What hide the pyramids of hunger. A wonderful pyramid on the Novorizhskoye highway What kind of pyramid on the Novorizhskoye famine

You all know this iconic Hunger pyramid on the thirty-eighth kilometer of the Novorizhskoye Highway, which was destroyed by a hurricane in May, but you don’t know anything about where and why it came from and who built it. Yulia Dudkina, a special correspondent for samizdat "My friend, you are a transformer," tracked down the engineer Alexander Golod and found out why he does not communicate with the army of shamans and admirers of his pyramids and why he is not really trying to save the world. This story has everything: the Federal Penitentiary Service, growing cucumbers, animals in a salt solution from a pyramid, women's tears, and even experiments on newborns.


May 29, 15:15

May 29, 15:20

At this time, engineer Alexander Golod - a strong, short old man born in his forty-ninth year - is driving along a Moscow street in his brand new black Land Rover. Even in such a powerful car, he feels the power of the wind, it seems to him that the SUV is about to take off from the ground. Suddenly the phone rings: Golod is told that his largest pyramid, which for seventeen years has quietly stood in a field on the side of the Novorizhskoye highway, has just been blown away by the wind. Hunger immediately goes to the northwest. He's not very surprised. An experienced engineer, he knows that the pyramid structures were weakened two years ago, and long ago he gave instructions to the guard: as soon as a strong wind blows, people should be taken outside. And if in the story of the sorcerer Radmir it was he who felt something and commanded “to leave”, then in the world as Alexander Golod sees it, nothing mystical happened: everything was clearly according to the instructions. In place of this pyramid, it was high time to build a new one, higher and stronger, but it costs 3,000,000 dollars, and one, without partners and organizational help, cannot cope so quickly.

In any case, now that the 100-meter dilapidated structure has collapsed, Hunger is relieved. He suddenly realizes that he has long lived with constant fear: what if someone suffers because of his pyramid? But now everything is left behind. On May 29, when the strongest hurricane in almost twenty years broke out in Moscow and the Moscow Region, sixteen people died, among them an eleven-year-old girl. Fifty people were injured. In the city of Lyubertsy, a tower crane fell, more than seven thousand people were left without electricity in the Moscow region. But when a hundred-meter pyramid weighing more than fifty-five tons collapsed on the thirty-eighth kilometer of Novorizhskoye Highway, no one was hurt.

Alexander Golod does not remember well the names of people with whom he just spoke on the phone, but he perfectly remembers everything that happened to him twenty years ago. Once, when an engineer built another pyramid on Seliger, a journalist from the Vek newspaper came to him. I followed him for a long time, asked questions, admired. And then, when the material came out, Hunger read in it about peasants from neighboring villages who, as it were, were already taking up axes to demolish his "demonic structure." Hunger decided that he had been treated very unfairly, and even complained to his friend journalist Viktor Litovkin. Litovkin once wrote a text about the pyramids for the Izvestia newspaper: he did not doubt the scientific achievements of Golod, did not call them pseudoscience and openly hinted that the state should help the engineer with his projects. Hunger trusted this journalist. But Litovkin said that criticism in the press is not bad at all. On the contrary, it will attract more attention. And in general: if only good things are written about you, it means that something is wrong with you.

Since then, journalists from various newspapers and TV channels have taken hundreds of comments and interviews from Hunger, he has long ceased to be offended and upset because of those who express doubts about his concept. But he is skeptical of journalists, speaks reluctantly and little about himself, refuses to remember how he built the first pyramid, answers direct questions with vague phrases and refers in everything to his old interviews that were published back in the last century. They contain nothing about the life of an engineer, about his family. From them it is impossible to understand why, in his youth, he was so attracted to the pyramids and the idea of ​​the golden section, why he spent tens of years and millions of dollars on them. What happened in his life that he devoted himself to gigantic structures, not being afraid to expose himself to the whole world as a crazy eccentric. But Hunger believes that journalists do not need to know about it. “They only come at birth and after death. But all the most interesting happens just in the middle, between these moments. Even now, when the pyramid collapsed, dozens of television cameras visited the ruins. And when she was standing, nobody cared about my research.”

For Famine, his pyramids are not at all a Vedic temple that collects energy. This is a tool that changes the structure of the surrounding space, affects connections, events and phenomena. If there is a pyramid in space, built according to the proportions of the golden section, then everything that happens will tend to its harmonious manifestation in time. According to Golod, wars, ozone holes, epidemics, climate catastrophes, terrorism, propaganda are phenomena of the same order, and they can be influenced if space is harmonized. True, the pyramid is just a tool, and you can use it in different ways. The most important thing is not in the pyramid, but in the human mind. During the Euromaidan, a pyramid erected by a group of activists also stood on the main square of Ukraine, but Golod is sure that in this case this tool was used unsuccessfully.

The engineer knows that pilgrims constantly came to the pyramid on New Riga - Old Believers, lovers of esotericism, shamans. But these people have nothing to do with him, Alexander Golod. For him, everything he does is a series of experiments in the field of physics. Or rather, in that area of ​​physics, which has not yet become an official science. According to Hunger himself, he conducted research on mice, babies and prisoners. In the late nineties - early 2000s, he donated five tons of salt infused inside the pyramid to the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of one of the Russian regions. Six months later, the prison guards said that it was as if they had been “replaced by the entire contingent”: the death rate was lower, violations of the regime began to occur three times less often. Animals that were fed and bathed in the salt solution from the pyramid became more resistant to stress, and their aggressiveness decreased. Golod even claims that, together with the head of the neonatal intensive care unit of the Republican Scientific Research Center for Patients and Patients of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he tried to administer a glucose solution to newborns with severe pathologies, and their instant state index increased. According to the engineer, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and employees of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences took part in his experiments. True, this information can hardly be verified. Once Vladimir Ustinov, an author from the Russky Dom magazine, asked Vladimir Gorodetsky, deputy director of the Hematology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, whether his employees really participated in Golod's experiments. He said: “If you intend to talk about the scientific research of Mr. Golod, then, I'm afraid, the conversation will not work due to the lack of a subject for conversation. It is possible that our employees were involved in the experiments, but if this was done, then, of course, in private.

Once it all started with cucumbers. In 1989, Golod lived in Dnepropetrovsk, and he had his own cooperative for the production of nylon guitar strings. The cooperative was called ABO - "Adaptation of Biological Objects". Once, employees of the cooperative, Sergei Misyura and Andrei Belik, told Golod that there are people in the world who study pyramids and believe that pyramidal structures have a beneficial effect on the environment. The employees decided to conduct an experiment: what would happen if cucumber seeds were placed in the pyramid of the golden section. Hunger was skeptical at first, but out of curiosity decided to check it out. That year, crops in the Zaporozhye region were badly damaged by acid rain, but Golod recalls that the experimental cucumbers still survived, and the harvest was twice as large as in previous years. According to him, the same thing happened with the seeds of zucchini, watermelon and beets. A year later, ABO set up pyramids in the Voronezh, Tver, Belgorod regions and in several other places. Then Golod went to Moscow, met with entrepreneurs and economists and convinced them that with the help of the pyramids it would be possible to feed the whole country. He needed someone to invest in his project. It seemed to him that potential investors were interested. But then perestroika began, and everyone was not up to it. Since then, Famine has been building pyramids with his own money. After the collapse of the USSR, he privatized the NGO Hydrometpribor, which he previously headed, and this brings him enough money. His pyramids stand on Seliger, in Bashkiria and in Astrakhan. In 1990, he built an eleven-meter pyramid in the Ramensky district (later it was dismantled). The local priest did not like this pyramid very much: he was upset that the “demonic structure” was taking away his parishioners. As if the people who used to go to the church with donations now pass by it, the confused people “bow to the pyramid”. The priest was worried that the people, "far from science", got confused and carried away by empty rites instead of sincere faith. It is unlikely that Father Vladislav asked himself if there was anything in common between the church and the pyramid.

While Alexander Golod was building hypotheses in the field of physics unknown to mankind, pilgrims, adherents of esotericism and simply lovers of mysticism were drawn to her. Rodologist and healer Alexander Triyan says that he came to the pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway with a group of associates to "cleanse himself and gain energy." He believes that, no matter how Alexander Golod himself evaluates his own structures, different people can use these structures in different ways and interpret their meaning in their own way. “When you just drive up to this place, you feel a special energy,” says Triyan. - I have identified several patterns. The pyramid collects positive energy around itself, and from the outside, the rest of the energy, as it were, flows down the structure. If you walk around it clockwise, the energy will spin up through the pyramid, if you go counterclockwise, vice versa. That is, according to the healer, you need to walk around the pyramid clockwise to raise your energy balance, and in the opposite direction - to dump excess energy. So you can normalize your energy field. At the same time, on an invisible, energy level, the pyramid consists of two parts - there is also a lower pyramid, as if a mirror image of the upper one. And it doesn't matter what Hunger himself thinks about all this. “He looks at his building like an engineer,” says Triyan. “He is right in his own way, but everyone has their own understanding, and the pyramid can be used in a different way, not in the way that its creator thought up.” The healer believes that the reason for the collapse of the pyramid near Moscow is not the dilapidation of structures. It's just that too many people came there to "work with energy", and the field around the pyramid did not have time to be cleared of excess negative energy. Sooner or later, this happens to every similar object.

A copy made from a copy, which in turn is made from a copy - so said the hero in a half-forgotten book from my puberty - more precisely, from the age that should have been mine, but I'm not sure that all this happened to me. The hero of the book spoke about the feeling that arises when you cannot sleep. Today it seems to me that the world is like a film, where the main character is somewhat similar to me, but still not me. I think about all this while I get to the thirty-eighth kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway. Once this place was popular with tourists and buses went here, but now there are no special routes. I change from one suburban minibus to another for three hours, trying to find a place where I can cross to the opposite side of the highway. At some point, I am standing in the middle of the highway many kilometers from Moscow - much further than I need - and I do not understand how to get out of here. It begins to seem to me that there is no pyramid and no engineer with a strange surname Hunger. In the end, I call a taxi with the last money and finally arrive at the place. All this way could be done in half an hour, but today something is going wrong - just like the Vedic sorcerer Radmir.

I am in someone's faded memory of a huge field in the middle of which stands a pyramid. An elderly man in glasses walks around the pyramid. He's wearing jeans, a denim shirt and a denim T-shirt. Everything is a burnt, faded blue color. His eyes are the same color. Huge sheets of fiberglass are piled up a few meters away. A live ostrich is looking at me from behind a hedge, and it doesn't fit here at all. The old man from the burned-out jeans does not remember who I am and where I came from, although I have spoken to him on the phone five times in the last 24 hours. The whistle of the wind and the construction drill will remain on the voice recorder. All this is against the background of the quiet voice of the old man. On the site of the fallen pyramid, a new one is being built - temporary, eleven meters high. It remains only to do the lining. In fact, this new pyramid is the top that remains from the old one.

Yesterday Alexander Golod agreed to an interview, but today he does not want to talk to me.
- Could you tell...
"No, you couldn't," he interrupts.
- Excuse me, what exactly can't you tell?
- I can't do anything.

The dialogue moves in a circle, Alexander Golod says that his goal is to prevent information wars, and that the pyramid is just a tool. Previously, he did not deal with pyramids and was an adherent of pseudoscience. “But maybe I am still an adherent of pseudoscience,” he grins. And again goes to the information wars. I do not believe in any mysterious properties of the pyramids and wonder why the Famine built so many structures, and there is still ISIS on Earth, propaganda and climate threats. “But while there were no pyramids, disasters also happened. Who knows, maybe now there would be twice as many of them,” says Golod. He doesn't think he's doing anything out of the ordinary. He just has money, and he can spend it on his hobby. So what? "So you're into something too." I am trying to understand: does he really want to save humanity so much that he has invested twenty-seven years in this and was not afraid to be branded crazy. He is very surprised: “And who told you that I want to save humanity? I don’t even think about him, it just happened by chance that the pyramids affect him. For me, this is all an interesting experiment, a study. I would like to help my children and grandchildren, but humanity… No.”

Hunger says that in the next few years he will build a new pyramid in the same place, twice the size of the one that collapsed. This takes a lot of money, but the engineer never liked to communicate with people, so he did not acquire any connections or business partners. And the government does not want to participate in his project. Hearing that I got here for several hours by bus, Golod says that he will give me a ride back to Moscow in his SUV. And now he needs to go away: not far from here he has a suburban area, and there he needs to meet someone. At the same time, he promises to bring me strawberries from the garden.

Left alone, I sit down on the ground at the foot of the pyramid. Above me is a clear sky, and in the middle of it is a black thundercloud, it hovered right above the tip of the structure. Suddenly I start crying - for the first time in a year. The world no longer seems like a film. I suddenly realize that if I believed in God, this is how I would imagine our meeting. I ask the mysterious old man for an audience for several days, and he forgets who I am and cannot really tell anything about himself. They talk and write about him as if he wants to save humanity by establishing harmony in space, but in fact he is just conducting an experiment for the sake of his own curiosity. Pilgrims and shamans come to his buildings, who interpret his science somehow in their own way and conduct their rites, but he does not care about the rites, he had in mind something completely different. He says several times that he is tired of having a dialogue with me, and sends me home in plain text, but then he brings me strawberries from his own garden. I do not believe in his teachings, nor in the power of the pyramids, but he does not need to be believed in - he is self-sufficient and does not really like people. You never know if he is serious or mocking. It's the same with his strange, thirty-year-long project: you never know whether it's a brilliant invention that was ahead of its time, or a ridiculous eccentricity of a talented engineer, or complete madness. Or maybe just a cruel prank that dragged on too long, but it’s already somehow a pity to stop - it’s too interesting how it all ends.

Despite the endless rains, it grew in record time on Novorizhskoye Highway. In place of the structure that collapsed during the May hurricane, its miniature copy appeared. According to the creator, this building is temporary until a more grandiose structure is erected.

Here is all that remains of the last pyramid that stood on the Novorizhskoye Highway:. All this, according to the creator of the structure, engineer Alexander Golod, cost about a million dollars, and now it is even more expensive, since every particle of the pyramid has allegedly been saturated with the healing energy of this place over the years of its presence here.

However, no one is in a hurry to take away the wreckage for souvenirs. The structure, 44 meters high, built according to the rule of the golden section, was the pride of Alexander Golod's engineering. However, there was something he didn't figure out. A month ago, during a hurricane in Moscow, the pyramid collapsed in a couple of seconds.

But the hill on Novorizhskoye Highway was empty for long. In a matter of weeks, a pyramid has grown here again. True, three times less than the previous one.

“Three tiers were made new, and the very top, a tier and a half, is from the old pyramid,” says engineer Alexander Golod.

The creator of the pyramids assures that the design, despite its size, has not lost its magical properties. In it, they say, you can charge any things and products.

"Coming into contact with the information of the pyramid, just walking around or living nearby - this is a plus of 10-15 years of life a person, of course, gets," says engineer Alexander Golod.

And even earlier, the engineer assured that the pyramid could destroy the flu, AIDS and tuberculosis. The structure stood for almost 20 years. And for the locals it has become a familiar detail of the landscape. But only.

- Are you getting older less, or are you getting sick less?

- No, of course not. It's all nonsense.

- There was nothing like that, there was no giant harvest.

- They said that there should have been less rain, but there were more of them.

However, there were also pilgrims. Basically, lovers of esotericism flocked here. The modest size of the new pyramid, Hunger assures, will not affect its popularity in any way. Moreover, the construction is temporary. And there is already a project for a new pyramid - 100 meters high.

"I think it's about 180 million rubles," the engineer calculates.

By the way, Alexander Golod rents this land from the Moscow region. Whether the authorities will agree to the appearance of a pyramid next to the highway, a little smaller than its architectural sister, the Cheops pyramid, is not clear. Meanwhile, the engineer is actively looking for investors. And he reopened a souvenir shop with magical water and crystals for thousands of rubles. But there is no queue in it yet.

Text: "Vesti-Moscow"

One of the interesting buildings in the Moscow region was the Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, built in 1999 and collapsed in 2017.

On the site of the destroyed structure, enthusiast Alexander Golod in August 2017 erected a reduced copy of it, 14 meters high and weighing 4 tons, during the construction the surviving 7-meter top from the old pyramid was used.

The temporary copy greatly loses in size compared to the original, but the creator believes that it can support the energy effect accumulated over previous years.

Future plans

Of course, Alexander Golod has grandiose plans for the future - the construction of a new pyramid in the same place with a height of 70-100 meters. During construction, he plans to use concrete with fiberglass reinforcement coated with yellow quartz sand.

Construction work should begin in 2019, construction costs will amount to 100-200 million rubles, depending on the height.

About the old pyramid

Alexander Golod built the old pyramid at his own expense in 1999. Construction cost, according to him, $ 1 million.

The height of the structure was 44 meters, weight - 55 tons. In the open spaces near Moscow, it looked grandiose and reminded of the connection with space.

From afar, it seemed that the building was made of concrete, but in fact it was not - only wooden and fiberglass structures were used during construction, and nails were not used at all. There were beautiful lights at night.

The building is hollow, you could go inside. It was twilit there, with some light coming through the translucent walls, and getting brighter when the door was opened.

Several large globes stood on the floor in the center, and along one of the walls there was a trade in souvenirs - of course, small and large pyramids, as well as all sorts of esoteric gizmos. They also sold "charged" water.

Nearby is a small trailer, where they offered to take a picture of your aura before and after visiting a magical object and tell everything about it. :)

Hunger believes that its construction changes the structure of space, an “ion column” appears above it, with the help of which it is possible to tighten ozone holes in the atmosphere, and the seeds of any plants that have lain here for some time acquire increased germination.

Hunger has followers, some of them constantly came here to “charge” and “charge” something.

The pyramid on New Riga is not the only one built by Golod. There are also smaller structures - on Seliger, in Togliatti, Bashkiria, Astrakhan, in the Sverdlovsk region.


Unfortunately, on May 29, 2019, the old pyramid collapsed due to a strong hurricane that swept over the Moscow region. The people who were inside barely managed to run out, it's good that no one was hurt.

Breakdown moment:

How to get to the Pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway

By public transport: from Tushinskaya metro station, take an electric train to the Nakhabino station. Then by bus to the village of Chesnokovo. Buses run infrequently.

By car: drive towards the region along Novorizhskoe highway. After 17 km from the Moscow Ring Road there will be signs to the right "Pyramid" and LCD "Baltic". Having passed under the highway, you can navigate visually - the destination of the trip will be clearly visible in an open field.

Coordinates: 55°47’3″N 37°3’49″E

Opening hours

In summer - from 10-00 to 20-00, in winter - until the end of daylight hours. There are no exits.

Updated 01/10/2019

Comments (32)

  • The Hunger Pyramid has nothing to do with diets, except indirectly. Hunger is the name of the engineer who erected it, Alexander Golod. An engineer with an occult surname appears to be "an ebullient lazybones". In particular, the following is known about him:

    Alexander Golod was born in March 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk. In 1971 he graduated with honors from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the Army, he became seriously interested in football and became a playing coach and head of the team in the Kyiv military district. After serving in the Army, he worked as a teacher of mathematics, a programmer, holding privates, and then leadership positions.

    In 1988, he organized one of the first research and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he has been seriously engaged in the construction, study and development of new technologies for the effect of the shape of the Pyramids. Currently, Alexander Golod (since 1991) is the General Director of NPO Hydrometpribor in Moscow. He considers the construction and study of the Pyramids to be the most important work of his life. Under his leadership, various studies of the effect of the shape of the Pyramids are carried out.

    Research excerpts:

    at the Research Institute of Vaccines. Mechnikova of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Head of the Laboratory - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Egorova N.B.): The influence of the presence of living organisms in the Pyramid on the reactivity of the organism to infection was studied: It was reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed to the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. Conclusion - we can talk about the powerful immunomodulating effect of the Pyramid on the nonspecific reactivity of the body, i.e. applying the Pyramid shape effect greatly strengthens the immune system.”

    As you can see, non-traditional approaches to clearing the chakras are in demand.

    The pyramid certainly attracts attention. Residents of the nearby Rublev and Novorizh villages come here by dacha transport.

    The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. It is made of fiberglass and wood frame. They say. that there is no iron in the design, then it is not clear. how the elements are attached. Similar pyramids can be found in the Ramensky district, on Seliger. According to unverified data, pyramids are widely used to improve the quality of oil-bearing formations. According to Wikipedia:

    In 1992, in Bashkiria, at the Ishimbai oil field, 2 pyramid complexes were installed (four pyramids in each). According to Golod, “A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well flow rate increased accordingly.” With the exception of the words of the author, there is no information confirming this achievement.

    Several pyramids 22 and 11 meters high were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant "in order to improve the environmental situation in the region." It is reported that “locals are very skeptical. They do not know anything about the improvement of the ecological situation in the region and the amazing healing properties of the pyramid.”

    The walls let in light. During the day - solar inside, and at night - electric outside. A lantern is installed at the top of the pyramid and in the dark it looks like a night lamp.

    The frame elements are quite dusty and they are all clogged with dead insects: flies, caterpillars and worms. This is somewhat contrary to the miraculous effect of the pyramid on the body's reactivity to infection.

    Souvenirs and occult essentials are sold inside: talismans, amulets, charged water.

    Water is charged here.

    Inside the pyramid are two globes - the Earth and the starry sky.

    User manual.

    A small vernissage is organized at the entrance.

    Next to the pyramid, there is a small cottage village called Renaissance Park, which is typical for these places in its unobtrusiveness.

    The first blogger who registered his magazine as a mass media visited one of the most exotic objects of the Moscow region - the pyramid of Famine. Outwardly looking concrete, it is actually made of plastic and wood. Inside, visitors can meditate, and the owners of the pyramid sell "charged" stones and water.

    Is this a science experiment or an art installation? A means of extracting money, or a tool that improves the environment? Read a selection of blogger reports.

    Tells dariavorontsova in the community moya_moskva :

    The structure was built in 1999 by Russian engineer Alexander Golod and is a constructive version of the so-called "energy pyramids". Height is 44 meters, weight exceeds 55 tons. Construction cost more than $1 million.

    The pyramid is made of fiberglass panels: nails and metal elements were not used. The structure is hollow, inside it is twilight - a little light penetrates through the translucent walls. There are several large globes in the center, souvenirs are sold near the walls. At night, the pyramid is illuminated.

    Readers ask questions. tovarish_77 :

    where did the engineer Hunger in 1999 get 1 lam of greenery?


    An in-depth report is published Sergey Mukhamedov :

    It has nothing to do with hunger in the usual sense. It was built by Alexander Golod. The pyramid has long been the hallmark of the Novorizhskoye Highway. It is difficult not to notice it - the folk trail does not overgrow here. The network is full of praising and revealing information about the "seventh wonder of the world." But it is not in the editorial rules to borrow texts from Wikipedia or reprint copy-paste. Everything that will be written below is collected by our correspondent directly on the spot, without using the Internet.

    The first thing that surprises you is that it is not concrete, although from the outside it looks very much like a monumental structure. This is some kind of fiberglass stretched over a wooden frame. Only retail outlets are illuminated, inside it is twilight, the light breaks through the walls with difficulty.

    The second surprise is the free entrance and the fact that no one pays attention to you. They don't grab you by the sleeve, leading you to the magic crystals, they don't load: "I want to check your aura..." He came - well, okay.

    The pyramid is absolutely autonomous in this regard and does not require any employees and service sellers for its functioning. Everyone who came here knows why. The vast majority are out of curiosity. Checking in, staring, fooling around for Instagram, since no one forbids taking pictures. I did not ask the motivation of the others. I was afraid to frighten off nirvana.

    There are three globes in the center of the pyramid. No one could explain their purpose to me. Behind them are the crystals that Alexander Golod brings here for "charging".

    Blogger irma_alpen full of disappointment

    The pyramid looks very interesting from the road, from the Novorizhskoye highway, but up close it is some kind of garbage dump. The Hunger Pyramid has nothing to do with hunger. It is so named after its creator, engineer Alexander Golod. Who is interested in esotericism - welcome, the pyramid was created for you. I am not an esoteric, and I consider all this fun to be psychopathic nonsense.

    Alexander Golod claims that the shape of the pyramid allows you to accumulate energy, and staying inside the pyramidal shape can cure diseases. Therefore, he builds pyramids throughout Russia - there are such in Togliatti, and near Lake Seliger, and in other places. If the Internet is not lying, even in Georgia and Ukraine, he managed to rebuild a couple! The pyramid on New Riga is the largest of his pyramids.<...>

    Since, according to Hunger, the pyramid accumulates energy, all objects located here are charged with it. It is not surprising that on several dirty stalls, placed around the perimeter of the pyramid, they sell all sorts of shnyaga, supposedly usefully charged - some kind of glass balls, mini-pyramids. They make money, in a word. It smells of dampness and rot.

    It is very funny to look at those who are trying to catch the flow of energy - walking from corner to corner, spreading their arms to the sides and closing their eyes. And the old grandmothers sit on a bench right in the center of the hall.

    A depressing impression. Whatever you give to such people, they will gladly believe that it will heal them and bring happiness.

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