How to become an exchange school. Free study abroad

International student exchange programs are one of the modern innovations in the curriculum of universities and colleges. After all, students are offered the opportunity to study in a completely different country, get something new for themselves and just travel for free. But there is also a limitation: in exchange, you can fly away only for one semester of study and no more.

To participate in a student exchange program, an educational institution must conclude cooperation contracts for this program, and students, in turn, must study excellently, be activists, have some leadership abilities, know English very well, and much more. Only the first two courses of the bachelor's training program are admitted for exchange, and the first three courses of the specialist training program.

Students from Russia "scattered" all over the world

Our country, Russia, participates in an international program called "Global UGRAD". This creates a unique opportunity for Russian students to receive referrals for free prestigious work or internship. This allows you to develop the horizons of both students and institutes, exchange life experiences, increase the rating and status of your institution, and simply demonstrate to the whole world what Russians are capable of.

Participants of the student exchange program in Russia study abroad at prestigious and well-known colleges and universities, constantly take an active part in the life of society and institutions, speak at events, and work on internships. Through interaction with a new, unusual, system and native speakers, students from Russia are rapidly improving their skills and knowledge in the field of international language. Abroad, the program for students also includes a special subject "American Studies", which implies an in-depth study of local standard subjects such as history, art, literature and the like. Most importantly, an educational institution abroad is not chosen by students, but by the organizers of the international student exchange program.

Study in Canada

One of the best study programs in Canada is called Work and Study Canada. Its difference lies in the fact that in addition to the standard exchange training, the student is also offered the opportunity to further find employment in his specialty in this country. The main areas of study are high technology and programming. Lessons are held in two languages ​​- English and French (depending on the desire of the student and his capabilities). The duration of the program lasts from 6 to 18 months, depending on the specialty and the terms of the exchange agreement. By the way, if desired or necessary, the exchange student is offered assistance with immigration to the country.

Study in the Czech Republic

The most famous training program in the Czech Republic is called "Erasmus". If a student of a Russian school or university gets on it, then his training will take place in the interval from 3 months to one year. This term is negotiated in advance between the two parties who have concluded an agreement on the student exchange program. All marks and grades received during this period are entered in the student's record book in Russia. The Czech Republic has the lowest prices not only for food, but also for housing. There are also a number of benefits and discounts for students that open up huge opportunities for a foreigner. The choice of lectures remains with the student himself, the main condition is attendance at at least 50% of the total attendance.

Study program in Germany

One of the most popular study programs for students abroad in Germany is "DAAD". Under this program, training is provided for a short period of up to 4 weeks in the summer. But! Thanks to the DAAD scholarships received by the students? This study program in germany becomes completely free. One of the main goals of participation in the program is to get the opportunity to deeply learn the language from native speakers.

In order to become one of the coveted exchange students, you need to successfully pass the general TOEFL test, while you must be an excellent student, be an activist in your institution, actively put your position and simply promote yourself as the best student.

- this is a good opportunity for schoolchildren who want to join a different culture, improve their knowledge of a foreign language and feel independent.

You can send a child to Europe or America through the exchange program. The student-traveler will live in a foreign foster family, study in a local school.

Among the most popular countries among Russian teenagers are Great Britain, Germany, Finland, USA, Japan and China. Every year the most talented and capable guys from Russia go there.

The selection criteria depend on the program. If this is a non-commercial project, then the best ones are selected on a competitive basis.

What to choose: commercial and non-commercial programs

Commercial exchange programs are most often organized by operators of the foreign education market. Nonprofits are funded by investors, charitable donations and foreign families that host students.

Participants in commercial exchange programs are responsible for most of the financial costs. You will have to pay for the round-trip flight, accommodation, meals, tuition, and pocket expenses.

According to experts, Russian parents need to accumulate at least six thousand euros for the academic six months in Germany, France and Belgium. Academic year in the USA - from seven thousand dollars.

Non-profit programs also involve the use of financial resources of the parents of a student who is sent to study abroad. However, the costs will be significantly less than for parents who have chosen a commercial program.

In our country, the most popular non-profit exchange program AFS. Its participants are competitively selected. To qualify for the AFS Scholarship, students go through several stages of the competition. The first requires an essay on the topic "Living in the style of AFS", the second - an interview.

Another popular exchange program is FLEX. In Russia, it has been suspended until 2016 in connection with the violation by the United States of its obligations to return schoolchildren to their homeland.

Excellent knowledge of a foreign language is an important criterion in the selection of participants in a study abroad program. Therefore, applicants are asked to take a language test. A psychological test will be an addition to it. In addition, attention will be paid to the general school performance of the teenager.

As for age, schoolchildren from 16 to 17 years old can take part in the exchange program.

So, you have chosen the program you are interested in. It remains to submit the documents. In the list of required:

    international passport

    Medical insurance

    Temporary registration

Important little things:

    Under the terms of some programs, mobile phones are taken away from schoolchildren who come to a foreign family. This is done so that the teenager does not get distracted from his studies and maximally familiarizes himself with the culture of another country.

    Not all language programs involve the exchange of students from different families. That is, if you are planning to send a child to a foreign family, but do not want to welcome a foreign teenager in your home, then give preference to the one-way program

    Students going abroad on the exchange program fill out a questionnaire in which they talk about themselves and their family. In the questionnaire, you can indicate the characteristics of a teenager. For example, the fact that he is a committed vegetarian

    You can keep in touch with the family that has adopted your child for a year by email, Skype or mobile phone.

Many parents dream that their child will achieve life and professional success. Therefore, it is quite natural that our compatriots have a huge number of questions about how and who can become a participant in the program of interethnic exchange of schoolchildren. And today we will try to answer you the most burning questions on this topic.

International school exchange programs Is a unique opportunity for a child to get acquainted with the culture, traditions, value orientations and the educational system of other countries. Moreover, to introduce them not superficially, through stories and short-term excursion tours, but by deep immersion in the natural habitat of a resident of a foreign state.

Simply put, a student can live in a foreign family for some time with all the ensuing consequences (that is, active participation in family holidays and the everyday life of foreigners), study in a regular school and communicate freely with foreign citizens. As a result of such close communication with foreigners, the child not only thoroughly studies the peculiarities of the life of a particular country and the subtle nuances of a spoken foreign language, but also meets a huge number of new people, friendly relations with whom can help him in later life (and this is very important , especially if the student plans to continue his education abroad and continue to work or live there).

Well, since many parents dream that their child will achieve life and professional success both in their homeland and around the world, the issue of the participation of Russian schoolchildren in such international exchange programs is relevant today as never before. Therefore, it is quite natural that our compatriots have a huge number of questions about how and who can become a participant international student exchange programs... And today we will try to answer you the most burning questions on this topic.

Who can apply to participate in an international exchange?

Any Russian schoolchild between the ages of 15 and 18 can participate in the international exchange (that is, on the day of sending to another country, the child must be at least 15 years old). Note that in rare cases, age exceptions are allowed.

But if the age limits can vary, then knowledge of a foreign language at an upper-intermediate level (up-intermediate) is a must. After all, a student who does not speak the language properly will not be able, if necessary, to explain to the host family what worries him, what he is dissatisfied with or what he needs at the moment.

Another mandatory requirement is the student's good academic performance, at least for the last academic year (the average score is at least 4). This requirement is not accidental, since the child will represent his country in front of foreign citizens, and by his erudition and mental abilities they will largely judge the level Russian education generally.

Also, the child should have such personal qualities as communication skills, initiative, independence, curiosity, tolerance, stress resistance and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.

How much does it cost to participate in an international exchange?

Many international exchange programs involve training a student at a free public school abroad. However, all accompanying costs (introductory weekly course, accommodation, airport transfers, paperwork, supervision by the program organizers, air tickets, pocket money, etc.) will have to be paid by the parents out of their own pocket. However, in exceptional cases, the costs are covered by government or charitable foundations.

Of course, the cost participation in the international exchange program largely depends not only on the country of residence, but also on the level of the school, living conditions in the host family, the duration of the program and additional costs (for example, training in specialized courses or narrowly targeted excursion trips around the country). On average, parents need to focus on the standard approximate cost of international exchange for an academic year (9 months):

  • USA - $ 10,000 (per semester - $ 5,500);
  • France - 10,500 euros (per semester - 6,500 euros);
  • Great Britain - 15,000 euros;
  • Germany - 8,000 euros (per semester - 5,500 euros);
  • Italy - 7,800 euros (per semester - 4,500 euros);
  • Australia - $ 22,000 (per semester - $ 12,000);
  • Spain - 8,000 euros (per semester - 5,500 euros);
  • Canada - $ 22,000 (per semester - $ 12,000);
  • Belgium - 8,500 euros (per semester - 5,500 euros);
  • Japan - $ 6,500;
  • New Zealand - $ 19,000 (per semester - $ 12,000);
  • Mexico - $ 6,000 (per semester - $ 4,500);
  • Ireland - 14,000 euros;
  • South Africa - $ 6,500 (per semester - $ 4,500).

What you need to know about international exchange?

First of all, not worth considering international exchange programs as one of the ways to obtain a high level of academic knowledge, since the school curriculum of educational institutions abroad differs from educational programs that meet domestic standards (for example, the level of knowledge in mathematics and physics provided in European schools is much lower than in Russian schools).

In addition, it is necessary to clearly understand that such programs are rather a cultural exchange of schoolchildren, aimed at the general development of the child. Upon completion of participation in an international exchange, the student receives only a certificate of a program participant, which are not taken into account in the Russian education system as an official document confirming the level of knowledge acquired. Therefore, so that your child does not miss the school year in Russian schools, you need to take care of the possibility of studying as an external student.

Where to go to get a student to become a participant in an international exchange?

Today in Russia there are several international exchange programs for schoolchildren offered by various international organizations (for example, Youth For Understanding, International Exchange Center, International Research & Exchanges Board, ACTRYAL).

In order for a child to become a participant in an interethnic exchange, the parents of the student (or the student himself) must contact the representative office of one of such international organizations and leave an application confirming your desire. Then the organizers will contact you and give you detailed instructions on what steps you need to take and what documents to prepare.

Schoolchildren and students in Russia and several countries of the former CIS have the opportunity free study abroad. Free education in the USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Brazil and Australia with accommodation in host country families, excursions, diving.


Schoolchildren 14 - 17 years old have the opportunityfree study abroad... Programs free education in Americahave existed for more than 20 years, and since 2009, high school students receivefree study in Germanybased on the results of the competition.
The FLEX Program is a non-profit exchange program for high school students.
This program was approved by the US Congress in 1992 for the purpose of friendship between the people of America and the people of the states of the former Soviet Union. The program is fully funded by the US Government.
The FLEX program was the first long-term exchange program for high school students with a one-year residency in the United States.
Over the years, the FLEX exchange program has provided scholarships to approximately 22,000 high school students. Each scholarship recipient will live in the United States for a year as a member of an American family and attend an American high school.
Students with disabilities can also participate in the competition for free education abroad. Each year, approximately 20 high school students with disabilities live and study in the United States through the FLEX program. All of them pass the competition on a general basis.
Students in grades 8, 9 and 10 are eligible for the program, according to age and grade requirements for their country.
In addition, applicants forfree study in the USAmust meet the following requirements:
At the time of the competition, study in high school.
Have good and excellent grades.
Learn English earlier and show excellent knowledge of it at the time of participation in the competition.
Eligible for an American Entry Visa.
Be citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan or Ukraine and be able to obtain a passport in the country where they participate in the competition.
Read more about free education in America on the FLEX website.


AYUSA is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the United States, which has established itself as a reliable partner for various intergovernmental projects in more than 30 countries around the world. All program terms and conditions are agreed and are subject to the requirements of the US Department of State. The reliability of the organization is confirmed by the choice by the US Government of the AYUSA programs as basic ones for the implementation of interstate projects. In particular, in Russia - the FLEX program.

Russian schoolchildren can apply for an annual free education abroad in Germany, Australia, Japan, Italy, Brazil and other countries.
Free study abroadprovides comprehensive education throughout the year, complementing studies in the home country. In addition, students learn to speak a foreign language fluently and gain international experience that is appreciated all over the world.
AYUSA offers Russian schoolchildrenfree study programs in the USA and Germany.
AYUSA employees may consider an application for an annualfree educationon exchange programs in Italy, Australia, Mexico and Japan.
Free software The "Academic Year" for high school students provides the opportunity to study abroad in public schools in the host country under the supervision of program staff, in accordance with the standards of the programs of the US Department of State all over the world.
The conditions for participation in free training programs can be found on the website of the AYUSA organization.


The Taglit program organizes free excursions to Israel for young Jews 18 - 26 years old.The word "Taglit" in Hebrew means the knowledge of the unknown, the discovery. The project organizes 10-day free trips to Israel for Jews 18-26 years old. Learning about Israel, discovering your own belonging to Jewish traditions is a possible path to how you yourself become a part of the Jewish community. Read more about the program read

In Moscow on June 20, 2014, a government decree was signed on the program « Global education "... The state provides funding in the amount of 4.4 billion rubles in the period 2014-2016 for Russians studying at such prestigious universities as Oxford and Cambridge universities in England, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University and many other universities in 25 countries of the world. Students, those who received education at the expense of the state will be required to devote 3 years after training to work in one of the domestic companies.

At the same time, only those candidates who already in Russia have a bachelor's, master's degree, or are studying in graduate school, are young research scientists, can participate in the government grants program.

How to become an exchange student? A very relevant question these days. In fact, everything is simple here.

Participation in the international student exchange program is a good prospect for the future, as a student can:

Visit abroad;

Improve your knowledge of a foreign language;

Undertake an internship in a foreign company;

Change the usual environment and make new acquaintances;

Expand your own horizons.

That is why not only university students, but also schoolchildren dream of becoming participants in the exchange program and make every effort for their bright and promising future.

Features of the student exchange program

Today, many universities in the country have established international relations and are constantly exchanging students, once again emphasizing their successful and fruitful cooperation.

There are many such programs, the main thing is to make the right choice and understand what an adventure is - it is not only bright prospects, but also tangible "pitfalls".

Benefits of international programs on the exchange of students were described above, it remains only to discuss all the shortcomings of such a large-scale undertaking, which can change your whole life in the future.

So, by tradition, let's start with the main thing:

1.Different mentality and nostalgia for the homeland. Remembering my international experience, I can say that, going to Frankfurt (Germany) for an exchange, I could not even think that in a week I would begin to yearn for my homeland.

Emotions and new impressions did not last long, and even with an excellent knowledge of the language, not only the language, but also the national barrier was felt. Of course, the Germans are hospitable people, but, unfortunately, they are not characterized by the wealth of the Russian soul.

They are restrained in emotions, pedantic and punctual, and foreigners are generally perceived as aliens.

If you are going to America, it is even more difficult, because even centuries cannot understand the "Yankees".

2. Duration of training... If you are a student and officially participate in an international exchange program, then at home you should learn that studying abroad lasts from 8 to 10 months.

Only after completing the full course can you receive the official status of alumni (graduate). If you give up earlier, then there can be no question of graduation, besides, you can lose a large number of connections and prospects.

That is why it is important to calculate your strength, but can you hold out for so long far from your homeland? Can you initially abandon these forward-looking plans?

3. The language barrier... From my own experience I know, no matter how well you know a foreign language, it is very problematic to understand the people who are its speakers.

Of course, over time, you can get used to a new and not entirely familiar manner of communication, delve into every word and actively use the dictionary (electronic translator), but all the same, some of the national sayings will remain beyond understanding.

And it will be much more difficult to express oneself in a foreign language, although I still cannot understand this phenomenon. Do students feel embarrassed?

4. Accommodation features... No matter how developed and progressive the host country is, it is very difficult for a foreigner to settle down in it. Unfamiliar conditions and a wild lifestyle often lead to deep stress, and new things and objects do cause a feeling of depression. I would like to live by the rules of my soul and my people, but abroad there is no such opportunity and will not be.

As you have already noticed, all the negative aspects of the international exchange program are associated with the moral perception of the traveling student. If you do not take the cardinal change of scenery so personally, then several months in Europe will fly by like a summer vacation - spectacular and enchanting.

If the decision is made ...

So, a student in his first year decided that in the future he would definitely take part in an international exchange program. What to do after such a decision in order to be in the right place at the right time? In fact, nothing complicated - to prepare mentally and learn more information about all existing exchange programs.

To do this, immediately after entering the first year of the university, it is recommended to contact the dean's office with the question of which student exchange programs are available, and how you can directly participate in them.

Then it will not hurt to pull up your studies and seriously engage in in-depth study of a foreign language.

It is important to understand that there are plenty of people willing to take such an overseas trip, so the competition for one place will be simply grandiose, and the commission will be strict and picky.

It is important not only to attend compulsory pairs of a foreign language, but also to go to language courses, study individually with a tutor and just communicate with a native speaker of this language (if possible).

It also does not hurt to have additional conversations with students who previously took part in such an international program and get an objective idea of ​​what awaits you in Europe.

In addition, you can roughly estimate the prospects that open up to a student solely through participation in an international exchange program.

Separately, it should be noted that there is no place for truants and loafers abroad and in foreign universities, therefore, candidates for participation in the international exchange program will be selected exclusively from the best, foremost students of the course and excellent students. So it is also not recommended to start the rest of the studies, otherwise the chances of traveling will be significantly reduced.

Necessary and useful information about abroad

If a student applies for participation in an exchange program, then he must definitely mentally tune in to travel and get to know better the country in which he has to spend more than one month.

Firstly, the most important is information about the foreign university, where further exchange studies will take place.

It is important to find out the features and structure of this educational institution, traditions and routines, as well as their conditions for obtaining higher education and, of course, the prospects for the status of "graduate".

Information on this topic is sure to be found on the Internet, it is enough just to make a few relevant queries in the leading search engines.

As a result, the screen will display not only useful information of journalistic style, but also colorful photographs about the country of future residence.

Secondly, it is required to additionally find out in which language the instruction is conducted. As a rule, teachers teach in the national language, however an exception can be made for exchange groups and pairs will be held in international English.

So his knowledge should not disappoint, otherwise you have no place among students - international affairs. Additionally, it is worth noting that textbooks, reference books, lecture notes, exams and other types of tests must also be in the national language of the country, and more often discounts are not made to foreign students.

Thirdly, it is extremely important to determine the financial side of the issue, since the student simply cannot avoid additional waste.

In this case, it is better to clarify what is the payment for living, whether tuition is fully paid, what additional costs may arise and for what. These nuances are very important, because I would not want to stay in a completely unfamiliar country without money or satisfaction of any of my needs.

And the last, but very important nuance: it is necessary to determine in advance what documents are required to be submitted for admission, and in what time frame it must be done.

Also, it will not be superfluous to have information about the passes that the student will receive in case of a temporary separation from his native university. I would not like to return to my homeland and unexpectedly find out that the expulsion order has already been signed by the rector himself.

And, of course, it is important to leave your application for participation in the international student exchange program and wait for a response.

Choosing a decent and most suitable exchange program

Today there are a large number of proven international exchange programs that successfully cooperate with rating universities in England, Germany, USA and Canada.

Many students are eager to participate in the program Work and Travel USA, which requires knowledge of English and additional flight costs in the amount of $ 2,000.

But all its participants are provided with promising vacancies in American companies with payment and travel around the country.

An international company is also popular Internship, which offers all its participants a professional internship in Europe in the chosen specialty.

A senior student can have an internship for 6-18 months in international companies in New Zealand or the United States.

The possibility of further employment on a permanent basis is also not excluded, so this is a real chance to ensure a bright future and a comfortable existence with your labor.

And there are plenty of such international programs, the main thing is to define your criteria for their assessment and prioritize according to your vision of the future. When the required option is determined, leave an application and collect the required documents.

Important to remember: to take part in the student exchange program, you must have visa and international passport... Since these documents have been produced for more than one day, you need to think about it in advance, so as not to miss later, perhaps the only chance in your life to see Europe.

Conclusion: If you are interested in the student exchange program, prepare for participation in advance. If you have any questions, it doesn't hurt to read the proposed article!

Now you know how to become an exchange student.

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