English in 16 hours 4 series. Professions

Let's study English further. Let's move on to lesson four. Having learned the material of this lesson, it will be safe to say that the fourth part of the course "English in 16 hours" is over. We have already touched on many aspects of English grammar, so if you either poorly learned or did not understand something, it's time to go back and repeat. Let me remind you that D. Petrov's methodology has already provided for all possible reductions in the material, only the most important, basic ones are given in these lessons. Do not jump over the "difficult". Create the next law - before learning new material, be sure to repeat the previous one.

Repeat and reinforce - only in this case, the result will not disappoint you.

In this tutorial we will talk about the following:

  • What's your job? - Conversation about professions
  • Articles in English - Articles in English


  • I studied art history. I work in the museum as a P-R manager.
  • I studied art history. I work in a museum as a public relations manager.
  • I am a writer. I write books: novels and plays. Also I work for TV.
  • I am a writer. I write books: novels and plays. I also work in television.
  • I am an actress, I play in movies.
  • I am an actress, I act in films
  • I am an actor and film director
  • I am an actor and film director.

These were examples of answers from Petrov's students. However, there are a huge number of other professions. Here are the more common professions:

  1. Builder ["bıldə] - Builder
  2. Baby-sitter ["beıbı" sıtə] - Nanny
  3. Cabby ["kæbı] - Taxi Driver
  4. bar person
  5. Driver ["draıvə] - Driver
  6. Bookkeeper ["bυk-ki: pə] - Accountant
  7. Cashier - Cashier
  8. Charwoman ["ʧɑ, wumən] - Cleaning lady
  9. Barber ["bɑ: bə] - Hairdresser
  10. biologist - biologist
  11. Bodyguard ["bɒdɪɡɑ: d] - Bodyguard
  12. Baker ["beıkə] - Baker, baker
  13. Cook - Cook, cook
  14. Cosmetologist [, kɔzmı "tɔləʤıst] - Cosmetologist
  15. Economist - Economist

The name of a profession can often be derived from a verb that denotes an action performed in the course of a particular profession.

For example: to write - to write, we add -er to the verb, and we get the name of the profession: Writer - writer. Even look at the professions presented above, many of them are also educated according to this principle.

Articles in Russian

Articles often cause bewilderment among Russian speakers, because in Russian there is nothing of the kind. For a better understanding of the essence of articles in the English language, D. Petrov considers it most effective to explain the history of their origin in the language.

So, the definite article the descended from this- this. This is such an abbreviation, however, having learned this fact, it becomes clear why this article is called definite, that is, it indicates the fact that we know who or what it is about.

Article indefinite a(an) descended from one- one. “One of the many,” but we don’t know which one, so it is the indefinite article.

Why there is one definite article, and two indefinite ones, everything is very simple here:

  • A - used before nouns that begin with a consonant.
  • An - used before nouns that begin with a vowel.

Work on vocabulary

Let's enrich your English vocabulary with exactly the words that you will need in communication:

List of greetings in English:

  • hello - hello (so we can say hello to a good acquaintance or friend)
  • hi - hello (the most informal greeting)
  • good morning - good morning (until 12 noon, we can safely use "Good morning", both in informal and formal conversation)
  • good afternoon - good afternoon (from 12:00 to 18:00 this greeting is used)
  • will meet at noon - meet at noon (as you noticed noon is noon, hence the greeting - good AFTER (before) NOON (noon)
  • good evening - good evening

Well, before going to bed, we can wish:

  • good night - good night, good night

Appeal in English:

  • Dear ... - Dear ... (It is also used in official addresses, as Russian - dear ...)

Expression of gratitude in English:

  • thank you - thank you
  • thanks - thanks (thank you for a smaller favor, for some trifle)
  • please ... - please ... (when we ask for any service)
  • Welcome! - You are welcome! (when we are thanked, we answer: welcome / please)
  • Welcome - Welcome! (this is a different meaning of welcome)


  • nice to meet you - nice to meet you
  • To meet - meet, get acquainted (two meanings)

We apologize in English:

  • sorry - I apologize
  • excuse me - excuse me
  • pardon - sorry (used for example in this situation: sorry for interfering)
  • forgive me - forgive me

Saying goodbye in English:

  • Good bye, bye - goodbye
  • take care - take care of yourself
  • so long - for now
  • see you - see you
  • fare well - goodbye (meaning goodbye forever)

You probably think that this is too many new words that are difficult to remember. However, you can periodically imagine some situation where you will need to speak in English. You must imagine how you would respond. These imaginary "conversations" will help you reinforce what you've learned, even if you don't have the opportunity to communicate in English. All success!

Download additional materials for the lesson from the link below.

Good day! Today, in addition to refreshing with you some structures that we studied in previous lessons, we will move on to a new topic - we will start talking! And what can a person talk about with more pleasure than about himself? Therefore, we gradually, each of you will begin to talk about yourself. That is, it will turn out such a micro- or mini-presentation, which will gradually expand, grow stronger, bloom. This is exactly what should be included in the very fireproof stock that we talked about.

This theme inevitably arises in any communication. As soon as you get to know someone, start to communicate, you need to tell something about yourself. Those structures that we mastered in the previous lesson are already enough to make this possible at a basic level. Moreover, how it happens: first of all, we must, again, include this image in ourselves, press this button with our feelings, associations, attitude, and, without straining, without pulling up, but on the contrary, relaxing as much as possible, we should think , in a situation where someone met you and asks: who are you, where did you come from, what do you do - what would you answer in Russian?
Alice, if you had to meet someone, and the first question: Alice, it's very nice, but what do you do?

I work in museum. (You have to speak English, right?)

OK. So, if I ask you (if I ask you) what do you do? Where do you work? What is your profession?

You work in a museum. And what is your profession?

Well, then, without straining in any way, we think: in such a situation, what would you answer in Russian if I ask you, what is your profession?

Well, I'm an art historian by training. I work in the public relations department. It is hard to say…

Wonderful! That is, it is very important to understand that it is very difficult to answer in Russian. Not because we don’t know some words, but because you can’t find it right away: what am I really doing in this life? So you can say... You studied art, right?

We have art art.

Art - art

You studied history of art. Or art history.

History of art - art history - art history

And you work in the museum - what are you doing there? Public relations, huh? There is a wonderful word that everyone knows:

Public relations - PR - public relations

Manager, director or what?

Manager rather...

Manager. So you are talking about yourself:

I studied art history (Study - study)

When you talk about yourself, who am I:

I work in… - when we say WHERE I work.

When we say WHO I work, the word as is used here:

I work in the museum as a PR-manager

PR-manager in Russian will be a PR-manager) Looks like! They stole a lot of words from us 🙂

So, you studied art history and now you work in the museum as a PR-manager.
We start with the most elementary - to say about myself who I am, where I live, what I do.

Oleg, if someone, God forbid, asks...

That's a very difficult question!

… What do you do?

Answer in Russian?

First in Russian, yes.

Well, I'm a writer, a playwright, and I work in television.

Wonderful! “Write” in English - write. This is one of those irregular verbs that has a special form, and which we use where? Past tense, statement: I wrote or I wrote.

Verbal nouns

In English, from very many verbs you can form a noun that defines the occupation of a person who is engaged in this business. We just add this ending at the end: -er.

Accordingly, the one who writes is the writer.

That is, if you add this to the verb -er, then get a profession?


This, of course, does not apply to everyone, but to many.

This is the same as in Russian the suffix -el: to write is a writer, to drive is a driver.

This is not the only way to form nouns in English, but one of the most common.

That's another 20,000 words per minute!

Well, actually. Oleg, how to say: “I am a writer”?

No, I "am" the writer

And what about the lover?

Although it doesn't end in -l.

Also -er is added. You know, there is such a phenomenon in social life that in the United States there is such a general tendency to transfer political correctness to the sphere of language. And what does it mean? All words that indicate the gender of a person are eliminated. For example, if earlier there were the words actor and actress, - that's it, they canceled it! Now the woman is an actor.

That is, the word actress is no longer there?

Well, of course, it is, but it is considered indecent.

Did you stay in England?

In England, yes.

That is, it turns out to be politically incorrect to ask: “Is this girl married?” You just need to ask: “Is this married?”

I'll tell you the scariest thing that's been happening lately. Very serious attempts, already legally enshrined in some Western countries, are to cancel the words “father” and “mother”, so that it is just “parent”, so as not to discriminate or offend anyone.

Who is offended in this case?

Offended, for example, a representative of non-traditional orientation ...

What about two mothers? Or two fathers?

Why, maybe there are two mothers or two fathers. Everything is possible.
So, back to the writer. Oleg…

I am a writer

Why the indefinite article "a"?

But because he is not “the same” writer, but one of the writers. Oleg is a modest person 🙂

What if I were the same writer?

And if Oleg was the same writer, then he would be the writer:

By the way, what is called articles also causes bewilderment among our compatriots - because there are no articles in the Russian language - why and where did it come from ?!

But in fact, I believe that the article should immediately begin to explain from where it came from.

The is just an abbreviated form of this. And lazy Englishmen, in order not to pronounce this-this-this too often, began to pronounce simply the.

A "a" is a shortened form of the word "one".

Oh, so interesting!

In order not to abuse the word one, they began to simply say “a”.

Therefore, when they talk about the profession, I am one of the writers. And if, say, the question will sound: “Where is this writer who created this? Where is he? ” - then Oleg will boldly come forward and say: “I am the writer”. (I am that writer).

So, Oleg, if suddenly someone asks: “What do you write? (And what do you write?)

I write books. Roman and… special studies. I can also say that I write non-fiction.

Yes, it's easier to say...

Fiction - fiction

That is, fiction, fiction.

And journalism, special literature is not fiction - it's non-fiction

Non-fiction - journalism

And so, in general, if these are books, novels:

Are novels novels?

No. In the Russian sense, these are not synonyms. They are just different types.

Is there no “novella” in English at all?

Novel is just a novel. In English, this is the standard, stable translation.

In French, a novel is a novel. In Russian, this is a borrowing from French. Just like in English, for lack of, say, the expression “bon appetit”, the French bon appétit is used. However, the speaker understands where this wind is blowing from.

Oleg, tell me more about yourself. Here's how to say: My name is Oleg. I am a writer. I am writing this...

My name is Oleg. I am a writer. I write books, novels and plays. And I work for TV.


Can you say “for” TV?

Yes, it's literally "for".

That is, “on” TV cannot be said? or "in" TV?

No. No. On - this will always mean either “on” or “on some issue”. For example: We can speak on this subject.

Then I would really like you to write these words that would help us.

A special scheme for prepositions is devoted to this.

Please, Alexandra: What do you do? What is your profession? Where do you work?

My profession is actor… 🙂 No gender discrimination

I think that political correctness has not yet reached us, we can, in principle ...

- …actress. I work in theater, for TV. Sometime in cinema.

And what theater?

So FOR is FOR. Once again I want to draw your attention to where the articles came from.

A - one of many, it's just a shortened form of the word one (one)

The is an abbreviated form (by origin) of the word this (this one)

Then I should say an actress.

Yes. "A" may be followed by the letter "n".

What does this mean?

If this is immediately followed by a vowel. To not sound "e ctor". Just for the sake of sound. Again, this “n” sound reflects where this word came from - from the word one (one).

Nastya, what is your profession? What do you do?

I am an actress. And I work in films. I play in films and in different theatres. And… “where they will call”, actually:) That's it.

So, you are an actress. You play in movies, in films.

Can you say “films”?

You can say films, you can say movies.

And movies is what? Serials?

No, movies are just movies, movies.

Movie - cinema - cinema

The word movie comes from the word move (to move). This is the same root as the word "cinema" (from the Greek kinema - movement). This is a direct translation into English: move - movement. Moving pictures originally.

It turns out, movement)

- You can’t say “In a” either ... In movies, in films ...

No, "in a" is in one: I'm shooting "in a" film now.

To play a role - play a role

"A" because you play one role there.

Character - character, character

That is, when we take a plot, a film, a play, a book, there are actors, characters.

And where will this stringer be called? Or is it different?

The question is certainly interesting 🙂

No, in general, “where they will call” this can be interpreted as a freelancer. A freelancer is a person of any profession who does not work strictly in the staff of some organization, but chooses according to his own interest, according to the conditions, responds to the offers that are made to him.

And an actor can also be a freelancer?

I think it can.

And how to indicate in the questionnaire?

On different sites you play specific roles under the contract. What is it like?

The questionnaire indicates the craft, profession. A freelancer is a form of activity: whether I work in this profession in one company, in one organization, or whether I choose different offers and respond to them.

Vladimir, what is your profession? And where do you work?

My profession is actor. But I freelancer. Sometimes I'm working in movie …

If in one, then “in a movie”, and if in films at all - “in movies” or “in cinema”.

OK. He works where he likes.

What is your second profession?

I make music sometime, make theater spectacle. I'm director.

Yes, the director is director.

Film director - film director

Theater director - theater director

It's my actress, my wife. She plays in my performances. She very, very good actress. She is a genius. But sometimes I feel stupid she with me…

Vladimir, do you use plays that Oleg wrote? Do you stage his plays?

Yes, of course. Next times we will play together.

Don't make it together. We read one film… How will the script be?

Script - script

Whe read one script together. Sometimes… you know 🙂 I mean 🙂

To which we all aspire! 🙂

Yea, thank you! I know. I know.

You know what I mean - you know what I mean

This is the apotheosis of this group of weed words.

It is possible to nightmare many people with these phrases!

Don't confuse read and write. You say "we read". We are “writing” one script!

A person who is asked “You know what I mean?” will be embarrassed to admit that he does not understand something. He will say: “Yes. Of course.”

After a while, we will switch to the press conference mode, when there will be questions and answers. Maybe something will result in a professional sphere, who knows.

Anna, what is your profession? What do you do?

My profession is very special. I'm an actress.

OK. Where do you play?

I play in a theater and in movies too.

Theater… You maybe heard about it, The School of Dramatic Art. It is the theater which… you now what I mean… which was created by Anatoliy Vasilyev, very famous director. He stage one performance. I take part in this performance. Now he left this theater and I continue to work with new director. He is his student.

Student - student, student

OK. thank you! Darya, what about you?

Hello! My name is Daria. I am teacher of music. Now I'm freelancer, but my first profession and my lovely profession is a teacher of music. I worked in a music school. I very like children. And all will be OK.

Do you have a second profession? Do you have a second job?

Yes. I'm manager and my third profession - I'm cosmetologist.

You have many professions!

What about the fourth job? 🙂

I can also cross stitch!

And a fourth profession, it will be repeat, I'm an actor. (I don't like the word actress.)

Do you play on a theater on a movie?

Yes I play in the Theater of Doc with Sacha Rebenok. And the center of “drama” Roshchin and Kazantsev.

In what performances do you take part in the center of dramatic art?

I had one performance but now we don't play it. It call… “Captured Spirits”.


Literally - Prisoner spirits.

Prisons, you might say.

Then "Prison spirits". Prison - prison, and prisoner - prisoner, [prisoner]

No, the jailer is the one who guards.

And if someone's theater is by?

No, usually there is a name, and then just theater. For example, Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center. That is, it is not said “the name of someone”, there is no such thing.

And what about the Roshchin and Kazantsev Drama Center, how to say it correctly?

Name first: The Roschin & Kazantsev Center of Drama, Vasilyev Theater.

And the because...

Because it's very specific. Not one of the theaters, but this one.

thank you! Mikhail, what will you tell us? (What will you tell us?)
What is your profession? Where do you work?

My profession and my work is jewelry design.

Are you designer?

Jewel - precious stone

Jewelry designer - jeweler [juelry]

Where do you work? Do you work in a company or do you work as a private designer?

Private - private, individual

…individual designer or you work on a company?

I work in my company.

Order - order, order; command, command

I order something - I order something.
It could be at a restaurant, at a jeweler, or somewhere else.

I think it's "order".

And order too. This is a word that has a lot of meanings: order, order; monastic or knightly order; order, order, order; order.

And to order a person is also an order?

No, contract. A kill order is a contract. Therefore, the killer is a contract murderer. A contract killer, literally, a contract killer.

So, you work as an individual (private) jewelry designer?

Who are your clients? (Who are your clients?)

This is professional secret.

Pay attention, it is very important that two things go in parallel: this chain is built - structures, structures, structures, which should gradually become more and more automatic. The more automatically they work, the easier, more pleasant it is for us to talk about all topics at this level of customization. The tension is immediately relieved. That is, when we talk about jewelry production, about directing, about theaters, about cinema, about books, tension is relieved, because we don’t need to remember this scheme every time and think about where did or didn’t, will or will not. As soon as this starts to work automatically, it appears for us, if we add an image and sensations there as a seasoning, the picture becomes voluminous.

I now realized that the image at the moment when I speak, I think in Russian. And when they start answering me, I can’t think for him in Russian, and therefore I don’t understand anything that they say to me in response.

So we found this pain point! When we speak, we should not write text on the internal monitor, then cross out, redirect. And our thoughts, sensations - as it happens in our native language - are immediately transformed, transformed into words. Do not leave this space, this dimension. That is, the image plus sensations plus a well-functioning structure - this is what removes these barriers, relieves this tension and makes communication in the language pleasant.

And here's another question about the button, when the word "English should have an image." I've been trying to imagine it, I have a lot of things mixed up. I'm confused. Can I invent it for myself, this image?

Certainly! The main thing is that he was working.

May I also ask a question? It turns out “play in plays” is “play in plays”?

It turns out to be a tautology. Play a role, play a performance.

But how to say: “I am playing in the play by Oleg Shishkin”?

It can be said “I have a role”: I have a role in Shishkin’s play.

Can't you say: I'm playing in the play?

Well, by definition, this is, of course, a tautology. Play is both to play and, as a noun, it is a play. Like any tautology, that is, the repetition of one root, it is always possible, they just try to avoid it stylistically. That's all. It's always possible.

Yes. There is another important point worth noting. A group of words and expressions related to etiquette. That is, communication. Most of these expressions, of course, you already know. But it will not be superfluous to put them in order in order to use them more effectively.

First, how do people greet each other in English?

Well, maybe so.)
The simplest, of course, is:

Hello, hi

More extended, more formal greetings are very clearly limited in time:

Good morning - good morning (strictly until 12 o'clock, and God forbid a minute later)

And what will happen?

At least they will beat!) As a maximum they will say fi)

Good afternoon - good afternoon (from 12 to about 6 pm)

Because in English “noon” is “noon”, and “after” is “after”.

And noon can be used as a standalone word?

Yes. For example: We will meet at noon - We will meet at noon.

Somewhere around 6 o'clock it starts:

Good evening - good evening (from 6 pm)

Good night - good night, good night

I faced such problem. When you write a letter, for example, by e-mail, and I do not know at what point a person will read this letter. And at the same time, the relationship does not allow me to write “Hello!” What do I need to do?

In this situation, they came up with the following formula in Russian: good day. Haven't met? In English, this formula is never used in writing at all. The standard treatment in the letter is dear (Dear). Even in a formal letter.

Well, in Russian, if they write Good afternoon to you, and you read it at night, this is somehow natural.

How about "hello"?

The English letter begins like this:

And another moment. Of the most standard words associated with etiquette: thank you, please.

Thank you, thanks - thank you

But the main thing, which should not be mistaken, is that in Russian “please” - in English is divided into two different categories of statements.

First, please. When we make a request: please do; please help. In this case

Please - please (request)

But when they thanked us, then in response we will please not answer. We will answer

Welcome - please (in response to thanks)

Of course, there are many different synonyms, but this is perhaps the most common.

Welcome still matters Welcome.

Or contact.

Yes. Just like in Russian the words “please” and “please” have the same root. That is, welcome is the answer to “thank you”.

When we meet a person, what do we say?

Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you

There may be other forms, but this is the most popular.

Isn't that "I'm glad to see you"?

The fact is that the word meet means both to meet and get to know each other. That is, we introduce ourselves: My name is Dmitriy or I am Dmitriy! Nice to meet you!

It is not clear to me, for example, in which cases to use sorry, and in which excuse me.

There was such a story. When two countries entered into some kind of diplomatic conflict and the price of the issue was the release of pilots who accidentally flew into someone else's airspace. The country where they flew demanded an apology, the country whose pilots flew in did not want to apologize. Accordingly, the offended party demanded that they write “we apologized” (we apologize). And those who did said that we would write “we regreat” (we are sorry, but we are not to blame). And after much bickering, they found one word that suited everyone: sorry. Because sorry, on the one hand, means that I apologize (I stepped on someone's foot), and on the other hand, I, not seeing any of my guilt, express sympathy. Suppose a chair gave way under Oleg, I say: Oh! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry - I apologize (the most neutral option)

But if a person made me some kind of trouble and says: “Sorry!”, Can I take this as some kind of neglect?

Unlikely. Precisely because it is universal. It also has this meaning.

Well, why did he choose the universal word, and did not say excuse me there ...

Excuse me is not used here at all.

Yes, excuse me or forgive me involves accepting responsibility. And sorry is more streamlined and neutral.

Oh sorry! Don't forgive me! N-na in response!))

This option is also possible!) As we see from this diplomatic example.

Apologize - to apologize (with an admission of guilt)

And it is obligatory to speak for what (for)? Or I apologized and that's it?

This may be sufficient, or it may not be sufficient. Then it will be necessary to remind: what are you apologizing for?

I apologized for coming late - Sorry for being late

I regret - I'm sorry (but this no longer carries any admission of guilt)

Is regret in case of condolence appropriate?

And if this is the most neutral and universal -

What is excuse me?

Excuse me is excuse me or forgive me.

For example, when you need to ask something: Excuse me, can you tell me what time it is? Or how to get there.

Yes. This may be an appeal, but it is implied, excuse me for stopping you, asking, distracting, etc.

Well, that is, less common than sorry?

And finally, there is one more word that is usually used when we ask again. In order not to ask again with the word what (this is not considered very good), we can ask again: “Sorry?” or "Sorry?" (pardn)

In fact, the purely English word here is only forgive. All others are from French. The story is this, if you remember that English for a long time in England was not only not the state language, but it was indecent to speak it. For several centuries English was spoken only by robbers like Robin Hood, serfs, pirates, beggars, etc. All decent people in England spoke French. And culture, science, theology - Latin.

Well, actually, we have touched the etiquette. Perhaps we still missed this how they say goodbye. This good bye or simply bye. The most standard. Although of course there may be many other options ( take care, so long, see you)

It's already Spanish.

What does so long mean?

Just "bye".

Well, in Russian, the word "bye" what does it mean? It means "until we meet". Then we started talking just for now. What does so far mean? It means goodbye until we see each other. So long (so long) how long we will not see each other, be healthy.

On this joyful note, it would be appropriate to say Good bye! Take care! see you!

How will goodbye?

Farewell - goodbye

So let's sum it up. I highly recommend that you take these few minutes to repeat these basic patterns, basic formulas. Because it is they who create the thread where we string all these numerous words and expressions. And thus creating this fireproof reserve, we release our energy in order to accumulate opportunities and pleasure in order to communicate on all topics that we are interested in talking about. Thanks! Till tomorrow!

(Ratings: 13 , average rating: 5,00 out of 5)

English with Dmitry Petrov for 16 lessons. Summary of the 4th lesson

Word formation with the ending - er

In English, many verbs can be formed into a form denoting a person who is engaged in this business. In this case, to verb add an ending - er .
For instance:
write(write) - writer(Writer).


Indefinite article " a " is an abbreviated form of the word "one" (one). It is used when it is not about a specific subject, but about " one of ..»

Definite article " the"- was formed as a result of the reduction of the word" this » ( this ). It is used when talking about a specific subject that the interlocutor knows about.

For example, if you are talking about your profession, you say " I am a writer» ( I am one of the writers representatives of this profession). And if you ask " Where is the writer?'then you mean a specific person that your interlocutors know about.

Words and expressions

Fiction - fiction

Non-fiction - everything that is non-fiction (for example, journalism)


Play - play

Movie, cinema - cinema

Script - script

Jewel - precious stone

Jewelry designer - jeweler

Public Relations - PR - public relations

I work for TV - I work on TV

I studied art history

I work in the museum as a PR-manager

To play a role - play a role

Character - character

Film director - film director

You know what I mean - you know what I mean

Order - order, order, order, order

hello, hi

Thank you, thanks

Please - please

I "m sorry - I apologize

We apologize - apologize

We regret - we are sorry (does not admit guilt)

Excuse me - sorry (I'm asking, distracting)

Sorry, Pardon - (request)

goodbye - goodbye

See you - see you

So long

Farewell - goodbye

Good Morning - (until 12 o'clock!) - Good morning

Good Afternoon - (until 18 hours) - Good afternoon

good evening - good evening

Good Night - Good night, good night

Dear ... dear (the beginning of all letters, including official ones - in Russian in letters is translated as "Dear")

Welcome - please (in response to thanks)

Nice to meet you - nice to meet you

Studying the polyglot lesson 4, we will repeat in English not only the material already studied, but also begin to talk. And what else can a person talk about with such a desire, if not about himself. So get ready for the fact that today you will practice writing a story about yourself and improvising.

Story about yourself

First of all, we must launch images - associations, thinking. Without straining, but, on the contrary, relaxing, we should think about the following situation. When someone met us and asked - “Who are you? Where? What do you do?” What would you say in Russian?

So, if you got the question: What is your profession? Where do you work? What do you do?

What will be your answer? You may not have found the answer right away, because even in Russian it is often difficult to explain - many, for example, do not work according to their education. In this situation, you need to calm down, relax, and slowly formulate your answer, first mentally, in Russian.

We talk about the profession

When we say who a person works for, we use the word as.

She works as a teacher. - She is a teacher.

My sister works as a manager. – My sister is a manager.

My mother works as an accountant. - My mother is an accountant.

Some professions are difficult to immediately translate into English if you have not looked into the dictionary before. For example, Oleg works as a writer-playwright. To describe his occupation, the irregular verb write (wrote) is useful. To describe a person who is engaged in this type of activity, you need to add the ending -er to the first form of the verb. Accordingly, the one who writes will be the writer. As a result, we manage to make a noun out of the verb.

This rule does not apply to all verbs, but to many:

  • The article the comes from the word that (this). And the indefinite article "a" is an abbreviated form of one (one).

    Please note that the name of the profession in a simple sentence is preceded by the indefinite article a / an, because when we say: “She is a teacher” (She is a teacher), we mean that she is one of all teachers, and not, for example, the same teacher. (She is the teacher who told me this - She is the teacher who told me this.)

  • When we need to say for whom a person works, we use the preposition for (for).

    I am a worker. I work for cement plant. - I am a worker. I work for a cement plant.

  • In is used to say where a person works.

Please note: it is very important to build a chain correctly - structures that should become more and more automatic each time. The more “automatically” they work, the easier and more pleasant it will be for us to talk about all these topics and easily switch from one to another. The tension is immediately relieved, because. there is no need to remember the table, the forms of verbs every minute. In particular, if a picture and an image are added to the text, then the picture becomes voluminous.

The "pain point" of many is the internal translation, which at the initial stages has to be done in the head from Russian into English. By studying the language and bringing the knowledge of forms to automatism, we will be able to convert emerging thoughts and emotions immediately into words in English without transitional translation. The goal is not to leave this space. The image + clearly working structure lead to smooth and competent speech.

everyday phrases

Another important point worth mentioning is the words associated with etiquette. Most of these expressions, you probably know. However, it will never be superfluous to once again put everything on the shelves in order to use them more effectively.

  • First, let's remember how people greet each other in English. The simplest option is hello, hi! (Hey).

    More detailed and formal greetings are clearly limited by the time frame.

    Good morning - good morning (until 12 o'clock).

    Good afternoon - good afternoon (literally after - after and noon - noon. This greeting is used from 12 to 6 o'clock).

    Good evening - good evening (you can talk for about 6 hours).

    Good night - good night.

  • We thank you in the following way: Thank you - thank you.
  • It should be noted that in Russian “please” is used when asking and responding to gratitude. In English, when asking, we use please, and in response to thank you - welcome. We say the same word when inviting someone to enter, for example, a house - while we translate welcome as “welcome”. In Russian, "please" and "please" also have the same root.
  • When we meet, we say: Nice to meet you - nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you

There may, of course, be other formulas, but this one is the best known.

How to apologize

  • The most popular phrase with which to apologize is "I'm sorry." By saying this, we both apologize and express sympathy (in the second option, what happened is not our fault and simply reflects our feelings according to what is happening.

    You spoke very rude to me yesterday. – I'm sorry.
    (Yesterday you were very rude to me. – Sorry/Sorry.)

    I have lost very important documents yesterday. – I'm sorry.
    (I lost some very important documents yesterday. - I'm sorry/I'm sorry.)

  • A variant of an apology, when a person takes responsibility for what happened, would be:

    Forgive me. Excuse me.

    With the help of the last option, we can also draw attention to ourselves.

  • Also, a more formal form of apology is apologize.

    I apologize for being rude to you. “I apologize for being rude to you.

  • Another form of regret is regret, but it does not carry any admission of guilt.

    I regret that it happened to you. “I'm sorry this happened to you.

  • To ask something again, you can say:

    Sorry? Pardon? Forgive me?

So, try not to stop in training the basic circuit. Video tutorial on this topic:

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