A trailer has appeared for a film with Nagiyev about the tragedy over Lake Constance. Who is Vitaly Kaloev, based on whose story the film “The Consequences of Arnold Schwarzenegger” was made, a film about a plane crash, the name of the film

In the USA, filming of the film "478", based on the real events of the plane crash in Germany, began in Columbus, Ohio. In it, the famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Ossetian Vitaly Kaloev, who lost his entire family during the crash. But work on the film began with a scandal: Kaloev did not agree with the plot of the film. As he said in a conversation with an RG correspondent, the events there are shown completely differently from how they actually happened.

A collision between two planes over Lake Constance in Germany occurred in July 2002. As a result of the tragedy, 71 people died, including 49 children. Among them was the family of Vitaly Kaloev - a wife and two children.

A year and a half after the disaster, without waiting for the perpetrators to be punished, Kaloev found and killed air traffic controller Peter Nielsen, one of the possible culprits of the plane collision. A little later, Vitaly was arrested and sentenced to eight years in a Swiss prison. Then the court reduced the sentence to five years and three months of imprisonment, of which Vitaly Kaloev served four years. He was released early for good behavior. In 2007, he returned to his homeland, Ossetia. After some time, Kaloev was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Architecture and Construction Policy of the republic, where he still works. The fate of this man is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film.

Two years ago, representatives of Hollywood film studios approached me with the question of whether I would be against filming a film about the tragedy over Lake Constance,” Vitaly Kaloev told RG. “I told them that in general I am not against the film itself, because it will perpetuate the memory of my dead children and wife. It makes absolutely no difference how Arnold Schwarzenegger plays me. Another thing is important: that the events of the investigation of the plane crash be reflected in the film as they happened in reality. In accordance with the materials of the criminal case. Now that filming has begun, I find out that the storyline in it has been greatly changed. It is this fact that is outrageous. It would be a monstrous injustice if the whole world saw the situation completely different from what it really was.

According to Vitaly Kaloyev, the Hollywood drama plans to show that by killing air traffic controller Peter Nielsen, he simply got ahead of justice, which was about to punish the culprit of the plane crash. In fact, everything was completely different.

Nielsen was not under suspicion, no one was guarding him and he was not accused of anything, says Vitaly Kaloev. “This air traffic controller was simply transferred to another job and that was the end of the entire punishment for the fact that he killed 71 people flying on the plane. Moreover, I know that at the time of the plane crash, Nielsen himself was flying only three airliners at the control tower. For a professional this is very little. The investigation into the crash itself moved extremely sluggishly and reached a dead end. But by that time, a year and a half had already passed since the tragedy...

Vitaly Kaloev: It will be a monstrous injustice if the world sees the situation completely different from what it really was. Photo: Vladimir Anosov

When news of Nielsen's death became known, the investigation into the crash intensified. But according to the court decision, only four people received punishment. Moreover, the sentence turned out to be unexpectedly lenient: everyone was given a suspended sentence and remained free. The only one who actually went to prison was the “evil Ossetian” who lost his family.

Now my friends have found a way to contact the director of the Hollywood film, Darren Aronofsky, says Vitaly Kaloev. - We are writing a letter to him and Arnold Schwarzenegger. We hope that they will understand our position and change the storyline of the film. The fact that this picture will appear is even good. After all, in the West they tried to quickly hush up and forget everything connected with this plane crash over Lake Constance. Now it won't work. But it is important that all the events in the film are depicted as they really happened, and not to shield toothless European justice.

Roman Melnik is a hardworking 60-year-old man, he works as a construction foreman and enjoys well-deserved respect. On Christmas Eve, his colleague Matt tells Roman to go home early because work is ahead of schedule. Roman's wife and daughter arrive to see him in the evening. Matt knows that Roman will soon become a grandfather, he invites him not to go to work tomorrow, but to spend the holiday with his family. Roman goes home, takes a shower, and changes clothes. Before leaving for the airport, he looks at the ultrasound of his future grandson and smiles. At the airport, Roman sees on the board that flight AX-112 is delayed. Melnik approaches the information desk, asks about the plane's arrival time, and says that he is meeting his relatives. The airport employee asks Roman to follow her and leaves the man in a separate room. After some time, another woman, who introduces herself as Eva Sanders, asks her to listen carefully. An accident occurred, two planes collided in the air, there is no official information about the casualties yet, but in such disasters, as a rule, no one is left alive. Roman is shocked. From the next room you can hear the anguished screams of other people, who were also informed about the tragedy. Roman faints. He is receiving medical care. Eva asks if Roman has any other relatives who should be informed about the deaths of Olina and Nadezhda, but he answers in the negative. Eva strongly recommends that Roman contact the Support Center, which was created for those who lost loved ones in a plane crash. But he is left alone with his grief.

Jacob Bonaos and his wife Christina have sex. Then they go into their son's bedroom, Samuel is fast asleep in his arms with a teddy bear. Jake talks about his teddy bear, without which he could not sleep as a child. After this, Jake goes to work. He's an air traffic controller. His colleague goes on a break. Technicians come to the control room and carry out maintenance on telephone lines. The pilot of Flight AX-112 requests permission to descend to an altitude of 10 thousand feet, Jake says that he should wait for confirmation. His boss comes and talks about an unscheduled flight EF-135, the route was changed due to bad weather, he needs to call Pittsburgh. Jacob takes off his headphones and tries to call Pittsburgh, but to no avail. Then he puts on his headphones again and gives permission for Flight 112 to descend. During his second attempt to call, Jacob fails to notice that another plane, flight DH-661, has appeared on the terminal screen. Jacob is forced to give orders on two different lines at the same time. By tragic accident, flights AX-112 and DH-661 descend to an altitude of 6 thousand feet at the same time, their courses intersecting. When the markers of both planes suddenly disappear from the monitor, Jacob realizes in horror what has happened.

Jake goes to the conference room. The boss (Robert) confirms his worst fears: two planes collided, no survivors. Jake bursts into sobs. He asks about the number of dead. Robert says that it is not yet clear why the tragedy occurred, Jake is not blamed for this, but an investigation will be carried out. The next day, Jacob is asked to list all the actions he took, minute by minute, including the fact that he was literally without headphones for a moment and did not hear the pilot of Flight DH-661 warning that the plane was descending. Jacob is escorted to his car by a lawyer, who advises him not to talk to anyone or leave his house.

Roman watches the news; 271 people died in the plane crash. Eve Sanders calls him again and suggests that he seek help from the Support Center. Instead, Roman goes to the site of the tragedy, he hides the fact that his relatives were among the dead, and together with other volunteers works on the cleanup. He finds his daughter's pearl necklace on a tree branch, calls her by name, and then discovers Nadia's body. Roman sobs, squeezing him in his arms. Heartbroken, he sits for a long time next to the bags containing his dead wife and daughter.

After a news release reported on the details of the tragedy, the walls of the house where Jacob Bonaos lives are full of “murderer” inscriptions. Christina finds her husband in bed, he is depressed.

Roman spends time at the cemetery, he stays for a long time near the graves of his wife, daughter and unborn grandson. The watchman asks Roman not to stay in the cemetery at night anymore.

Jacob suffers from insomnia, he constantly watches the news, where they discuss the extent of his guilt. Relations with Christina become strained, the spouses quarrel.

Roman constantly reviews the video recording of his wife and daughter. Journalist Tessa Corbett comes to him, Roman does not want to open the door for her. Tessa plans to write a book about the disaster; she doesn't want to bother him, but she would like to ask Roman a few questions. The journalist leaves clippings with her articles under the door and promises to come back later. Then Matt comes to check on Roman. Roman says that he needs to put things in order, after which he may return to work.

Christina tells Jake that she and Samuel will be staying with her sister for a while. While their marriage has not yet been completely destroyed, it is better for them to live apart. Jacob agrees with this only for the sake of his son, the house has become unsafe. Jake goes to a gun store where he buys a pistol. At the airport, a suspended air traffic controller meets with his former boss and lawyer. Robert once again suggests that Jake see a psychiatrist. Now there are two options for Bonaos: move to administrative work or quit and receive a good severance pay. Robert strongly recommends choosing the second option, or even better, moving to another city and changing your name.

Roman meets with a lawyer who represents the interests of the airline. Melnik is the only one who decided to sue the airline. The lawyer offers him a deal: he withdraws his claim and receives compensation of 160 thousand dollars for the death of his family. In response, Roman shows a photo of his wife and daughter; he wants at least someone to apologize to him. The lawyer remains indifferent, he says that if Roman does not agree to sign the proposed document, he will not receive a dime. Roman shouts: look at this! The lawyer reluctantly glances at the photo. Roman leaves.

Jacob visits a psychiatrist, he demands to write him another prescription for medicine. The doctor tries to convince the patient to stop using strong drugs, but he claims that he does not want to talk about his problems, it is easier for him to forget. At home, Jake drinks a whole handful of pills and falls to the floor. At the last moment, he decides not to take his own life and induces vomiting.

Roman hung newspaper clippings on the wall, which included a discussion about the fault of the air traffic controller in the plane crash. He buys alcohol and goes to the construction site where he used to work. Roman is standing on the roof, having thoughts of suicide.

One year later. A memorial service for the victims is being held at the crash site. There is a memorial in the form of steel balls installed here. The design of the monument was inspired by a newspaper publication with a story about Roman finding his dead daughter’s necklace. The miller talks to another man who also lost his loved ones. Dealing with grief takes a long time.

Jacob changed his place of residence and name. He works at a travel agency and lives alone in an apartment away from his wife and son. Roman meets with Tessa, he asks to help him find Jacob Banaos. Since the airline did not apologize to him, he wants to look into the eyes of the one who is responsible for the death of his relatives. Tessa receives information about Jacob's new name and place of residence. The journalist turns to him with a request to give his comments for the book, which she has already completed. Jake is reluctant to express his opinion, but says that he often imagines himself in the shoes of those who have lost their loved ones, while thinking about his own wife and son. Tessa meets with Roman again; after some hesitation, she finally gives him Jake's address.

Christina and Samuel come to Jake for the weekend. Jake misses his family very much, he asks his wife to start over. Christina believes that it will take some time to restore the relationship. In the morning someone rings the doorbell. Christina opens the door, but there is no one there anymore. Roman found Jacob, but this time he couldn’t find the strength to meet him. He spends time in his hotel room, reminiscing about his lost family. Late in the evening he comes to Jacob's apartment again, he opens the door for him. Roman shows him a photograph and asks him to apologize for killing his loved ones. Jacob pushes the intruder away, shouting that he didn't kill anyone, it was an accident. He threatens to call the police. Roman drops the photo and Jacob's hysteria drives him crazy. Enraged, Roman stabs Jake several times in the chest and neck. Jacob is bleeding. Roman goes inside. He calls Christina and Samuel, who recoil in horror, by the names of his late wife and daughter, and it seems to him that this is his family. All three of them are sobbing while sitting on the sofa. Jacob passed away.

Roman is serving a prison sentence for murder. After serving ten years, he is released from prison on parole. He will have to visit a psychiatrist for four months; if the medical reports are normal, he will be able to remain free. Roman goes to the cemetery. He leaves his daughter's necklace on the monument. A young man approaches him, allegedly looking for a way out. Roman offers to accompany him, he asks the guy which of his relatives is buried here. He replies that his father is buried elsewhere. Roman realizes that in front of him is Jacob’s grown-up son. Samuel takes out a gun, he intends to shoot his father's killer. Roman is not opposed to this; he understands Samuel’s feelings. Roman says he regrets what he did. Samuel changed his mind, he will not kill Roman, he was raised differently. Roman leaves the cemetery alive.

NEW YORK, February 8. /TASS/. Arnold Schwarzenegger played the main role in the film about Russian Vitaly Kaloev, who in 2002 lost his entire family in a plane crash over Lake Constance. This was reported by the Comingsoon.net portal, which posted a trailer for the film, which will be released in April of this year.

The film is based on real events, but the creators made some changes to the story of Kaloyev, who was found guilty by a Swiss court of murdering the air traffic controller involved in the tragedy. In particular, the action has been moved from Russia and Switzerland to the USA, and the outcome may differ from what actually happened. The ending of the film is being kept secret for now.

The film, called Aftermath, was directed by American director Elliott Lester and produced by Venice Film Festival Golden Lion Award winner Darren Aronofsky. In addition to Schwarzenegger, the film starred, in particular, Scoot McNary (“12 Years a Slave”), who played the role of an air traffic controller.

Plane crash

In 2002, a Bashkir Airlines plane collided in the sky with a DHL cargo Boeing. As a result of the tragedy, 71 people died, including 52 children. Among them were the wife and children of Vitaly Kaloev.

In October 2005, Kaloev was sentenced to eight years in prison for the murder of air traffic controller Peter Nielsen, who was considered the main culprit of the disaster. In November 2007, by a court decision, he was released for good behavior after serving part of his sentence.

As a result of the disaster, 71 people died: two pilots who were on board the cargo Boeing of the German company DHL, as well as the crew and passengers of the Bashkir Airlines flight - a total of 69 people, including 52 children. The tragedy and the subsequent story of blood feud formed the basis of several works of art.

How events developed on the night of the collision, why most of those killed that night should not have ended up in the sky and how the investigation took place - in the Izvestia article.

Random passengers

The bulk of the Tu-154 passengers were a group of children from a UNESCO specialized school for gifted children located in Bashkiria. All of them received holiday packages to Spain for their good studies.

This group was supposed to fly the day before, but missed the flight. Bashkir Airlines, at the request of the travel company accompanying the group, urgently organized a charter flight for the group. The airline also offered tickets for this flight to other passengers waiting to fly to Spain - a total of eight tickets were purchased. Three of them were purchased by the Kaloyev family - 44-year-old Svetlana was flying to Barcelona with her children - four-year-old Diana and 10-year-old Kostya.

Waiting for them in Spain was their father, Vitaly Kaloev, the former head of the construction department in Vladikavkaz, who in 1999 went to Spain under a contract to work as an architect. The day before, he handed over another project to the customer. Svetlana and her children lived in North Ossetia; they flew to Barcelona via Moscow, where she bought a ticket for a Bashkir Airlines flight.

In addition to the first and second pilots, the crew included an airline inspector - a 1st class pilot, who during this flight had to evaluate the actions of the PIC Alexander Gross as part of the standard inspection procedure. In addition to the flight attendants, there were three more airline employees in the cabin of the plane: Shamil Rakhmatullin, aircraft technician Yuri Penzin and flight manager Artem Gusev, who accompanied the flight.

Late in the evening of July 1, the planes found themselves in the airspace over the German Lake Constance - despite the fact that this was German territory, flight control here was transferred to the private air traffic control company Skyguide, located in Switzerland.

Control room

There was one specialist on duty at the control center at that moment - 34-year-old Peter Nielsen. The second dispatcher, with Nielsen’s consent, went on a break at that moment, and two dispatch terminals were left in the care of Nielsen and the assistant who remained with him.

In addition, as the investigation subsequently established, part of the control equipment, which is supposed to inform dispatchers about dangerous proximity between aircraft, was under maintenance that night.

When it became clear that the planes were moving on intersecting courses, another dispatcher working in Karlsruhe tried to draw the attention of his colleague to the dangerous situation. He tried to contact Nielsen by phone 11 times, but one of the phone lines was also under maintenance and the backup was out of order. For the same reason, Nielsen himself could not ask Friedrichshafen Airport to take over another, third flight that was delayed. Negotiations with the commander of this aircraft a few minutes before the disaster would not allow Nielsen to hear messages from the Boeing and Tu-154 pilots.

Nielsen himself noticed the approach of two planes moving on opposite courses too late. He gave the first message to the commander of the Tu-154 with the requirement to lower the altitude less than a minute before the collision. However, at this time, the TCAS-RA collision warning system had already activated in the cockpit of the second aircraft.

In the cockpit

The TCAS system was created specifically to warn pilots about dangerous approaches in a situation where, for some reason, this was not done by the controller. In order for the system to work, it is necessary that the second aircraft also has its sensor - after which each of the airliners receives an agreed signal about the maneuver that must be performed to prevent a collision.

According to international regulations, all aircraft certified to carry 19 passengers or more must be equipped with the system. TCAS was installed on both the Tu-154 and the German Boeing. But because the controller tried to prevent the collision too late, his orders conflicted with TCAS commands.

Almost immediately after Nielsen contacted the captain of the Bashkir Airlines plane and demanded to descend, TCAS gave the command to the Russian airliner to begin climbing, and to the German airliner, on the contrary, to descend. The Boeing commander, who had not received any orders from Nielsen, carried out the computer command. The commander of the Tu-154 at that moment was already carrying out a similar order from the dispatcher and did not listen to the computer. At the same time, the crew of the German cargo plane reported their actions to the ground, but Nielsen, who was busy at that moment in negotiations with the third board, did not hear this message.

Two planes simultaneously went into a descent on opposite courses.

Photo: Global Look Press/Anvar Galeev

Torn Necklace

The Boeing and Tu-154 pilots saw each other in the last seconds - the planes collided at a right angle, while the Boeing's tail stabilizer hit the middle of the passenger plane's fuselage, causing it to fall apart in the air. Having lost its tail control, the Boeing lost control and also crashed to the ground.

The disaster occurred around 23.30 local time, but the first reports about it began to arrive after midnight. On the morning of July 2, Vitaly Kaloev, who was waiting for his family in Barcelona, ​​learned about what had happened. On the same day, he flew to Switzerland, and from there went to the German city of Uberlingen, near which the disaster occurred.

Having informed the police in the cordon that his wife and children were in the crashed plane, Kaloev joined the search efforts at the crash site. He later told the National Geographic TV channel that he himself found his daughter, four-year-old Diana, first seeing her torn beads on the ground, and then discovering the child’s body. It was this image that formed the basis of the memorial installed at the site of the tragedy and called “The Torn Necklace.”

The book “Collision”, also from the words of Vitaly Kaloyev, describes another version of the development of events - during the search operation he was brought to the place where the body was found for identification, where he saw the decoration lying to the side.

The investigation into the circumstances of the crash was carried out by the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation. In May 2004, the bureau's conclusion was published. It said that the Skyguide air traffic control company, which failed to ensure air traffic safety, and its controller were to blame for the collision. In addition, the document noted that the Tu-154 pilots performed a maneuver contrary to the requirements of the TCAS system, and the integration of the system itself was incomplete, and the instructions for it were not standardized.

Bashkir Airlines also sued the Federal Republic of Germany, in whose airspace the collision occurred. In 2006, the district court in the Lake Constance city of Konstanz ruled that transferring aircraft control to a private company located in another country was contrary to German law. All responsibility for the disaster, according to the court decision, fell on the Federal Republic of Germany. This decision was challenged by Germany, and subsequently the dispute between Germany and Bashkir Airlines was settled out of court.

In September 2007, a court decision was made in the case of eight Skyguide employees - four of the accused were acquitted, four were found guilty of causing death by negligence. Three of them received suspended sentences, one was sentenced to a fine.


At first, the identity of the dispatcher who was on duty at the time of the disaster was not revealed. Subsequently, representatives of the Skyguide company told reporters that Peter Nielsen was deeply shocked by the tragedy. Shortly after the collision, he took an extended leave of absence, returned to the company a few months later, but moved to an office job and never worked in air traffic control again.

Almost two years after the disaster, but before the publication of the official conclusion of the commission of investigation, on February 24, 2004, a gray-haired man dressed all in black approached his house and tried to “attract the attention” of the owner. Nielsen, whose wife and three children were in the house, came out to him. After a short conversation, the man stabbed him several times and fled the crime scene.

The police immediately stated that they “do not exclude” the possibility of revenge against the dispatcher for the disaster over Lake Constance, and the dispatch company, until all the circumstances were clarified, strengthened the security of the remaining employees. Vitaly Kaloev was soon detained on suspicion of murder. He told investigators that he wanted to get an apology from the dispatcher. According to Kaloyev, he showed Nielsen a photograph of his dead family, but Nielsen knocked the photographs out of his hands and, according to some sources, laughed. Kaloev does not remember what happened after this.

In October 2005, he was found guilty of murder and sentenced to eight years in prison; in 2006, the prison term was reduced, and in 2007, Kaloyev was released early for good behavior and sent to Russia. In North Ossetia, Vitaly Kaloev was greeted as a hero. A year later, in 2008, he took the post of Deputy Minister of Construction of the Republic.

"Clash" and "Aftermath"

Several documentaries were made about the circumstances of the disaster in Russia and abroad.

In April 2017, the feature film “Consequences,” based on the events of 2002–2004, was released in the United States. The role of the main character, whose prototype was Vitaly Kaloev, was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. After the premiere, Kaloev himself criticized the film for a number of inaccuracies and distortions.

At the same time, in April 2017, the book “Clash: The Candid Story of Vitaly Kaloev” was published in Russia. In it, from the words of Vitaly Kaloyev, the circumstances of the search operation and his last meeting with dispatcher Nielsen are described.

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