“Two sons, two destinies (comparative characteristics of the images of Ostap and Andrey). Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy (based on the story by N

Both have a different nature, and with different eyes

they are looking at the same thing.

N. Gogol. Taras Bulba

The story by N.V. Gogol reflects the national liberation struggle of the Zaporozhye Cossacks against the Polish gentry, who oppressed Ukrainian culture and tried to impose their traditions, customs, and faith. The Zaporozhye Sich also served as a barrier against the raids of Turkish invaders, who sometimes brought no less misfortunes than the Poles.

The main characters of the story are the old Zaporozhye Cossack Taras Bulba and his sons Ostap and Andriy, who have just returned home from Bursa. Taras Bulba’s entire life was devoted to the fight against foreign invaders, and he hoped that his sons would become his first assistants in this matter.

At first, the sons who returned home look like “recently graduated seminarians.” Gogol writes about them as “two stalwarts” with strong, healthy faces. The brothers are embarrassed by their father’s ironic reception, and Ostap, unable to bear the ridicule, invites Taras Bulba to “beat” him. “He will be a good Cossack!” - this is how the old Cossack evaluates the behavior of his eldest son upon meeting. The youngest, Andria, “more than twenty years old and exactly a fathom tall,” is called “baby boy” by his father for his silent embarrassment.

However, Andriy is not a coward. When talking with the Cossacks, with whom the proud father introduces his sons, Andriy passionately says: “Just let someone catch on now. Just let some Tatar turn up now, she will know what kind of thing a Cossack saber is!” Ostap, along with his willingness to not let offenders get away with it, also displays such qualities as attentiveness, observation, a sharp mind, and composure.

Even while studying at the bursa, the sons of Taras Bulba were distinguished by their dissimilar characters. The eldest, Ostap, was stubborn from childhood and was famous for his persistence in achieving goals. At first he didn't want to study. Several times he ran away from the school and hid the books until his father threatened him that Ostap “won’t see Zaporozhye forever if you don’t study all the sciences at the academy.” From then on, Ostap began studying with “extraordinary diligence” and soon became one of the best students. Like his glorious father, Ostap, above all, valued the feeling of camaraderie, was honest and “straightforward with equals.” Self-possessed and purposeful, Ostap was “stern towards motives other than war and riotous revelry.”

Taras’s youngest son, Andriy, studied “more willingly and without stress.” Feelings and emotions, which were much more developed in him than in his older brother, often led him into rather dangerous enterprises. He was evasive and resourceful, especially when it came to avoiding punishment, Andriy was gentle-faced, young, handsome, and the need for love awoke early in his heart. It was at this time that he saw and fell in love with a young Polish girl, who played a significant role in his future life.

The old Cossack Taras Bulba believed that the best school for his sons was the Zaporozhye Sich, only there they could learn something worthwhile and gain intelligence. Without allowing his sons to rest from the road and be with their mother, Taras Bulba takes Ostap and Andriy to the Cossack freemen.

In the Zaporozhye Sich, young Cossacks showed their best side. They stood out for their “outright prowess and luck in everything.” The old Cossacks spoke approvingly of the new arrivals, but their full natures were revealed only during the battle, because even there both were “one of the first.”

It seemed that Ostap “was destined for the path of battle and the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs.” Self-control and composure, the ability to prudently weigh danger and quickly and accurately find the right solution, perseverance and self-confidence helped to see in him the inclinations of the future leader. Gogol compares Ostap to a lion, and Taras Bulba proudly says: “Oh! Yes, this will be the good colonel in time!”

Soon, during the battle, the Cossacks decide to appoint Ostap as chieftain instead of the killed one: “It’s true that he is the youngest of all of us, but he has the mind of an old man.” Ostap justified their trust, and with determination, strength and courage won even greater love and respect for himself.

Ostap fought like a lion in the last battle, when many Cossack elders and atamans were killed. The eldest son of Taras fought bravely in front of his own father, heroic strength was in him. However, the numerical superiority was on the side of the Poles, and they managed to capture Ostap by hook or by crook.

Heroically, with unprecedented courage, “like a giant,” Ostap endures the torment and torture to which the Poles subjected him. “Neither a scream nor a groan was heard” from Ostap’s lips during the torment he endured. Ostap - a real Cossack, a worthy Cossack, the son of his father Taras Bulba - before his death he wanted neither pity, nor sobs and contrition for himself. He needed the reasonable word of a firm husband, and his father was nearby, supporting him with his presence, despite the mortal danger. Ostap knew how to fight like a lion, and died like a hero.

What about Andriy? Taras Bulba also praised his youngest son during the first battle: “a good warrior.” Andriy in battle is not characterized by either composure or patience - he is entirely at the mercy of feelings. Passion and unbridled impulse guide his actions and lead him along. He is brave because he does not give himself either the time or the opportunity to assess the danger. It is no coincidence that Gogol says that “he rushes like a drunken man,” because in the battle Andriy saw for himself “mad bliss and rapture.” The battle for him is only “the charming music of bullets and swords”; he does not remember why the battle is being fought, what the Cossacks want to achieve. The whole essence of Andriy's impatient and ardent character was revealed in his demeanor during the battle.

Between battles, Andriy is bored and feels “some kind of stuffiness in his heart.” And just at this time, a captive Tatar woman, a servant of a Polish lady, sneaks into the Cossack camp to ask Andriy for bread for her mistress. Without hesitation, Andriy rushes to the aid of his enemies. And here he is at the mercy of his emotions. He steals Cossack bread and takes it to the Poles in the besieged city. Andriy is not an evil person, and compassion is not alien to him. In a foreign city, he gives a loaf of bread to the hungry, but again, he does this under the influence of an impulse. Having met the lady, he without hesitation renounces his father, comrades and homeland. For the sake of the lady, he is ready for treason and betrayal: “Everything I have, I will sell, give away, destroy...” These words destroyed Andriy as a person, as a Cossack, as a defender of the fatherland. Even the old father “will curse both the day and the hour in which he gave birth to such a son to his shame.” Without doubt or torment of conscience, Andriy builds his personal happiness on the misfortune of his family, friends, and homeland. Material from the site

Fate decreed that the traitorous son and the valiant Cossack Taras Bulba be brought together on the battlefield. Andriy led a detachment of cavalry against the Cossacks. “How?.. Your own?.. You beat your own, damn son?..” Taras could not stand it. The son’s behavior ran counter to the life principles and moral principles of the old Cossack. There is no more son for him and, having lured Andriy into a trap, Taras kills him.

When Andriy saw his father before his death, he “shaked all over and suddenly became pale...”. Like a schoolboy, the son stood in front of Taras, “his eyes fixed on the ground.” At the sight of his “terrible” father, he is subdued, like a child, because he realizes his guilt, his betrayal. However, until his death the traitor did not repent of his actions. He dies with the name of the Polish woman on his lips.

With a feeling of bitterness and sadness, Taras Bulba stands over his murdered son. “What would a Cossack not be?” - he thinks, looking at his native courageous and handsome face. Gogol describes the dead Andriy very poetically, but the pro-Porozhets father standing nearby does not let us forget that in front of us is a traitor.

How similar were the sons of Taras Bulba - fearless, courageous, eager to fight. And how different they were from one another - Ostap and Andriy. One is an uncompromising defender of the fatherland and a faithful comrade, the second is a traitor. For some it is a heroic death, for others it is a shameful death. Almost like in real life.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Bulba's conversation with Ostap
  • behavior before the death of Ostap and Andriy
  • comparison of images of Andrei and Ostap
  • Ostap was very handsome
  • Ostap and Andriy are brothers and enemies essay
Ostap Andriy
Basic qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensitive to beauty and has a delicate taste.
Character Stone. Refined, flexible.
Character traits Silent, reasonable, calm, brave, straightforward, faithful, courageous. Brave, courageous.
Attitude to traditions Follows traditions. Adopts ideals from elders unquestioningly. He wants to fight for his own, and not for traditions.
Moral Never hesitates when choosing between duty and feelings. His feelings for the Polish woman overshadowed everything and he began to fight for the enemy.
View of the world The world is simple and harsh.
Interest in the “stranger” (foreign) Not interested in politics or the opinions of “strangers”. Sensitive towards the “other”.
era Heroic, primitive era. Refined civilization and culture. Wars and robberies are replaced by trade and politics.
Relationship in the family Imitates his father. Mommy's joy.
Place of study Kyiv Bursa.
Studies He didn’t like to study and often ran away. After receiving punishment from his father, he became one of the best students. Andriy is easily given knowledge without much stress.
Attitude towards punishment He does not avoid punishment, he lies down on the floor and suffers blows. I never gave up on my friends. He got out of his way to avoid punishment.
Dreams About exploits and battles.
Thoughts on a trip to Zaporozhye Sich Thinks about battles, dreams about exploits. I thought about meeting a Polish woman in Kyiv, I couldn’t forget my feelings for her.
Behavior in battle Calculates the threat in cold blood, behaves calmly and judiciously. Can find a way out of a difficult situation, and with benefit. He dives completely into the battle, but forgets about everything. Enjoys the battle, without fear, rushes into hell itself. Intoxicated by the ringing of weapons, the shine of sabers and the whistling of bullets.
Thoughts during the siege in Dubna About war. About mother.
Attitude towards comrades Along with the father, they are the most precious thing there is. I renounced them, my family and my homeland for the sake of love.
Father's relationship to son Father's pride. True Cossack. Shame on the father. Traitor son.
Death He was tortured with terrible torture, but he said nothing. His enemies executed him. Father killed.
  • “He was stern towards motives other than war and riotous revelry, at least he almost never thought about anything else.”
  • “Oh, yes, this will eventually be a good colonel! Hey, he’ll be a good colonel, and one who can put Dad in his belt!”
  • “His younger brother, Andriy, had feelings that were somewhat livelier and somehow more developed.”
  • “And this is a good warrior, the enemy would not take him; not Ostap, but a good, kind warrior.”
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  • The main character of the story, Taras Bulba, had two sons - Ostap and Andriy. The old colonel loved both equally strongly, cared and worried about them. However, after certain events, his attitude towards children changes. The main reason for this development of the plot was that the sons had different characters. In the text of the story “Taras Bulba” the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy are given quite voluminously. The reader can learn not only about life in the Sich, but also briefly plunge into the past of these heroes. These two heroes, on the one hand, are incredibly different from each other, and on the other, very similar. That is why the comparison and comparison of Ostap and Andriy seems interesting.

    The author introduces us to the brothers when they came to their father and mother after completing their studies at the Kyiv seminary. They are wearing a ridiculous outfit, which is what the father notices. The eldest, Ostap, was offended by such words, so he wants to resolve the dispute with his fists. Taras Bulba willingly becomes a participant in a minor brawl: he wants to check whether his son will really stop at nothing to defend his own point of view. Ostap lives up to his father’s expectations, after which the “fight” ends with a family hug. Andriy does not show himself in any way in this scene. “And you, babybass, why are you standing there and giving up your hands?

    “- Taras asks him. But Bulba’s wife intervenes in the dialogue, and the conversation goes in a different direction.

    In the conversation at the table, they talk about their time in the seminary, namely about punishments with rods. Ostap doesn’t want to talk about it, but Andriy is determined to strike back if a similar situation happens again. In these two small episodes, an important thing can be seen: Ostap is more reasonable and calmer than Andria, the youngest son, on the contrary, longs for exploits.

    Seminary studies

    On the way to the Zaporozhye Sich, it tells about the time when Ostap and Andriy were students at the Kyiv seminary. The eldest son was not particularly diligent at first. He escaped four times, and would have escaped a fifth, but Taras intimidated his son by saying that the next escape would send him to a monastery. Bulba's words had a strong effect on Ostap. After some time, thanks to his perseverance and willpower, he became one of the excellent students. You might think: what’s wrong with that? I read the textbook and did a couple of assignments. But in those days, learning was very different from modern learning. Gogol says that the knowledge gained could not be applied anywhere, and scholastic teaching methods left much to be desired.

    Ostap loved to take part in skirmishes and various jokes. He was often punished, but he never betrayed his “accomplices.”

    Ostap was a good friend. Perseverance and toughness in the young man were brought up thanks to punishments in the form of blows with rods. Later, it was these qualities that made Ostap a glorious Cossack. Ostap “was harsh towards motives other than war and riotous revelry.”
    Andriy found his studies easier. We can say that he did not put in much effort, although he studied willingly. Just like Ostap, Andriy loved all kinds of adventures, but he managed to avoid punishment thanks to his ingenuity. All kinds of exploits were in Andriy’s dreams, but most of the dreams were still occupied by the feeling of love. Andriy early discovered the need to love. The young man diligently hid this from his comrades, “because in that age it was a shame for a Cossack to think about a woman and love” before he tasted battle.

    Love experiences

    Andriy falls in love with a beautiful lady whom he accidentally meets on the street. The relationship between a Cossack and a Pole is the only love line in the work. Andriy is shown not so much as a Cossack, but as a knight. Andriy wants to throw everything at the girl’s feet, give himself up, do as she orders.

    Near the city of Dubno, where the Cossacks were stationed, having decided to starve the city out, Andria is found by a Tatar woman - the servant of a Polish lady, the same one with whom Andrii fell in love in Kyiv. Knowing that theft among the Cossacks is considered a serious violation, the young man, under pain of death, pulls out a bag of food from under Ostap, who had fallen asleep on it. This was done in order to prevent the beloved and her family from dying of hunger.

    Because of his feelings, Andriy decides to take an incredibly strong, perhaps reckless, action. The young man renounces all Cossacks, his native land and the Christian faith in order to stay with the lady.


    It is important to mention how young people showed themselves in the Sich. They both liked the Cossack daring and the atmosphere of freedom that reigned. Not much time passed before the sons of Taras Bulba, who had recently arrived in the Sich, began to fight alongside the experienced Cossacks. Ostap’s analytical skills came in handy: he could assess the level of danger and knew the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. Andria's blood was boiling; he was fascinated by the “music of bullets.” Kozak, without hesitation, rushed into the epicenter of events and did things that others simply could not have done.

    They were both valued and respected by other Cossacks.


    The death of both heroes is shown through the prism of Bulba’s perception. He kills Andriy, but does not bury him according to Cossack customs: “they will bury him without us... he will have mourners.” For the execution of Ostap, Bulba takes revenge on the burned cities and war.

    From the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy it is clear that these characters differ from each other, however, we cannot say that one was better and the other worse. They both had values ​​that the Cossacks were ready to defend. Andriy’s transition to the side of the Poles does not at all indicate his weakness, but the fact that Ostap did not try to escape from captivity indicates his lack of initiative.

    Thanks to the analysis of the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy from the story “Taras Bulba”, it is clear that these young people were worthy sons of their father. This comparison will be useful for students in grades 6-7 when preparing an essay on the topic “Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy from Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba””

    Work test

    Taras Bulba is a wonderful work by a brilliant author. This work came from the pen of the author, who introduces us to young people on the pages of the story. Their images accompany us throughout the entire work. Important events take place around them and with their help the theme of love for the Motherland is revealed and human values ​​are revealed. These are the sons of Taras Bulba Ostap and Andriy, whose comparison we will make.

    Andriy and Ostap are two brothers who were raised the same. They played the same games, received the same knowledge. But, as they say, there are no identical children, and here the brothers Ostap and Andriy were completely different.

    Already in the theological seminary, where the boys received their education and where spiritual values ​​were instilled in them, one could see the differences in their characters.

    Ostap and Andriy brief description of the heroes

    So, giving a brief description of the brothers, we can say that the elder Ostap was a kind, straightforward, loyal comrade who never took the lead, but also did not reveal the pranks of his friends. This is a man with a strong character, for whom the rod was not terrible. Ostap accepts all punishments with dignity. He studies reluctantly, and even runs away several times, until his father threatens him with deprivation of the opportunity to get to the Zaporozhye Sich. After that, the guy came to his senses and completed the course no worse than others.

    The younger Andriy, on the contrary, gnaws at science with pleasure, and the study itself comes easily to him. He is a dreamer and a romantic. He loves to walk the streets, admiring the beauty around him, he is open to love. Unlike his brother, he often becomes the leader of any undertakings, while always trying to evade punishment.

    The difference in the characters of the two brothers manifested itself when, according to the plot, the boys and their father end up with the Cossacks in the Zaporozhye Sich. Two strong, healthy young men, of good physique. They were in good standing, were excellent shooters, and physically developed warriors. And soon they had the opportunity to prove themselves in battle.

    Comparing the two heroes, we see Ostap in the battle with the Poles, who calmly calculates the possible threat. All of Ostap’s actions are reasonable, and his behavior is calm. He manages to find a way out of any situation. The younger brother rushes headlong into battle, forgetting about everything. For him, battle is a pleasure, for him the whistling of a saber or a bullet is like music that intoxicates. The father was proud of his sons, and despite the fact that they were different, he saw brave Cossacks in them. But in the besieged city, Andriy meets a Polish girl whom he had seen earlier. Feelings for her have awakened, and for the sake of love, he betrays his homeland, becomes a traitor, abandons his comrades and goes over to the side of the enemy. Such actions were not forgiven. Having killed his son, the unfortunate father did not forgive him either. Ostap remains faithful to his duty, and dies at the hands of the enemy in battle, like a hero.

    My attitude towards Ostap and Andriy

    Having become acquainted with the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, I cannot say who is closer to me, and whose side I was on. Both brothers are positive heroes with different fates. It’s just that the younger brother was unable to go against the feeling that arose and for his sake he decided to betray. But for this I do not undertake to judge him. Who knows what we would have done and what we would have chosen if we were in Andriy’s place. But I feel very sorry for the eldest son, because a cruel death awaited him, which he met with his head held high.

    Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andria

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    (based on the story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol)

    The pride of the old Colonel Taras Bulba were his two sons, Ostap and Andriy. At the age of twelve, boys, according to custom, were sent to the Kyiv Academy. “They were then, like everyone else who entered the bursa, wild, raised in freedom, and there they usually polished themselves a little and received something in common that made them similar to each other.” Despite this commonality, the boys were still completely different.

    The eldest, Ostap, did not want to study at first, since in those days theoretical sciences were far from life, “the scientists of that time were more ignorant than others, because they were completely removed from experience.” Under the influence of his father, who promised to send his son to a monastery for his careless attitude to studies, Ostap began to sit with “extraordinary diligence at a boring book and soon became alongside the best,” which, however, did not save him from the inexorable rods. All this strengthened the young man’s character. Ostap has always been a good friend. He did not like to lead, but in a difficult situation he did not betray or betray his comrades: “No whips or rods could force him to do this.” Nothing “except war and riotous revelry” interested him.

    The younger one, Andriy, “had feelings somewhat more lively and somehow more developed.” He studied willingly and without stress. He was more inventive and resourceful than his older brother. Quite often, Andriy participated in dangerous forays of students, and at the same time managed to avoid punishment. Very early on, a need for love flared up in him, which had to be hidden from his comrades: “In that age, it was shameful and dishonorable for a Cossack to think about a woman and love without having tasted battle.” One evening there was a fateful meeting between Andriy and a beautiful Polish woman. He accidentally ended up on the street where Little Russian and Polish nobles lived. He gaped, and at that time the master's car almost ran over him, and the driver sitting on the box hit him painfully with a whip. Andriy, not afraid of the scuffle, boldly grabbed the rear wheel with his powerful hand and stopped the car. The coachman, fearing a cutting, hit the horses, they rushed - Andriy fell face first into the dirt. At this unpleasant moment, the beauty saw him, “black-eyed and white as snow, illuminated by the morning blush of the sun.”

    Even during a meeting with their father after a long separation, Ostap and Andriy behave differently. Ostap responds to his father’s provocation with strong blows, while Andriy, “a child of over twenty years old and exactly a fathom tall,” retreats from aggressive actions under the protection of his mother. Bulba is upset by this behavior of his youngest son, which is what he talks about, deciding to teach the guys a real lesson in courage, boldness, courage and send them to Zaporozhye: “Eh, little bastard, as I see it! Don’t listen to your mother, son: she’s a woman, she doesn’t know anything. What kind of tenderness do you like? Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! Do you see this saber? - here is your mother! During parting, the crying mother rushes to her youngest son - his features expressed more tenderness. But their father’s authority had a greater influence on the young men than their mother’s tears and despair: “The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears, fearing their father, who, however, for his part, was also somewhat embarrassed, although he did not try to show it.”

    The differences in the characters and behavior of the brothers are especially noticeable during their stay in the Sich. Although Zaporozhye military science was fun, the young men matured in a month. Old Bulba was pleased to realize that his sons became one of the first warriors.

    Ostap was destined for “the path of battle and the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs.” In a moment of danger, he could calmly assess the state of affairs and find ways to overcome it. Taras Bulba had something to be proud of. "ABOUT! Yes, this one will eventually be a good colonel! - said the old Cossack, - by all means, there will be a good colonel, and even one that will put dad in his belt.”

    Andriy was a passionate and addicted person. In the heat of battle, he could do something that he would never have dared to do if he had seriously considered the situation. Father Andriy’s verdict sounded like this: “And this is a good one - the enemy would not have taken him! - warrior! Not Ostap, but a good warrior too.”

    Despite the same upbringing, the brothers' destinies turned out differently. It is difficult to find an answer to the question why Ostap chose the path of a glorious warrior, devoted to his comrades and his homeland, and Andriy, captivated by the unearthly beauty of a woman, became a traitor, a killer of his comrades. Andriy violated two laws of the Zaporozhye Cossacks at once; in the Sich he would have faced a more sophisticated and cruel punishment. Although it is difficult to imagine a punishment more terrible than death at the hands of one’s own father.

    A large role in human destiny is played by the store of knowledge, experience gained from parents, upbringing and education. Innate talents and abilities help you overcome life's difficulties. However, a person's fate is in his own hands. Everyone chooses their own path and is responsible for all their actions, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives,

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