Analytical programs Ukrainian television. YouTube channels: politics, geopolitics

On video hosting YouTube More and more analytical shows and programs are appearing in which issues of geopolitics and world politics, regional conflicts, and political confrontations between major players in the international arena are discussed.
The specificity of analytical shows and programs on YouTube dedicated to politics is that each channel has its own “ideological” flavor.

The channel can be pro-state (pro-government), opposition, neutral (the latter is rare) to certain political interests.

MainTheme | GlavRadioOnline

1 . “Main Topic” (the old name is “GlavRadioOnline”) is an analytical program, the format and participants of which have often changed in recent years. On average, the program lasts 1-1.5 hours, the host of the program is Ilya Savelyev, who replaced Anatoly Kuzichev in this post. Recently, “GlavTema” has been aired on “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Regular participants of “GlavTema” are publicist, journalist, press secretary of the Rosneft corporation Mikhail Leontyev and entrepreneur, political figure Mikhail Yuryev.

TV Day

2 . “TV Day” – analytical Internet channel. The channel discusses a wide range of topics - political, economic, cultural and other issues.

Polit Russia

3 . One of the largest socio-political channels on which various public figures express their opinions. Materials from journalists from the channel’s editorial office are also published. Polit Russia” on various topics (mostly political), analyzing certain events from a certain point of view.

Dmitry Puchkov

4 . Popular YouTube platform, which is solely ruled by Dmitry Puchkov(“Goblin”) – writer, publicist, author of parody translations for films. Dmitry Puchkov invites bloggers, writers, economists, and historians to his studio to discuss interesting topics.


5 . A well-known discussion platform organized by Ukrainian journalists, within which economists, journalists, and public figures discuss the socio-economic and political situation in Russia, Ukraine, and the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine.


6 . “Dawn. TV” posts interviews with political scientists, historians, and economists on its channel.

Educational TV

7 . Frequent guests of the channel’s studio “ Educational TV” politician Evgeny Fedorov, writer Nikolai Starikov, economist Valentin Katasonov, historian Andrei Fursov and other experts sharing their opinions during interviews.


8 . “Roy TV” positions itself as a channel for thinking and patriotic people. There are a lot of reviews and interviews on political and economic issues.

Radio Liberty

9 . “Radio Liberty” declares as the main goal of its activities the spread of democratic values ​​in those regions of the world where, according to the experts of this radio, not everything is going smoothly with democracy. Among the guests of the studio are Garry Kasparov, Georgy Satarov, Stanislav Belkovsky and others.


10 . Discussion of news, analysis of events in the country together with a public figure and politician Vyacheslav Maltsev. In 2017, according to an article from Wikipedia, Maltsev left Russia. The Russian authorities recognized the “Art preparation” project as extremist.

The YouTube channel is currently unavailable.

Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda

11 . Newspaper channel TVNZ“. Interviews are regularly published on painful topics for society with economists, politicians, scientists, etc. invited to the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio studio.

Sasha Sotnik

12 . Journalist channel Alexandra Sotnik, who chose a line of criticism regarding modern Russian government. His interviews with political scientists and economists and surveys of people on the street are interesting.

Open Russia

13 . Project " Open Russia” was created with the participation of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The goal of this project is to unite people who are critical of modern political power, with the goal of creating a “rule of law state with fair elections, regularly changing authorities and respect for human rights.” (Site

Echo of Moscow

16 . Recordings of the programs “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”, “Duel”, interviews Vladimir Solovyov with famous politicians.

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Many people, especially women, love to watch talk shows online or live. They discuss many important life issues and ways out of situations. Viewers are especially attracted to Ukrainian talk shows. They really look at the problems of real people who found themselves in different life situations.

TV Experts' Opinion

Many experts agree that Ukrainian talk shows show real life in the country and examine important aspects. And ordinary people love to watch such programs and empathize with the participants.

Why do online views exist?

Let's imagine that a person is at work and there is no way to watch the live broadcast, but he really wants to. There are people who never miss a single episode of their favorite show. There are websites especially for them that allow you to watch talk shows online in recording. This way, you can review all the important points, as well as review again what was not clear. This is convenient, since the live broadcast cannot be rewinded. Now there are Ukrainian services that will allow you to watch talk shows online, both in Ukrainian and Russian.

There are dozens of political talk shows on Russian television. Almost all of them broadcast the opinions of the same experts, running from one program to another. Among them, Ukrainian political scientists stand out: they are silenced, openly trolled, and even often beaten. recalled the most striking episodes with the participation of Ukrainian experts and found out why, despite the humiliation, they remain frequent guests of Russian television studios.

Typical scenario

Ukraine continues to hold prime time slots on Russian TV channels. Despite the general fatigue of viewers from the information noise surrounding events in the neighboring state, they did not stop watching talk shows about Ukraine. It is Ukrainian experts who provide the lion's share of the ratings for such programs - without them, political programs would lose their intensity and element of the show.

The dramaturgy of the programs with their participation is based on a completely standard scenario. The presenter asks the political scientist a question (conventionally, about those responsible for the war in Donbass), he says a couple of sentences, after which he is bombarded with counterarguments from all sides. A hubbub begins, which sometimes even the presenters are unable to stop. However, they themselves do not hesitate to make sarcastic remarks about the speakers, and sometimes even shut them up.

Usually the host and guests associate the expert from Ukraine (the same principle applies to the American participants in the discussion) with the Poroshenko regime, and he has to answer for the entire state. Since in most cases they fail to finish their thoughts, they speak uninterruptedly and at the maximum density of words per second.

The composition of experts from Ukraine on all Russian television broadcasts is approximately the same. The program on Channel One, TV Center and Zvezda is regularly attended by Olesya Yakhno and. Of these, only Karasev appears on Ukrainian TV from time to time. The other three are accused of being unpopular in Ukraine, so they want to make PR for themselves in Russia.

Scandals and fights

Vyacheslav Kovtun, the Ukrainian headliner of Russian political talk shows, was especially successful in this. He has repeatedly become the hero of scandals on Russian TV and outside television studios. The last time, during a break in the filming of the “Time Will Tell” program on Channel One, he was beaten in the dressing room. According to one of the broadcast participants, this was done by the former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DPR, who could not stand the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian guest.

But this is not the first time Kovtun has been beaten up on Russian TV. During the conflict in Ukraine, the political scientist suffered at least four times. On the air of “Zvezda”, the head of the information department of the “Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine” hit him several times in the face after Kovtun promised to check what his 17-year-old son, living in Ukraine, was doing.

In March 2016, Kovtun went outside after another filming and was preparing to get into a taxi, but he was prevented by unknown people who dipped his head into the cake.

However, the political scientist himself believes that the attacks on him are nothing more than a stage show. In the summer of 2015, during the filming of the Barrier program, a Ukrainian deputy attacked him with his fists. It seemed to him that Kovtun was grinning when he spoke about the starvation death of a seven-month-old child in Mariupol. Presenter Vladimir Solovyov separated the fighters and explained that Kovtun was not actually grinning - it was all due to the peculiarities of his facial expressions.

Kovtun is not the only one who was openly “pressed” on Russian TV. In 2015, it went to a Kyiv lawyer. He was not convinced by the arguments of the co-chairman of the Popular Front of Novorossiya, who tried to prove with the help of photographs that fascist power had settled in Kyiv. Dolgov first promised to break Bagirov’s jaw, and then moved towards him.

TV presenters do not hesitate to show emotions in relation to Ukrainian experts. Thus, the new host of the talk show “Time will tell” openly mocks above them in front of the audience.

However, the most memorable incident was an on-air incident in September: the host of “Meeting Place” Andrei Norkin from the studio of a visiting political scientist. The program discussed the details of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing.

Norkin argued that the international community ignores Russia's opinion. According to him, for the first time the version that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian bomber was put forward not by Russia, but by an American blogger. Zaporozhsky objected to him. Norkin thought that the political scientist was wrong, and then explained to the audience that he did not need the advice of “any sheep.”

Where to go to swear

An employee of the editorial office of a large talk show, who wished to remain anonymous, explained in a conversation with that the pool of experts from Ukraine quoted on federal TV fully satisfies the formal needs of the channels to present the opinion of the Ukrainian side. On the other hand, participation in talk shows is a good opportunity for unknown political scientists to do PR for themselves. That is why, despite the spread of rot, they continue to invest in television studios. assured that the rumors that experts (including Ukrainian ones) are paid money for organizing extravagant performances on air are false - there are no rewards for guests in the show of the Rossiya 1 channel. asked Ukrainian Vadim Karasev why he agreed to participate in Russian programs. He complained that people are not always allowed to speak on air, but, according to him, everything depends on the preparation of the speaker: “If you try, if you have professional and emotional preparation, some thoughts can be conveyed. Well, that’s how I do it.” The political scientist notes that participation in Russian shows is “a kind of challenge, a test of professional suitability.”

“There is one more point. We (Ukrainian political scientists - approx. "") in Russia we play the role of the opposition. Oppositionists, even if they go to shows, are very careful in their statements. We have no restrictions. We can say what we want and consider true about both Russia and Ukraine.”

Karasev is not embarrassed that in any Russian TV show he a priori looks like a loser. He even advises where a Ukrainian should not go: according to him, it is better not to appear on Zvezda (one of the reasons is that the channel belongs to). But he freely goes to TV Center, but only if, as a specialist in global strategies, he is asked to discuss the development of Europe. According to his admission, he does not attend all of Vladimir Solovyov’s broadcasts, because sometimes he feels in advance that “there will be something muddy.”

Karasev explains his frequent appearance on federal TV by the fact that they want to hear him. “Even if this is a small group, I know that such people exist,” he concluded.

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