Read a letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love. Lyrics of Song B

Forgive me, Comrade Kostrov, with the inherent spaciousness of my soul, that I will squander part of the stanzas allocated for Paris on lyrics Imagine: a beauty enters the hall, dressed in furs and beads. I took this beauty and said: - did I say it right or wrong? I, comrade, am from Russia, I am famous in my country, I have seen more beautiful girls, I have seen slimmer girls. Girls love poets. I’m smart and vocal, I speak with my teeth - just agree to listen. Don't catch me on rubbish, on a passing pair of feelings. I'm forever wounded by love - I can barely drag myself. I can’t measure love by a wedding: if I stopped loving, it floated away. I, comrade, don’t really care about domes. Well, why go into details, come on, come on, beauty, I’m not twenty, - thirty... with a tail. Love is not about boiling hot, not about burning coals, but about what rises behind mountains of breasts above jungle hair. To love means to run into the depths of the yard and, until the rooks' night, with a shining axe, chop wood, playfully with one's strength. To love is torn sheets, insomnia, to break down, jealous of Copernicus, him, and not Marya Ivanna’s husband, considering him his rival. For us, love is not paradise and tabernacles; for us, love buzzes about the fact that the cold engine of our hearts has been put into operation again. You have broken the thread to Moscow. Years are distance. How would you explain this condition? On the land of lights - to the sky... In the blue sky of stars - to the devil If I were not a poet, I would become an astrologer. The square is making noise, the carriages are moving, I am walking, writing poems in my notebook. Cars are rushing down the street, not knocked to the ground. Smart people understand: a person is in ecstasy. The host of visions and ideas is full to capacity. Here, too, the bears would grow wings. And from some penny canteen, when it has boiled, the word soars from the throat to the stars like a golden-born comet. The tail is spread out to the heavens by a third, its plumage shines and burns, so that two lovers can look at the stars from their lilac gazebo. To lift, and lead, and attract those who have weakened with the eye. To cut off enemy heads from their shoulders with a tailed shining saber. Until the last knock in my chest, as if on a date, I stand idle and listen: love will hum - human, simple. Hurricane, fire, water approach in a murmur. Who will be able to cope? Can you? Try...


Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love. For the first time - journal. "Young Guard", M., 1929, January, No. 1. Belova's autograph is kept by T. A. Yakovleva, New York,

Written by V.V. Mayakovsky during his stay in Paris from October 15 to December 3, 1928.

The poet presented his notebook containing two white autographs of the poems “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” to T. A. Yakovleva no later than December 3, 1928.

Belova's autograph of the poem "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva." 1928

Kostrov, Taras (pseudonym of A. S. Martynovsky, 1901-1930) - journalist, critic, editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda and at the same time in 1928 editor of the magazine "Young Guard", where the "Letter to Comrade Kostrov" was published.

...jealous of Copernicus.- Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - the great Polish astronomer who explained the structure of the solar system.

“Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”

The poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” is one of the most famous works of love poetry by V. Mayakovsky. It is addressed to Taras Kostrov (A.S. Martynovsky), critic and publicist, editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda and Young Guard.

The organization of the lyrical plot in this work is based on the principle of association, which corresponds to the general artistic worldview of the complex and contradictory era of the early 20th century, when one after another the established life orders and foundations for centuries collapsed. The plot itself in the poem is secondary, subordinated to the main thing - the desire to express the experiences of the lyrical hero.

The work is extremely dynamic, conveying the state of deep emotion of the lyrical hero. It contains characteristic features of the poetics of V.V. Mayakovsky: rhetorical questions, change of rhythms, inversions (reverse word order). Strongly confessional beginning. At the same time, a distinctive feature of the lyrical hero is self-irony:

They're rushing
on the street,
but not knocked to the ground.
smart girls:
Human -
in ecstasy.

The lyrical hero persistently searches for a definition of love. For him, this is, first of all, a strong emotional experience, giving a person a powerful energy boost:

Be in love -
this means:
deep into the yard
run in
and until the night of the rooks,
shining with an axe.
chopping wood,
by force

For the lyrical hero, love is not so much happiness as suffering. Its feeling is deep and large-scale. He rejects all conventions in the relationship between a man and a woman (wedding, wedding). This is not what determines the strength of a love feeling, which is not subject to any social laws and conventions.

It is noteworthy that V.V. Mayakovsky strives to look for new figurative and expressive means of language. Instead of the traditional epithet “black” or “dark,” he chooses the unusual epithet-neologism “rook night,” which at the same time helps the poet to individualize the experience of love.

The poem is written in the genre of a message. Initially addressed to Comrade Kostrov, it gradually develops into a conversation with a Parisian beauty, dressed in furs and beads.

In the memoirs of contemporaries about V.V. Mayakovsky’s image of the Parisian beauty is firmly associated with the image of Tatyana Yakovleva. The infatuation of the proletarian poet, agitator, tribune, leader, emigrant and defector looked, to say the least, a scandalous story.

In the poetic tradition, one of the central images of the romantic landscape is the image of a star. V.V. Mayakovsky simultaneously continues the tradition of classic works of love lyrics and polemicizes with it. In this work, as in many other poems by V.V. Mayakovsky, fits well into the urban landscape. After all, even the bustle of the street noise, the confusion of moving carriages and cars cannot obscure the stars, the high and majestic heavenly bodies, from the true poet. The poetic word, according to the author, is also eternal, high and solemn, like these stars. It is likened to a golden-born comet illuminating the sky for a dreamy pair of lovers secluded in a lilac gazebo.

As you can see, the landscape of V.V. Mayakovsky is deeply felt, dynamic, subject to lyrical experience. In the finale, simple human love turns out to be stronger than a hurricane, fire and water. On the other hand, love is placed on a par with the eternal images of chaos, breaking the usual foundations of life. Like a hurricane, it crushes everything in its path. Love does not burn in fire and does not drown in water. It is organically connected with the whole life of the lyrical hero, whose specific romantic feeling for a beautiful girl develops into love for the world in general.

Sentimental walks around Moscow Foliyants Karine

From the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”

Excuse me,

Comrade Kostrov,

with inherent

spiritual breadth,

that part

on Paris of released stanzas

to the lyrics

I'll squander it.


A beauty enters the hall,

and beads set.

He took this beauty and said:

– did he say it correctly or incorrectly? -

I, comrade, -

From Russia,

I am famous in my country,

girls are more beautiful

girls are slimmer.

I speak my teeth -

agree to listen.

Don't catch

I'm fucked

on a passing pair of feelings.

I'm forever wounded by love -

I can barely drag myself.

I don’t measure love by a wedding:

fell out of love - floated away.

To me, comrade, in the highest degree

Don't care about the domes.

Well, let's go into details,

stop jokes,

Well, beauty, I’m not twenty, -

thirty... with a tail.

Love is not about boiling hot,

not that they burn coals,

but in what stands behind the mountains of breasts

over jungle hair.

To love means: deep into the yard

Run in until the rooks' night,

shining with an ax, chopping wood,

playfully with his strength.

Loving is like a sheet,

Insomnia torn, to break down,

jealous of Copernicus, him,

and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,

considering him his rival.

For us, love is not heaven and tabernacles,

Love is buzzing about us

that they have started working again

hearts frozen motor...

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Poem by Mayakovsky Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love

In Mayakovsky’s creative heritage, lyric poetry rightfully takes first place. Without in any way detracting from the importance of epic and dramatic works, it should be recognized that it was lyric poetry that was the genre in which Mayakovsky’s creative individuality was most clearly and fully expressed. Called upon to express the feelings and experiences of the human soul, lyrics allowed Mayakovsky to actively invade reality, express his assessments of observed phenomena, and color his works with the unique flavor of his poetic self.

Mayakovsky highly valued lyrics as a poetic genre. For Mayakovsky, a poetic poet is a kind of propagandist of a certain range of feelings and emotions. And the whole question is what feelings and experiences the lyricist is “campaigning” for, how vividly, artistically convincing and uniquely they are expressed. An understanding of Mayakovsky's lyrics will be incomplete without familiarity with his poems about love. Probably, nowhere else has the innovative character of the poet’s lyrics manifested itself with such expressiveness as in the formulation of this “eternal” theme of poetry. This is especially true of the works of the last period of his creative career - two poetic “letters” - “Letters to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letters to Tatyana Yakovleva.” They were written in the autumn of 1928 during Mayakovsky’s stay in Paris under the impression of meeting Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva, who had left the USSR for Paris to live with her artist father.

Taras Kostrov was the editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which Mayakovsky collaborated and for which he was sent to Paris. This explains the choice of the addressee of the letter in the header. The title also defines the theme - “about the essence of love.” This formulation of the topic seems to parody a philosophical treatise. But besides this, the title emphasizes both the ethical and philosophical aspect of the topic and its partly ironic sound. Thus, we see that the poet’s serious thoughts are adjacent to jokes and irony; that the sublime is clothed in the form of light humor, the sublime is deliberately “lowered.” This tendency is evident from the very first lines:


Comrade Kostrov,

With inherent

Soulful expanse,

What part

To Paris of released stanzas

To the lyrics

I'll squander it.

The image of the poet outlined here, “squandering” poetic lines on love lyrics, develops in subsequent stanzas, where the poet, meeting a beauty “decorated in furs and beads” (her prototype is Tatyana Yakovleva), enters into conversation with her (“I am this beauty took it and said: did he say it correctly or incorrectly?”). At this point, the appeal to Kostrov turns into a conversation with the “beauty”, which determines the content of the poem. The beginning of the conversation is clearly frivolous. The poet jokingly admits:

I speak with my teeth -

Agree to listen.

This is by no means a revival of the poet’s image - “Don Juan and the Veil” is just a joke, self-irony, the purpose of which is to somewhat reduce the sound of the subsequent lines:

Don't catch

On rubbish

On the passerby

A couple of feelings.

I'm here forever

Wounded by love -

I'm dragging my feet.

These lines dramatically change the tone of the conversation. From irony the poet moves on to a serious conversation about the “essence of love.” There is no trace left of the appearance of a carefree poet who is “charming his teeth” to girls. Before us is a continuation of a conversation on a topic started by the poet a long time ago - “about love-the-community”, about fidelity and constancy of the feeling of love. “Love-hulk” confronts the “passing pair of feelings” with the simple formula “fell out of love - floated away.” True love is “not measured by a wedding” - it is measured by incomparably greater things and is tested by the entire human life. Further in the poem we talk about Mayakovsky’s understanding of the feeling of love, that is, about the “essence of love”:

Not that

To boil more coolly,

Not that

What they burn with coals,

What rises behind the mountains of breasts

Jungle hair.

The poet refuses to consider love only as a physiological feeling. For him, what is incomparably more important is “what stands behind the mountains of breasts”, what feelings love gives birth to in a person’s heart. And Mayakovsky gives the answer:

This means:

Deep into the yard

And until the night of the rooks,

Shining with an axe,

Chopping wood,


Overwhelmed by love, the lyrical hero of the poem is ready, “with a shining axe, to chop wood,” to compete with Copernicus himself, to create, to write poetry:

This is from the sheets

Torn by insomnia,

Break down

Jealous of Copernicus,

And not my husband

Marya Ivanna.


The great meaning of love for Mayakovsky is not that it provides lovers with “paradise for the bush”, but that

What now

Put into operation

Cold motor.

But the “Letter...” is not limited to just defining love as a stimulus that makes the “frozen engine of the heart” work. Mayakovsky goes further, showing the connection between love and creativity. Addressing his interlocutor, the poet wants to explain to her “this state” - the process of the birth of a poetic word. The “poet wounded by love” walks along the streets of the city, and everything is perceived by him through the prism of his excited state (“On the land of lights - to the sky... In the blue sky of stars - to the devil”). A big city is noisy around... In the soul of the poet, a poetic word born of love is ripening. And when “it has boiled”, it arises - the great word of poetry. And it “simmers” not in the quiet of offices, not in solitude from people, but in the very thick of life, city noise, bustle, movement, in the “penny canteen” where the poet went:

And from some penny canteen,

When it boiled over,

From the throat to the stars the word soars

A gold-bearing comet.

Having talked about how a poetic word caused by a feeling of love is born, Mayakovsky raises the question of who this word is addressed to. This “boiling” word is needed in order to

So that two lovers

Look at the stars

From theirs

Lilac gazebos.

To lift

Which weakened the eye.

So that the enemy

Cut off from shoulders


Shining saber.

Mayakovsky, in his poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love,” essentially gives his vision of what a new type of love poetry should be. With this work, he argued that the purpose of poetry - “to lift, and lead, and attract” - also applies to love lyrics. Poems about love should help those who have “weak eyes.” And finally, the poet, listening to his heart, in which all-consuming love is about to hum, declares:

Until the last knock in the chest,

Like on a date


I listen:

Love will hum -


While still working in Paris at a newspaper publishing house, Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote a poem in 1938, the writing of which the poet was inspired by a meeting with a certain Yakovleva Tatyana, after which a very good and warm relationship began, and the poet calls the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about essence of love." This verse was the face of the writer's long love story.

Mayakovsky writes this verse under the guise of a letter, which is what its title reflects. In the letter, the author addresses a specific person, directly to: “Forgive me, Comrade Kostrov,” which is how his poetic letter begins. Thus, the reader feels the authenticity and at the same time the reality of all the feelings that are described. Turning to Kostrovoy, our hero talks about love. Cosmic elements are quite common: “On the land of lights - to the sky... In the blue sky of stars - to the devil”, “if I weren’t a poet, I would become an astronomer.” The main character tells us that with love all fights are useless, battles are empty: “Hurricane, fire, water come up in a murmur.” In the verse “Letter to a comrade ....” Vladimir Vladimirovich conveys his idea that “The heart of everything is only love,” but also does not try to veil sentences and thoughts, but on the contrary, as in love, he writes everything simply and clearly, showing that the feeling of love arises in the simple heart of an ordinary person: “ I can’t measure love by a wedding: if I stopped loving, it floated away,” “Love means running into the depths of the yard.” The poet also uses such simple expressions as “to the devil”, “theirs”. To get rid of unnecessary pathos, irony is included: “The bears would grow wings here.”

There is no identification in the poem: “Love is not about boiling hot.” A conversation about this emotion has the direction: “to lift, and lead, and attract.” Mayakovsky’s love is also described as a creative energy that has been revived and is now at the “boiling point,” when all feelings are at their peak and in an aggravated state, which is a bit like “ecstasy.” Love as a feeling of absorption of the entire universe, comes from the simple soul of an ordinary person. Hope dies last, but I would like to hope for the best, but “the love boat crashed into everyday life.”

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