Polina Dmitrievna meaning. Polina - the meaning of the name, character and fate, name days and symbols

Polina is a female name with several meanings. There are two origin theories that we will provide you with.

The first theory of the origin of the name Polina is the entry of the name into the Russian language from the French language. In France, this name was the female form of the name Paul (Paul), and the name Paul comes from the Latin paulus, which means "small" or "baby." So we can say that according to this theory of origin Polina's name means "small" or "baby".

The second theory is the origin of the name Pauline, as a short form of the Greek name Apollinaria. The name Apollinaria comes from the god Apollo from Greek mythology and means "solar". So according to this theory the meaning of the name Polina is "sunny". Well, which of the theories is considered correct, you decide for yourself.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

Little Polina is a wonderful child. She is a calm and obedient girl, easily makes contact with both children and adults. With her emotional calm, the girl's activity is good. Likes both active games and other leisure activities. Polina, the girl is very kind, which is noticeable from an early age.

Polina shows herself well in studies. She has an analytical mind and is quite good at exact sciences. Her early emotional maturity makes her an excellent humanitarian. In studies, understanding of the subject is more important for her than assessment. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be praised. Just praise, she considers simply obligatory and vital.

Polina's health cannot be called strong. The main problem in the girl's health can be called the respiratory system. She is prone to colds, a little more than other children. Often she has a runny nose from scratch. The best, albeit probably the most difficult means will be climate change and careful selection of a place to live.

Abbreviated name Polina

Fields, Polka, Polly, Polyukha, Polyakha, Polyusya, Pusya, Lina, Linka.

Diminutive names

Polinka, Polinochka, Polushka, Polyushochek, Polichka, Polchik, Polyunya, Polyasha, Polyusha, Linochka, Linushka.

Polina's name in English

In English, the name Pauline is written as Pauline.

Polina's name for a passport- Polina.

Translation of the name Polina into other languages

Spanish - Paulina
in Italian - Paolina
in Chinese - 波莉纳 (pronounced Bolina)
German - Pauline
in Ukrainian - Polina
French - Pauline
in Japanese - ポリナ (pronounced Porina)

Church name Polina(in the Orthodox faith) Pelageya or Apollinaria, to choose from.

Characteristics of the name Polina

Polina is characterized by several pronounced features. This is kindness, disinterestedness and responsiveness. Polina is a very kind person and quite often people around her use it. She has great taste, which allows her to always look good, even with limited funds. This penchant for beauty can develop into a profession, but even if it remains at the level of a hobby, it will often help in life.

Polina is appreciated at work. She has an innate sense of disgust for intrigues, which distinguishes her from many colleagues. In addition, she is not a conformist, so if someone's stupidity and unprofessionalism will harm the result, then Polina will not be silent. Some people, of course, will have a negative attitude towards such "excessive" honesty, but most of the employees will tacitly support it. Polina has a well-developed intuition, which she uses both at work and in her personal life.

Polina is a wonderful wife and mother. She adores her children, and she has more of a partnership with her husband. She is a wonderful and economical hostess. Her love is mature, even in adolescence. She is not characterized by childish mental impulses and torments. Next to her, only an equally formed mature person can be happy.

The secret of the name Polina

Polina's secret can be called eternal soul-searching. She is very critical of herself. However, if she nevertheless decided that she was right and everything was fine, then this gives rise to a second secret.

Polina is often self-satisfied. If, after internal torment, she decided on something, then the value of this decision for her becomes unnecessary significance. It will be extremely difficult to convince her, and her self-confidence in this matter can infuriate many.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

totem animal- Swan.

Name color- Light blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lotus.

Stone- Selenite.

The female name Polina has become very popular these days. It gives its owner a meek disposition, external attractiveness and a desire for a prosperous and beautiful life. The meaning and characteristics of this name will be outlined in our article.

origin of the name Polina

Etymologically, it is connected with the colloquial form. This name became independent for various reasons. Firstly, the sound "a" at the very beginning of the word is not characteristic of the Slavs. Therefore, he quickly disappeared, and the name began to be pronounced as Polinarya. Secondly, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the French language came into fashion. tried to give the Russian euphony. Therefore, we have fixed the female name Polina.

The name Apollinaria, in turn, goes back to the male Apollinaris. It was formed from the ancient Greek adjective apollinarius, meaning "belonging to Apollo." This god is part of the Olympian pantheon and is the patron of sunlight, as well as art and science. As you can see, the origin of the name Polina has a long and interesting history.

"French" version

There is an opinion that this name has French roots. It is assumed that it came from the male Pol, which is translated from Latin as "baby" or "small". Its analogue in Russian is Pavel. Many associate the origin of the name Pauline with the French female name Pauline (or Pavlina). It goes back to the Roman personal or generic nickname Paulinus. Polina is translated as "small", "modest".

patron saint

The patroness of the owner of such a name is considered to be the Monk Apollinaria. This woman is known for refusing marriage and going on a pilgrimage to holy places. Later, in Alexandria, she changed into men's clothes, pretended to be a monk and came to the skete, which was under the direction of St. Macarius of Egypt. Apollinaria called herself Dorotheus, and she was accepted into the brethren.

The name Pauline, the origin and meaning of which is discussed in this article, is associated with a story from the Holy Scriptures. It says that Apollinaria's parents had another daughter. She suffered from insanity. The girl was sent to the skete to Macarius for a complete cure. There, through the prayers of the monk Dorotheus, she was completely healed. But upon returning home, she seemed pregnant to her parents. They demanded the extradition of the culprit, and Dorotheus (Apollinaria) had to take the blame. She returned home and opened up to her relatives. Soon she returned to Macarius of Egypt and devoted her life to serving God. Only after the death of the monk Dorotheus did the brothers learn that in fact he was a woman. Memorial Day of the Monk Apollinaria - January 18.

Polina in childhood

The origin of the name Polina is no longer a secret for you. It will suit any girl, provide her with a happy family life and well-being.

The miraculous name Polina has more than one interpretation, including: “belonging to Apollo”, “meaningful”, “small”.

Name origin

The main version of the origin of the nickname speaks of his relationship to the ancient Greek deity Apollo. But perhaps the birthplace of the name is France, from the local male address Paul, a female version was formed - Polina. Alternatively, the word form could have been formed from the female names Paulina, Apollinaria or Pelageya.

general characteristics

Little Polya is a special girl, she is sweet and friendly with everyone, complaisant, she will always respond to requests for help. He never gloats over someone else's misfortune, on the contrary, having an innate sense of compassion, he tries to console the unfortunate as best he can.

The girl does not envy the happiness of others, she is able to sincerely rejoice in the success of others. It seems that in this little man there lives a love for everything in the world. The girl is friendly with classmates, always avoids conflict, helps teachers, and often happens to be the head of the class.

Polyuska is very clean, she does not have to be forced to wash her hands after the street or wear change of shoes to school.

Positive character traits

Polenka is a sincere person. She always experiences grief with her neighbors, rejoices in someone else's happiness, envy is not inherent in her. People are drawn to this bright girl.

Polina is an optimist. When an unsuccessful period comes in life, she does not give up, believes and hopes that everything will return to normal soon.

The girl knows how to control her impulses, she will never take on an impossible task, no matter how sweet the reward may be. She knows how to be content with little and live happily at the same time.

Of the business qualities of Poli, the most important thing is her responsibility. Whatever this person undertakes, she always calculates her capabilities and completes the task on time.

Negative character traits

The girl periodically manifests an unreasonable fear, a panicky feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Sports and regular trips to nature help to overcome anxiety.

Sometimes Polenka can be in a melancholic mood, immersed in deep thoughts, not paying attention to others. During such periods, she is cold with everyone.

Also, the girl is beyond measure subject to criticism. Polina longs to hear only reliable information, unverified facts do not interest her.

Zodiac sign

The combination of the name Polina with the sign of Capricorn is ideal. Negative traits in such a girl will be smoothed out as much as possible.
The guardian of the borders Saturn patronizes the nickname.

The most favorable color for Paulie is sky blue and other light shades of blue.
In the girl's room, a figurine made of selenite must be present; a product made of a talisman stone protects its owner from evil.


Fields, Polka, Polechka, Polenka, Polinka, Polinochka, Polusha, Polyushka, Polusya, Lina.

Name Variations

Pauline, Paulina, Pauline, Paolina, Peacock, Paulino, Flight, Polly.

Historical figures

1821 - 1910 - French singer and composer Pauline Viardot-Garcia.
1907 - 1939 - pilot Polina Osipenko.
1910 - 1992 - Ukrainian actress Polina Kumachenko.
1936 - 2005 - gymnast Polina Astakhova.

Pauline of the present

poetess Polina Barskova;
actress Polina Kutepova;
French biathlete Polina Macabis;
Romance performer and actress Polina Agureeva;
ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Polina Iodis;
figure skater Polina Shelepen;
singer Polina Gagarina;
Polish artist Polina Olovska, Czech supermodel Polina Porizkova, Russian figure skaters Polina Korobeynikova and Polina Agafonova.

name day

The name predetermines the fate of a person. Parents need to take his choice with all responsibility. Do you want to name your daughter something special? So, you should pay attention to the popular and mysterious name Polina. It evokes the smell of wild flowers, and the girl herself, named by him, receives many positive traits.

Name origin

Linguistic scientists still did not agree on the origin of the name Polina. One group believes that it appeared as a shortened form of the ancient Greek Apolinarius, which meant "sunny".

Another part of scientists believe that the name comes from the French male name Paul, which translates as "baby" and "small".

If you add up all the meanings, you get an eloquent designation for the girl Polina. This is really a sunny little man with a fragile appearance, which pleases people around.

Affectionate and short names

Often, from relatives and friends, you can hear not only the full name of the girl, but also a short, unusual one: Paula, Pusya, Polyusya, Polyunya, Pasha, Polin, Polyukha, Fields, Peylan, Polchik, Polyakha, Pavlina, Lina, Polyasha, Paulina, Polyusha .

Orthodox analogues of the name: Apollinaria and Pelageya.

Polina's character

From childhood, the girl manifests such traits like sociability, friendliness, kindness and honesty. She is responsive and conflict-free, always helping friends and obeying her parents. Share cookies with a friend or let them play with a new doll. Envy and self-interest - such words have no place in the characterization of the meaning of the name Polina. For a girl, a full description of nature is suitable for a portfolio.

In adolescence Paulie has many friends, but she avoids noisy companies. At school, he often becomes a leader. At the same time, Polina's activity can be envied: she is fond of sports, goes to different circles, and achieves great success in her studies.

An analytical mindset allows you to master the exact sciences, and curiosity helps you comprehend history, languages ​​and art. Therefore, Polina becomes an excellent student in the class, but grades are not the most important thing for a girl, but only a pleasant and necessary bonus to support her. Polina's talent is often hidden in creativity: dancing, singing, writing and drawing.

Colleagues appreciate a woman. She will never allow herself gossip, and when she hears something like that, she will leave with a feeling of disgust. But when it comes to professionalism in work, Polina will not put up with the fact that someone works carelessly. She will honestly express a remark even to a colleague-girlfriend. Not everyone likes such truthfulness and straightforwardness, but it causes respect among others.

Polina's feminine nature often very contradictory - this is the main secret of the name. Today the girl is cheerful and carefree, and tomorrow she is immersed in thought and too serious. Friendliness is often replaced by hostility. If someone did not please Polina, she will easily express this to a person, looking into her eyes.

Polya is constantly delving into himself and tormented by self-criticism. But, having matured, she rethinks situations and becomes more loyal in her own thoughts.

By the seasons

Polinas may differ in individual features. For example, it means a lot to character development the time at which the child was born:

According to the signs of the zodiac

Differences in personality traits can be observed if we correlate dates of birth with the zodiac circle. So, different signs endow the name Polina with various characteristics:

Career and money

The nature of the name also affects professional activities. It is not difficult to understand what the name Polina means for a girl in a career. Like a fish in water, she will feel at home in creative professions: artist, singer, actress, dancer, designer, stylist - she can succeed anywhere.

But the top of the career ladder for Paulie does not become the number one goal. She may well become a housewife, raise children and be a support for her husband.

If a girl has chosen a profession that is not entirely creative, such as a doctor or teacher, then in these areas she will succeed thanks to her sociability and responsiveness. And her inability to wash the bones will be a big plus in any position.

Health impact

When choosing the name Polina for a girl, its significance for health should also be known. From early childhood, the child catches a cold more often than others. The weak point is the respiratory system. Friendship with sports will strengthen the girl's immunity.

At a more mature age, Polina needs more rest and sleep, as she gets very tired.

Love relationships and marriage

The girl, having met her man, idealizes him. Often, the vision of only good in the chosen one plays a cruel joke with her. At any age, Polina is full of admirers who fly into the light of fragility and external weakness.

The sincerity and loyalty of a partner means a lot for a girl. She can sacrifice her career for her family. But more often she combines her duties as a keeper of the hearth and professional ones, since she is endowed with an independent character.

The name Polina is compatible with such male names as Roman, Konstantin, Leonid, Denis, Stanislav, Vladislav, Viktor, Alexei, Vitaly and Ruslan. These couples will have a successful marriage.

It is better not to start a relationship with Igor, Nikolai, Ivan, Andrei, Oleg, Artyom, Vadim, Dmitry and Vasily.

Talisman stones

There are external factors that influence Polina's character. The meaning of a name and fate are often determined by the correct selection of a talisman stone:

Totem animals and plants

Polina has two animal symbols: a swan and a whale. The bird is a symbol of innocence, purity, wisdom and dignity, and the whale is the embodiment of strength and power.

Polina also has plants. They are considered:

  • Poppy. The red flower is a symbol of youth, charm and fertility, which is able to bring peace and quiet to life.
  • Lotus. It personifies happiness, the beauty of the soul and rebirth. Improves well-being.
  • Poplar. A stately plant is a symbol of charm and youth. In nature, a tree absorbs negative energy.

Famous people

With the name Polina, many women were born who achieved success and became idols for many people. Here are their last names:

Polina is a beautiful name for a girl, popular all over the world. At birth, it endows the bearer with creative talents and femininity. If the girl does not catch a cold once again, then she will grow up healthy and energetic.

Attention, only TODAY!

Pauline- "girlfriend" (Greek)

This is the image of a crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. It retains the Russian spirit. Softness, suppleness decorate it, make it even more feminine.

Her whole life is spent in trouble. Her care lasts for two generations. Does not lose its youthfulness over the years. In love, prefers young men.

Sometimes it seems that she is weak and indecisive, but this is not so. She is one of those about whom they say: there are devils in a still pool.

She has great willpower and enviable vitality, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in extreme situations. Independent in actions and decisions. Not influenced by others. However, she lacks self-confidence at all. Acts deliberately, according to a plan, can listen to the advice of people he trusts, but choose his own path. She has an analytical mind. Impressive, although stingy in expressing feelings. It is hard for failures, sometimes it reacts to troubles with an outburst of anger. Does not forgive insults, can take revenge. Has a developed intuition. Anticipates upcoming events. It happens that she is visited by amazing visions, which, unfortunately, she does not always know how to evaluate and decipher. But in choosing sincere, true friends, she is not mistaken.

She likes difficult and dangerous professions that require risk. Maybe, for example, become a pilot, go to serve in the army. Pauline very active and goal oriented. Employees, because of which something stops, breaks down, irritates her, and she does not hesitate to cut the truth in the eyes, regardless of faces. Strictly adheres to all moral norms and rules, a faithful wife.

It often seems that public duties and professional activities do not leave Polina time for her personal life. This is only an appearance. Pauline extremely sexy, but this is manifested only with complete trust in a partner. She is very afraid of his betrayal. And do not try to lie to her: she perfectly feels your intentions. Do not demand the impossible from her: she will not quit her job for the sake of the family hearth, but if you support her, she will combine both, God alone knows how.

Her house is always a full bowl. She is a good housewife, thrifty and prudent, makes a lot of preparations. Excellent cook. Her apartment is comfortable and cosy. Children and husband are well-groomed. She likes to gather friends at the table, but you should not come to visit her without warning.

She should be wary of accidents, as she is prone to injury, infectious diseases. We must protect the liver.

"Winter" Pauline strict in judgments, serious, imperturbable.

"Autumn" - to everything that has been said, it is also economical, but not stingy. Can be an accountant, cashier, salesman. The name is well suited to patronymics: Andreevna, Anatolyevna, Makarovna, Fedorovna, Vladimirovna, Arkadievna, Arsentievna.

"Summer" - cheerful, likes to play tricks on friends, good-natured and smart, knows how to get along with people.

"Spring" Pauline- witty, sociable, a little proud. He knows his own worth and, on occasion, demonstrates his superiority. Can be a teacher, an educator. The name is suitable for patronymics: Alekseevna, Efimovna, Emmanuilovna, Sergeevna, Semyonovna, Adamovna, Bogdanovna, Glebovna.

The meaning of the name Polina option 2

1. Personality. Mysterious blood.

2. Character. 90%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 103,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Intelligence - excitability - activity.

7. Totem plant. Strawberry.

8. Totem animal. Swan.

10. Type. Excitable nervous choleric. Get out of hand quickly. They give the impression of women "with a claim." Like their totem, the swan, they seem proud and impregnable, although in reality they are timid and insecure people.

11. Psyche. Intelligent and let others feel it. They tend to take everything upon themselves, they are overly subjective. They have a rather difficult character, but they live an interesting and eventful life.

12. Will. Rather strong, although sometimes it is not enough to bring the matter to the end. They often take the position of "insulted virtue."

13. Excitability. Too strong to leave time for reflection.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. They are capable of fits of anger that simply shock people.

15. Field of activity. Pauline does not feel a particular need for work, although they give the impression of active people. They do not have enough endurance, often they try to catch two birds with one stone. Such women make good journalists and advertising agents.

16. Intuition. Completely drowned out by the mental aspect of their personality.

17. Intelligence. They are self-satisfied, consider themselves very smart, yet those around them, in their opinion, are complete fools. Despite the fact that they have to endure great defeats, they never lose faith in themselves.

18. Susceptibility. Very nervous and impulsive. Blindly trust their mind, although it sometimes fails them.

19. Morality. Depends on the environment and circumstances.

20. Health. Shaky, depends too much on the psyche. The nervous system is unstable. They get tired quickly. They need a lot of sleep and rest.

21. Sexuality. They wear a mask of indifference, it is difficult to excite them. Their future partner is so idealized that it becomes problematic to meet such a partner.

22. Activity. Bordering on aggressive. These women need success in life.

23. Sociability. Pauline likes to surround himself with people who are pleasant and at the same time useful. Their living room often resembles a densely populated office.

Conclusion. Such women are like their totem - a swan, they are beautiful, graceful and at the same time callous and intolerant of people, always ready to confront them.

The meaning of the name Polina option 3

Colloquial form of the name Apollinaria. It comes from the word Apollo - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sun, the patron of the arts, the god of predictions. polyushka, Pauline- Today, rarely anyone will call their daughter that. Isn't that why there are so few people today as disinterested and sacrificial as she is?

Pauline among children - like an expensive bead: sympathetic, accommodating, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She will always console, calm, sympathize. In joy - he will never envy, he will rejoice with you.

Sometimes it seems that Pauline overflowing with love for people, for animals, for all living things that surround us. At school, she is the first assistant to the teacher, she is tactful in relations with her classmates, she will never offend anyone. Unusually clean.

adult Pauline she likes to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is economical, not a spender, she would rather sew an outfit for herself than spend money on a store item. In business, she is thorough, reliable, and this is sometimes used, dumping all the worries on her.

It is disinterested and can, like a child, rejoice at a trifling trinket. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband is flirting with her best friend, she will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not endlessly, and exploiting the all-forgiving nature of Polina is still not worth it. The interests of the family always puts above their own. Career, professional success, business ambition - all this is almost of no interest to Polina, she seeks to find a job that would give her the opportunity to spend more time at home. Extramarital affairs, lovers and betrayals are alien to her.

Polinas are good mothers. They like to attend parent meetings, take an active part in the work of parent committees.

In marriage, especially the first, Polina is not always lucky. Marriage with Yefim, Alexander, Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis will be reliable. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor, he is likely to be fragile.

The meaning of the name Polina option 4

Pauline- from Greek. meaningful; from lat. small; unfold form of the name Apollinaria - from the Greek. owned by Apollo.

Derivatives: Polinka, Fields. Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Polyasha, Pana, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.

Folk omens.

Apollinary day coincides with the eve of Epiphany - the main day of Christmas divination. They say that this evening will clarify fate.


In Polina there is an abyss of mysterious charm, there is always a swarm of admirers around her, for each of them she will find a kind word, although she tries to seem like an impregnable rock. But success gives her strength, inspires her. About myself Pauline laughs at others, considering himself smarter and more attractive than many. It is pointless to argue with Polina, she simply does not know how to do this, she begins to get annoyed, offended if they contradict her and do not agree with her opinion. Pauline wise as a woman: if a person is truly interesting to her, she is able to evaluate him quite objectively, especially since reason prevails over intuition in her. Almost indifferent, cold to beauty - whether it be a work of art or a sunset over a lake. friends Pauline she is devoted, ready to listen, and sympathize, and help, and just treat her to a delicious homemade dinner, although life and taking care of the house are not her element.

The meaning of the name Polina option 5

POLINA - 1) meaningful (Greek); 2) the French version of the name Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo; 3) small (lat.).

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • Color - light blue.
  • Auspicious tree - poplar.
  • Treasured plant - lotus.
  • The patron of the name is the swan.
  • Talisman stone - selenite.


Pauline charming, charming and very contact. The conversation will support on any topic, it is perfectly kept in any society. She seems proud and unapproachable, although she often has to overcome herself in order to take on some business or communicate with someone. Pauline nervous, easily loses her temper - especially when defending her opinion, or rather, imposing it on others: arguing Pauline is completely unable to. She is very self-confident in her soul, having a very low opinion of the mind and abilities of those around her. If Pauline gives someone an objective, good assessment, which means that this person is really dear to her and deserves her respect. Trusts reason more than intuition. He likes to put on a mask of indifference, but you can’t really call Polina sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtleties of feelings are not for her. However, behind this firework of contradictions Pauline- A true friend who is very pleased to trust his secrets, who will always sympathize and help. To the household Pauline treats coldly, but nevertheless in her hands everything burns.

The meaning of the name Polina option 6

Pauline- a rare name now. Isn't that why there are so few people today as disinterested, sacrificial and complaisant as she is? Even a mouse is not capable of offending, and a sense of tact does not change her in any situations.

Even to her own children, to whom she is infinitely devoted, Pauline will never read moralizing, fearing to offend their dignity. She is an amazingly caring mother and wife. She often does not sleep well, but her husband will definitely put on a freshly ironed and starched shirt in the morning. The interests of her husband and children are more important to her than her own desires and needs. For the convenience of home and peace of mind in the family Pauline she will give up her career, leave the stage, change her prestigious position to work at home - family and home are above all for her.

A wonderful hostess, thrifty, not a spender, she is distinguished by almost fanatical cleanliness. It is impossible to imagine Polina without work. She will even watch a television program with knitting or sewing in her hands. This is a great worker who finds work for herself from morning to night. She has no time for idleness and chatter. And yet Pauline contact person who knows how to take care of friends. People around, as a rule, treat Polina with great respect. Rudeness or harshness seem to melt away, bumping into her constant goodwill, friendliness, even and quiet voice. This fragile-looking woman is able to tame a tiger.

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