Patches. Game characters: "Stalker"

Thoughts about such an article arose quite a long time ago. Every now and then on the Internet, on specialized stalker sites, you can find erroneous assumptions about which people from real life became the prototypes of the characters in the game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Some mistake Sergei Grigorovich, the general director of GSC Game World, for Strelok, others seriously claim that the creator of A-Life, Dmitry Yasenev, was modeled after Professor Kalancha (taken from the Russian Stalker-Wiki, by the way!). Still others are sure that merchant Beard at Skadovsk is none other than the science fiction writer Roman Glushkov himself. Naturally, such a volume of false information circulating in the web space increasingly pushes us to actually get to the bottom of the truth. And that one, as you know, is somewhere nearby. You just need to take a shovel of the required dimensions and dig in the right direction.

This is exactly what I decided to do closely. It's time to. Before you, dear readers, is a unique material of its kind, which has no analogues in the “stalker” community today. This publication is intended to dot all the i's in the history of the unique characters of the post-apocalyptic epic from GSC.

Let's start in order. Yes, I would like to warn you in advance: if you think that some facts look too obvious and widely known, you should not accuse the author of these lines of trying to “capitate”. Even such things may be beyond the knowledge of a fairly wide layer of stalker fans. So reviews a la “Thank you, Cap!” you can keep it with you.

After a little explanation, we return to our topic of conversation. I would like to start, of course, with the central personality of the entire S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. We are talking, as you might guess, about Strelok aka Marked. Only a blind person did not notice that the game model of the protagonist in “Shadow of Chernobyl” and his appearance in the animated story videos are radically different from each other. The solution is simple. The Australian studio Plastic Wax worked on the CG video for the game. While working on the videos, they needed a person who would serve as a prototype for Strelok - apparently, the in-game character model did not meet the necessary requirements. There was no need to go far - the guys from Plastic Wax invited their compatriot, actor Vincent Stone. Subsequently, it was with his face that Strelok began to show off in story video inserts, and it was this look that became attached to the character: we see him in the finale of Clear Sky, as well as in Call of Pripyat, where he was finally attached to the game model of the hero. Vincent Stone (real name Vincent McManus) primarily appears in low-budget Australian films. But he can be seen, for example, in a cameo role in Bryan Singer's "Superman Returns". He is also the creative director of the film company Short Black Films and a songwriter for his own band STONE.

In the Army warehouses where the Freedom group is based, you can find a merchant nicknamed the Miser. Few people know, but he has a real prototype. This is the creator of the famous weapons website Maxim Popenker. It seems that the developers used information from the resource and decided to mark its author in this way.

In general, there are no more characters in “Shadow of Chernobyl” with the faces of real people. All the other characters are collective images: Sidorovich, the Bartender, the Doctor, the Phantom, and others. They have no prototypes. However, given the presence of several characters with individual appearances, the cloned population in the Zone could not be avoided - there were too many carbon-copy NPCs of the same type, which somewhat spoiled the impression. GSC tried to take this into account when developing the next project, and in “Clear Sky” a timid, small, but still step forward in this area was made.

As everyone knows, the realism of the pictures in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was achieved through the use of photo textures. The artists at GSC Game World decided to apply photorealism to the characters as well. Ilya Tolmachev, who previously worked at GSC as an art director, in an interview for our website, explained how the “transfer” of a person’s face into the game took place:
"To reproduce a person's face in the game, we need seven photographs from seven different angles. We need to shoot in the most uniform lighting with a minimum of shadows and at the highest possible magnification, so as to reduce perspective distortions. For this shooting, we use telephoto lenses with multiple zooms, and we shoot from a long distance. Using the photographs, we build a low-poly model of the face with a special mesh topology for working in a 3D sculpting program and make a detailed model of the face based on this mesh. We take a normal map from the resulting geometry and again build a low-poly mesh, but with a completely different topology - suitable for a game engine. After that, we project the same photographs onto the resulting model, sketch out the seams at the junctions of the projections and get a photorealistic texture."

Let's see what special characters you can meet in Clear Sky.

In the prequel to the original game, we play as the hired stalker Scar, whose task is to stop Strelok’s next trip to the center of the Zone in order to prevent an unprecedented cataclysm. When creating the concept for the protagonist, Alexander Kaidanovsky, known for his leading role in Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Stalker,” was taken as a basis. A kind of tribute, one might say.

The first person Scar, who miraculously escaped during the ejection, will see after awakening is the leader of the Clear Sky group, Lebedev. The developers tried to cast the GSC office security guard in this role, and they were right – it turned out interesting and colorful. By the way, the security guard didn’t even know what they would make of him as the hero of the game - he naively considered the photography process as a need to create photographs for documents.
Professor Kalancha, when meeting with Scar, will talk about everything that happened to the mercenary during the super-ejection. This character corresponds in image and likeness to the physics programmer of the entire S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Konstantin Slipchenko.

The bar at the Clear Sky location is run by Cold. Animator Evgeniy Yablon was hired as a prototype for it. It is worth mentioning that Cold is not the only character with Evgeniy’s appearance: the good-natured stalker Vano in “Call of Pripyat” is also him, but with changed facial features. Yablon currently holds the position of lead animator at Vostok Games.

There is also a technician at the group’s base who “wraps everything up with blue electrical tape.” His name is Novikov, and his prototype has the same surname. This is Alexander Novikov, Deputy Technical Director for Nuclear Safety at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and a longtime friend of the Stalker developers. Traveling through the expanses of Yanov station in “Call of Pripyat”, we will find him again, this time in the bunker of scientists engaged in research of the Zone. By the way, Novikov was planned to be introduced in Shadows of Chernobyl, but he was mercilessly removed from the game by Dean Sharp, a producer from THQ.

We will not be lucky enough to see other unique characters in Clear Sky; everything is limited only to the above-mentioned heroes. However, after this experiment, the developers became convinced of the urgent need to implement a sufficient number of individual NPCs that were not made as carbon copies. This was done in the second addon to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - "Call of Pripyat".

The new main character in the next project was SBU Major Alexander Degtyarev, once a seasoned stalker, and at the time of the game, an intelligence officer sent to the Zone to investigate the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway, organized immediately after Strelok turned off the Brain Burner. Outwardly, Degtyarev is identical to Alexander Poshtaruk (a year ago he told us about his participation in a photo shoot for “Call of Pripyat”).

After arriving at the cargo ship "Skadovsk", forever frozen in the vastness of Zaton, the major begins to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the "swamp icebreaker". The local bartender here is called Beard, we receive our first quest in the game from him. This character was given his appearance by one of the organizers of the airsoft role-playing game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RealPlayer, master of monster hunting, a big fan of “Stalker”, and part-time abbot Valerian Golovchenko, also known under the nickname oVal. By the way, Father Valerian is not the only airsoft player who received the honor of being immortalized as the hero of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but we will definitely mention this further.

Let's look around and see who else can be found on Skadovsk, besides ordinary stalkers and bandits.

On the opposite side of Beard’s stand, Sultan, the leader of the bandits, sat comfortably, having established a fragile neutrality with the stalkers on a rusty vessel. The prototype for the authoritative chieftain was Konstantin Kryuchkov, an airsoft player and regular participant in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RealPlayer

The order in the stalker camp is vigilantly monitored by Beard’s friend, Glukhar, a former investigator. Later, together with him, the major will investigate the reasons for the disappearance of stalkers on Zaton and at the same time liquidate an entire den of bloodsuckers... The man who became the visual prototype for Capercaillie is the 3D modeler of “Call of Pripyat” Alexander Kachanyuk.

One of the stalkers will ask Degtyarev for help in finding a traitor with the nickname Soroka. And in the future, Gonta - that’s his name - will offer to hunt the chimera. In real life, “Gonta’s” name is Kirill Koval, he worked on “Clear Sky” as a tester, then as a game designer for “Call of Pripyat.” Currently he is a game designer at 4A Games.

Perhaps the most colorful character at Skadovsk is the talented technician Kardan. Unfortunately, he is a big fan of the bottle, so up to a certain point the major catches him in a drunken state. However, unlike his game incarnation, Konstantin Stupivtsev is not even an alcoholic. The interface design of "Call of Pripyat", as well as the well-known box art for the cover, belongs to his authorship. Now Konstantin works as an artist at Vostok Games.

Preview illustration: Iskandar Mirzoganiev

The rest found on the Internet

A rare trailer from 2005, demonstrating some game aspects (AI, physics, lighting, interaction with vehicles, etc.)

That's all. Keep your tail on the gun and remember

The creation belongs to Comrade Pilate and is the folk art of PG himself.

For which special thanks to him.

Shooter (Marked)

The main character of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl” turned off the legendary “Brain Burner”. Protagonist and important hero of the two subsequent add-ons. He is the commander of his own group, which included: Fang, Ghost, and the legendary Doctor. He became a victim of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. project, his memory was erased. As follows from Call of Pripyat, he destroyed the O-Consciousness project, but this did not lead to the disappearance of the zone. In “Call of Pripyat” he plays a cameo role, but it is he who reveals to the military the reason for the death of the helicopters. After evacuation from the Zone, he becomes the main consultant at the created Institute of the Anomalous Zone. It is noteworthy that in all videos Strelok is shown with an AKS-74U.

Mercenary Scar is the main character of the prequel. He led a group of scientists into the Zone and fell under a powerful Ejection. He survived, as they later explained to him, due to the peculiarity of the nervous system, which took the blow, but was seriously damaged. Stalker woke up at the base of Clear Sky, a mysterious group living in the Swamps. He agreed to work for this group to find the cause of the Emissions. He succeeds. He learns that Shooter has made his way to the center of the Zone. By order of Clear Sky, he sets off in pursuit. Scar completed the task assigned to him; he destroyed Strelok’s psi-protection.
Major Alexander Degtyarev

Major Degtyarev is the main character of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, a former stalker, and during the game, an undercover SBU officer. In the Zone, no one knows that he is a military man (except for the military themselves). Thrown into the Zone to clarify the circumstances of the failure of Operation Fairway, carried out by Ukrainian troops, after Strelok disabled the Brain Burner. Unfortunately, communication with the center has been lost, and the major has to act alone. While in the Zone, Alexander has a clearly defined task: to find and search crashed helicopters. In the process of passing the game, Degtyarev will find out the reason for the crash of the helicopters and the disappearance of their crews. Having captured the “Gauss cannon” from the “Monolith”, he helped the technician Cardan quit drinking. At the end of the game he receives the extraordinary rank of colonel.
Strelka Group

Stalker, member of the Strelka group. He received this nickname because he could get anywhere undetected and, according to rumors, he killed the leader of one of the groups. He died in the X-16 laboratory due to the fault of scientist Vasiliev. There is only the corpse of the Phantom in the game. Owner of a unique armor - “Stalker’s Healing Jumpsuit”.

Stalker, member of the Strelka group. He is not in the game, but he is mentioned several times. In the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, Fang buys some technical parts from Sidorovich and Chekhov. Mercenary Scar tries to catch up with Fang until he finds his PDA. Subsequently, Fang was killed by a “mercenary with a scar on his face” at the Army Depots location, as evidenced by one of the entries on Strelok’s flash drive in the cache.

One of the important characters in the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl." Appears only in the scripted scene of Strelok's shell shock in the Agroprom dungeons, as well as in a number of videos. The game archives preserve a scene of dialogue between them in the Dead City. From all this you can find out that the Strelok and the Doctor have known each other for about 2 years at the time of the game. One day, having cured the seriously wounded Strelok, the Doctor continued to monitor his fate. It is known that he loves to walk around the Zone in a leather coat with a large mutant dog. Also, according to Major Zvyagintsev in Clear Sky, the Doctor was one of the first stalkers to reach the Monolith. There he made a wish: to heal everyone. But the Monolith fulfilled the wish in its own way: the Doctor began to treat both people and mutants.
Characters of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl”
The commander of the newbies at the Cordon camp. Later, the Wolf dies for unknown reasons in the Army Warehouses.
Stalker appears in the newcomer village on Cordon after the Wolf leaves for the center of the Zone. Asks Marked to help fight off the mercenaries who want to capture the village.
Stalker. He was captured by bandits at Cordon. Owner of a flash drive with information Sidorovich needs. The only minor character present in all three parts of the game.
Stalker who knew Strelok and helped him.
A stalker who came from a deep raid into the Zone. Presumably knows something about Strelok. According to St. John's Wort (in "Call of Pripyat") he was killed by a chimera.
Brother Fox. Requests help from the depot at the Landfill to fight off bandits.
The head of the “Arena”, a specific Colosseum in the Zone where you can test your strength.
Leader of a bandit group in the Dark Valley. Holder of the second key to the entrance to the X-18 laboratory.
A tight-fisted merchant at Cordon. After completing the game, he informs Marked One about people who know Strelok.
A merchant who runs the affairs of the stalker bar “100 X-rays”.
Head of the Freedom group.
Svoboda field commander, Lukash’s right hand.
General Voronin
Commander of the "Dolg" group.
Colonel Petrenko
Voronin's deputy.
The commander of a group of mercenaries during an operation to obtain information from Professor Kruglov.
A mercenary informed by the informer Pavlik.
Professor Sakharov
Manager of a mobile laboratory on Yantarnoye Lake. He has long been interested in the phenomenon of psi-radiation.
Professor Kruglov
Assistant and assistant to Sakharov. Requests help in the Wild Territory to break through a mercenary ambush. If he does not die, then later it will be necessary to protect him during measurements of psi radiation.
The scientist who went down with the Illusive Man into the X-16 laboratory. According to his audio diary, the Ghost was “covered with radiation,” which is why Vasiliev decided to abort the mission and get out of the laboratory on his own. At the same time, according to the Ghost’s audio diary, Vasiliev simply got cold feet and ran away. Vasiliev managed to get out of X-16, but he was unable to reach the scientists’ bunker and died in the swamps at the hands of zombified stalkers.
Characters of the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky"
Merchant at Cordon. In the story, the mercenary Scar asks him about Fang. Sidorovich instructs him to return the case with the swag. After completing the assignment, he tells him that Fang visited Sidorovich and bought a tube amplifier from him.
Professor Sakharov
Scientist. Located in a mobile camp on Lake Yantar. According to the plot, Strelok made a deal with him - he allegedly wanted to help test a psi-radiation blocker. Sakharov gave him an experimental sample. However, Strelok never returned from the territory of the Yantar complex, where the test took place. Scar asks Sakharov about Strelka and receives this information, after which he completes Sakharov’s task, and the scientist sends Scar to a detachment of stalkers led by Lefty, who is heading there.
Stalker. The main one in the village of newcomers on Cordon.
Father Valerian
Leader of the "Loners" clan. In his own words, he was a stalker even before the formation of the anomalous Zone, carrying scrap metal from the Exclusion Zone. It is located on the Cordon, then it may end up in the Red Forest location.
Digger. Has information about the location of Fang.
Stalker, commander of a detachment of stalkers on Yantar, who, on Sakharov’s instructions, restarted the cooling system on the territory of the complex, which was the cause of fluctuations in the level of psi-radiation intensity in this location.
An old forester who has lived in the Zone since the time when it was not yet a Zone. Lives in a building in the Red Forest location. According to him, he has an uncanny ability to sense anomalies and pass by them. According to the plot, the mercenary Scar comes to him in order to find out how to get to Limansk without using the raised bridge over the river, captured by the Renegades. The forester says that at times he receives signals from stalkers from Limansk who, as it later turns out, ended up in the “Bubble” anomaly and are unable to get out of there. However, then the Forester finds a way to get them out of the anomaly.
"Clear sky"
Leader of the Clear Sky clan. He is also the commander of the Clear Sky stalker squad, which was moving towards the center of the Zone behind Strelok. Meets or gets in touch with the main character throughout almost the entire game. At the beginning of the game, the mercenary Scar receives information from him about the current state of the Zone. As the game progresses, Lebedev contacts the mercenary via PDA, and towards the end of the game he meets the mercenary while commanding a squad. In the third part of the “Call of Pripyat” series, you can learn about his rather dark past.
Professor Kalancha
Scientist. Member of the Clear Sky group. Tells the main character about the Zone and his scientific findings regarding Scar’s connection with emissions.
General Krylov
Leader of the Dolg clan.
Leader of the Freedom clan. Fang bought a technical part from Chekhov, after which he became interested in why Fang needed this part, and asked the Svoboda technician to save the frequency of his PDA. This helps Scar when a mercenary comes to inquire about Fang; After completing the task, Chekhov gives Scar the frequency of Fang's PDA.
Commandant of the Svoboda group. He transmitted information about all the movements of “Freedom” to mercenaries who were fulfilling someone’s contract. However, with the help of the mercenary Scar, the Freedomites found out about this and eliminated him and a detachment of mercenaries.
Leader of the bandits. As can be seen from the tasks that can be received from him, Yoga openly destroys members of his own group if they interfere with him. Dissatisfaction with Yoga is growing in the group, and many bandits believe that Borov will soon take his place (which in fact happens at the beginning of the events of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl”). He doesn’t talk about how he got into the zone. In “Call of Pripyat” you can hear from the bandits a story about how Yoga made capital by selling false coordinates of the location of the “Oasis” to those who wanted it, and did not take advantage of the opportunity to leave the Zone for the rich.
Major Khaletsky
Military commander at a checkpoint on Cordon. A prisoner of the Loner group. According to the plot, he was captured because of a case with swag, which the military must return to the stalkers, so that they, in turn, return the case to Sidorovich. Khaletsky knows where the case is hidden, but does not want to tell the stalkers because he thinks that the military will save him from captivity.
The commander of a group of mercenaries who fell into the spatial “Bubble” near Limansk. I was also in the first game in the “Freedom” group.
The commander of a group of mercenaries located in Army Warehouses.
Characters of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat”
One of the founders of Skadovsk. Friend and buddy of Capercaillie. Works on a ship as a bartender. He has his own business accepting artifacts and only buys them. Helps stalkers on Zaton.
One of the founders of Skadovsk. Beard's friend and buddy. Former police detective. Ensured order on the ship.
Trader at Skadovsk. Buys any documents and PDAs containing interesting information. Somehow connected with the bandit leader Sultan.
Mechanic at Skadovsk. Always drunk. But despite this bad habit, he does his job well. In the story, he overcomes his alcohol addiction to the sight of a Gauss gun. According to one version of the development of events, having learned about the death of his friends, he discards the idea of ​​​​becoming a free stalker, after which he goes to the Yanov station, where he establishes friendly relations with the local mechanic Azot, with whom he opens a common workshop, in which they try to invent a vehicle ideal for moving around the Zone. Before the formation of the Zone, in his own words, he worked at the Jupiter plant and was involved in the secret developments that were carried out there - the so-called “Product No. 62” - Gauss guns (that’s why he identifies the gun). Specializes in unique mechanical improvements.
Stalker. He commands the stackers who settled on the dry cargo ship "Shevchenko".
Stalker. Asks the main character to return the lost swag. If the player buys a weapon from Shustroy, Koryaga will demand that he give it back, claiming that the weapon was stolen from him. In fact, he needs money to pay off debts to bandits. If the player tells Shustrom about this, then Koryaga will escape from Skadovsk to the port cranes, where bandits are waiting for the player, to whom Koryaga told that Degtyarev is his friend who will bring them a debt. After this, Koryagu can be found at the Yanov station; he remains silent during conversation. Connected with the theft of Degtyarev’s property from his personal box at Yanov station.
St. John's wort
Stalker. One of the most famous mutant hunters. He abandoned his career because his friend Fox was killed by a chimera.
Stalker. At first he owed money to the bandits and was not able to fully pay off the debt due to the fact that the bandits constantly charged him interest. Later he becomes one of the members of Degtyarev’s group. After the events of the game, according to one version of the development of events, he joins the Freedom group, in which he quickly gains authority and becomes the head of his own research team.
A half-crazed stalker living on an old barge on Zaton, completely alone, except for the female pseudo-dog he somehow tamed. He has the habit, when uninvited guests appear (that is, almost everyone who comes to him), to fire a shot from a gun in the direction of the opening door. Possesses two Compass artifacts. According to one of the ending options, a group of stalkers find salvation from the ejection on his barge, but after the ejection the barge is besieged by a huge flock of snorks and the stalkers manage to fight off the mutants with the help of pseudo-dog puppies. After this, Noah's barge turns into a large outpost of stalkers.
Technician at the Yanov station. Specializes in unique electronic enhancements. Sympathizes with Duty. Helps Degtyarev’s group get into the Pripyat-1 overpass. According to one version of the ending, he establishes a joint repair shop together with Kardan, who moved to Yanov.
Stalker. A guide leading stalkers along the Zaton - Yanov route and back.
Stalker. According to the plot, he was hired by scientists to search for artifacts “Kolobok” and “Hunk of Meat”, but was unable to complete this task and entrusted it to Degtyarev, who came into the bunker. After Degtyarev brought him the artifacts he was looking for, the stalker left the scientists’ bunker and disappeared for some time, only to later appear as a guide plying the Yanov-Pripyat route. At the very beginning of his career as a guide, he was stupid to bring a group of mercenaries to Pripyat who wanted to get rid of him as an unnecessary witness. He asked Degtyarev to deal with the mercenaries and indicated that they had a meeting planned with someone in the courtyard of an abandoned hostel. After the events of the game, according to one version of the ending, he told all stalkers about the terrible fate that befell the military involved in Operation Fairway, which further secured Pripyat’s status as one of the most dangerous areas of the Zone and scared away many stalkers from visiting it. According to another version, he tells stalkers about the heroic exploits of soldiers in Pripyat, thereby pushing free stalkers to march deeper into the city.
Stalker. Traitor. He joined the Freedom group and changed his name to Flint.
Medic on the Yanov.
Leader of the bandits. Lives in Skadovsk, competes with Beard, undermining his business. Gives quests not related to the storyline. Somehow connected with the merchant Sych. According to one version of the ending of the game, the Sultan fails to undermine Beard’s business (due to Degtyarev’s actions), as a result of which he and his gang leave Zaton, and Skadovsk becomes the most popular stalker base after the 100 X-ray Bar. Before arriving in the Zone, he tried to start his own business twice, but both times his attempts ended in prison. When he first appears on Skadosk, he demands cooperation and assistance in defeating stalkers. With assistance, the hero earns the sympathy of bandits and the negative reputation of stalkers. In a deal with Sych about detectors, Veles deceives Degtyarev, not fulfilling his agreement.
A bandit demanding interest from Vano.
Brass knuckles
The Sultan's right hand. Since the beginning of the game he has been at Skadovsk.
General Tachenko
The legendary founder of the "Dolg" group. He died in the “Bubble” anomaly with the “Dolga” detachment. As the game progresses, you can find out that once Captain Tachenko, while carrying out a mission in the Zone, cut off communication with headquarters, misled his subordinates, founded the “Duty” group, and died in a spatial anomaly.
Dolgovets, who settled in the control booth at the Yanov station. He is prone to loneliness due to some distrust of people, however, if someone pleases him, he will most likely go on a drinking binge (although he is not an alcoholic). Armed with a unique machine gun with an increased clip size. Plays an important role in the storyline as it helps Degtyarev form a group, which he joins. Upon arrival in Pripyat, having learned that Degtyarev is an SBU officer, he leaves the group and begins to act alone. According to one of the ending options, Zulu returns to Duty's base at the Rostok plant, where he spends some time talking with the leader of Duty, General Voronin. After this, he is seen leading a large detachment of Duty to the center of the Zone. According to another version, he dies, and General Voronin, having learned about his simultaneously heroic and tragic death, posthumously awards him the highest award of Duty - the Order of the Silver Shield.
Lieutenant Colonel Shulga
The leader of the "Dolg" group at the "Yanov" station.
Member of Monolith. After the destruction of the “O-consciousness,” the ability to think normally returns to him and his group, after which they go to the territory of the Jupiter plant, wanting to lead the life of ordinary stalkers, but they are afraid to approach the stalker camp at the Yanov station, because they know the attitude of all other groups towards the Monoliths. He asks Degtyarev to solve their problem. Thanks to Degtyarev’s patronage, they join one of the groups controlling Yanov. He wants to reveal the secret of the creation of the Monolith group (namely, for what purpose such a group was created). Later he becomes a member of Degtyarev's group. Soon after arriving in Pripyat, he disappears, deciding to act independently. According to one of the options for the development of events after the end of the game, he, together with other members of his squad, creates a new stalker group, which is rapidly gaining strength, but whose goals still remain unknown.
A stalker who works for scientists as a technician. Former member of the Clear Sky group.
Professor Herman
One of the three scientists in the scientists' bunker near Yanov station. Sells "Anabiotic", which allows you to survive the release, but with side effects.
Professor Ozersky
The third scientist who lives in Yanov's bunker.
Lieutenant Sokolov
Co-pilot and sole survivor of the Skat helicopter that crashed at the Jupiter plant. After the disaster, he went to evacuation zone B205. Thanks to Garik, he was saved and ended up in the bunker with the scientists. Joins Degtyarev's group. According to one of the endings, after the events of the game, Sokolov continues to serve in the air forces until he is shot down by mercenaries over Limansk. After this, he, having survived only by a miracle, goes into civil aviation. According to another version of the ending, he dies.
Colonel Kowalski
Commander of the Skat group. He was in the Skat-1 helicopter, which fell on the helipads west of the Jupiter plant. He is with the surviving military men in Pripyat, in a laundry room. In one of the endings, after numerous attempts to blame him for the failure of Operation Fairway, he resigns. In the other ending, he dies, and all that reminds him of him is his name on a memorial tablet in a special museum.
Chief of the Svoboda group. According to one version of the development of events, Freedom under his leadership displaces Duty, and Loki himself kills the leader of Duty, Lieutenant Colonel Shulga. According to another, his group is ousted by Debt, which has strengthened its position, and Shulga kills him. According to the third, a shaky truce continues to exist between the groups, since the actions of these groups have not added to their popularity, and cases of desertion have become more frequent in the groups themselves, since the rank-and-file fighters of both groups are tired of the endless war.
He is the stalker Soroka. He likes to talk about exploits that he has never accomplished. According to the plot, Degtyarev has the opportunity to tell Gonta, Loki or Shulga about his lies, after which justice is done to Flint, and his swag becomes the property of Degtyarev.
Uncle Yar
Stalker from the Svoboda group. In 2011, he was a mechanic at the Freedom base in the Dark Valley (when Chekhov was the leader of the group). After the military leaves Pripyat, he moves to a base in an abandoned laundry along with a group of stalkers brought by Garik, where he again takes up the position of technician. Doesn't require money for repairs.

Main characters

Shooter (Marked)

The main character of the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl" turned off the legendary "Brain Burner". Protagonist and important hero of the two subsequent add-ons. He is the commander of his own group, which included: Fang, Ghost, and the legendary Doctor. He became a victim of the "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." project, his memory was erased. As follows from "Call of Pripyat", he destroyed the "O-consciousness" project, but this did not lead to the disappearance of the zone. In "Call of Pripyat" he plays a cameo role, but it is he who reveals to the military the reason for the death of the helicopters. After evacuation from the Zone, he becomes the main consultant at the created Institute of the Anomalous Zone. It is noteworthy that in all videos Strelok is shown with an AKS-74U. The description of the mobile game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mobile" mentions his participation in the war in Afghanistan. In the story by A. Gorelysheva “The Guy from the Corpse Truck”, published in the collection of stories “Clear Sky”, he has a name - Mikhail. It also mentions that he lived in Pripyat before the Chernobyl accident.

Mercenary Scar is the main character of the prequel. He led a group of scientists into the Zone and fell under a powerful Ejection. He survived, as they later explained to him, due to the peculiarity of the nervous system, which took the blow, but was seriously damaged. Stalker woke up at the base of Clear Sky, a mysterious group living in the Swamps. He agreed to work for this group to find the cause of the Emissions. He succeeds. He learns that Shooter has made his way to the center of the Zone. By order of Clear Sky, he sets off in pursuit. Scar completed the task assigned to him; he destroyed Strelok’s psi-protection. After which another powerful ejection began. In the final video, Scar, Strelok and other stalkers lie under O-Consciousness monitors. Outwardly, stalkers show no signs of life.

Major Alexander Degtyarev

Major Degtyarev is the main character of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, a former stalker, and now an undercover SBU officer. In the Zone, no one knows that he is a military man (except for the military themselves), so they will address him like: “Hey, stalker!” . Thrown into the Zone to clarify the circumstances of the failure of Operation Fairway, carried out by Ukrainian troops, after Strelok disabled the Brain Burner. Unfortunately, communication with the center has been lost and the major will have to act alone. While in the Zone, Alexander has a clearly defined task: to find and search crashed helicopters. Degtyarev found out the reason for the crash of the helicopters and the disappearance of their crews. Having captured the "Gauss cannon" from the "Monolith", he helped technician Cardan quit drinking.

Strelka Group

Stalker, member of the Strelka group. He received this nickname because he could get anywhere undetected; according to rumors, he killed the leader of one of the groups (presumably “The Last Day”). He died in the X-16 laboratory due to the fault of the scientist Vasiliev. There is only the corpse of the Phantom in the game. Owner of a unique armor - “Stalker’s Healing Jumpsuit”. There are legends that the Phantom Stalker never carried medications; they say that everything healed on him, like on a dog. His suit is unusual - he got it from an anomaly.

Stalker, member of the Strelka group. He is not in the game, but he is mentioned several times. In the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, Fang buys some technical parts from Sidorovich and Chekhov. Mercenary Scar tries to catch up with Fang until he finds his PDA. Fang was subsequently killed by a "mercenary with a scar on his face" at the Army Depot location, as evidenced by one of the entries in the Phantom's PDA. His grave can be found in the Army Warehouses.

One of the important characters in the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl." Appears only in the scripted scene of Strelok's shell shock in the Agroprom dungeons, as well as in a number of videos. The game archives preserve a scene of dialogue between them in the Dead City. From all this you can find out that the Strelok and the Doctor have known each other for about 2 years at the time of the game. One day, having cured the seriously wounded Strelok, the Doctor continued to monitor his fate. It is known that he loves to walk around the Zone in a leather coat with a large mutant dog. Also, Major Zvyagintsev in the prequel tells the legend that the Doctor was one of the first stalkers to reach the Monolith. There he made a wish: to heal everyone. But the Monolith fulfilled the wish in its own way: the Doctor began to treat both people and mutants. He may have the ability to quickly heal his own wounds, as he moves around the Zone without protective gear. The Doctor also appears in the "Joining the O-Consciousness" ending. The main character of A. Kalugin's book "House on the Swamp".

Characters of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl”




A tight-fisted merchant at Cordon. After completing the game, he informs Marked One about people who know Strelok.


A merchant who runs the affairs of the stalker bar “100 X-rays”. There are rumors that all the stalkers he asks to kill were once looters who attacked the Bartender's restaurant.



Head of the Freedom group.


Trader of "Freedom". The prices for his goods are astronomical, perhaps hence the nickname.


Svoboda field commander, Lukash’s right hand.


The commander of a group of "Svoboda" members in an abandoned farmstead, on the outskirts of the Bloodsuckers Village.


Commander of the Barrier checkpoint.


Svoboda mechanic.


"Knife and seasoning master" in the clan. Likes to drink. Knows the location of the Bulldog-6 grenade launcher.


“Svobodovets” is an informer who transmits information to mercenaries.


Commander of the "Dolga" checkpoint at the Landfill.


The commander of the checkpoint guarding the Bar.


Dolgovets, who asks for help in recapturing a comrade from the bandits in the Dark Valley and asks for the release of Seryoga. As a reward he gives a sight on a machine gun


Dolgovets, who is threatened with expulsion from the group for drunkenness and failed assignments. Along with my problems, I lost my machine gun.


Dolgovets. Captured by bandits in the Dark Valley. He is asked to be released by a debtor, whom the main character helps to recapture his partner.

General Voronin

Commander of the "Duty" clan.

Colonel Petrenko

Voronin's deputy.

Colonel Skull

The commander of the assault group of the "Dolgovts-battleships", who disobeyed Voronin's order and went with his group to storm the Svoboda base.



The commander of a group of mercenaries during an operation to obtain information from Professor Kruglov.


A mercenary informed by the informer Pavlik. The same mercenary with the scar who killed Fang.

Professor Sakharov

Manager of a mobile laboratory on Amber Lake. Has long been interested in the phenomenon of psi-radiation. By the way, this scientist is a living Easter egg: his namesake and external resemblance are exactly like those of the physicist Andrei Sakharov.

Professor Kruglov

Assistant and assistant to Sakharov. Requests help in the Wild Territory to break through a mercenary ambush. If he does not die, then later it will be necessary to guard him during psi-radiation measurements.

Professor Semenov

Scientist. Appears in the laboratory if Kruglov dies.


The scientist responsible for the death of the Phantom. His audio diary says that the Phantom was covered with radiation, but in fact he just got cold feet and ran away. He manages to get out of X-16, but he cannot find the bunker and dies in the swamps at the hands of zombified stalkers.

Characters of the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky"



Merchant at Cordon. In the story, the mercenary Scar asks him about Fang. Sidorovich instructs him to return the case with the swag. After completing the assignment, he tells him that Fang visited Sidorovich and bought a tube amplifier from him.

Professor Sakharov

Scientist. Located in a mobile camp on Lake Yantar. According to the plot, Strelok made a deal with him - he allegedly wanted to help test a psi-radiation blocker. Sakharov gave him an experimental sample. However, Strelok never returned from the territory of the Yantar complex, where the test took place. Scar asks Sakharov about Strelka and receives this information, after which he completes Sakharov’s task, and the scientist sends Scar to a detachment of stalkers led by Lefty, who is heading there.



Stalker. The main one in the village of newcomers on Cordon.


Wolf's brother. Need to save on assignment.


Stalker. Need to be saved from dogs on the instructions of the Wolf.

Father Valerian

Leader of the "Loners" clan. In his own words, he was a stalker even before the formation of the anomalous Zone, carrying scrap metal from the Exclusion Zone. It is located on Cordon, then it may end up in the Red Forest location.


Digger. Has information about the location of Fang.


The main one in the camp of the “Loners” group at Agroprom.


Trader for the Loners group at Cordon.


A mechanic in the camp of the “Loners” group on Cordon.


Trader in the lone camp at Agroprom.


Mechanic in the singles camp at Agroprom


Stalker who lives in the sewer in the parking lot of the Agroprom Research Institute


Stalker, commander of a detachment of stalkers on Yantar, who, on Sakharov’s instructions, restarted the cooling system on the territory of the complex, which was the cause of fluctuations in the level of intensity of psi-radiation on Yantar.

Wild Eg

Stalker, commander of a squad of stalkers at the Landfill.


An old forester who has lived in the Zone since the time when it was not yet a Zone. Lives in a building in the Red Forest location. According to him, he has an uncanny ability to sense anomalies and pass by them. In the story, the mercenary Scar comes to him in order to find out how to get to Limansk without using the raised bridge over the river, captured by the Renegades. The forester says that at times he receives signals from stalkers from Limansk who, as it later turns out, ended up in the “Bubble” anomaly and are unable to get out of there. However, then the Forester finds a way to get them out of the anomaly.

"Clear sky"


Leader of the Clear Sky clan. He is also the commander of the Clear Sky stalker squad, which was moving towards the center of the Zone behind Strelok. Meets or gets in touch with the main character throughout almost the entire game. At the beginning of the game, the mercenary Scar receives information from him about the current state of the Zone. As the game progresses, Lebedev contacts the mercenary via PDA, and towards the end of the game he meets the mercenary while commanding a squad. Apparently, he dies from a powerful ejection at the end of the game. In the third part of the Call of Pripyat series, you can learn about his rather dark past.

Ivan Tropnik

Guide of "Clear Sky". He can always be found at the main base of the group.

Professor Kalancha

Scientist. Member of the Clear Sky group. Tells the main character about the Zone and his scientific findings regarding Scar’s connection with emissions.


Member of the Clear Sky group. Tells the main character about the situations in the Swamps and about the capabilities of his PDA. There is an assumption that he had to be saved from bandits in the first part of the game


Bartender at Clear Sky.


Trader of the Clear Sky group.


Mechanic of Clear Sky. Suffers from an acute shortage of necessary parts. Also appears in "Call of Pripyat" in the scientists' bunker next to the Yanov station.

General Krylov

Leader of the Dolg clan.


Trader of the "Dolg" group. He has a very nasty and arrogant character. His clan brothers, naturally, don’t like him for this. In Call of Pripyat he needs to be saved from bandits.


Mechanic of the "Duty" group. Verbose. Likes to praise his work.

Sergeant Nalivaiko

Commander of the "Duty" detachment guarding the entrance to the "Agroprom Dungeons".


The manager of the "Peaceful Atom" bar for the "Dolg" group.


Contains the “Menagerie” at the base of the “Dolg” group at Agroprom.

Major Zvyagintsev

The manager of the shooting range at the Dolga base. Can tell the legend of the Swamp Doctor.



Leader of the Freedom clan. Fang bought a technical part from Chekhov, after which he became interested in why Fang needed this part, and asked the Svoboda technician to save the frequency of his PDA. This helps Scar when a mercenary comes to inquire about Fang; After completing the task, Chekhov gives Scar the frequency of Fang's PDA.


Commandant of the Svoboda group. He transmitted information about all the movements of “Freedom” to mercenaries who were fulfilling someone’s contract. However, with the help of the mercenary Scar, the Freedomites found out about this and eliminated him and a detachment of mercenaries.


The commander of the Freedom squad storming the military base in the Warehouses.


Freedom mechanic. Located in the Dark Valley, at the Freedom base.


Bartender at Liberty. Located in the Dark Valley, at the Freedom base.


Freedom Merchant. Speaks with a noticeable Caucasian accent. He constantly jokes and laments about lost profits, but is generally friendly.


Leader of the bandits. As can be seen from the tasks that can be received from him, Yoga openly destroys members of his own group if they interfere with him. Dissatisfaction with Yoga is growing in the group, and many bandits believe that Borov will soon take his place (which in fact happens at the beginning of the events of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl”). He doesn’t talk about how he got into the zone. In “Call of Pripyat” you can hear from the bandits a story about how Yoga made capital by selling false coordinates of the location of the “Oasis” to those who wanted it, and did not take advantage of the opportunity to leave the Zone for the rich.


Has its own “shooting gallery” at the base of the bandits. The game he plays is to shoot crows. Reminds me of the card game Poker.


Bandit merchant. Even before the Zone, he was a businessman, but he failed a serious deal and ended up in prison because of it. After prison he became a thief and 3 years later he went to prison again. As soon as I learned about the existence of the Zone, I immediately moved to it. He trades at extortionate prices: he buys at greatly reduced prices and sells at greatly inflated prices. He likes to say various funny phrases like: “No swag, no bazaar.”


Bandit mechanic. Alcoholic. Before he entered the Zone, he worked at a factory where he was the best specialist, but was fired for drunkenness. He got a job at the housing office as a mechanic. While intoxicated, he quarreled with a friend and hit him with a screwdriver, for which he received a prison sentence. After prison, he lost his apartment due to drunkenness. He was a beggar for some time, after which he moved to the Zone. Despite his alcoholism, he does his job well.


Bandit bartender. Dreams of becoming the leader of a group. He says that if he became one, he would do such a thing that “the whole zone would shake, like during a Big Blowout.” He claims that in his entire life he has never curried favor with anyone. Rarely greets with a kind word.


Assistant and best friend of mechanic Transparent. Constantly sleeping.

String bag

A bandit who fell out of favor with Yoga. You can get a task from the bandit leader to kill Avoska, or from Wild Napra - take the money to him. The only bandit in the game wearing a lone leather jacket.

Major Khaletsky

Military commander at a checkpoint on Cordon. A prisoner of the Loner group. According to the plot, he was captured because of a case with swag, which the military must return to the stalkers, so that they, in turn, return the case to Sidorovich. Khaletsky knows where the case is hidden, but does not want to tell the stalkers because he thinks that the military will save him from captivity.

Agent of Major Khaletsky

Under some circumstances, he appears at the Cordon if you help Khaletsky escape from captivity. Neutral to the main character.

Private Semyon Ovechko

Khaletsky's driver. Was able to escape from the stalkers when they ambushed him. Considered a deserter. Can be found under the bridge on Cordon. Unarmed.


The commander of a military detachment sent to help Khaletsky. Located at the ATP at the cordon. Required to kill on assignment.



The commander of a group of mercenaries who fell into the spatial “Bubble” near Limansk. I was also in the first game in the “Freedom” group.


The commander of a group of mercenaries located in Army Warehouses.

Characters of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat”



Founder of Skadovsk. Friend and buddy of Capercaillie. Works on a ship as a bartender. He has his own business accepting artifacts and only buys them. Helps stalkers on Zaton. He is trying to prevent his business from being controlled by the Sultan’s bandits.


Founder of Skadovsk. Beard's friend and buddy. Former police detective. Ensured order on the ship. He is trying to find out the secret of the disappearance of stalkers in Zaton, believing that this is the work of the tentacles of bloodsuckers. Gives the main character a task to find the lair of bloodsuckers, also helping him. Finds out that Tremor is to blame for the disappearance of the stalkers. He was killed by Tremor, in the area of ​​​​the port cranes of Zaton, near Danila, in the second lair of the doctor Tremor.


Medic at Skadovsk. Former surgeon. Suffering from a rare disease, due to which he needs fresh blood. To obtain blood, he kills stalkers, disguising them as attacks by bloodsuckers. The killer of Danila and Capercaillie. He commits suicide in front of the main character, but he can also be killed with his own hands.


Hunter. Tremor killed him, but everyone thought that bloodsuckers killed him.


Trader at Skadovsk. Buys any documents and PDAs containing interesting information. Gives the main character the task of searching for information from mercenaries at a waste treatment station, and about a profitable business with Veles detectors with scientist Novikov. Somehow connected with the bandit leader Sultan.


Mechanic at Skadovsk. Always drunk. But, despite this addiction, he has golden hands. Before doing serious work, he requires vodka. In the story, he overcomes his alcohol addiction to the sight of a Gauss gun. According to one version of the development of events, having learned about the death of his friends, he discards the idea of ​​​​becoming a free stalker, after which he goes to the Yanov station, where he establishes friendly relations with the local mechanic Azot, with whom he opens a common workshop, in which they try to invent a vehicle ideal for moving around the Zone. Before the formation of the Zone, in his own words, he worked at the Jupiter plant and was involved in the secret developments that were carried out there - the so-called “Product No. 62” - Gauss guns (that’s why he identifies the gun). Specializes in unique mechanical improvements.


Stalker. Friend of Cardan and the Joker. After a quarrel with them, he goes off to search for artifacts on his own. Dies in the caves under the “Burnt Farm” on Zaton. On his corpse is a PDA and an improved Zarya. Cardan gives the task to find him.


Stalker. Friend of Cardan and Barge. He also goes for artifacts himself. He is killed by mutants near the Sosnodub anomaly on Zaton. Near the skeleton of the Joker you can find his PDA and an improved gas mask. Cardan gives the task to find him.


Stalker. Commands the stackers who settled on the dry cargo ship "Shevchenko"

St. John's wort

Stalker. One of the most famous mutant hunters. He abandoned his career because his friend Fox was killed by a chimera. He guides Degtyarev along the path of becoming a mutant hunter and at the end of the test instructs him to deal with that same chimera, although after the death of Tremor, it is possible to kill that chimera with Gonta.


a stalker who appears on the dredger after Degtyarev takes away the steering wheel, which has turned into an artifact. Degtyarev demands the helm supposedly “to treat a friend.” In fact, he wants to deceive Degtyarev and curry favor with Beard. If he is refused to give up the artifact a second time, he snatches Degtyarev’s weapon and is helped by his friends (who were well hidden on the dredger).


A stalker asking Degtyarev to bring him a case with swag from a Cossack who went underground. After Degtyarev acquires a weapon from Shustroy, he will demand that it be given to him, declaring that the weapon was stolen from him. In fact, he is lying and just wants to make money. At Shustroy’s request, Degtyarev has to find Koryaga, who escaped from Skadovsk, and make sure that the stalker will no longer spread false rumors about Shustroy’s business. Then you can find him on “Yanov”; when asked, he remains silent. Also connected with the case of theft in Dyagterev’s personal account.


Stalker. Former member of the Clear Sky group (one of the few survivors of the Super-Ejection that occurred after Scar neutralized Strelok in 2011). He worked for Sidorovich for some time, but after Strelok destroyed O-Consciousness, Shustry went to Zaton, where he settled on Skadovsk and began to earn a living by fulfilling special orders from other stalkers for the delivery of high-quality equipment. He asks Degtyarev to deal with the slanderer Koryaga.


A stalker who is in debt to bandits and is unable to fully repay the debt due to the fact that the bandits are constantly charging him interest. He asks Degtyarev to help him with this problem. Later he becomes one of the members of Degtyarev’s group (other members of the group are Degtyarev himself, the military Lieutenant Sokolov, the long-serving Zulu and the former Monolithic Tramp). After the events of the game, according to one version of the development of events, he joins the Freedom group, in which he quickly gains authority and becomes the head of his own research team. Caucasian.


A half-crazed stalker living on an old barge on Zaton, completely alone, except for the female pseudo-dog he somehow tamed. He has the habit, when uninvited guests appear (that is, almost everyone who comes to him), to fire a shot from a gun in the direction of the opening door. It is known that he was able to guide Degtyarev through the anomalous field to one of the downed helicopters. He has two “Compass” artifacts, one of which Beard asks Degtyarev to bring to him. According to one of the ending options, a group of stalkers find salvation from the ejection on his barge, but after the ejection the barge is besieged by a huge flock of snorks and the stalkers manage to fight off the mutants with the help of pseudo-dog puppies. After this, Noah's barge turns into a large outpost of stalkers. This will not happen if you kill him and the pseudo-dog he tamed.


Technician at the Yanov station. Specializes in unique electronic enhancements. He sympathizes with Debt, as a result of which the prices for his services will vary depending on how close Degtyarev is to the ideals of Debt (cheaper if Degtyarev is closer to Debt and more expensive if Freedom). According to one version of the ending, he establishes a joint repair shop with Cardan, who moved to Yanov. Opens a passage for Degtyarev's group to the Pripyat Dungeon.


Stalker. He asks Degtyarev to free his friend from captivity by bandits.


Stalker. A guide leading stalkers along the Zaton - Yanov route and back. If Degtyarev brings him cards, he will reduce the prices for his services.


Stalker. He was hired by scientists to search for artifacts “Kolobok” and “Hunk of Meat”, but was unable to complete this task and entrusted it to Degtyarev, who came into the bunker. After Degtyarev brought him the artifacts he was looking for, he left the scientists’ bunker and disappeared for some time, only to later appear as a guide plying the route “Yanov” - Pripyat. At the very beginning of his career as a guide, he was stupid to bring a group of mercenaries to Pripyat who wanted to get rid of him as an unnecessary witness. He asked Degtyarev to deal with the mercenaries and indicated that they had a meeting planned with someone in the courtyard of an abandoned hostel. After the events of the game, he told all the stalkers about the terrible fate that befell the military involved in Operation Fairway, which further secured Pripyat’s status as one of the most dangerous areas of the Zone and scared away many stalkers from visiting it. Or (depending on the player) he will tell the stalkers about the heroic exploits of the soldiers in Pripyat, thereby pushing the free stalkers to go deeper into the city.


Stalker. He once worked for Sidorovich, but after Strelok destroyed “O-Consciousness” he went to Zaton. He shows particular interest in the “Cauldron” anomaly, near which Degtyarev first finds him. Through negligence, he is seriously injured by the boiling water created by the anomaly. Petrukha's friend asks Degtyarev to cure him. For his healing, Petrukha rewards Degtyarev with the “Fireball” artifact or the “Bear” detector if the player does not have one.


The leader of a group of stalkers hired by scientists to conduct field research. Together with Degtyarev, they were tasked with finding out the source of psi radiation in the railway tunnel in the north. As it turns out, the source is a piece of insulator that has turned into an artifact. Degtyarev obtained the semi-artifact, but a worse danger awaited the group at the exit - the artifact’s radiation attracted the controller into the tunnel, who was not slow to take control of Topol’s group. However, Degtyarev managed to kill the mutant even before he turned Topol's group into zombies. Later, together with Degtyarev, Topol’s group took measurements on the anomalies. Upon completion of this work, Topol and his group received the status of junior researchers and official members of the group of scientists sent to Jupiter. In gratitude, Topol shares with Degtyarev part of the equipment he issued.


Hunter. Commands one group consisting of him, Crab, Danila, Garmata. He asks to find a stalker named Soroka and help him kill the Chimera.


A seriously wounded stalker who fell into an anomaly in the Quarries. The traitor Flint took the artifact from him and left him to die. He refuses to take the first aid kit and calls on Degtyarev to take revenge. It is impossible to save him.


Stalker with a Svarog detector.


see Flint.


Leader of the bandits. Lives in Skadovsk, competes with Beard, undermining his business. Gives quests not related to the storyline. Somehow connected with the merchant Sych. According to one version of the game's ending, the Sultan fails to undermine Beard's business (due to Degtyarev's actions), as a result of which he and his gang leave Zaton, and Skadovsk becomes the most popular stalker base after the 100 X-ray Bar. Before arriving in the Zone, he tried to start his own business twice, but both times his attempts ended in imprisonment. When he first appears on Skadosk, he demands cooperation and help in hitting stalkers. With assistance, the hero earns the sympathy of the bandits and the negative reputation of the stalkers.


A bandit who demands 7,000 rubles from Vano. If Degtyarev does not want to pay him, then he will have to kill Valet. Although the amount can be reduced to 5,000 thousand with threats, But sometimes with a threat, Valet still leaves the amount of 7,000 rubles.

Brass knuckles

The Sultan's right hand. From the beginning he is located on Skadovsk, but after the quest “Hitting”, he may die on the cargo ship Taras Shevchenko.


One of the bandits' bosses living in the location "Vicinities of Jupiter", in a container warehouse. The quest “Hostage” is associated with him and his brigade, where Degterev will have to talk with Shishak about the release of the stalker Mityai, who was captured by them. You can give Shishak the “Goldfish” artifact received from the Bear, or you can keep the artifact for yourself and give him part of your money. Or you can just kill his entire brigade. For a peaceful resolution of the issue with Mityai, without being greedy with money, you are given the achievement “Diplomat” (which can also be obtained for a peaceful resolution of the situation with Vano’s debts).

General Tachenko

The legendary founder of the "Dolg" group. The main character, after completing some quests, finds him dead in the “Bubble” anomaly with the “Dolga” detachment. When searching the body, you can find the general’s PDA, from which it turns out that once Captain Tachenko, while carrying out a mission in the Zone, cut off communication with headquarters, misled his subordinates, founded the “Duty” group, and died in a spatial anomaly. His corpse can only be discovered by examining the anomaly with the Svarog superdetector.


Dolgovets, who settled in the control booth at the Yanov station. He is prone to loneliness due to some distrust of people, however, if someone pleases him, he will most likely go on a drinking binge (although he is not an alcoholic). Armed with a unique machine gun with an increased clip size. Plays an important role in the storyline as it helps Degtyarev form a group, which he joins. Upon arrival in Pripyat, having learned that Degtyarev is an SBU officer, he leaves the group and begins to act alone. After this, Degtyarev can find Zulus in the school yard, fighting off a large flock of snorks. If you help Zulu fight back, he will ask Degtyarev for forgiveness for abandoning him and go with him to the military base in the laundry. Upon arrival at the base, he will give Degtyarev his machine gun as a thank you. According to one of the ending options, Zulu returns to Duty's base at the Rostok plant, where he spends some time talking with the leader of Duty, General Voronin. After this, he is seen leading a large detachment of Duty to the center of the Zone. According to another version, General Voronin dies and, having learned about his simultaneously heroic and tragic death, posthumously awards him the highest award of Duty - the Order of the Silver Shield.

Lieutenant Colonel Shulga

The leader of the "Dolg" group at the "Yanov" station, the documents found at the "Jupiter" plant can be attributed to him. Ta

Everyone knows that when you point your sight at a stalker, his name and group are displayed, but the developers decided not to tell the players about the history of each character. But thanks for leaving this in the game archives! I have chosen especially for you a description of some of the brightest characters from Stalker:

Oleg "Demon" Gusarov

The former “black beret” served in the Belotserkovskaya Special Forces brigade.
Super-conscript, senior sergeant, specializing in sniper and demolition. The state of the soul is a “lone wolf.” He never takes partners with him into the Zone,
preferring to act alone. He was repeatedly offered to join
clans - always flatly refused precisely for this reason.


Leshy, as his brother called him, came to the zone as a young idealist. But several years of living close to death made him a cynical realist. He considers the zone his home, and those who have not passed the test of the zone as unworthy to live on Earth.


Experienced smuggler. For a long time he hunted in Africa and South America.
The stories about Chernobyl mutants that spread all over the world brought him to Ukraine. Behind
managed to remove several hundred stuffed animals from the restricted area in a short period of time
mutants, for which he received the nickname "Scarecrow". In the intervals between “work” in the Zone -
successful trader. Loves Armani suits and Versace ties, but guns
prefers Soviet ones.


An incredibly lucky stalker. Many times his group was on the verge of death, and he was always the only one who managed to escape. Among stalkers it has a bad reputation as an “unlucky talisman”. For some time now he always walks alone.

Father Diodorus

Former Afghan. During one of the Mujahideen ambushes
strongly believed in God. After Afghanistan, he immigrates to Poland, where he enters
theological seminary. After graduating from seminary, he preached for some time in
Lviv Catholic Church. After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, he signs up as a volunteer
help the victims. For the last few years he has been preaching in the Zone.


In everyday life he is phlegmatic, does not express his emotions, and is calm. However, when strongly impressed, he is quick-tempered and aggressive. Intellectual. A materialist, he terribly regrets that he ended up in the Zone. After graduating from medical school, he was sent to the Zone, where a camp of scientists needed an assistant neurosurgeon. Dissects the brains of mutants and studies their psychokinetic abilities. He is waiting for retirement and the opportunity to live in the capital away from this disastrous place.

Sad sack

The idiot is 20 years old. He had nothing and no one left on the mainland, and he decided to come here. He simply has nowhere to leave the Zone. in the Zone he just makes ends meet. He owes a lot of stalkers some amounts of money. He goes to the Zone very often, but never alone, more often he sticks with groups of stalkers. But few people agree to take him, because he is just an extra burden. Swag is collected very rarely. Lives on
handouts from other stalkers and therefore all in debt.


Fierce, angry, rude, selfish, cruel, insensitive, cold. Nobody knows when and how he got into the Zone. He is feared and disliked. He simply lives in the Zone, he has no
future, nor past. After one of his many forays into the Zone
I lost my memory and forgot a lot. He doesn’t remember where he’s from, he doesn’t remember his
real name, frequent memory lapses. For example, he may forget a new acquaintance
an hour after meeting him, and, perceiving him as an enemy, kill him.


Boor, sycophant, hypocrite, coward. Barin’s life credo could be called the phrase after us - even a flood. He tries to benefit from everything. With all this, he is very ambitious and touchy. I came to the Zone, no matter how trivial it may sound, for money. And now for the second year in the Zone he has been extracting material assets by any means.


Sparrow is 27 years old. He is cunning, far-sighted, but sometimes makes grave mistakes. Mean at times. In general, it leaves an ambivalent impression of itself. Thin and pale. I came to the Zone out of curiosity and made a promise to myself - two months in the Zone - and then home. But it remained here. On his first foray into the Zone, he managed to walk without instruments through a field completely strewn with anomalies, without knowing about them. When he was informed about this, he
I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time. Since then, he has celebrated that day (October 9) as his
The second birthday.


Guardian of the Freedom group. Fanatically loyal to the group. Well equipped and very dangerous. No detailed information available.


Stalker of the Svoboda group. Barrier Commander. A man who rallied people around him who were ready to die for a common cause.


Former digger. With his group of like-minded people, he climbs into all the abandoned laboratories and bunkers he can get to.


Experienced smuggler. He is known for being able to smuggle several hundred stuffed mutants out of the forbidden zone in a short period of time.


Bar security guard. Or, if you prefer, the bartender's bodyguard. Nothing is known about his present or past.


Garik's twin brother. Security guard at the bar entrance. As silent as his brother.


Neither a saint nor a scoundrel, he knows his worth, for which he is respected among stalkers. There are rumors that he is hiding in the Zone from his dark past. After he got into the anomaly, he began to limp and decided to change his occupation. He furnished a bar near the Debt group, which quietly became the main gathering place for Zone veterans. The bartender has many connections both within the Zone and in the outside world.

Captain Ivantsov

The head of all punitive operations and operations to clear large concentrations of mutants.

Colonel Petrenko

One of the founders of Debt and also the main ideologist. It was he who developed the set of rules and recruited almost all the key members of the Duty.


The personality is legendary in its own way; they say that he can lead you to any point in the Zone. He charges dearly, but it's not just about the money. He will not lead people he doesn’t like for any money. Veteran, knows the Zone inside and out.


He worked in trade from an early age. In kindergarten I sold colored pencils. At school I sold chewing gum. At the institute he earned his living by selling soft drugs. With the advent of the Zone, I realized that I could make good money from this. He is famous for his ability to establish good trading relationships with the most varied clients.


One of the field commanders of the Mercenaries. The commander of a detachment of militants who call themselves “dogs.” An anarchist, despises any laws other than the laws of force. A veteran shot through all calibers. A rare psycho and sadist.


Formerly a mechanic from the KholodMash plant. After his wife left him, he decided to commit suicide, and since he was a religious person, he chose the Zone as an original method of suicide. But he survived, got better in a couple of years, and gained a certain authority among stalkers thanks to his professional skills. At the moment, the Master is the most competent mechanic in the Zone, repairing equipment and machinery, arranging protection systems for group bunkers, etc. and so on. - his diocese. He can enter any door, is influential, simple, but rude in communication.

smart ass

A student from the physics department, he left the fifth year of the institute to the Zone to earn money. A fan of showing off his “scientific” knowledge and discussing abstract philosophical topics. It's for this show off that his stalkers don't like him. But overall the guy is not bad. Still believes in high ideals.


He writes essays and stories about the Zone under the pseudonym Arkady. A former journalist, meticulous, tough, but fair. He enjoys a certain respect among stalkers.

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Mechanic based on singles. A young guy, 18-20 years old, with a deep voice. A little arrogant. He wants to appear older, so he tries to look gloomy and serious. Sociable, gentle. He is well versed in machine guns and shotguns, although, in fact, his element is pistols. Personally, he doesn’t consider himself an ace, but many people think the opposite

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Experienced smuggler. He is known for the fact that in a short period of time he managed to remove several hundred stuffed mutants from the forbidden zone.

The owner of the Arena runs a profitable business by arranging fights and accepting bets. His main audience and assistants in obtaining “meat” are the “Duty” group. Has a good relationship with the Bartender. Perhaps, thanks to the earnings from his past activities, he opened “Arena”

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Trader at the Freedom base in Dark Valley. He is very pleased with his conditions, and even claims that he feels better in the Zone than in Sochi. You can always buy from him, as he himself claims, “fresh” cartridges. True, they are a little more expensive than other merchants. What happened to him after the second Big Blowout is unknown

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A friend of Cardan and the Joker, who died in the caves under the burnt out farm

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Boor, sycophant, hypocrite, coward. Barin’s life credo could be called the phrase “after us, even a flood.” He tries to benefit from everything. With all this, he is very ambitious and touchy. I came to the Zone, no matter how trivial it may sound, for money. And now for the second year in the Zone he has been extracting material assets by any means.

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Trader at the base of the "Dolg" group in 2012, owner and bartender of "One Hundred X-ray".

Before coming to the Zone, he was the owner of a small restaurant, but was not successful and soon went bankrupt. Having sold the restaurant, he went to the Zone and after a while opened the “100 Roentgen” bar, after which things went uphill. Nowadays he enjoys great success trading in his Bar

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One of the three assistants of the mercenary Serbin

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The character of "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl" and "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky" is a bartender, and later the leader of a group of bandits. After the collapse of the group, he began to command bandits at the Old Factory

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Bartender on the ship "Skadovsk" on Zaton. A good-natured merchant who helps free stalkers, searches for interesting artifacts and sells them to order, and also sells ordinary art.

Beard considers Skadovsk his fortress, so he is at odds with the bandit Sultan, who lays claim to his ship and business. Also, Beard is not on the best terms with Sych, but they have common affairs

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A fanatic out of control of the Monolith

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Fighter of the Monolith group from the Tramp group

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Stalker from the Topol squad

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The leader of a group of bandits who settled at the checkpoint. He is one of the veterans of the Zone, armed with a chipper

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A cheerful, sociable, attractive stalker with a kind face. An excellent comrade and just a good person who found himself in a sensitive position because of his gullibility

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Army special forces. Well equipped.

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Associate Professor Vasiliev - researcher at the mobile laboratory, Sakharov's assistant.

The foray into the X-16 laboratory under the protection of the Illusive Man was his last: he escaped during a zombie attack, leaving the Illusive Man alone with the controller. However, in the area of ​​​​the dry lake, the zombies still got hold of Vasilyev.

I recorded my various notes on a voice recorder.

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A messenger from a group of diggers. He had to catch up with Fang and persuade him to pay at least part of the money to the diggers for finding a certain part. On the way to the Dark Valley, Vasyan came across a pack of blind dogs who drove him into a gorge. Scar, learning that the envoy was heading east, followed him and met him in the gorge. Digger warned the mercenary that the dogs could return at any moment. This is what happened, and the two stalkers had to shoot the angry dogs. After this, Vasyan told Scar why he followed Fang and that he “has probably been in the Dark Valley for a long time”

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Poor free stalker from Zaton

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One of the mercenary field commanders. The commander of a detachment of militants who call themselves “Dogs.” Anarchist, despises any laws except the laws of force

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Free stalker from the Rostock plant

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Merchant from Yanov. A cheerful, positive person who shows loyalty to Svoboda

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Soldier of Tesak's detachment on Zaton

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Member of the Freedom squad that broke through the Brain Scorcher. At the Yanov station he became responsible for supplying the group. Did business with Morgan. After the “Dolg” warehouse came under the control of “Svoboda”, he began to guard it with his detachment

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Bartender at the Liberty base in Dark Valley. When Chekhov founded the clan's base, Ganzha decided to open his own bar there, which he called "A Sip of Freedom." There Svoboda residents could take a break from the shootings, have a drink and just chat

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Free stalker, is a guide

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Mechanic at the Flea Market in the Landfill. Repairs weapons and equipment, but makes almost no modifications - the conditions are unsuitable. For the same reason, he charges a lot of money for repairs. Can be killed as Yogi completes his task - to clean out the flea market together with the gang, also during an attack by mutants on the Flea Market. He sleeps during the day and works at night. Disappears if the Flea Market is occupied by bandits, "Duty" or "Freedom"

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Member of Gonta's hunting group. The only stalker in the same group who is armed with a shotgun. Has the best chance of surviving while hunting a chimera due to good weapons

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Leader of the "Dolg" clan in 2012. Succeeded by General Krylov

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A former military man, who at one time joined the ranks of the Dolgovites. In 2011, at the time of the ChN events, Krylov headed the “Dolg” group, having been appointed to this position by General Tachenko. It was Krylov who created the first Debt base, placing it in the buildings of the Agroprom Institute

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Ideological founder of the “Dolg” group and one of its leaders

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Bandit from Shishak's gang guarding the territory of the Container Depot

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Soldier of Tesak's detachment on Zaton

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Professional mutant hunter, friend and student of St. John's Wort. Has its own squad, which includes Garmata, Crab and Danila. Arrived at Zaton on orders from St. John's wort? destroy the chimera. During one of the search trips, Danila disappeared. When they tracked down the chimera, they could not attack it, because... the squad was missing one person. Then the group helped the stalker Soroka kill the controller so that he could take his swag from the cache. In return, Soroka promised Gonta to help in the hunt. But the hunt was unsuccessful. Magpie escaped, and Crab was wounded. After this, Gonta decides to find Soroka and take revenge on him. Gonta asks Degtyarev to help him find the traitor. After Degtyarev finds the lair of bloodsuckers under the Krug VZ, Gonta begins to treat him with respect and offers to help finish off the chimera

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Artifact seeker on Zaton. One of two owners of an improved detector. Has its own squad consisting of two people. Comb and his men work for Beard and are looking for artifacts to order for him.

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