What seas and oceans wash Australia. How is the continent of Australia located relative to other continents? Discovery and exploration of Australia

Among all other continents, Australia especially stands out. This is a unique continent in which a unique flora and fauna have formed. Australia has a lot of endemics, that is, plants and animals that live only there and nowhere else in the world. Such features of Australia are explained by its isolation from other continents.

Where is Australia located?

To find out how Australia is located relative to other continents, it is necessary to consider the position of all continents. You can do this as follows:

  • Eurasia is entirely located in the northern hemisphere. Meanwhile, Australia is entirely in the southern hemisphere. Thus, Eurasia is located north of Australia. They are separated from each other by about a thousand kilometers. After all, the southern tip of Malaysia with Singapore is located not far from Australia;
  • North and South America are washed on the western side by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Australia is also located in its waters. In fact, the coast of South America is several thousand kilometers west of Australia;
  • Africa is located west of Australia. If you sail west, the traveler will reach the eastern coast of Africa. At the same time, it will end up in the Indian Ocean. He will have to overcome vast spaces - sail past Indonesia, get into the Indian Ocean and move due west;
  • Antarctica is located south of Australia. Beyond the warm Australian waters, the cold waters of Antarctica begin. The further south you go, the colder it will become, because moving south is approaching the South Pole.

Thus, Australia is removed from other continents. This is its main feature.

What is special about Australia?

Australia is home to many exotic animals that are not found anywhere else. For example, kangaroos, marsupial rats and so on. The platypus also lives only in Australia. And not far from Australia, in sharp Tasmania, lives the Tasmanian devil - another endemic, one of the endangered animals.

Australia is the smallest and most amazing continent. Australia was discovered later than America. The entire continent is occupied by one state - the Commonwealth of Australia. The Australian continent is the flattest of all continents and the driest. One of the features of the continent’s nature is the absence of young mountains, glaciers and active volcanoes. Australia, earlier than other continents, about 150 million years ago, separated from Gondwana and quickly moved away from its other blocks. Due to this, it has an extremely unique nature. The mainland is rightly called the “museum of living fossils.”

Geographical position

Australia is located entirely in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres. Almost in the middle it is crossed by the Southern Tropic. Australia is an isolated continent, remote from other continents. This is what determined the uniqueness of its nature. The main trade routes lie away from the mainland, which complicates the development of economic ties. (Which islands are the “bridge” between Australia and Southeast Asia?)

The area of ​​Australia is 7.6 million km2. The shores of the mainland are slightly indented. In the north it juts out into the land Gulf of Carpentaria, on South - Great Australian Bight. The northern edge of the continent is formed by Cape York Peninsula. Located off the southeastern coast Tasmania island, near the northeastern - one of the large islands of Oceania - island of New Guinea, separated from Australia Torres Strait.

Warm waters washing the mainland and shallow depths contribute to the formation and growth of coral reefs off the coast. They are formed as a result of the vital activity of marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton, mainly coral polyps. In the Pacific Ocean, along the eastern coast of Australia, a long ridge of coral formations stretches for about 2500 km - Great Barrier Reef.

Discovery and exploration of Australia

The Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon was the first European to reach the shores of Australia in 1606. During the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries, the Dutchman Abel Tasman explored the northern and northwestern shores of Australia. In the 18th century Englishman James Cook rediscovered Australia and the islands of New Zealand and declared them colonies of England.

For several decades, convicts convicted of various crimes were deported to Australia from England. They developed new territories, engaged in mining and animal husbandry.

Rice. 61. E. Eyre

Rice. 62. J. Stewart

In 1840, sheep farmer Edward Eyre (Fig. 61) intended to explore the area between the Flinders Ranges and the west coast (Perth area) in South Australia. E. Eyre was unable to go deeper into the mainland; he explored only the southern coast.

The largest lake on the mainland was named in honor of E. Eyre. During the four-month journey, E. Eyre covered over 2000 km.

The central deserts were explored by the Englishmen Robert Burke and John Stewart (Fig. 62). By the end of the 19th century. the exploration of the Australian interior was largely completed. (Trace the routes of Australian explorers on the atlas map.)

Geological structure, relief, minerals

The surface of Australia is predominantly flat and the lowest compared to other continents. Its average absolute height is only 350 m. The base of the continent is ancient Australian platform, part of the Indo-Australian lithospheric plate. The platform occupies the western and central parts of the continent. The crystalline foundation of the platform is composed of ancient rocks. In the west, the foundation reaches the surface, forming shields.

The western part of the Australian Plate is uplifted. There is a vast Western Australian plateau with a height of 400-600 m. The flat surface in the center of the continent is broken by massifs - the remains of rocks. The remains of a plateau with steep slopes and flat peaks have heights of 400-600 m. Rocky and sandy deserts predominate (Bolshaya Peschanaya, Great Victoria Desert).

The eastern part of the platform is a huge trough covered with a thick layer of predominantly marine sediments. Absolute altitudes Central Lowland do not exceed 100 m. The lowest point of the mainland is in the area of ​​Lake Eyre North (16 m below sea level). To the south are the Flinders Ranges.

Adjacent to the Australian Platform in the east is a folded belt - the East Australian Mountains. Great Dividing Range stretches along the east and southeast coast of Australia. The highest part of the ridge is Australian Alps- bear traces of ancient glaciation. Highest point of the mountains and mainland Kosciuszko(2230 m).

Australia is the flattest continent with a leveled relief and the most tectonically stable continent: there are no volcanoes, young mountains and modern glaciation.


The Australian platform contains large reserves of gold, platinum, uranium, iron, copper, lead-zinc ores and tin. Deposits of phosphorites, hard and brown coal, oil and natural gas are confined to the sedimentary strata of the platform. Many minerals

(bauxite, iron ore) lie at shallow depths and are mined in an open and cheap way. Oil, gas and coal deposits are confined to depressions and troughs of the platform.

Australia ranks first in the world in the production of bauxite, zinc, and diamonds, second in the production of iron ore, uranium and lead, third in the production of nickel and gold (Fig. 63). Australia has a quarter of the uranium reserves of the developed countries of the world; a third of all diamonds on the planet are mined. gold is produced by open cast mining

Rice. 63. In Western Australia

At the beginning of the 21st century. The Australian Union in diamond mining has overtaken the leading countries of the world: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa, and Angola. Local diamonds are considered unique due to their rare pinkish hue.


1. Geography 8th grade. Textbook for the 8th grade of general secondary education institutions with Russian as the language of instruction / Edited by Professor P. S. Lopukh - Minsk “People's Asveta” 2014

Geographical location of Australia

How is it located relative to the equator, the tropics (arctic circles), and the 0 meridian

To the south, the southern tropic passes through the central part of the continent, the 0 meridian is located west of the continent.

In what climatic zones is the continent located?

Subequatorial, tropical,

subtropical zone


From the west - the Indian Ocean, from the east - the Pacific Ocean;

seas: Timor, Arafura,

Coral, Tasmanovo;

bays: Great Australian, Carpentaria

How is the continent of Australia located relative to the continent of Eurasia?

Australia is the closest to the Eurasian mainland; they are separated by a number of large islands.

Extreme points of Australia

North – Cape York 11° S latitude, 143° east. d.;

South - Cape South East Point 38° S. w. 147°E;

Western - Cape Steep Point 26° S. latitude, 114° east. d.;

Eastern – Cape Byron 28° S. latitude, 154° east. d.

History of the discovery of the continent

The first reliable report of European sightings of Australian territory dates back to 1606 when the Dutchman's expedition Willem Janszoon explored the bay on the ship "Dyfken" Carpentaria and went ashore on the peninsula Cape York .

In 1606, the Spaniard L. Torres discovered the northernmost tip of the Australian Peninsula, Cape York, and named the strait separating New Guinea from Cape York the Torres Strait.

Tasman discovered an island off the southern coast of the mainland in 1642, the island bears the name of the discoverer - the island of Tasmania.

From the end of the 18th century. the development of Australia begins. At first, the British government sent convicts there

The city of Sydney was founded as a convict colony. Later, not only fertile lands and lush pastures were discovered here, but also gold, coal, oil, iron ores, manganese, non-ferrous metals...

Physico-geographical position of Australia

Geography teacher MBOU secondary school No. 7

Lesheva Olga Valerievna

Australia - the only state on the planet that occupies an entire continent. Its area, together with the island of Tasmania, is 7.7 million square meters. km.

Australia- the smallest, driest and most sparsely populated continent on Earth. This is the most unique continent. Here, when moving north, it becomes hot, and when moving south, it becomes colder. There are many animals and plants here that cannot be found on other continents. Here there is winter in summer, and summer in winter.

In the northeast, the coast of Australia is washed by the waters of the Coral Sea. Here is a unique creation of nature - the Great Barrier Reef.

It is a dense cluster of coral islands and reefs. The area of ​​the Great Barrier Reef is 200 thousand sq. km

1. Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the tropics and the prime meridian.

2. Determine which extreme points of Australia belong to the geographical coordinates:

11° S 143°E

39° S 147°E

26° S 113°E

29° S 153°E

Australia- The driest continent on Earth. It is located in subequatorial, tropical, subtropical climate zones .

Practical work No. 4

"Comparison of Australian and African GPs"

Comparison plan


Position in relation to the equator, tropics, prime meridian


In what climatic zones is it located?

Which belt occupies the largest area?

Oceans washing the continent.

Location relative to other continents



2) complete practical work No. 4 in notebooks.

Internet resources:








Geography teacher MBOU secondary school No. 7 Yartseva Lesheva Olga Valerievna


Question: What are the features of the natural zone of tropical deserts? Savannah?

Answer: Tropical deserts are located in areas of high atmospheric pressure where downward air currents predominate. The hot air contains a negligible amount of water vapor, and throughout the year its absolute and relative humidity is close to zero. Precipitation in desert areas is rare, usually in the form of short showers, and in some places there is no rain for several years. The annual precipitation is 50-200 mm. Only plants that can grow in extreme conditions of drought and high temperatures can grow in deserts. There are many xerophytes, ephemerals and ephemeroids that do not form a closed vegetation cover, unusual shrubs and subshrubs of the “tumbleweed” type.

Savanna is a zonal type of natural complex formed by a combination of tropical and subtropical herbaceous (mainly cereal) vegetation, with an open grass layer with single or grouping trees and shrubs, formed in a seasonally humid climate with a clear change of dry and rainy seasons.

Question: What are endemics?

Answer: Endemics are plants or animals found only in a given area. The distribution of endemic organisms is limited, but there may be endemics of both small areas (islands, isolated sections of continents) and entire continents (for example, the platypus and eucalyptus trees are endemic to Australia, armadillos and the Quebracho tree are endemic to South America, etc.).


Question: How is the continent located relative to the equator, the Southern Tropic and the Arctic Circle?

Answer: Australia is located south of the equator, north of the Antarctic Circle, and is crossed by the southern tropic almost in the middle.

Question: How is the continent located relative to the prime meridian?

Answer: Australia is located east of the prime meridian.

Question: What oceans and seas wash the continent?

Answer: The east coast of Australia is washed by the Coral and Tasman Seas of the Pacific Ocean, the north, west and south by the Indian Ocean, including the Timor Sea and the Arafura Sea.

Question: How is the continent located relative to other continents?

Answer: Regarding Eurasia - in the south, relative to Africa and South America - in the east, relative to North America - in the southeast, relative to Antarctica - in the northeast.

Questions and tasks:

Question: Explain what the relief is in the western, eastern, and central parts of the continent?

Answer: Western part of Australia - hills and plateaus, Eastern part of Australia - medium-high mountains, Great Dividing Range. Central Australia - flat lowland plains intersected by sand ridges

Question: In what climate zones is Australia located? Which parts of the continent are the driest?

Answer: Australia is located in three climatic zones: subequatorial, tropical, subtropical. Only the small southern part of the island of Tasmania, which belongs to Australia, is located in the temperate climate zone.

Situated primarily in tropical and subtropical latitudes, where solar radiation is high, the Australian mainland is warming greatly. Due to the weak ruggedness of the coastline and the elevation of the outlying parts, the influence of the seas surrounding the continent has little effect in the interior of the continent.

The central and western parts of the continent are characterized by a tropical desert climate; deserts occupy vast spaces and stretch for almost 2.5 thousand km from the shores of the Indian Ocean to the foothills of the Great Dividing Range. (Great Victoria Desert, Great Sandy Desert)

Question: Why, unlike other continents, have marsupials become so widespread in Australia?

Answer: Australia is home to 180 of the 250 known species of marsupials. These are kangaroos, koala bears, badgers, wombats and even marsupial moles and squirrels. On the island of Tasmania there is a marsupial predator - the marsupial devil. Oviparous mammals have also survived on the mainland: the echidna and the platypus. It is believed that marsupials and other low-organized animals entered Australia from Eurasia along land “bridges” across the Malay Archipelago more than 130 million years ago. By the time highly organized animals, in particular carnivores, appeared, land connections had ceased. The absence of predators contributed to the unhindered development of marsupials.

Question: What valuable tree species grow in Australia?

Answer: The main valuable tree in Australia is eucalyptus, a dense, rot-resistant wood; the essential oils contained in the leaves have bactericidal properties and are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Question: In terms of reserves of what mineral resources does Australia occupy a leading place in the world?

Answer: The continent of Australia is very rich in mineral resources. Today, Australia is one of the countries with huge reserves of various minerals, especially iron ores, bauxite and lead-zinc ores, gold, and diamonds.

The amount of ore minerals (gold, non-ferrous metals, iron ore, uranium ore) prevails over non-ore minerals (oil, natural gas, etc.). This is due to extensive outcrops of the platform's crystalline basement. But Australia has no shortage of non-metallic minerals. So, it is very rich in coal. Large deposits of oil and natural gas have been discovered on the sea shelves. Non-metallic minerals also include salts, clays, sands, limestones, asbestos, mica and various building materials.

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