Summary of the fairy tale Bazhov's malachite box. Pavel Bazhov "malachite box"

The fairy tale "The Malachite Box" by P. Bazhov was written in 1938. This is one of the best works of the writer, included in the collection called "Ural Tales". To prepare for the literature lesson, we recommend reading the summary of the Malachite Box on our website. The book is a continuation of Bazhov's fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

The main characters of the fairy tale

Malachite box main characters:

  • Nastasya is Stepan's widow, a kind, simple, hardworking woman.
  • Tanya is the daughter of Nastasya and Stepan, a very beautiful, but wayward girl.
  • A woman wanderer, she is also the Mistress of the Copper Mountain - a sorceress who saw her henchwoman in Tanya.

Other characters:

  • Parotya is a weak-willed, greedy clerk who fell in love with Tanya.
  • Turchaninov is a young rich gentleman, an ignorant, narrow-minded, ugly young man.

Bazhov "Malachite Box" very briefly

"Malachite Box" summary for the reader's diary:

Nastasya had a box given by her husband. He got the box from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. A woman could not wear jewelry from it, she experienced great pain when she put it on. The merchants wanted to buy jewelry, but Nastasya refused everyone. One familiar master estimated it at 1000 rubles.

Tanya, Nastasya's daughter, played with jewelry, putting them on felt warm. One wanderer taught her how to sew with unusual silk, which glowed amazingly. She also gave her a communication channel with a button and showed her a vision of a room with malachite. When the house burned down, the family decided that they could feed themselves by selling a malachite box.

The clerk's wife, who bought the jewelry, was unable to wear it. As a result, the young master Turchaninov became the new owner. He decided to marry the beautiful Tatyana. She agreed, on the condition that he introduce her to the queen. But it turned out that the queen herself wanted to look at her. Entering the same room as in the vision, the girl, disappointed by the master, disappears, and the stones turn out to be drops.

The meaning of the tale lies in the pure and inviolable conscience of many Ural women. This work of Bazhov instructs the future generation to live faithfully. A lie will certainly come out. The honor and dignity of a person in this work turned out to be above all.

This is interesting: The fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" was written in 1936. For the best preparation for a lesson in literature in grade 5, we recommend reading on our website. The central character in this instructive story was the mythical mistress of the Ural Mountains, a popular character in the legends and beliefs of local miners.

A short retelling of the "Malachite Box"

The girl inherits a malachite box from her father. The jewels in the box turn out to be magical, they turn the girl into another Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The beginning of the story is in the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

After the death of her husband, Nastasya was left with a box made of malachite, which the Mistress of the Copper Mountain gave them for their wedding.

This box contained a lot of women's jewelry. Even during the life of her husband, Nastasya put them on several times, but she could not walk in them: they squeeze and crush. Then she took them off and hid them in the far corner of the chest. Many wanted to buy a box, they offered big money, but Nastasya refused - the time had not come.

Nastasya had three children: two sons and a little daughter Tanya. The dark-haired and green-eyed girl, like a foundling, did not look like any of the family.

In whom it was just born! She herself is black and fable, and her eyes are green. It doesn't look like our girls at all.

She loved her father very much and cried often. To comfort her, her mother gave her the box to play with. The girl tried on jewelry, and they seem to be made for her - they make her feel so warm.

Tanya grew up, often began to take out the box herself and admire the jewelry. Once, when Nastasya once again left, Tanya put stones on herself, admires, and at that time a thief climbed into the hut. He looked at the jewelry, and something seemed to blind him, and the girl managed to escape.

Tanya told her mother about this, she realized that the thief had come for the box, and secretly from the children buried it under the stove. Only the box appeared to Tanya by itself - it shone with a bright light from under the floor. Since then, the girl secretly played with jewelry.

For the next few years, Nastasya lived a hard life, but she survived, she did not sell the box. And then the sons began to earn extra money, and Tanya learned to embroider with silk and beads. It came out by accident. Once a wanderer came to them, asked to live, and in gratitude taught the girl outlandish patterns.

Tanya reached out to the wanderer, as if to her own mother, and told her about the box. The wanderer asked her to put on her stones, and then showed her a beautiful, green-eyed girl in exactly the same jewelry. This green-eyed woman was standing in a room trimmed with malachite, and next to her some kind of white-haired one was spinning. The wanderer explained that this was a room in the royal palace, for which Tanyushkin's father mined malachite.

On the same day, the wanderer got ready to leave. In parting, she left Tanya silk threads and a glass button. There was nothing valuable in that button, but a girl peers at it, and any pattern emerges in front of her. It helped Tanya a lot in her work. She became the best craftswoman in the area. The guys around Tanya's house trampled all the paths, but she did not look at anyone.

Tanyushkino needlework went into fashion. Not only in the al factory in our city, they found out about him in other places, orders are sent and a lot of money is paid. A good man can earn so much.

It was then that trouble overtook them. Somehow there was a fire, Nastasya's hut burned to the ground, only the casket survived. I had to sell it to the wife of the new plant manager. This woman was the mistress of a young master - the son of the owner of all the surrounding mines. Before his death, the old master decided to profitably marry his son, and married his mistress to a foreigner, a former music teacher, and sent him as a manager to a distant factory.

In Russian, the manager pronounces only one word well - “soak”, for which they called him Parotey, but he was a good person, he did not punish in vain.

Jewelry for the manager's wife did not fit - and they press, and press, and prick. Local craftsmen refused to fix the decorations - "for one whom that master adjusts, it will not suit the other, whatever you want to do." In the meantime, the old master died. His son, who did not have time to marry, immediately went to his mistress.

Meanwhile, Parotya managed to see Tatyana, fell for her and ordered her to embroider her own portrait in gold. Tanya agreed, but said that she would not portray herself, but another girl - “green-eyed”, who showed her patterns in a button. Parotya looked at the portrait and was amazed: this is the spitting image of Tanya, only in a foreign dress. This portrait Parotya showed the young master and told him about the malachite box.

He, hey, he was a little smart, a motley one. In a word, heir. He had a strong passion for stones. He had nothing to flaunt - as they say, neither height nor voice - so at least stones.

The master bought the casket, then summoned Tanya to him. She immediately recognized in him that white-haired one who was spinning near the green-eyed one, and the master lost his peace, even offered to marry him. The girl seemed to agree, but she set a condition. Let the master show her the queen and the malachite room, for which the father mined the stone.

At the appointed time, Tanyusha arrived at the palace, but no one met her. The master saw her in a scarf and a rustic fur coat and hid behind a column. Then she herself entered the palace and took off her fur coat. And on her dress is more beautiful than that of the queen herself, and the decorations from the malachite box, which she borrowed from the master for temporary use, shimmer. Everyone admired her beauty.

Then the master jumped up to her and called her his bride. The girl stopped him and ordered him to be taken to the malachite room. The master was frightened: what would the queen say to such self-will. But Tanyushka did not even listen to him, she found this room herself, went up to the malachite wall. Then the queen appeared, began to demand that the bride of the master be shown to her.

Tanya was offended that the groom was going to show her queen, and not vice versa, she refused him. Then Tanya pressed herself against the malachite wall and disappeared. Only precious stones and a glass button remained from her. The master could not collect the stones - they spread in drops in his hands. And in the button he saw the green-eyed gentleman and "lost his last little mind."

Nobody has seen Tanya since then. Only people began to say that now two mistresses in identical dresses began to appear near the mountain.

Another fairy tale by Bazhov, Sinyushkin Well, is a story written in 1939 that teaches us to live honestly, in good conscience, to work in joy. Remember that malice and greed are always punished. for the reader's diary will help you get acquainted with the plot of the work and prepare for the lesson of literature.

The contents of the "Malachite Box" with quotes

P. Bazhov "Malachite Box" summary with quotes from the work:

After the death of her husband, Stepan, a well-known miner in the district, Nastasya was left with a malachite box with rich decorations, which they got as a gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. She knew the true value of these jewels, and even in the most difficult times she refused to sell them to local merchants.

Nastasya had three children: two boys and the youngest, Tanya. From an early age, the girl attracted attention with her unusual beauty for these places - “ she herself is black and fable, and her eyes are green". From childhood, Tanya got used to playing with jewelry from a malachite box, and when she grew up, she began to wear them - they suited her like no other beauty.

By that time, Tanya learned to sew with silk and beads”, so much so that even the most experienced craftswomen were amazed. Tanya was taught needlework by a beggar wanderer, who asked Nastasya to live a little, to rest from a long journey.

And what is interesting - Tanya was not very affectionate with her loved ones, “ and clings to this woman, and clings to", and that in response to her" daughter' calls. At parting, the woman gave Tanya a small button, and ordered her to look at her, as she would forget something about needlework or “ or a difficult case will do».

As Tatyana matured, her bride could not be more beautiful. Many guys tried to talk to her, only the girl was cold with everyone. Soon, trouble overtook the family, and the house, cattle, and the entire household burned down completely. Only the malachite box was saved and had to be sold. Tanya was very bitter, but the magic button gave her consent.

Once a visiting clerk Parotya, struck by the beauty of Tatyana, asked her to embroider her portrait for him. During the feast, being tipsy, she showed a portrait embroidered with silk to the young rich gentleman Turchaninov, who immediately fell in love with the green-eyed beauty. He bought her jewelry and offered to marry him. Tanya agreed, but made a condition - the master had to show her the queen in the palace room, decorated with malachite, which Stepan got.

Turchaninov immediately went to St. Petersburg, where he began to tell everyone about his beautiful bride. These conversations reached the ears of the empress herself, who wanted to look at the Ural beauty.

When Tatyana appeared in the palace, she quickly exposed the impure intentions of the master, who was ashamed of her modest dress. Tatyana, in front of everyone, leaned against the malachite wall, and seemed to dissolve into it. Since then it has been said, as if the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to double: people saw two girls in malachite dresses at once».


The fairy tale teaches to respect the work of others, not to be lazy and not to give up even in the most difficult life situation. True beauty and wealth is not in precious stones, but in the person himself.

Bazhov wrote another fairy tale, The Silver Hoof, in 1938. In the story, the author described the life of the little orphan Darenka and the old man Kokovani, who were lucky enough to see a magical goat nicknamed the Silver Hoof. We recommend reading, which is useful for a reader's diary and preparation for a literature lesson in grade 2.

Video fairy tale "Malachite Box" Bazhov

The fairy tale "Malachite Box" tells about the legends of the Ural Mountains, about the hard underground work of mining workers, about the art of folk stone cutters and lapidaries. The work describes the events of ancient times, when many people did not have complete freedom, and were completely dependent on their master. The author expressed his admiration and admiration for those people who would not sell their conscience and soul for any wealth. Human honor is incorruptible!

Like almost all of Bazhov's tales, The Malachite Box is a "tradition of the Ural Mountains". It is included in the collection of the same name, along with such well-known works as: "Fire-jump", "Sinyushkin well", "Golden hair", "Silver hoof" and so on.

The tale "The Malachite Box" is a continuation of the story "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", since it deals with the daughter of Stepan and Nastasya - Tanya. were created in 1936-1938, and were later combined by him into the collection "Malachite Box". The hostess herself acts as a through character in all the stories of the collection. Moreover, in many stories she herself does not appear, but acts indirectly. The story itself is not very long, but we will try to shorten it even more by providing you with a brief retelling.

"Malachite Box"

Bazhov did not immediately give the story such a name, at first it was called "Tyatino's gift", but just before it was published, the author decided to change the name. As we can judge now, it turned out to be extremely successful. But this is not entirely relevant to the topic of our conversation, but we promised you to retell what Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote. The “Malachite Box” (we will summarize the tale below) tells us about the events that develop several years after the adventures of the heroes described in the tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”.

Stepan and Nastasya did not succeed in a successful family life - she became a widow, left with two children. Older sons can already help their mother, but Tanya is still too small for this. To keep her daughter busy, Nastasya lets her play with her wedding gift from the Mistress herself at the end of the previous tale - the development of wonderful events and Bazhov decided to continue. The “Malachite Box”, the summary of which you are now reading, is not in vain bears such a name. It is full of jewelry made by mountain craftsmen from local gems. These decorations did not fit Nastasya: as soon as she put earrings in her ears, strung rings and decorated herself with a necklace, the lobes began to swell, her fingers swelled, and a heavy and cold collar covered her neck.

So, out of kindness, she gave little Tanya to play with the jewels. The little girl was absolutely delighted! Instantly realizing that the rings were meant for the fingers, and the earrings were supposed to be worn in the ears, she began to try on headsets, looking at which the empresses could feel like beggars.

Fearing that the case might end up being stolen, Nastasya hides it from her daughter. But she finds her mother's hiding place and continues to secretly try on jewelry, assuring that the stones are good for her. Behind this occupation, she is caught by a beggar beggar who went into the hut to ask for some water. Having quenched her thirst, the beggar woman decides to stay for a while in a hospitable house, promising to teach Tanya to embroider marvelous tapestries with silk and beads as payment for her stay. She kept her word and even provided her student with the materials necessary for work. Soon the wanderer went on, leaving a valuable artifact for Tanya's memory - a button, through which she could communicate with her. Bazhov borrowed this technique from old Russian fairy tales.

"Malachite Box": a summary. Development of events

The family ceased to live in poverty, since needlework brought a good income, but then fate deals another blow to the family - a fire. Everything that was hard-earned burned down. To survive, Nastasya decides to sell the box, and the buyer is instantly found. It turns out to be the local clerk Parotya, more precisely, his wife and former mistress of the young master Turchaninov. But even the clerk's wife's jewelry turned out to be too large.

Meanwhile, Turchaninov, having decided to inspect his property in the Urals, left St. Petersburg and appeared in Polevaya. Looked acquisition of his former lover and wanted to talk to the former owner. Seeing Tanya, he instantly flared up with high feelings and, without leaving his place, offered her his hand, heart and fortune. As proof of his decency, he presents her with jewelry bought from a former mistress as a gift.

Tanya did not refuse directly, but she made a condition that she would give an answer after she was introduced to the Empress. Moreover, the ceremony of acquaintance should take place in chambers decorated with malachite, which the late Stepan got, but for now she considers herself a conditional bride and temporary keeper of the contents of the box. Somewhat taken aback by such demands, Turchaninov agrees and goes to the capital to prepare everything for the bride's visit.

Bazhov "Malachite Box": a summary - the end

In St. Petersburg, he began to brag about the fact that he would soon marry a dazzling beauty. Such news excited the entire metropolitan beau monde, and the empress herself wished to see this Ural miracle of beauty. Turchaninov instantly informs Tanya that she should arrive in St. Petersburg. Having agreed that the groom would meet her on the steps of the palace, Tatyana Stepanovna put on all the jewelry from the box and went on foot to the meeting. So that passersby would not be blinded by the brilliance of gems, she covered them with an old fur coat. Seeing such a modestly dressed bride, the groom, out of shame, was ready to fall through the marble floor, and shamefully retreated from the meeting place. Tanya, on the other hand, easily entered the territory of the palace, presenting her jewelry as a pass to the guards. Having handed over the fur coat of the servants, she went to the malachite chambers, but no one was waiting for her there, since the empress appointed an audience in another hall. Realizing that her fiancé had brazenly deceived her, she told him everything she thought, and then stepped into the nearest malachite column and disappeared into it. Turchaninov was left not only without a bride, but also without the contents of the malachite box: although the jewelry did not enter the stone after Tanya, it remained on the surface, but it was not possible to collect them. And in the Urals, since then, two Mistresses began to appear to the people ...

The collection of short stories "Malachite Box" was written by Pavel Bazhov, who created it based on the stories of the Ural mining folklore. Mining storyteller Vasily Khmelinin liked to pamper his listeners with them. "Ural tales", as they were otherwise called, began to appear in periodicals from 1936 to 1945, and then they were translated into different languages ​​of the world.

P. Bazhov received many awards and prizes in his life. The Malachite Box (a summary of which will be presented below) is a unique literary treasury that has been included in the school curriculum for extracurricular reading. This is the folklore, which, like a real nugget, in its own way vividly and elegantly represents Russian culture.

"Malachite Box": a summary for the reader's diary

The list of the collection "Malachite Box" includes many fascinating stories, including: "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Mining Master", etc. Probably, each of us in childhood had such book. The story "Malachite Box" became a continuation of the work "Mistress of the Copper Mountain". This found its approval among young readers.

Getting to the topic "Malachite Box": a summary for the reader's diary, "we will describe only the most important events and plot lines.

So, it all started with the fact that after the death of the stone craftsman Stepan, the malachite box, which was presented to him by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, was inherited by his wife Nastasya and children. Even with her husband, she put on all these jewelry, but she could not wear it, as they began to torment her. Either the lobes pulled, and they swelled, then the ring squeezed, and the finger turned blue, and when one day she tried on the beads, she felt as if cold ice had been applied to her neck.

Bazhov, "Malachite Box": a summary

Nastasya wanted to sell these jewelry and even asked the price. A person who knows a lot about these matters told her that this malachite box is worth a lot of money. The summary further tells that Nastasya at first did not want to sell it for a long time, and kept thinking about a rainy day. In the meantime, there were many buyers: some gave a hundred rubles, and some gave two hundred - everyone wanted to deceive an illiterate widow, but she was in no hurry.

And all because they had two sons with Stepan and the youngest daughter Tanya. She mourned the death of her father very much. The only consolation for her was a jewelry box, a "father's memo", which her mother began to give her to play with. After all the housework, she undertook to try on the rings and earrings from the box. From them she felt comfort, joy and warmth.


Once Tatyana was sitting at home, alone without her mother and brothers, and after cleaning, as always, she began to do what she loved - trying on and examining jewelry. The malachite box continues with intrigue. The summary further tells that at that moment an unfamiliar man suddenly entered their house, who had an ax in his hands. Tanya turned to him, and when he saw her, he screamed, began to rub his eyes and literally went blind from the unusual brilliance of her stones. The girl was frightened, jumped out the window and ran to call the neighbors. No one then understood whether it was a thief, or just a man who came to ask for alms, as he himself claimed.


Without a master, the family lived hard, and Nastasya often began to think that a malachite box could save her from poverty. The summary continues with the fact that one day a wretched-looking woman appeared in their house and asked to spend the night. The hostess did not object and invited her into the house. And the wanderer turned out to be quite difficult, and in a short time Tanya became very attached to her. The woman taught the girl to embroider with silk and beads.

Mother did not like this occupation, since they did not have any gold threads or beads. But the wanderer said that for the first time she would give Tatyana everything she needed, and then the girl would earn the rest for herself. Then the mother calmed down.


Then Tanya, having waited until no one was left in the house of her relatives, decided to show the wanderer her father's gift - a malachite box. Together they went down to the cellar, and there the girl opened the treasured box. The summary of the tale “The Malachite Box” continues further by the fact that the old woman immediately asked her to try on the jewelry. When the girl put everything on herself, the wanderer corrected the stones for her so that they shone even brighter. Then she told Tanya to look ahead and not look back at her. And suddenly she sees that a young girl of extraordinary beauty is standing in the middle of the malachite royal chamber, all in precious jewelry, and next to her is a man with slanting eyes, like a hare, and she almost does not look at him. The wanderer said that these rooms were decorated with malachite, which her father mined, and who this beauty is, she would later understand, and smiled.

And now the woman is getting ready to go. She left a button in memory of herself and said that if there were questions about work, let the girl look into it. There she will immediately see all the answers.


And then a misfortune happened - their house burned down. The arsonists, probably, counted on the fact that Nastasya, in the end, would sell the box, as the need would force her.

She put up a price of two thousand rubles. At first there was no buyer, but then the new clerk Parotya and his wife arrived, and she really liked these jewelry, and since she was the mistress of master Turchaninov, she also found such money. However, she could not wear jewelry.


But soon Turchaninov came to the mines to dig up money and return his beloved. Parotya knew this and decided to get ahead of events. He had with him a portrait of Tanya embroidered with gold, which he asked her to embroider. He showed it to the master. He, seeing the beauty there, was stunned and ordered to immediately show her to him. From that moment on, he forgot about all the women in the world and bought the malachite box from the clerk for Tanya. And then he immediately asked the girl to wear jewelry and then proposed to her. But she set conditions for him to show her the royal malachite room from the "daddy booty."

Turchaninov immediately gives the order to harness the horses, but Tatyana herself promised to come on horseback. By this time, the whole of St. Petersburg was already "on its ears" from rumors about Turchaninov's bride and about the box. Tanya ordered her fiancé to wait for her near the porch. But when he saw that she was walking, wrapped in a scarf and a fur coat, he was embarrassed and hid. The palace footmen did not want to let her through. But when she threw off her outer clothes, she was wearing a dress that the queen herself did not have.

Royal malachites

The queen, having entered the reception room, did not find anyone, and also, out of surprise, hastened to find out where this self-willed woman was. Tanya was completely angry with the master and told him that it was she who ordered her to show the queen, and not her queen needs to be shown. After these words, she leaned against the malachite wall and melted forever. Only the stones remained sparkling, and the button lay on the floor. Turchaninov raised that button, and in it Tanya herself laughed at him and called him a crazy hare.

Nobody heard anything more about her, only later people said that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to double - they saw two girls in identical outfits at once.

Thus ended the story "The Malachite Box". The summary, however, does not replace the original. Therefore, it is better to read it yourself.

Nastasya and her husband Stepan lived near the Ural Mountains. Suddenly, Nastasya became a widow and she was left with a little daughter and sons in her arms. The older children helped their mother, and the daughter was still quite a baby, and so that she would not interfere, Nastasya let her play with a malachite box - a wedding gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, full of gems. But they didn’t suit Nastasya: either the earlobes swelled, or the fingers swelled. Daughter Tanya loved jewelry very much and did not part with them. Nastasya, fearing that the jewels on her daughter would attract thieves, hid the box. But Tanyusha found her and was already secretly trying on jewelry.

One day, a beggar who came to get drunk asked Nastasya to stay at Nastasya's house, offering to teach Tanyusha how to embroider beautiful tapestries in return. Having learned the girl, the beggar disappeared, leaving Tanyusha with a button so that she, at any moment, could call her mentor in needlework. Time passed, Tanyusha grew up a beauty and a needlewoman. Embroidery began to generate income, and the family lived richly, but then their house burns down and Nastasya sold all the jewelry in order to survive. The clerk's wife Parotya bought them, but she could not wear them for the same reason as Nastasya.

The young gentleman Turchaninov arrived from St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the Ural property. Seeing a malachite jewelry box with his mistress, he decided to meet with the former mistress. This is how Tanyusha and master Turchaninov met. The master fell in love with Tanya without memory and, having bought the box from his mistress, as a token of love he presented the very jewels that the girl had loved since childhood. Tanyusha agrees to become his bride on the condition that the master introduces her to the empress and this will happen in the malachite chambers of the palace.

Turchaninov leaves to prepare a meeting and he succeeds. The master summons Tanyusha to Petersburg. Tanyusha dressed up and put all the jewels on herself, and so that the people she met would not be blinded by the delightful beauty of the gems, she threw on an old fur coat. Turchaninov, who was waiting for Tanyusha on the steps of the palace, saw her poor outfit and decided to run away so as not to disgrace himself in front of the St. Petersburg beau monde, because he painted his bride for them as a charming beauty, and a beggar was coming to him. Tanyusha threw off her fur coat and left it with the court servants. She, beautiful and radiant, went straight to the malachite chambers. But since the Empress was waiting for her in a completely different room, no one was waiting for her in the malachite chambers.

Feeling deceived and humiliated, Tanyusha stepped into the malachite column and disappeared into it. Precious jewelry could not enter the malachite, and they remained hanging on the column. No one could tear them away from her, and since then two mistresses of the Copper Mountain began to appear to people in the Urals.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Malachite box Bazhov

Other writings:

  1. An inquisitive reader, picking up this book, will certainly think about why it is so named. A malachite box - a chest made of the most beautiful Ural stone, filled with decorations from other semi-precious stones, was presented to Stepan and his wife Nastya by the owner of Mednaya Read More ......
  2. Stone flower Zhil malachite craftsman Prokopyich. He was a good master, but already in years. Then the master decided that the master should continue to transfer his craft and ordered the clerk to select a student for him. No matter how many boys the clerk brought, they did not suit Prokopych. While Read More ......
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  4. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov BAZHOV, PAVEL PETROVICH (1879−1950), Russian writer. Born on January 15 (27), 1879 at the Sysert plant near Yekaterinburg in a family of hereditary mining masters. The family often moved from factory to factory, which allowed the future writer to get to know the life of the vast mountain Read More ......
  5. The childhood of the future writer passed in the midst of that Ural “craftsmanship”, which gave many glorious fighters to the revolution. Due to the historical and economic features of the Urals, the life of industrial settlements here was very peculiar. Yes, here, as elsewhere, the workers barely made ends meet, they were deprived of rights. Read More ......
  6. The great interest of readers in the "Malachite Box" prompted P. Bazhov to talk about how fairy tales were created, to reveal the secrets of his work. Filled with trips, meetings with many old Ural workers, the life of a newspaperman, of course, enriched the writer in many ways. But, according to him, the most important Read More ......
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Summary Malachite box Bazhov

Malachite Box

Micro-retelling: The girl inherits a malachite box from her father. The jewels in the box turn out to be magical, they turn the girl into another Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

This work is part of the series "Tales"

After the death of her husband, Nastasya was left with a box made of malachite, which the Mistress of the Copper Mountain gave them for their wedding.

Nastasya- a widow whose husband was in love with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and died of longing for her.

This box contained a lot of women's jewelry. Even during the life of her husband, Nastasya put them on several times, but she could not walk in them: they squeeze and crush. Then she took them off and hid them in the far corner of the chest. Many wanted to buy a box, they offered big money, but Nastasya refused - the time had not come.

Nastasya had three children: two sons and a little daughter Tanya.

Tanya- the daughter of Nastasya, dark-haired and green-eyed, does not look like her parents.

The dark-haired and green-eyed girl, like a foundling, did not look like any of the family.

In whom it was just born! She herself is black and fable, and her eyes are green. It doesn't look like our girls at all.

She loved her father very much and cried often. To comfort her, her mother gave her the box to play with. The girl tried on jewelry, and they seem to be made for her - they make her feel so warm.

Tanya grew up, she often began to get the box herself and admire the jewelry. Once, when Nastasya once again left, Tanya put stones on herself, admires, and at that time a thief climbed into the hut. He looked at the jewelry, and something seemed to blind him, and the girl managed to escape.

Tanya told her mother about this, she realized that the thief had come for the box, and secretly from the children buried it under the stove. Only the box appeared to Tanya by itself - it shone with a bright light from under the floor. Since then, the girl secretly played with jewelry.

For the next few years, Nastasya lived a hard life, but she survived, she did not sell the box. And then the sons began to earn extra money, and Tanya learned to embroider with silk and beads. It came out by accident. Once a wanderer came to them, asked to live, and in gratitude taught the girl outlandish patterns.

Tanya reached out to the wanderer, as if to her own mother, and told her about the box. The wanderer asked her to put on her stones, and then showed her a beautiful, green-eyed girl in exactly the same jewelry. This green-eyed woman was standing in a room trimmed with malachite, and next to her some kind of white-haired one was spinning. The wanderer explained that this was a room in the royal palace, for which Tanyushkin's father mined malachite.

On the same day, the wanderer got ready to leave. In parting, she left Tanya silk threads and a glass button. There was nothing valuable in that button, but a girl peers at it, and any pattern emerges in front of her. It helped Tanya a lot in her work. She became the best craftswoman in the area. The guys around Tanya's house trampled all the paths, but she did not look at anyone.

Tanyushkino needlework went into fashion. Not only in the al factory in our city, they found out about him in other places, orders are sent and a lot of money is paid. A good man can earn so much.

It was then that trouble overtook them. Somehow there was a fire, Nastasya's hut burned to the ground, only the casket survived. I had to sell it to the wife of the new plant manager. This woman was the mistress of a young master - the son of the owner of all the surrounding mines. Before his death, the old master decided to profitably marry his son, and married his mistress to a foreigner, a former music teacher, and sent him as a manager to a distant factory.

In Russian, the manager pronounces only one word well - “soot”, for which they called him Parotey, but the man was not bad, he did not punish in vain.

Parotya- the manager of the plant, a foreigner, does not speak Russian well.

Jewelry for the manager's wife did not fit - and they press, and press, and prick. Local craftsmen refused to fix the decorations - "for one whom that master adjusts, it will not suit the other, whatever you want to do." In the meantime, the old master died. His son, who did not have time to marry, immediately went to his mistress.

Meanwhile, Parotya managed to see Tatyana, fell for her and ordered her to embroider her own portrait in gold. Tanya agreed, but said that she would not portray herself, but another girl - “green-eyed”, who showed her patterns in a button. Parotya looked at the portrait and was amazed: this is the spitting image of Tanya, only in a foreign dress. This portrait Parotya showed the young master and told him about the malachite box.

He, hey, he was a little smart, a motley one. In a word, heir. He had a strong passion for stones. He had nothing to flaunt - as they say, neither height nor voice - so at least stones.

The master bought the casket, then summoned Tanya to him. She immediately recognized in him that white-haired one who was spinning near the green-eyed one, and the master lost his peace, even offered to marry him. The girl seemed to agree, but she set a condition. Let the master show her the queen and the malachite room, for which the father mined the stone.

At the appointed time, Tanyusha arrived at the palace, but no one met her. The master saw her in a scarf and a rustic fur coat and hid behind a column. Then she herself entered the palace and took off her fur coat. And on her dress is more beautiful than that of the queen herself, and the decorations from the malachite box, which she borrowed from the master for temporary use, shimmer. Everyone admired her beauty.

Then the master jumped up to her and called her his bride. The girl stopped him and ordered him to be taken to the malachite room. The master was frightened: what would the queen say to such self-will. But Tanyushka did not even listen to him, she found this room herself, went up to the malachite wall. Then the queen appeared, began to demand that the bride of the master be shown to her.

Tanya was offended that the groom was going to show her queen, and not vice versa, she refused him. Then Tanya pressed herself against the malachite wall and disappeared. Only precious stones and a glass button remained from her. The master could not collect the stones - they spread in drops in his hands. And in the button he saw the green-eyed gentleman and "lost his last little mind."

Nobody has seen Tanya since then. Only people began to say that now two mistresses in identical dresses began to appear near the mountain.

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