From A to Z! Or who invented the Russian alphabet? Who invented the Russian alphabet? The history of the letters of the Slavic alphabet.

Letters are the basis of any language in the world, because we use their combination when we think, speak or write. The ABC of the Russian language is interesting not only as a “building material”, but also as a history of its formation. In this regard, the question arises: who created the alphabet of the Russian language? Most people, without hesitation, will say that the main authors of the Russian alphabet are Cyril and Methodius. However, only a few know that they not only created the letters of the alphabet, but began to use signs in writing, and also translated a huge number of church books.

How did the Russian alphabet appear?

From the 9th to the 10th century, Great Moravia was one of the largest states. At the end of 862, her prince Rostislav wrote a letter to the emperor of Byzantium, Michael, with a plea for permission to conduct divine services in the Slavic language. At that time, the inhabitants of Moravia had a common language, but there was no written language. Greek writing or Latin was used. Emperor Michael granted the request of the prince and sent a mission to Moravia in the person of two learned brothers. Cyril and Methodius were well educated and belonged to a noble family. It was they who became the founders of Slavic culture and writing. However, one should not think that up to this point people remained illiterate. They used letters from the Book of Veles. Who came up with the letters or characters in it is still not known.

An interesting fact is that the brothers created the letters of the alphabet even before they came to Moravia. It took them about three years to create the Russian alphabet and arrange the letters into the alphabet. The brothers managed to translate the Bible and liturgical books from Greek, henceforth the liturgy in the church was conducted in a language understandable to the local population. Some letters in the alphabet had a great resemblance to Greek and Latin characters. In 863, an alphabet was created, consisting of 49 letters, but later it was abolished to 33 letters. The originality of the created alphabet is that each letter conveys one sound.

I wonder why the letters in the alphabet of the Russian language have a certain sequence? The creators of the Russian alphabet considered letters from the point of view of ordering numbers. Each letter defines a digit, so the letters-numbers are arranged in the ascending direction.

Who invented the Russian alphabet?

In 1917-1918. the first reform was carried out aimed at improving the spelling of the Slavic language. The Ministry of Public Education decided to correct the books. The alphabet or the Russian alphabet regularly underwent changes, so the Russian alphabet appeared, which we use now.

The history of the Russian language is fraught with numerous discoveries and secrets:

  1. The alphabet of the Russian language has the letter "Ё". It was introduced by the Academy of Sciences in 1783 by Princess Vorontsova-Dashkova, who headed it at that time. She asked the academics why two letters convey the first syllable in the word "iolka". Not having received an answer that satisfied her, the princess created an order to use the letter "Yo" in the letter.
  2. The one who invented the Russian alphabet left no explanation for the dumb letter "er". It was used until 1918 after hard consonants. The country's treasury spent more than 400 thousand rubles on writing "er", so the letter was very expensive.
  3. Another difficult letter in the Russian alphabet is "i" or "i". The reforming philologists could not decide which sign to keep, so significant was the evidence for the importance of their use. This letter in the Russian alphabet was read the same way. The difference between "and" or "i" in the semantic load of the word. For example, "peace" in the sense of "universe" and "peace" in the sense of the absence of war. After decades of disputes, the creators of the alphabet left the letter "and".
  4. The letter "e" in the Russian alphabet was previously called "e reverse". M.V. Lomonosov did not recognize it for a long time, as he considered it borrowed from other languages. But she successfully took root among other letters in the Russian alphabet.

The Russian alphabet is full of interesting facts, almost every letter has its own history. But the creation of the alphabet was reflected only in scientific and educational activities. The innovators had to teach the new letters to the people and, above all, the clergy. Dogma was closely intertwined with the clergy and politics. Unable to withstand the endless persecution, Cyril dies, and a few years later, Methodius. The gratitude of the descendants cost the brothers dearly.

The alphabet has not changed for a long time. In the last century, according to the old Russian alphabet, children were taught at school, so we can say that the modern names of the letters came into general use only during the reign of Soviet power. The order of letters in the Russian alphabet has remained the same since the day of its creation, as signs were used to form numbers (although we have been using Arabic numerals for a long time).

The Old Slavonic alphabet, created in the ninth century, became the basis for the formation of writing among many peoples. Cyril and Methodius made a colossal contribution to the history of the development of the Slavic languages. Already in the ninth century, it was understood that not every nationality had the honor to use its own alphabet. We still use the legacy of the brothers to this day.

Introduction…………………………………………………………………….... 1

The origin of the Russian language…………………………………………...... 2

The origin of the Russian alphabet…………………………………………… 4

Significance of birch bark letters for the history of the Russian language……………….. 5

Church Slavonic…………………………………………………….. 6

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………... 7

List of used literature………………………………………. 8


The Russian language is one of the East Slavic languages, one of the largest languages ​​in the world, the national language of the Russian people, a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the former USSR, and is one of the most common languages ​​in the world. One of the official and working languages ​​of the UN. Modern Russian is the state language of Russia. In the study of this topic, the origin, distinctive features of the Russian language will be revealed. And it will also be clarified when the Russian language appeared, what languages ​​​​it came from, why it has the name Russian, and not some other name, which contributed to the development of the Russian language. This topic was chosen because the Russian language is constantly changing, and scientists and linguists study the features of the Russian language in depth.

Origin of the Russian language

The Russian language, in addition to its modern name, had two others: Great Russian and Russian, which in turn shows the antiquity of origin and the greatness of the Russian language. The Russian language is constantly changing and the modern one is not like the ancient one. The modern Russian language originated from Old Russian. The Old Russian language was spoken by the East Slavic tribes, which formed in the 9th century. Old Russian nationality within the Kievan state. The origins of Russian begin far in the past, back in the 1-2 centuries BC. The Old Russian (East Slavonic) language was the language of the Old Russian people, and it existed from the 7th to the 14th centuries. On the basis of the East Slavic language, writing arises. But in the 13-14 centuries, as a result of the Polish-Lithuanian conquests, the Old Russian nationality disintegrated, and 3 centers of new ethno-linguistic associations were formed that fought for their Slavic identity: northeastern (Great Russians), southern (Ukrainians) and western (Belarusians). And in the 14-15 centuries, these associations formed independent East Slavic languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The Russian language of the era of Moscow Rus' (14-17 centuries) had a complex history. Dialect features continued to develop. 2 main dialect zones took shape - the North Great Russian and South Great Russian dialects, overlapping with other dialect divisions. Several languages ​​existed simultaneously in medieval Muscovy:

1. Near-Slavic Koine

2. Turkic languages

3.Bulgarian language

It was these languages ​​that became the basis of the Russian language.

From the 17th century, the Russian language began to develop rapidly. Secular writing begins to spread. As a result of the development of terminology, words and expressions were borrowed from Western European languages. big

influence in the development of the Russian language was played by the language theory of M.V. Lomonosov: "The theory of three calms" or the doctrine of three styles. The doctrine of the three styles is a classification of styles in rhetoric and poetics, distinguishing three styles: high, medium and low (simple). M. V. Lomonosov used the doctrine of three styles to build a stylistic system of the Russian language and Russian literature. Three "calms" according to Lomonosov:

1) High calm - high, solemn, stately. Genres: ode, heroic poems, tragedies, oratory.

2) Medium calm - elegies, dramas, satires, eclogues, friendly compositions.

3) Low calm - comedies, letters, songs, fables.

A.S. plays an important role in the development of the Russian language. Pushkin. It is with the work of Pushkin that the modern Russian literary language begins, rich and diverse language styles (artistic, journalistic, scientific, etc.) are closely related to each other, all-Russian phonetic, grammatical and lexical norms that are mandatory for all who know the literary language are defined, and the lexical system is enriched. Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries played an important role in the development and formation of the Russian literary language. The Russian language becomes the interethnic language of communication between the peoples of the USSR. From the 20th century, an extensive study of the Russian language began. The manifestation of interest in Russian literature in foreign countries begins. The International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature, the Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin, Institute of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. And at present, the Russian language is developing, and the activities of institutes and departments of the Russian language are aimed at studying and streamlining the processes taking place in the Russian language.

Origin of the Russian alphabet

Around 860, the brothers Cyril and Methodius streamlined Slavic symbols, that is, they created the Cyrillic alphabet. But the modern Russian alphabet originated from the Old Russian alphabet, which originated from the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet. And the date of the appearance of the Old Russian Cyrillic alphabet is considered the date of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. At first there were 43 letters in the alphabet. But after Peter I came to power, writing reforms began to take place, and as a result, 33 letters remained in the alphabet, which we use to this day. “The last major writing reform was carried out in 1917-1918 - as a result, the current Russian alphabet appeared, consisting of 33 letters. This alphabet also became the written basis for most of the languages ​​of the USSR, for which there was no written language before the 20th century or was replaced during the years of Soviet power. With the development of the alphabet, the Russian language was improved. The Old Russian Cyrillic alphabet had a significant impact on the origin of the Russian language, because the Cyrillic alphabet was and is part of the Russian language. Without the alphabet, there would be no writing, and without writing, no language would develop.

Known to every bearer of Slavic culture as the creators of the alphabet. Of course, it is they who are at the origins of Slavic literacy, but are we only indebted to them for the alphabet that we still use?

The creation of Slavic writing was caused by the need for Christian preaching among the Slavs. In 862 - 863 years. Prince of Moravia (one of the largest Slavic states at that time) Rostislav sent an embassy to Byzantium with a request to send missionaries to conduct worship in the Slavic language. The choice of Emperor Michael III and Patriarch Photius fell on the well-known apologist of Eastern Christianity Constantine (who later took the name Cyril during monastic tonsure) and his brother Methodius.

For about three years they worked in Moravia: they translated the Bible and liturgical texts from the Greek language, trained scribes from among the Slavs, then went to Rome. In Rome, the brothers and their disciples were solemnly welcomed, they were allowed to serve the Liturgy in Slavic. Constantine-Cyril was destined to die in Rome (in 869), Methodius returned to Moravia, where he continued to translate.

In order to fully appreciate the feat of the "Slovenian teachers", one must imagine what it meant to translate the Holy Scriptures and liturgical books into a language that did not have a written language. To do this, it is enough to remember what topics and how we communicate in everyday life, and compare this with the content of the biblical text, the text of the service. In everyday life, we rarely talk about complex cultural, philosophical, ethical, religious concepts.

Spoken language by itself is not able to develop means of expressing such complex meanings. Today, arguing on abstract topics, we use what has been created for centuries in the philosophical, religious, literary tradition, i.e. purely literary tradition. The Slavic language of the 9th century did not possess this wealth.

The unwritten language of the Slavs of the 9th century had practically no means of expressing abstract concepts, and even more so theological concepts; complex grammatical and syntactic structures were little developed in it. To make the service understandable for the Slavs, the language needed the finest processing. It was necessary either to find in the Slavic language itself, or to unobtrusively bring in from another (Greek became this language) everything necessary for this language to be able to convey the Gospel to people, to discover the beauty and meaning of the Orthodox service. Slavic teachers masterfully coped with this task.

By translating the Bible and liturgical texts into the Slavic language, revealing the Gospel to the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius, at the same time, gave the Slavs a book, linguistic, literary, theological culture. They gave the language of the Slavs the right and opportunity to become the language of human communication with God, the language of the Church, and then the language of great culture and literature. The significance of the feat of the brothers for the entire Orthodox Slavic world cannot truly be overestimated. But it is worth remembering the activities of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius, without whom the mission of the First Teachers could not have been completed, but who, unfortunately, remain in the shadow of their great teachers.

The mission of Cyril and Methodius met with resistance. Methodius had to go through about two years of confinement in prison, and after his death, opponents of Eastern Christianity expelled the disciples of Cyril and Methodius from Moravia. Slavic books began to be burned, services in the Slavic language were banned. Part of the expelled students went to the territory of present-day Croatia, and part to Bulgaria.

Among those who went to Bulgaria was one of the outstanding disciples of Methodius, Clement of Ohrid. It was he, according to most modern scientists, who was the creator of the alphabet, which we (albeit with minor changes) use to this day.

The fact is that there are two known Slavic alphabets: Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The verbal letters are very complex, pretentious, and bear little resemblance to the letters of any other alphabet. Apparently, the author of the Glagolitic alphabet used elements of various writing systems, including Eastern ones, and invented some symbols himself. The person capable of doing such a complex philological work was Konstantin-Kirill.

The Cyrillic alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek script, while its creator worked hard to adapt the Greek script to the Slavic phonetic system. Based on painstaking work with manuscripts, studying their linguistic features, territory of distribution, paleographic characteristics, the researchers came to the conclusion that the Glagolitic alphabet was created earlier than the Cyrillic alphabet, the Glagolitic alphabet, apparently, was created by Cyril, and the Cyrillic alphabet was created by the most talented student of Methodius, Kliment Ohridsky.

Clement (c. 840 - 916), who fled persecution from Moravia, was sent by the Bulgarian Tsar Boris to preach in Ohrid. Here he created the largest school of Slavic writing, one of the most important centers of Slavic culture. Translations were carried out here, original Slavic works of spiritual content (songs, hymns, lives) were compiled. Clement of Ohrid can rightly be called one of the first Slavic writers. Clement's work on teaching adults and children to read and write was also unusually extensive: according to the most conservative estimates, he introduced about 3,500 people to Slavic writing. In 893, Clement was appointed Bishop of Dremvitsa and Velica. He became one of the first Slavic church hierarchs, the first Bulgarian hierarch serving, preaching and writing in the Slavic language. According to most modern scientists, it was he who created the alphabet, which the Orthodox Slavic peoples still use.

Clement of Ohrid is glorified in the face of saints Equal-to-the-Apostles. His memory is celebrated on July 27 (Sobor of the Bulgarian Enlighteners) and on November 25.


The Guinness Book of Records says...


The earliest example of alphabetic writing was found in Ugarit (now Ras Sharma, Syria). It dates from approximately 1450 BC. e. and is a clay tablet with 32 cuneiform letters applied to it.

The oldest letter

The most ancient letter "o" remained unchanged in the same form in which it was adopted in the Phoenician alphabet (about 1300 BC). There are currently 65 alphabets in use.

The longest and shortest alphabets

The largest number of letters - 72 - is contained in the Khmer language, the smallest - 11 (a, b, e, g, i, k, o, p, t, u) - in the Rotokas language from the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.

Origin of the Russian alphabet.

The alphabet in the 33-letter form familiar to us did not always exist. The alphabet, called Old Slavonic, or Church Slavonic, served as a prototype for it.

The appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet, which goes back to the Greek language, is traditionally associated with the activities of the famous educators Cyril and Methodius.

The Old Church Slavonic language, being the language of the church in Rus', was influenced by the Old Russian language. Thus, the Russian alphabet originated from the Old Russian Cyrillic alphabet, which was borrowed from the Greeks and became widespread in Kievan Rus after the adoption of Christianity (988).

At that time, it had, apparently, 43 letters. He looked like this:

It is easy to see that some Cyrillic letters sound like our modern words: “good”, “earth”, “people”. Others - az, beeches, lead ... What do they mean and what is their origin?

A3 is the first person singular personal pronoun.

BUKI is a letter. There were quite a few words with an unusual for us form of the nominative case of the singular: “kry” - blood, “bry” - an eyebrow, “lyuby” - love.

LEAD - a form of the verb "lead" - to know.

VERB - a form of the verb "verb" - to speak.

GOOD - the meaning is clear.

IS - the third person singular of the present tense from the verb "to be".

LIVE - the second person plural of the present tense of the verb "live".

ZELO - an adverb with the meaning "very", "strongly", "very".

LIKE (AND OCTAL) - a pronoun with the meaning "that", "which". In Church Slavonic, the union is "what". This letter was called “octal” because it had the numerical value of the number 8.

AND (AND DECIMAL) - was called so by its numerical value - 10.

WHAT is an interrogative adverb "how".

PEOPLE - the meaning is self-explanatory.

THOUGHT - a form of the verb "think".

OUR is a possessive pronoun.

OH is the third person singular personal pronoun.

РЦЫ - a form from the verb "speech", to speak.

WORD - the meaning is beyond doubt.

HARD - also does not require comments.

UK - in Old Slavonic - teaching.

FERT - the etymology of this letter name has not been reliably elucidated by scientists. From the outline of the sign came the expression "stand by the fert", that is, "hands on the hips."

HER - it is believed that this is an abbreviation of the word "cherub", the name of one of the ranks of the angels. Since the letter is “cruciform”, the meaning of the verb “fuck” has developed - cross out, abolish, destroy.

OH THE GREAT - Greek omega, which we named after the letter "he".

TSY is an onomatopoeic name.

WORM - in the Old Slavonic and Old Russian languages, the word "worm" meant "red paint", and not just "worm". The name of the letter was given acrophonic - the word "worm" began precisely with "h".

SHA, SHA - both letters are named according to the principle familiar to us: the sound signified by the letter itself plus any vowel sound before and after it.

ERY - the compound name of this letter - "er" plus "i" - was, as it were, a "description" of its form. We have already renamed it to "s" a long time ago.

EP, ER - conditional names of letters that ceased to express the sounds of incomplete education and became simply "signs".

YAT - it is believed that the name of the letter "yat" can be associated with "yad" - food, food.

Yu, I - these letters were called according to their sound: "yu", "ya", as well as the letter "ye", meaning "iotized e".

YUS - the origin of the name is unclear. They tried to derive it from the word "mustache", which in the Old Bulgarian language sounded with a nasal sound at the beginning, or from the word "yusenitsa" - a caterpillar. The explanations do not seem indisputable.

FITA - in this form, the name of the Greek letter Θ passed to Rus', which at different times was called “theta”, then “fita” and, accordingly, meant either a sound close to “f”, or the sound that Western alphabets now convey with the letters TN. We hear it close to our "g". The Slavs adopted "fita" at a time when it was read as "f". That is why, for example, the word "library" we wrote "vivliofika" until the 18th century.

Izhitsa - Greek "upsilon", which conveyed the sound, as if standing between our "and" and "yu" in the name "Hugo". Initially, this sound was transmitted in different ways, imitating the Greeks, and the Slavs. So, the Greek name "Cyrillos", a diminutive of "Kyuros" - lord, was usually transmitted as "Cyril", but the pronunciation "Kurill" was also possible. In the epics, "Kyurill" was remade into "Chyurilo". In the west of Ukraine there was until recently the place "Kurilovtsy" - the descendants of the "Kurila".

Time is rapidly rushing forward and making its own adjustments. Some letters disappeared, new ones appeared in their place.

In this form, the Russian alphabet remained until the reforms of Peter I in 1708-1711. (and Church Slavonic is still the same today), when superscripts were eliminated (which in between times “cancelled” the letter Y) and many doublet letters and letters used to write numbers were abolished (which became irrelevant after the transition to Arabic numerals).

Subsequently, some abolished letters were restored and canceled again. By 1917, the alphabet came in a 35-letter (officially; in fact there were 37 letters) composition: A, B, C, D, D, E, (Yo was not considered a separate letter), F, Z, I, (Y was not considered a separate letter considered), I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, C, T, U, F, X, C, H, W, W, b, S, b, Ѣ, E, Yu, I , v, v. (The last letter was formally listed in the Russian alphabet, but de facto its use has almost disappeared, and it was found in just a few words).

The last major writing reform was carried out in 1917-1918 - as a result, the current Russian alphabet appeared, consisting of 33 letters. This alphabet also became the written basis for most of the languages ​​of the USSR, for which there was no written language before the 20th century or was replaced during the years of Soviet power.

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Hello dear guys! Greetings, dear adults! You are reading these lines, which means that someone once made sure that we could exchange information with the help of writing.

Drawing rock carvings, trying to tell something, our ancestors many centuries ago could not even think that very soon 33 letters of the Russian alphabet would add up to words, express our thoughts on paper, help read books written in Russian and allow you to leave your mark on history of folk culture.

And where did they all come to us from A to Z, who invented the Russian alphabet, and how did the letter come about? The information in this article may be useful for research work in the 2nd or 3rd grade, so welcome to study in detail!

Lesson plan:

What is the alphabet and how did it all begin?

The word familiar to us from childhood came from Greece, and it is composed of two Greek letters - alpha and beta.

In general, the ancient Greeks left a huge mark on history, and they could not do without them here. They put a lot of effort into spreading writing throughout Europe.

However, many scientists are still arguing who would be the first, and in what year it was. It is believed that the Phoenicians were the first to use consonants as early as the 2nd millennium BC, and only then the Greeks borrowed the alphabet from them and added vowels there. This was already in the 8th century BC.

Such Greek writing became the basis of the alphabet for many peoples, including our Slavs. And among the most ancient are the Chinese and Egyptian alphabets, which appeared from the transformation of rock paintings into hieroglyphs and graphic symbols.

But what about our Slavic alphabet? We don't write in Greek today! The thing is that Ancient Rus' sought to strengthen economic and cultural ties with other countries, and for this a letter was needed. Moreover, the first church books began to be brought to the Russian state, since Christianity came from Europe.

It was necessary to find a way to convey to all Russian Slavs what Orthodoxy is, to create their own alphabet, to translate church works into a readable language. The Cyrillic alphabet became such an alphabet, and it was created by the brothers, popularly referred to as "Thessalonica".

Who are the Thessaloniki brothers and what are they famous for?

These people are named so not by the fact that they have a surname or a given name.

Two brothers Cyril and Methodius lived in a military family in a large Byzantine province with the capital in the city of Thessalonica, from this name of their small homeland the nickname came.

The population in the city was mixed - half Greeks and half Slavs. Yes, and the parents of the brothers were of different nationalities: the mother is Greek, and the father is from Bulgaria. Therefore, both Cyril and Methodius knew two languages ​​from childhood - Slavic and Greek.

This is interesting! In fact, the names of the brothers at birth were different - Konstantin and Michael, and they were named church Cyril and Methodius later.

Both brothers excelled in their studies. Methodius mastered military techniques and was very fond of reading. Well, Cyril knew as many as 22 languages, was educated at the imperial court and was nicknamed a philosopher for his wisdom.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the choice fell on these two brothers, when the Moravian prince turned to the Byzantine ruler in 863 for help with a request to send wise men who could convey the truth of the Christian faith to the Slavic people and teach them how to write.

And Cyril and Methodius set off on a long journey, moving for 40 months from one place to another, explaining in the Slavic language well known to them from childhood, who Christ is and what is his power. And for this it was necessary to translate all church books from Greek into Slavonic, which is why the brothers began to develop a new alphabet.

Of course, already in those days, the Slavs in their lives used many Greek letters in counting and writing. But the knowledge they had had to be streamlined, brought to one system, so that it would be simple and understandable for everyone. And already on May 24, 863, in the Bulgarian capital Pliska, Cyril and Methodius announced the creation of the Slavic alphabet called Cyrillic, which became the progenitor of our modern Russian alphabet.

This is interesting! Historians have discovered the fact that even before the Moravian commission, while in Byzantium, the brothers Cyril and Methodius invented an alphabet for the Slavs based on Greek writing, and it was called Glagolitic. Maybe that's why the Cyrillic alphabet appeared so quickly and simply, since there were already working outlines?

Transformations of the Russian alphabet

The Slavic alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius consisted of 43 letters.

They appeared by adding to the Greek alphabet (and it had 24 letters) newly invented 19 characters. After the appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet in Bulgaria, the center of Slavic writing, the first book school appeared, and liturgical books began to be actively translated.

In any old book

“Izhitsa lived in the world,

And with it the letter Yat "

Gradually, the Old Slavonic alphabet comes to Serbia, and in Ancient Rus' it appears at the end of the 10th century, when the Russian people accept Christianity. It was then that the whole long process of creating and improving the Russian alphabet, which we use today, begins. That's what was interesting.

This is interesting! The godmother of the letter "Yo" was Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, who proposed introducing it into the alphabet in 1783. The idea of ​​​​the princess was supported by the writer Karmazin, and now, with their light hand, the letter appeared in the alphabet, taking the honorable seventh place.

The fate of "Yo" is not easy:

  • in 1904 its use was desirable, but not at all obligatory;
  • in 1942, by order of the educational authority, it was recognized as compulsory for the school;
  • in 1956, whole paragraphs of the rules of Russian spelling were devoted to her.

Today, the use of "Yo" is important when you can confuse the meaning of written words, for example here: perfect and perfect, tears and tears, sky and sky.

This is interesting! In 2001, the world's only monument to the letter "Yo" in the form of a low stele was opened in the Ulyanovsk Karamzin Square.

As a result, today we have 33 beauties who teach us to read and write, open up a new world for us, help us to be educated in order to learn our native language and respect our history.

I am sure that you have known all these 33 letters for a long time and never confuse them in places in the alphabet. Wouldn't you like to try to learn the Old Slavonic alphabet too? Here it is, below in the video)

Well, there are more projects on one interesting topic in your piggy bank. Share the most interesting with classmates, let them also know where the Russian alphabet came from. And I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

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