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The positive and negative effects of stress on human health

Translated from a foreign language, the word stress means "stress", which is why this condition is often identified with nervous tension. It should be understood that the concept itself is much deeper. It is based on the body's nonspecific response to physical or psychological influences. This threatening condition provokes the appearance of a number of diseases, as it upsets the balance in the body by mixing the mechanisms of the autoimmune and nervous systems. Today I propose to consider the positive and negative effects of stress on human health. You ask, "How can stress be good?" Read the article and find out everything.

The negative effects of stress

There is ongoing research in academia to understand the effects of stress. It has been proven that stressful situations have a bad effect on the human psyche, and also negatively affect the formation of the brain in children. This is confirmed by experiments on baby monkeys. They were excommunicated from their parents for six months, and after this period, a brain scan was performed, which showed an increase in its size. The outcome was irreversible.

Psychological traumas received in childhood inform about themselves during adulthood through metabolic disorders. Such changes can be inherited by descendants at the genetic level up to the third generation.

You probably don't know that negative impact of stress can spread from person to person. And personal relationships even increase the effectiveness of infection. If there are no emotional connections between people, stress is still transmitted, albeit to a lesser extent. This form of stress is called empathic stress. Someone else's stress is felt equally by women and men.

As a result of the stress of everyday life - daily unpredictable troubles, depression may even develop in people who have a tendency to it. An interesting fact is that strong personalities who control themselves well in critical situations succumb to the blues due to banal everyday difficulties.

The consequences of chronic stress include memory impairment, obesity, and problems with the heart muscle and digestive organs. There is a direct link between stress and cancer.

It turns out that stress can be beneficial if it is short-lived. Thanks to him, the formation of nerve cells is stimulated. Neurons mature and integrate into neural networks, as a result of which memory can improve.

Also, a small stressful situation helps to speed up the processes of the brain, so a person is more actively engaged in the necessary work. The positive effect of stress (in a short form) lies in the toning of the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on the condition.

Stress can raise the amount of adrenaline in the blood, exacerbate the sense of smell and touch, which is necessary for the relationship with the outside world and support the body in "combat readiness". If people freed themselves from daily stress, it would provoke illness, melancholy, boredom and dullness. After all, emotions and excitements are very necessary for a person.

People are well adapted to deal with mini-stresses if the situation is controlled, of course. Both positive and negative emotions are important, because without emotional tension, life itself will end.


7 examples of the positive effects of stress

We all want to have less stress in life. After all, it is unhealthy and has been linked to being overweight, heart attack, hair loss, and other problems.

However, at the same time, stress can also serve us well. Without stress, we wouldn't have enough energy to take action.... Feelings of anxiety provoke a fight or flight response, which is energized by the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

But it is precisely when stress is too much or lasts long enough, it starts to hurt us... It's all about balance. A small amount of stress is necessary, and in excess it has a detrimental effect on the psyche and on the body.

So, when your palms start to sweat before a show, or your heart starts beating harder in the dentist's chair, remember that your defense system kicks in and you may benefit from short-term stress.

1. Strengthens the immune system

If you feel a little stressed when deadlines are running out at work, your body will also work hard to support you.

Stress helps the immune system fight viruses and bacteria as the stress-regulating adrenal gland balances your immune system. This gland promotes the production of cortisol in response to physical and emotional stressors so that you can use your energy reserves and fight off infection.

But when stress levels remain high for more than a few hours, the adrenal gland becomes overextended and you have a higher chance of getting sick.

2. Helps to recover from surgery

The thought of having surgery can be stressful. But the short-term stress of surgery may actually be in your favor, helping you heal faster. The biological changes that occur during short-term stress help prepare our bodies for a stressful situation.

In nature, wounds usually occur after a stressful situation. Temporary stress contributes to the surge of stress hormones in anticipation of a possible result and prepares us for fast healing... It does this by generating our body's defenders, immune cells, into the bloodstream, which are directed to where they are most needed, that is, to the skin and lymph nodes.

Researchers tested this theory in humans by collecting blood samples from patients undergoing knee surgery before and after the procedure. Patients, whose immune systems responded to the stress of the operation by mobilizing and distributing large numbers of cells that fight pathogens, recovered faster and completely.

3. Promotes feelings of affection

Stress can motivate you to connect with other people. Short-term stress increases the level of oxytocin, that is, the hormone of attachment, which in turn suppresses the production of the stress hormone adrenaline and lowers blood pressure by dilating the arteries.

This helps protect us from the greater impact of anxiety.

4. Improves the action of the vaccine

Does it make you shiver at the sight of the needles? This reaction can prolong the protective effect of the vaccine.

When the researchers studied mice exposed to acute stress from vaccinations, they found that the subjects there were more T cells that fight disease and a greater immune response nine months later than those without stress.

5. Improves memory

Have you ever found yourself in a stressful situation when your perception and sensations seemed to heighten? It is the sudden release of hormones in the prefrontal cortex that improves the working memory that we use when solving problems and processing of sensory information.

While chronic stress can lead to impairments associated with Alzheimer's, acute stress improves memory.

Thus, in the experiment, stressed mice performed better on memory tasks than quieter subjects. Researchers emphasize that acute stress activates key brain receptors for the type of memory needed to deal with the tasks ahead.

6. Fights tumors

Chronic stress suppresses the immune system and leads to disease, while short-term stress can help fight skin cancer. In a study where mice were exposed to ultraviolet light for 10 weeks, those that experienced a little stress (they were in plastic ventilated tubes) had fewer tumors than those who were not stressed.

One of the explanations for this may be the fact that stress contributed to the expression of more genes that activate the immune system, and this led to the suppression of tumor growth.

7. Increases endurance

Whether you are stressed about losing your job or having family problems, these feelings can change your life.

When psychologists asked 2,400 people to share their negative experiences, be it divorce or some kind of disaster, they found that those who faced some kind of misfortune were more balanced than those with a smoother path. Facing problems makes us more resilient and we better cope with subsequent challenges of fate.

Effects of stress on the human body

Now the problems of the concept of stress and what effect stress has on the body are relevant and are actively being studied by specialists. The main reason for this is the transition of stress into the category of everyday occurrence. A person of any age, gender and social level can be a victim of the harmful effects of stressful situations. Through this reaction, the body tries to defend itself against an atypical situation that forces you to make difficult decisions and leave your comfort zone.

The effect of stress on the state of the body

Stressful situations can arise from the influence of any factor. However, it is customary for scientists to divide the possible causes of development into two main categories - external and internal.

If we try to consider the reasons why stressful situations arise, then the following factors can be distinguished:

  • Too high professional loads.
  • Not a good enough intimate or personal life.
  • Facing misunderstanding from relatives and friends.
  • In dire need of finance.
  • The presence of a pessimistic mood.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • A situation in which the requirements for oneself and for the environment are overestimated.
  • The state of the inner struggle of the individual.
  • Low self-esteem is one of the causes of stress

    However, do not think that such conditions can be caused exclusively by situations with a negative attitude. According to experts, the effect of stress on the body can also be observed in the case of an overabundance of positive emotions. This can happen when moving up the career ladder rather quickly, or after the couple is married.

    As soon as it is possible to establish exactly what events triggered the stress, the cause must be eliminated as soon as possible. You should not show fear of how to change your life and reduce negative factors to a minimum.

    Formation of a specific reaction

    During life, any living creature tries to adapt as best as possible to the environment and circumstances. However, back in 1936, scientists proved that the ability to adapt does not work under stress. The reason for this was the changes in the hormonal background that occur with a strong emotional drop.

    Based on the data obtained in the course of the ongoing research, three stages of stress are distinguished, namely:

  • Anxiety. It is generally accepted to consider this stage as a kind of preparation, during which the hormone is released.
  • The stage of resistance. During this stage, the body resists the disease, and the person himself becomes more irritable and aggressive.
  • Exhaustion. The struggle squeezed out all the juices from a person and depleted all the energy resources of the body. It is during this stage that the serious consequences of the development of stress begin.
  • During the exhaustion stage, the effect of stress on a person manifests itself through psychosomatic disorders. And also during this stage, the development of deep depressions or even death takes place.

    Stress and physical health

    Many people, thinking about what is the effect of stress on the body, first of all project the consequences of this unfavorable state exclusively on the physical level. And this is not at all surprising, because thoughts are thoughts, they can still be justified. But when the body begins to ache, there is no time for jokes and excuses.

    The consequences of stress can be disappointing, not only in the case when a person has already weakened physical health. Against the background of such conditions, many negative changes and processes occur in the body of a previously healthy person.

    Stress affects appearance

    To date, the following main manifestations of the influence exerted by a strong emotional drop on physical health are distinguished:

  • A person has pains in the head area that do not have a characteristic localization.
  • A person affected by this situation suffers from insomnia and chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Functional deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • The impact of stress on human performance can hardly be called positive either. In a state of stress, a person suffers from an increased level of fatigue, impaired concentration and decreased performance.
  • Stress is a common cause of bloating and gas. Likewise, due to stressful situations, more serious problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract can develop.
  • If a person has oncological problems, then their exacerbation is observed.
  • The negative effect of stress causes a decrease in the body's defenses, which increases the risk of the appearance and development of viral diseases.
  • Functioning of neuroendocrine regulation.
  • Stress is also dangerous for the body in that metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and others) can develop due to it.
  • The negative effects of stressful situations can also be expressed through degeneration of brain tissue or muscle rigidity. In some cases, the development of atony is observed.
  • Stress as a reaction of the human body to negative emotions can also cause alcohol or even drug addiction.
  • To summarize, there is only one conclusion - human health can be greatly affected by the influence exerted by strong or prolonged stresses. And this, in turn, suggests that when faced with the problem of a stressful state, it is necessary to solve it without delaying it.

    Effects on mental health

    Ever since school, each of us knows that the psyche is an integral part of health. Therefore, a stressful situation, when it arises, has a direct impact on the mental balance of a person. And in order to correctly understand whether you are susceptible to harmful influences, you need to clearly know exactly how stress affects the psyche.

    To date, experts have identified the following mental consequences of stress:

  • The development of depression, neurosis and other disorders that are of a mental nature.
  • People are losing interest in life, there is a lack of desires.
  • Sleep and wakefulness is disrupted.
  • Emotional instability is observed in a person.
  • The emergence of an inner feeling of anxiety, which is very persistent.
  • This is how hormonal imbalance triggered by stressful situations affects a person and his mental balance.

    The imbalance leads to various disorders, the result is the manifestation of inappropriate behavior and feelings of apathy.

    Manifestations in the work plan

    Stress affects the body not only through diseases of various organs and systems and the inability to think correctly. Agree, monotony of work, constant emotional shaking and a state of tension sooner or later leads to the fact that a person cannot work productively.

    Stress and its impact on a person professionally manifests itself as follows:

  • A person regularly makes mistakes when performing their actions.
  • Desire for sleep increases.
  • Appetite absent or very weak.
  • There are noises in the head or even migraines.
  • There is pain in the eyes.
  • Thoughts take on a floating character, it is very difficult for a person to concentrate on what needs to be done.
  • It's getting harder and harder to keep going.
  • Noise in the head and migraine appear

    As you can see from this list, the effect of stress on human behavior and activities is far from the most positive. And given the fact that fatigue accumulates, if you do nothing, then, in the end, you can completely lose your ability to work. It is for this reason that it is recommended to return to normal, while stress and its effect on the human body have not led to catastrophic consequences.

    The positive effects of stress

    It may be hard to believe, but experts have found that in some situations, stress has a positive effect. However, this only happens when the exposure to the stressor was short-lived.

    To date, the following manifestations of the positive influence of stressful situations have been identified:

    1. Effects on the nervous system. In such situations, the activation of nerve cells occurs, because of which the brain begins to work with maximum productivity. And also there is an improvement in working memory.
    2. The body increases the level of the hormone responsible for tenderness and trust.
    3. In a state of short-term stress, the body activates reserve energy reserves. Thanks to this, the motivation and strength is found to further solve the problem that caused the difference in emotions.
    4. Experiencing stress, the human body increases its endurance.
    5. The body's defenses increase due to the activation of immunity.
    6. Analytical skills are sharpened, which helps to make the right decision.
    7. Summing up, we can safely say that not all stresses are uniquely negative. There are times when the body's work in the event of a stressful situation improves, rather than worsens. But this does not mean at all that one must constantly expose oneself to short-term shocks, because the more stressful situations a person experiences, the more the positive influence changes to negative.

      Restore the body after a stressful situation

      Mentally strong people differ from others in that they have a high level of resistance to negative situations occurring in their lives. The ability to be in complete control of one's behavior undoubtedly protects against stress attacks. You can hide from unpleasant situations.

      However, in order to feel and act normally, it is important to learn how to deal with any problem.

      The following stress prevention methods will help you restore your body and strengthen it:

      Emotion burst

      Left alone, take a deep breath and shout as loud as your vocal cords will allow. It is ideal to do this action outdoors. Experts say that shouting the same word three times is the most effective.

      Breathing exercises

      Sometimes correct breathing is a lifesaver in cases where you need to get rid of unusual feelings and emotions. In order to calm down, it is often sufficient to take deep breaths through the nose for a minute and then exhale through the mouth.

      Respiratory gymnastics promotes mental harmony

      Scientists in the course of their research have proven that bringing the respiratory rhythm back to normal contributes to the establishment of mental harmony.

      Physical exercise

      You can neutralize the effect of stress on human health by using moderate stress on the body. And in this case, we are talking not only about playing sports, but also about any everyday worries that require the use of physical strength. Cooking, cleaning or doing laundry can all help a person to normalize their mental state.

      Support from loved ones

      The opportunity to open your soul, speak up and receive support in return always helps to cope with negativity and overcome an unpleasant situation.

      Russian bath

      A visit to the bath not only minimizes the impact of stress on human health, but also helps to cope with many diseases, the progress of which has nothing to do with hormonal levels and emotional shocks.

      Stressful situations have little positive effect, but can severely spoil the general condition. The change in emotions and its consequences affect the thyroid gland, brain, internal organs. To protect yourself from all possible troubles, you should learn not to take insignificant situations to heart and provide worthy resistance to more serious negativity, which is increasingly near.

      The positive and negative effects of stress on the human body

      Since ancient times, such a state of the body as stress has been necessary to preserve life. He saved from death and gave the command to immediately mobilize all the forces and capabilities of the body. The benefit of stress was a quick reaction to danger: rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, and the appearance of aggression. In this condition, all parts of the body are well supplied with blood, the brain makes quick decisions, the muscles tense and are able to perform many tasks that require endurance or quick movements. Strength for this is given by glucose, adrenaline and cortisol, which, under the influence of stress, are released into the bloodstream, provoke excitement and give a powerful impetus to action.

      Stress - positive and negative aspects

      Why stress is good for you

      Stress can be beneficial to health when short-term stress is not associated with negative experiences. The blood is saturated with oxygen, the pupils dilate, the arterial pressure rises moderately, the energy for active actions appears, the vitality rises sharply.

      The positive aspects of such reactions of the body are that under its influence the activation of neuropeptides occurs. These substances restore metabolic processes, improve memory and relieve insomnia. Endorphin, the hormone of joy, is released into the bloodstream; the feeling of danger, anxiety disappears; the mood rises, which allows you to be more psychologically resistant to various situations.

      "Good" stress is the birth of a child, physical activity while playing sports, joyful events in life.

      With short-term stress, immunity increases. This is due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. The attachment hormone oxytocin is produced, which helps to establish communication with new acquaintances and strengthen old ties. Only with short-term stress, the process of perception and processing of information improves, neural connections are strengthened, which is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

      A stressful situation will help you achieve new results. Only by going beyond your capabilities can you implement complex projects or achieve sporting achievements.

      Psychophysiological stress can be controlled. Scientists have found that there is a so-called adaptive energy, which is inherent in the body from birth. It helps to cope with drastic changes in a person's familiar environment. With saturated tension, which the body considers to be the ultimate, the energy for adaptation begins to be released and leads the body to stabilize the state.

      Stress classification

      There are several types of stress:

    8. Distress is a condition that has a negative impact. It impairs health and leads to diseases that the body itself cannot cope with.
    9. Emotional stress - leads to mental exhaustion and lowers productivity.
    10. Psychological stress - associated with the problems of being in society. Society dictates its own rules, obliges to adhere to many norms and moral principles, control over negative emotions, the accumulation of which leads to breakdowns.
    11. Eustress - associated with positive emotions. In the process of exposure to eustress, the mood rises, there is a mobilization of forces and a state of mild euphoria sets in. It is the result of minor short-term irritation.
    12. Pleasant stress - wedding

      What is the danger of stress

      The entire human organ system still reacts to stimuli, but over time, the environment has changed, there is no every minute danger that threatens life. Psychophysiological tension began to acquire completely different properties and functions.

      The positive influence of voltage has sharply decreased and acquired new characteristics. Whether a person needs stress is a very controversial question. In big cities, there is an active interaction with other people, so the emotions that a person experiences have not changed at all. The reactions to them have been preserved since ancient times, but now they do not receive a splash. Hormones build up in the body and affect its physical level.

      Influence on organs

      The negative impact or negative impact of stress on the human body:

    13. The release of adrenaline and cortisol causes aggression. The impossibility of realizing such a state leads to a severe emotional imbalance.
    14. The appearance of anxiety prevents concentration and interferes with thinking clearly.
    15. Depression is a disease of modern society. It is a direct result of the negative effects of stress.
    16. The work of organs is disrupted: the cardiovascular system, the digestive organs and the brain suffer, immunity falls.
    17. The negative effect of stress on the human body has been proven. There are three stages of psychophysiological stress:

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      4. We feel the impact of stress on ourselves every day, as it is an integral part of our life. Stress affects us to a lesser or greater extent, but one way or another we react to them. There are situations for which we prepare in advance - passing exams, visiting a doctor, going to the theater, training in a fitness center or gym, etc. - all this stress is planned, but the preparation of an annual report, conflicts in the team, failure to fulfill the set tasks at work, all kinds of public speaking are already professional stress. A simple extraordinary situation that lies in wait for us on the street or in public transport can sometimes cause severe emotional stress. With such a variety of situations, we get our portion of both positive (eustress) and negative (distress) emotions, sometimes without thinking about what kind of stress it is and what effect of stress on the body is.

        The positive effects of stress

        The positive effects of stress has positive events on us in our life (celebrations, excellent success of our children in school, a child's performance at a matinee in kindergarten and other joyful events in life) bring us an increase in vitality and energy. Eustress helps to mobilize all the forces of the body, improves immunity and increases vitality.

        So, for example, when meeting old acquaintances, a friendly kiss (being a positive stress) has a lot of benefits, activating neuropeptides in the human body that regulate metabolism in the body, help to increase immunity, improve memory and sleep quality. Positive emotions speed up the pulse, which serves as a good workout for the heart muscle, and a short-term increase in pressure contributes to the release of a significant amount of oxygen into the bloodstream. At positive effects of stress endorphins are produced - hormones of joy that raise our mood, which makes us look at the world in a more rosy light, without nervousness and irritation.

        Any negative stress causes a surge in energy flow due to the increased production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

        The negative effects of stress

        Short-term negative impact of stress ( not associated with tragic circumstances or parting forever) according to the latest data of scientists, it helps to mobilize all the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system, helping the body to resist viruses and bacteria, to recover after surgery, since the hormones produced by the adrenal gland have the property of wound healing. With short-term stress, oxytacin (attachment hormone) is produced, which dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, and helps to strengthen relationships between people in difficult situations. Such stress increases the body's ability to tolerate vaccinations more easily, the effect of which is significantly prolonged, and to resist the development of cancerous tumors. The instant release of hormones in the prefrontal cortex during short-term stress improves memory, speed of action, and develops the body's endurance.

        Another thing is that negative stress affecting for a long time (more than a few hours, as a rule, associated with the loss of loved ones and relatives, divorce or long-term separation) can have a negative effect on human health. Such stress can provoke excess weight, cardiovascular disease, weaken the immune system (frequent colds and viral diseases), cause recurrence of herpes, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cause many diseases, including depression and insomnia. Hair loss and sudden onset of dandruff are also negative impact of stress!

        But in any case, you need to be able to manage stress and take timely measures to quickly remove its influence.

        Proper stress management

        For proper stress management you need to be able to relax - in these cases, the technique of "meditation", yoga classes, etc. are well suited, in any case, it is necessary to focus on activities that distract from the stress experienced. This technique allows you not only to throw off the negative, but also to avoid the development of hypertension, migraine attacks, manifestations of insomnia. Relaxing techniques in combination with a balanced diet and active physical activity are even more effective.

        Prolonged exposure to air and the use of herbal medicine also has a positive effect and will help you return to normal life. Used since ancient times in folk medicine - valerian medicinal, motherwort, lemon balm and cyanosis blue (blue St. John's wort, valerian greek), are skillfully combined in a biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, made using cryo-grinding technology at low temperatures, which retains all the healing properties of these plants, which are enhanced by vitamin C - your first aid for stress.

        Proper stress management will not allow negative effects of stress on your body!

        1. positive - adv. 1.adverb to positive (in 1, 2, 4 and 6 digits). Be positive about the proposal. The issue has been resolved positively. □ I know for a fact that my uncle, by order of Thomas, was forced to shave off his beautiful, dark blond sideburns. Small academic dictionary
        2. positive - POSITIVE, adv. 1.adverb k positive in 1 and 2 · values. Answer in the affirmative. Thinks positively. 2. Completely, decisively, completely (· colloquial). He knows nothing positively. I positively do not remember what he said to me then. | in meaning Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
        3. positive - POSITIVE 1. POSITIVE, adv. 1. to Positive (1-3, 5 digits). P. charged particles. Treat the proposal of P. P. to evaluate the test. P. to resolve the issue. The speech of the item will affect the voting. I know this. Move on... Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov
        4. positive - positive I adverb are. qualities 1. Expressing agreement with something or confirming something; in the affirmative. || Indicating that something is present or that something is as expected. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

        Increasingly, the child receives as a gift not a car or a doll, but a game console, disc or computer. The Internet and sites for children have flooded the free time of our younger generation. What, in fact, is the problem if the kid plays with pleasure and at the same time learns computer literacy?

        Positive influence

        "It's not that bad!" - say psychologists from the University of Case Western Reserve (USA). From 1985 to 2008, research was carried out: after distributing toys to children 6-10 years old, they were asked to invent stories about them and recorded on video. Comparing the results, we came to the conclusion that modern children are more relaxed and fantasize more than 20 years ago. Their characters were more varied and brighter, more details appeared, and in the stories themselves there was less hidden aggression, fights and disputes. Researchers note that although today's children play little in real life, their imaginations are excellent. And the same sites with video games, the Internet, as well as the whole diverse modern world, stimulate it, develop memory, attention and coordination.

        Bad influence

        It is not easy to explain to a child that if he or she stays at the computer for a long time, this can affect not only health, but also his social adaptation. As psychiatrists explain, computer technologies are designed for the brain of an adult, while in a child it is just being formed and cannot simultaneously recognize the virtual and real world. Up to 3 years old, the baby should actively smell, touch, feel; up to 6 years - develop fine motor skills of pens: cut, sculpt, paint, lace. After 6 years, the child should be able to play and occupy himself with the screen off and without the help of sites.

        The lack of live communication in family and society is the main reason for screen addiction. Losing communication skills in life, the child also loses interest in the real world, and the virtual one seems to him brighter and safer. For example, being upset about a failure at school, a child visits and, plunging into the virtual world, forgets about the problem. The most interesting thing is that studies prove not only psychological dependence on computer games, but also physiological. Video game sites stimulate the central nervous system and promote the release of adrenaline. If a person needs more stimulation, then he needs more adrenaline. Further, it happens in the same way as with alcohol and drugs - there is a need to increase the dose to satisfy the body.

        Another negative aspect of the influence of websites and a computer on a modern child is a lag in speech development, the inability to think logically and quickly, and the lack of adequate communication with others. The result is a poor assimilation of school material and a poor social position in the future.

        It has been scientifically proven that a child does not acquire virtually any new abilities by studying on a computer. Carrying out one of the experiments, we created three groups of equally developing six year olds... For a whole year, we taught one group of computer programs and games, another - playing the piano, and the third - nothing at all. A year later, it turned out that children from the second group achieved the greatest mental development, and the children from the first and third groups did not differ much from each other.

        Mom, can I play on the computer?

        Having analyzed all the pros and cons of playing at the computer, let's still protect the health and fragile minds of our children from debauchery and violence on the sites of games and videos that can get caught by the kid on the vast expanses of the Internet.

        How to do it?

        • Agree with the child about the time spent at the computer - up to 7 years old it can be no more than 15 minutes four times a day.
        • Discuss new characters after playing on the computer, their actions, feelings caused by the new game.
        • Do a minute visual gymnastics with your child 7-8 minutes after starting work on the computer and after it ends. For example, imagining a butterfly flying under the ceiling, the baby needs to follow its flight from one corner of the room to another with his eyes.
        • Organize a workplace appropriate for the child's age:
        • the chair should be with a back;
        • it is necessary to sit no closer than 50-70 cm from the computer;
        • the gaze should rest perpendicularly to the center of the screen;
        • the presence of free space (5 cm) between the body of the body and the edge of the table;
        • hands lie freely on the table;
        • the legs are bent at the hip and knee joints at right angles and stand firmly under the table;
        • the table with the computer is located in a well-lit place so that there is no glare on the screen.

        For parents, there is a simple rule "3-6-9-12":

          under 3 years old - no computer;

          up to 6 years old - no prefixes;

          up to 9 years old - no Internet;

          up to 12 years old - using the Internet under the supervision of adults.


        Perhaps today's children cannot be severely judged for their hobbies for online games. Sometimes they don't even know how to take their free time, and the characters on the sites replace the Cossacks-robbers with them, and the football simulators replace the real football in the yard.

        We will not discount the busyness of parents, indifference and indifference, inattention to the problems of the child, unwillingness to play. But it is in real play that the child experiences his fears, doubts and resentments. And if you only knew how important your opinion, your presence and your love are for a baby!

        Actually, allow children to visit sites with games, but only within reasonable limits. When a child sits at home at the computer and does not go out, this is already bad.

        All of humanity is faced with the most important task - the preservation of the diversity of all organisms living on Earth. All species (vegetation, animals) are closely interrelated. The destruction of even one of them leads to the disappearance of other species interconnected with it.

        From the very moment when a person came up with tools and became more or less reasonable, his all-round influence on the nature of the planet began. The more a person developed, the more influence he had on the Earth's environment. How does a person influence nature? What is positive and what is negative?

        Negative points

        There are both pros and cons of human influence on nature. To begin with, consider negative examples of harmful things:

        1. Deforestation associated with the construction of highways, etc.
        2. Soil pollution occurs due to the use of fertilizers and chemicals.
        3. A decrease in the number of populations due to the expansion of areas for fields with the help of deforestation (animals, losing their normal habitat, die).
        4. The destruction of plants and animals due to the difficulties of their adaptation to a new life, greatly changed by man, or simply their extermination by people.
        5. and waters by different people and by the people themselves. For example, in the Pacific Ocean there is a "dead zone" where a huge amount of debris floats.

        Examples of human influence on the nature of the ocean and mountains, on the state of fresh water

        The change in nature under the influence of man is very significant. The flora and fauna of the Earth are severely affected, water resources are polluted.

        Typically, light debris remains on the ocean surface. In this regard, the access of air (oxygen) and light to the inhabitants of these territories is hampered. Numerous species of living creatures are trying to look for new places for their habitat, which, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

        Ocean currents bring in millions of tons of garbage every year. This is a real disaster.

        Deforestation on the mountain slopes also has a negative impact. They become naked, which contributes to the occurrence of erosion, as a result, loosening of the soil occurs. And this leads to devastating collapses.

        Pollution occurs not only in the waters of the oceans, but also in fresh water. Thousands of cubic meters of sewage or industrial waste flows into rivers every day.
        And they are contaminated with pesticides, chemical fertilizers.

        The dire consequences of oil spills, mining

        Just one drop of oil makes approximately 25 liters of water unusable. But this is not the worst thing. A rather thin film of oil covers the surface of a huge area of ​​water - about 20 m 2 of water. This is destructive for all living things. All organisms under such a film are doomed to slow death, because it prevents oxygen from entering the water. This is also a direct influence of man on the nature of the Earth.

        People extract minerals from the bowels of the Earth, formed over several million years - oil, coal, etc. Such industrial production, together with cars, emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which leads to a catastrophic decrease in the ozone layer of the atmosphere - the protector of the Earth's surface from the death-carrying ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

        Over the past 50 years, the air temperature on Earth has increased by only 0.6 degrees. But this is a lot.

        This warming will lead to an increase in the temperature of the oceans, which will contribute to the melting of polar glaciers in the Arctic. Thus, the most global problem arises - the ecosystem of the Earth's poles is being disrupted. Glaciers are the most important and voluminous sources of clean fresh water.

        Benefit of people

        It should be noted that people bring both certain benefits and considerable ones.

        It is necessary from this point of view to note the influence of man on nature. The positive lies in the activities carried out by people to improve the ecology of the environment.

        In many vast territories of the Earth in different countries, protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries and parks are organized - places where everything is preserved in its original form. This is the most reasonable influence of man on nature, positive. In such protected places, people contribute to the preservation of flora and fauna.

        Thanks to their creation, many species of animals and plants have survived on Earth. Rare and already endangered species must be included in the man-made Red Book, according to which fishing and collection is prohibited.

        People also create artificial water canals and irrigation systems that help maintain and increase

        Planting of diverse vegetation is also carried out on a large scale.

        Ways to solve emerging problems in nature

        To solve problems, it is necessary and important, first of all, to have an active human influence on nature (positive).

        As for biological resources (animals and plants), they should be used (mined) in such a way that individuals in nature always remain in quantities that contribute to the restoration of the previous population size.

        It is also necessary to continue work on the organization of reserves and planting forests.

        Carrying out all these measures to restore and improve the environment is a positive influence of man on nature. All this is necessary for the benefit of oneself.

        After all, the well-being of human life, like all biological organisms, depends on the state of nature. Now all of humanity is faced with the most important problem - the creation of a favorable state and stability of the living environment.

        Humanity has a huge impact on the environment. And not always positive. Rapidly developing enterprises first of all care about making a profit and practically do not think about the environment.

        This negative human impact on the environment and consumer attitudes have led to the depletion of many natural resources and the deterioration of the state of our planet.

        The beginning of the negative impact

        Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, at the initial stages of the development of technological progress, a lot of efforts were made to improve all areas of life. But was this a positive human impact on the environment? On the one hand, all possible consequences were calculated and attempts were made to minimize the negative impact on nature. On the other hand, new territories were cleared at high speed, cities expanded, factories were built, kilometers of roads were laid, swamps and reservoirs were drained, the first hydroelectric power stations were built. People have found new efficient methods of mining. This human impact on the environment does not go unnoticed and must be reviewed. Waste of natural resources can lead to imminent environmental disaster.

        Environmental Impact of Agriculture

        A no less depressing picture can be observed in agriculture. Our ancestors had a more careful attitude towards the fertile nurse-land. The soil was cultivated according to the relevant agricultural rules. The fields were allowed to rest and were generously fertilized during the dormant period. But over time, big changes have taken place in agriculture. A fairly large percentage of the land has been plowed under the fields. The problem of food shortages has not been resolved in this way, but such human impact on the environment has already led to negative ecological shifts. Without taking any measures and without reconsidering their actions, humanity runs the risk of being left with depleted, unsuitable for farming lands.

        Another factor that has the worst effect on the state of the environment is the not always justified use of herbicides and a large amount of fertilizers. Such actions can lead to the fact that products grown in this way gradually turn into unusable and dangerous for consumption. And the soil and groundwater will also be poisoned.


        Fortunately, humanity has increasingly begun to think about the emerging environmental problems. Scientists around the world are looking for ways to wisely use valuable natural resources. The best minds work to ensure that the human impact on the environment is not so destructive. Reserves and reserves are increasingly being created to preserve endangered rare species of animals and birds. This significantly improves the overall picture of the ecological situation on the blue planet. The human impact on the environment is undoubtedly enormous. And as sad as it is to admit, but more often it is negative. So it is worth trying for absolutely all people who live on Earth to leave our planet with pristine beauty, which could please more than one generation of people.

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