Do what you must. Where to get uranium

Where did uranium come from? Most likely, it appears in supernova explosions. The fact is that for the nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than iron, a powerful neutron flux must exist, which occurs just during a supernova explosion. It would seem that then, when condensing from the cloud of new star systems formed by it, uranium, having gathered in a protoplanetary cloud and being very heavy, should sink in the depths of the planets. But this is not the case. Uranium is a radioactive element and it releases heat when it decays. Calculations show that if uranium were evenly distributed throughout the entire thickness of the planet, at least with the same concentration as on the surface, then it would emit too much heat. Moreover, its flux should weaken as the uranium is consumed. Since nothing of the kind is observed, geologists believe that at least a third of uranium, and perhaps all of it, is concentrated in the earth's crust, where its content is 2.5 ∙ 10 –4%. Why this happened is not discussed.

Where is uranium mined? There is not so little uranium on Earth - it is in 38th place in terms of abundance. Most of this element is found in sedimentary rocks - carbonaceous shale and phosphorites: up to 8 ∙ 10 –3 and 2.5 ∙ 10 –2%, respectively. In total, the earth's crust contains 10 14 tons of uranium, but the main problem is that it is very scattered and does not form powerful deposits. About 15 uranium minerals are of industrial importance. This is a uranium resin - it is based on tetravalent uranium oxide, uranium mica - various silicates, phosphates and more complex compounds with vanadium or titanium based on hexavalent uranium.

What are Becquerel rays? After Wolfgang Roentgen discovered X-rays, the French physicist Antoine-Henri Becquerel became interested in the glow of uranium salts, which occurs under the influence of sunlight. He wanted to know if there were any X-rays here as well. Indeed, they were present - the salt was illuminating the photographic plate through the black paper. In one of the experiments, however, the salt was not illuminated, and the photographic plate still darkened. When a metal object was placed between the salt and the photographic plate, there was less darkening under it. Consequently, the new rays did not arise at all due to the excitation of uranium by light and did not partially pass through the metal. They were called at first "Becquerel rays". Subsequently, it was discovered that these are mainly alpha rays with a small addition of beta rays: the fact is that the main isotopes of uranium emit an alpha particle during decay, and the daughter products also undergo beta decay.

How high is the radioactivity of uranium? Uranium has no stable isotopes; they are all radioactive. The longest-lived is uranium-238 with a half-life of 4.4 billion years. Next comes uranium-235 - 0.7 billion years. They both undergo alpha decay and become the corresponding thorium isotopes. Uranium-238 makes up over 99% of all natural uranium. Due to its huge half-life, the radioactivity of this element is low, and in addition, alpha particles are not able to overcome the stratum corneum on the surface of the human body. They say that IV Kurchatov, after working with uranium, simply wiped his hands with a handkerchief and did not suffer from any diseases associated with radioactivity.

Researchers have repeatedly turned to the statistics of diseases of workers in uranium mines and processing plants. For example, here is a recent article by Canadian and American experts who analyzed data on the health of more than 17 thousand workers at the Eldorado mine in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan for 1950-1999 ( Environmental Research, 2014, 130, 43–50, DOI: 10.1016 / j.envres.2014.01.002). They proceeded from the fact that radiation acts most strongly on rapidly multiplying blood cells, leading to the corresponding types of cancer. Statistics showed that the incidence of various types of blood cancer among mine workers is lower than the average among Canadians. At the same time, the main source of radiation is not considered to be uranium itself, but the gaseous radon generated by it and its decay products, which can enter the body through the lungs.

Why is uranium harmful?? It, like other heavy metals, is highly toxic and can cause kidney and liver failure. On the other hand, uranium, being a scattered element, is inevitably present in water, soil and, concentrating in the food chain, enters the human body. It is reasonable to assume that in the course of evolution, living things have learned to neutralize uranium in natural concentrations. Uranium is the most dangerous in water, so the WHO set a limit: at first it was 15 μg / l, but in 2011 the standard was increased to 30 μg / g. As a rule, there is much less uranium in water: in the USA, on average, 6.7 μg / L, in China and France - 2.2 μg / L. But there are also strong deviations. So in some areas of California it is a hundred times more than the standard - 2.5 mg / l, and in southern Finland it reaches 7.8 mg / l. Researchers are trying to understand if the WHO standard is too strict when studying the effect of uranium on animals. Here is a typical job ( BioMed Research International, 2014, ID 181989; DOI: 10.1155 / 2014/181989). For nine months, French scientists watered rats with water with depleted uranium additives, and in a relatively high concentration - from 0.2 to 120 mg / l. The lower value is water near the mine, the upper one is not found anywhere - the maximum concentration of uranium, measured in Finland, is 20 mg / l. To the surprise of the authors - the article is called: "The unexpected absence of a noticeable effect of uranium on physiological systems ..." - uranium had practically no effect on the health of rats. The animals ate well, put on weight properly, did not complain of illness and did not die of cancer. Uranium, as it should be, was deposited primarily in the kidneys and bones and in a hundredfold less amount in the liver, and its accumulation, as expected, depended on its content in water. However, this did not lead to renal failure, or even to a noticeable appearance of any molecular markers of inflammation. The authors suggested starting a revision of the strict WHO guidelines. However, there is one caveat: the effect on the brain. In the brains of rats, uranium was less than in the liver, but its content did not depend on the amount in water. But uranium affected the work of the antioxidant system of the brain: the activity of catalase increased by 20%, glutathione peroxidase by 68–90%, the activity of superoxide dismutase dropped by 50% regardless of the dose. This means that uranium was clearly causing oxidative stress in the brain and the body was responding to it. Such an effect - a strong effect of uranium on the brain in the absence of its accumulation in it, by the way, as well as in the genitals - has been noticed before. Moreover, water with uranium at a concentration of 75-150 mg / L, which researchers from the University of Nebraska fed rats for six months ( Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 2005, 27, 1, 135-144; DOI: 10.1016 /, had an effect on the behavior of animals, mainly males, released into the field: they did not cross the lines like control ones, stood up on their hind legs and cleaned their fur. There is evidence that uranium also leads to memory impairments in animals. The behavioral change correlated with the level of lipid oxidation in the brain. It turns out that the uranium water made rats healthy, but stupid. These data will still be useful to us in the analysis of the so-called Gulf War Syndrome.

Is uranium contaminating shale gas sites? It depends on how much uranium is in the gas-containing rocks and how it is associated with them. For example, Assistant Professor Tracy Bank of the University of Buffalo explored the shale of the Marcellus deposit, which stretches from western New York through Pennsylvania and Ohio to West Virginia. It turned out that uranium is chemically bound precisely with the source of hydrocarbons (remember that related coal shale has the highest uranium content). Experiments have shown that the solution used for fracturing the formation perfectly dissolves uranium in itself. “When uranium in these waters comes to the surface, it can cause pollution of the surrounding area. It does not pose a radiation risk, but uranium is a poisonous element, ”notes Tracy Bank in an October 25, 2010 university press release. Detailed articles on the risk of environmental pollution by uranium or thorium in the extraction of shale gas have not yet been prepared.

Why is uranium needed? Previously, it was used as a pigment for making ceramics and colored glass. Now uranium is the basis of atomic energy and nuclear weapons. At the same time, its unique property is used - the ability of the nucleus to divide.

What is nuclear fission? The disintegration of the nucleus into two unequal large pieces. It is because of this property that during nucleosynthesis due to neutron irradiation, nuclei heavier than uranium are formed with great difficulty. The essence of the phenomenon is as follows. If the ratio of the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus is not optimal, it becomes unstable. Usually such a nucleus ejects from itself either an alpha particle - two protons and two neutrons, or a beta particle - a positron, which is accompanied by the transformation of one of the neutrons into a proton. In the first case, an element of the periodic table is obtained, spaced two cells back, in the second - one cell forward. However, in addition to the emission of alpha and beta particles, the uranium nucleus is capable of fission - decaying into the nuclei of two elements in the middle of the periodic table, for example barium and krypton, which it does after receiving a new neutron. This phenomenon was discovered shortly after the discovery of radioactivity, when physicists exposed the newly discovered radiation to whatever they had to. This is how Otto Frisch, a participant in the events, writes about this ("Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk", 1968, 96, 4). After the discovery of beryllium rays - neutrons - Enrico Fermi irradiated them, in particular, uranium in order to cause beta decay - he hoped to get the next, 93rd element, now called neptunium, at its expense. It was he who discovered a new type of radioactivity in irradiated uranium, which he associated with the appearance of transuranium elements. At the same time, the slowing down of neutrons, for which the beryllium source was covered with a layer of paraffin, increased this induced radioactivity. The American radiochemist Aristide von Grosse suggested that one of these elements was protactinium, but he was mistaken. But Otto Hahn, who was then working at the University of Vienna and considered protactinium discovered in 1917 to be his brainchild, decided that he was obliged to find out what elements were obtained in this case. Together with Lisa Meitner, at the beginning of 1938, Hahn suggested on the basis of the results of experiments that whole chains of radioactive elements are formed, arising from multiple beta decays of uranium-238 nuclei and its daughter elements that have absorbed a neutron. Soon, Lisa Meitner was forced to flee to Sweden, fearing possible reprisals from the Nazis after the Austrian Anschluss. Hahn, continuing his experiments with Fritz Strassmann, discovered that among the products there was also barium, an element with number 56, which in no way could be obtained from uranium: all the alpha decay chains of uranium end in much heavier lead. The researchers were so surprised by the result that they did not publish it, they only wrote letters to friends, in particular Lisa Meitner in Gothenburg. There, on Christmas Day 1938, her nephew, Otto Frisch, visited her, and while walking in the vicinity of the winter city - he was on skis, his aunt on foot - they discussed the possibility of the appearance of barium in the irradiation of uranium due to nuclear fission (for more information about Lisa Meitner, see “Chemistry and Life ", 2013, No. 4). Back in Copenhagen, Frisch literally on the ladder of a steamer leaving for the United States, caught Niels Bohr and told him about the idea of ​​fission. Bohr slapped his forehead and said: “Oh, what fools we were! We should have noticed this earlier. " In January 1939, an article by Frisch and Meitner was published on the fission of uranium nuclei by neutrons. By that time, Otto Frisch had already set up a test experiment, as had many American groups that had received a message from Bohr. They say that physicists began to disperse to their laboratories right during his report on January 26, 1939 in Washington at the annual conference on theoretical physics, when they grasped the essence of the idea. After the discovery of fission, Hahn and Strassmann revised their experiments and found, just like their colleagues, that the radioactivity of irradiated uranium is associated not with transurans, but with the decay of radioactive elements formed during fission from the middle of the periodic table.

How is the chain reaction in uranium? Soon after the possibility of fission of uranium and thorium nuclei was experimentally proved (and there are no other fissile elements on Earth in any significant amount), Niels Bohr and John Wheeler, who worked at Princeton, and also independently of them the Soviet theoretical physicist J. I. Frenkel and the Germans Siegfried Flügge and Gottfried von Droste created the theory of nuclear fission. Two mechanisms followed from it. One is related to the threshold absorption of fast neutrons. According to him, to initiate fission, a neutron must have a fairly high energy, more than 1 MeV for the nuclei of the main isotopes - uranium-238 and thorium-232. At lower energies, the absorption of a neutron by uranium-238 has a resonant character. For example, a neutron with an energy of 25 eV has a capture area thousands of times larger than with other energies. At the same time, there will be no fission: uranium-238 will become uranium-239, which with a half-life of 23.54 minutes will turn into neptunium-239, the one with a half-life of 2.33 days - into long-lived plutonium-239. Thorium-232 will become uranium-233.

The second mechanism is the thresholdless absorption of a neutron, followed by the third more or less common fissile isotope - uranium-235 (as well as plutonium-239 and uranium-233, which are absent in nature): after absorbing any neutron, even a slow one, the so-called thermal, with energy as for molecules participating in thermal motion - 0.025 eV, such a nucleus will split. And this is very good: thermal neutrons have a capture cross section four times higher than fast, megaelectronvolt ones. This is the significance of uranium-235 for the entire subsequent history of atomic energy: it is it that ensures the multiplication of neutrons in natural uranium. After a neutron hit, the uranium-235 nucleus becomes unstable and quickly divides into two unequal parts. Several (on average 2.75) new neutrons are emitted along the way. If they fall into the nuclei of the same uranium, they will cause the multiplication of neutrons in geometric progression - a chain reaction will take place, which will lead to an explosion due to the rapid release of a huge amount of heat. Neither uranium-238 nor thorium-232 can work this way: after fission, neutrons with an average energy of 1–3 MeV are emitted, that is, if there is an energy threshold of 1 MeV, a significant part of neutrons will certainly not be able to cause a reaction, and there will be no multiplication. This means that these isotopes should be forgotten and neutrons will have to be slowed down to thermal energy so that they interact with the nuclei of uranium-235 as efficiently as possible. At the same time, their resonant absorption by uranium-238 should not be allowed: after all, in natural uranium this isotope is slightly less than 99.3% and neutrons more often collide with it, and not with the target uranium-235. And by acting as a moderator, it is possible to maintain the multiplication of neutrons at a constant level and prevent an explosion - to control a chain reaction.

The calculation carried out by Ya.B. Zel'dovich and Yu.B. Khariton in the same fateful 1939 showed that for this it is necessary to use a neutron moderator in the form of heavy water or graphite and enrich natural uranium with uranium-235 by at least 1.83 times. Then this idea seemed to them pure fantasy: “It should be noted that approximately double enrichment of those rather significant amounts of uranium, which are necessary for the implementation of a chain explosion,<...>is an extremely cumbersome task close to practical impracticability. " Now this problem has been solved, and the nuclear industry is serially producing uranium for power plants, enriched with uranium-235 to 3.5%.

What is spontaneous nuclear fission? In 1940, G.N. Flerov and K.A. Since this fission also produces neutrons, if they are not allowed to fly away from the reaction zone, they will serve as initiators of the chain reaction. It is this phenomenon that is used to create nuclear reactors.

Why is nuclear power needed? Zeldovich and Khariton were among the first to calculate the economic effect of atomic energy ("Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk", 1940, 23, 4). “... At the moment, it is still impossible to draw final conclusions about the possibility or impossibility of carrying out a nuclear fission reaction with infinitely branching chains in uranium. If such a reaction is feasible, then the rate of the reaction is automatically adjusted to ensure its smooth flow, despite the enormous amount of energy at the experimenter's disposal. This circumstance is extremely favorable for the energetic utilization of the reaction. Therefore, let us give - although this is a division of the skin of an unkilled bear - some numbers that characterize the possibilities of the energetic use of uranium. If the fission process is on fast neutrons, therefore, the reaction captures the main isotope of uranium (U238), then<исходя из соотношения теплотворных способностей и цен на уголь и уран>the cost of a calorie from the main isotope of uranium turns out to be about 4000 times cheaper than from coal (unless, of course, the processes of "combustion" and heat removal are significantly more expensive in the case of uranium than in the case of coal). In the case of slow neutrons, the cost of a "uranium" calorie (based on the above figures) will be, taking into account that the abundance of the U235 isotope is 0.007, is already only 30 times cheaper than a "coal" calorie, all other things being equal ”.

The first controlled chain reaction was carried out in 1942 by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago, and the reactor was controlled manually - pushing in and out the graphite rods when changing the neutron flux. The first power plant was built in Obninsk in 1954. In addition to generating power, the first reactors also worked for the production of weapons-grade plutonium.

How does a nuclear power plant work? Most reactors now run on slow neutrons. Enriched uranium in the form of a metal, an alloy, for example with aluminum, or in the form of an oxide is piled into long cylinders - fuel elements. They are installed in a certain way in the reactor, and rods from the moderator are introduced between them, which control the chain reaction. Over time, reactor poisons, the fission products of uranium, also capable of absorbing neutrons, accumulate in the fuel element. When the concentration of uranium-235 falls below the critical value, the element is decommissioned. However, it contains many fission fragments with strong radioactivity, which decreases over the years, which is why the elements release a significant amount of heat for a long time. They are kept in cooling tanks, and then either buried or they are trying to reprocess them - to extract unburned uranium-235, accumulated plutonium (it was used to make atomic bombs) and other isotopes that can be used. The unused part is sent to the burial grounds.

In so-called fast reactors, or breeder reactors, reflectors made of uranium-238 or thorium-232 are installed around the elements. They slow down and send too fast neutrons back into the reaction zone. Neutrons slowed down to resonant speeds absorb the named isotopes, turning, respectively, into plutonium-239 or uranium-233, which can serve as fuel for a nuclear power plant. Since fast neutrons react poorly with uranium-235, its concentration must be significantly increased, but this pays off with a stronger neutron flux. Despite the fact that breeder reactors are considered the future of nuclear power, because they provide more nuclear fuel than they consume, experiments have shown that they are difficult to manage. Now in the world there is only one such reactor - at the fourth power unit of the Beloyarsk NPP.

How is nuclear power criticized? Aside from accidents, the main point in the arguments of opponents of nuclear power today is the proposal to add to the calculation of its efficiency the costs of protecting the environment after decommissioning the plant and when working with fuel. In both cases, there are problems of reliable disposal of radioactive waste, and these are costs borne by the state. It is believed that if we shift them to the cost of energy, then its economic attractiveness will disappear.

There is also opposition among the supporters of nuclear energy. Its representatives point to the uniqueness of uranium-235, for which there is no replacement, because alternative isotopes fissile with thermal neutrons - plutonium-239 and uranium-233 - are absent in nature due to a half-life of thousands of years. And they get them just as a result of the fission of uranium-235. If it ends, the excellent natural source of neutrons for a nuclear chain reaction will disappear. As a result of such extravagance, mankind will be deprived of the opportunity in the future to involve thorium-232 into the energy cycle, the reserves of which are several times greater than that of uranium.

In theory, particle accelerators can be used to generate a flux of fast neutrons with megaelectronvolt energies. However, if we are talking, for example, about interplanetary flights on an atomic engine, then it will be very difficult to implement a scheme with a bulky accelerator. Depletion of uranium-235 puts an end to such projects.

What is Weapon-Grade Uranium? This is highly enriched uranium-235. Its critical mass - it corresponds to the size of a piece of substance in which a chain reaction occurs spontaneously - is small enough to make ammunition. Such uranium can be used to make an atomic bomb, as well as a fuse for a thermonuclear bomb.

What disasters are associated with the use of uranium? The energy stored in the nuclei of the fissile elements is enormous. Having escaped from control through an oversight or due to intent, this energy is capable of doing a lot of troubles. Two of the worst nuclear disasters occurred on August 6 and 8, 1945, when the US Air Force dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of civilians. Disasters on a smaller scale are associated with accidents at nuclear power plants and nuclear cycle enterprises. The first major accident happened in 1949 in the USSR at the Mayak plant near Chelyabinsk, where plutonium was produced; liquid radioactive waste got into the Techa river. In September 1957, an explosion occurred on it with the release of a large amount of radioactive material. Eleven days later, the British plutonium production reactor at Windscale burned down, the cloud with the explosion products dissipated over Western Europe. In 1979, a reactor burned down at the Trimale Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania. The most ambitious consequences were the accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986) and the nuclear power plant in Fukushima (2011), when millions of people were exposed to radiation. The first littered vast lands, releasing 8 tons of uranium fuel with fission products as a result of the explosion, which spread throughout Europe. The second polluted and, three years after the accident, continues to pollute the waters of the Pacific Ocean in the fishing areas. Dealing with the consequences of these accidents was very expensive, and if these costs were decomposed by the cost of electricity, it would have increased significantly.

A separate issue is the consequences for human health. According to official statistics, many people who survived the bombing or live in contaminated areas benefited from radiation - the former have a higher life expectancy, the latter have fewer cancers, and experts associate a slight increase in mortality with social stress. The number of people who died precisely from the consequences of accidents or as a result of their elimination is in the hundreds. Opponents of nuclear power plants point out that the accidents led to several million premature deaths on the European continent, they are simply invisible against the statistical background.

The withdrawal of lands from human use in accident zones leads to an interesting result: they become a kind of nature reserves where biodiversity grows. True, some animals suffer from radiation-related illnesses. The question of how quickly they will adapt to the increased background remains open. There is also an opinion that the consequence of chronic irradiation is "selection for a fool" (see "Chemistry and Life", 2010, No. 5): even at the embryonic stage, more primitive organisms survive. In particular, in relation to humans, this should lead to a decrease in mental abilities in the generation born in contaminated areas shortly after the accident.

What is depleted uranium? This is uranium-238, left over after the separation of uranium-235 from it. The volumes of waste from the production of weapons-grade uranium and fuel elements are large - in the USA alone, 600 thousand tons of hexafluoride of such uranium have accumulated (for problems with it, see "Chemistry and Life", 2008, No. 5). The content of uranium-235 in it is 0.2%. This waste must either be stored until better times, when fast reactors will be created and the possibility of reprocessing uranium-238 into plutonium will appear, or somehow used.

They found a use for him. Uranium, like other transition elements, is used as a catalyst. For example, the authors of the article in ACS Nano dated June 30, 2014, they write that a catalyst made of uranium or thorium with graphene for the reduction of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide "has enormous potential for energy applications." Because uranium is dense, it serves as ballast for ships and as counterweight for aircraft. This metal is also suitable for radiation protection in medical devices with radiation sources.

What weapons can be made from depleted uranium? Bullets and cores for armor-piercing shells. The calculation is as follows. The heavier the projectile, the higher its kinetic energy. But the larger the projectile, the less concentrated its impact. This means that heavy metals with a high density are needed. Bullets are made of lead (the Ural hunters at one time also used native platinum until they realized that it was a precious metal), while the cores of the shells were made of tungsten alloy. Environmentalists point out that lead contaminates the soil in places of hostilities or hunting and it would be better to replace it with something less harmful, for example, the same tungsten. But tungsten is not cheap, and uranium, similar in density, is a harmful waste. At the same time, the permissible contamination of soil and water with uranium is approximately two times greater than for lead. This happens because the weak radioactivity of depleted uranium (and it is also 40% less than that of natural) is neglected and a really dangerous chemical factor is taken into account: uranium, as we remember, is poisonous. At the same time, its density is 1.7 times that of lead, which means that the size of uranium bullets can be halved; uranium is much more refractory and solid than lead - it evaporates less when fired, and when it hits a target, it produces fewer microparticles. In general, a uranium bullet pollutes the environment less than a lead one, however, it is not known for certain about such use of uranium.

But it is known that depleted uranium plates are used to strengthen the armor of American tanks (this is facilitated by its high density and melting point), as well as instead of tungsten alloy in the cores for armor-piercing projectiles. The uranium core is also good because the uranium is pyrophoric: its hot small particles formed upon impact on the armor flare up and set everything on fire. Both applications are considered radiation safe. So, the calculation showed that, even after spending a year in a tank with uranium armor loaded with uranium ammunition, the crew will receive only a quarter of the allowable dose. And in order to get the annual allowable dose, it is necessary to fasten such an ammunition to the skin surface for 250 hours.

Shells with uranium cores - for 30-mm aircraft cannons or for subcaliber artillery - were used by the Americans in recent wars, starting with the 1991 Iraqi campaign. That year, they poured onto Iraqi armored units in Kuwait, and during their retreat, 300 tons of depleted uranium, of which 250 tons, or 780 thousand rounds, fell on aircraft cannons. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the bombing of the army of the unrecognized Republika Srpska, 2.75 tons of uranium were spent, and during the shelling of the Yugoslav army in the province of Kosovo and Metohija - 8.5 tons, or 31 thousand rounds. Since the WHO was by then concerned about the consequences of the uranium use, monitoring was carried out. It showed that one salvo consisted of approximately 300 rounds, of which 80% contained depleted uranium. 10% hit the targets, and 82% fell within 100 meters of them. The rest scattered within 1.85 km. The shell that hit the tank burned up and turned into an aerosol, light targets like armored personnel carriers were pierced through by the uranium shell. Thus, one and a half tons of shells could turn into uranium dust in Iraq. According to the estimates of the specialists of the American strategic research center "RAND Corporation", more has turned into aerosol, from 10 to 35% of the uranium used. Croat Asaf Durakovic, a croat fighter with uranium munitions, who worked in a variety of organizations from King Faisal Hospital in Riyadh to the Washington Uranium Medical Research Center, believes that in 1991 only in southern Iraq, 3-6 tons of submicron uranium particles were formed, which scattered over a wide area , that is, uranium pollution there is comparable to that of Chernobyl.

The atomic bomb Gubarev Vladimir Stepanovich

Where to get uranium?

Where to get uranium?

Uranium needed hundreds of tons.

There were only a few kilograms in the USSR ...

Uranium deposits were poorly studied, they were located in remote areas of Central Asia, and were considered so poor that geologists considered it madness to start mining there.

However, they were soon forced to change their point of view.

In war-torn Europe, special teams - American and ours - were looking for uranium, with which the Germans were working. We got some of it, but the Yankees took most of it to their place; including the uranium that was in our zone of occupation. The Americans simply grabbed the "yellow powder", loaded them onto cars and disappeared. Our group of physicists was only a couple of days late, they were told that the American army really needed dyes, but how can we refuse such a trifle to the Allies ?!

In August 1945 I.V. Stalin demanded detailed information on the state of affairs and on the results of research on the atomic problem. I.V. Kurchatov and I.K. Kikoin prepared "Help".

Stalin asked to make calculations of the necessary materials and means for the manufacture of 100 atomic bombs. Professors Kurchatov and Kikoin said in their "Help" that this requires approximately 230 tons of uranium metal.

And how much uranium was in the USSR?

Kurchatov and Kikoin provide accurate data:

“In 1944 in the USSR the enterprises of the People's Commissariat for Meta mined 1,519 tons of uranium ore and produced only 2 tons of uranium salts.

In 1945, these enterprises were transferred to the NKVD of the USSR and it is planned to extract 5,000 tons of ore and 7 tons of uranium in chemical compounds. In 1946, the capacity of the enterprises will be increased to 125 thousand tons of ore and up to 50 tons of uranium ... The technology for obtaining metallic uranium and uranium compounds has been developed, with the exception of high-purity uranium required for the uranium-graphite boiler.

The impression is that there are very few uranium deposits in the country. And those that do have small reserves of ores, and the concentration of uranium in them is negligible.

The section "uranium resources in the USSR and abroad" is written by Kurchatov and Kikoin dryly, but nevertheless, one can feel the alarm behind the short phrases.

It is said about uranium reserves as follows:

“Until 1944, there was virtually no exploration for uranium.

At present, the explored reserves of uranium in the USSR in all categories (except for the assumed ones) are 300 tons and are located in two deposits: Taboshar (Tajik SSR) - 262 tons and Maili-Suu (Kyrgyz SSR) - 32 tons

A serious disadvantage of our uranium deposits is the low uranium content in the ore (0.08 - 0.2%), which limits the extraction of uranium from the ore.

In view of this, it is still possible to obtain only 100–120 tons of uranium out of 300 tons of explored reserves ”.

60 geological parties in 1945 searched for new uranium deposits. They worked in the Baltics and Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Northern Urals. However, there have been no victorious reports yet ... That is why the "foreign" section of the "References" of Kurchatov and Kikoin attracted Stalin's special attention.

It said:

“In July of this year. The NKVD identified and removed from Germany 3.5 tons of uranium metal and 300 tons of its compounds, from which we can get 150-200 tons of uranium metal.

This uranium was removed from Belgium by the Germans.

The search for uranium raw materials in Germany continues. "

Unfortunately, no more uranium could be found in Germany.

The "Note" mentions deposits in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. One of them is destined to play an important role in the "Atomic Project of the USSR":

“Czechoslovakia has a well-known uranium deposit at Joachimstal.

Previously, silver and cobalt were mined here, and then radium.

Uranium reserves, according to literature data, are about 1000 tons with an average content of 0.85%.

The NKVD of the USSR dispatches a group of our specialists to get acquainted with the field and find out the expediency of the USSR's participation in its development. "

Literally a few days later, on August 30, L.P. Beria receives information from Dresden via HF from P.Ya. Meshik and S.P. Alexandrova. The surname of one of Beria's closest assistants - Meshik - will be encountered many times in the history of the Atomic Project. They will call him "the dog of the NKVD", and he will call himself that. Later, he will disappear along with his boss ...

S.P. Aleksandrov - mining engineer, professor, candidate of sciences. In 1937 he was "drafted" into the NKVD system, where he served. He was an experienced and knowledgeable specialist, and therefore Meshik took him with him.

So Meshik and Aleksandrov reported:

“Moscow, NKVD of the USSR - to comrade Beria L.P.


On your instructions, we were able to survey the Iokhimstalskoe (Yakhimovskoe) ore deposit A-9 in Czechoslovakia ... "

Let me remind you: "A-9" is uranium.

“We personally and a group of our specialist employees managed to get acquainted with geological maps, mine surveying plans, statistical and economic data, visit the main mine workings, inspect structures on the surface, observe the work of the processing plant, contact a number of specialists of both the mine and the resort ...”

Representatives of the Atomic Project had to act both cautiously and at the same time very decisively. It was clear to them that the Nazis showed special attention to this deposit, and, therefore, this is another evidence that an attempt was made to create nuclear weapons in Germany.

"2. During the occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Jokhimstal (Jachymov) enterprise was modernized by Germany. From 1939 to 1945 at least 2 million rims were invested in this enterprise, mainly in mining and processing machinery.

3. As a result of modernization, the entire enterprise is currently in excellent technical condition.

4. The actual capacity of the enterprise is 2–3 times higher than the actual, the annual capacity can easily be increased to 6–9 g of radium per year and, accordingly, to 20–30 tons of A-9 ... "

Meshik and Aleksandrov understand that some new forms of relations between the USSR and Czechoslovakia are needed, since it is not only the mine, the radium, but also the healing waters, which have long been well known throughout Europe.

"eight. In the workings of the Jáchymov mine, there are two sources of highly radioactive waters - the name of Curie and the name of Becquerel. The waters of these springs are, after radium ores, the second mineral of the enterprise, pumping out to the surface, and serve as a healing basis for a highly developed resort of European importance.

As a result of the work done, we and our specialists have collected valuable statistical, geological and other data, as well as mined samples of ores and concentrates. Having thus completed the first part of your assignment, namely, having established the current state and prospects of the Yokhimstal (Yakhimovsky) ore deposit A-9, we proceed to the implementation of the second part of the assignment, namely, negotiations in Prague through the USSR Ambassador, Comrade Zorin on the concession of the Yokhimstal (Yakhimov) radium enterprise by the USSR or on other forms of mastering the Yakhimov raw materials ... "

Very little time passes, and work in Czechoslovakia expands sharply. On March 15, 1946, Stalin himself signed a decree to increase the production of A-9 at the Yakhimovsky mine. New equipment is being transferred there, mining specialists are sent, geological exploration is expanding. For the Permanent Czechoslovak-Soviet Commission (this form of cooperation was created), "food cards of an increased norm - for 700 people" are allocated. and "special list food cards - for 200 people."

Hunger raged in Ukraine, the most difficult situation was developing in the countries of Eastern Europe, and therefore Stalin personally must sign a document on how much to give to workers, engineers and employees of the Jachymov food enterprise. In particular, since April 1946, every month:

"... b) additional special meals according to the list No. 01-50 of second hot dishes with 100 g of bread - 500 letters" A "with a subscription - 5 letters" B "with dry rations - 25 ..."

Uranium from Czechoslovakia is now often mentioned in the documents of the Atomic Project, since it was also used in the first nuclear reactor in Europe, launched by I.V. Kurchatov on the outskirts of Moscow, and in the first industrial reactor, where plutonium was produced for the first atomic bomb, and in the world's first nuclear power plant.

From the book of the USSR. 100 questions and answers author Proshutinsky V

"Why was it necessary to take upon yourself the conduct of the Olympics, if, as it turned out, you cannot cope with the preparations for it without the help of the West?" - This statement is unfounded. Let us turn to the facts: from the very beginning, the organizers of the Olympics focused primarily on

From the book The Atomic Project: The Mystery of the "Forty" the author Novoselov V.N.

Chapter 7 THE URANIUM WAS POSITIONED ... ON THE ASS While the first scientific center for the study of the uranium problem was growing on the outskirts of Moscow, searches for uranium ore were going on thousands of kilometers from the capital. For the operation of the first experimental atomic reactor, at least one hundred

From the book Arctic Shadows of the Third Reich the author Kovalev Sergey Alekseevich

Chapter 12 URANUM SPEAKED IN RUSSIAN WITH GRAPHITE! The reorganization of the management of Program No. 1 has brought positive results. Work on the creation of the first experimental reactor has been accelerated. Lots of graphite and uranium are regularly supplied to Laboratory No. 2

From the book Contracting on Mussolini author Feldman Alex

The cruiser "Indianapolis" and the missing uranium of the Third Reich Include in this book a chapter about one of the most disastrous (according to the data discovered in the USSR. - Auth.) Scientific research of the Third Reich allowed a closer examination of ... the secrets of death in the last months of the Second

From the book Secret Pages of the Great Patriotic War the author Bondarenko Alexander Yulievich

Part eleven. Don't take it alive. The allies also learned about the arrest of Mussolini. The intelligence services of the United States and Great Britain at all costs, tried to get ahead of each other in pursuit of the Duce, while they did not hesitate to misinform each other, forgetting that they were comrades

From the book The Gray Wolf. Flight of Adolf Hitler by Dunsten Simon

Session three: "Parade of the planets" - "Uranus", "Mars" and "Little Saturn" On November 16, 2002, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the transition of Soviet troops to the counteroffensive at Stalingrad, a regular "round table" meeting was held dedicated to the grandiose battle on the Volga, which laid

From the book Atomic Bomb the author Gubarev Vladimir Stepanovich

Chapter 9 Money, Missiles and Uranium After the simultaneous defeat of Army Group Center in Belarus and Army Group B in Normandy, Martin Bormann became convinced of the need to accelerate the development of Operations Eagle Flight and Tierra del Fuego. For this, he organized an emergency meeting.

From the author's book

where to buy uranium? Back in the summer of 1943, I.V. Kurchatov in his Memorandum on the work of Laboratory No. 2 wrote to V. M. Molotov: “To create a boiler from metallic uranium and a mixture of uranium with graphite, it is necessary to accumulate 100 tons of uranium in the coming years. The explored reserves of this

From the author's book

who WILL SEARCH URANIUM? By the winter of 1944, it became clear that the uranium situation was simply catastrophic. Beria, having familiarized himself with the details of the entire Atomic Project, quickly determined that all efforts to create new weapons would be in vain if a reliable

From the author's book

"Equate uranium with gold ..." This time, L.P. Beria asks the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR I.V. Stalin to change the procedure for accounting, storage, transportation and distribution of uranium. In his letter, he clarifies: “By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 23, 1944 No. 1279-378 ss was

Geologists from several American, German and Swiss universities have said that there is a need to rethink the conditions in which uranium deposits can form. They talked about their research in the journal Nature Communications.

One of the most common types of uranium deposits used in nuclear power plants is the so-called sandstone infiltration deposits. Uranium is mined from the uraninite mineral (with the idealized formula UO2, in nature it contains both UO2 and UO3), which is found in roll deposits in sandstone at great depths. It is believed that uranium deposits form over millions of years as a result of reactions of inorganic compounds.

Scientists have found new evidence that living microorganisms, bacteria, can generate a different kind of uranium, which is in a non-crystalline form. The chemical and physical properties of this compound distinguish it from uraninite, formed from an inorganic substance. Scientists came to this conclusion by studying the composition of uranium in developing and undeveloped areas of deposits in Wyoming, where a non-crystalline form of uranium of biological origin was found. This finding allowed scientists to assume that uranium can be formed naturally in ore deposits with the participation of microorganisms.

Scientists examined samples from roll deposits from a depth of 200 meters. They established, including by means of isotope analysis, that 89% of the uranium in the samples was contained in a non-crystalline form, and the formation of such forms of uranium is associated with organic matter or inorganic carbonates. Most of the uranium discovered by geologists in the area under development of the deposit was formed about 3 million years ago as a result of the activity of microorganisms, which led to the deposition of uranium.

The abundance of such biogenic, non-crystalline uranium could have implications for the environmental remediation of mining operations and for mining practices in general, scientists say. For example, biogenic non-crystalline uranium is likely to form water-soluble forms, in contrast to its crystalline counterpart uraninite. This could affect the ecological mobility of uranium, resulting in an increased likelihood of contamination of the drinking water aquifer.

In the future, scientists hope to investigate the origin of roll deposits in other uranium deposits in order to assess the global significance of their results for clarifying the theory of uranium formation, as well as for its ecological migration and the associated safe reclamation of mine workings. For this, among other things, it is important to understand whether the microbes that produce uranium today are the same as those that formed it in the earth's crust three million years ago.

On the Internet, some gentlemen have many times in all sorts of ways told the tale that Russia allegedly sold the "last uranium shirt" to evil Americans, and for a song, and now we do not have weapons-grade uranium and plutonium to make atomic bombs. In general, "all polymers have been pissed away."

To talk about how things really are, I'll start with a picture that shows the total number of nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States. The picture, as it is easy to see, shows the situation for 2009. As you can see, we are far ahead of the United States in terms of the number of warheads (including in tactical warheads - more than four times). It is also easy to see in the picture that out of 13,000 warheads, there are 8,160 warheads, we simply have nowhere to put - there are no missiles for them. And the situation in the United States is also similar.

At the same time, by the end of 1985, the USSR, at the peak of its glory, had about 44,000 nuclear warheads. And even then, some of them had nowhere to put. The United States peaked at 32,000 nuclear charges in 1965, then began to gradually reduce the number of charges, but nevertheless by 1995 found itself in a situation similar to ours with a shortage of missiles for charges.

It should be understood that a nuclear charge by itself is not eternal - it gradually deteriorates during storage, its fissile materials, due to self-decay, are gradually poisoned by the isotopes formed, etc. It became clear that with such an excess of old warheads, they must be disposed of, and the weapons-grade uranium and plutonium removed from them either be cleaned again for use in weapons purposes, or, which is cheaper, diluted with low-enriched uranium and used as fuel in nuclear power plants.

As of 1991, the situation was as follows: the United States possessed about 600 tons of weapons-grade uranium and about 85 tons of plutonium. The USSR, on the other hand, managed to produce about 1100-1400 tons of weapons-grade uranium and 155 tons of plutonium.

Separately, it must be said that until 1995 the only enrichment enterprise in the United States, which was responsible for both the production of weapons-grade uranium and the supply of uranium to reactors for nuclear power plants in the United States - the current USEC company - was a structural unit of the US Department of Energy (DOE). At the same time, the number of its own SWU (fissile material enrichment facilities), which the United States had at its disposal until 1991 (and this is the only gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah) was only 8.5 million SWU. And the demand for all nuclear reactors built by 1979 in the United States (after 1979 in the United States, reactors were not built - and more on that below) was, according to an estimate, from 11 to 12 million SWU per year.

And with this single plant in Paducah, like a lone basin in a bath, the United States covered both the production of weapons-grade uranium and the production of reactor uranium. Are you now surprised that the maximum number of warheads at the disposal of the United States was for some reason not at the end of the Cold War, but back in 1965? Yes, yes - since 1965, nuclear power plants in the United States began to consume more uranium than the United States had time to enrich. And the United States began to cover the difference by releasing weapons-grade uranium and plutonium with its subsequent use in fuel for nuclear power plants.

Already in 1979, the United States realized that if things went on like this, they risked being left without nuclear weapons at all. And they were forced to stop the construction of the nuclear power plant. For this, a convenient excuse was used - the accident at the Threemile Island nuclear power plant. Conspiracy theorists say the accident was rigged, more critical people say it was accidental, but it was heavily hyped in the media.

However, nuclear power plants already built were gradually eating up the US nuclear stock and American businessmen were not going to close them, as the stupid Japanese or Germans do. I had to look for a source of supplies of additional amounts of nuclear fuel.

Since 1987, the United States and the USSR have adopted a number of joint agreements, which are sometimes combined into a kind of coordinated program of "Cooperative Threat Reduction". There was a lot of political chatter in these agreements, but their main meaning for the United States was economic. It consisted in freeing up stocks of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium to cover fuel shortages for American nuclear power plants. In February 1993, Russia and the United States signed an agreement to sell 500 tons of uranium recovered from old nuclear warheads (the so-called HEU-LEU agreement, or "megatons for megawatts"). The implementation of the agreement is designed for a long period (more than 10 years), and the total amount of the contract is estimated at $ 12 billion. This is the very agreement about which our protralopolymers are so fond of shouting - they say, we gave the USA our weapons-grade uranium, 500 tons, "it's gone, boss!" etc.

Well, firstly, no one sent weapons-grade uranium to the USA ... Weapon-grade uranium has a degree of enrichment of more than 90%, but is supplied to the United States in a diluted form (depleted or natural uranium), so the concentration of U-235 in the resulting mixture was about 4%. Moreover, it is believed that Russia simply deceived the United States by supplying mainly conventional low-enrichment fuel uranium.

To understand the situation, I will inform you of a little-known fact that, as part of the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, the United States stopped the last plutonium production reactor back in 1992. In Russia, the last such reactor (in Zheleznogorsk) was shut down only in April 2010. And even then only because Russia has a powerful commercial breeder reactor on its way, which receives a large amount of plutonium practically for free, along with the generation of energy. Doesn't it fit well with the sale of "extra" weapon material?

Secondly, the Russians threw the United States on raw materials. ... In the 90s, after the separation of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Russia simply did not have enough natural uranium to fully utilize its enrichment capacities. Own production of natural uranium in Russia was concentrated on a single object - the Priargunskoye deposit, where only about 2,500 tons of ore were mined, and at least 7,000 tons per year were needed. Why let ultracentrifuges stand idle?

Therefore, the Americans were told that Russia allegedly did not have enough natural uranium to dilute the weapon component. In order to ensure at least some implementation of the program (and in the first 6 years of the contract, only 50 tons of HEU, diluted with all sorts of dirt) were shipped, in 1999 the US Government convinces the largest Western producers of natural uranium - Cameco (Canada), Cogema (now Areva, France), and Nukem (Germany) to sell to Russia at a special price of 118,000 tons of natural uranium! Just think about this figure - this is the raw material for 17 years of full load of our centrifuges. And the USA provided us with it.

Why? Because the fuel situation in the United States was absolutely catastrophic.

In 1998 (that is, a year before the United States was forced to arrange supplies of uranium ore to Russia), the US government carried out its HEU-LEU program, transferring 174 tons of weapons-grade uranium to the civilian sector (one third of the Russian twenty-year program!).

In 2005, the US Department of Energy again announced the transfer of an additional 40 tons of "substandard" highly enriched uranium for dilution with natural uranium. This amount of uranium for some reason turned out to be very "spoiled" by the isotope 236U, due to which a separate "mixing" program was announced for it - BLEU (Blended Low-Enriched Uranium).

The HEU-LEU program on normal weapons-grade uranium was continued by the US Department of Energy in 2008, when the same American contractor, TVA, which digested the last batch of substandard uranium, was offered another 21 tons of weapons-grade uranium. And another 29.5 tons of normal weapons-grade uranium were diluted by other US Department of Energy contractors.

In total, for the period 1993-2013, the United States used for its nuclear power plants, in addition to the Russian 500 tons of virtual HEU, another 201.2 tons of its real highly enriched uranium.

It should be emphasized that all this uranium ended up as fuel for Western-type reactors. That is, about 700 tons of weapons-grade uranium were the oxygen cushion that kept the American (and, more broadly, the entire Western!) Nuclear power generation over the past 20 years.

However, all good things come to an end. The HEU-LEU program has also ended. Yes, yes - although it is formally still working until 2014, the actual volumes of Russian fuel supplies under this program are already close to zero. But Russian supplies of HEU-LEU provided about 12% of the world demand for reactor uranium and 38% of the demand for reactor uranium in the United States itself.

So what is the US going to charge its reactors with?

I think that I will not be much mistaken if I say that the United States now has no more than 300 tons of weapons-grade plutonium and uranium, including what you can still "pick" from old, but not yet disassembled warheads, without touching the strategic 1500 warheads and a few more tactical ones. If we replace the Russian program with these 300 tons, this amount of isotopes will be enough for 6 years. And then it is already necessary to build centrifuges, start up breeder reactors, buy uranium at market prices on the international market - in general, work, work and work again.

And the fat pindos doesn't want to work. Therefore, if Fukushima had not happened, the Americans should have organized it. Didn't you organize the Green Party in Germany with their idiotic program to “shut down all nuclear power plants” and start fun experiments with electricity generation using wind and sun? Are they paying for the Indians' protests against the opening of an already finished nuclear power plant? Did you pay for the closure of an excellent nuclear power plant in Lithuania?

Russia's stocks of weapons-grade uranium are in the region of 780 tons., which, for example, is calmly said by such an informed person as the president of the Canadian company Cameco Jerry Grundy. This Canadian man knows this business very well - he has been supplying natural uranium to Russia at "special prices" since 1999 and to this day. He felt these Russian "fucking polymers" on his own skin.

In fact, the situation for the United States and the West as a whole is much worse. The fact is that a sensible centrifugal enrichment industry in Western countries (mainly by the efforts of the European companies Areva and Urenco) is still being created, and the gaseous diffusion plants USEC (USA) and Areva itself are already scheduled to close in the period 2015-2017 due to for the extreme degree of wear and tear of equipment that threatens accidents, against the background of which Chernobyl will seem like cute jokes.

Is it possible to say how much uranium will cost tomorrow and who will be worth what in the world when the nuclear morning comes? Yes, you can. Moreover, even the illogical and insane actions of Germany and Japan, committing "economic hara-kiri" in front of our eyes, have long been calculated, taken into account and, moreover, most likely in some places recognized as correct and fully consistent with the "requirement of the revolutionary moment."

Pictured is the nuclear world in 2010. Before Fukushima and before the "German Consensus" of 2011, which left Germany with a pitiful "stump" of its once powerful nuclear generation, by simultaneously reducing the number of operating power units from 17 to 9. Moreover, the "Greens" demanded to close all the nuclear power plants in general.

The coming winter, of course, will add statistics to the world about how stable generating and distribution networks are in the presence of such pleasant sources as wind and solar energy in dispatching and control, and in the absence of “non-environmentally friendly” nuclear power plants. Germany will set an example for all of us, haha.

In the meantime, the German industry is already actively buying (surprise! Surprise!) Reserve gas piston units operating on gas (Gazprom rubs its handles and counts future profits), and generating companies are talking about the usefulness of a permanent gas power generation unit (Gazprom starts rubbing its handles three times faster), which can at least quickly pick up "falling pants" from such hot and fickle guys like the wind and the sun. And yes, who would have thought - coal-fired TPPs cannot gain power as quickly as it is necessary from the point of view of the stability of the networks, therefore, they will not save anyone.

It is, of course, to blame for this mess Putin personally and his agent of influence - hidden crypto-communist Angela Merkel. And not the agents of influence of the United States, who (the United States) desperately need to carve out nuclear fuel for their nuclear power plants. Simply because most of the reactors are located in the United States - there are 104 of them operating there. For comparison, in France (which covers 3/4 of its energy needs at the expense of nuclear power plants) there are 59 reactors, while in Russia there are only 31 of them.

By the way, the 1986 accident at Chernobyl was very convenient for the United States. It is so convenient and happened at the right time that there are big doubts about its accident.

The situation with the rejection of atomic energy in Japan generally looks like going beyond the boundaries of good and evil.... A country that had almost a third of electricity generation from nuclear reactors, following the results of the Fukushima accident, which is equally convenient and timely for the United States, at the moment operates only 2 reactors out of 54... Alternative energy, from which you can then scrape off new kilowatts, must first be brought to the Japanese islands, and now, against the background of China and Indonesia, which rake out all the coal in the Asia-Pacific region, only natural gas is needed. Moreover - the most expensive, liquefied. Do you think it will be good for the Japanese economy, which is already uncompetitive against the background of South Korea and China, if its costs still grow due to the consumption of expensive liquefied gas?

Meanwhile, with the enrichment facilities in the United States, the situation is on guard. “Immediately after the privatization of USEC, various accusations began to be brought against it, from incompetence to dishonest collusion and bribery ... The financial situation of the corporation is very difficult, and the future of the uranium enrichment program in the United States is in question ... High overhead costs and outdated technologies of the 50s years have turned the USEC business into an unprofitable and completely dependent on Russian subsidies, ”wrote the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in May 2002.

Since then, little has changed. “The operating organizations (in the US) hate USEC. Russians hate USEC. The US Department of Energy hates USEC ", - says the British newspaper" Financial Times ". And in these conditions of universal hatred, the enrichment corporation regularly postpones the start-up dates of the Pikton plant, constantly recalculates the construction estimate upward, and also permanently requires additional injections from the federal budget.

The United States has lost many positions in the fuel cycle and is dependent on imports. Conversion of weapons-grade uranium is almost the only area of ​​the nuclear fuel cycle where a company from the United States can still compete with foreign suppliers. And this is not my opinion - this is the opinion of the atomic company "ConverDyn" from the USA itself.

So hard work with weapons-grade uranium was beneficial for Russia, and in the United States, thanks to it, the degradation of the nuclear industry accelerated. The flagship of American enrichment is the USEC company, after the work of the HEU-LEU program is in a deep crisis, and for some reason Russia still has almost 800 tons of free weapon-grade uranium.

Continuing the story about the technologies of a closed nuclear cycle, I would like to put into a mosaic of facts about reactors, isotopes and technological concepts the main brick, without which it is very difficult to imagine an integral picture of what all participants in the race to the bright future of the peaceful atom want to get.

I'm talking about fuel.

It is around the fuel and its processing inside the closed nuclear fuel cycle that the whole intrigue of the future of nuclear power revolves. It depends on how and how efficiently the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel will be organized and whether the closed nuclear fuel cycle will become the technology of the future, or whether it will remain a “paper tiger” that will never be able to catch the most sleepy mouse.

So, there are tough guys on the screen!

On the right is weapons-grade uranium, on the left is weapons-grade plutonium. This is how they look in life, in the form pure metals which they are. Both weapons-grade uranium and weapons-grade plutonium are recommended to be handled only with special protective gloves, and plutonium should also be stored in an airtight package - the smallest particles of plutonium, due to its natural volatility and high radioactive toxicity (more than 1000 times higher than such for uranium) can easily settle in the bronchi and lungs and subsequently cause irreversible damage to the respiratory organs.
At the same time, like many other heavy metals, plutonium and uranium are extremely poorly removed from the human body - even after 40 years, only half of these elements will be removed from the human liver.
In general, both plutonium and uranium in their fuel, chemically and isotopically pure state already require very careful and careful handling.

But the problems that need to be solved when using them in the closed nuclear fuel cycle are even more difficult ...

Why is ZYATZ needed? And what is it all about - a closed nuclear cycle? What are we closing in this cycle and what is this nuclear alchemy that helps us literally “make fuel out of nothing”?

ZNFC, in its essence, in its uranium version, is a permanent, multistage and laborious uranium to plutonium conversion process.
And burning the resulting plutonium together with uranium, which again gives us additional quantities of plutonium obtained, again, from uranium.
Within the framework of isotope mechanics, I have already somehow analyzed this magic here.

Within the framework of the use and processing of fuel, this "isotope round dance" looks even more interesting.
First, today's reactor designs involve periodic loading and unloading of nuclear fuel. Due to the fact that plutonium is not found in our "wild nature", the reactor is loaded either natural or enriched uranium.
Today only one type of industrial reactors operates on natural uranium in the world - the Canadian CANDU reactors and their clones in several other countries (for example, India):

This is, in fact, the only heavy water reactor to date - only CANDU reactors can today run on natural uranium without the need for any complicated uranium isotope separation processes - either in modern centrifuges or in gaseous diffusion plants that are now a thing of the past.
In addition, CANDU reactors, in principle, can even "eat up" with a little modification and fine-tuning, even spent nuclear fuel(SNF) behind pressurized water reactors of VVER or PWR type.

"NS? And how is it - to burn again what has already burned out? "- the reader will ask. And he will certainly be right - in the case of oil, gas or coal. These chemical fuels do, in fact, burn completely in the process of generating energy. But in the case of nuclear fuel, as Comrade Stalin used to say: "it was not like that, savsem was not like that."

The thing is that none of the reactors fuel does not burn completely... At some point in time, the content of the fissile isotope in the core simply falls below certain critical levels, and a self-sustaining chain reaction simply becomes impossible - even on absorbing rods completely extended from the core, neutrons from the fission of some 235 U nucleus simply cannot find the following nuclei to continue the chain reaction.
The thing is that, as I already wrote in my article on the mechanics of isotopes, part of the neutrons from the chain reaction of uranium fission is inevitably absorbed by the structures of the reactor, part is delayed by the moderator and the coolant, and a considerable part of the neutrons is slowly converting the 238 U contained in the fuel rods into the same 239 Pu, which is shown in our upper picture.
Moreover, it is very important to note that such a process of gradual conversion of uranium into plutonium is underway from the first second from the moment when a nuclear reaction began in the core of a nuclear reactor.
That is, despite the fact that for the initiation of the fission reaction, mankind still has a single "nuclear match" in the form of the easily divisible isotope 235 U, even in modern pressurized water reactors such as VVER or PWR it is not only uranium 235 U that burns... In them, starting from the very first second from the beginning of the chain reaction, the second "tough guy" - plutonium begins to form (and burn!).

What value is the percentage of fuel combustion characterized by? As you can imagine, weighing a “burnt” fuel element is practically useless - unlike a car of high-quality coal, which almost completely transforms into the form of carbon dioxide (CO 2), leaving us only a handful of incombustible ash, the fuel element practically does not lose its original mass.
All of its initial mass, with the exception of neutron losses and a small release of inert gases formed as reaction products, remains inside the fuel rod.
Therefore, to measure the percentage of combustion of the initial fuel, atomic scientists came up with a cunning parameter: megawatt per day per ton of fuel or, abbreviated - MW day / ton.
This parameter can be measured directly, by measuring the instantaneous power of the reactor and knowing the value of its full initial load. Understandably, due to the fact that the fuel in the reactor gradually burns out and degrades, all other things being equal, “fresh” nuclear fuel produces a higher instantaneous value of MW · days per ton than spent.
Therefore, to “adjust” the reactor in terms of power, depending on the “freshness” of the fuel, special control rods (neutron absorbers) are used, which take on a part of the excess neutron flux from the fresh fuel.
Relatively speaking, the absorbing rods are the "throttle valve" of the reactor, which, depending on the degree of its opening, allows nuclear fuel to manifest all the potential of a chain reaction available to it.

At the bottom - the reactor core with fuel rods, at the top - channels for control rods.
Sectional model of a small reactor. Scale 1: 1.

To date, the main limiting factor for the degree of burnup of nuclear fuel, however, is by no means the possibility of controlling the reactor with control rods. The control rods of the reactor are by no means on the "upper shelf" ("gas to failure, and then we'll see") at the end of the campaign of using nuclear fuel in the reactor.
The main limitation on the depth of burnup of nuclear fuel today is associated with accumulation of fission products... As a result of each fission of a uranium nucleus, instead of one atom, two new ones are formed, the total volume of which is approximately twice the volume of the separated atom, since all atoms of chemical elements, in general, have approximately the same volumes. In addition, new atoms, which are fission fragments, belong to other chemical elements, due to which they cannot be placed in the nodes of the crystal lattice of uranium.
Well, for a snack, as I have already mentioned, some of the fission products are gases (mainly inert krypton and xenon, as well as the ubiquitous helium), which further inflate the unfortunate TVEL from the inside.
Since all these processes lead to an increase in the volume of matter inside the fuel rod, the depth of nuclear fuel burnup is limited today exclusively by the pressure of the reaction products inside the fuel rod - and the ability of its design to withstand this pressure.
The fuel rods themselves, the elementary building blocks of nuclear fuel, have already been run through in my blog. Here they are:

These are small "tablets" in which enriched uranium or, in the future, closed nuclear fuel cycle, mixed uranium-plutonium fuel is placed in the process of making nuclear fuel. The second option is also called MOX (or MOX) fuel, short for mixed oxides.
It is metal oxide (albeit, to a greater extent not mixed, but purely uranium) fuel that is now used by most nuclear power plants. Why?

The thing is that pure, metallic uranium is indeed a "tough guy." The integral burnup depth for uranium metal is total 3000-3500 MW · day / t. After this moment, the reaction products break apart a purely uranium fuel rod, like a drop of nicotine - a poor hamster from a well-known anecdote.
Since the fission of 1 gram of uranium is accompanied by the release of about 1 MW · days of energy, it is easy to calculate how many grams of uranium can be burned from the initial ton, simply by writing instead of megawatt-days of thermal energy grams of consumed uranium. Here is such a little trick of atomic arithmetic. Those who wish can, in accordance with one gram of uranium, with one megawatt-day of energy, see the music of the universal spheres and the hand of our Lord, but I'll just say: it turned out great, it is convenient to count.
Thus, using metal uranium fuel rods, it is possible, ideally, to burn about 3500 grams (3.5 kilograms) of uranium per reactor campaign from each ton of uranium initially loaded into the reactor.
In case we, without further ado, load into our reactor a conventional natural uranium, so they usually did - fuel rods were formed from simple metallic uranium fuel and burned about half of the amount of light, "burning" isotope 235 U contained in natural uranium.
Thus, 0.2-0.3% of the 235 U isotope remains in the spent nuclear fuel of natural uranium reactors. Re-enrichment of such uranium is not economically feasible so far, therefore it usually remains in the form of so-called waste (or depleted) uranium. However, waste uranium from such reactors, together with the tailings of gas centrifuges and dumps of gaseous diffusion plants, can later be easily used as fertile material in breeder reactors at
fast neutrons.

Due to such a low value of both the absolute (in MW · days) and relative (no more than 50%) nuclear fuel burn-up, the operation of a natural uranium reactor turns into a living hell for the operators.
In fact, working with a natural uranium reactor is a constant, daily replacement of spent nuclear fuel with fresh one. If you looked at the photo of the CANDU reactor and thought that this was a moment of its rare and infrequent maintenance, then I must disappoint you.
Natural uranium reactors have to be loaded with fuel almost constantly. So, in protective suits, respirators and gloves, observing all precautions when working with fresh and, especially, with spent nuclear fuel, which has already picked up neutrons, swollen from reaction products and inert gases and glows a little in the dark.

However, for uranium compounds, the burnup of nuclear fuel can be much greater. For example, uranium oxide is a very porous substance and therefore is able to accumulate much more than metallic uranium, fission products and inert gases inside a fuel element without visible disturbances in the shape of the fuel element - up to 40,000 MW - up to 100,000 MW · day / t.
It is easy to calculate that such values ​​of the burn-up depth (according to the rule "megawatt-days are equal to a gram of uranium") correspond to the combustion of fuel elements in a ton from 40 to 100 kilograms of 235 U.
Considering that today modern pressurized water reactors operate on enriched uranium with a 235 U isotope percentage in the 3.5-4.5% limit, this leads us to a paradox: modern VVER and PWR reactors seem to burn light 235 U isotope even more than it was given to them in the initial load of nuclear fuel.

However, in reality, this is not the case.
Today, in fact, when using uranium with an enrichment of 3.5-4.5% in the 235 U isotope, about 50% energy allocated during the loading campaign of such a reactor, occurs due to the fission of plutonium isotope atoms- 239 Pu produced directly in the TVEL.
That's it guys.
Plutonium already gives us (today!) about half of all energy, which we draw from the process of fission of heavy nuclei.

Considering the contribution of plutonium to the operation of enriched uranium reactors, you can, based on the achieved nuclear fuel burnup and the calculated contribution of plutonium to this heat release, calculate how much uranium a modern pressurized water reactor actually burns in its “furnaces”.
The result, I think, will surprise you too.
Modern reactors leave about half of the initial uranium content in fresh fuel by simply sending it to spent nuclear fuel. TVEL and fuel assemblies simply fail before the chain reaction has time to burn all the light uranium of the 235 U isotope contained in the reactor!

This is not a cookie, but a man - fortunately, not Gordon Freeman.
Metallic plutonium without a protective film.

It is due to the controlled burnup of 235 U and the skillful replacement of burnt uranium with plutonium freshly produced directly in the fuel element from 238 U that the duration of the operation of enriched uranium reactors is now being raised step by step. At the same time, interestingly, the overall level of fuel enrichment grows by no means as significantly as the duration of the reactor operation campaign at one load.

At the beginning of reactor operation, the standard campaign for VVERs and PWRs was considered to be a 12-month, one-year campaign.
In the mid-1980s, an extended campaign was launched in the United States at one of the stations with the Westinghouse PWR 4-loop reactor, with the final transition to an 18-month nuclear fuel cycle. After the scientific substantiation of pilot operation, all nuclear power plants with PWR in the United States began the transition to an 18-month fuel cycle, completing it completely by 1997-98, a little later this process began in all units of the world with pressurized water reactors, except for Russian ones.

For example, in France, by the end of the 1990s, all reactors with a capacity of over 900 MW switched to an 18-month campaign. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, many Western PWRs began moving to a 24-month cycle, but most of these reactors are 900 MW or less. Thus, for almost two decades, western PWRs with a capacity close to that of VVER-1000 have been characterized by an 18-month fuel campaign, with a tendency to switch to a 24-month periodicity of core loading. On the other hand, VVER-1000 reactors began the transition to an 18-month fuel cycle only in 2008 (Unit 1 of the Balakovo NPP) and it is planned that this process will be fully completed in 2014.
Why are Russian nuclear scientists so slow to switch to long-term campaigns at Russian pressurized water-cooled reactors? After all, it is precisely the high ICUF, the reduction in the cost of maintaining the reactor and its downtime, and the reduction in the radiation doses of the operating personnel - that is the meaning of the transition to long campaigns for loading with nuclear fuel.

It's all about the difference in engineering approaches and the design of the Russian VVER and the western PWR. In these reactors, various fuel assemblies (FAs) are used in which the fuel rods are packed. These are the very notorious "squares" and "hexagons" that all the media have been talking about for so long. Here is a visual comparison:

This is a cross-section of the cores of two reactors of comparable power - the Russian VVER-1000 (1000 MW electrical power) and the American Westinghouse PWR 4-loop (1100 MW electrical power). As you can see, the American "brother" of the VVER is much thicker at the waist.
The diameter of the western PWR is usually 4.83 meters and even more, while the VVER hull has a diameter of only 4.535 m. It is believed that such a VVER hull diameter was set, as always, by the "distance between the butts of ancient Roman horses" (and more precisely, the following are the rules for transportation by railways of the USSR), however, in general, the choice of such a reactor layout was also influenced by another quality of the hexagonal, that is, hexagonal stacking of fuel assemblies in the core.
The square packing of fuel assemblies is very inferior to the hexagonal one in terms of the unevenness of the coolant flow over the cross section of the fuel assemblies - the square cools well at the corners, but very poorly - in the middle of the fuel assemblies. But the hexagon of the Russian fuel assembly is much closer in shape to an ideal circle, due to which the cooling of the hexagonal, hexagonal fuel assembly is much more uniform. Therefore, in western assemblies, lattices-intensifiers installed on fuel assemblies were initially used to mix the coolant within the cross-section of the assembly.

However, as in any real life - any engineering solution has its own "dark" side. Having received a lot of advantages due to good compact packing of fuel assemblies into the reactor core - in terms of structure weight, pump power, heat exchange between water and fuel assemblies, Soviet designers obtained higher specific heat load values ​​for VVER than those obtained in the western PWR : the western reactor has a specific heat load of 100 kW / liter of coolant, while the VVER already has 110 kW / liter.
Due to this unpleasant fact, Soviet, and then Russian, hexagon assemblies have come a very long way of quality improvement.

Due to such an intense thermal mode of operation of the reactor core, the total accident rate of assemblies of the "hexagon" type for the entire period of the "atomic era" was historically on average higher than the western "square". there is a large and lengthy IAEA report on what, where and when "flowed" from fuel assemblies in reactors of various designs and with different types of fuel assemblies, all subsequent data are from it.

But by 2006, Russian specialists had adjusted the hexagonal fuel assemblies for VVERs so that we had 9 depressurization of fuel assemblies, on average around the world - 10, and in the USA - 17 “square” leaks per 1000 pieces loaded into the reactor.

And this is despite the fact that even a decade earlier the situation was different: hexagonal fuel assemblies from VVERs gave leaks and failures in 39 cases out of 1000, in the USA PWRs with “square” fuel leaked in 20 cases for every thousand fuel assemblies, and in Japan, there were only 0.5 leaks of fuel assemblies for every 1000 units.

Like this.
Tough guys are critical to the nuclear age. The reactor should now serve for at least 60 years, the fuel assembly in the near future will provide fuel burnup of more than 40,000 MW · day / t, the reactor campaign will definitely reach 24 months, and the ICUF should confidently step over the 90% mark.

Well, half of all the energy received today from the atoms of man-made plutonium produced by mankind itself will soon inevitably turn into three quarters, and possibly even exceed the 90% mark, following the ICUM of nuclear power plants.

And here we finally come to the ZYATZ. Which began a long time ago and is completely inconspicuous today in Belgium ...

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