Emphasis in the word BEET. How to put the stress in the word beetroot? Correct stress in the word "beetroot"

According to the norms of the modern Russian language, “beetroot” falls on the first syllable - on “ё”. The pronunciation of the word "beet" through "e" with an accent on the last syllable is considered a mistake, and a gross one. The dictionaries even specifically note the inadmissibility, the incorrectness of pronouncing "beetroot" with an emphasis on "a".

This stress is preserved in all cases, both in the singular and in the plural: beets, beets, beets, beets, and so on.

However, in words derived from the word "beet", the stress may shift. So, the diminutive “beetroot” with the emphasis on the second syllable, the emphasis here is on “o”. The same is with the word “beetroot”, the emphasis here also falls on “o”.

Why does the word "beetroot" have the correct stress on "ё"

The word "beet" has in its composition the letter "e", which is in Russian "in a special position." And one of the features is that the sounds that are transmitted using this are always under stress. The only exceptions are some borrowed words. But "beets" are no exceptions.

At the same time, “Yo” is often replaced by “E” in the letter - according to the rules of the Russian language, the “letter with dots” is required to be written only in books for children who are just starting to learn to read, as well as in cases where it is necessary to convey pronunciation (for example, in geographical names or surnames) or plays a semantic role (for example, the words “all” and “everything” have different meanings). The word "beetroot" is not one of the words where the use of "Yo" is mandatory. Therefore, most often it is written with an “e”, and together with the dots above the e, the indication of the pronunciation of the word also disappears.

This is probably one of the reasons why many begin to pronounce "beets" through "E", with the accent on the last syllable. Recall that this is considered a gross speech error.

To remember the correct stress in the word "beet" you can use the Russian name "Thekla", which is very similar in sound to it. One of the popular rhymes for remembering the correct stress is “Not Fekla, but Fyokla, not beets, but beets.”

The whole problem of this situation may have arisen due to the fact that writing the letter E in Russian is optional in most cases (except for words where its replacement by E may entail a change in the meaning of the word or sentence). This is the only such situation for all of our thirty-three letters of the alphabet. Why not make it mandatory?

The answer to this question can be seen on any modern computer keyboard (which, by the way, copies the layout of the keys on a typewriter). For blind typing, its location is extremely inconvenient. Or maybe it's about saving ink when printing? One way or another, the name of one of the most widespread root crops, beets, is under attack.

Correct stress in the word "beetroot"

Beets are one of the most important agricultural crops. Modern selection offers us both vegetable beet (chard), table beet, fodder beet, and sugar beet. Its importance is especially great in Europe. In countries where sugarcane cannot grow, the production of such a product can hardly be overestimated. This vegetable is used both for livestock feed and for human consumption. The alcohol industry without it will not be able to produce alcohols for both technical and food purposes.

So what syllable should be stressed in "beetroot"? Let us turn to the existing dictionaries to clarify this issue. The answer is unequivocal: the stress is possible only on the first syllable. It is correct to use this word with the letter E. Although its spelling is optional, its pronunciation is the only correct one. Derivatives formed from the word "beet" retain the stress on the second syllable. So, it is correct to say beetroot juice, beetroot.

In what cases is an alternative stress in "beetroot" possible?

Putting the stress in the word "beet" on the last syllable is possible only as a literary device to demonstrate vernacular. There are no other options in any dictionary. In order not to be considered an uneducated person, it is unforgivable to allow such relaxation in one's own speech. But you don’t have to go to the other extreme - you shouldn’t rush to correct the interlocutor in an ordinary conversation if he made such a mistake, if he doesn’t ask you for advice. You can gently point out inaccuracies or remain silent. After all, rudeness is in no way justified by your erudition.

How does the stress fall in the word "beetroot"

In this case, the stress falls on the suffix ("beetroot"). The fact is that this adjective did not come from the word "beetroot", but from the noun "beetroot". It denotes specific varieties of this root crop - sugar-bearing, going to the production of raw sugar. Therefore, the emphasis here is different. Thus, the derivatives of this noun will also be stressed on the third syllable: beet molasses, beet pulp, etc.

The further fate of the letter E in beets

We must take into account the fact that language is not a rigid instrument. It is in constant change, adapting to modern realities, to the emerging traditions of speech. Now, coffee can be both neuter and masculine, in the word yogurt, the stress can be placed on both the first and second syllables, and even instead of a contract, a contract form is used. Perhaps the same fate awaits the "beets". Stress depends on the popularity of a particular form of pronunciation. If the option, which is now considered incorrect, will be used by more people, then a revision is possible. But until this happens, and the Ministry of Education has not approved the double-correct form, one should still be guided by the existing rules.

Each nationality has its own unique language, which has gone through a long history and many stages of improvement. So, most languages ​​have gone through a lot of improvements and purification before they become truly perfect. Now, when there are so many foreign words, the simplification of vocabulary and the impoverishment of a person's vocabulary, the problem of preserving the Russian language, protecting its traditional form, is especially acute.

In contact with

Great language

The Russian language, according to world-famous classics, is considered the most developed and richest language in the world. Also, it is quite complicated in its complex study, since there are many rules in it, as well as exceptions to these same rules. Dialect and professional vocabulary, borrowed words, historicisms, archaisms, unities, fusions, as well as phraseological turns. Words such as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and should be noted. A separate conversation is conducted on the topic of stress in words and expressions in Russian.

In French speech, things are much simpler with stresses, because they always consider the last syllable to be stressed. In English, regardless of the change in the number and form of the word, the emphasis on the voice of a certain part will never change or disappear. In the use of the Russian language, there are a large number of rules and pronunciation instructions that are worth remembering. You need to learn how to work correctly with Russian speech, just then there will be no problems with orthoepy - the science that is responsible for the correct pronunciation of phrases and words. And even the question - where to put the stress in the word beetroot - will confuse you.

Who should you ask if you don't know? There are several options:

  1. Educated person. Seek help from a truly competent person who can easily speak out or prove his case.
  2. Dictionary, textbook or reference material. Choose to check only reputable publications.
  3. Internet network. In it you can read both absolutely accurate information about pronunciation, and untruthful. The main thing here is to be able to filter out unnecessary information.

Stress in Russian is quite mobile and can find in different parts of the same word.

Movable- this is an accent that can move in the same expression, when changing the form of any number. For example, board and boards.

Miscellaneous- this is an accent that can be both on the first syllable and on the second. Also, highlighted vowels can be in the middle of a word. PApa - the stress is in the first part of the word and on the first syllable, banAn - on the second syllable, prolitA - on the third. It is for this reason that often there are difficulties in pronunciation of words. For example, beets - how to determine where to put the stress in this word and how to pronounce it?

Why speak correctly?

There are people who think that they should pronounce words in the way that is convenient for them and at the same time you should not check with Russian-language reference books and dictionaries. In general, pronunciation is an individual matter for each person. Well, what will happen if you pronounce a few phrases or expressions incorrectly, because nothing will change. Yes, and this is not the most important thing. But it should be remembered that the Russian language is the official language on the territory of the Russian Federation and it has been around for quite a few centuries.

If our ancestors were able to bring it to us in its original form, then we must continue their work and pass on a beautiful and whole language to the next generation. Otherwise, the statements of some uneducated people will change not only the stresses in such simple words as ringing and beets, but our entire powerful language will turn into something strange, absurd and meaningless in a few centuries.

dispositive norm and imperative

Without special rules and instructions now nowhere. The science of orthoepy has its own characteristics and traditions that should be taken into account and observed.

imperative norm. It consists of expressions that have only one option for setting stress. We are talking only about the initial form of the word, and not about forms that can change the fall of stress. In an expression such as beetroot, the accent of the correct type is subordinated to the imperative form. The same type of words include: sorrel, kilometer, electric wire, gas pipeline, plum, alphabet and other various types of phrases. Violation of the rules of the imperative system - this means poor command of the Russian language, inattention and disrespect for the important sign system in the Russian language.

Dispositive. This norm includes several variants of the use of stresses. So, in Russian there are words that have a two-way pronunciation. Cottage cheese and cottage cheese, meatballs and meatballs, compass and compass. And at the same time, despite the fact that one of the pronunciations is more common, both variants of nouns can be used. If you are at a loss in the correctness of the noun you pronounce, then you should use special reference books and dictionaries of the Russian language.

How to properly beets or beets

How to put the stress in the word beetroot?

    Of course, the correct stress in this case will be the stress on the first syllable, that is, the letter quot ;, very often I hear from people how they put the stress on the last syllable, that is, the letter a, it sounds really creepy. It even hits the ears, just like a contract uh ... fu

    The stress should fall on the letter, so in the word svkla the stress falls on the first syllable. Correctly speak, pronounce - beet. Although in fact, a completely different option is often used, but this does not mean that it is error-free.

    Correctly on the first syllable, there is even a poem:

    Svkla began to cry

    Wet to the roots:

    I guys are not beets,

    I, guys, are not beets,

    Guys, I'm crazy.

    (P. Sinyavsky)

    It would be correct to put the stress on the first syllable: svkla. There is a letter quot ;, which is always stressed. Although another version of the pronunciation beet, with an emphasis on the second syllable, is also very common. But such pronunciation is not correct and literary.

    This word is written through a letter, and in Russian it is always under stress. So it's easy to remember. Just like the word lka, zhik, it is stressed everywhere. Therefore, we speak and remember - svkla.

    Unfortunately, knowing this, I speak incorrectly, I’ve gotten used to it since childhood, and everyone around speaks the same way, so my tongue doesn’t turn. (But you don’t need to take an example from me.

    Only on the first syllable, svla, at least for many (like me, for example, although I know that it’s so right, but in my family they didn’t say that, but with an emphasis on the last syllable), this option cuts the ear.

    I would like to harm and say that in this case it is necessary to say not beetroot, but beetroot. An no. Only the first option is correct.

    You can, of course, be cunning and call this vegetable beetroot or beetroot (as it is called in Ukraine).

    Why is there such discord around the word beetroot? I suppose that before the reform of the Russian language in 1918, this word was probably written through the yat. But when it was canceled, most of the words began to be written through e, a small number (like the same beet) - through quot ;.

    The stress in the word SVKLA must be placed on the first syllable, namely on the letter. This is fully consistent with the rules of the Russian language, since in words where there is a letter, the accent falls on not.

    Another question is that most people are used to speaking incorrectly and this vegetable is called beetroot with the letter e. Here, of course, the emphasis is not placed correctly.

    In Russian, the stress in words is mobile and different. We will not find any logic if in the forms of the same word it falls on different syllables, for example:

    prin I t - he pr And took, she accepted A.

    In a word svkla, if you write the letter , there is no problem with the correct pronunciation of this word. But after all, they often don’t write it, and many are used to pronouncing these nouns with the wrong accent on the ending, which is colloquial speech, that is, outside the literary Russian language.

    Let's remember the correct stress in this word, using this line to rhyme:

    The only correct pronunciation of this word is svkla. Although most often in common speech we hear a completely different accent. This is not true. As noted above, in Russian the stress falls on the letter and nothing else.

    According to orthoepic norms, the stress on the last syllable in a word beet is not correct, although this pronunciation is quite common. The stress in the word should be placed on the letter " in the first syllable - svkla.

    In order to correctly place the stress, you need to put two dots above the letter e to get the letter ". Now you don’t even need to think about the correct stress in the word, and everything is clear.

    By the way, there is a magical memorizer for our case, which helps in the word svkla put the accent right:

    Often in colloquial speech we hear the pronunciation beet, it is a gross violation of the norms, since the only correct pronunciation is the beet variant. It is reflected in all spelling and explanatory dictionaries.

beets or beets

How to put stress in the word BEET?

In the word "beetroot" only one option for placing stress is allowed - St. Yo cla.

In Russian, if there is a letter “Yo” in the word, then it is permissible to put the accent only on the sound that it means: millstone, Hedgehog, alkali, newborn. The exceptions are some borrowings that have not adjusted to the pronunciation norms that exist in Russian (Königsberg, for example). So it is obvious which syllable should be stressed in the word St. Yo cla, in which the first syllable forms a sound, denoted by the letter “Ё”.

However, in our time, the letter “Yo” is often written without dots, like “E”, which leads to numerous errors. Instead of "scabrous" they begin to say "scabrous", instead of "newborn" - "newborn" and so on. It is because of this that doubts arise where the stress is in the word St. Yo cla. A literate person must remember how to properly stress words! Not to mention the fact that students need to know the rules of orthoepy to pass exams.

There are no grounds for doubt: in the word beet the emphasis is on “Yo”, and the option "beet" orthoepic dictionaries are specifically marked as incorrect.

The letter “Ё” is also preserved in the plural: many St. Yo count.

How to remember where the accent is?

To remember where the stress is in the word " beet“, you can use the mnemonic formula "solid SW Yo cla".

But more often, numerous rhymes are used to remember this word:

Not Fekla, but Fyokla -

Not beets, but St. Yo cla.

Father-in-law in the garden

Keeps up with St. Yo cla.

Planted Thekla

And sorrel, and St. Yo clu.

Usage examples

Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • For borscht St. Yo clu it is better to take the darkest varieties.
  • Masha blushed like St. Yo cla.
  • We watched with delight as a zoo worker in boots and overalls fed the hippo with watermelons, loaves of bread and St. Yo cloy.
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