Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Dwarf nose". Encyclopedia of Fairy-Tale Heroes: "Dwarf Nose" by Wilhelm Hauff dwarf nose summary

The fairy tale "Dwarf Nose" is one of the most famous works of the German writer Wilhelm Hauff. We have known her since childhood. Its essence is that the beauty of the soul is always more important than external attractiveness. In this tale, the author emphasizes the importance and importance of the family in the life of every person. Here is a summary of the work. For ease of understanding, it is divided into three parts.

Wilhelm Hauff. "Dwarf Nose" (summary). Introduction

In one German city, the poor spouses Hannah and Friedrich lived with their son Jacob. The father of the family was a shoemaker, and his mother sold vegetables in the market. Their son Yakov was a tall and handsome boy. They loved him very much and, as best they could, spoiled him with their gifts. The boy tried to be obedient in everything, helped his mother in the market.

Wilhelm Hauff. "Dwarf Nose" (summary). Development of events

Once, when Yakov and his mother were trading, as always, in the market, an ugly old woman approached them and began to pick and choose, choosing vegetables and herbs. The boy insulted her by pointing out her physical defects: small stature, a hunchback and a large hooked nose. The old woman was offended, but did not show it. She chose six cabbages and asked Yakov to walk her home. He willingly agreed. Bringing the boy to her unusual home, the evil sorceress fed him a magical soup with some fragrant roots and herbs. Having eaten this broth, Yakov fell into a sound sleep. He dreamed that he turned into a squirrel and served the old woman in this guise for seven years. Once, when he was looking for spices in a closet to cook a chicken for a sorceress, Yakov stumbled upon a basket with odorous grass, the same one he had in his soup. He sniffed it and woke up. "Return to the market to his mother," was the boy's first thought. And so he did.

When the parents saw him, they did not recognize their son. It turned out that in seven years he had turned into an ugly dwarf with a very long nose. Hannah and Friedrich did not accept him like that. To feed himself, Jacob goes to the ducal palace to offer his services as a cook. They take him, and soon everyone is praising the dishes prepared by him.

Wilhelm Hauff. "Dwarf Nose" (summary). denouement

Once the dwarf Jacob went to the market himself to choose fat geese for dinner. There he acquired the goose Mimi, who, as it turned out later, spoke with a human voice. It was a bewitched girl. When Jacob understood everything, he began to guard the goose and feed it. One day, the prince came to visit the duke and demanded that a real royal pie be baked for him. The dwarf fulfilled this order, but his pastries turned out to be not what they should be. After all, it lacked one special herb, which is added only to this cake. The prince and the duke were angry, and Yakov promised them to fulfill this assignment. Mimi promised to help him find the right herb. In the old garden, under a large chestnut tree, she found it and handed it to the dwarf. It turned out that this is the same spice that the sorceress added to the magic soup that changed Jacob. When he smelled her, he turned into a tall and handsome young man. After that, he and the goose went to the island of Gotland, where Mimi's father, the old wizard Wetterbock, lived. He removed the evil spell from his sweet daughter, and she turned into a beautiful girl. Vetterbock gave Yakov many gifts and money and took him to his parents. So the young man returned to his hometown.

This work (even its summary) allows us to plunge into the mysterious world of mythical creatures, magic and magic. Dwarf Nose is the main character of the tale, a kind and talented person. He believes in justice and is ready to help other people. And for this he was richly rewarded.

Good conquered evil in the fairy tale "Dwarf Nose". Its summary allowed us to recall all the main points of this wonderful work.

Wilhelm Hauff, one of the most famous writers, wrote many children's fairy tales. One of them is "Dwarf Nose", a summary of which is presented below. It has fairy-tale characters and magic. The main character is a very kind person, always helping other people.

The summary of the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” begins with the fact that Friedrich, a shoemaker, and his wife Hannah had a son, Jacob. His mother sold vegetables at the market, and he helped carry people's purchases, for which he often received gratitude. One day, an old woman with a hump and a huge ugly nose came to Hannah. She began to sort through the goods and criticize everything. The boy felt sorry for his mother, and he quarreled with the old woman, mentioning her ugly nose as well.

The woman turned out to be vindictive and promised that Jacob would have it even more than hers. Then she continued to dig in vegetables and swear. Then Jacob sarcastically noted that she had a very thin neck and the evil woman promised that the boy would not have it at all. Here Hanna stood up for her son.

The old woman bought a basket of cabbages and ordered Jacob to help carry them home. The boy did not refuse, although he was afraid of the formidable old woman. It took them a very long time to get to the house on the edge of the city. When Jacob entered, he was very surprised - the floor was made of marble, and the guinea pigs dragged the old woman her slippers. She invited the boy to rest in the kitchen, because it is hard to carry human heads. Jacob looked into the basket and really saw them instead of cabbage.

The old woman decided to feed the boy soup, and while standing at the stove, she was helped by squirrels and guinea pigs dressed in human clothes. When the dish was ready, the woman demanded that Jacob eat the whole portion and then he would become an excellent cook. The boy ate and immediately fell asleep. He had a strange dream in which he became a squirrel and he, like the rest of the animals, began to work for the old woman for years. He dusted, swept, cooked, collected dew. Yes, he lived for 7 years.

One day, Jacob was sorting out a closet and found a door there, behind which there were many different herbs. By smell, he determined that these were the plants added to the soup with which the old witch regaled him. He woke up and ran home. Squirrel also called with him, but they refused. Jacob came to the market to his mother, but she did not recognize her son and called him a dwarf.

Hanna said that her son had been missing for a long time. Jacob went to his dad, hoping that at least he would recognize him, but his father repeated the story that an evil witch had stolen their child a long time ago. She comes twice in 100 years and steals children every time. Friedrich noticed that the boy had a huge nose on his face and offered to cover it with a case. Jacob ran to the mirror and was upset that he had really become an ugly dwarf that everyone laughed at.

He returned to Hanna again and described what had happened to him. The shoemaker got angry and whipped the dwarf with a belt. The boy was upset, but remembered that the old woman made an excellent cook out of him, and asked to work in the duke's palace kitchen. Although they laughed at him, they allowed him to prepare a trial dish.

The soup turned out to be excellent and very tasty, the chef did not even know about some herbs. Everyone, including the duke, was overjoyed. He took him into his service and promised to pay 50 ducats annually. Because of his appearance, Jacob was nicknamed Dwarf Nose. He worked for the duke for two years and earned the respect of the people. He always went to the market himself for groceries and once bought several geese from an unfamiliar woman.

On the way, I discovered that one bird was very sad and looked like a sick one. Jacob decided to kill her first, but suddenly the goose spoke, asking to be left alive. The boy immediately realized that she had not always been a bird. The goose said that she was the daughter of the sorcerer Wetterbock, and her name was Mimi. Once she was bewitched by a witch, and to help her regain her former appearance, maybe only a magic herb.

Eminent guests just arrived at the duke, and he ordered to cook a royal pie for them. Jacob went to the kitchen and wept bitterly, because he did not know how to cook it. Mimi saw his tears and dictated the recipe. She gave the recipe, but the Duke did not like the pie, as it was missing one herb. He became angry and promised to cut off the head of the dwarf cook if there was no real royal dish in the evening.

Sheikh Ali-Banu of Alexandria was a very rich, but very unhappy man: the Franks took away his son Kayram, and there was no news from the boy, and his wife died of grief. Every year, on the day of Kairam's abduction, the sheikh cleaned the house as if for a holiday, for the dervish said that on the same day his son would return home, and called guests who consoled the sheikh with fairy tales.

Little Longnose

The shoemaker Friedrich lived in Germany. His wife Hannah and son Jacob successfully traded vegetables in the market. When an ugly old woman approached their tray, Jacob became angry at her fastidiousness and criticized the woman - to which the old woman promised that he would become the same. When Jacob helped her carry the bags, in her house, where pigs and squirrels served, the old woman fed him delicious soup. He fell asleep and had a dream about how he served the old woman in the guise of a squirrel for 7 years, and even became an excellent cook. When the boy woke up and returned to the market, it turned out that 7 years had indeed passed, and he turned into an ugly dwarf. Parents did not recognize and did not believe him. Jakob got a job with the gourmet duke as an assistant to the head of the kitchen (as an exam, he cooked Danish soup with red Habsburg dumplings). The Duke ate his cooking and praised him. One day, among other things, the dwarf bought in the market the goose Mimi - an enchanted girl. She helped him prepare the "queen's pie" for the duke and his guest the prince, as well as find the much-needed herb "sneeze for health" for the pie, in which Jacob recognized the component of that same soup. In his room, he sniffed the weed and became himself again. First, they went with the goose to Mimi's father, the wizard Waterbrock, who thanked Jacob - he returned to his parents with a decent amount of money.

Let's go back to the sheikh's palace. 4 young men, who were led here by the old man, discussed the charm of fairy tales and tried to discover what their charm lies in - maybe the unknown beautiful world they depicted is more attractive than the real one? The old man remembered short stories, where nothing supernatural happens, where the art with which the image of the hero, his character is conveyed, is important.

Young Englishman

Here the next narrator began his story. In the small town of Grunwiesel, a newcomer appeared who led a secretive lifestyle, which gave rise to many conversations about himself. However, after visiting the town with a circus, he brought his nephew - a foreigner, whom, after learning dance and the local language, he introduced to society. Despite the terrible manners and strange behavior, the guy conquered the city - everyone found him cute, the youth even inherited his manners. At the concert that ended the winter evenings, the nephew was supposed to sing a duet with the burgomaster's daughter. The handsome man began to sing very out of tune, and when he became completely hooligan, the burgomaster loosened the knot of his neckerchief on the recommendation of his uncle (who himself tightened the knot in such cases). When the raging nephew was caught, it turned out that an orangutan from a traveling circus was hiding under clothes and a wig. Only a letter was found in the visitor's house, in which he explained that he did not want to wallow in local customs, and therefore left his deputy. The monkey was left to a scientist who owned a natural history cabinet.

On the same day, the sheikh released the slaves, hoping thereby to earn the mercy of Allah for his son. The old man turned out to be the learned dervish Mustafa. He introduced the guys to the sheikh, and he promised to fulfill their desires: he allowed one to manage his books, the second - entertainment, the third - to have fun with the help of his dancers and musicians, and also decided to sponsor the travel of the fourth.

History of Almansor

The last slave of those who were to be released began his story. On the ship of the Algerian pirates, along with the narrator, there was a young man, as it seemed to him, who was not born for slave clothes. He said that he was from a noble family and was taken away by the Franks. The listeners began to resent - this story is cruel to the sheikh, but he asked the narrator to continue. So: although the Franks promised to send Almansor home, he was brought to Francistan and shown under the guise of a guarantee of peace with Egypt - they say, the father sent his son to study in a friendly country. Almansor was settled with a doctor who taught the young man the local customs. But Almansor was a frequent visitor to the old orientalist, who arranged "oriental conversations" with the guy. The Franks elected as king a commander who had been friends with Almansor while still in the Frankish camp in Egypt. The young man accidentally met him, not knowing about the appointment, and asked to be introduced to one of the nobles, so that he put in a good word for him before the king. And then when they entered the hall full of people, and only his friend did not take off his hat, Almansor realized who his acquaintance really was. The emperor sent him to Egypt, but the ship was captured by the British, then by Tunisian pirates. The young man fell into slavery and was bought by his own father ...

So the sheikh found a son, and Kayram (Almansor) - a father. The sheikh introduced the four young men to his son and invited them to visit and entertain him. The young men thought that if they had not started a conversation with the elder, they would have missed their chance.

Little Longnose

Micro-retelling: An evil witch turns the boy into an ugly dwarf and his parents abandon him. A boy meets a girl who has been turned into a goose. Together they manage to lift the curse and become human.

In a big city in Germany, the shoemaker Friedrich lived with his wife Hannah and son Jacob. Friedrich spent whole days mending shoes or sewing new shoes. Hannah sold fruits and vegetables at the market, which she herself grew in her small garden. Jacob, a tall boy of twelve, helped her.

Neat Hannah's product was in demand. When a cook bought too many vegetables, Jacob helped him carry the purchases home. The slender and handsome boy was liked by customers and rarely returned to his mother without a gift.

One day, an ugly old woman came up to Hannah's counter, began to sort through the greens with her thin brown fingers and scolded the goods. Jacob got angry and told the old woman not to crush the greens with her clumsy hands, not to stick her long nose into it and shake her head like that, otherwise her thin neck would break. The old woman promised that Jacob would soon have the same long nose and no neck at all.

Finally, the old woman bought six cabbages and demanded that Jacob help carry them, promising to generously reward the boy. Jacob did not want to go with the old woman, but did not dare to disobey his mother.

The old woman lived in a small, dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city. Inside, the house was like a luxurious palace with glass floors, marble walls and ebony furniture. Squirrels and guinea pigs waited on the old woman, deftly gliding across the glass floors in walnut-shell shoes.

The old woman also put on shoes made of coconut shell and very quickly slipped through the house to the kitchen. It turned out that all this time Jacob was dragging not cabbages, but human heads. Seeing the old woman take them out of the basket, the boy was numb with fear. The old woman, meanwhile, began to cook soup for Jacob, which turned out to be so fragrant and tasty that the boy ate a full bowl and suddenly fell asleep.

Jacob dreamed that an old woman turned him into a squirrel and made him her servant. He cleaned her shoes from coconut shells and rubbed the glass floors, caught from the sunbeam the dust particles from which the old woman baked bread, and collected the dew from the rose petals, which the old woman drank. Four years later, Jacob got into the kitchen, rose to the rank of cook and became a skilled craftsman.

Why didn't he learn how to cook! The most intricate dishes - a cake of two hundred varieties, soups from all herbs and roots that are in the world - he knew how to cook everything quickly and tasty.

So Jacob served the old woman for seven years. Once, in a distant kitchen cabinet, he found an unfamiliar herb that smelled like the soup that the old woman treated him to. Jacob sniffed it, sneezed and woke up.

After leaving the old woman's house, Jacob returned to his mother at the market, but Hanna did not recognize her son, called him a "nasty freak" and drove him away. From the merchants, the boy learned that Hanna's son had disappeared seven years ago.

Jacob went to his father's workshop. Friedrich also did not recognize him and said that an unfamiliar old woman had taken his son away from the market, after which she disappeared without a trace with the boy. It was said that the old woman was an evil sorceress who bought provisions in the city once every fifty years.

Jacob finally realized that he had actually served the old woman for seven years. He looked in the mirror at the barbershop across from his father's shop and saw that he had turned into a dwarf with a huge nose, long arms and no neck at all.

Everything that he then laughed at - both the long nose and the ugly fingers - he received from the old woman for his ridicule. And she took his neck from him, as she promised ...

Yakob again went to the market, told his mother how he had served the old woman in the skin of a squirrel for seven years, and for convincingness he recalled several cases from his childhood. Hannah took him to Friedrich, but he did not even listen to his wife, got angry, whipped Jakob with a belt and kicked him out of the workshop.

Jacob thought for a long time how he should live on, and decided to go to work as a cook for the duke - a gourmet and gourmet. In the ducal palace, they did not believe that this funny dwarf was a good cook, but Jacob proved his skill by preparing the most delicious soup for the duke. The Duke appointed Jacob as assistant head of the kitchen and gave him the nickname - Dwarf Nose.

The duke began to eat five times a day, grew fat and kinder, and Jacob became a very respected person. Now they didn’t laugh at him, and every woman in the market dreamed that Dwarf Nose would buy something from her.

Two years later, Jacob bought some fat geese in the market, and one goose suddenly spoke to him. Jacob settled her in his room, and she told that she had once been Mimi, the daughter of a great magician. She was turned into a goose by an old witch, with whom the wizard quarreled.

Mimi understood a little about witchcraft and believed that Jacob was bewitched with the help of magic herbs added to the soup. If he finds this weed and smells it, he will turn back into a normal person. Jacob has hope.

A few days later, the prince came to visit the duke, who also liked to eat delicious food. Wanting to surprise the guest, the duke ordered Jacob to cook something new every day. Two weeks later, Jacob was called to the dining room, and the prince said that he was a very good cook, but was surprised that Dwarf Nose had never cooked the "queen's pie." Jacob could not admit that he had never heard of such a dish, and said that he wanted to make a pie on the day of the guest's departure. The duke did not want to wait and ordered him to be prepared for tomorrow's dinner.

Jacob told Mimi about his misfortune. Fortunately, she knew the recipe for the pie, and the next day Jacob served it at the Duke's table. After tasting a piece, the prince declared that this was not a real "queen's pie", since it lacked an herb called "sneeze to health". The frustrated duke ordered Jacob to cook a real "queen's pie", threatening to cut off his head if he failed.

Jacob had never heard of the "sneeze for health" weed, but Mimi knew it grew under chestnut trees and bloomed on a new moon. Fortunately, the new moon has already arrived. In the evening, Jacob and Mimi went to the ducal garden, where there were several old chestnut trees. There, Mimi found a weed that was similar to the one that turned Jacob into a dwarf.

Returning to his room, Jacob collected everything acquired over two years, sniffed the grass and turned into a tall, handsome guy.

And suddenly his joints crackled, his neck stretched out, his head immediately rose from his shoulders, his nose began to get smaller ... and his legs became longer ..., his back and chest leveled out, and he became the same as all people.

Jacob quietly left the ducal palace and took Mimi to her father, who disenchanted his daughter and generously rewarded her savior. Jacob then returned to his parents, who recognized and accepted him.

When Dwarf Nose disappeared without a trace, the prince suspected that the duke simply hid his beloved cook so as not to execute him, and called his friend a deceiver. The duke got angry and declared war on the prince. After fighting a little, they made peace and at the feast in honor of the peace treaty they ate a real "queen's pie". Subsequently, their reconciliation was called "Pie World".

The retelling is based on the translation of I. S. Tatarinova.

The greengrocer Hannah and the shoemaker Friedrich had an obedient and handsome son, Yakov, in whom the parents doted on, and spoiled the boy as best they could. And he answered them with love and respect, helping his mother sell vegetables in the market.

One day in the bazaar, Hannah was approached by an ugly and angry old woman who scattered all the goods and behaved very rudely. The boy stood up for his mother and pointed out to the old witch her shortcomings: a hump and a very long nose.

The old woman chose six cabbages and asked Yakov to take them home to her. There she treated him to a delicious soup and promised that she would soon give him that which had so attracted his attention. After that, the boy fell asleep and had a dream that he turned into a squirrel and served the sorceress in the kitchen for seven years. He learned all her culinary secrets and became a real chef - a virtuoso. One day he went into the pantry and found a basket of spices, inadvertently inhaled the aroma of magic herbs, sneezed loudly ... and woke up. He remembered who he was and quickly went home to his parents.

But when he came to his house, he found there a greatly aged father and mother who did not recognize their son and drove him away. They shouted that it was a shame to mock the grief of people who lost their child seven years ago. And then Yakov found out that he had been absent for seven years, and now his appearance had changed a lot: he had become a hunchbacked dwarf with a long nose.

Since he could not come home now, he went to the duke's palace and hired himself as an assistant cook. Very soon the young man took the place of the chief cook. After all, he knew the recipes for the most delicious dishes and could please a noble glutton, who, more than anything else, loved to eat deliciously.

Once at the market, Yakov bought a fat goose, which he brought to the kitchen and wanted to cook dinner from it. But she spoke in a human voice, and the young man learned that this was the daughter of a wizard named Mimi, enchanted by an evil old woman. And she also said that she knows how to restore their former appearance again, but this requires a magical herb that is difficult to find, it acquires magical power only on the full moon.

One day, a distinguished guest came to visit the duke and demanded that a real royal pie be prepared for him, but this required a special seasoning. When Yakov prepared the dish, the guest criticized it and said that it was missing an important ingredient.

Then the duke ordered Jacob to prepare the right food, otherwise he would lose his head. Mimi promised to help her friend find the missing seasoning. She secretly made her way to the palace garden and there, under an old chestnut tree, she found the necessary grass. As soon as Yakov inhaled her fragrance, he immediately turned into a tall and handsome guy.

His joy knew no bounds, he took his girlfriend Mimi and went with her to the island, where her father, the good wizard Wetterbock, ruled. With the help of his art, he was able to turn the goose back into a man. The kind wizard presented the brave young man with rich gifts and sent him to his hometown to his parents.

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