Statements about people. Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of understanding When people don’t understand you quotes

To understand something, we need to get as much information about it as possible, look at it from different points of view and imagine in our heads what it all looks like. For example, we know that bodies with mass attract each other, obeying the law of universal gravitation, which can be described using physical formulas. But all this is just information, which is often not enough to understand how and why this happens. Knowledge cannot be put into practice if you do not have understanding, so understanding can be called something that is more important than knowledge, as one famous person once said. Other quotes about understanding say roughly the same thing.

Quotes and phrases about understanding:

  • 1) I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and I understand.
  • 2) He who knows, does. He who understands teaches.
  • 3) Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll probably remember, involve me and I'll understand.
    Chinese proverb
  • 4) He who understands does not speak, he who speaks does not understand.
    Chinese proverb
  • 5) If you understand everything, you must be misinformed.
    Japanese proverb
  • 6) Teaching is the highest form of understanding.
  • 7) I don’t pretend to understand the Universe - it’s much bigger than me.
    Thomas Carlyle
  • 8) Wisdom and understanding can only become the property of individuals by traveling along the old road of observation, attention, perseverance and hard work.
    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • 9) I'm so smart that sometimes I don't understand a word of what I say.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 10) The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it is dead to you.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 11) Understanding is the reward of faith. So don't try to understand what you can believe, but don't believe in what you can understand.
    Saint Augustine
  • 12) We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a small planet, an average star. But we can understand the entire Universe. This makes us something special.
    Stephen Hawking
  • 13) Everything, absolutely everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.
    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • 14) All our knowledge begins with feelings, develops into understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
    Immanuel Kant
  • 15) If you want to truly understand something, try changing it.
    Kurt Lewin
  • 16) People discuss my art and pretend to understand it, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.
    Claude Monet
  • 17) Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding is the third.
    Marge Piercy
  • 18) Don't cry. Don't be outraged. Understand.
    Baruch Spinoza
  • 19) Understanding is a two-way street
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 20) And truly, a woman needs to know one man well in order to understand all men, while a man can know all women, but not understand any of them.
    Helen Rowland
  • 21) Any fool can criticize, judge and complain, but it takes character and self-control to show understanding and forgiveness.
    Dale Carnegie
  • 22) All truths are easy to understand, only once discovered, the problem is how to discover them.
    Galileo Galilei
  • 23) The evil that is in the world is always in the dark, and good intentions can do as much harm as evil ones if they lack understanding.
    Albert Camus
  • 24) Thirst first to understand, and only then to be understood.
    Wes Lewis
  • 25) The motto should not be “Forgive each other,” but rather, “Understand each other.”
    Emma Goldman
  • 26) A person knows more than he understands.
    Alfred Adler
  • 27) There is a big difference between knowledge and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it.
    Charles F. Kettering
  • 28) Look deeply into nature, then you will understand everything better.
    Albert Einstein
  • 29) Joy in the search for understanding is the most beautiful gift of nature.
    Albert Einstein
  • 30) To understand a person's heart and mind, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he strives for.
    Kahlil Gibran
  • 31) A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. After all, he won't sharply disagree with him just because he doesn't agree, he wants to know for sure that he doesn't agree.
    Kenneth A. Wells
  • 32) I want to understand others through understanding myself. I want to be everything that I am capable of becoming.
    Katherine Mansfield
  • 33) If you want to understand a philosopher, do not ask what he says, but find out what he wants.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 34) It always takes a very long time to understand incredibly simple things.
    Joe Chang
  • 35) I told my husband that if he could make me “understand” something, it would be understood by every other person in the country.
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 36) You must know the past to understand the present.
    Dr. Carl Sagan
  • 37) When two people decide to get a divorce, it is not a sign that they do not understand each other, but a sign that they have finally begun to understand.
    Helen Rowland
  • 38) Anyone who does not understand your silence probably does not understand your words.
    Elbert Hubbard
  • 39) Nothing in life should be feared, it’s just something to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we can be less afraid.
    Marie Curie
  • 40) I know that you believe in your understanding of what you think I said, but I am not sure that you understand anything you heard is not what I meant.
    Robert McCloskey.
  • 41) The artist does not tinker with the universe, he recreates it from his own experience and understanding of life.
    Henry Millais
  • 42) Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be achieved through understanding.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 43) To be great means to be misunderstood.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 44) Everyone hears only what he understands.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • 45) Everything that irritates us in others can lead us to understanding ourselves.
    Carl Gustav Jung

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

How often we lack understanding of people close and dear to us... And sometimes we ourselves cannot understand others. So what is “understanding”? Wise people whom I have collected in today’s post will tell you about this.

For some people, seven years is not enough to understand each other at least to some extent, while for others, seven days is more than enough. Jane Austen "Sense and Sensibility".

I need the company of a person who would sympathize with me and understand me perfectly. Mary Shelley "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus"

To understand means to feel. K.S. Stanislavsky

I try to be brief - I become incomprehensible. Horace

You should speak in such a way that you are understood as you want to be understood, and so that they cannot understand otherwise. Mikhail Litvak “Psychological vampirism”

To understand what a person wants, put yourself in his place.
To understand what he can do, put him on your own. Stas Yankovsky

Know how to take the position of another person and understand what HE needs, not you. The whole world will be with the one who can do this. Dale Carnegie

You'll be surprised how much a woman can understand. The main thing is to find the right words. Terry Pratchett "The Thief of Time"

Words only interfere with understanding each other. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If you suffer from not being understood, take comfort; you would suffer much more if you were understood. Clarence Darrow

The ability to understand depends on personal experience and not on mental effort... Max Fry "Victims of Circumstances"

You can't know everything, only understanding is enough. George Sand

To understand hearts, but not to conquer them... John Ronald Reuel Tolkien "The Silmarillion"

And we parted without understanding each other. In this world, people rarely understand each other. Johann Wolfgang Goethe "The Sorrows of Young Werther"

I hate sympathy. I want understanding. Even if I'm painfully different. Cursed, despised, shocking, twisted and first in line to be burned at the stake. Janusz Leon Wisniewski “Repetition of Fate”

Your soulmate is the one who understands you like no one else and will always be with you, no matter what happens. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I know for sure that there is such love that remains with us even after death. Cecelia Ahern “P.S. I love you"

It's hard to find someone who truly understands you. Usually people judge only by their own standards, and simply do not take others into account. Murasaki Shikibu

The desire to understand is an attempt to regain what you have lost. Peter Hoeg "Smilla's Snow Feeling"

Understanding another person is like hugging a cactus. We all have to hug cacti. It is important to believe that it is necessary, learn to find pleasure in it, and one day, when you really need it, someone will hug you. Robert Downey (Jr.)

Understanding is the beginning of agreement.
Benedict Spinoza

Mutual understanding requires mutual lies.
Don Aminado

It's hard to find someone who truly understands you. Usually people judge only by their own standards, and simply do not take others into account.

There are three kinds of people: those who see; those who see when they are shown; and those who do not see.
Leonardo da Vinci

Understanding life and understanding people are far from the same thing. Great wisdom is to comprehend characters and capture moods.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Neglect understanding if it conflicts with all other qualities of your intellect. Understanding as such, however useful and necessary it may be, is not only the most insignificant, but also the most unreliable faculty of the human mind.
Thomas de Quincey

There is only one way to truly understand people: it is to live near them, to allow them to express themselves day after day and to imprint their image on us.
Charles Augustin de Sainte-Beuve

Whoever has once found himself cannot lose anything in this world. And whoever once understands the person in himself understands all people.
Stefan Zweig

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends.
Lion Feuchtwanger

When hearts are full of love and beat only from meeting to separation, a slight hint is enough to understand each other.
Rabindranath Tagore

You are blind, and I am deaf and dumb, so let's hold hands and try to understand each other.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

To understand means to feel.
Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

In order to be heard by people, one must speak from Golgotha, imprinting the truth with suffering, and even better - death.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There is no point in telling a person something that he does not understand if, moreover, he is not able to understand it.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Could we be mistaken in thinking that we understand the question?
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Don’t direct your interest to something that, most likely, no one understands except you.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Application is still the criterion of understanding.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Explanation serves to eliminate or prevent misunderstanding.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

It is impossible to discuss logical or scientific laws with one who denies the validity of the laws of thought; It is impossible to achieve moral understanding with someone who denies duty altogether.
Wilhelm Windelband

Only by seeing other people's life forms could one become aware of one's own.
Oswald Spengler

Every interpretation is based on understanding.
Martin Heidegger

Only one who already understands can listen.
Martin Heidegger

Hints beckon us. Hints warn us. Hints bring us closer to that from which they unexpectedly reach us.
Martin Heidegger

There are two basic conditions for genuine mutual understanding - a tireless will to listen to each other, and a firm inner determination to follow one's own
Martin Heidegger

Another sign of true mutual understanding is that it never counts on instant success and solid results.
Martin Heidegger

Perception always includes meaning.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Without a horizon, one does not see far enough and therefore overestimates what is nearby.
Hans Georg Gadamer

The interpreter does not even suspect that he brings himself and his own concepts into the interpretation.
Hans Georg Gadamer

To look is to dismember.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Interpretation is nothing more than a collection of empty words or formulas, sealed by an act of will.
Benedetto Croce

They will look with their eyes and will not see; they will listen with their ears and will not hear.

Sometimes misunderstanding is worse than any hatred.
Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky

The desire to understand people, life and the world prevents us from knowing it all.
Lev Shestov

Everyone perceives the horrors of the world in their own way.
Semyon Ludwigovich Frank

Understanding someone else's soul means reincarnation.
Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky

If you don't understand, don't judge.
Frantisek Kryshka

Understanding means studying and consciously accepting the burdens that our age has placed on us.
Hannah Arendt

Understanding means a collected readiness to face reality, whatever it may be, and to resist it.
Hannah Arendt

Two people seeking to truly understand each other must first contradict each other.
Gaston Bachelard

Will anyone understand a person who cannot forget paradise even for a second?
Emil Michel Cioran

If life is not initially meaningful, then understanding is impossible at all.
Paul Ricoeur

The deeper an adult goes into an individual search, the more able he is to take the point of view of others and make them understand him.
Jean Piaget

Forgiving enemies is a wonderful feat; but there is an even more beautiful feat, even more human - this is the understanding of enemies, because understanding is at once forgiveness, justification, reconciliation.
A.I. Herzen

Your own understanding of virtues and vices is the most important thing. If this understanding is not there, everything becomes shaky.

There are a great many people, but few people.

Nothing confirms that we are more than nothing.
Emil Cioran

A person is a world that is sometimes worth all worlds...
Amedeo Modigliani

The Lord created everything out of nothing, and this nothingness manifests itself in everything.
Paul Valéry

It was not reason, but imagination that made us human.
Terry Pratchett

Even the smartest aphorisms and quotes about man will not be able to accurately answer the question of what a human being really is. Man is nature's biggest mystery. As Bernard Shaw's aphorism says, now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.
Even having called himself the king of nature, having subjugated many forces and achieved significant progress, man cannot find reliable answers to many questions.
Who are we and where are we going? What is the meaning of human life and how should one live? Are people the pinnacle of creation or just one link in a long chain? How much do we depend on fate and should we be afraid of death?
There are thousands of such questions. There are also many attempts to give an answer. But no one can guarantee the correctness of the proposed options. The greatest minds reflected on these topics, leaving a legacy of many aphorisms, sayings and quotes about man and humanity. And none of them can be considered one hundred percent true.
But the attempts of great people to see in things and phenomena what is not visible to others deserve attention. Therefore, we have prepared for you a selection of wise quotes about a person.

Sayings, quotes and aphorisms about people

Cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people.
Charles de Gaulle

The human race has perfected everything - except the human race itself.
Adlai Stevenson

Some are people not in essence, but only in name.

All we are is a mass of talking nitrogen.
Arthur Miller

A person can understand the cosmos, but never himself; Man is further from himself than any star.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem, and he must solve it and cannot avoid it.
Erich Fromm

The wonders of this world are countless, but there is nothing more amazing than man.

If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, then who am I?
Erich Fromm

Just as a soul without flesh is not called a man, so is flesh without a soul.
John Chrysostom

Each of us carries within us our own hell.

Quotes about a person, as we see, are very different in meaning and understanding. How many people, so many opinions. Man continues to remain a mystery to himself. But let’s still try to open the door to this mystery: what is a person?

The main idea of ​​a person is the soul, and we should not be misled by the fact that a person is also capable of walking on two legs.
Søren Kierkegaard

Human! The only animal in this world that should be feared!
David Herbert Lawrence

What does a person really know about himself? Will he ever actually be able to view himself completely, as if he were a brightly lit exhibit under the glass of a display stand? Doesn't nature hide from man the most important things - even concerning his own body - in order to lock him up within the framework of some proud, deceptive self-consciousness, away from the coils of his intestines, the rapid flow of blood in the vessels and the intricate trembling of the body tissues! And she threw away the key.
Friedrich Nietzsche

When the skies fall and the oceans drown, man will remain the only mystery.
Edward Estlin Cummings

Man is the most amazing phenomenon of nature for himself, for he is not able to comprehend what a body is, even less able to comprehend what a soul is, and least of all - how the body and soul can be one. There is nothing more difficult for a person, and yet this is precisely his very essence.
Blaise Pascal

Man - who is he? Too bad for God's creation; too good to be the work of blind chance.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.
Ray Bradbury

It would be good to know what a person is and who the world around him takes him for. But you cannot understand a person until you know how he understands himself.
Francis Herbert Bradley

The soul is the totality of the mind, reason and all the feelings of the inner world of a person. Therefore, it is a force and, therefore, cannot disappear.
Dmitriy Mendeleev

Doubts about the unity of soul and body are no more fundamental than doubts about the unity of wax and the impression in it.

Throughout the history of its existence, the human race has made great efforts to understand who people really are. Judging by the statements of the greats presented here, complete understanding is still far away.

The mistake is that we hold tightly to the body, while only the soul is truly immortal.
Swami Vivekananda

You can't run away from yourself.
William Shakespeare

You are just a puppet. But you are not given the opportunity to understand this.
Stanislav Lem

When a person becomes an animal, he is worse than any animal.
Rabindranath Tagore

God created man for one single reason - because he was disappointed in the monkey.
Mark Twain

Remembering our origins, I blush with embarrassment: our hands are soaked in blood and atrocities. And there is no end in sight to the massacre and plunder.
Henry Miller

We are just an improved breed of monkeys on a minor planet of an insignificant star. But we are capable of understanding the Universe. And this turns us into something very special.
Stephen Hawking

Man is a short-sighted creature, to say the least, especially when he himself undertakes to claim that he is happy, or believes that he is able to live by his own mind.
Daniel Defoe

We are able to understand each other, but each of us can only interpret ourselves.
Hermann Hesse

Man is a smart animal who behaves like a weak-minded person.
Albert Schweitzer

Stick, stick, cucumber, here comes the little man... A quote that perhaps best describes human nature today. But I would like to believe that better quotes will appear.

We imagine that every person is original; Pumpkins think the same thing about themselves; however, every pumpkin in the field goes through every moment in pumpkin history.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Man is not the end, but the beginning. We are at the beginning of the second week. We are children of the eighth day.
Thornton Wilder

I am a weak, short-lived creature of dirt and dreams. But I feel how all the forces of the Universe are seething within me.
Nikos Kazantzakis

When discussing evolution, it is necessary to understand from the very beginning that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness.
George Gurdjieff

After all, we are only human, not creatures endowed with infinite possibilities.
Robertson Davis

We are like moths that flutter for only a day, but think that it is an eternity.
Carl Sagan

Sometimes I think that God, when creating man, overestimated His capabilities.
Oscar Wilde

Every person is what God created him to be, and often much worse.
Miguel de Cervantes

What little people we are all compared to what we could be!
Charles Dudley Warner

Nature tries very hard to succeed with us, but does not rely on us much. We are not her only experiment.
Buckminster Fuller

Of course, in order to get your own idea of ​​what a person is, it is better not to limit yourself to quotes, but to read philosophical works on this topic. So all these statements are an announcement to understanding human nature.

The man started his journey on the wrong foot. Misfortune in paradise was the first consequence. The rest is yet to come.
Emil Cioran

We find ourselves similar to a hollow glass ball from the emptiness of which a voice is heard.
Arthur Schopenhauer

God created man, but I could have done it better.
Erma Bombeck

The devil is an optimist if he believes that he is capable of making people even worse.
Karl Kraus

Almost all of our ancestors were not perfect ladies and gentlemen. Most of them weren't even mammals.
Robert Anton Wilson

What a shame to be human.
Kurt Vonnegut

How many roads must a person travel before you call him a man?
Bob Dylan

A person is not the sum of what he already possesses, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have and what he is still capable of acquiring.
Jean Paul Sartre

We are a product of the stars who have taken our destiny into our own hands.
Carl Sagan

We are all born crazy. Some remain so.
Samuel Beckett

If you believe the Bible, then from the very beginning of creation man had a complete human appearance. According to Charles Darwin's theory, no. Among the authors of these quotes there are supporters of both theories. Only you can decide which of them to believe.

It is impossible to build anything completely straight from a material as crooked as that from which man is made.
Immanuel Kant

Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Albert Camus

To change a person, you just need to change his understanding of himself.
Abraham Maslow

What fools these mortals are!

We feel and know that we are eternal.
Benedict Spinoza

A fickle person.
William Shakespeare

It is human nature to reason wisely and act foolishly.
Anatole France

Man is the inventor of the rack and the auto-da-fé, the gallows and the electric chair, the sword and the firearm, and above all of justice, duty, patriotism and all the other isms by which even those who are intelligent enough to be inclined to humanity are driven to become the most destructive of all destroyers.
George Bernard Shaw

I am a human being and I believe that nothing human is alien to me.
Publius Terence

Having endowed man with tears, Nature indicated that his heart should be soft; and the best quality in a person is kindness.

What a person is is difficult to explain. But everyone can try to understand this. Understand, feel and draw your own conclusions.

We are cups, quietly and continually filled. The trick is to be able to knock yourself down and allow the beautiful contents to pour out.
Ray Bradbury

No human being is important.

Man is the measure of all things.

Each person has his own price.
Robert Walpole

Your value is in what you are, not in what you have.
Thomas Edison

The true value of any person is determined primarily by the extent and sense in which he achieves freedom from himself.
Albert Einstein

Smart people are good, but they are not the best.
Thomas Carlyle

If you value people based on their work, then a horse is better than any person.
Maksim Gorky

It's not who you think you are, but who you really are that matters.
Publilius Syrus

A person is what he believes in.
Anton Chekhov

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