Hitler was born on April 21st. Have you forgotten Hitler's birthday? Common features of historical figures

April 20 is the round anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler. There have not yet been any special news or any revelations on the feeds of world news agencies. The whole intrigue revolves around whether the neo-Nazis will celebrate the anniversary of their idol.

Hitler's autobiography has returned to bookstore shelves in Germany

130 years ago, in the previously little-known Austrian town of Braunau am Inn, a baby was born who, at 43, would become Chancellor of Germany, and a year and a half later would be proclaimed Fuhrer (“leader”). On the one hand, if not for the crimes of the Nazi regime, Adolf Hitler could be ranked among the most outstanding political figures and chancellors of Bismarck's level. On the other hand, they make him a monster. In the Western media and speeches of politicians, all undesirable political figures who hold views completely different from those of the Fuhrer are compared with him.

However, some details are emerging. Like everyone who grew up in the USSR, we knew very well the birthday of our leader, the Fuhrer Lenin. At some point, they remembered the day the German Fuhrer-leader Hitler was born. But in the Federal Republic of Germany (not to mention the GDR), few people were interested in such things, except for the “forever yesterday,” as the last of Nazi ideology were historically called.

Pravda.Ru decided to call Mosfilm to the director who made one of the best post-Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War. There is a difference to be taken into account here. In the past, great war films were made and starred by people who took part in that great battle.

“I don’t know who is going to celebrate,” answered Pravda.Ru. General Director of the Mosfilm concern, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,moviedirector Karen Shakhnazarov. — I haven’t heard anything about it. Maybe someone secretly. I think no one will celebrate publicly. To be honest, I don’t know what to comment on here. Fascism is bad. Known. What else can I say? Those who will celebrate, what can we even say about them! So obvious."

Our other interlocutor Russian historian, writer Alexander Dyukov noted in an interview with Pravda.Ru:

— When the Second World War ended, everyone thought that fascism would become a thing of the past. Unfortunately, even in the 21st century, fascism not only has not become a thing of the past, but is still able to attract supporters and interact in the political arena. Even representatives of fascist ideologies in some countries can be included in law enforcement agencies and armed forces, while publicly demonstrating their neo-Nazi ideology. The problem of neo-fascism, neo-Nazism still remains relevant, and this relevance is no less than before the outbreak of World War II.

Could a Nazi Sabbath take place in Moscow? This is prohibited here. In Russia, law enforcement agencies are pursuing, in my opinion, a very correct policy to suppress the activities of neo-Nazi organizations. It is significant that a large number of representatives of this ideology from Russia were forced to flee, in particular, to Ukraine. Neo-Nazis are not the kind of people with whom you can talk about anything and who can hide behind “freedom of speech.” If the neo-Nazis who exist in our country, as in any other, gather, they will celebrate this “holiday” in their humble ranks.

Answer from Young[guru]
Adolf Hitler (04/20/1889 [Braunau] - 04/30/1945) head of the German fascist state from 1933
What was Adolf Hitler like? Who was the Nazi monster who killed 50 million people during World War II? Before leaving the White House, US President Bill Clinton revealed secret documents that provide a psychological portrait of war criminal Adolf Hitler. They are registered under number 0695930/18.05.2000. These top secret CIA documents total 68 pages. They are a document of world history. They bear the date: December 3, 1942. The Hitler Papers may not be a sensation for historians, but they contain a psychogram of the dictator that is of great interest. Professor Guido Knopp comments, supplements and, if necessary, makes amendments to the text of documents.
CIA documents on Hitler's family
One look at Hitler's genealogy reveals a certain susceptibility to incest in his family. According to Mrs. Brigid Hitler, mother of Patrick Hitler, Hitler's mother Klara Poetz also had Czech blood in her veins, not counting the fact that she was related by blood to her husband Alois Schickelgruber (Alois Schickelgruber), who retroactively recognized Hitler as his son.
Hitler's father was 23 years older than his wife, and when Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, he was 52 years old. All available facts indicate that this marriage was unhappy.
The only fact that, apparently, sheds light on this marriage indicates that Hitler’s father was a sadist...
He was a violent man who habitually beat his dog until it urinated on the carpet.
Irina Blokhina (04/21/1921) Soviet microbiologist, academician, laureate of the USSR State Prize
Stanislav Rostotsky (04/21/1922 [Rybinsk] - 08/10/2001 [Vyborg]) Soviet film director, People's Artist of the USSR
Alistair MacLean (04/21/1922 - 02/02/1987) Scottish writer, author of adventure novels. The first novel, HMS Ulysses, 1955, is dedicated to wartime experiences.
Marcello Venturi (04/21/1925) Italian writer
Inna Ravich-Scherbo (04/21/1927 [Voronezh]) domestic psychogeneticist
Anatoly Granov (04/21/1932 [Donetsk (Ukraine)]) Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Director of the Central Research X-ray Radiological Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Nodar Kancheli (04/21/1938) Designer, author of the project for the collapsed buildings of Transvaal Park and the Basmanny Market.
Vadim Belov (04/21/1940 [Kuibyshev (now Samara)]) President of the Moscow Entrepreneur Foundation.
Philippe Seguin (04/21/1943) Politician
Semyon Altman (04/21/1946) coach of Chernomorets
Tatyana Bek (04/21/1949 [Moscow] - 02/07/2005 [Moscow]) poetess
Patti LuPone (04/21/1949 [New York]) actress who sings
Tony Danza (04/21/1951 [Brooklyn, New York]) American actor
Soslan Andiev (04/21/1952 [Vladikavkaz]) First USSR Freestyle Wrestling Championship
Natalia Vogel von Friesengoff (04/21/1954 [Vienna] - 01/09/1937 [Brodzyany. Slovakia]) niece of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin
Sergei Katanandov (04/21/1955) head of the Republic of Karelia
Chris Kelmi (04/21/1955) musician
Andie MacDowell (04/21/1958) film actress

(Total 18 photos)

It must be assumed that none of the numerous henchmen, flatterers and sycophants, pronouncing toasts and many years in honor of their beloved Fuhrer on this day, could have imagined the inglorious and shameful end that awaited the leader of the Reich in just six years.

There is a reward according to his deserts... but in the meantime, Hitler’s associates sing his praises and present him with a variety of, often very original, gifts. Many donors will face the same unenviable and well-deserved fate as the hero of the day himself.

1. In the first photo, the famous automobile designer Ferdinand Porsche (in the center, in a civilian suit), Adolf Hitler and the head of the German Labor Front Robert Ley admire a gift to the Fuhrer from Porsche - a Volkswagen convertible.

2. Hitler accepts congratulations from Heinrich Hoffmann, his personal photographer, and Theodore Morrell, the Fuhrer’s personal physician, is waiting a little to the right of the line.

3. Gifts received for a significant anniversary are stored in one of the rooms of the Reich Chancellery.

4. Hitler especially liked the gift from Porsche. According to some reports, the Fuhrer loved driving fast until 1939, when he suddenly became concerned about a possible accident and limited the speed of his motorcade to 55 km/h.

5. Gifts continue to accumulate in the Reich Chancellery, apparently not particularly enticing to the Fuhrer - numerous paintings, sculptures and figurines. Noteworthy is the flower vase with a swastika in the right corner of the photo.

6. Another gift - a model of the Condor airplane. Hitler is clearly more interested in all sorts of technical things than in paintings and vases. To Hitler's left stands Hans Bauer, the leader's personal pilot.

7. Golden model of the House of German Art (Haus der Deutschen Kunst), a museum built in 1937 in Munich, designed to perpetuate the greatness and excellence of Nazi art. This gift was made by Hermann Goering, commander of the Luftwaffe.

8. And again Ferdinand Porsche pleases the Fuhrer with a car model.

9. And one more model, unfortunately of an unidentified structure, handmade jewelry.

10. In honor of the birthday of the Father of the Nation, there are festive illumination on the streets of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate is illuminated and decorated.

11. Of course, a parade and a mass rally took place on the occasion of the anniversary.

12. Orchestra members are preparing to take part in the festive parade.

13. East-West Achse (Ost-West-Achse), the longest 50-kilometer avenue, a street for mass processions and parades, part of the Nazi master plan for the reconstruction of Berlin. A 12-kilometer section of this axis was opened just in time for Hitler’s birthday.

14. Troops march in front of the Fuhrer during a festive military parade.

celebration of alternative consciousness

The day of April 21 did not mark anything special and did not stain itself
in history. But he stands in the gap between two other, memorable
dates that were solemnly celebrated by the most powerful and fierce
regimes of the 20th century. April 20 - Hitler's birthday, April 22
- Lenin. Accordingly, April 21 marks a fine line between
two totalitarian abysses along which humanity, as if
narrow bridge, moved into the 21st century.

April 20 – Hitler's Birthday

April 21 – Intellectuals Day

(celebration of alternative consciousness)

April 22 – Lenin’s birthday

It is proposed to celebrate April 21 as an alternative to totalitarian
holidays of the twentieth century, which are still celebrated by admirers of Hitler
and Lenin, heirs of their ideas. In post-Soviet times, extremism
increasingly unites the left and right flanks, brings together the neo-Bolsheviks
and Nazis, Reds and Browns, Leninists and Hitlerites. That's why
it is so important to place the breaking point exactly at the point where they meet. From here
and the symbolic meaning of this date. April 21 is the day of alternative
consciousness, a holiday of challenge to all forms of totalitarianism, all systems
autocracy and like-mindedness, unanimity and like-mindedness.

Lenin and Hitler are political and, in a sense, popular leaders,
but deeply anti-intellectual. Therefore, April 21 is a holiday
consciousness that frees itself from its ideological chimeras
and populist temptations. One of the themes of this holiday is struggle
with anti-intellectual sentiments rooted in authoritarian
and totalitarian traditions of Russian history.

Among the many holidays - patriotic, religious, revolutionary,
women's, men's, miners', marine, sports, etc. - No
not a single one that is actually intellectual (unless one considers it
Teacher's Day). April 21st could become such a holiday.
I can’t imagine people’s processions and festivities on this day,
but representing public debate, intellectual (not political)
dialogue between representatives of different professions and disciplines, schools
and directions - in literature, art, philosophy, humanitarian
and natural sciences. Yes, and in politics, but not about politics.
(It would be interesting to listen, for example, to the dispute between Gryzlov and Zyuganov
about Tsvetaeva’s poems or Nabokov’s prose, or a debate between doctors of philosophy
sciences of Zhirinovsky and Rogozin about Hegel and Husserl - this could
bring a carnival flow during the holiday). On this day intellectuals
would come out of their professional cells - not into the streets and squares,
but towards each other, into the space of interdisciplinary communication.
Competitions would be held - not only for erudites who ran diagonally
all encyclopedias, but also literary tournaments, competitions of thinkers.
It would be possible to revive the tradition of public academic debates
and open competitions, such as those held in the 18th and 19th centuries.
European academies of sciences (victories were won by Jean Jacques
Rousseau and Arthur Schopenhauer).

April 21 is the day of alternatives, no matter what intellectual or
professional field they were not manifested: alternative pedagogy,
aesthetics, poetry, philosophy. This is the day of dissent, dissent,
otherness, otherness, all types of otherness, since they
form a crack in the monoliths of like-mindedness, like-feeling and unity of action.
The very concept of “intelligence” is etymologically connected with “inter”, “between”,
and literally means “read between, choose between.” These "between"
gaps between public spheres and professions, and are filled
alternative thinking, an “inter-mind” approach. Unlike
April 1, April Fools' Day, April 21 is a holiday for thinking people,
a day of creative initiatives and smart fun.

The spirit of alternativeness, multivariate creative consciousness could
embodied in so-called collective improvisations. IN
several people gather at home or in a club setting,
representatives of various intellectual and creative
professions, and each offers a topic of improvisation - or a topic
are asked by the public. From several topics by lot or by vote
one is selected. Then an hour is given - during this time
essays, poems, small treatises, musical
compositions, acting performances are prepared - in
In general, any genre can be used. Usually so stressful
condition – time pressure and unpredictability of the topic –
leads to unexpected creative breakthroughs that might not otherwise
take place in the conditions of measured office work.
What is also important here is the intersection of the coordinates of communication and creativity,
process of co-thinking, dialogical interaction of different
consciousnesses. Everything created during this hour is read out, played out,
shown and discussed. If improvisation takes place on
public, winners may be identified and awards given, but
This is a secondary and optional moment. Bottom line
collective improvisation is precisely a collection of all different genres
embodiments of this theme, a kind of “final work”,
synthesis of arts, sciences, different ways of writing and
self-expression. Another result is an impetus for further, more
purposeful work, prompted by the insights of improvisational
hours. Such collective improvisations were carried out by the Club
essayists in Moscow in the 1980s, and invariably the situation was open
topics and brainstorming generated a surge of inspiration and
unexpected results, which could then be developed
independently by each participant in accordance with his
professional interests. In general, April 21 is favorable for everyone
spontaneous types of creativity, which again makes this
holiday is an alternative to totalitarianism with its cult of the plan and

We are talking about the revival, or more precisely, the birth of traditions in Russia
intellectual social life, not confined to academic
workshops. About the use of the intellect by the public
prestige, so that not only rock and
movie stars. By the way, America needs this no less than Russia, and
few places in the modern world have intellectuals of their own
holiday. The holiday of April 21 could attract the attention of the Russian
society to the fate of the intellect, pressed from all sides and
feudal mentality of strength-honor-service, and
capitalist mentality of profit-use-success.

For all the shortcomings of the Russian public, it cannot be denied
love for the holidays, sometimes excessive. But there are areas
completely unaffected by the holidays. In particular, the Internet is fast
a growing community, which, like any public
organism, must have its own rhythms: its own excesses and austerities,
feasts and fasts, times of shouting and silence, etc. The most
sustainable and super-temporary of all communities - the church: which
rich orchestration of holidays, fasts, sacraments, how complex
Organized rhythmic calendar! Yes and any is correct
organized society, from the state to the family, from the trade union
cells to a couple in love - has its own rhythm, calendar,
ecstasies, labors and pauses... Your everyday life, holidays and fasts -
black, red And white dates.

Intellectual tournaments and collective improvisations on the Day
intellectuals can become red dates in the network calendar, like
great battles and peace treaties in the civil calendar.
And the birthdays of the leader and the Fuhrer will be white dates -
verbal fasting, abstinence, commemoration of their victims... So far, all
Internet calendar - black, everyday, work,
ant... We propose to add colored clearings to it,
draw in red and white on this black board. Internet life
communities need a structure of events that give meaning and
articulation of its monotonous buzzing.

– Day of Intellectuals, Day of Alternative Consciousness and Creative Imagination

– Day of challenge to any totalitarian consciousness – fascist,
communist, national socialist,
religious fundamentalist

– Day of dissent, no matter in what area it manifests itself:
political, economic, ideological, philosophical,

This is the festive opportunity of this alternative day.

April 21st has been celebrated unofficially since 1998. On this day on the Internet
The Encyclopedia of Alternative Ideas was opened, and in
Universe - the first alternative planetary system (in the constellation
Centaur). On the same day in Moscow is held annually
festival of new music "Alternative".

Since every holiday in our country is traditionally accompanied by calls
and toasts, here is the slogan:

Long live the alternatives! Be different! Be
sometimes brilliant. A little. By chance.

This means, in particular: try not to be geniuses of all times and
nations, like those born around the Day of Alternatives.

Answer from Young[guru]
Adolf Hitler (04/20/1889 [Braunau] - 04/30/1945) head of the German fascist state from 1933
What was Adolf Hitler like? Who was the Nazi monster who killed 50 million people during World War II? Before leaving the White House, US President Bill Clinton revealed secret documents that provide a psychological portrait of war criminal Adolf Hitler. They are registered under number 0695930/18.05.2000. These top secret CIA documents total 68 pages. They are a document of world history. They bear the date: December 3, 1942. The Hitler Papers may not be a sensation for historians, but they contain a psychogram of the dictator that is of great interest. Professor Guido Knopp comments, supplements and, if necessary, makes amendments to the text of documents.
CIA documents on Hitler's family
One look at Hitler's genealogy reveals a certain susceptibility to incest in his family. According to Mrs. Brigid Hitler, mother of Patrick Hitler, Hitler's mother Klara Poetz also had Czech blood in her veins, not counting the fact that she was related by blood to her husband Alois Schickelgruber (Alois Schickelgruber), who retroactively recognized Hitler as his son.
Hitler's father was 23 years older than his wife, and when Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, he was 52 years old. All available facts indicate that this marriage was unhappy.
The only fact that, apparently, sheds light on this marriage indicates that Hitler’s father was a sadist...
He was a violent man who habitually beat his dog until it urinated on the carpet.
Irina Blokhina (04/21/1921) Soviet microbiologist, academician, laureate of the USSR State Prize
Stanislav Rostotsky (04/21/1922 [Rybinsk] - 08/10/2001 [Vyborg]) Soviet film director, People's Artist of the USSR
Alistair MacLean (04/21/1922 - 02/02/1987) Scottish writer, author of adventure novels. The first novel, HMS Ulysses, 1955, is dedicated to wartime experiences.
Marcello Venturi (04/21/1925) Italian writer
Inna Ravich-Scherbo (04/21/1927 [Voronezh]) domestic psychogeneticist
Anatoly Granov (04/21/1932 [Donetsk (Ukraine)]) Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Director of the Central Research X-ray Radiological Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Nodar Kancheli (04/21/1938) Designer, author of the project for the collapsed buildings of Transvaal Park and the Basmanny Market.
Vadim Belov (04/21/1940 [Kuibyshev (now Samara)]) President of the Moscow Entrepreneur Foundation.
Philippe Seguin (04/21/1943) Politician
Semyon Altman (04/21/1946) coach of Chernomorets
Tatyana Bek (04/21/1949 [Moscow] - 02/07/2005 [Moscow]) poetess
Patti LuPone (04/21/1949 [New York]) actress who sings
Tony Danza (04/21/1951 [Brooklyn, New York]) American actor
Soslan Andiev (04/21/1952 [Vladikavkaz]) First USSR Freestyle Wrestling Championship
Natalia Vogel von Friesengoff (04/21/1954 [Vienna] - 01/09/1937 [Brodzyany. Slovakia]) niece of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin
Sergei Katanandov (04/21/1955) head of the Republic of Karelia
Chris Kelmi (04/21/1955) musician
Andie MacDowell (04/21/1958) film actress

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