If a person treats animals poorly. Humane treatment of animals

Our world is beautiful and multifaceted in all its manifestations. But unfortunately, aggression, a trait inherent only to humans, is an integral part of our existence, the world is the way we, people, make it. After all, unlike us, animals take from the surrounding nature only the minimum necessary to maintain life; it never occurs to them that they can derive pleasure from causing pain to others!

It seems that in the modern world there is little room left for empathy and compassion. In cinema, on television, and on the streets too - everywhere you have to deal with manifestations of cruelty and irritability of others. It is quite difficult to understand what the reason for all this is. The influence of the atmosphere of big cities? Media propaganda? Or maybe lack of proper upbringing?

Be that as it may, an important aspect of manifestations of cruelty is the negative attitude not only of man to man, but also of our smaller brothers. They are the ones who get the most. Perhaps because the animals do not fight back or because they are unable to take revenge. Let's try to figure out why, in fact, it is animals that most often become the object of violence and what this can ultimately lead to.

So, let's start with the fact that no one knows the exact time of domestication of the first animals. One can only assume that this significant event occurred back in the era when human tribes lived in caves. In short, the primitive instinct to kill for food or to preserve one’s own safety goes back to equally ancient times and is common to both animals and humans.

A little later, the essence of this immutable law changed. Man grew stronger, firmly settled on the earth, and began to actively breed various domestic animals, groom and cherish them. People began to value their animals highly, realizing that the quality of life directly depended on how fat their herds were. When resorting to sacrifices, they always chose the best individual in the entire herd. The cult of killing animals in the name of the gods was preached by almost all major world religions: early Christianity, Judaism, Islam, paganism, the cult of Voodoo, widespread in South and Central America even today.

It is clear that the meaning of killing during a sacrifice is not at all a mockery of a living being, but the readiness of a follower of religion to dedicate to the gods the best that he has.

Times have changed. Now it seems to any modern person not the most humane to maintain that ancient tradition, which is still prescribed by some religious movements and carried out by their followers.

At the same time, thousands of people around the world buy tickets every day to enjoy bloody, cruel spectacles, which are based on causing pain, suffering to the animal and ultimately leading to its death.

These events, classified as "entertainment" for unclear reasons, are very popular among a wide range of age groups.

Bullfighting, amateur hunting and shooting of animals of various species, fighting with dogs, camels, geese, roosters, baiting bears with dogs, feeding boa constrictors to rabbits - have spread throughout the globe, people take pleasure in such horrific reprisals against defenseless animals. Unfortunately, there are even people who specifically take their children with them to such shows, motivating their action by “training the will” of the growing child.

For some reason, these same parents express indignation and dissatisfaction when they return home after work and find their child in such an amusing process - tormenting a pet cat or a universally adored fat puppy.

But the child will not understand why if “they beat the bull and everyone clapped their hands and laughed - that’s good, but why then do I beat Murka, no one laughs or praises me?”

If parents from childhood do not instill in their child a sense of responsibility for defenseless animals, no matter what - rats, rabbits, frogs - then in the future his psyche may be formed in the wrong direction.

Having hurt someone who is weaker at least once, some children find it difficult to stop. Such children grow up to be hooligans who bully younger children. Such children constantly need to feel superior to others, to raise their self-esteem by humiliating someone who is unable to defend themselves.

Throughout his life, such a person will follow the path of increasing his own self-esteem by humiliating the weak. Therefore, animal owners often have to deal with rudeness and aggression among older people who have a pathological hostility towards animals, especially large fighting breeds.

How often do you hear: “The dogs have been bred! ", "Yes, such people must be kept on chains! ", "They showed on the news that someone like yours bit off the head of a poor child! "

What to do in such cases? The best option is to ignore it. Of course, the mood is no longer the same with which both the owner and the pet went for a walk. But it’s impossible to explain to an unexpected interlocutor that the dog wouldn’t hurt a fly, and he gives rides to all the kids in the area.

Unfortunately, aggression towards animals, regardless of what species they belong to, is observed everywhere, and this is not necessarily the bloody popular shows. Still, such “entertainment” is something out of the ordinary, close to exotic. But some human actions that lead to the painful death of dogs and cats are for some reason considered the norm: “unwanted” or rejected puppies and kittens are euthanized and thrown into the street; people move to a new house and leave old, sometimes sick animals in the same place. Their fate is different: some are caught or shot, others are lucky - they end up in shelters or under the care of members of various animal protection organizations, sometimes they are picked up by someone’s kind hands and hearts. Recently, more and more such organizations and people capable of mercy have appeared, which is incredibly encouraging.

We can only hope that people who are so cold-blooded about the problems of violation of animal rights will one day find the strength to finally realize that it is impossible to be strong by humiliating and killing the weaker. A strong and complete person is one who is happy in caring and protecting someone who needs it.

“By changing yourself, you change the world around you.” So let's make it kinder together with animals - our neighbors on the planet!

The problem of ruthless treatment of animals - ready-made arguments for writing the Unified State Examination

Possible theses:

People can make animals suffer for their own benefit.

Sometimes people torture animals for fun

People often kill animals unnecessarily

People don't realize that animals have feelings and make them suffer

Sometimes people unknowingly hurt animals

Chingiz Aitmanov's novel "The Scaffold"

In Aitmanov’s novel “The Scaffold,” people mercilessly exterminated saigas on the territory of the reserve in order to fulfill the meat delivery plan. They were indifferent to the fact that, through their fault, predators would also suffer and be left without food. And the man who tried to stop the poachers was killed by them.

In Aitmanov's novel The Scaffold, Bazarbai, a selfish and immoral man, stole wolf cubs while they were hunting in order to sell them. The predators took the loss of their offspring hard, but the man didn’t care, he didn’t even think about it. Personal gain for Bazarbai turned out to be more important.

Sergei Yesenin poem “Song of the Dog”

The heartbreaking poem “Song of the Dog” shows the inhumane treatment of animals. A man mercilessly killed his pet's newborn children. The puppies were drowned in front of the dog; she could not protect her offspring. It seemed that the owner did not understand that animals also have maternal feelings.

B. L. Vasiliev novel “Don’t shoot white swans”

Vasiliev’s novel “Don’t Shoot White Swans” describes many examples of ruthless treatment of animals. Drunk tourists on the territory of the reserve, without hesitation, burned an anthill that was preventing them from resting, stifled fish and shot beautiful white birds. And Vovka, the forester’s son, turned out to be a real flayer and wanted to torture the puppy to death.

Yuri Yakovlev story “He killed my dog”

Yakovlev’s story “He Killed My Dog” describes the story of a boy who turned out to be much more humane than adults. He found an abandoned animal and decided to become its friend. The little hero brought the dog into the house, but his father was against it and demanded to get rid of the new pet. The boy did not listen. When his son was not at home, the man called the trusting animal and shot the dog in the ear.

N. A. Nekrasov poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”

The problem of cruelty to animals is reflected in Nekrasov’s work “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.” The old man, talking about how he saved long-eared animals from a flood, mentions the cruelty of other people. They were amused by the drowning hares; no one felt sorry for the poor animals. For more fun, the men beat the obliques with hooks, leaving them no chance of salvation.

More and more buyers prefer farm products, citing the fact that they are produced with more love and humanity

Today, the humane treatment of animals is of great public interest throughout the world. The livestock sector of agriculture, as the most extensive system that uses animals for human needs, of course, cannot remain on the sidelines of these discussions. Legislation and some livestock regulations in Europe are already undergoing reforms to make the keeping of farm animals more humane. For Russia, this is all just a matter of time. Maybe we should think about ethics today?

Caring farmers get rich faster

The practice of animal husbandry is based not only on scientific achievements, but also on many years of personal experience. Farmers care about the health of each animal, the safety of the herd and increasing its productivity, since for them this is much more than just a business.

If end consumers of livestock products are asked what they would like to know about production technology, they most likely will not be able to answer anything specific. 68% of respondents would like to know what farmers do to make sure their animals are provided with everything they need and feel good.

Researchers at the University of California asked grocery shoppers to name five staple and other animal products. And “humaneness to animals” was the most common answer.

In another study, researchers from Ohio University found that about 59% of city residents surveyed were willing to pay more for meat if they saw that the label included a "reared" label. At the same time, 43% of them were willing to pay 10% more, and about 12% agreed to pay a quarter more than the current price just for careful treatment of animals.

About 93% of women in the United States buy products with certain emotions in mind. This is why they prefer farm products - women feel a strong emotional return because they are confident that farmers take good care of their animals and take care of them.

Research has shown that female buyers choose meat based on three criteria:

1) They try to purchase goods from farmers because they are sure that they care about the animals and the quality of the products;

2) They check documents confirming quality (papers issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Office of Sanitary Inspection) and giving confidence that the meat is completely safe;

3) And finally they look at the price

Closer to the animals, closer to the buyer

Why do buyers think that farmers care for their animals more carefully?

Jane Swanson of Michigan State University, speaking at a conference in Montana, noted that consumers tend to trust those who most remind them of themselves. Trust is distributed as follows: animal advocates, farmers or producers, federal management organizations, grocery stores, restaurants, and finally food and processing companies.

It is animal rights activists and farmers that customers trust most when it comes to the humane treatment of animals.

What exactly does the quality of a product depend on?

The well-being of the animal should include the following points:

No hunger, no thirst, no discomfort, no pain, no wounds or illness, and no fear or stress. In addition, animals should be able to behave as comfortably as possible. All specified conditions must be observed both on the farm and during. Of course, no one says that slaughter can be pleasant for animals, but people can make this procedure as quick and painless as possible.

European meat producers pride themselves on ensuring that animals are properly cared for and treated humanely on farms and farms.

Provide sufficient food and water, as well as take care of the health and good mood of the animals;

Provide protection against diseases to prevent epidemics in the herd, take care of veterinary care for sick animals, if necessary;

Provide humane and most comfortable conditions for transporting or restraining animals during technological procedures;

Use humane methods for slaughtering sick or injured animals;

Use personnel trained to properly handle animals and carry out all technological operations carefully;

Conduct periodic surveys of the herd to identify any needs;

Provide transportation conditions that prevent vehicles from being overcrowded with animals, and ensure the most comfortable loading and unloading;

Use in production the latest innovations and achievements that improve living conditions for animals

Assessing meat quality from an ethical perspective

“The Beef Quality Assurance” (BQA) is part of the humane treatment training methodology, which allows you to evaluate and compare animal welfare indicators and the level of your work without any difficulty and time.

The level of ethics in animal care is assessed according to three main criteria: the condition of the animals themselves, the physical and physiological characteristics of the premises and their compliance with the necessary conditions, as well as the condition of the equipment and technology used in the care of animals.

The assessment can be carried out either separately or as part of a general examination of animals. Regardless of who carries out the assessment (veterinarian or farm employee), it is important that it is sufficiently regular and allows for the necessary comparative analysis. The data obtained should provide information about what parameters of care should be changed to improve the quality of life of animals.

The essence of the technique is to repeatedly evaluate points divided into three large levels, each of which is very easy to take into account in one stage. Of course, the rating scale is still being improved and is far from being in its final form. However, with its help, it is already possible to highlight the most significant points and create a certain standard of behavior towards animals, which will be considered quite humane.

The scale is designed in such a way that if a farmer has successfully mastered the items corresponding to the first level, he can move on, improving animal care technology to reach the next level.

You can read about the National Union of Organic Producers in Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between humans and animals from the point of view of three
main directions: cultural - historical and cultural - anthropological,
ecological - psychological and interaction with cats and dogs as the main
pets in the city. Use of animals in
psychotherapeutic work is only mentioned as one of the main ones, and which should
be considered independently within the framework of psychological assistance to children and adults.
Pets, humane treatment, mutual affection, family member.
We are responsible for those we have tamed
A.S. Exupery
Man has long assumed the role of the crown of creation and for this reason decided that he could
dispose of the lives of other living beings at their own discretion. Growing in cities
number of pets, but the irresponsible attitude towards them is not noticeable
decreases. This manifests itself in the fact that the annoying animal is thrown out onto the street,
is taken to the forest, thrown at a public transport stop away from home, or
is given for euthanasia, and often this is a healthy and young animal. A bunch of
abandoned animals in autumn at dachas in all regions of the country cause animal rights activists
feeling of powerlessness. Animals are not sterilized, and the young are thrown away (sometimes with
mother) outside, sometimes they are also placed in plastic bags, tightly closed and
thrown into the trash. Despite the fact that 2017 was declared the year of ecology, the law
on the responsible treatment of animals has not yet been adopted, and it has not been adopted for 10 years.
According to the Criminal Code, a pet is property that
doesn't feel anything. In society there is no education of humane attitude towards
to humans as well as to animals. Abuse of a person begins with cruelty
treatment of animals, and this is especially true for teenagers who are also
They film their abuse.
At the same time, a retrospective analysis of the relationship between humans and animals
shows that more and more people are beginning to understand that there are other living things on earth
beings who have the right to life are no less than humans. It is gratifying that
Finally, they passed a law to toughen penalties for cruelty to animals, in
in which animals are no longer an insensitive object, but a living being that can
experience pain and suffering.
In Russia, research into the psychological aspects of human interaction with
animals are currently just beginning to develop, while analysis
foreign research shows that this area is developing quite well there
for a long time. However, one cannot help but recall the murder of the young giraffe Marius in Copenhagen.
a zoo in front of a crowd, where there were many children, and cutting it up to feed predators,
which was filmed, and the annual killing of dolphins in the Faroe Islands in
the same Denmark, also filmed on camera simply evoke a feeling of horror. So in
In “enlightened” Europe, the attitude towards animals is also not the best, despite everything
their research.
Humane treatment of animals is one of the components of environmental
thinking. In the study of relationships between humans and animals, we can distinguish
the following main directions:
1) cultural-historical and cultural-anthropological analysis of the relationship
humans and animals;
2) ecological - psychological approach to the issue of human interaction with animals
in city conditions;
3) human interaction with cats and dogs as the main pets
animals in the city;
4) the use of animals in psychotherapeutic work.
The first descriptions of cohabitation and interaction between humans and animals
there were works of art. Among foreign authors we can name fairy tales
R. Kipling, “Moby Dick” by G. Merville, E. Seton-Thompson with his stories about animals,
D. Darrell. Among the domestic authors, N.M. is well known. Przhevalsky, V.K. Arsenyev,
I. Akimushkin, V. Bianki. There is a wonderful 1972 film “The Selfless Path
love" about the relationship between a huntsman and the lynx he saved.
Cultural-historical and cultural-anthropological analysis of the relationship
humans and animals were considered in works in which
cultural and historical analysis of changes in attitudes towards animals in Russian
culture. The analysis of classical and modern ethnographic,
cultural, philosophical and psychological aspects of this problem
shows its interdisciplinary nature. Human evolution and process
domestication of animals took place simultaneously, and a pragmatic attitude towards
domestic animals in ancient times is replaced by an idealistic one. Animals have become
viewed as anthropomorphic beings, and the image of the domestic animal as an object
living nature was studied from the perspective of the ethnofunctional approach in psychology,
based on the cultural component. Considered in relationship
between man and animals since archaic times, when man did not see the difference
between themselves and nature to this day, it is noted that the anthropomorphization of animals,
which existed in the consciousness of archaic man and continues to be relevant until
present time. This explains the emergence of a person’s attitude towards home
treat your pet as a friend, companion and family member. Study of a person's attitude towards
the animal is presented in . Conducted a survey of 100 people, equally divided
by gender (50 men and 50 women), and comparable by age
attitude towards horses showed that “only 29% of these qualities are really
inherent in this animal, while the remaining 71% are anthropomorphic and mythical." The horse was not chosen by chance, since the townspeople have a very good opinion about horses.
relative view. As the author quite rightly notes, “it is
thanks to anthropomorphization in human perception of the image of any animal
it becomes possible to use various psychotherapeutic techniques with
using these images." The cultural analysis given in showed that
for the peasant, the most significant animals were the horse and the cow, which is completely
It’s clear: they provided for the life of a peasant family. Peasants don't like cats and dogs.
felt spiritual sympathy, they lived mainly on self-feeding, and for dogs
the attitude was more wary than towards cats that were allowed to be in
house, and the dog lived in the yard. As for the nobility, they loved hunting, for this reason
dogs were more important to her than cats, but they were supposed to be kept in the kennel. Only
Since the 18th century, starting with Peter I, who did not like hunting, dogs began to be kept in chambers.
As the author notes, from the 18th - 19th centuries. “keeping small indoor dogs in chambers
Russian nobility becomes fashionable,” which is reflected in works of literature and
paintings of that period of time. Now modern city dwellers are beginning
consider animals as family members, changing the pragmatic attitude towards them.
Animal rights activists and philosophers have increasingly begun to raise the question of whether people fulfill
moral obligations towards animals and humanity towards them.
It is no coincidence that in November 2017, Muscovites organized a Live Queue at the electronic
reception room of the State Duma, so that the Humane Law is finally adopted,
responsible treatment of animals. This law cannot be passed since 2010. According to -
Apparently, it was especially difficult to define what is humane and responsible
attitude towards them.
The issue of animal “rights” has been raised in one form or another at different times.
The famous Australian ecophilosopher Singer is the inspiration for the new
global animal rights movement. He proposed to consider not only morally -
ethical, but also legal side of the relationship between man and various species
Biologist P.M. Borodin proposes to consider understanding the history of civilizations as
“the trigger mechanism for the emergence and development of civilizations with all their advantages and
shortcomings and as a key to understanding the history of civilizations, to understanding why
this history turned out this way and not otherwise and ultimately determined the appearance of modern
world to understand why this story turned out this way and not otherwise and, ultimately,
determined the face of the modern world." In other words, domestication
animals or domestication is a cultural - historical process of development
civilizations associated with changing lifestyles associated with hunting and gathering
to cultivating fields and raising livestock. At the same time, the process of change also concerns
animals and humans, and these changes have led to the fact that some species of animals and
people become clear to each other and the pet actually becomes a member
families. Conducted by I.D. Rudakova in 2015 showed that “77% of respondents,
who include a pet in the family system, assign them the status of a child, friend, brother.
The remaining 23% of owners include animals in the family, but continue to count them
what they are, i.e. a cat, a parrot, a dog, a hamster, etc.” Because the role
animals are brought closer to the role of family members, there is a tendency to bury animals,
which copies human burials in terms of arranged graves.
A number of authors, for example, explain the anthropomorphization of domestic animals
environmental deprivation of urban residents. Rudakova I.D. notes that "total
the lack of natural objects in the field of vision of a city dweller pushes him to create
its own ecological world, being in which will cause
comfortable condition. Thus, a certain ecosystem is created in each apartment.”
Ecological - psychological approach to the issue of human interaction with animals in
city ​​conditions
Nikolskaya A.V. notes that the analysis of existing approaches to interaction
human and animal within the framework of currently existing psychological
there are no directions, and proposes a new model of eco-psychological interspecies
interactions between humans and animals, in which the objects of study are
relationships between them. The author proposes an ecopsychological model
psychological interaction in the interspecies group “human - pet”,
which includes the following phenomena:
a) trust, affection, formation and acceptance of rules of conduct in relation to
each other, dominance/submission structure, interspecies communication;
b) determinants that determine the dynamics of an interspecific group and its types
c) the presence of a mutual need for interaction (on the part of the person and on the part of
animal) as a necessary and sufficient condition for the emergence and preservation
interspecies psychological interaction;
d) the ability of both participants in interaction to form and accept norms
interspecific interaction;
e) the psychological structure of the relationship between humans and domestic animals within
unified system of relations.
A. V. Sukharev, the author of the ethnofunctional paradigm in psychology, believes that
a city dweller, when he gets a pet in his apartment, “unconsciously
tries to go through the stage of mental development corresponding to the archaic
perception of nature and the animal world." According to Sukharev A.V., discrepancies
between the inner world of the individual and his relationship to the outside world, as well as how
he further writes “the discrepancy between the figurative content of the individual’s relationships to various
elements of the ethnoenvironment lead ... to disruption of the mental development of the individual.” According to this
reason, a person who gets a pet has a much greater chance
preserve your mental health than someone who doesn’t have it.
The work examines the formation of human subjectivity in interactions with
nature, which is determined by three main points:
1) a new understanding of nature and its role in people’s lives has been formed, which
is to strengthen the role of the natural environment and increase human dependence on
2) in domestic psychology such an approach has emerged and become established, the basis
which is the understanding of the essence of mental phenomena as belonging to
to the subject: activity, intentionality, reflexivity, integration,
responsibility, etc.;
3) a separate direction emerged - environmental psychology as a result
the appearance of a fairly large number of experimental works on the study
development of man’s relationship with nature (in anthropogenetic and ontogenetic
From the authors’ point of view, the current problem for psychologists is the importance
studying the formation of human subjectivity not only in social terms, but also in
the process of his psychological interactions with the natural environment. As a result of the analysis
experimental work in this direction is carried out the following main
conclusions that are of interest in the light of the problem under consideration:
1) it is important to study the problems of personality development within the framework of an integral system,
uniting man and nature in the light of the indirect influence of the environment
natural environment per person;
2) the importance of distinguishing between the concepts of the natural environment in general and
surrounding a person, that which is in direct or indirect interactions with
man, as the natural environment of man, possessing a complex of influences and
conditions that provide the opportunity to meet his needs,
manifestations of his abilities and their development;
3) human interaction with his natural environment is ambivalent
and is considered as a subject - subject interaction;
4) analysis of theoretical and experimental works shows a contradiction between
theoretical and experimental work, since the theoretical approach
has great variety;
5) it is proposed to consider the interaction of man and nature within a systemic framework -
subject approach, in which the category of subject is understood as broader in
compared with the concept of “personality”, which results in a change in attributes
subjectivity of the person himself.
Human interaction with cats and dogs as primary pets
animals in the city
This direction is considered in the work of Varga A.Ya and Fedorovich E.Yu. .
The authors' analysis showed that more than half of families in the United States and in
The UK and almost one in three families in Europe have pets. And when
There is a tendency for the number of pets to increase. In addition, from 1998 to 2002 in Turkey
the number of pets increased by 39%, in Brazil by 28%, and the population of pets
The number of pets in Thailand almost doubled during this time, but most of all in China.
The authors emphasize that about the formation of “special”, deeper, emotionally
meaningful and more intimate relationships and alliances with DPs [domestic
pets], as well as attachment to them, say people from small families
living in cities, having gone through a divorce... Most of the owners of DPs are in cities
say they consider their animals "members of the family", there is much evidence that
animals often function as social support within the family.”
At the same time, the authors note that they practically did not encounter family
family therapy systems for the roles that family pets play in it. At
they have not encountered this in domestic literature at all, but in foreign research
are of a singular nature. Of the few foreign studies, the authors note that
that pets allow people to express deep feelings and provide an opportunity to care
about other living beings. On the other hand, a pet often consists of
triangulation relationships, when it plays the role of either a lightning rod or an object,
through which something is communicated to a family member. In conclusion, the authors note that
animals in the family system carry both functional and dysfunctional
character, and the motives for including animals in the family system require further
Singler P. sees the basis of the relationship between a person and a pet in a childish way
- parental relationships that are based on attachment and described in theory
Bowlby's affections.
Bowlby's attachment theory is based on people's predisposition to
establishing close emotional connections with certain people. She
seen as a basic component of human nature, which is present from
neonatal stage and persists throughout life until old age.
The concept of attachment in this theory is considered in two aspects:
1) As an emotional connection between a child and an “attachment figure.”
2) As a special type of child behavior aimed at maintaining contact with the figure
attachment, which is a source of protection and support.
Attachment behavior has an important biological function in humans
children, as well as in mammals and some birds. This behavior is gradual
fixed by the mechanism of natural selection.
In the light of this approach, the determinants of choice are easy accessibility,
activity, mobility and affection from the animal and the opportunity to give it to him.
People use pets as a source of love, acceptance and emotional
support that can help restore emotional calm in difficult times
time. Pet owners tend to feel that their pet is loving and accepted
them unconditionally and that their relationship with the pet is characterized by stability,
consistency, tenderness, warmth, fidelity, authenticity and absence
coercion or competition. Singler believes that the basis for choosing a pet is the type
human attachments. A person with a high score on attachment and avoidance does not
self-confident, frustrated, and have negative opinions about human nature.
Since animals are more constant in their relationships, human-human relationships
his pet is largely determined by the person. As his research showed
, there were no significant relationships between pet attachment and
anxiety and avoidance, age, gender, education, previous pet and current
pet and duration of pet ownership. Significant difference
was established between cat and dog owners: relationships with dogs are closer,
than with cats, since cats are more independent than dogs.
They also found that a person with an avoidant attachment type
prefers cats because it promotes less close relationships with
animals. At the same time, anxious people feel safer with
with a pet than with a person.
Proposed by Nikolskaya A.V. model of interaction between a pet owner and his
a favorite in its simplest form includes a person as a representative of his
biological species and its cultural and historical era and animal as
representative of its biological species. Each partner of the formed interspecific
group “person - pet”, to one degree or another fulfills in relation to
to another participant a certain function of mutual satisfaction of life
needs, thanks to which an interspecies group and a correspondence function arise
interspecies interaction to the expectations of its participants. Depending on the degree
performance of these functions and type of interaction group “person - pet”
turns out to be more or less stable. This theoretical model promotes
expanding ideas about the nature of the psyche, because the psyche of animals and humans
is considered in the context of unified methodological foundations and a unified model
development of the functional system of the psyche. The proposed model received
confirmation of 1089 cases of psychological counseling for animal owners
(70% dogs and 30% cats).
As a result, the following psychological phenomena were identified:
1) on the human side - trust, security, predictability, to the extent that
it justifies the expectations from its acquisition, and on the part of the animal - emotional
perception of a person who does not necessarily have the quality of the counter equivalent
2) the attachment of an animal to a person and the feeling of love of a person for his pet,
which consists of such components as care, knowledge of the object of love, respect for it
needs, faith in its capabilities;
3) formation and adoption of interaction norms established in each specific
interspecific group,
4) position of dominance/submission;
5) nonverbal communication signals received and sent by participants
interaction and allowing one to navigate in the context of the situation, and individual
verbal signals sent by a person.
6) trust between the owner and the pet is group-forming and depends on it
stability of the interspecific group;
7) the resulting model of interspecies interaction in the “human - domestic” group
animal" allows us to offer methods for solving such applied problems as:
psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling for animal owners,
practical recommendations for specialists providing consultations for the purpose of
normalization of interspecies interaction.
The use of animals in psychotherapeutic work is separate
direction of research and in this case is not considered. Briefly it can be noted
socialization of autistic children and children with cerebral palsy through their communication with dolphins and horses.
To summarize, we can draw the following conclusions
1) The relevance of studying the interaction between humans and animals, as well as the factors
determining the choice of a pet is determined by the increase in the number of pets
pets and their inclusion in the family system.
2) Irresponsible attitude towards pets has led to an increase in homeless animals,
whose numbers are regulated by the state in the most barbaric manner due to their
murder, either explicit or implicit, through detention in municipal shelters,
more reminiscent of a concentration camp for animals.
3) Throughout the history of civilizations, attitudes towards animals have changed from
pragmatic to more humane, which requires new paradigms in considering the system
man is an animal.
4) In studies devoted to human-animal relationships, you can
highlight cultural-historical and cultural-anthropological analysis
relationships between humans and animals, ecological - psychological approach to the issue of
human interaction with animals in the city; separate consideration
human interaction with cats and dogs as the main pets in
urban conditions, the use of animals in psychotherapeutic work.
6) The common factor that unites both models is the emotional component
interactions between a person and his pet.
7) You need to cultivate the right attitude towards animals from childhood, this is the only way
create a healthy society where people will treat all living things responsibly
1. Bowlby J. Attachment. – M., 2003. – 477 p.
2. Borodin P. M. Domestication and civilization // Philosophy of science. 2002. No. 3 (14). P. 85
— 94
3. Varga A. Ya., Fedorovich E. Yu. On the psychological role of pets in the family //
Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series Psychological
Science. 2009. T. 1, No. 3. P. 22 - 34.
4. Mudrak S.A., Gagarin A.V. The formation of human subjectivity in psychological
interaction with nature // CyberLeninka: / https: // cyberleninka.ru / article / n / stanovlenie
- subektnosti - cheloveka - v - psihologicheskih - vzaimodeystviyah - s - prirodoy, 2017
5. Nikolskaya A.V. Socio-psychological study of interspecies
ethological interaction between man and dog in an urban family: abstract of thesis.
dis. ...cand. psychol. Sci. M., 2008. 21 p.
6. Rudakova I. D. Ecology - a psychological approach to the issue of interaction
people with animals in the city. // Current problems of ecology and
environmental management: collection. scientific tr. / answer ed. N. A. Chernykh. M.: RUDN, 2013. Issue. 15. P. 454
7. Rudakova I.D., Yagodovskaya I.V. The sociocultural role of pets in life
citizens (historical and psychological aspect) // CyberLeninka: https: // cyberleninka.ru /
article / n / sotsiokulturnaya - rol - domashnih - zhivotnyh - v - zhizni - gorozhan - istoriko -
psihologicheskiy - aspekt, 2017
8. Singer P. Animal Liberation // Wildlife Conservation Series / Kyiv, ecology. —
crops center. 2002. Issue. 29. 134 p.
9. Sukharev A.V. Stepanov I.L. Ethnofunctional approach to psychotherapy
affective disorders // Psychol. magazine 1997. T. 18, No. 1. P. 122 - 133.
© Kvaskova A.V., 2017

A dog is a devoted friend

As newspaper readers wrote, for this alone she deserved a monument. Monuments dedicated to our four-legged friends exist in many countries.

Thus, the story of the devoted dog Hachiko became known throughout Japan, and then throughout the world. He had been waiting at the railway station for almost ten years for the return of his deceased master, the professor. After the newspapers wrote about Hachiko, crowds of people poured into this station to see the faithful dog.

After Hachiko's death, a monument was erected near the station, which became a meeting place for lovers. And the image of the dog itself has become an example of selfless love and loyalty for many people from different countries.

Children's Advocates

Almost every one of you who has had or has a cat in your home knows how jealously this furry domestic animal protects its cubs. Even the owner can be scratched if she reaches out to her baby.

However, we don’t always know how independent and seemingly indifferent cats and female cats are capable of loving their owners, especially younger family members. Moreover, sometimes at the risk of their own life, or even at the cost of it, they are able to save children from danger.

Such a case is known. In the garden, next to his little mistress, a cat was basking in the sun. Suddenly he became wary. The girl followed his gaze and saw a large viper. She had already raised her head, ready to attack. The brave cat flew into the air like lightning and entered into single combat with a poisonous snake. He had a hard time, but the little defenseless mistress was saved.

Here's another example of a cat's dedication. One day, a strange, ferocious dog wandered into the yard and attacked a little girl. The baby screamed, and in response to her frightened voice, the furry protector jumped out of the house. She rushed to the dog with lightning speed and grabbed its muzzle. The cat fought bravely. She did not unclench her claws even when the dog began to violently paw at her.

The girl remained safe and sound, but the devoted domestic cat, who became a savior, was seriously injured. Veterinarians made a lot of efforts to save the life of the brave cat.

Domestic cat

A domestic cat is called a domestic cat because it lives next to a person, in his home, and not only serves him faithfully, but also gives warmth, affection, and sometimes has a healing effect. And each cat has its own habits, its own disposition, its own degree of independence and even its own food preferences.

Cats that have the opportunity to roam free have their own hunting territories and occupy small areas. But the cats are trying to capture larger areas. They resolutely drive away any violator from their borders. But it happens that cats that are similar in character do not fight, but are friends. Cats and cats living nearby even have a common meeting area. Here they can stay for hours and peacefully “talk” about something.

The more people learn about domestic cats, the more surprised they become. This cute furry animal is not as open and outwardly not as friendly as a dog, but at the same time it is capable of truly loving its owner and even feeling when he is feeling bad. Then the cat is especially affectionate with him, somehow “finds out” where the owner’s sore spot is, and lies down, pressing her whole warm and soft body closely against him.

Loyalty of domestic cats

For example, a cute homebody cat lived in the same house. Since she did not stand out in anything special (neither beauty nor breed), she was given to people who lived in another region without any special regrets. But she didn’t like the new owners. And the cat, deciding to return, set off on a long journey - almost two hundred and fifty kilometers.

Only a few months later she reached home. Previously, the cat had never been further than its own yard, but now it has found a home among thousands and thousands of other people’s buildings. At the same time, the cat - a previously pampered domestic creature - appeared before her soulless owners so exhausted and exhausted that instead of meowing, she only silently opened her mouth. Her body, covered with wounds and scabs, had the most deplorable appearance: the pads of her paws were worn away, and broken claws were barely visible on her sore fingers. But she was back in her home!

And there are many more similar cases with cats, as well as stories about dogs returning home. You can read about them in the press from time to time. But how many heart-touching stories were not reflected in the press!

What is the mysterious compass that draws the cat towards the house? Perhaps, if she is a short distance from home, then her excellent visual memory and familiar smells help her find her way. But how does a cat manage to find its way when it is taken tens and hundreds of kilometers from its home?

To answer this question, experiments were conducted with several cats. They were taken far outside the city and kept for some time in an enclosure with exits in different directions. Finally, all the doors were opened. And each cat left the enclosure precisely through the exit that looked at her distant, invisible, but so desired home.

So much for a “simple” pussy!

Science from the Elder

Many of you are accustomed to the fact that a furry meowing creature lives in your apartment. How do you feel about him, not only in times of touching and tender childhood, cheerful playfulness, or in the time of his mature beauty and agility? Do you care when it gets sick and grows old?

One day an elder asked his family:

Where is our cat? Somehow he is not visible.

They answered him:

Yes, he has become old, toothless and no longer catches mice. So they took him to the ravine, he heard in response.

The elder paused, he was very upset by people’s ingratitude and heartlessness, and then said:

Find the cat, wash it, and lay him a clean bedding. And let him live in the kitchen, feed him until he dies.

Mischievous but faithful

Cow owners know that, like dogs and cats, they are capable of being loyal to their owners. Without suffering separation, cows can find their way back to their loved ones from very distant lands. Here, for example, is a curious incident that happened in the south of America with a cow named Julia.

This wonderful cow was a big fan of oranges and tangerines that grow in those places. To eat food and generally walk freely, Julia could jump over a fence more than a meter high. The owner got tired of the cow's frequent tricks and sold it to a neighboring farmer. And he lived thirty kilometers from him.

But Julia did not stay in the new place for long. Having waited until nightfall, she skillfully (she had experience) jumped over the fence and set off on the way back. On the way there were swamps, ditches, hills, and we even had to swim across a river. However, having overcome all these obstacles, the faithful cow returned to her old owner.

What about people? Do they always respond with love to animals' feelings? Here is a true story that a cow deserves people's kindness and respect in return.

One woman bought a cow - a milk cow, but with character. Her new owner began to milk her. The cow stood somehow awkwardly, and the woman roughly hit the animal on the leg. And, imagine, the cow was offended and did not give milk. Then the angry owner kicked her out of the barn and into the yard.

Meanwhile, her sister came to visit the owner and saw a cow in the middle of the yard, standing and crying. Tears were just rolling down from her eyes. The sister approached the cow. And she, of course, cannot say anything, but it is clear that she is complaining. The sister entered the house and asked:

Why is the cow crying?

Yes, it was I who spoke to her rudely and hit her on the leg. So she didn’t give me milk.

Well, what can you do now, you need to somehow make peace with her. Cut some bread, sprinkle it with salt and give it to the offended woman.

The hostess listened to her sister’s advice and offered the cow some salted bread, and even stroked it affectionately. The cow calmed down. After that, she always had a lot of tasty milk - more than one family had enough. That's how it happens!

The love of horses for humans

So, there is an opinion that the most faithful pets are dogs and cats. However, sometimes the horses, perhaps, are not inferior to them in their devotion.

Many wonderful stories have been told about the intelligence, depth of inner life and devotion of horses to their owner and friend.

So, in the old days, on the battlefield, a horse more than once helped a fallen rider to return to the saddle. Or she would free his leg, which was caught in the stirrup. And if the rider died, the horse could sadly stand over the body stretched out on the ground, sniffing it, and not want to leave. This is a case of loyalty to the owner that remains in history.

It was two hundred years ago, when Cossack and hussar cavalry regiments fought in the Russian army. One hussar, struck down in battle by a cannonball, fell under the feet of his horse. Feeling that the owner had frozen at his feet, he stopped. The faithful friend stood by the lifeless body for a long time, and then lay down next to him.

When the battle was over, the comrades of the dead man came, intending to remove the body. But as soon as they approached, the horse jumped to its feet and began to furiously rush at the people. They were forced to retreat. This happened several times. The horse jealously guarded the peace of its owner. All night he remained near his body, without leaving a single step. In the morning, apparently, he finally realized that the owner was dead. After standing for a while, the horse suddenly raised its head and, stretching its neck, neighed shrilly and pitifully.

“The pain of irreparable loss was in these sounds,” wrote the author who recounted this incident. “But we are accustomed to believing that only a person is capable of such grief.”

Advantages of a horse

It is very difficult to show in its entirety the great role of the horse in human life. For thousands of years, where he lacked his strength, the power of horses came to the rescue. With the help of horses, people moved faster, transported goods and plowed the land. It was the horse that helped them explore new spaces on earth.

The domestic horse, like the dog, due to its intelligence, loyalty and strength given to people, has always been considered their true friend. And what spiritual qualities and abilities this wonderful animal is endowed with! And, of course, the beauty bestowed on horses has always captivated and still captivates the hearts of people.

This is how the world famous naturalist Alfred Bram spoke about the merits of the horse:

“The horse is a faithful servant and companion of man everywhere: at home, in the field and in war; the horse is the embodiment of beauty and grace. Look, in fact, at a thoroughbred horse. His fluttering nostrils glow and smoke; fast legs impatiently dig the ground; the fiery gaze throws lightning; the beautiful, sweeping mane flutters and undulates; the long fluffy tail blooms like a plume. The noble horse seems to be proud of its beauty.”

And here’s how one schoolboy wrote about the amazing beauty of horses in his essay:

“In the summer, my older brother and I visited our grandmother in the village. One day at dawn we went fishing.

We arrived at the place. They cast their fishing rods. But I wasn’t looking at the float, but at how the guys were bathing their horses on the other shore. They bathed, sat astride them and galloped along the steep bank. At this time the sun appeared! And the horses were so beautiful in its golden rays!

They galloped, barely touching the ground with their hooves. Their tails and manes, fluttering in the wind, seemed golden...

For several minutes I stood spellbound, although the horses were already far away.”

Her intelligence

Horse breeders often use the term understanding in relation to horses. Indeed, people have always been amazed by the intelligent behavior of these animals.

An important quality of a horse as a human assistant is its excellent memory. The horse perfectly remembers the terrain and objects on it. Those who have ever trusted their horse on night roads know well that it will always lead you home without fail.

When the owner sets off on a journey, the horses at first do not know where exactly. But gradually they begin to understand that the road leads to where a year or two ago they were grazing on good grass. And then the horses perk up and quicken their pace. Even if they are not guided, memory allows them to go exactly to the right place.

But if in winter you direct the horses to the meadow where they grazed in the summer or spring, then they will go there reluctantly - after all, at that time there is no grass there. In other words, these smart animals are able to distinguish between seasons.

Horses not only easily remember the route, but also have excellent knowledge of the terrain. Thanks to this, they can quite independently return home as a herd from the most distant pasture, even if they are there for the first time. Although there are no roads as such in the steppe.

Horses have a very sensitive sense of smell. They often use their sense of smell to navigate and can sense their own scents left behind along the way. And from the experience of Mexican cowboys who herd cows on horseback, it is known that with the help of scent, horses can even find a lost and far-gone cow.

But still, horses more often use their excellent visual memory. She helps them when going into the forest, where many paths and roads branch and intersect. All it takes is for a horse to walk along any of them once, and it will unmistakably lead to a certain place, even after several years. Moreover, during this time, all the horses in the team, except for one, can change. Then the veteran horse becomes the leader. He leads the entire team, and the rest of the horses obediently obey him.

Birds in the service of people

Sometimes amazing relationships are also established between humans and tamed birds. It happened that some birds served people no worse than guard dogs.

Even the ancient Romans, paying tribute to the intelligence, caution and sensitivity of geese, used them as guards. Loyal birds vigilantly guarded the territory. And it’s not for nothing that geese are immortalized in the myth of their salvation of Rome. After all, it was the geese that made the noise, signaling the appearance of enemies at the walls of this city.

And in African villages they often keep a secretary bird as a guard against snakes. Usually the bird feeds on locusts, termites and rodents, but it is not averse to preying on snakes. The secretary, without hesitation, attacks the largest, most poisonous and dangerous ones. The bird defends itself from their bites by flapping its wide wings, while simultaneously delivering powerful blows with its strong legs. When meeting with the secretary, the snake has little chance of surviving.

Local residents know about this, so they take the secretary bird chicks from the nest and nurse them. They quickly get used to people and become tame. And then the grown-up secretaries faithfully protect not only their owners, but also vigilantly guard the poultry from ground and air predators.

Stories told by writers

Dragonfly and plantain

“A curious conversation took place between a dragonfly, sitting down to rest on a wildflower by the road, and a plantain:

Why are you growing on the very path where people walk?

For someone to notice me.

Why do you need a person to notice you?

To treat his wound.

What if he doesn't have a wound?

Then the other person has it.

What if they don't notice you?

One won’t notice, another won’t notice, but someone will notice, and I’ll give him my piece of paper. If necessary, I will give all of myself for a wounded person.

Well, what if they just trample you?

Well, I'll endure it.

Why do you love this man of yours so much?

Because he needs me,” said the plantain” (Vyacheslav Breyer).

Reproach to the owner

“But do people always deserve the love of faithful animals?

Once upon a time in one city there lived a fairly wealthy merchant. One day he was going to a fair far from home, where he was supposed to receive a lot of money for goods. The merchant had a favorite horse, which he always rode on business. And this time the merchant did not change his habit.

He received the money and set off on his way back. He happened to be passing through the forest; there the robbers attacked him. It would have been bad for the merchant, yes, thank you, the horse helped out. She escaped from the robbers and galloped home with her owner at full speed. The owner promised in joy that he would never forget this service: he would feed and care for his faithful horse until his death.

The horse saved its owner, but apparently blew itself up while running quickly through the deep snow. She began to limp, and on top of that, she became blind.

The blind and lame horse was no longer needed by the merchant. At first he ordered her to feed her less, and then he regretted this too - he ordered the horse to be driven out into the street and the gates to be closed.

And it was winter. For a long time, with his head down, the horse stood at the gate and waited to be let back in. Night came, the horse was cold and hungry, but still did not leave the gate. Then she realized that she wouldn’t expect anything here, and wandered down the street. The blind horse walked with its neck stretched out and sniffing the ground. She was looking for food with her lips - grass or a piece of hay. Only the poor thing couldn’t find anything - there was snow everywhere. So she reached the square where there was a pillar with a bell.

In this city, for a long time, there was a custom that anyone who was in trouble and who needed help would come and ring the bell. At the ringing, residents and elders of the city gathered in the square to figure out what was going on and decide how to help the person.

The horse reached the post, caught the bell rope in its teeth and began chewing it out of hunger. The rope twitched - and a loud and prolonged ringing of bells began throughout the city. Residents of the city gathered in the square and saw a horse standing and ringing a bell.

This is a merchant's horse. Apparently something bad happened to her,” said one of those who came.

The city elders sent for the owner. A merchant came to the square. And a lot of people had already gathered there to see with their own eyes how the horse complained about its owner. The merchant felt ashamed. He bowed to the people who had gathered in the square at the sound of the bell, and apologized:

Forgive me, good people, I promised to feed and care for the horse that saved my life, but I myself treated it cruelly: I drove the blind and lame one out of the yard to starve to death. Thank you for talking some sense into me.

The merchant brought the horse home and began to take care of it, as he had once promised.

And the residents of the city, so that people would not forget that they need to be merciful to animals, carved on a stone the silhouette of a horse ringing a bell.

This stone still stands on the city square as an edification to people” (Ivan Ivanovich Gorbunov-Posadov).

Prudent Elephant

“In India, it is customary to tame elephants. And then one day the owner of such an elephant went with him into dense and wild forests - the jungle. The elephant trampled the owner's path and helped to cut down trees, and he loaded them onto the elephant.

Suddenly the elephant stopped obeying its owner, began to look around, shake its ears, and then raised its trunk and trumpeted loudly. The owner also looked around, but did not notice anything unusual. He became angry with the elephant and in his anger began to whip its ears with a branch. And the elephant bent even lower and bent its trunk, as it usually did, to lift its owner onto its back.

The man thought that maybe he should sit on the elephant’s neck - it would be more convenient to deal with him. He sat down on the elephant, continuing to whip his ears with a branch. And the elephant backs away, tramples and twirls its trunk. Then he froze and became wary.

The owner swung his hand again to hit the elephant harder, when suddenly a huge tiger appeared from the thickets. He rushed at the elephant from behind to jump on its back. But he got his paws on tree trunks and couldn’t resist - they fell down. The tiger wanted to jump another time. But the elephant managed to turn around, grabbed the tiger across the stomach with its trunk and squeezed it as if with a thick rope...

The owner did not immediately recover from fear, but when he came to his senses, he realized that the faithful elephant had saved his life. Taking the bread he had prepared for himself out of his bag, he gave it all to the faithful and wise animal” (Boris Zhitkov).

Based on materials from the books in the “Reading for the Soul” series. You can purchase books in the “Reading for the Soul” series.

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