Analytical report on the work of the Livadia U.S. library. Certificate "On the results of school library activities" - Note to teachers! Help organizing a book collection in a school library

Target: organizing joint work between the library and the teaching staff to stimulate interest in reading and self-education. The work of the library at school, the implementation of the plan for educational activities of schoolchildren within the framework of Children's Book Week

Control object: librarian

Methods and forms of control : interview with librarians, attending events and classes

Types of control : thematic

Dates : from 01.04 to 08.04.2009

Getting results : reference

One of the tasks of the library is to develop in students a culture of reading, a love of books, and the ability to use the library. Instilling in schoolchildren the need for systematic reading of literature for the development of creative thinking, cognitive interests and abilities, and successful development of educational programs.

During the inspection the following was revealed:

The school library operates on a five-day work week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The school library work plan and the Children's Book Week plan are drawn up in accordance with the school-wide plan.

During Children's Book Week, the following was revealed:

Ø School library visits – 451

Ø Books taken from the library collection – 753

Ø The most active classes visiting the school library are 11 “b”, 9 “a”, 7 “c”. Children from these classes showed the highest percentage of library visits during the subject week. Literature on various subjects was in demand among the children: information reference books, historical literature, literature of their native land and much more.

The work plan for Children's Book Week was drawn up together with the methodological association of teachers of the humanities. It is directed:

Ø to develop in students a culture of reading, a love of books, and the ability to use the library;

Ø assisting the teaching staff in the development and upbringing of children;

Ø to attract students to systematic reading, development of speech and thinking, cognitive interests and abilities.

I attended an extracurricular reading lesson in 5th grade, which was prepared by S.S. Yudintseva. and Chekmeneva V.M. on the topic “Journey to the kingdom of books.” The lesson was prepared according to the age of the students. The children learned to work with the book in a playful way, answered tricky questions, showing their erudition. The educational effectiveness of this lesson is the ability to work in a team: large and small (groups); improving the culture of the listener and reader. The lesson had a lot of visuals, a book exhibition was set up, and media equipment was used. Teachers took into account the dosage of using equipment in order to prevent and preserve the health of students. The general emotional background of the lesson is a friendly, creative atmosphere.

In other lessons, various types of student activities were used, and a variety of delivery forms was observed. These lessons have great educational value, instill a love of reading, and develop cognitive interests.

Thematic classes were held together with the regional central children's library:

with 5 "b" class "Bazhov Readings" - class leader Tleulenova A.S.

with 7 “B” class “Bazhov Festival” - principal teacher Kucherova S.A.

with 9 “a, b” classes - “200 years since the birth of N.V. Gogol” - class leaders: Tokareva L.M., Onikienko E.V.

However, some events during the week were not carried out:

Urazaeva G.A. – lesson – presentation “Praise to the book” for the 430th anniversary of I. Fedorov in 7th grade; Kuznetsova I.V. - quiz “Heroes of your favorite books” in 9th grade.

Exhibitions and stands were designed in accordance with significant and memorable dates:

  • Thematic exhibition for the 200th anniversary of the birth of N.V. Gogol - Chekmenev V.M.
  • Information exhibition “A new book has come to us” - Chekmeneva V.M.
  • Stands “Beautiful impulses of the soul” - Donets I.E., Yudintseva S.S.
  • Thematic exhibitions of drawings “We read and draw...”, “Tales of Bazhov”, “On the pages of the works of A.S. Pushkin”, “Book”

A competition was also held for the best emblem, bookplate of the school library among students in grades 5-8.

Literary almanac No. 3 has been prepared for release, which includes the creative works of school students, teachers, school graduates under the leadership of Donets I.E.

Conclusion : The work of the school library is carried out in accordance with the school educational plan. Various competitions and events are constantly held. The work of the school librarian Chekmeneva V.M. considered satisfactory.

1. Class teachers should cooperate more actively with the school library, involving students in the preparation and conduct of classroom hours and extracurricular activities that correspond to the plan of educational work in the classrooms.

2. Librarian V.M. Chekmeneva draw up a schedule of activities for class groups together with class teachers for the 2009/2010 academic year and bring it to light at a meeting of the methodological association of class teachers.

3. As part of Children's Book Week, conduct not only lessons, but also extracurricular activities after school, involving students in preparing and conducting a collective creative activity.

4. Announce the remark of Urazaeva G.A. and Kuznetsova I.V. for failure to fulfill the duties of a teacher within the framework of the Week at a meeting of the Ministry of Education of teachers of the humanitarian cycle.

5. To note the work of subject teachers Tyurina E.M., Yudintseva S.S., Donets I.E., Chekmeneva V.M. within the framework of the Week.

The library is located on the first floor of the school, located at the address Republic of Tatarstan "href="/text/category/tatarstan/" rel="bookmark">Tatarstan, Alkeevsky district, village of Bazarnye Mataki St. ***. The total area of ​​​​the premises is 72 sq. m. m. The library is equipped with tables and chairs, shelves, cabinets, a TV, and a librarian's work station equipped with a computer.

The library's book collection consists of textbooks, fiction, popular science and methodological literature. In total, the book fund contains 28,250 books. Textbook fund: 14,404 copies (of which 11,379 are from the federal list; 3,025 are from the regional list). The fund is replenished from revenues from the federal and regional budgets.

The library's opening hours are from 8.00 to 14.00 daily, with a day off on Sunday.

The library operates according to a plan approved by the director of the MAOU Secondary School, agreed upon with the deputy director for VR, methodologist of the IMTsO Zainullina; service is carried out in accordance with the standards and instructions given in the methodological manual “Technologies for operating a school library” (instructional and methodological materials and accounting forms),

The main objectives of the school library are:

1. Ensuring the most complete and rapid access to information resources.

2. Collection, accumulation, processing, systematization of pedagogical information and bringing it to the user.

3. Identification of information needs and satisfaction of requests from school teaching staff in the field of new information technologies and pedagogical innovations.

4. Computer cataloging and processing of information media (books, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, video materials).

5. Accumulation of your own bank of pedagogical information.

6. Providing intermediary services to satisfy the requests of users (school administration, teachers, parents, students) for the delivery of information about the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, new pedagogical and information technologies.

7. Organization of training for users (teachers, parents, students) in methods of finding and obtaining information from various media.

8. Providing assistance in the activities of students and teachers in educational projects.

The fund is arranged according to the BBK tables. The fund is open. There is a stamp in the library. A card index of new arrivals is constantly maintained. Work continues on compiling catalogs and card files.

Reader Services

In the 2011 – 2012 academic year 376 bibliographic references completed. When performing bibliographic references, both traditional and electronic media were used. Analysis of references shows that most often users turn to the library, looking for material for doing homework, for writing reports, essays on instructions from teachers. Informational and business reading predominates.

Literature for younger schoolchildren is provided for open access in the following sections: “About our smaller brothers”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, “Tatar writers for children”.

Pedagogical workers are interested in methods of teaching academic subjects, teaching and raising children, and the latest pedagogical technologies. The most frequently in demand periodicals are “Bulletin of Education of Russia”, “Class Teacher”, “Last Call”, “Pedagogical Council”, “Public Education”. For all these publications there are card indexes of newspaper and magazine articles “To help the educational process”, “The book is the best friend”, “Environmental education”, “The Great Patriotic War”, “Organization of the educational process”

Significant indicators in the work of the library are the following indicators:

The indicators indicate that the fund is clogged, which leads to its low turnover. Readability is somewhat lower than the statistical average due to the fact that the book ceases to be the only source of information.

The library keeps a “diary” of not only book lending by category of readers, but also a division of the literature read by topic. This can be shown in a diagram like this:

Thus, the most popular among readers is fiction and literature for grades 1-4. However, the fiction read generally fits within the framework of the school curriculum. And only some students take books to read in their free time.

The most active readers of the school library are the following students:

1. Chuklyaeva A (11 "b")

2. (11 "B")

3. (11 "A")

4. (11 "b")

5. (10 "B")

6. (9 "a")

7. (9 "in")

8. Kamalova E(9"A")

9. (9 "A")

10. (8 "B")

11. (8 "B")

12. (8 "b")

13. (8 "A")

14. (3 "b")

15. (3 "B")

16. (3 "B")

17. (3 "B")

18. (5"A")

19. (5 B")

20. KhusnutdinovaE. (6"A")

21. (5 "a")

22. (3 "B")

23. (3"A")

24. (3 "a")

25. (3 "a")

The low interest of children in reading lies in the insufficient acquisition of the fund and the fact that recently a number of publications with ready-made solutions, essays, etc. have appeared.

Diagram about the number and composition of readers

Primary grades" href="/text/category/nachalmznie_klassi/" rel="bookmark">Primary grades include the following sections: “In the world of fairy tales”, “About our little brothers”, and middle school students give preference to fiction, mainly within school curriculum. Many students use reference literature (the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the series “I know the world”, “Everything about everything”, dictionaries, reference books), as well as books that are in 1-2 copies and are in demand (local history literature, the series “World Fiction” literature for children”, “History of the Russian State”, etc.)

To attract children's attention to books and broaden their horizons, the library used book exhibitions: “Visiting a fairy tale”, “One hundred favorite books”, “Our Tukai”, “Take care of your health from a young age”, “Please read us”, Writers - celebrants: , N, V. Gogol, . “Tatarstan is my native land”, “we are preparing for the Unified State Exam”, “Who should we be?”, “War, people, Victory”.

The following activities were carried out :

“QUESTIONS ASKED BY KOLOBOK” literary game grades 3 and 4 (development of students’ active reading activity, memory, speech development, observation skills); Literary game “VISITING A FAIRY TALE”

1-2 grades (formation of reading motivation, nurturing interest in reading); “WHAT IS THE CHARM OF THESE TALES” literary journey through fairy tales

Q reception and processing of received textbooks and fiction;

Q acceptance and delivery of textbooks according to schedule (May – June, August);

Q Subscribe to 2 e and 1 e half term of the 2008-09 academic year.

Q compiling a bibliographic list of textbooks needed by schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year for public access;

Q electronic cataloging of new arrivals of fiction and methodological literature; textbooks by authors, subjects and classes.

For the next academic year, the library sets itself the following tasks:

Q holding events aimed at promoting the book;

Q Involving students in systematic reading in order to successfully study academic subjects, develop speech and thinking, cognitive interests and abilities.


school work


MAOU "Bazarno-Matak"

secondary general education


per academic year

Analytical information

About the work of the library of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Livadia Secondary School"

Target: organization of joint work of the library and teaching staff to stimulate interest in reading and self-education. The work of the library at school, the implementation of the plan for educational activities of schoolchildren.

Control object: librarian

Methods and forms of control : interview with a librarian, attending events and classes

Types of control : thematic

Getting results : reference

One of the tasks of the library is to develop in students a culture of reading, a love of books, and the ability to use the library. Instilling in schoolchildren the need for systematic reading of literature for the development of creative thinking, cognitive interests and abilities, and successful development of educational programs.

During the inspection the following was revealed:

The school library operates on a five-day work week from 9:00 to 17:00.

The work of the school library is planned in accordance with the school’s educational work plan and the calendar of significant dates.

Analyzing the benchmark indicators for the 2016-2017 academic year. year, we can conclude that students visited the library actively. They turned mainly to programmatic works, fiction, periodicals, and used popular science, reference books, local history, and children's literature. Children began to take more information from the Internet. Grades 9-11 remain frequent visitors to the library. During the year, they constantly applied for books, seriously studied Russian classics, modern literature and books by foreign authors from the school curriculum, applied for critical articles, as well as literature on other school subjects. The middle level is interested in science fiction, detective stories, history, and used reference books to write essays. I am very happy for the primary school students because during the year they actively visited the library, took books on interests, about the war, poems by children's and Russian writers, systematically visited the reading room, and participated in various library events. The most popular among readers are educational magazines for children and teenagers. Pedagogical workers are interested in methods of teaching academic subjects, teaching and raising children, and the latest pedagogical technologies. Active readers of the library were students of grades 1-4, 5b, 6a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10, and 11.

Preparing the library for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Distribution of textbooks;

Repair of old textbooks;

Providing missing textbooks (through educational institutions and other educational institutions);

September 7 - participation in a meeting at the educational institution on the issue of textbook supply for the 2017-2018 school year. year.

A selection of literature was carried out to update existing book exhibitions;

Delivery and processing of new arrivals of textbooks;

May, June 2017, work was carried out to hand over textbooks to students (according to schedule);

Working with readers.

Massive work is carried out in the following main areas: encouraging free reading (reading for pleasure), promoting school educational programs, promoting the educational process.

For a differentiated approach in working with readers 2017-2018 academic year. The following groups of readers were identified:

Students 1-4 grades;

Students in grades 5-6;

Students of 7-8 grades;

Students in grades 9-11;


The work uses various forms and techniques that help students emotionally perceive the meaning, meaning, and content of both literary works and phenomena and events. For this purpose, mass events are held.

During the academic year: September 15 - library lessons-excursions: “We invite you to the school library” - 1st grade, preschoolers

Registration in the library;

Introduction to the fund;

Conversation about caring for books and textbooks;

Rules for using the library, library lesson: “Periodic publication for junior schoolchildren” - grades 4a, 4b.

Scheduled book exhibitions:

1. “Day of Knowledge!”

2. “Age is not a hindrance” - for the Day of the Elderly;

3. “Teacher’s Day in Russia”;

4. “Poems for children about children” - A. L. Barto;

5. "Mother's Day";

6. “About beauty, nature and man” - S. Yesenin;

7. “Fairy tales - Gianni Rodari”;

8. “Through the pages of your favorite books”;

9. “Defender of the Fatherland Day”;

10. “In the footsteps of M. Twain’s literary heroes”;

13. “About the war we were not in”;

14. “Soft paws, but scratchy paws” - for an open event

15. “Every living thing suffers” - the work of L. N. Andreev for an open lesson;

Book Reviews:

“Fantasy Lessons by D. Rodari” - grades 1-4 ;

“Oh, cats” grades 1-4;

“Through the pages of your favorite books” - 1st grade;

Class hour:

1. “Be kind and humane” - grade 5b together with class. headed by M.V. Nevryueva.

Open event: -“How Katya was looking for treasure in a mysterious forest” - dedication to readers;

- “Detective Tishka and Vitamins “I” and “We” - a performance on a healthy lifestyle: 1a, 2a, preschoolers;

- “Oh, cats” - presentation: 1a, 2a, parents;

- “The magic chest of the fabulist I. A. Krylov” - presentation: 5a, 5b, together with class. headed by M.V. Nevryueva.

- “Moral issues of L.N. Andreev’s story “Bite” - reader’s conference: 5a, together with student. literature by M.V. Nevryueva.


Literary quiz based on the fairy tale by D. Rodari: “The Adventures of Cipollino” -2a;

- “About cats”-2a;

- “Fables of I. A. Krylov” -5a,5b;

- “To the cosmic distances - forward!” -4a,4b;

- “Visiting literary heroes” - 1a, 2a, 3a;

Reading competitions:

- “My dear mother” - dedication. International Mother's Day;

- “Poets about space” - dedication. astronautics;

Public events are held in accordance with the library’s work plan. Class teachers respond to library proposals for events.

The library work plan is drawn up taking into account the wishes and suggestions of class teachers. Adjustments were made to it throughout the year. Cooperation continues with the city library named after. A.P. Chekhov.

Formation of library and educational funds. Safety of funds.

The structure of the school library fund includes: a book fund containing fiction included in the school curriculum, popular science publications, literature for extracurricular reading, as well as reference and encyclopedic publications; school textbook fund; periodicals related to both the educational process and leisure reading; documents on electronic media on subjects studied at school.

Ensuring the educational process is the main direction of work with the fund.

This work included the following activities:

  • distribution of textbooks;
  • work with debtors;
  • exchange of textbooks with other educational institutions;
  • informing parents about the availability of educational funds;
  • analysis of the qualitative and quantitative state of textbooks;
  • updating shelf dividers in accordance with BBK;
  • ordering textbooks;
  • checking the correctness of the fund allocation;
  • working with textbook files;
  • selection of textbooks and old literature for write-off.

September, March - placing orders for periodicals on I half year of the 2017-2018 academic year.

To optimize the book and educational collections, old literature is being written off. Registration of acts.

Conversations were held about careful handling of textbooks and books when registering in the library; when visiting classes, partial checks of textbooks are carried out.

The result of the work on creating the IBC:

· continued work on the computer;

· mastered the program for school libraries “AIBS-MARK- SQL

· work with honey (32 disks issued);

Maintaining reference and bibliographic apparatus.

Over the years, the library has been creating a reference and bibliographic apparatus: alphabetical and systematic catalogs; encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books

1. work continued with AIBS “MARK- SQL » - version for school libraries

  1. formation of an electronic catalog of textbooks;
  2. introduction of information about the structure of the school and the number of students in

Each class to automatically determine security


4. The existing card index is systematically replenished.

The work of library assets.

Library asset: - 6a grade,

They help in processing new arrivals, paste up old books and textbooks, and file periodicals.

The following work is being carried out:

Familiarity with the fund (i.e., the arrangement of books into sections) so that you yourself can correctly put the books in their places;

Selection of material for exhibitions, competitions, holidays;

Processing of new receipts of educational and fiction literature (library stamp, serial number, placed in the fund);

Training in serving readers on a subscription;

Book repair;

Preparation of the play “Detective Tishka and vitamins “I” and “We” - for 1a, 2a, preschoolers;

Assistance in organizing a fair and sale of textbooks.

Maintaining reference and bibliographic apparatus.

Replenishment of catalogs and card files;

Formation of an electronic catalog of textbooks;

This work is carried out systematically through bibliographic descriptions of articles from journals and processing of new book arrivals.

Working with parents

The library also provides services to parents: providing information about their children's use of the library; individual work on the selection of additional material for school students.

Self-educational activities.

Participation in city meetings of school librarians held by the city education department;

Reading magazines "School Library";

Orders, letters, instructions on librarianship;

Attending seminars;

Attendance at open lessons and events


  • Mass information work in the 2016-20117 academic year will be carried out according to the library’s work plans.
  • It is impossible to solve new problems facing the school library without significantly updating its collections.
  • Positive dynamics were revealed in the main quantitative indicators of the library’s work.

During the analysis of the results and process of all activities, the persistence of the problems of the last academic year is noted.

- decline in students’ interest in reading fiction;

- insufficient acquisition of the library's main collection, restrictions on subscription periodicals;

- creating comfortable conditions for students in the library (organizing a reading room);

To get interested in books, to instill the need for regular reading in middle school students;

Improve new library technologies for holding public events.

Help on work status

library of secondary school No. 16 named after T. Aibergenov

Target: Analysis of school library performance

Control object: library

Terms of control : 1.11.2014 – 29.11.2014

Control methods: observation, conversation, analysis.

According to the internal school control plan for the 2014-2015 academic year, in the period from November 1, 2014 to November 29, 2014, the state of the school library was monitored. During the audit, it was found that the goals of the library:

    the formation of a general personal culture of students based on mastering the mandatory minimum content of general education programs;

    adaptation of students to life in society;

    instilling in students citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, the Motherland, and family;

    formation of a healthy lifestyle.

and tasks:

    free provision of participants in the educational process - students, teaching staff, parents (or other legal representatives) of students (hereinafter referred to as users) - with access to information, knowledge, ideas, cultural values ​​through the use of library and information resources of the school on various media: paper (book collection , fund of periodicals); digital (CDs).

    nurturing cultural and civic self-awareness, assistance in the socialization of the student, the development of his creative potential;

    developing the skills of an independent library user: learning to search, select and critically evaluate information;

    improving the services provided by the library through the introduction of new information technologies and computerization of library and information processes, creating a comfortable library environment.

correlate with the goals and objectives of the school as a whole.

Analyzing the results of observation, conversations with students and teaching staff, interviews with the school librarian ___________________________________, we can conclude that:

    Students visit the library actively, turning mainly to program works, fiction, periodicals, and using popular science, reference, local history, and children's literature. However, there is a tendency among students to take information from the Internet. The library is equipped with 5 computers with Internet access.

    Grades 9-11 remain frequent visitors to the library. Throughout the year, they constantly apply for books, seriously study Russian classics, modern literature and books by foreign authors from the school curriculum, apply for critical articles, as well as literature on other school subjects. The middle level is interested in science fiction, detective stories, history, and uses reference books to write essays and reports. Primary school students actively visit the library, choose books of interest, poems by children's and Russian writers, and systematically participate in various library events. The most popular among readers are educational magazines for children and teenagers. Teaching staff are interested in methods of teaching academic subjects, teaching and raising children, and the latest pedagogical technologies

Working with readers

Massive work was carried out in the following main areas: encouraging free reading (reading for pleasure), promoting school educational programs, promoting the educational process.

For a differentiated approach in working with readers 2014-2015 academic year. The following groups of readers were identified:

Students 1-4 grades;

Students in grades 5-6;

Students of 7-8 grades;

Students in grades 9-11;


Formation of library and educational funds. Safety of funds.

The structure of the school library fund includes: a book fund containing fiction included in the school curriculum, popular science publications, literature for extracurricular reading, as well as reference and encyclopedic publications; school textbook fund; periodicals related to both the educational process and leisure reading; documents on electronic media on subjects studied at school.

The general collection of the library of secondary school No. 16 named after T. Aibergenov totals 44,062 copies, of which 34,522 are educational and methodological literature, 9,540 fiction, 30 periodicals. Students and teachers of the school are 100% provided with educational and methodological literature. The librarian, in collaboration with class teachers and students, annually takes appropriate measures to preserve and replenish the book fund:

    distribution of textbooks;

    work with debtors;

    exchange of textbooks with other educational institutions;

    informing parents about the availability of educational funds;

    analysis of the qualitative and quantitative state of textbooks;

    ordering educational and methodological literature according to need;

    checking the correctness of the fund allocation;

    working with textbook files;

    selection of textbooks and old literature for write-off.

In September–October, orders for periodicals were placed onIhalf year 2014-2015. To optimize the book and educational collections, old literature is written off and certificates are drawn upc11/10/2014 to 12/10/2014 in agreement with the Department of Education of the city of Astana.

Conversations are held about caring for textbooks and books when registering in the library; when visiting classes, partial checks of textbooks are carried out in collaboration with senior counselor Zakirina Gulmira Kaisashevna.

Maintaining reference and bibliographic apparatus.

The library has created a reference and bibliographic apparatus: alphabetical and systematic catalogs; encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books. At the formation stage, work is underway on electronic cataloging of textbooks within the framework of the project “SmartSchool– School of the Future", introducing information about the structure of the school and the number of students in each class to automatically determine the supply of textbooks – “E- Learning", the catalog of available literature is systematically updated.

Working with parents

The library also provides services to parents: providing information about their children's use of the library; individual work on the selection of additional material for school students.

Self-educational activities

The librarian takes an active part in city meetings of school librarians held by the city Education Department; attends various seminars; open lessons, events and organizes thematic exhibitions for events.


Analysis of the results and process of activity allows us to formulate the following conclusions:

    The information and mass work of the library is carried out at a good level.

    It is impossible to solve new problems facing the school library without significantly updating its collections.

    Positive dynamics were revealed in the main quantitative indicators of the library’s work.

At the same time, during the analysis of the results and process of all library activities, it is noted

    decline in interest among 32% of students in reading fiction;

    insufficient acquisition of the main library collection

    low activity of teaching staff on subscription periodicals;

    If possible, create comfortable conditions for students in the library (organization of a reading room);

    to interest students in books and to instill the need for regular reading in middle school students;

    improve new library technologies in holding public events;

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management Kalita G.M.

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