomers believe that it is doomed and will collapse to Mars in a few million years.
The most striking feature of the Phobos relief is the Stickney crater with a diameter of about 10 km. The impact during which this crater was formed was so strong that it almost split Phobos into pieces. As a result of such a strong impact, numerous troughs, 100 to 700 m wide and 10 to 90 m deep, and stripes on the surface of Phobos were formed.

The presence of the Stickney crater on the surface of Phobos led to the emergence of numerous hypotheses that it was formed during ... a nuclear strike, which was inflicted ... by the Martians with special accuracy and in such a way as not to destroy Phobos, but to make it rotate around the surface of Mars at a distance slightly greater than the Roche limit.

According to the hypothesis of the Russian geologist Professor A. Portnov, there used to be at least one more satellite of Mars - Thanatos (Death). Thanatos passed through the Roche Limit several million years ago, and its debris destroyed all life on Mars.
Perhaps Thanatos was an asteroid that crashed into this planet in the area of ​​Hellas crater. In this case, besides him, there should have been two more large asteroids and many small ones.
It is possible that the chunks of rocks that crashed into Mars were formed as a result of the split of some larger celestial body destroyed by the atmosphere, gravitational interaction with Mars or ... the Martians. But nothing could save Mars from the terrible fate that awaited him.

Readmy work "How did Phaethon die?"

The study of high-resolution images of large areas of the Martian surface makes it possible to distinguish many relief elements on it - single and grouped in zones up to several hundred kilometers wide abysses, gorges, gutters, ravines, uplifts associated with zones of faults and cracks, which have a length from several hundred to several thousand kilometers. Such formations are especially widespread in the northern hemisphere of Mars. The largest of these are the Tractus, Tantalus and Tempe Fault Zones, located east of Alba Volcano and in Tempe Land. These zones practically do not differ in anything, except for their large size, from the newly formed rift zones, splits, cracks and other linear structures discovered at the end of 2004-2007. the American interplanetary station "Cassini" on the moons of Saturn Dion, Rhea, Iapetus and Enceladus, as well as from the trenches and stripes on Phobos.
As mentioned above, the formation of all these structures is associated with the collision of the listed celestial bodies with asteroids. Apparently, the extended zones of faults and cracks on Mars have the same origin.
This conclusion is very important for understanding the driving force of deep, endogenous processes on Earth. He puts an end to the eternal dispute between the supporters of continental drift (the so-called "mobilists"), the vertical movements of the earth's crust (the so-called "fixists") and the ring structure of the Earth.
Apparently, the primary cause of most endogenous processes on Earth was the restructuring of convective currents in the mantle (transfer of molten matter from the interior), which occurred as a result of the collision of our planet with large asteroids. Each such collision in previous geological epochs was accompanied by the restructuring of the system of rift zones, the splitting of continents, the formation of new oceans and mountain-fold belts, and areal trap (basaltic) volcanism.
Thus, knowing the geometry of rift zones and other deep faults in the past, it is possible to determine the places of collisions of the Earth with asteroids.

Read my work "Great catastrophes in the history of the Earth"

Arabic numerals and pyramids in Sidonia?

Perhaps the main evidence in favor of the existence of the Martian civilization today is Sidonia. This most interesting and most mysterious region of Mars, located on the border of the plains of Acidalia and Arabia - on the coast of the Great Northern Ocean I have selected - has long attracted the attention of many researchers.
Back in 1976, Viking Orbiter 1 captured images of a hill with a human face, which was soon dubbed the "Martian Sphinx"as well as severaldozens of other "artificial" formations - "Martian pyramids". These "pyramids" form the so-called "city" and "city" square. ”The interest in them was so great that in
During 1997-2000, the American Global Surveyor Orbiter made a series of unplanned maneuvers with the sole purpose of taking detailed photographs of the area.

More than a dozen high-quality images of the surface of Mars have been obtained after multiple flights over Sidonia.
All images clearly show the ancient coastlines of the Great Northern Ocean, land areas with elevations and mesas with flat tops, fan cones, as well as areas of the continental shelf. In some photographs, river valleys cut into the rocks are highlighted, in others, numerous islands, bays and straits. This area appears to have had a changing coastline.
Perhaps, the most interesting elements of the relief of Sidonia are numerous formations of a round and triangular shape, surprisingly reminiscent of pyramids- both simple, similar to Egyptian, and with a truncated cone, similar to Mexican.
The size of such formations is from ten to one hundred meters in diameter. There are "pyramids" and more - 200-300 m. Many of them are grouped in lines, triangles and other geometric shapes. Most of the "pyramids" are located on ancient land.
Researchers' opinions on the origin of the "pyramids" were divided. Some consider them to be natural formations formed as a result of the weathering of volcanic or sedimentary rocks. Others see in their education the will of reason. The controversy continues to this day. Probably, they will stop only after manned expeditions to Mars and a detailed study of this region.
However, an analysis of the images presented on the NASA website allows us to conclude that the "pyramids" and mesas are two completely different landforms. "Pyramids" are much smaller than mesas.
A number of images clearly show that they have regular faces of an equilateral triangle, and the truncated "pyramids" are, moreover, completely flat surfaces. But even more interesting is that
at the bottom of some pyramids, round holes are clearly visible, which can be entrances to them. So, after all, the Martians ...?
In addition to the "pyramids", photographs of the surface of Mars show numerous round and oval "wells" with walls rising above the surface in size from several tens to one hundred meters or more. They differ markedly from the craters found in the same area and can also be artificial formations.
The hypothesis of an ancient Martian city was unexpectedly developed in January 2004, when several rough images of the Martian surface transmitted by the Spirit rover showed the Arabic numerals 194 on one of the stones.
Of course, the image quality is poor. Perhaps this is just a play of nature. But all the same ... After all, on Earth, one can also often see inscriptions and numbers drawn on a rock or a building. And if this rock or building collapsed ... An accidental find, of course, is unlikely, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible ...

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