Translation from Georgian sentence. Dictionary of love

Dictionary of love. Georgian language
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Love - sikvaruli
I love you - me shen mikvarhar
I love you very much - me shen uzomot mikvarhar
Do not offend me - well, matsk "ineb
I miss you - momenta (I miss you - me shen momentare)
I dream about you - mezismrebi
I miss and kiss - menatrebi yes kotsni
I hug - gehwevi
Dear person - dzvirpasi adamiani (address - dzvirpaso adamiano)
My soul - suli chemi (appeal - suli chemo)
You are the best, my favorite, the best in the world - Shen kvelaze kargi, watercolors and uketesi khar kvekanase
I can give everything, just to see your eyes again - kwelafers gavaketeb imistvis, rum sheni twalabi kidevertkhel manakha
I can't get you out of my head - ar shemidzlia sheni davitskeba
Why Don `t you call? - ratom ar mirekav?
Kiss me - makotse
I kiss you - me sheng gkotsni
Go, I'll kiss you - modi ak, kakotso
Hug me - momehwie
I want us to be in a place - me minda, rum chwen ertad vikot.
It seems to me that these two stars in the sky are similar to us - me mgonia, isori varskvlavi tsaze chven gvgavs.
There is a part of you in every beat of my heart - chemi gulis kovel dartkmashi sheni nationalia
We won’t succeed, I know that you don’t need me - chven araperi gamogviva, me vizi, rom shen ar gchirdebi
I like you very, very much - me sheng momtsonghar dzalian-dzalian magrad
My dear - chemo dzvirpaso
Not renounce loving! You need someone who is small and loves you a lot! - Sikvarulisgan gandgoma ar sheydzleba! Shen mas chirdebi, vints pataraa da zalian ukvarkhar!
Do not call or write! Forget! Resting like you asked! - nurts damirekav and nurts momtser! Damiwicke! visveneb, rogorts shen mtkhove!
It is very difficult for me to be with you, but I don’t understand how to be without you
I will always help you - me kovetvis dagekhmarebi
Rely on me - gkondes chemi imedi
Joy of my heart - chemi gulis sikharulo / sikharulo
I will wait - dagelodebi
I am very sad without you - dzalian motzkenili var ushenod
Come soon - chamodi male
My beauty (appeal) - chemo silamazev
My handsome (appeal) - chemo lamazo
I feel very good when you are near - dzalian kargad var, rodesats shen ahlos khar
Brother, brother - zmao, zamiko
Sister - daiko
I want to be with you - Minda Shentan Ertad Khopna
My good - chemo cargo
My life is Chemo sitsotskhle
You are my life - shen chemi tskhovreba khar
My joy is chemo sikharulo
Favorite - sakvarelo
My dream is sanatrelo
My beautiful - lamazo or turpav
Beautiful - Mshveniero
I love, but I do not want - mikvars, magram ar minda
Do you like this girl? - shen mogzons es gogo?
Yes, I like it and I love it - ki, momzons da mikvars
I will never leave you - me shen arasdros ar migatoweb
I will never leave you in trouble - me shen arasdros ar daktoweb
I will always be with you - mae sul wiknebi shentan / me shentan sul wiknebi
Treasure is you - okro har shen
What did I do to you? - ra gagikete shen iset?
Don't call me again - agar damireko
Don't touch me - hells well mahleb, shemeshvi
Forget - Daiwicke
Don't be offended - ar getzkinos
Are you offended? - getzkina?
Who hurt you? - wine gatskenina?
Did I offend you? - me gatskenine?
Are you mad at me? - shen chemze natskeni har?
You offended me! - shen matskenine!
You are very sweet and I like you very much, little angel, kiss - daan sakvareli har da dzalian momtsonhar, patara angeloso, k "otsni
I want love and affection. Right now - minda sikvaruli yes alersi. Ahlava
What, love and affection wanted? - ra, sikvaruli yes alersi moginda?
Your face lights up my life - sheni sahe minatebs tskhovrebas
You are my prince, my god and master, if there is no sun in the sky, then all living things die, so I die without you, my soul is shen chemi tavadi har, chemi death har yes chemi patroni har, tu ar aris mze tsaze, machines kvelaperi tsotskhali kvdeba, aseve mets vkvdebi shens gareshe, chemo sulo
Thousand Kisses - Atashi Kotsna
Forgive me, I didn't mean to - mopatie me ar mindoda
My heart still raves about you - chemi guli kidev shenze bodavs
It is very difficult for me to be with you, but I don’t understand how to be without you
I wish you sweet dreams, my only beauty is tkbil sizmrebs gisurveb, chemo ertad erto mzid unahavo
My angry tiger, why are you growling at me all the time? - avo vefhvo, coveltvis ace ratom mibgver?
Smell nice - sunya hags
I'll bite now - ehla gikben
I'm with you - me shentan var
Don't be afraid, I'm with you - well, geshinia, me shentan var
You are the meaning of my life - shen chemi tskhovrebis azri khar
My heart is with you - chemi guli shentan aris

For those who are going to I offer Georgian words and phrases in Russian, written in Russian letters.

How do you understand these words and phrases, mostly that you may need, will come in handy for a tourist. There is no feminine or masculine gender in Georgian.

Here the letters are red, in Georgian they are pronounced differently, but more on that in the next lesson. Everyone will understand you there. Of course, all the necessary words and phrases will not fit here, but how to get out of a difficult situation and find a translation in Russian letters of the desired phrase.

goodbye - nahvamdis - or - momaval shehvedramde - or - kargad ik avi (as you prefer)
Good morning - dila mshvidobisa
Good evening - sag amo mshvidobis
Hello - gamarj both (you can also - SALAMI. This is a word in Georgian from the Turkish language)
Good / bad - hag / tsudi
big / small - didi / patara
see you (similar to see you), meet - shevhvdebit
definitely - aucileblad
I want - minda
yes / no - ki / ara or diah / ara
hot / cold - tskheli / qivi
know - vici
don't know - arvici
Thank you, thank you - madloba
Welcome - Mobrds Andi
it is possible, perhaps - sheidz leba, shesadz lebelia
give - mometsi
wait - moytsade
how is your health? – Rogor aris tk veni j amrteloba?
How are you? - rogor har?
I'm sorry / I'm sorry / I'm sorry - ukatsravad - or - mapatie
please (to request) - gt hov
please (you're welcome, welcome) - mobrdz andi
If possible - that shedz leba
Drink, I want to drink - far, minda far
is - aris
good, fine - hags, shesanishnavia
Thank you - madloba
I don't understand - ver gavige - or - ar mesmis
nice to meet you - Mikharia Gatsnoba
Can you help me? - shegidz liat damehmarot?
I'm not sure - Me ar var darts munebuli
i - me
you are shen
Taxi - Taxi
here - ak (it is more accurately pronounced in English letters - AQ. Here in this word the Russian letter k is pronounced like English Q)
there - ik (it is more accurately pronounced in English letters - IQ. Here in this word the Russian letter k is pronounced like English Q)

i want me minda
I love you - me shen mik varkhar
okay, it's coming, okay, I agree - hags - or just Ok
Airport — Airport
A little bit, a little bit - tsota
one more - kidev ert and
everything is in order - to velaferi rigzea
Phone - Phone
because - an imitation of rum
what is your name? – ra gk via
my name is ... - me mk via
more (more) — kidev
bad - tsudi
husband / wife - to mari / tsoli
mine / yours - chemi / sheni
Hotel – Hotel
how old are you - ramdeni ts lis khar
do you know Russian? - rusuli itzi?
I didn't understand - ver gavige
Tea - Tea
good, cute - hags, sympathuri
do you understand me? – what is hemis?
Coffee - Coffee
how is it in Georgian? - Rogor aris es k artulad
go-go, come here - modi, modi ak
help me - mishvele, or damehmare
i need me minda
you have to go - unda ts avide
I am from Russia – meruset idan var
sit down (please) – daj eki (gt hov)
money - f uli
who is this? – vin aris es?
In the market or in the bazaar, these glory will be very useful
surrender - khurda
i can - me shemidz lia
I have no money / change - me ar ma To sun f uli / khurda
you can’t - ar shedz leba
one more - kidev erti
where is the garden
currency exchange – valutis gatsvla
i want me minda
I don't want - me ar minda
can you take a look at this? - shedz leba vnaho?
me myself - methweeton
These glory you will often have to consume
Enough / Enough - sakmarissia
free - uv asod
no money - f uli ar mak sun
How much does it cost? – ra girs?
no problem, don't worry - ar aris problem, well g elavt

later, then - Guian, Shemdeg
a lot - bevry
little - tsota
yes - ki
no - ara
completely, entirely - mt lianad
please give me… — mometsi gt hov
difficult - dznel
I don't want it / I don't need it. Not required – me ar minda es / me ar mch irdeba
expensive - dz viria
very expensive - dz alian dz viria
let's go - ts avidet
enough - sakmarisia
beloved, dear (applied to friends too) - sak varelo, dz virf aso
Ok dear – kargi dz wirf aso

Well, write in the comments what words and phrases you are interested in and I will add here.
Here is the answer to the most sought-after phrase “how will it be in Georgian I love you”, “monkey” on the Internet: meshen mik varkhar, as in Georgian the word Please. Also, the phrase “designation in Georgian word dzamo” - Here, in my opinion, the word “dzamo” does not sound right. Should be "Dz mao"

I love you - me shen mik varkhar
monkey - maimuni
please - inet ( like when we say: Please take your key . There is no direct translation for this particle in Georgian. In different cases, it can be expressed in different ways).
Dz mao - Brother (“Dz ma” in Russian is brother, but in our case “Dz mao” is an appeal to a close or not close person. For example, “Gamarjoba dz mao” - “hello brother”)

There is another thing that is interesting and useful to many. For example offensive, obscene words in Georgian. It's because you didn't accidentally say those words there. Of course it will be inconvenient. To do this, I made a short Georgian dictionary of offensive, obscene words and expressions. To download this archive. The archive contains Georgian curses, swear words in DOC format in RAR archive with translation into Russian. Unpack it.

I also wrote a small post for you and there you will find an archive that you can download

Georgia is a magnificent country that has preserved the pristine beauty of mountains and rivers. This is an ancient state, which is located in Asia Minor and on the Black Sea coast. The geographical location of Georgia and its incredibly healthy mineral waters attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year, and each of them finds here something of their own, something that makes them come back here again and again. But in order to travel around Georgia and easily communicate with the local population, you need to know the Georgian language well.


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Hello! gamarjbutt
Hello! hagimarjott
Hello! Salami!
Good morning! Dila mshvidobisa!
Good evening! Sagamo mshvidobis!
Good night! ghame mshvidobisa
Goodbye! Nahvamdis!
Goodbye! Mshvidobit!
Bye! Jerobite!
Don't get lost! Well daikargebi!
Hope to see you soon! Imedi Makvs, Male Shevhvdebit!
Glad to see you! Miharia Tkveni Nahva!
Welcome mobrzanditt
Bon Voyage Gza mshvidobis

Standard phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yes Ho (polite - diah)
No ara
Thank you! Gmadlobt
Please Arapris
Sorry Bodyshi
Sorry! Mapatiet!
Please excuse me! Gthowt mapatiot!
I'm sorry for disturbing you! Bodyshs gighdit, rum gatsuhebt!
Excuse me, am I bothering you? Bodyshi, health hom ar gishlit?
Sorry I'm busy) Ukatsravad, me dakawebuli var
Sorry I'm in a hurry Ukatsravad, mechkareba
Sorry for keeping you waiting Mapatiet, rum halodinet
Sorry for interrupting you Mapatiet, rum saubari shegackvetinet
Sorry, but you are wrong! Mapatiet, magram tkven tsdebit
Thank you in advance! Tsinassar gihdit madlobas!
Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, well, stsuhdebit!
Thank you very much! Didi madloba!
Thank you in advance! Tsinassar gihdit madlobas!
I am very grateful to you! Tkweni dzalian madlobeli var!
Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, well, stsuhdebit!
You are very kind! Tkven dzalian tavaziani brdzandebit!
Many thanks for the help! Didi madloba dahmarebisatvis!
In no case! Aravitar shemthvevashi!
It is forbidden! Ar sheidzleba!
I'm against! Me cinaagmdegi var!
I disagree (agree) with you! Me ar getankhmebit!
Don't think Ara mgonia
Don't want! Arminda!
Unfortunately I can not. Samtsukharod, ar shemidzlia!
You are wrong! Tkven tsdebit!
I'm very happy)! Dzalian Miharia!
How are you doing? Rogor Hart?
OK, thank you Gmadlobt, kargad
Great! Chinebulad!
Very good! Dzalian kargad !
Not all so good! Arts tu ise kargad!
So-so! Ara mishavs!
Badly! Tsudad!
How are yours doing? Tkvenebi Rogor Aryan?
Thank you old Gmadlobt, dzweleburad
What is your name? ra gquiat?
Wife tsoli
Husband kmari
Daughter Kalishvili
Son vashishvili
Mother deda
Father Mother
Friend megobari
May I ask you? Sheidzleba gthovot?
I beg you very much! Dzalian gthowt!
I have to ask you! Tkwentan thovna maks!
Please consider my request! Gthovt chemi thovna gaitvaliscinot
How to say it in... Rogor iknaba es…?
Do you speak… Laparocobt...?
English Inglisurad
french Prangulad
german Germanulad
I don't speak Georgian me ver cartalad
I do not understand chemtwis ar arin gasagebia
please repeat mapatiet mitharit meore dzher
I need a translator me mchirdeba tarjimani
what does it mean? ras nishnavs es?
I Me
We chwen
You Sheng
You Tkwen
They Isini

Travel around the city

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
how to pass (drive)? rogor shemidzlia mihvide?
where is? aris garden?
Left Martskhniv
Right margin
Directly Pirdapir
Up Zemot
Down Kvemot
Far Shchors
Close Ahlos
Map Hand
Mail post
Museum Museumi
Bank Banks
Police Police
Hospital Saavadmkhopo
Pharmacy Aptiacs
Shop Mag'hasia
Restaurant Restaurantani
School Scola
Church Eklesia
Toilet Tauleti
Street Heaps
Square Moedani
Bridge Headey

At the station

In transport

At the hotel


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 noliNoli
1 ertiErtie
2 oriOri
3 samithemselves
4 otxiOthi
5 xutiHouthi
6 ekvsiEqusi
7 shvidiShvidi
8 rvamoat
9 cxraTskhra
10 atiAti
11 tertmetiTertmeti
12 tormetiTormeti
13 cametiTsameti
14 totxmetiTothmeti
15 txutmetiThutmeti
16 tekvsmetiTexvmeti
17 chvidmetiChvidmeti
18 tvrametiTvrameti
19 cxrametiTskrameti
20 ociOtzi
21 ocdaertiOts-da-erti (literally means twenty and one)
22 ocdaoriOts-da-ori (twenty and two)
30 ocdaatiOts-da-ati (twenty and ten (20+10=30))
31 ocdattermetiOts-da-tertmeti (twenty and eleven (20+11=31))
32 ocdatormetiOts-da-tormeti (twenty and twelve (20+12=32))
40 ormociOr-m-otsi (two twenty (2x20=40))
41 ormocdaertiOr-m-ots-da-erti (two twenty and one (2x20+1=41))
50 ormocdaatiOr-m-ots-da-ati (two twenty and ten (2x20+10=50))
60 samociSam-ochi (three twenty (3x20=60))
70 samocdaatiSam-ots-da-ati (three twenty and ten (3x20+10=70))
75 samocdatxutmetiSam-ots-da-thutmeti (three twenty and fifteen (3x20+15=75))
80 otxmociOtkh-motsi (four twenty (4x20=80))
90 otxmocdaatiOtkh-mots-da-ati (four twenty and ten (4x20+10=90))
100 asiasi
120 as ociAc axis (one hundred and twenty)
121 as ocdaertiAs os-da-erti) (one hundred and twenty and one (100+20+1=121))
154 as ormocdatotxmetiAs or-m-ots-da-tothmeti (one hundred two twenty and fourteen (100+2x20+14=154))
200 orasiOr-asi (two hundred (2x100=200))
291 oras otxmocdattermetiOr-as otkh-m-ots-da-tertmeti (two hundred four twenty and eleven (2x100+4x20+11=291))
300 samasiSam-ashi (three hundred)
400 otxasiOtkh-asi
500 xutasiHut-asi
600 ekvsasiEkvs-asi
700 shvidasishvidi-asi
800 rvaasiRwa-asi
900 cxraasiTskhra-asi
1 000 atasiAt-asi (ten hundred (10x100=1000))
1 001 atas ertiAt-as erti
2 000 ori atasiOri at-asi (two thousand)
3 000 sami atasiSami at-asi (three thousand)
1 000 000 milioniMilioni


Time of day and year

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What time is it now? Romeli Saaty?
morning/in the morning dila/dilas
day/afternoon dghe/dghes
evening/evening saghamo/saghamos
Now ahla
Today dghes
Tomorrow praise
yesterday goushin
Day Dg'he
A week Queer
Month Twe
Year Tseli
Monday Orshabati
Tuesday Samshabati
Wednesday Othshabati
Thursday Khutshabati
Friday Paraskavi
Saturday Shabati
Sunday Queer
January January
February tebervali
March marty
April april
May Maisi
June tibatwe
July mcatatwe
August mariamobistve
September enkenistve
October ghvinobistve
november noemberi
December decambury
Spring Ghazaphuli
Summer Zaphuli
Autumn Shemodgoma
Winter Deputy

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How much does it cost? Ra g'hirs?
What it is? Es ra aris?
I will buy it Vkhidulob
You have… Hackwt...?
Open G'hiaa
Closed Dakethylia
Little, little Tsota
A lot of bevry
All Khvala
Sugar / salt tavi / marili
Milk matsoni
Fish tevzi
Meat hortsy
Chicken Daedalus
Rice asli
Lentils pox
Onion Bolkwee
Garlic niori
Sweets sashvebeli
Fruits healy
Apples wasted
Grape abechari
Strawberry martskwee
Peaches atami
Apricot cherami
Very expensive akati

Restaurant and cafe

To ensure that ignorance of the language does not become an obstacle for you, on our website you can download or print a wonderful Russian-Georgian phrasebook, which contains the most important topics for conversations while traveling.

Key words are important and frequently used phrases and words that you cannot do without during your vacation in Georgia. Here you will find common phrases, answers to common questions, and more.

Numbers - translation of numbers from zero to a million and their correct pronunciation. This theme can come in handy in many cases, from traveling by bus to purchasing goods in the market and in stores.

Shops and restaurants - thanks to this topic, you can find out the cost of a particular product, and the translation of many food products from Russian into Georgian.

Tourism - phrases that tourists most often use when traveling.

How to get there - words that will help you find your way to any place you are interested in. All you need to do is just ask a question to a passing Georgian citizen in his native language.

Public places and attractions - if you need to get to any of the municipal institutions or local attractions, just open this topic and find the translation and pronunciation of the object you are interested in, after which you can ask any passer-by where this building is located.

Dates and time - translation and pronunciation of dates and times of the day, in addition, thanks to this section, you can ask what time or until what time the institution you are interested in is open.

The ancestors of Georgians are mentioned in the Bible, the legendary Colchis, where the Argonauts sailed, was located on the territory of Georgia. It seems to us that we know a lot about Georgians, but their history and culture keeps many mysteries.

1. Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. This toponym is translated as "the whole of Kartli" and goes back to the name of the region of the same name. The toponym "Georgia" goes back to the name "Gurjistan" (country of wolves), found in Arab-Persian sources.

The European name of Georgia "Georgia" is also compared with the Arab-Persian name associated with the Georgian cult of St. George. The golden sculpture of the saint rises on the central square of Tbilisi.

2. The number of Georgians in the world is more than 4 million.

3. Georgians were one of the first nations to adopt Christianity. According to one of the most common versions, this happened in 319. It is significant that, despite the global trend, the number of believers in Georgia is growing. Today, 80% of Georgians consider themselves Orthodox.

4. Georgian is an ancient written language. The oldest written monuments in the ancient Georgian language date back to the 5th century. These include a mosaic inscription from the first half of the 5th century near Jerusalem, as well as an inscription on Bolnisi Zion (60 km south of Tbilisi) from the end of the 5th century.

5. Georgians have a unique alphabet. There are various hypotheses about the prototype of Georgian writing in Kartvelistics. According to various theories, it is based on Aramaic, Greek or Coptic writing.

6. The self-name of Georgians is kartvelebi.

7. The first state mentioned by historians on the territory of Georgia is the Kingdom of Colchis. It was first mentioned in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. Greek authors Pindar and Aeschylus. It was to Colchis that the Argonauts sailed for the Golden Fleece.

8. There is no stress in the Georgian language, only the tone rises on a certain syllable. Also, there are no capital letters in Georgian, and the gender is determined by the context.

9. Joseph Stalin is deservedly considered the most famous Georgian in the world.

10. The Georgian language uses the vigesimal system for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to break it into twenty and name their number and remainder. For example: 33 is twenty-thirteen, and 78 is three-twenty-eighteen.

11. Words familiar to us from childhood in Georgia have different meanings to which we are accustomed. “Mama” in Georgian is dad, “deda” is mom, “bebia” is grandmother, “babua” or “papa” is grandfather.

12. In the Georgian language there is no sound “f”, and in borrowed words this sound is replaced by the sound “p” with a strong aspiration. The Russian Federation in Georgian will sound like: "Rusetis Pederacia".

13. According to economist Kennan Eric Scott of the Washington Institute, during the Soviet era, Georgians supplied 95% of tea and 97% of tobacco to Soviet shelves. The lion's share of citrus fruits (95%) also went to the regions of the USSR from Georgia.

14. On the territory of Georgia in 1991, they found the remains of Dmanisian hominids, originally called Homo georgicus. They are almost 2 million years old (1 million 770,000). They were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

15. It is customary to eat kebabs and khinkali in Georgia with your hands.

16. Despite the traditionally high level of homophobia in Georgia, the level of tactile contact between Georgian men is very high. While walking, they can hold hands, sitting in coffee shops - touch each other.

17. In everyday communication, Georgians use words that for some reason they consider Russian, although for us they will not always be clear. Georgians call slippers chusts, wallpapers - trellises, beans - lobio, everything that is worn above the waist is often called a T-shirt, and sneakers are called botas.

18. Georgians are rightfully proud of their wine. It began to be produced here 7,000 years ago, and today there are 500 varieties of cultivated grapes in Georgia. Every year the country hosts the Rtveli grape harvest festival.

19. Georgians are known for their hospitality. The guest in the house is more important than the host. Therefore, it is not customary to take off shoes in Georgian houses.

20. Georgians are known for their love of long toasts, but not everyone knows that it is not customary to make toasts when Georgians drink beer.

Illustrations: Niko Pirosmani

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