Compass for determining the qibla. Qibla direction: how to determine? Holy Kaaba in Mecca

Instructions for determining the position of Mecca for performing Namaz.

Islam is the youngest religion that exists at the moment. However, despite this, she has a huge number of fans and people who pray to Allah every day. In this article we will tell you in which direction the prayer should be performed.

In which direction is prayer done according to the compass?

This daily prayer, which is held five times a day. It is worth noting that there are a lot of rules and even entire instructions for performing prayer associated with this action. Muslims are an unusual people who adhere to a huge number of rules when performing prayer. It is necessary to perform prayer not in any direction, but in a certain direction. More precisely, it is carried out to the side Qibla.

In which direction is prayer done according to the compass:

  • Qibla literally translated as located opposite. Previously, it was located towards the city of Jerusalem, but then it was moved to the city of Mecca, where the Kaaba is now located. The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of difficulties in determining the direction Qibla , in the event that a person is in the desert, traveling, or is constantly in transport.
  • Many believe that the development of mathematics, physics, geometry, as well as exact sciences, was provoked precisely by the need to accurately determine Qibla . Now there are many ways to determine this direction; they even sell special mats with compasses and with a mark, that is, an indicator in which direction the prayer should be performed.
  • Despite this, with the definition Qibla there are many difficulties involved, especially if a person is on the road. However, there are several ways to determine this direction using the stars, the Sun, as well as a compass, and an electronic clock.

How to determine which direction to perform namaz?

Nowadays everything is much simpler, since there are electronic maps that allow you to determine the exact direction. However, unfortunately, not everywhere on the road it is possible to turn on GPS navigation, which is why in such cases orientation is carried out using ancient methods, using the direction of the sun and stars.

How to determine which direction to perform namaz:

  • Before the advent of new technologies, the direction of Qibla was determined using special tables. They were based and developed based on mathematical formulas and complex calculations.
  • A little earlier, mathematicians racked their brains and provided a huge number of special formulas to determine the direction of the Qibla. However, in most cases, such measurements were not suitable for the general population, since not everyone had enough knowledge, erudition and IQ levels to determine the calculation using these formulas.
  • Accordingly, that is why all the values ​​were entered into special tables, which were used for quite a long time. Now everything works much easier; all you need is an electronic watch or a phone with an online application.
  • Thanks to it, the exact coordinates of your location are found, and as a result, a person receives a vector, a direction towards which it is necessary to perform prayer. However, if this is not possible, then the sun is often used. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the Sun and see that the shadow will be directed towards the East, your back will be North, and your face will be directed towards the South. This is how they determined where Qibla is located.

Position of Mecca

How do you know which direction to perform namaz?

There is an opinion that Muslims always pray towards the East, However, this is only appropriate for eastern countries. If you are, for example, in the USA, then prayers can be directed towards the northeast. In every corner of the globe the direction can change.

How to know which direction to perform namaz:

  • Now, thanks to modern technology, determining the location of Mecca is quite simple. However, before everything was much more complicated. In general, the simplest option is orientation towards the Sun.
  • As mentioned above, you need to stand with your back to the Sun at 12:00 and determine the location. This will help if you know in which direction the Kaaba is located from a given place. Then it will be enough to simply determine the point in the direction of which you need to look and determine the coordinates of where you are now.
  • Nowadays it is enough to have GPS navigation and the simplest compass to determine the direction. There are many online sites that allow you to determine the direction of Mecca. In general, the direction is of great importance, but there are several opinions and confirmation that if you prayed in the wrong direction, then nothing bad will happen.

Which direction should you pray in?

There is several evidence that previously, to determine the direction, it was necessary to perform many complex manipulations that did not give an accurate direction and had a very large error in measurements. That is whysome travelers prayed in the wrong direction.

In which direction should you perform namaz:

  • There is even a story that says that two travelers could not determine the direction of Mecca, so they prayed in completely different directions, opposite in direction.
  • The action was carried out at night, in the morning the travelers determined by the level of the sun where the south and west were and realized that they were performing prayer in the wrong direction, where Mecca is located.
  • However, the prophet came to them and said that there was no need to repeat the prayer, since Allah is everywhere: in the north, in the West, and in the East. There is a number of confirmations of this, so if you accidentally incorrectly determined the direction of the Qibla, then there is no need to repeat the prayer. This applies to travelers, as well as people who have difficulty determining the direction of the Kaaba.

It is worth considering that when building temples in Islam, they also use the direction relative to the Kaaba. In general, all temples face Mecca, so this fact should be taken into account. When performing prayer, you can focus on the position of the mosque. In any country in the world it is built according to these rules. Therefore, while in the mosque, it is necessary to stand in the indicated directions. In some temples, there are markings on the floor and walls indicating which direction the prayer should be performed.

VIDEO: Which direction do Namaz go?

Qibla compass for namaz is an Islamic application.
The Qibla compass will help you find the direction of the Kaaba, where Muslims can offer prayer.
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The Qibla compass will determine the exact direction of prayer.
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When performing prayer in Islam, you need to position yourself strictly in relation to a certain direction. Let's figure out where Muslims pray and how to independently determine the side, regardless of your location.

Why direction matters

Righteous Muslims must strictly observe a certain set of rules when performing prayer and ritual actions. Among them, the qibla or qiblah occupies a key place. From Arabic this word is translated as “direction”.

The term qibla refers to the exact direction towards the holy Kaaba. When performing religious rituals, a believer must strictly adhere to the qibla, that is, face the direction of the holy Kaaba.

The Qibla serves as a guide for all Muslims when performing prayer. It is a symbol of the spiritual unity of all rightful people, regardless of their location and residence. Orientation, taking into account the location of the Kaaba, is essential when constructing mosques.

Why towards the Kaaba? Al-Kaaba al-Musharraf “The Venerable Kaaba” is the main Muslim shrine, which is a cube-shaped building located in the courtyard of the Forbidden Mosque in the city of Mecca.

Sura 2:142 of the Quran: “And wherever you find yourself, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. This is the truth from your Lord, and Allah knows what you do. And wherever you find yourself, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you find yourself, turn your faces towards it, so that people, unless they are wicked, have no argument against you.”

7 ways to determine the qibla

In the past, determining the orientation for prayer was a key task posed in the Muslim scientific world. Without the ability to determine the right direction, it is impossible to correctly conduct prayer rituals. For travelers and people in foreign areas, the problem of determining the qibla was difficult to solve. Thus, it was difficult for a Muslim to find his way while in the desert. The desire to accurately determine the direction for prayer became a catalyst for the development of geography, mathematics, and astronomy.

When solving a problem that makes it possible to quickly determine in which direction a Muslim should pray, it is worth determining the coordinates and location of the Kaaba.

Kaaba coordinates:

  • latitude - 21°2520 north latitude;
  • longitude - 39°4934 east longitude.

There are seven main ways to quickly determine in which direction a devout Muslim should pray, no matter where he is.


Previously, in the absence of appropriate tools, the sages tried to solve the problem of determining the direction by calculating the exact coordinates of the location and calculating the relationship of these coordinates with the location of Mecca. To do this, based on trigonometry and geometry, the latitude and longitude of various geographical points were calculated. Based on these data, special tables were compiled, which indicated the directions of the location of the Kaaba relative to various geographical points. Similar tables for specific geographical locations were compiled in relation to geographical and astronomical landmarks.


Special astronomical tables in Islam are called zij. With their help, you can find the geographical coordinates of a place and the azimuth (the angle between the direction north and the direction towards any object) of the qibla.

Pocket compass

To use a compass, you need to know the approximate location of your place of stay and Mecca on a geographical map. Based on this knowledge, the compass will help determine the qibla. So, Moscow is located in the north relative to Mecca. To pray in the western regions of Russia, you need to determine the south using a compass - the qibla is directed there.

Geographic map

You can determine the landmark for prayer using a map. You need to look at the location of your place of residence and determine its relationship to Mecca.

Moscow, Arkhangelsk and Rostov are located to the north relative to Mecca. To pray in these cities you need to look south. In Omsk, Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk you need to look to the southwest, because they are located in the northeast relative to Mecca.

Prayer in Moscow on Prospekt Mira

A compass or the location of the sun (stars) will help determine the north-south direction. To determine the cardinal directions by the sun, you need to go outside at noon and stand with your back to the luminary. The face will be directed south. This rule applies in the Northern Hemisphere. At night, in clear weather, north can be determined by the North Star. It is located in the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor (the brightest star of the small dipper). From the star you need to draw a vertical line to the horizon. This will be the direction to the north.

Mechanical watches

In sunny weather, knowing your location on a geographic map, you can use your watch. They will help determine the cardinal directions. To do this, they are carefully placed on a horizontal surface clockwise in the sun. The bisector (the ray from the vertex of the angle dividing the angle into two equal parts) of the angle between the hand and the twelve o'clock mark will indicate the direction to the south. When determining south before twelve o'clock in the afternoon, south will be located on the right side of the sun, after twelve o'clock - on the left side of the sun.

Internet applications

Electronic cards, computer programs and applications are the simplest and most modern way. Programs using satellite navigation can easily determine the location and indicate the direction of the qibla.

Internet application for searching qibla

Location of mosques

Being near the mosque, there will be no problem in which direction to pray. When constructing mosques, a special niche is equipped in the wall closest to Mecca - the mihrab. The imam stands in this niche when performing collective rituals. The mihrab is oriented in such a way that it points towards the main Muslim shrine. To perform prayer, Muslims stand facing the mihrab.

In situations where the orientation of the mosque’s location was erroneous, carpets are placed in a certain way in the room to determine the direction. Arab countries are characterized by signs that indicate the direction of Mecca with arrows.

Is it a sin to pray in the other direction?

In the absence of reliable landmarks, when you cannot establish the qibla yourself, you can ask another Muslim for directions. Such actions will be perceived as normal. Incorrect orientation during prayer due to a mistake by the “prompter” will not be considered a sin for the person asking.

In emergency situations and cases where there is a threat to life, the person praying can arbitrarily choose the direction for prayer. A mistake under such conditions will not be considered a sin.

For every Muslim, determining the qibla (direction towards the holy Kaaba) is important, since it is in the direction of the qibla that daily prayer should be performed according to the commandments of Allah, which were revealed in the Koran. There are various ways to determine the Qibla, in this article I will tell you how to use the online Qibla compass, and what network services will help us with this.

Why is determining the qibla important?

According to the commandments of Allah, every Muslim must point his face towards Mecca during his prayer. Mosques and other religious buildings should also be oriented towards the Holy Kaaba. Every Muslim must do everything in his power to correctly determine the qibla in order to perform prayer correctly.

The Holy Quran says: “We have seen you turn your face to the sky, and We will turn you to the qibla with which you will be pleased. Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces towards her. Verily, those who have been given the Book know that this is the truth from their Lord. Allah is not ignorant of what they do.” (Quran, 2 sura, 144 verse).

List of the Best Qibla Compasses on the Internet

There are various ways to determine the direction of the qibla. I will focus on online network services that will help devout Muslims in searching for the qibla.

In most cases, these resources work on a similar principle: you tell them your location (or place a corresponding mark on the map), and they show you the direction of the qibla with an arrow. Some resources can also indicate the distance to Mecca, latitude and longitude, and degree. Also, if you want to determine the direction of the world in an apartment using, I recommend reading the article.

The Russian-language resource invites you to find the qibla using Yandex maps. On the page that opens, indicate your location on the map by clicking there, after which a line with an arrow will appear on the map indicating the direction to Mecca.

  1. The English-language website will help you easily determine the qibla.
  2. To do this, go to this site, after which it will ask permission to determine your location.
  3. If you agree, then click on “Allow Location Access”, the site will determine your location and show you the qibla path on the map.
Click on “Allow Location Access” and the resource will determine your location

If you want to indicate your location yourself, then enter your address in the green sign on the right (the “Enter Location” field) and press enter.

Enter your address in the "Enter Location" field

The map will display your location and the direction of the qibla as a bar, and the compass on the left will indicate the exact angle of the qibla direction.

  1. Another English-language online resource,, will help Muslims find the qibla.
  2. Go to this resource, enter your address in the “Enter your address” line, and click on the “Locate” button.
  3. The map will display your location, and the line will indicate the correct direction of the qibla.

In addition, the resource will determine the latitude and longitude, the distance to the Kaaba, and also show the qibla in how many degrees.

Map with qibla direction on ""

An English-language resource for Muslims,, will also help you determine the direction of the qibla online. To do this, you need to place the cursor on the map at your location (holding down the left mouse button), the service will immediately indicate the direction of the qibla with a dashed line.

Like the resource, this resource determines latitude and longitude, distance and will show the qibla degree online.

Qibla direction on ""

The service also makes it easy to find out the qibla. When you switch to this service, it will ask you for permission to determine your location. If you click on "Allow location access", it will find your location on the map and show you the direction to Mecca.

You can also indicate your location on the map yourself, and a line with arrows will show you the way to the Holy Kaaba.

Working window of the site “”

Mobile applications for finding the direction of the Kaaba

You can also use such mobile applications for your smartphone as “Find Qibla Direction” (Android), “iSalam: Qibla Compass” (iOS), “Qibla Compass” (Android), “Muslim Pro” (Andoid) and others. Using the built-in tools of your smartphone (GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, etc.) you can correctly determine the qibla.

Mobile application "Muslim Pro" will help you correctly determine the qibla


In this material I have listed online compass resources that will help you correctly determine the qibla. All of them have simple and convenient functionality; you just need to indicate your address, and the resource will immediately show you the correct direction of the qibla. Peace to you!

  • Where is Mecca (Makkah) located?

    Mecca is located in western Saudi Arabia. It is also known as "Makkah" (مكة). The Holy Ka'aba is located in Makkah. It is also the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is the holiest city for Muslims. Muslims go on pilgrimage to Mecca to perform Hajj and Umrah.

  • What is the “Kaaba”?

    Kaaba (Ka'aba) is the Mosque built by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ismael (peace be upon them) in Makkah (Mecca). It is the cube-shaped building at the center of the Grand Mosque called Al-Masjid al- Haram – a house of God within the larger complex of the Grand Mosque. Muslims all over the world face the actual Ka'ba when they pray. It is an Arabic word (القبلة) which means "the cube".

  • What is the meaning of Qibla?

    The literal meaning of the Arabic word Qibla (قبلة‎) is "direction". In the Islamic context it means the direction Muslims face when performing their prayers (salaath)

  • What is the definition of Qibla direction in Islam?

    It is the direction in which Muslims face when performing their prayers wherever they are in the world. This is the direction leading to the Ka‘ba in the Grand Mosque in Makkah in current day Saudi Arabia.

  • Is the Qibla direction is west or east?

    Muslims do not pray facing east or west wherever they are. They perform their prayers while facing Kaaba. As such, the Qibla direction depends on your location vis-à-vis Kaaba in Makkah. It could be East, West, North, South, etc.

  • What is a Mihrab (محراب)?

    It is the semi-circular structure in a Mosque. It indicates the direction of Qibla from the Mosque.

  • What is a Qibla Compass or Prayer direction compass?

    These are standard compasses showing the direction of Qibla on the compass. When users align the needle of the compass to a specific number allocated to the city (provided in the booklet along with the compass), the resulting direction of Qibla marked on the compass is the prayer direction. This may not be accurate when used inside buildings.

  • What is an Online Qibla Compass?

    With advent of mobile devices, the physical compasses are getting replaced by the online compasses available on Android and iPhone/iPad devices. This has given rise to the Online Qibla compasses mobile applications. These compasses will automatically detect the location (when online) and then show the Qibla direction. These compasses also may not be accurate when used inside buildings. HalalTrip mobile App available for both Android and iPhone/iPads has an Online Qibla Compass.

  • How to find Qibla direction using an online compass?

    Online Qibla direction compass mobile applications will generally automatically detect the current location (when online) and then show the prayer direction, as is the case with the HalalTrip mobile app. On some apps the user may have to enter the location, then the compass will show the qibla direction (relative to TRUE North and not relative to compass North). website also provides an online compass which provides the Qibla direction relative to the TRUE North .

  • How to find Qibla direction using google maps?

    Locating the qibla direction using the google maps is very precise. It uses the great circle to show the qibla direction on a Google Map. Once you enter your location, the direction of qibla will be shown on the google map with a line drawn on the map. Zoom in the map and find the landmark to orient yourself to the qibla direction.

  • How to find Qibla direction online for my current location/place/house?

    The best way to find the accurate Qibla direction for any location is to use a mobile application which provides both an online compass as well as the ability to locate the qibla using google maps. site as well as the HalalTrip"s mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android let"s you easily find the qibla direction for your house or for any location while you travel. The HalalTrip mobile app will instantly find your location and display the qibla direction..

  • How to find Qibla direction without compass?

    The best way to find the qibla direction without a compass is to use an online qibla direction locator. Especially using a google maps based prayer finder.

  • Does the Qibla finder tool work in every country?

    Yes, this tool will solve your need to find Qibla. Our visitors from many countries such as Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania , Turkey, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, Azerbaijan, France, Indonesia, Norway and Iran (wherever you are) should find this tool useful.

  • How is the word Qibla spelled in English?

    "Qibla" is an Arabic word - قِبْلَة

    As such when written in English there are number of variations used to spell the word. The main variation is the use of either "Q" or "K" in the beginning of the word. The second is the addition of letters "t" or "h" at the end. This has given rise to the following variations of spelling:

    Qibla, Qiblat, Qiblah

    · Kibla, Kiblat, Kiblah

    Sometimes the prefix "Al" is added to the word which make it "Al Qibla". "Al" is an Arabic prefix for the word "the". The most common usage is “Qibla”.

    Few other variations of how it is spelled are Quibla, Quibla, Qible and Qebla.

  • In addition to Qibla direction, where can I find Dua(s) for traveling on HalalTrip?

    HalalTrip has a list of some of the most important Islamic travel Dua(s) for Muslims. It includes Dua(s) in Arabic and English with audio playback of the Dua(s) in Arabic, as well as Dua(s) to be recited before setting out on a journey, along with Dua(s) for when leaving home, traveling by plane, car, and more.

  • What is the Qibla direction (Namaz Direction) in India?

    The Qibla direction in India is generally West. The exact direction depends on the location in India. For Chandigarh, a city in the north of India, the direction is about 263 degrees. For Madurai, located in the south, the direction is around 292 degrees. Here are directions for some of the main cities in India.

    Mumbai – 280.07

    Kolkata – 278.21

    Delhi – 266.6

    Chennai – 287.93

    Bangalore – 288.5

    Hyderabad – 282.3

    Ahmedabad – 273.4

    Surat – 276.6

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