What is a library? Presentation “Why we love going to the library.” Presentation: Make friends with the library for kids.

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WE ARE GOING TO THE LIBRARY The presentation was prepared by Elena Vladimirovna Dubinina, teacher-librarian of the MBOU “Khomutovskaya Secondary School”

From the outside you look: the house is like a house, But there are no ordinary residents in it. There are interesting books in it, standing in close rows: Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon, and the good grandfather Mazai. What is this house called? Try to guess!

What is a library?

A library is a collection of books that one person or many people have collected with love and stored with care.

Readers are those who read, to whom works of literature are addressed; those who visit the library.

Library form - a standard registration card used in library work

Subscription Reading room Book depository

SUBSCRIPTION – a place where books are issued at home.

READING ROOM - a specially equipped room at the library for reading and studying with books.

BOOK DEPOSIT - a room for storing books

School library School library fund 4270 copies. textbooks 9,624 copies. fiction

Arrangement of books in the library collection Books in the library are arranged in a certain order. People have learned to group information, combining it based on common features.

Arrangement of books in the library collection Shelf dividers help you find the right book

A catalog is a collection of cards with any information, arranged according to certain rules.

Rules for using the library You must be quiet in the library, because... noise disturbs other readers. Books must be returned on time, because other readers are waiting for them. You can borrow a book from our library for 10 days. Library books must be handled with special care so that as many children as possible can read them. Library books must not be lost, otherwise there will not be a single book left in the library. Books in the library (from the open access collection) must be placed exactly in the place where you got them. Otherwise, the librarian will not be able to quickly find this book for another reader.

Library. Card index. Library Day. Bibliography. School library. Central Library. Library lessons. Library collections. Lesson in the library. Home library. It's good that there is a library. Work in the school library. Song about the library. Why are we interested in going to the library? University library. Library project.

School Librarian. Getting to know the library. Library passport. Bibliography Day. Collaboration with the library. Virtual library. COMPLETION OF LIBRARY COLLECTIONS. Project "School Library". Your library. How to behave in the library. Virtual exhibition in the library. “Summer in the library. Journey through the library.

How to choose a book in the library. Library collaboration. Library lesson in 4th grade. Library lesson #3. School Library Day. Go to the Library. Library of Yaroslav the Wise. Children's library No. 4. Planning in the school library. RMO librarians. Local history activities of the library. Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic.

Labor rationing in the library. Library in miniature. Library of urban culture. Interaction between library and school. How to choose a book from a catalogue. Library: past and present. Library - without borders. Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library. Famous librarians. Selection of books in the library.

Internet in the activities of Libraries. Our library began with these books. Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. Bibliography of small forms. All-Ukrainian Library Day – September 30. Professional education of librarians. Topic: Project “What the library can tell you about.”

Project on the topic: “What a school library can tell you about”

Completed by a student of grade 2-B

Osmanov E.

Classroom teacher:

Menumerova M.K.

What can a school library tell you about?

Let's imagine, at least for a moment,

That suddenly we lost magazines and books,

That people don't know what a poet means,

That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.

It's as if no one has ever been in this world,

And I had never heard of Moidodyr,

That there is no Dunno, a liar, a klutz,

That there is no Aibolit, and no Uncle Styopa.

It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?

So hello, smart, kind word!

Let books and friends come into your home!

Read for the rest of your life - gain your mind!

The whole world is in your hands

Very important for a person

Know the way to the library.

Reach out to knowledge.

Choose a book as a friend

  • Public libraries provide readers with the most popular publications.
  • Special libraries They collect publications of a certain type (music books, books for the blind) or on a certain subject.
  • Scientific libraries- these are libraries that ensure the development of science;.
  • School libraries are aimed mainly at providing students with the literature necessary for the educational process.

Read it, girls!

Read it, boys!

Not everything in this world

They don't teach bad things

It comes easy to us

Favorite books!

And yet persistent

And the wise one will achieve

A person who is busy reading any works is called a Reader

I'm looking forward to your visit!

A book is like a bird -

It can fly around the whole world.

Book - queen -

He can command hearts.

Book - goddess -

Sometimes a miracle happens.

Book - slave -

Often goes through the gauntlet.

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“Let the winds of change blow in the world, But the library will live forever, And oblivion and decay will not touch the books...” Reading room Subscription Department Acquisition and processing Department of legal information Methodological department

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The first mention of the library was in “Description of the Chernigov Province”, vol. 11, 1899, p. 377. 1897: “In Mglinsky district, libraries were opened in the following settlements: ... Krasny Rog, ... the town of Pochep.” In 2012, the Pochep Intersettlement Library will celebrate its 115th anniversary. Over the years of its existence, the library was located in different buildings. In 1966, a new building was built for it, where it remains to this day.

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This place is historical. In the 19th century, the palace of Count Kirill Razumovsky, which housed a rich library, stood here. Alexei Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, cousin of A.K. Tolstoy, one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkov, was born here, a poet who left in Russian literature “a trace of sublime dreams, and sincere sorrow, and human thoughts.” There is a plaque on the library commemorating this event. Palace of Kirill Razumovsky. .G. Pochep Intersettlement Library of Pochep 2011

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At all stages of its development, the library has fulfilled and continues to fulfill an important educational mission; it is constantly at the center of public life. The main mission of the library is to create a convenient, comfortable space for reading, communication, education, development of information culture, as well as spiritual and cultural development of the individual. Goals and objectives of the library: Promotion of books and reading in accordance with the goals and objectives of the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading; Organization of exhibitions, information materials about the activities of government bodies and the implementation of national projects in the country, region, district; Collection and provision of various types of information for the population of the municipal area. Information support in the formation of local self-government; Educational work to help legal, environmental, patriotic education. Local history activities. Propaganda of books and libraries Research work within the framework of the library program “Study, promotion of the life and work of the Russian poet and playwright A.K. Tolstoy”; Creating comfortable conditions for communication and leisure time in the library;

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Popular wisdom says: “One book teaches a thousand people” “From time immemorial, a book raises a person” “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings” This is the motto of our library. The library has great wealth. It has 53,648 copies of various publications. Every year, 3,844 users are served, who are issued about 80 thousand copies of various documents. . The library is the custodian and promoter of books. And in books is the wisdom of centuries, the experience of generations, dreams of the future. With a book we find a way to the heart, soul, goodness of each of our readers. Our social partners provide us with an invaluable service in this regard:

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We promote the book using various forms of reader service. The doors to the library are open to everyone.

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One of the main areas of work is patriotic education. Together with the whole of Russia, the residents of Pochepka walked the thorny path of the Great Patriotic War. The Pochep partisan detachment named after Furmanov, numbering up to 400 people's avengers in its ranks, gave no rest day or night. Seven glorious sons of the Pochep land were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The glorious military traditions were continued by sons and grandsons, fulfilling their civic duty in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus. Our task, through books, meetings with veterans and combat participants, participation in regional events, is to convey the concept and awareness of the involvement of everyone present in understanding the essence of the phenomenon “war”

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The children's book of memory is a family work of our young readers, their parents, grandparents. The presentation of the exhibition “Holy Memory of the War” took place on the central square of Pochep. It traditionally gathers around itself the residents of the city and region, because it presents rich local history material.

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On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, an information day “Chernobyl: 25 years later” was held in the inter-settlement library, to which participants in the liquidation of the accident living in the Pochepsky district were invited. The library took part in the regional virtual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Maslenko S.M., “The work of libraries to help the social adaptation of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident”).

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Research work The brochure “Holy Memory of the War” is a collective work of librarians of the Pochepsky district; it contains all the information about the war monuments located on the territory of the Pochepsky district.

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The library initiated a round table on the topic “Preservation and development of cultural traditions of the Pochep region.” The round table brought together a variety of public representatives, clubs, associations, leaders, local historians, and invited the district leadership to participate. The outcome of the event is the need for a programmatic, targeted solution to the problems of preservation and development of cultural heritage.

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It has become a tradition to celebrate Orthodox Book Day with the participation of the dean of the Pochep district, Archpriest Father Vitaly, museum staff, and school students. An exhibition of Orthodox literature, performance of sacred music, reading of Orthodox poetry, presentation of church books - all this can be seen and heard at the theme evening in the library “Those who enlightened the Slavic land” COLLABORATION WITH THE ORTHODOX CHURCH

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“Happy is he who is happy at home” L.N. Tolstoy The library systematically promotes literature praising family values, and since the establishment of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8), it initiated a regional event dedicated to this day. It is traditionally held jointly with the district leadership, the departments of the registry office, guardianship and trusteeship, the Center for Children's Creativity, and representatives of the clergy.

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“Let’s touch the universe that Tolstoy left us...” For many years, as part of the regional program, the library has been working to study and popularize the life and work of A.K. Tolstoy. This name is known and dear to every resident of the Pochepsky district, because the village of Krasny Rog is the spiritual homeland of the wonderful Russian poet, prose writer and playwright. The literary lounge in the library is a favorite place for events.

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The library operates interest clubs, where employees invite each club member to learn new things and discover their talents.

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LOCAL HISTORY CLUB “NEMIGA” The library works to preserve and develop national culture, cultivate love for one’s country, native land, and family. In order to identify and popularize local history information and support the initiatives of amateur local historians, the library has created a local history club “Nemiga”, the name of which is associated with the name of the Nemiga river, which fed the ancient inhabitants of Pochep with its waters. The club hosts events throughout the year

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literary and musical evening “...My heart remains in the sadness of my native home...”, dedicated to the work of V. Sapunov

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Literary and musical evening “Small Motherland, or Point in the Universe”, dedicated to the literary, poetic, musical, performing, and artistic creativity of Pochep residents.

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Literary and musical evening “How can a restless life continue”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Grigory Isaevich Stafeev, a native of the village of Setolovo, Pochepsky district. Tatyana Grigorievna Emelyanova, daughter of G.I. Stafeev, took part in the evening

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Presentation of the book “Righteous Rus'” by Nikolai Feofilovich Nikitin, a native of the village of Setolovo. The purpose of the event is to introduce young people to reading historical literature and increase historical knowledge.

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The work of the Nemiga club is coordinated by the leading bibliographer of the inter-settlement library, Svetlana Mikhailovna Maslenko. Thanks to research work, the library received materials and photographs from the personal family archives of local residents. The card index of creative people, natives of the Pochepsky district, has been replenished with 25 new names. The previously published book “Pages of History of the Pochepsky District” (compiled by S.M. Maslenko) was republished in 2011 due to its popularity.

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CLUB "GARDENER" The club "Gardener" successfully operates in the library. It is very popular among city residents. Its meetings are held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Club members at meetings are offered not only topics related to gardening and vegetable gardening, but also educational information hours dedicated to the work of readers, poets, and composers.

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CLUB “SOBESEDNIK” In our work with young people, we place emphasis on activities that contribute to the formation of an active civic position among young people, increasing the level of legal knowledge that young people need in all spheres of public life.

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CLUB “OVERCOMING” The library has become a place of communication for people with disabilities. Since 2001, the “Overcoming” club has been operating for them, which hosts literary and musical evenings, reviews of new books, information hours, and conversations. Participants are looking forward to the next meetings at the club.

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Throughout the year, librarians conduct conversations with visually impaired people at meetings of the VOS Society. Together with the Bryansk Regional Library for the blind and visually impaired, a special literature lending point was opened and is operating in the inter-settlement library

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CLUB "Father's Land" Lyudmila Grechko reads her poems The oldest member of the "Father's Land" club A.N. Revonenko Since 2003, for lovers of the poetic creativity of local authors, the popularization of books by writers of the Bryansk region and our fellow countrymen living outside the region, the library has operated a club " Father's Land", the name of which is consonant with the Pochep literary association "Father's Land" (headed by A.T. Kozyar)

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The new is the well-forgotten old. The same can be said about out-of-station reader service, in the sense that this work began to be carried out in a new format. The district's librarians have always worked as book carriers, delivering books to the homes of those who cannot visit the library. In 2011, 43 readers were served at home. The 21st century has made its own adjustments to non-stationary services: a complex of information library services (KIBO) appeared in the Tyutchev BONUB, with the help of which the city of Pochep and the village of Alekseevsky were served in the Pochepsky district. In 2011, 355 documents were issued to 65 readers. With the help of the KIBO information base and the ability to access the Internet, residents of the village of Alekseevsky were able to satisfy information requests for coursework and school reports. DVDs and CDR discs were especially popular among children and teenagers. Older readers use social networks. Employees of the out-of-station service department of the BONUB named after F.I. Tyutchev provided assistance to the employees of the inter-settlement library in advanced training: Pogrebnoy O.V. a consultation was held on “Entering records into an electronic catalog”
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