Ekaterina Gerasimova known as Mumu. Updated Katya mu-mu

Katya Mumu won

What is the Hound of the Baskervilles? This is Mumu, who managed to swim out

Since this story was largely developed on the pages of the then LiveJournal, it can be placed in the "Legends of LiveJournal" section - in many respects it was born on this platform.

On October 21, the scandal of 2010 was recalled on TNT - the premiere screening of the feature film by Vladimir Mirzoev “Her name was Mumu” ​​took place, which tells about a series of sexual provocations, the main character of which was Ekaterina Gerasimova, known by the nickname Mumu, and many opposition leaders and journalists became victims .

This story turned out to be so legendary that, as before, many evil tongues, commenting on something related to Shenderovich, only remember the mattress.
Potupchik (2014): "We remember what he did with the mattress"

The legendary compromising materials showed the behavior of individual opposition figures with a certain girl (girls), presumably named Katya "Mumu".
The face of the girl who had sex on these videos is hidden (34-year-old Potkin and 52-year-old Shenderovich captured Mumu from behind, 67-year-old Limonov - from the front, without completely removing his trousers. During the act, each of them had the same hat on their heads, offered by Katya as a headdress).

Later, photographs appeared in which Mumu poses in front of the camera.

All oppositionists suggested that this was a planned provocation organized by the special services with the aim of sexually discrediting the Russian opposition.

The foreign press and, of course, LJ commentators wrote about the incident.

Here are the legendary notes:

There was a continuation of these stories in LJ, and a number of brilliant comments:
Mumu's new adventures
About excess morality
They even said that Katya should be killed - About "Katya"

The girl was enigmatic - although quite simple, with the usual human reactions.
“Katya, why are you hiding your last name?” I asked her during our first meeting.
“I have a famous and rich father, so I don’t want to advertise my family,” she blurted out. “My friends usually call me Mumu.”
“Mumu… So are you Katya Gerasimova or what?” I asked at random the most obvious option.
"Damn, how did you guess?" she was genuinely surprised.


The legendary story formed the basis of the film directed by Vladimir Mirzoev "Her name was Mumu". The premiere private screening of the film has already taken place on January 24, 2016.

Now it's on TV

having anticipated

Mirzoev is an oppositionist, he was a member of the Coordinating Council of the opposition, so the film largely repeats the legend, the secret service figures are less humane than the oppositionists, etc.

Curators from the FSB break through the knee and the girl they hired to seduce the opposition, as soon as she tries to show character.

It is the main character, the girl nicknamed Mumu, who looks the prettiest of all.

She has a dream (to bring down), she suffers, she falls in love.

In the film, the roles of provocateurs and their victims were played by well-known Russian actors - Irina Vilkova, Elena Koreneva, Efim Shifrin, Pyotr Fedorov, Olga Lapshina, Olga Lysak, Irina Butanaeva, Valeria Prikhodchenko, and others.

It is obvious that Efim Shifrin played the role of the unlucky publicist Viktor Shenderovich, to whom, after the scandal with Katya Mumu, the nickname "mattress" stuck.
Pyotr Fedorov portrayed Ilya Yashin.

The film has already been posted on Vimeo (they write, the director's cut)

Discussion on Facebook of the premiere on TV

It is surprising that the actress Irina Vilkova, who played Mumu, knows something about her character.

"The funniest conversation I had was with Dmitry Oreshkin. His prototype was not included in the film. Although, when I wrote the script, he was my main character. He was the only one who immediately burned Katya. The only one who did not do anything with her. We met with all the interviewees in a cafe. Oreshkin called me to his house. He made an appointment very late - and at home. I felt uncomfortable. But I asked myself: "Am I a trembling creature or will I play the role well?" - and went. Late in the evening , in a residential area. I arrive - he is at home, with his wife. He sits me in the kitchen and begins to talk.
It was all very funny!
Katya Mumu met him in some cafe and introduced herself as an art critic. She seemed to different people in different ways: someone was a journalist, someone was an art critic, someone was the daughter of wealthy parents.
Oreshkin decided to introduce herself as an art critic - and then he spoke to her about the reverse perspective in Russian icons.
Fell down. He: "Okay, something simpler, I'll talk about the avant-garde."
To which she: "Do you know, I myself did the design in my apartment, maybe you will go and see?"
And then she wanted to pay at his expense, he immediately reacted: "What if you are a spy, then you will tell everyone that the girls in the cafe pay for Oreshkin?"
Didn't go to see the design, paid the bill for himself, dishonored the art critic.

- What about the rest?

- ​The rest went and "looked at the design".

- Have you tried looking for Katya Mumu herself?

Why, I found her on Facebook.

- Is she still Katya Gerasimova?

Not Katya and not Gerasimova.

According to her, Katya-Mumu herself does not live in Russia now, and she looks very good.

"She's doing well. She doesn't live in Russia.
I will not say in which country - why? Looks great.
Differently. Not in the sense that she had plastic surgery - no.
There was just a man with bleached hair, some kind of bears.
And then there was a taste, style, in the eyes of something else.
She looked like a winner.
And I was filled with respect,” said the actress.

Those. Shenderovich's prophecies did not come true (A girl doesn't care to live with such a reputation), Latynina (instead of an operation to discredit Limonov ... they carried out an operation to discredit the whore Katya Gerasimova. Which fate, by the way, can serve as a lesson for all her colleagues of both sexes), Hasid (no matter how it turned out with this "Katya" as with Gongadze)...

Did Mumu win?

A new twist in the fate of the opposition: pornographic videos appear on the net, where they literally breed like rabbits in a missionary position. All the pillars of our legal consciousness, from Limonov to ardent Yashin, they do something else with a volunteer, and at the same time all with the same one. They remark to her in an approving tone that they are proud of her visible zeal, and the symphony achieves such a level that the State Duma never dreamed of a national leader. They get obvious pleasure, swimming in sexual adventures, as if this is not a free girl, but bloody groaning under them. On the Internet they say - you got a job! Here and the girl, and coke - a pest, on! Celebrate their manhood- who is envious, and who is condescending; alcove adventures are discussed, oral apparatuses are strained - the criminal voices are louder than others, but there are also simply moral ones.

I didn't know the first thing - what is it? What is there, in general, compromising evidence and staining? Well, as it were, it did not give me a reason to treat them worse than before. The opposition tends to be famous for what women tend to like. I don't see a big event here man is seduced by temptations and: these are those who do not shine for intercourse, console themselves with the struggle with those who disagree. You do not like the enemy - so hit him, and do not put a bug on him near the phallus. Tem to the liking of the sovereign's vertical who no longer have theirs. Is this really compromising evidence on Limonov, that at his age everything is working? We have already read from his wives that he is more interesting in bed than the others. Why am I suspiciously vigilant, but I don’t see any particular harm here. If this compromising evidence is doubtful, and besides, there is also evidence of poverty: bourgeois specialists came to us - we put women in full to them, but at least the women were still different, and now there is only one, and she is not Marilyn ... And for what she suffers, the defendant, that the whole trinity uses it? I see intent here, reader. It will now be revealed to you, reader.

We all know that our opposition is dissenting in everything, diverse; two Jews, so to speak, four opinions - and we have twenty-five of them, and no less. There is no unity between the crow and the chaffinch, between the nettle and other herbs; there is no unity between Chubais and Yabloko, and the National Bolsheviks are generally on the sidelines. How can they defend democracy, if everyone is against anyone - with curses? So they want to tie them to this Katya, so that they feel like brothers. The unsystematic freemen will stop: the relationship is vicious, strong ... They will argue a little, they will shout - and they will come to their senses: “Why, you and I are milk brothers!”. I see no joke or fiction here - this is the country's main chance, if briefly.

If only Katya (Moo-Moo), so to speak, it endured.

Katya Mumu won

What is the Hound of the Baskervilles? This is Mumu, who managed to swim out

I will repeat this note with an old photograph of her main character.

Since this story was largely developed on the pages of the then LiveJournal, it can be placed in the "Legends of LiveJournal" section - in many respects the story was born on this platform.

On October 21, 2016, TNT recalled the scandal of 2010: the premiere of a feature film by Vladimir Mirzoev took place "Her name was Mumu" about a series of sexual provocations, the main character of which was Ekaterina Gerasimova, known by the nickname Mumu.
Many opposition leaders and journalists became victims.

This story turned out to be so legendary that, as before, many evil tongues, commenting on something related to Shenderovich, only remember the mattress.
Potupchik (2014): "We remember what he did with the mattress."

In the film adaptation, Katya Mumu remained the only positive character.

The legendary compromising materials showed the behavior of individual opposition figures with a certain girl (girls), presumably named Katya "Mumu".
The face of the girl who had sex on these videos is hidden (34-year-old Potkin and 52-year-old Shenderovich captured Mumu from behind, 67-year-old Limonov - from the front, without completely removing his trousers. During the act, each of them had the same hat on their heads, offered by Katya as a headdress).

Later, photographs appeared in which Mumu poses in front of the camera.

All oppositionists suggested that this was a planned provocation organized by the special services with the aim of sexually discrediting the Russian opposition.

The foreign press and, of course, LJ commentators wrote about the incident.

Here are the legendary notes:

There was a continuation of these stories in LJ, and a number of brilliant comments:
Mumu's new adventures
About excess morality
They even said that Katya should be killed - About "Katya"

The girl was enigmatic - although quite simple, with the usual human reactions.
“Katya, why are you hiding your last name?” I asked her during our first meeting.
“I have a famous and rich father, so I don’t want to advertise my family,” she blurted out. “My friends usually call me Mumu.”
“Mumu… So are you Katya Gerasimova or what?” I asked at random the most obvious option.
"Damn, how did you guess?" she was genuinely surprised.


The legendary story formed the basis of the film directed by Vladimir Mirzoev "Her name was Mumu". The premiere private screening of the film has already taken place on January 24, 2016.

Now it's on TV

having anticipated

Mirzoev is an oppositionist, he was a member of the Coordinating Council of the opposition, so the film largely repeats the legend, the secret service figures are less humane than the oppositionists, etc.

Curators from the FSB break through the knee and the girl they hired to seduce the opposition, as soon as she tries to show character.

It is the main character, the girl nicknamed Mumu, who looks the prettiest of all.

She has a dream (to bring down), she suffers, she falls in love.

In the film, the roles of provocateurs and their victims were played by well-known Russian actors - Irina Vilkova, Elena Koreneva, Efim Shifrin, Pyotr Fedorov, Olga Lapshina, Olga Lysak, Irina Butanaeva, Valeria Prikhodchenko, and others.

It is obvious that Efim Shifrin played the role of the unlucky publicist Viktor Shenderovich, to whom, after the scandal with Katya Mumu, the nickname "mattress" stuck.
Pyotr Fedorov portrayed Ilya Yashin.

The film has already been posted on Vimeo (they write, the director's cut)

Discussion on Facebook of the premiere on TV

It is surprising that the actress Irina Vilkova, who played Mumu, knows something about her character.

"The funniest conversation I had was with Dmitry Oreshkin. His prototype was not included in the film. Although, when I wrote the script, he was my main character. He was the only one who immediately burned Katya. The only one who did not do anything with her. We met with all the interviewees in a cafe. Oreshkin called me to his house. He made an appointment very late - and at home. I felt uncomfortable. But I asked myself: "Am I a trembling creature or will I play the role well?" - and went. Late in the evening , in a residential area. I arrive - he is at home, with his wife. He sits me in the kitchen and begins to talk.
It was all very funny!
Katya Mumu met him in some cafe and introduced herself as an art critic. She seemed to different people in different ways: someone was a journalist, someone was an art critic, someone was the daughter of wealthy parents.
Oreshkin decided to introduce herself as an art critic - and then he spoke to her about the reverse perspective in Russian icons.
Fell down. He: "Okay, something simpler, I'll talk about the avant-garde."
To which she: "Do you know, I myself did the design in my apartment, maybe you will go and see?"
And then she wanted to pay at his expense, he immediately reacted: "What if you are a spy, then you will tell everyone that the girls in the cafe pay for Oreshkin?"
Didn't go to see the design, paid the bill for himself, dishonored the art critic.

- What about the rest?

- ​The rest went and "looked at the design".

- Have you tried looking for Katya Mumu herself?

Why, I found her on Facebook.

- Is she still Katya Gerasimova?

Not Katya and not Gerasimova.

According to her, Katya-Mumu herself does not live in Russia now, and she looks very good.

"She's doing well. She doesn't live in Russia.
I will not say in which country - why? Looks great.
Differently. Not in the sense that she had plastic surgery - no.
There was just a man with bleached hair, some kind of bears.
And then there was a taste, style, in the eyes of something else.
She looked like a winner.
And I was filled with respect,” said the actress.


Shenderovich's prophecies did not come true (A girl doesn't care to live with such a reputation), Latynina (instead of an operation to discredit Limonov ... they carried out an operation to discredit the whore Katya Gerasimova. Which fate, by the way, can serve as a lesson for all her colleagues of both sexes), Hasid (no matter how it turned out with this "Katya" as with Gongadze)...

Did Mumu win?

Late on Friday evening, October 21, the TNT channel of Russian television will premiere Vladimir Mirzoev's feature film Her Name was Mumu, which tells about a series of sexual provocations, the main character of which was Ekaterina Gerasimova, known by the nickname Mumu, and many opposition leaders became victims and journalists. On the premiere day, a direct participant in the events shared his memories of those days and impressions of their artistic reflection in the film with Spectrum Ilya Yashin:

In 2009, I got into trouble. It seems to be nothing terrible: he met a girl, slept with her a couple of times. But a year later, it turned out that this girl, apparently, was connected with the special services, and our acquaintance was part of a large special operation.

On the Internet, one after another, videos of her bed scenes with representatives of the opposition and independent media, recorded by a hidden camera, began to appear. The loud scandal was vigorously discussed both by the press and social networks.

Recall: in April 2010, a number of Moscow journalists and politicians were at the center of a sex scandal. Videos of bed scenes were published on the Internet with the participation of nationalist leader Alexander Belov (Potkin), publicist Viktor Shenderovich, journalist Mikhail Fishman and others.

Soon it was possible to establish the name of the girl with whom numerous critics of the authorities had been in bed: Ekaterina Gerasimova, nicknamed Mumu, an employee of the Progress modeling agency.

This was reported to journalists by oppositionist Ilya Yashin, who also became a defendant in the scandal.

According to Yashin, the girl also offered him cocaine, which he refused. The bed video with Yashin, unlike his married colleagues, was never published.

Gerasimova herself disappeared from the public space shortly after the video appeared on the network, deleted her social media accounts and lived abroad for a long time. During this time, she did not communicate with any of the media representatives.

The oppositionists believed that the organization of the sex scandal, the purpose of which was to discredit the protest movement, was the Russian special services and, possibly, the head of the Nashi movement, Vasily Yakemenko. A statement was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office with a demand to establish the customers of this operation. However, the criminal case was never initiated, as a result of which no evidence of involvement in the organization of sexual provocation of any specific people was found.

The girl was enigmatic - although quite simple, with the usual human reactions.

"Katya, why are you hiding your last name?" I asked her during our first meeting.
“I have a famous and rich father, so I don’t want to advertise my family,” she blurted out. “My friends usually call me Mumu.”

“Mumu ... So are you Katya Gerasimova or what?” I asked at random the most obvious option.

“Damn, how did you guess?” she was genuinely surprised.

It must be said right away - this is a feature film. Yes, based on true events. Yes, the actors play quite real political and public figures. Yes, the historical context is easily guessed. But still this is not a documentary work and it would be a mistake to perceive it that way.

It's no secret that Mirzoev is very critical of the Russian authorities; at one time he was even a member of the Coordinating Council of the opposition. However, this did not prevent him from making an honest and objective film. The main value of the film is that it is merciless. The director does not spare and does not try to whitewash either supporters of the government or its opponents.

There are no heroes in this movie. Mirzoev reveals the cynical essence of the political regime, which uses the most vile and dirty methods to discredit opponents. Curators from the FSB literally break through the knee and the girl they hired to seduce the opposition, as soon as she tries to show character. However, there are no angels on the other side of the barricades either: the film speaks honestly about the weaknesses, vices and vanity of the oppositionists who have fallen into what is called a "honey trap" in the language of the special services.

Against this gloomy background, oddly enough, it is the main character, the girl nicknamed Mumu, who looks the prettiest of all. It seemed that she should be an anti-hero: she sleeps with unfamiliar people for money, exposing them to a blow and helping the scum to discredit the protest movement. But in Mirzoev's film, it is Mumu who is perhaps the only character prone to reflections. She has a dream, she suffers, she falls in love. Frankly, in my opinion, the director's image of Mumu turned out to be much deeper than in real life. But this angle, of course, adds drama to the film.

The plot is rather gloomy, but the movie does not roll into the blackness. They save the sense of humor of the director, who subtly sneers at his characters. Wonderful actors help him in this (Irina Vilkova, Efim Shifrin, Petr Fedorov, Elena Koreneva), and in some places - fiction. Well, for example, of course, I never went on dates accompanied by my mother (although the idea is curious). I can hardly imagine that the call of Radio Liberty (with all due respect) would have distracted me from the girl at the most piquant moment. However, it was all filmed so talentedly that I quite sincerely laughed at these episodes along with the rest of the audience.

Mirzoev is friends with many oppositionists, including those whom he portrayed in his film in a not very personal way. I know that the director was worried: they might misunderstand and be offended.

Nothing to be offended about, of course. Mirzoev just did his job well and honestly. And we can only laugh. Moreover, self-irony is a very useful therapy. “Her name was Mumu” ​​is in a sense a mirror. It is unpleasant to see your own vanity and weakness. But if sometimes you do not look at yourself from the outside, then it is impossible to move forward.

Irina Vilkova as Katya Mumu. Frame from the film "Her name was Mumu"

Late on Friday evening, October 21, the TNT channel of Russian television will premiere the feature film by Vladimir Mirzoev "Her name was Mumu", which tells about a series of sexual provocations, the main character of which was Ekaterina Gerasimova, known by the nickname Mumu, and many opposition leaders became victims and journalists. On the premiere day, Ilya Yashin, a direct participant in the events, shared his memories of those days and impressions of their artistic reflection in the film with Spectrum:

In 2009, I got into trouble. It seems to be nothing terrible: he met a girl, slept with her a couple of times. But a year later, it turned out that this girl, apparently, was connected with the special services, and our acquaintance was part of a large special operation.

On the Internet, one after another, videos of her bed scenes with representatives of the opposition and independent media, recorded by a hidden camera, began to appear. The loud scandal was vigorously discussed both by the press and social networks.

Recall: in April 2010, a number of Moscow journalists and politicians were at the center of a sex scandal. Videos of bed scenes were published on the Internet with the participation of nationalist leader Alexander Belov (Potkin), publicist Viktor Shenderovich, journalist Mikhail Fishman and others.

Soon it was possible to establish the name of the girl with whom numerous critics of the authorities had been in bed: Ekaterina Gerasimova, nicknamed Mumu, an employee of the Progress modeling agency.

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