Physiological effect of alcohols on the human body presentation. Presentation on the topic "toxic effects of ethanol on the human body"

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“A poison that does not act immediately is not less dangerous” Eastern wisdom

text The properties of this substance in drinks attracted the attention of man as early as 8000 BC. when ceramic dishes appear. In ancient India, the drink “soma” containing this substance was drunk by priests during ritual ceremonies. The famous traveler Miklouho-Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who did not yet know how to make fire, but already knew how to prepare drinks with the same substance.

What substance are we talking about? Wine spirit - ethyl alcohol or ethanol.

The topic of the lesson is “Toxic effects of ethanol on the human body: causes and consequences.”

Pure alcohol began to be produced in the 6th – 7th centuries and was called “al cogol”, which meant “intoxicating”. Man knows a large number of toxic substances and many cases of their use. They all differ in strength and effect on the human body. But ethyl alcohol, known in medicine as a strong protoplasmic poison, is used by a person to the detriment of himself and his health (mortality from alcoholism exceeds the number of deaths caused by all infectious diseases combined). Let us trace the process of movement of ethyl alcohol through the human body and the effect of the alcohol itself and its oxidation products on cells and organs. (Work according to the table)

Burning the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus, its molecules enter the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that, unlike many other substances, alcohol is quickly and completely absorbed in the stomach. After an hour, it reaches its maximum concentration in the blood.

Does alcohol have a beneficial or harmful effect on the cells of the human body? Quickly absorbed into the blood and dissolving well in the intercellular fluid, alcohol enters all cells of the body. Scientists have found that, by disrupting the functions of cells, it causes their death: when drinking 100 g of beer, about 3000 brain cells die, 100 g of wine - 5000 cells, 100 g of vodka - 7500, contact of red blood cells with alcohol molecules leads to the coagulation of blood cells.

Instructional map You need to: - study the background knowledge, - find out the purpose of the experiment, conduct the experiment, - answer the proposed question

Map No. 1 The influence of ethanol on protein molecules Basic knowledge: The membrane (cell membrane) is represented by two layers of fat-like substances that do not allow water molecules or molecules of other substances to pass through. Special proteins form tiny channels through which very small particles can pass into and out of the cell. Larger particles cannot pass through membrane channels. Purpose of the experiment: To identify the cause of the violation of the permeability of cell membranes (cell membranes) - the disappearance of the barrier for large molecules and the release of substances necessary for it from the cell as a result of the effect of alcohol on the membranes. Procedure of the experiment: Add 5 ml of water, ethyl alcohol, nitric acid to 3 test tubes with egg white. Compare the contents of the test tubes. What are you observing? What happens to protein molecules under the influence of alcohol and acid? (The process of protein coagulation is called denaturation) Answer the question: Why is the permeability of the cell membrane (membrane) impaired under the influence of alcohol?

Card No. 2 The influence of ethanol on protein molecules Basic knowledge: The number of different reactions occurring in a cell reaches several thousand. Almost every chemical reaction in a cell involves catalysts. They speed up reactions tens, hundreds of millions of times. Cellular catalysts are called enzymes. According to their chemical structure, enzymes are proteins. Several thousand enzymes are present in the cell. Purpose of the experiment: To identify the effects of alcohol on enzyme molecules found in the cell. Procedure of the experiment: Add 5 ml of water, ethyl alcohol, nitric acid to 3 test tubes with egg white. Compare the contents of the test tubes. What are you observing? What happens to protein molecules under the influence of alcohol and acid? (The process of protein coagulation is called denaturation) Answer the question: - What are the consequences of the effect of alcohol on the molecules of enzymes found in the cell?

Card No. 3 The influence of ethanol on protein molecules Basic knowledge: The composition of blood cells - red blood cells - includes the protein substance hemoglobin, which determines the red color of blood. Therefore, red blood cells are called red blood cells. Hemoglobin consists of two parts: protein - globin and iron-containing - heme. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Purpose of the experiment: To identify the cause of the destruction of red blood cells by alcohol molecules and the consequences of this process. Procedure of the experiment: Add 5 ml of water, ethyl alcohol, nitric acid to 3 test tubes with egg white. Compare the contents of the test tubes. What are you observing? What happens to protein molecules under the influence of alcohol and acid? (The process of protein coagulation is called denaturation) Answer the question: - What is the reason for the destruction of red blood cells by alcohol molecules, what are the consequences of this process?

Card No. 4 The effect of ethanol on protein molecules Basic knowledge: Bacteria have very small sizes (they reach from 1 to 10 microns in length) and different shapes. On the outside, the bacterial cell is surrounded by a dense membrane. Inside the bacterial cell contains a rich set of enzymes that speed up reactions tens or hundreds of millions of times and biologically active substances. According to their chemical structure, enzymes are proteins. Purpose of the experiment: Explain why alcohol has disinfectant properties (causes the death of bacterial cells). Procedure of the experiment: Add 5 ml of water, ethyl alcohol, nitric acid to 3 test tubes with egg white. Compare the contents of the test tubes. What are you observing? What happens to protein molecules under the influence of alcohol and acid? (The process of protein coagulation is called denaturation) Answer the question: - Why does alcohol have disinfectant properties?

He who loves wine will destroy himself. He who looks into a glass harms himself. Where they drink more, they get sick more. He who gets drunk with wine washes himself with tears. Where there is intoxication, there is crime.

Presentation on the topic: The effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body

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Ethyl alcohol in medicine Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, burning to the taste (pl. 0.813-0.816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Mixes with water in any ratio. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It's called medical. When using industrial alcohol externally, burns and poisoning are possible, because During its production, small amounts of toxic substances are added to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to characterize the most important properties of alcohol.

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In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. The tanning properties of 96% ethyl alcohol are used to treat the surgical field or in some techniques for treating the surgeon's hands. Alcohol can also be used for burns. Evaporating quickly, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly, prevent the formation of blisters. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes blood vessels to dilate. Increased blood flow leads to redness of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Side effects when used externally manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress.

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Ethyl alcohol increases the body's sensitivity to tranquilizers, and neutroleptics increase the intoxication it causes. When taken orally, it inactivates the effect of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as an anesthesia, so its anti-shock property is often used in medicine. After entering the body, ethanol is rapidly absorbed due to diffusion; the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the rate of absorption depends on a variety of factors. Thus, an empty stomach, high temperature of the drink (for example, grog), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down during a heavy meal.

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In large quantities, ethanol inhibits brain activity (inhibition stage) and causes impaired coordination of movements. An intermediate product of ethanol oxidation in the body, acetaldehyde, is extremely toxic and causes severe poisoning. Systematic consumption of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages containing it leads to a persistent decrease in brain productivity, death of liver cells and their replacement with connective tissue - liver cirrhosis.

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The rate of ethanol transformation in the liver is limited mainly by the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. The “energy value” of ethanol is 29.4 kJ/g (7 kcal/g). Therefore, alcoholic drinks provide the body with a significant portion of energy resources (especially in cases of alcoholism). However, the effect of large quantities of ethanol resembles the effect of a drug, which can be explained by the direct effect of ethanol on neuronal membranes.

“Use of alcohols” - Industrial method: Biochemical method: In the presence of the enzyme alcohol oxidase. Use of alcohols in industry. Rubber production. Reaction conditions: catalyst - manganese (II) acetate Mn(CH3COO)2 temperature 50-60 °C: 2 CH3CHO + O2 ? 2 CH3COOH. Reaction conditions: cat Al2O3, ZnO, 425oC.

"Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere"- Anthropogenic pollution of the biosphere and environmental protection. Results of impact on the hydrosphere. Sources of influence. Three shells of the biosphere: - air - atmosphere - water - hydrosphere - solid - lithosphere. Results of impact on the atmosphere. Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere. Three shells of the biosphere.

"Groups of alcohols"- Higher alcohols are solids at room temperature. Tertiary alcohols, in the molecules of which the hydroxyl group is bonded to a tertiary carbon atom. Definition. Alcohols are classified according to the nature of the carbon atom. Aromatic alcohols containing a benzene ring and a hydroxyl group in the molecule.

"Monohydric alcohols"- In terms of production volume, it occupies one of the first places among organic products. Alcohols are compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups. Methanol. Healthcare. The boiling point of alcohols of normal structure increases with increasing molecular weight. All alcohols are lighter than water (density below unity).

"Polyhydric alcohols"- Structural formulas. Physical properties of ethylene glycol. Synthetic fiber lavsan. REACTIONS with: alkali metals, insoluble bases. Physical properties of glycerin. Classification of polyhydric alcohols. The use of polyhydric alcohols. Pour the resulting precipitate into glycerin. Interaction of polyhydric alcohols with copper (II) hydroxide.

"Ethanol"- When using technical alcohol externally, burns and poisoning are possible. Ethyl alcohol in medicine. Frequent consumption of ethanol can cause alcohol addiction. Ethanol has a negative effect on all organ systems. When producing technical alcohol, small amounts of toxic substances are added to it.

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Ethyl alcohol in medicine Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, burning to the taste (pl. 0.813-0.816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Mixes with water in any ratio. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It's called medical. When using industrial alcohol externally, burns and poisoning are possible, because During its production, small amounts of toxic substances are added to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to characterize the most important properties of alcohol.

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In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. The tanning properties of 96% ethyl alcohol are used to treat the surgical field or in some techniques for treating the surgeon's hands. Alcohol can also be used for burns. Evaporating quickly, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly, prevent the formation of blisters. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes blood vessels to dilate. Increased blood flow leads to redness of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Side effects when used externally manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress.

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Ethyl alcohol increases the body's sensitivity to tranquilizers, and neutroleptics increase the intoxication it causes. When taken orally, it inactivates the effect of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as an anesthesia, so its anti-shock property is often used in medicine. After entering the body, ethanol is rapidly absorbed due to diffusion; the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the rate of absorption depends on a variety of factors. Thus, an empty stomach, high temperature of the drink (for example, grog), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down during a heavy meal.

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In large quantities, ethanol inhibits brain activity (inhibition stage) and causes impaired coordination of movements. An intermediate product of ethanol oxidation in the body, acetaldehyde, is extremely toxic and causes severe poisoning. Systematic consumption of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages containing it leads to a persistent decrease in brain productivity, death of liver cells and their replacement with connective tissue - liver cirrhosis.

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The rate of ethanol transformation in the liver is limited mainly by the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. The “energy value” of ethanol is 29.4 kJ/g (7 kcal/g). Therefore, alcoholic drinks provide the body with a significant portion of energy resources (especially in cases of alcoholism). At the same time, the effect of large quantities of ethanol resembles the effect of a drug, which can be explained by the direct effect of ethanol on neuronal membranes.
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