Vasily bazhenov biography. Mysterious Russian architect vasily bazhenov

March 12 marks the 280th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian architect Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov. The geography of his architectural works covers at least Moscow and St. Petersburg, and, according to unconfirmed reports, also some Russian provinces. Unfortunately, now it is difficult to say with complete certainty which buildings Bazhenov is exactly the author of - a number of his projects were not spared time, some of them did not succeed in being realized, and those to which history turned out to be favorable can be counted on one hand.

For the architect's birthday, we made a map of memorable Moscow buildings, with which the name of Vasily Ivanovich is connected in one way or another.

Tsaritsyno estate

- Dolskaya street, 1

The favorite place for walks of Muscovites - the Tsaritsyno estate - was supposed to become a favorite place of Empress Catherine II, who instructed Vasily Bazhenov to build her residence near Moscow on this place. However, time and history made it so that you and I could also become witnesses of the completion of the construction of the royal estate.

Construction work began fairly quickly. And just as quickly, the empress lost interest in the new project. The construction was already coming to an end when Ekaterina ordered Bazhenov to dismantle all the buildings. Suddenly the queen was dissatisfied with them, despite the fact that all the drawings were coordinated with her and approved by her. By order of the Empress, Vasily Ivanovich was removed from the construction site. The estate was further occupied by the master's apprentice, Matvey Kazakov, who tried to preserve the Bazhenov style. However, the palace was never completed.

After the death of Catherine and the coming to power of Paul I, the newly-made emperor ordered to stop work on the project. The unfinished estate quickly fell into disrepair. For a long time, the ruins of the palace ensemble did not attract attention. It was only in the Soviet years that research and restoration work began on the site of the unfinished royal residence, which for a number of reasons were carried out with long interruptions.

As a result, the restoration of the Tsaritsyno estate was finally completed only 10 years ago. So the royal project, which did not have the opportunity to be realized immediately, began to play with new colors in a new time.

Pashkov's house

- Vozdvizhenka street, 3 / 5С1

Photo by Vladimir Yestokin

The mansion of extraordinary beauty is located in the very center of Moscow - on Vagankovsky Hill. Muscovites of the older generation are also familiar with this building as the former building of the Lenin Library. And fans of Bulgakov's work remember that it was from the roof of Pashkov's house that Woland and Azazello said goodbye to the capital.

The house got its name in honor of Peter Egorovich Pashkov, a retired officer and the first owner. The mansion was built by his order in the second half of the 18th century. At that time, it was the first non-church building, the windows of which overlooked the Kremlin.

Most historians believe that the Pashkov House was built according to Bazhenov's design. This is evidenced by the style characteristic of the architect. But, unfortunately, no documents that would confirm the authorship of Vasily Ivanovich have survived.

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky's estate on Maroseyka

- Maroseyka street, 17

The majestic temple in the style of classicism was erected at the end of the 17th century on the site of a previously standing wooden church. After the miraculous healing of the sister of Patriarch Joachim from the icon of the Mother of God "Joy to All Who Sorrow", the name of this image was firmly entrenched in the church.

At the end of the 18th century, Vasily Bazhenov also noted his architectural creativity here. According to his project, a refectory and a bell tower were added to the ensemble of the temple. It is interesting that the type of refectory that Vasily Ivanovich proposed and first applied was subsequently widespread in the architecture of the capital.

The estate of Count Gendrikov

- Sadovo-Spasskaya street, 1

Photo by Vladimir Yestokin

The seemingly unremarkable building, which today is used as offices for all sorts of companies and enterprises, as it turned out, has a noble "origin" and is closely connected with the military history of the capital.

In the middle of the 18th century, by order of Count Gendrikov, who was in family ties with Empress Catherine II, a three-story mansion was erected on a vast plot of land. The author of the project was Vasily Bazhenov.

Later, the printing house of the famous educator N. Novikov was located in this house, but after his arrest, Paul I, who had just ascended the throne, ordered to rebuild the estate into an artillery barracks, better known as Spassky.

In Soviet guidebooks, the barracks building was mentioned, first of all, as the place of imprisonment of the poet Alexander Polezhaev, who was sent here on the personal order of Emperor Nicholas I.

House of L. I. Dolgov

- Prospect Mira, 16 p. 1

Dolgov's house on Prospekt Mira is a classic example of residential architecture of the 18th - 19th centuries. The owner of the estate, the titled advisor Luka Dolgov, was Vasily Bazhenov's son-in-law. After the death of Luka Ivanovich, the ownership of the house passed to his wife, Susanna Filippovna.

During the fire of 1812, the mansion was badly damaged and was restored by the new owner - the merchant Shestov. As a result, the building has been greatly modified, having lost the top floor and a number of architectural elements.

After the revolution, Dolgov's house was used as a living quarters for a long time. And since 1973, one of the Moscow registry offices has been located here.

On the splash screen: a fragment of a photo by Vladimir Yestokin.

(1737-03-12 ) Place of Birth Date of death Works and achievements Worked in cities Architectural style The most important buildings
  • project of the Mikhailovsky Castle,
  • Vladimirskaya church in Bykovo
Scientific works

Complete translation of all 10 books of Vitruvius architecture

Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov at Wikimedia Commons

Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov(March 1 or, Moscow, according to other sources, the village of Dolskoye near Maloyaroslavets - August 2, St. Petersburg) - Russian architect, artist, architectural theorist and teacher, representative of classicism, freemason. Member of the Russian Academy (1784).


The son of a sexton of one of the Kremlin's court churches, Ivan Fedorovich Bazhenov (1711-1774). He discovered a natural talent for art as a child, sketching all kinds of buildings in the ancient capital. This passion for drawing drew the attention of the architect Dimitri Ukhtomsky to Bazhenov, who accepted him into his school. From the Ukhtomsky school, Bazhenov moved to the Academy of Arts at the request of I.I. Shuvalov. Here he showed his ability for architecture to such an extent that the teacher of architecture S.I. Chevakinsky made a talented young man his assistant in the construction of the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. In September 1759, Bazhenov was sent to develop his talent in Paris, becoming the first pensioner of the Academy of Arts sent abroad.

Having entered the apprenticeship of Professor Devaya, Bazhenov began making models of architectural parts from wood and cork and made several models of famous buildings. In Paris, he made, with strict proportionality of parts, a model of the Louvre Gallery, and in Rome - a model of St. Peter's Cathedral, studied engraving.

Upon his return to Russia, while living in Moscow, Bazhenov participated in the publication of the work of Vitruvius (translation by Karzhavin). Bazhenov was one of the best practitioners-builders of his time, distinguished as much by the art of planning as by the elegance of the form of the designed buildings, which he showed when he returned to his homeland. He was one of the conductors of the so-called. French taste (style) in Russian architecture, a striking monument of which is the Pashkov House. He showed his skills in the academic program for the degree of professor of the complex of entertainment facilities for Catherine. However, he did not receive the expected position, took his dismissal from academic service, and Prince Orlov appointed him to his Artillery Department as the chief architect with the rank of captain.

In this position, Bazhenov built the Pashkov house in Moscow, and in the vicinity of the capital - the palace complex in Tsaritsyno (palace and park ensemble) and the Petrovsky traveling palace, built by Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov, his assistant. In the Moscow Kremlin, instead of walls serving as a fence of shrines and palaces, Bazhenov designed a continuous row of buildings, which were solemnly laid down, at the behest of Catherine II, in fact, however, did not even think to carry out the idea of ​​a skilled architect. At the end of the Russo-Turkish War (1768-1774), the empress had to be given food for talk about spending tens of millions on a grand palace, and the artist was given a theme that he developed with great talent on the model of an idiot. The effect was proper, but the construction was postponed and then abandoned altogether. The same fate befell the Tsaritsyno ensemble of Bazhenov. Catherine, in the summer of 1785, came to the ancient capital for three days, attended the work on the construction of the palace in Tsaritsyno and, finding it gloomy, ordered the palaces to be rebuilt. The architect was removed from the project.

At the same time, in Moscow, Bazhenov made an attempt to organize a "particular" (private) academy and recruited students. Apparently, the idea failed, because, according to Bazhenov, "there are a lot of obstacles to my intention." Until now, Bazhenov is credited with the lost monument of St. Petersburg, the Old Arsenal on Liteinaya Street (in the 19th century it was occupied by the District Court, burned down in 1917, dismantled at the end of the 1920s), but, most likely, the architect has no relationship. The construction of the building began under the direction of the architect of the Artillery Department V.T. von Diederichstein in the spring of 1766 and was carried out by the architect of the Speckle Corps of Engineers, Karl Johann. Bazhenov entered the Artillery at the end of 1766, but soon left for Moscow. A large number of documents on this topic have been preserved in the funds of the Historical Archive VIMAIViVS ("Archive of the Artillery Museum") in St. Petersburg. "The big bridge across the ravine in Tsaritsyno (palace and park ensemble) is one of the few surviving buildings, the authorship of Bazhenov in respect of which is definitely established. Bazhenov, left without any means of subsistence, opened an art institution and took up private buildings. A change in his career and Catherine's disfavor is explained by his complex, proud disposition, as well as by his relations with the circle of Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, who instructed him to report to the heir to Pavel I about his choice as supreme master by the Moscow masons. earlier than others, but further exclusion from the service did not go, and in 1792 he was again recruited into the service of the Admiralty Collegium and transferred his activities to St. Petersburg.

Without any reason, the Kamennoostrovsky Palace is attributed to him - the palace of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich on Kamenny Island and work in the Gatchina Palace. His participation in the development of one of the projects of the Mikhailovsky Castle is only documented. But, as the Petersburg researchers have established, it is impossible to attribute the authorship of this grandiose structure to Bazhenov alone. The work began long before construction and was carried out "under the dictation" of Pavel Petrovich, who sketched the plan himself by hand, first by the architect of the Small Courtyard of Violier, Henri Francois Gabriel, then, in the 1790s, V. Bazhenov joined the business, but the final project was drawn up by Brenn Vincenzo and it was carried out.

Upon accession to the throne, Paul I appointed him vice-president of the Academy of Arts and instructed him to prepare a collection of drawings of Russian buildings for the historical study of Russian architecture and, finally, to provide an explanation on the question: what should be done to inform the proper course of the development of the talents of Russian artists at the Academy arts. Bazhenov eagerly began to fulfill the gracious orders of the monarch, the patron saint of Russian art, and, no doubt, he could have done a lot if death had not unexpectedly stopped his life.


  • Bazhenov Street (Kazan)
  • Bazhenov Street (Kaluga)
  • Bazhenov Street (Zhukovsky)
  • Postage stamps of the USSR, 1949.


Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

Notes (edit)


  • Chernov E.G., Shishko A.V. Bazhenov: 1799-1949 / E. G. Chernov, A. V. Shishko. - M .: Publishing house Acad. architecture of the USSR, 1949 .-- 160 p. - 5,000 copies.(in the lane, super area)
  • Mikhailov A.I. Bazhenov / Dust jacket, binding, flyleaf, title and headpieces by artist E. B. Bernstein. - M.: State. publishing house of literature on construction and architecture, 1951. - 372 p. - 6,000 copies(in the lane, super area)
  • Unknown and Alleged Buildings of V.I.Bazhenov: Collection. - M., 1951.
  • Pigalev V.A. Bazhenov / Vadim Pigalev; Serial cover by Y. Arndt. - M .: Young Guard, 1980 .-- 224, p. - (The life of wonderful people. Series of biographies. Issue 5 (601)). - 100,000 copies(in lane)
  • Razgonov S.N. Bazhenov. - M .: Art, 1985. - (Life in art).
  • V. V. Puchkov V. I. Bazhenov and the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg: New Materials // Tsaritsyn Scientific Bulletin.
  • Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov: Letters. Explanations for projects. Testimonies of contemporaries. Biographical documents / Comp., Entry. Art. and approx. Yu. Ya. Gerchuk. - M .: Publishing house "Art", 2001. - (The world of the artist) - 304 p.


  • Vasily Bazhenov and the construction of the Palace complex in Tsaritsyno


  • Personalities alphabetically
  • Born on March 12
  • Born in 1737
  • Deceased August 13
  • Dead in 1799
  • Dead in St. Petersburg
  • Architects alphabetically
  • Moscow architects
  • Architects of St. Petersburg
  • Russian translators
  • Gatchina Architects
  • Members of the Russian Academy
  • Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"
  • Architects of the Russian Empire
  • Freemasons of Russia
  • Pensioners of the Imperial Academy of Arts
  • Lipetsk Region Architects

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Bazhenov, Vasily Ivanovich" is in other dictionaries:

    - (1737/1738 1799), Russian architect, graphic artist, architectural theorist. Representative of classicism. He was a painter in the architectural team of D. V. Ukhtomsky; studied at Moscow University (from 1755), in St. Petersburg under S.I. Chevakinsky (from 1756) ... Art encyclopedia

    Vasily Bazhenov- (1737/1738 - 1799), architect; representative of classicism. From 1756 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he studied with S. I. Chevakinsky, from 1758 in the Academy of Arts under A. F. Kokorinov and J. B. Wallen Delamot. From 1760 to 1762 he studied at the Paris Academy of Arts; in 1762-64 he visited ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Bazhenov (Vasily Ivanovich), an artist, an architect, the son of a churchman of one of the Kremlin's court churches, a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts from its founding and its first pensioner sent abroad. Born on March 1, 1737 in Moscow ... Biographical Dictionary

    Russian architect, draftsman, architectural theorist and teacher; representative of classicism. Born into the family of a sexton. Studied: in Moscow ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1737 or 1738 1799) Russian architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism. The project for the reconstruction of the Kremlin (the palace, founded in 1773, not implemented), the romantic palace and park ensemble Tsaritsyno, Pashkov's house (1784 86, now the old ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1737 or 1738 1799), architect; representative of classicism. From 1756 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he studied with S. I. Chevakinsky, from 1758 in the Academy of Arts under A. F. Kokorinov and J. B. Wallen Delamot. In 1760 62 he studied at the Paris Academy of Arts; in 1762 64 visited Italy. WITH… … Saint Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Academician of Architecture and First Vice President of the Imperial Academy of Arts, b. 1st March 1737 in the Maloyaroslavsky district of Kaluga province, d. August 2, 1799 in St. Petersburg, from paralysis. The son of a sexton of the palace church, he received ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (1737/1738 1799), architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism. The project for the reconstruction of the Kremlin (the palace, founded in 1773, not implemented), the romantic palace and park ensemble of Tsaritsyno, Pashkov's house (1784 1786, now an old building ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Bazhenov, Vasily Ivanovich- IN AND. Bazhenov. Pashkov House in Moscow. Vasily BAZHENOV (1737 or 1738 1799), architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism. The project of the palace of the Moscow Kremlin (1767 1775, not implemented), a romantic palace and park ensemble in ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vasily BAZHENOV- Vasily Ivanovich (03/12/1737 or 1738, Dolskoe village, Maloyaroslavetsky u. Kaluga province. 08/13/1799, St. Petersburg), Russian. architect. He spent his childhood within the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, where his father served as a psalmist in one of the court churches. From 1751 it consisted of ... Orthodox encyclopedia

Publications in the Architecture section

5 main buildings of Vasily Bazhenov

The works of the architect Vasily Bazhenov are one of the mysteries in the history of Russian art. He built a lot, carried out orders mainly of the imperial family, and researchers reliably know only a few buildings of his authorship. "Culture.RF" remembered five iconic buildings of the architect Bazhenov in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Grand Kremlin Palace

Karl Lopyalo. View of the Grand Kremlin Palace V.I. Bazhenov. Reconstruction. XX century

The Grand Kremlin Palace of Vasily Bazhenov is considered one of the most magnificent architectural projects of the era of classicism. Back in 1769, Catherine II drew attention to the fact that the Kremlin began to decay, and instructed Bazhenov to create a project for a global redevelopment. On the one hand, the architect had to preserve all the ancient buildings, and on the other, he had to make the Kremlin more European: with squares and straight streets.

Vasily Bazhenov proposed to build a huge palace on the territory of the entire Kremlin, which will include all the architectural monuments. The length of its facade was supposed to be 639 meters. The ceremonial imperial halls, as well as a number of office premises, were planned on four floors of the building. Such a project demanded considerable sacrifices - part of the Kremlin wall was dismantled, the monastery courtyards located on the territory, the Armory Chamber gallery and a number of other buildings were destroyed. When construction began in 1773, it was discovered that the soil near the Archangel Cathedral could not stand and the temple began to crack. The work was stopped, and the dismantled fortress wall was restored. Bazhenov's monumental project remained on paper and in the form of a wooden model, which today can be seen in the A.V. Shchusev.

Palace and park ensemble in Tsaritsyno

Photo: Elena Koromyslova / Lori Photo Bank

It all started the best way possible: the order for the ensemble in Tsaritsyno came from Catherine II herself. The architect Bazhenov designed a landscape park and a palace complex in an unusual "Gothic" style for that time. He chose atypical materials for construction. The architect abandoned the use of plaster, preferring raw red brick and white stone. According to Bazhenov's plan, palaces for Catherine II and Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich were to appear in the estate, surrounded by buildings for the court nobility, decorative pavilions and bridges.

The architect was so "sick" with this project that when the treasury did not have enough money for a grandiose construction, he invested his own funds in the building and even sold the house. When the money ran out, the architect ran into huge debt and went broke.

Catherine II did not appreciate his efforts. The Empress said that the money was wasted: the ceilings of the palace seemed heavy to her, the stairs were narrow, the rooms were cramped. She handed over the work on her residence to Matvey Kazakov. But he, too, could not complete the construction. Over time, the park and the palace began to fall into desolation, and only at the beginning of the XXI century the estate was reconstructed.

Vladimirskaya church in Bykovo

The temple in Bykovo was built by order of the owner of the estate - Mikhail Izmailov. The architect Bazhenov, on the site of the old wooden church, erected a white-stone Gothic temple with turrets, richly decorated with sculpture. Its appearance was atypical for Russian architecture in general and for church architecture in particular. The shape of the building was also unusual - it was oval.

We can say that it was not even one temple, but two. The church was two-story: the upper floor, consecrated in honor of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, was used for services in summer, and the lower church of the Nativity of Christ was used for services in winter. In Soviet times, the building housed a garment factory, and today the temple again belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Mikhailovsky castle

Photo: Alexander Alekseev / Lori Photo Bank

Pashkov's house

Photo: lana1501 / Lori photo bank

In The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov called the house of Petr Pashkov, Captain-Lieutenant of the Life Guards Regiment of the Semyonovsky Regiment, one of the most beautiful mansions in Moscow. Researchers have long argued over who was the author of the building. Among the versions - Matvey Kazakov and Nicola Legrand, however, it is most likely that the Pashkov house was built by Vasily Bazhenov.

The architect designed a typical urban manor house - a central building with two side wings and a front yard open towards the entrance. At the same time, Bazhenov came up with an original move - he placed the entrance itself on the side, in a side street, and not on the side of the main facade.

According to some sources, the mansion was originally orange in color and its dome was crowned with a Roman statue. However, today we see not quite the Pashkov house that Bazhenov built: the building was badly damaged after the Moscow fire of 1812. During the restoration, the architect Osip Bove abandoned the use of the statue, replaced the Corinthian columns with Ionic ones and repainted the building white. At various times, the Pashkov house housed the Moscow Noble Institute, the Fourth City Gymnasium, and the Rumyantsev Museum. Today the building belongs to the Russian State Library. It contains manuscripts, sheet music and cartographic publications.

V. I. Bazhenov - the great Russian architect of the era of classicism, the pioneer of pseudo-Gothic in Russian architecture, theorist of this art form and teacher.

Finding a profession

He was born on 1 (12) .03.1738 in Moscow. As the son of a poor deacon Ivan Fedorovich Bazhenov, who served in the Kremlin's court church, the future great architect, it would seem, did not have much chance of a brilliant career. But as a child, the boy showed a talent for a draftsman: Vasily wandered around Moscow and copied different buildings. His unusual hobby, intuitive taste in the choice of works of architecture for his sketches, the accuracy of the image was noticed by the architect D. V. Ukhtomsky, taking him as a student.

After school in Ukhtomsky, Vasily Bazhenov entered the Academy of Arts. In the course of his studies, Bazhenov's abilities were so strengthened and matured that his teacher S.I. Chevakinsky invited the young man to be his assistant when he was building the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. And in 1759 Bazhenov was honored to be the first retired (scholar) of the Academy of Arts, who was sent to study abroad. In Paris, Bazhenov became a student of Professor Charles Davailly, was engaged in the manufacture of wooden models of architectural parts and even entire buildings, the most famous in the city. This was, for example, the model of the Louvre gallery.

In Rome, the young architect studied engraving and also modeled famous objects, in particular - St. Peter's Basilica. After receiving the title of professor of architecture from the Roman and Florentine Academies and becoming a member of the Bologna Academy, Bazhenov returned to Russia with world fame. A great future was predicted for him.

Mature creativity

At home, Bazhenov became a participant in the academic program for a professorship, when projects of complexes of entertainment facilities for Empress Catherine were considered. But Bazhenov's expectations did not come true. He received neither title nor position and retired from academic service. Work for Bazhenov was found in the Artillery Department of Prince G. G. Orlov, who took him to the post of chief architect, conferring the rank of captain. The construction of the Pashkov house in Moscow belongs to this period, the authorship of which, presumably, belongs to Bazhenov. In addition, but this is already reliably known, Bazhenov designed and built a palace complex in Tsaritsyn.

The fate of this complex is tragic. It was an ensemble of structures with an innovative fusion of 17th century Baroque elements with Western European Gothic decor. When Catherine arrived at the capital and visited the construction of the palace complex in Tsaritsyn, she was outraged that the imperial and grand ducal palaces were equal in size, and ordered to demolish both. She removed Bazhenov from this work. The architect tried to open a "particular" academy, recruit students to teach young people the art of architecture. But even this venture turned out to be too many obstacles to carry out the plan.

Several more architectural objects are attributed to Bazhenov: some buildings in the Kremlin, the Old Arsenal in St. Petersburg, the Vladimir Church in the suburbs of Moscow (Bykovo), the Kamennoostrovskaya palace of the great prince. Pavel Petrovich in St. Petersburg and others. No documentary evidence has survived, so it is not possible to prove or refute these assumptions. It is precisely established that the authorship of Bazhenov belongs to the large bridge in Tsaritsyno - this, by the way, is one of the few objects that have survived to this day. It is also known that Bazhenov participated in the development of the project of the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg, but several masters also worked here, for example, François Violier, V.F.Brenna. Pavel Petrovich accepted and then implemented VF Brenna's project.

Last years

Rejected by Catherine, deprived of an official career and earnings, Bazhenov began to accept private orders. The contemporaries explained the disfavor of the empress by the architect's complex, proud character, as well as his connection with the Freemasons, to whom the heir Paul was also related. Catherine saw some political goals in the current situation, and Bazhenov turned out to be the first to fall on her anger. Therefore, he was suspended from service.

Since 1796, when Paul the First came to the throne, Bazhenov, along with other persecuted by Catherine, was again brought closer to the court. As vice-president of the Academy of Arts, he had to collect drawings of the most significant buildings in Russia, which could be used to trace and study the development of Russian architecture. In addition, he had to investigate the issue of the prospects for the development of the talents of young Russian artists who have already been accepted or will be accepted into the Academy of Arts. Bazhenov enthusiastically took up the task entrusted to him and would have done a lot if sudden death had not interrupted his bright plans.

The architect died on 2 (13) .08.1799 in St. Petersburg. Bazhenov was buried in St. Petersburg, but in 1800 his remains were transported home, in the village. Glazovo (Tula region).

Vasily Bazhenov- 1738 - 1799 - architect, Russian artist, founder of the classical trend in architecture of the second half of the 18th century.

Bazhenov's work was distinguished by a flight of imagination, courage and originality, but only a small part of his ideas saw the light of day

Even fewer buildings built by him have survived to our time. Among them are several buildings in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg.

The beginning of the way

According to the updated biographers Vasily Bazhenov born March 12, 1738 in Moscow. Bazhenov's father served as a psalmist in the court church of the Moscow Kremlin. Here, among the magnificent examples of ancient Russian architecture, the childhood of the future architect passed. Talent skillful artist manifested the boy very early, instead of fun he copied buildings, churches, gravestones.

This addiction became decisive when the teenager met the famous Moscow architect Dmitry Ukhtomsky, who hired workers for the speedy restoration of the burnt-out royal palace.

The boy painted the tiles of the stoves, performed feasible tasks. Architect wanting to support a talented teenager, takes him to his school a free listener.

Family of Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov


On the recommendation of Ukhtomsky in 1754 Vasily Bazhenov accept v just opened gymnasium at the Moscow University. According to the level of his knowledge straightaway define to senior class... And already in 1755 year of his translate as a student to university.

After the opening of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg in 1758, Bazhenov was taken to study first, as the best of the students. The architectural class in St. Petersburg was conducted by S.I. Chevakinsky and A.F. Kokorinov.

In 1759 year student Bazhenov completed independent architectural stone church project for the estate of Prince Cherkassky near Moscow.

The mentor of the talented student submits a petition to Count Shuvalov in order to alleviate the difficult financial situation of the student. As a result, for diligence in his studies Bazhenov determine the position of an architectural assistant, which corresponded to the rank of ensign, and pay.

Study in Europe

Upon graduation from the Academy of Vasily Bazhenov direct for further training in Paris, considered the capital of European architectural fashion. Within a year and a half, he will learn from Charles de Valifamous architect... Of the educational work of Bazhenov, special attention was drawn to the project of the House of the Disabled.

By the end of the course, from a student, he imperceptibly turned into an assistant to the famous architect. The brilliant defense of the diploma gave him the right to further education.

In August 1762 years Bazhenov receives a two-year foreign passport and heading to Rome study:

  • architectural masterpieces
  • construction business from Italian craftsmen

At the end of the course, at the beginning of 1764, he passes the exam, presenting the commissions, the models and projects he created. As a result, he awarded the title of master and professor of architecture at the academy of St. Luke.

Return to Russia

Vasily Bazhenov comes back from Europe to Petersburg in May 1765 of the year. He was asked to confirm his knowledge by passing an additional exam. The project created for this is worthy of appreciation, but Bazhenov appropriated only academician title... He is offended, because he is very counted on a professorship and the corresponding pay.

An unexpected proposal comes from the favorite of the Empress, Count Orlov. The general is ready to take a brilliant architect into the artillery department subordinate to him with the rank of captain. He immediately instruct to design and build an arsenal... The monumental building of the military warehouse occupied an entire block and made a strong impression.

Project of the Institute for Noble Maidens in the Smolny Monastery

Project was executed quickly, but so was not implemented... The architect tried to create a majestic, but at the same time elegant building, using techniques traditional for Russian architects. As a result, the competition was won by the project of the architect Quarenghi.

This period includes construction of a palace for Tsarevich Paul on Kamenny Island. The residence in the style of classicism fits perfectly into the surrounding space near the Neva.

Moscow period

By order of the head of the department, Count Orlov, Bazhenov in 1767 direct to Moscow to restore order on the territory of the Kremlin... The Empress planned to settle there, and for this it was necessary to prepare one of the buildings. With Bazhenov's characteristic scope, he develops not only redevelopment, but also construction of the royal residence.

Restructuring of the Moscow Kremlin

The plans for the transformation struck Count Orlov, who had arrived on a visit, and were presented to the Empress in the most favorable light. It was decided that construction of a new residence will be of political importance.

All of Europe will talk about the power of the state, which is simultaneously waging a war with the Turks and such a large-scale construction

Design and preparation of the building site lasted for several years... Part of the territory was cleared, a house was built, in which a mathematically verified model of the palace, as tall as a man's height, was created.

Great Kremlin Palace project

The foundation stone of the construction site was laid in 1773. But fate did not allow to realize a grandiose undertaking. A long military campaign, a plague epidemic, a riot that led to the assassination of the Moscow archbishop - all interfered in the course of construction. Funding came in extremely sporadic and as a result Catherine ordered the construction to stop.

Decoration of festivities on the Khodynskoye field

The closure of the Kremlin project broke the soul of the master, for him it was a true disaster. Rumors about his condition reached the Empress, and she instructs Bazhenov decoration of festivities in honor of the victory over Turkey.

On the extensive area of ​​the Khodynsky field as conceived by the architect pavilions are being built, which resembled the cities that fell into the possession of Russia under a peace treaty. The buildings were made of wood and stone in the style of oriental, neoclassical architecture. At the entrance to the square there was a 32 meter arch was built, surrounded by a colonnade. The Empress liked the unusual buildings, and she instructs Bazhenov to equip the recently acquired new estate.

Construction of a residence in Tsaritsyn

Near Kolomenskoye, always distinguished by the beauty of the landscape, the empress acquired manor called "Black Mud", and later renamed " Tsaritsyno". Bazhenov was asked to urgently prepare sketches. Ekaterina, impressed by the festive pavilions, signed the initial version practically without amendments.

Architectural ensemble of Tsaritsyno estate 1775-1785

The architect then proceeded to develop detailed drawings. When designing buildings, Vasily Bazhenov used decorative techniques typical of the "Russian Gothic" style. The palace and park ensemble was supposed to include buildings and ponds, bridges and pavilions, freely located on hilly terrain.

Vasily Bazhenov practically moved to Tsaritsyno to supervise construction and finishing work that lasted from 1775 to 1785, but after visiting the still unfinished construction Ekaterina requires stop work and demolish two major palace.

She decided to transfer the reconstruction to the architect Kazakov. Bazhenov was removed from the project.

Such changes are associated with his membership in the Masonic lodge. Catherine learned that through Bazhenov, Nikolai Novikov transferred forbidden books to the heir to the throne

Disgraced architect

After the suspension of the Tsaritsyn project Bazhenov is on forced leave. To feed a large family, the architect takes on private orders . He is engaged in the design of estates and churches in Moscow and its suburbs. Among them the house of Pashkov stands out especially.

In 1792 year Vasily Bazhenov moved to St. Petersburg, where, at the request of the Tsarevich designs future Mikhailovsky Castle. In parallel, he is engaged in construction work for the Admiralty.

Mikhailovsky castle

After the death of Catherine in 1796, Pavel favors Bazhenov with the rank of general, an estate and a thousand serfs. But the architect is seriously ill and can no longer engage in construction.

In February 1799 Bazhenov was appointed vice-president of the Academy of Arts

The architect planned to renovate the educational institution, to educate talented youth, but fate decreed otherwise. Vasily Bazhenov died on August 13, 1799 without having time to complete numerous plans.

The architect's bright talent influenced the work of his contemporaries, determined the development paths of Russian architecture for several decades to come.

  • Bazhenov's father, Ivan Fedorovich, was an ordinary deacon and for his excellent bass was appointed a psalmist to the Church of John the Baptist on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. Little Vasya was destined for the fate of his father, and already in early childhood he sang in the choir Passionate monastery
  • Classmates Bazhenov at the Moscow gymnasium were satirical magazine publisher Novikov, writer Denis Fonvizin, famous architect Ivan Staroye, politician Grigory Potemkin
  • After graduating from the Academy in Paris, Bazhenov received a diploma with honors, which involved obtaining gold medal... But as a foreigner and not a Catholic, he was automatically deprived of this award
  • The personality of Bazhenov causes numerous controversies among biographers and architectural historians. The data of his place and date of birth are not accurate. The place of final burial has not been established. The practice of working together on projects and the loss of archives often makes Bazhenov's authorship incontestable

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Works with the participation of V.I.Bazhenov

  • Decoration of the Khodynskoye field - 1775
  • Estate of I.S.Gendrikov - Spassky barracks -1775
  • Ensemble Tsaritsyno 1776-1786
  • Rumyantsev's estate on Maroseyka - 1782
  • Sorrowful Church on Bolshaya Ordynka 1783-1791
  • Pashkov's house 1784-1786
  • Yushkov's house 1780
  • Project of the Kamennoostrovsky Palace of Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich
  • Arsenal building in St. Petersburg
  • House of L. I. Dolgov
  • Ermolov's estate in the village of Krasnoe 1780
  • Works in the Gatchina and Pavlovsk palaces 1793-1796
  • The estate of Tutolmin - Yaroshenko 1788-1791
  • Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - the Nativity of Christ
  • Mikhailovsky Castle 1792
  • Participated in the design of the Kazan Cathedral in 1797

Unimplemented projects

  • The building of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens - the project received laudatory reviews, but the building was erected by Giacomo Quarenghi
  • The Grand Kremlin Palace 1768 - construction began, but stopped in 1775 due to the threat to the ancient monuments of the Kremlin
  • The project to restore the Galernaya Harbor on Vasilyevsky Island - rejected due to high cost
  • Disabled Home Project
  • Workshop project for the Main Admiralty
  • The project of the arena and the Arakcheev barracks near Smolny
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