What does the number 3 dream about? Scenario for the subject week in "Mathematics"

1. What is the name of the first component when added?

2. What do we find if we subtract the difference from the subtrahend?

3. What is the name of the second component when subtracting?

4. The largest number when subtracting.

5. What will we find if we add the subtrahend to the difference?

General questions to test your acumen

1. Veronica asked her brother, “If I am 4 years older than you now, how many years older will I be than you in 5 years?”

2. How many ears do 6 mice have?

3. Ira was asked: “How many students do you have in your class?” Ira replied, “This number is less than 26, but greater than 23 and is even.” How many students are in Ira's class?

4. The table cover has 4 corners. One of them was sawed off. How many angles does the lid have?

5.The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces are there between the spokes?

Theater for Young Spectators Triangle and Square Author: Once upon a time there were two brothers
Triangle with square.
The eldest is square,
Good-natured, pleasant.
The youngest is triangular,
Always dissatisfied. Square: Why are you angry brother? Author: He shouts to him:
Triangle: “Look,
You are fuller and wider than me.
I only have three corners
You have four of them!” Author: But the square answered: Square: “Brother!
I’m older, I’m a square.” Author: And he said even more tenderly: Square: It is unknown who is more needed!” Author: But night came and to my brother,
Bumping into tables
The younger one climbs stealthily,
Cut corners for the elder.
As he left, he said. Triangle: “Have a nice
I wish you dreams!
When I went to bed I was square,
And you’ll wake up without corners!” Author: But in the morning younger brother
I was not happy about the terrible revenge.
He looked - there was no Square,
I was speechless... I stood there without words...
So much for revenge! Now my brother...
Eight brand new corners!

Mathematical tales
"Proud Number One"- Hello rocket! - exclaimed Number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm Number One like you! You are alone in deserted space and you are not afraid of anything! I love counting those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important! “I’m not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and stars around me,” the rocket objected. “Number One, let’s go for a walk,” called Unit her neighbor Number Two. - I want to walk alone. “The one who alone is the most important,” Unity answered proudly. – There is one sun shining in the sky and a person has only one head. “But a person walks on two legs and does everything with two hands,” objected Two. “The most important thing in a person is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly. “But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. - Can the head work well without them? Teacher: Guys, help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?

« What does number 2 dream about? One day, Number Two met a swan and told him: “I look like you, and I dream of learning to fly.” “I don’t want to fly anymore,” the swan answered sadly. “My swan fell into a hunter’s snare, and I’m sad without her. “I’ll help you free the swan,” promised Deuce. Soon two beautiful swans bowed to the number Two and said: “Thank you for your help, you look like us and are as kind as us.” “But I don’t know how to fly like you,” Deuce sighed. “Take these two white feathers from us as a souvenir, they will fulfill your most cherished wish,” the swan suggested. The next day, Number Two proudly soared in the air on two large wings. “The swans gave me two feathers, but when they flew away, the feathers turned into wings,” Deuce excitedly told the numbers. “Whoever dreams of flying will definitely fly,” the numbers decided. Teacher: guys, what else do you think number Two dreams of?

"Who is number three friends with" Number Three has a cheerful friend, Traffic Light. He stands at the intersection and winks at all cars and pedestrians with three multi-colored lights: red, yellow and green. Number Three likes red best. While it burns, she treats the traffic light with her delicious triangular cookies. Traffic light eats a cookie and tries to guess what it is made of: - Raisins, almonds and rice. “No, I treated you to such cookies yesterday,” Troechka laughs. “Cherry, peanuts and oats,” Traffic Light guesses again. Triangular number three cookies always consist of three products: fruits, nuts and grains. But it is difficult for Svetofor to guess what exactly it consists of. Teacher: What else can you cook from three products?

Friday Defense of the project “Mathematics”

in our life"

Main goals:

  • create conditions for the manifestation and further development of each student’s individual creative and intellectual abilities;
  • organize fruitful cooperation with mutual respect for each other among the participants in joint activities;
  • support in children a state of active interest in mastering new, deeper knowledge in mathematics.


  • active subject of activity
  • satisfies personal interest
  • proactive
  • is independent in finding a solution to a problem
  • demonstrates ability, talent, creativity

1 day. Presentation “Meeting with Queen Mathematics”

This week we take a journey into the world of wonderful mathematics that starts now

1. Why is there solemnity all around?
Do you hear how quickly the speech stopped?
A guest appeared - the queen of all sciences,
And let us not forget the joy of these meetings.

2. It is no coincidence that she is so honored.
It is given to her to give answers.
How to do a good calculation
To build a building, a rocket.

3. There is a rumor about mathematics
That she puts her mind in order.
Because good words
People often talk about her.

4. Mathematics, you give us
To overcome difficulties, harden yourself.
Young people study with you
Develop both will and ingenuity.

5. And for the fact that in creative work
You help out in difficult moments,
We are sincere to you today
We send thunderous applause.

Mathematics is an exact science, the queen of all sciences. No science can do without numbers and operations on them. The time in which we live is called the era of mathematization of knowledge. Without mathematics, without its laws, it is impossible to launch a spaceship, design a nuclear reactor, pave a road, work on a farm, in a field, in a store. Therefore, mathematics is rightly called the queen of sciences, the golden key, without which you cannot open the door to physics, chemistry, or technology. And, besides this, mathematics should be taught only then, said M.V. Lomonosov, that she puts her mind in order.
"Mathematics is the queen of all sciences." Many famous scientists, writers and artists thought so.
Numbers are symbols for indicating numbers.

Numbers and numbers in poems and riddles

Here on our line
My sons got into formation.
My friend, I can name them:
Two and three, four, five.
What kind of sons
Lined up? (Numbers)

1. "Say the word"

Like a crochet hook,
Like a broken twig.
The nose is thin, like a knitting needle,
And it's called... (unit)
Glue the bagel to the donut.
But don't you dare eat it.
This is not a pretzel to eat.
It’s just a number... (six)
The neck is flexible.
Here is the body.
He bowed his head to the water.
Draw the bird skillfully
And this will be the number... (two)
You know the days of the week, right?
Count them quickly!
If you don't get the count wrong -
Then you will get exactly... (seven)
What kind of snake charmer is this?
He came out with his pipe.
A snake dances in front of him -
The tail is hooked, the neck is arched.
Look at the snake -
Yes, this is a number... (three)
Here, placed in a row,
The doll sisters are standing.
- How many of you? –
We'll ask them.
And the dolls will answer... (eight)
Made by Egorka
Cleaning with mom.
Knocked over a chair
In the apartment,
He looked like... (four)
Number six upside down
Became a different number.
You can believe it -
Not six anymore, but... (nine)
What's at the end of the page?
Decorating the entire notebook?
What good can you do?
Well, of course, in numbers... (five)
Raise your hands up
Count your fingers quickly.
Left – 5 and right – 5.
How many are there? How to say? (Ten)

2. Mathematical tales

Proud number one

- Hello, rocket! – exclaimed Number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm Number One like you! You are alone in deserted space and you are not afraid of anything! I love counting those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important!
“I’m not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and stars around me,” the rocket objected.
“Number One, let’s go for a walk,” called Unit her neighbor Number Two.
- I want to walk alone. The one who is alone is the most important,” Unity answered proudly. – There is one sun shining in the sky and a person has only one head.
“But a person walks on two legs and does everything with two hands,” objected Two.
“The most important thing in a person is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly.
“But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. – Can the head work well without them?

Teacher: Guys, help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?

What does number two dream about?

One day Number Two met a swan and said to him:
“I’m like you, and I dream of learning to fly.”
“I don’t want to fly anymore,” the swan answered sadly.
“My swan fell into a hunter’s snare, and I’m sad without her.
“I’ll help you free the swan,” promised Deuce.
Soon two beautiful swans bowed to the number Two and said:
– Thank you for your help, you look like us and are as kind as us.
“But I don’t know how to fly like you,” sighed Deuce.
“Take these two white feathers from us as a souvenir, they will fulfill your most cherished wish,” the swan suggested.
The next day, Number Two proudly soared in the air on two large wings.
“The swans gave me two feathers, but when they flew away, the feathers turned into wings,” Two excitedly told the numbers.
“Whoever dreams of flying will definitely fly,” the numbers decided.

Teacher: Guys, what else do you think Number Two dreams of?

Who is number three friends with?

Number Three has a cheerful friend, Traffic Light. He stands at the intersection and winks at all cars and pedestrians with three multi-colored lights: red, yellow and green. Number Three likes red best. While it burns, she treats the traffic light with her delicious triangular cookies. Traffic light eats a cookie and tries to guess what it is made of: - Raisins, almonds and rice. “No, I treated you to such cookies yesterday,” Troechka laughs. “Cherry, peanuts and oats,” Svetofor guesses again. Triangular number three cookies always consist of three products: fruits, nuts and grains. But it is difficult for Svetofor to guess what exactly it consists of.

3. Cognitive tasks

1. Did you know that the largest beetle in our country is the Ussuri woodcutter? What is the length of its body if the cockchafer is 2 cm long and the Ussuri woodcutter is 8 cm longer? (10 cm)
2. The hamster causes damage to fields and vegetable gardens, as it stores grains of wheat, peas, buckwheat, corn and even potato tubers for the winter. Winter supplies of two hamsters are 30 kg of grain. How many kg of grain will 4 hamsters store? (60 kg)
4. Halibut lives 60 years, the largest American crayfish lives 10 years less than a halibut, and a whale shark lives 20 years longer than a crayfish. How many years does a whale shark live? (70 years old)
5. The height of the tallest giraffe is 7 m, and the height of the African elephant is 3 m less. How tall is an African elephant? (4 m)

4. Comic questions, tasks, assignments

– Mathematics is not only a serious science, but also fun.

1. A man was walking into the city, and three acquaintances were walking towards him. How many people went to the city in total? (1 person)
2. Four sparrows were sitting in the garden bed. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many sparrows are left sitting in the garden bed? (No one)
3. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One)
4. Three horses ran 5 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (5 km.)
5. Which is heavier: a kg of fluff or a kg of iron? (Equal)
6. A rooster on one leg weighs 3 kg. How many kg does he weigh on two legs? (3 kg)

To the Queen of Mathematics
It's not easy to find ways
Along the road of figures
You'll have to go through.

5. Competition “Count the triangles”

Even a preschooler knows
What is a triangle?
How could you not know!
But it’s a completely different matter -
Fast, accurate and skillful
Count triangles.
For example, in this figure
How many different ones? Take a look!
Examine everything carefully
Both on the edge and inside

– Count and write down how many triangles are shown in the 1st picture, and quadrilaterals in the 2nd picture,

- Guys, do you know that the triangle figure is envious. He is constantly jealous of his older brother, the square. Now we will show a skit about them.

6. Sketch “Triangle and Square”

Once upon a time there were two brothers
Triangle with square.
The eldest is square,
Good-natured, pleasant.
The youngest is triangular,
Always dissatisfied.

Square: Why are you angry brother?


You are fuller and wider than me.
I only have three corners
You have four of them!”


I’m older, I’m a square.”

Square: It’s unknown who is needed more!”

But night came and to my brother,
Bumping into tables
The younger one climbs stealthily,
Cut corners for the elder.
As he left, he said.


“Have a nice
I wish you dreams!
When I went to bed I was square,
And you’ll wake up without corners!”

But in the morning younger brother
I was not happy about the terrible revenge.
He looked - there was no Square,
Numb... stood without words...
So much for revenge! Now my brother...
Eight brand new corners!

– Mathematics even penetrated into riddles.

7. Riddles

Numbers from 1 to 10

Double figures

Multi-digit numbers

7. – Even in proverbs and sayings, popular expressions cannot do without numbers.

  • It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.
  • Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • A coward dies a hundred times, but a hero dies only once.
  • Two of a Kind

Without an account there will be no light on the street.
A rocket cannot rise without counting.
Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee.
And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.
Remember everything without an exact count
Any work will not budge!

  • Day 2. An hour of entertaining mathematics
  • Day 3. Mathematics Olympiad
  • Day 4 Mathematical KVN
  • Day 5 Questions and Answers Day

Summing up the subject week in mathematics:

  • involving a large number of students in general, joint work on preparing and conducting events, which helps to develop in them a sense of collectivism, the ability to be responsible for a decision, initiative, and the development of a creative active personality;
  • the content, methods and forms of conducting events ensured connection with existing knowledge and skills, mastery of basic special skills, methods of solving standard problems,
  • improving cognitive skills, choosing ideas, logic and methods for solving problems, creating conditions for creative activity, for levels of differentiation, for mastering methods of self-control;
  • identification of children with pronounced non-standard thinking.

Math Week


Wall newspaper competition:

2nd grade: “Funny puzzles”

3rd grade: “Count, guess, guess”

Grade 6: “Sayings of great people about mathematics”


Tuesday Crafts competition “Fun numbers and figures”

Drawing competition “Who are numbers friends with?”

Wednesday Hello, new game!

Mathematical! -For 2nd, 3rd grade.

Olympiad - For 6th grade.

Thursday Young Actor's Theater:

Grade 2 “Triangle and Square”

Grade 3 “Proud figure” One. What does a number dream about? Two».

6th grade “Who is a number’s friend?” Three».

Friday Mathematics in our lives: an open lesson in 3rd grade.

Evening: “Intellectual marathon - for all classes”

Saturday The final stage, summing up.

The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss opportunities to do ita little entertaining.

B. Pascal

Monday Opening of the "Week of Mathematics"

Questionnaire “Me and my class in numbers” »

Opening of the "Week of Mathematics"

Questionnaire “Me and my class in numbers”»

1. How many letters does your full name consist of?

2. How many letters does your last name consist of?

3. Date and month of birth.

4. Year of birth.

5. How many full years are you now?

6. House and apartment number.

7. Room number of our class.

8. How many people are in the class?

9. How many girls are there in the class?

10. How many boys are there in the class?

11. Who/what is there only 1 in the class? (teacher, board, computer, name Angelina, etc.)

12. Who/what are there only 2 in the class? (2 names Alyosha, Vika, 2 globes, etc.)

13. Who/what are there only 3 in the class? (3 windows, 3 rows of desks, 3 pieces of board, etc.)

14. Who/what are there only 4 in the class? (4 teams in the class, etc.)

15. Who/what are there only 5 in the class? (5 flowers on the shelf, we study for 5 days, etc.)

Tuesday Crafts competition:

"Entertaining numbers and figures"

Students in a technology lesson make a panel “Interesting Numbers and Shapes.” The basis is taken on a cardboard blank in the form of a geometric figure (circle, oval, rhombus, etc.). Then the children sculpt numbers from plasticine and attach them to a shaped base. The works are bright and unusual.

The work completed in the classroom is used to create an exhibition. At the end of the week, the children choose their favorite panels, and the teacher presents a certificate of “People's Choice Award”

Exhibition of drawings “Who makes friends with numbers” In an art lesson, students draw any number in the form of any object that it resembles. For example, 1 – a person standing sideways, 2 – a swan, a standing snake, 3 – a bird in flight, 4 – an overturned chair, 5 – a unicycle, etc.



Hello, new game! Mathematical! Game "Naughty One" Students stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher. The teacher goes around them and quietly places a unit (plastic or paper or other material) into someone’s hands. This person becomes a mischievous One. When counting: “One, two, three, One, come out!” the one with the number must run out of the row. And, those who stand next to this student must hold him back. The one who kills the one running out first becomes the leader.A game "Find a Pair" One person is number two. In five minutes, the number two should divide some children into pairs so that: Both were fond of the same sport. Both of the couple were the same height. Both had the same hair or eye color. They both had the same color clothes. Both went to the same circle. Both sat in the same row at school, etc. The game is played several times. The winner is the one who manages to collect the most pairs in five minutes.A game "Calling numbers" Students are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. Calculated by numbers. Each team has 1, 2, 3, etc. that stand next to each other. In front of the teams in the middle, 3-4 meters from the first number, there is a pin. The teacher calls out any number, and students with such numbers from one and the other team must run out and take the pin. The team that takes the pin first most often wins. A game "Mathematics from Pencils" To play this game you need colored pencils. Two teams compete. Students in teams stand in pairs. In front of each team, at the same distance, there are pencils (10-15 pieces) in a small gift bag. The teacher names a number, figure and other mathematical concepts, and a couple from the team runs to a bag of pencils and lays out the named definition.

For example, a triangle - 6 pencils, a broken open line - 5 pencils, three - 4 pencils, plus - 4 pencils, cm - 7 pencils, x(x) - 4 pencils, pentagon - 7 pencils, 12 - 7 pencils, greater than sign - 4 pencils, 85 – 12 pencils.

Thursday Young Actor's Theater. Triangle and Square

Important knowledge. In our time to buildAnd drive the car,You need to be at school firstLearn math.

Whether in a modern war, or in years of peaceful labor, Mathematics is certainly needed when making calculations.

Author: Once upon a time there were two brothers
Triangle with square.
The eldest is square,
Good-natured, pleasant.
The youngest is triangular,
Always dissatisfied. Square: Why are you angry brother? He shouts to him:
Triangle: "Look,
You are fuller and wider than me.
I only have three corners
You have four of them!” "Brother!
I'm older, I -
square". It’s unknown who is needed more!” But night came and to my brother,
Bumping into tables
The younger one climbs stealthily,
Cut corners for the elder.
As he left, he said. Triangle:
“Have a nice
I wish you dreams!
When I went to bed I was square,
And you’ll wake up without corners!” But in the morning younger brother
I was not happy about the terrible revenge.
He looked - there was no Square,
I was speechless... I stood there without words...
So much for revenge! Now my brother...
Eight brand new corners!

Mathematical tales
"Proud Number One"

Dedication to mathematics.

Arithmetic! Even in the Stone Age

A person addressed you.

Can't build bridges

Where it is complex, something new must be created,

You become the best friend.

If you had to be alone before

Many difficult issues to solve

Now, in the vastness of the planet,

You are our mother of many children.

Geometry, algebra are your children,

With them we make dreams come true,

But remember: with your enormous success

You owe it to the man.

Hello rocket! - exclaimed Number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm Number One like you! You are alone in deserted space and you are not afraid of anything! I love counting those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important! “I’m not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and stars around me,” the rocket objected. “Number One, let’s go for a walk,” called Unit her neighbor Number Two. - I want to walk alone. “The one who alone is the most important,” Unity answered proudly. – There is one sun shining in the sky and a person has only one head. “But a person walks on two legs and does everything with two hands,” objected Two. “The most important thing in a person is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly. “But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. - Can the head work well without them?Teacher: Guys, help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?

::: How to make friends with mathematics:::

What to do if your child doesn't like math?

First of September. Children go to school.
Do you remember how you went to school on September 1st?
How happy were you, how did you expect something new and interesting?

Would you like your children to maintain this joyful feeling at school!?

According to statistics, one of the most difficult subjects for children in elementary school is mathematics. “To get the difference you need to subtract another term from one term” - sounds menacing, doesn’t it? And we are talking about simple subtraction.

When learning, not only knowledge is important, but also the way it is presented.

Our book “Good Mathematics” will help your child quickly and easily understand what addition and multiplication are and how to use it all. How important it is to be able to count and how easy and pleasant it is to do it.

The first year of school will pass, but the book will still be useful to you and your child. It covers mathematics courses up to the fifth grade of secondary school. The book covers complex concepts such as proportions and fractions in a simple and clear manner.

Your child will happily and happily complete the creative and educational tasks proposed in the book.

The authors of the book are teachers with extensive practical experience working with children, specialists in the field of creative, developmental education, who have written over 45 books for classes with children of preschool and school age.

The book can be ordered:
1) in electronic format (in a single copy) - write to email
2) from the authors (only with a complete set of books) - write to email
3) in online stores (ozon.ru, etc.)



Daughters, it’s time to get up - it’s a pity for the mother to wake up the girls at dawn, but there is nothing to do. They all had to work for a rich merchant from morning to evening. The eldest daughter tended the geese, the middle daughter worked in the garden, the youngest nursed the children, and the mother herself cooked dinner. There was enough work for everyone.

One day, a gray-bearded old man with a bag on his shoulder walked past a merchant’s house and asked for water. The merchant drove him away. I felt sorry for the old man’s mother. She jumped out into the street, caught up with a passerby and I handed him my lunch: a bottle of milk and a crust of bread:

Take it, grandpa, eat it. And if you want to relax, come to my house. It is the smallest and the very last in the village. There is no one there now, all my daughters are working, but the door is not locked.

Thank you for the bread and shelter, treat yourself to my sweet plums in return, the old man answered and handed his bag full of plums to his mother.


Three travelers once argued about what is more valuable than anything else in the world.
One said: “If I had ten emeralds, I would buy a horse and a house.”

Another objected: “Good rubies are more expensive; for ten stones you can buy two horses and two houses.”

The third said thoughtfully: “There are things that are more expensive than precious stones. One day I got sick and left the caravan. When I recovered, I rushed to catch up with him, but my supplies ran out, and I fell exhausted on the sand. I look and there is a bag of grain lying next to me. I grabbed the bag, untied it, and instead of wheat or rice, there were grains of emeralds and garnets. I got upset, looked around and saw a hill nearby. I dug it up and found a dead man there. He had a note in his hand: “A thousand steps were not enough for me to reach the stream. One sip of water from it is worth more than all my precious stones.”

One mother had a daughter. She was sewing on the porch one day and lost her needle. The daughter was afraid that her mother would swear, so she took one ruble and went to the fortune teller to help her find a needle.

The fortune teller took the ruble and said: “Take a sieve and sift the earth through it from the place where you sewed.”

The daughter ran home quickly and did as the fortune teller ordered. The needle was found. In the evening she boasted to her mother, and she said:

But a needle, my dear, costs two kopecks. You could buy a bunch of needles with a ruble. Count how much we've lost and don't do it again.

Another time, my daughter went to graze a cow and fell asleep in the meadow. I woke up and the cow was nowhere to be found. She began to run and search. He sees a rider galloping on a horse and asks him...

LESSON 40 (2)

One person lost his wallet with money. He posted an advertisement: “Whoever returns my wallet will receive one third of its contents - one hundred rubles.”

Soon a passerby found the wallet, saw the ad, brought it to the owner and asked for the promised hundred rubles. The owner regretted the money and said to a passerby: “You already took a hundred rubles yourself, because there were four hundred rubles in your wallet.”

There was a wise judge in this city. A passerby complained to him about the injustice. The judge called the owner of the wallet, took the wallet from him and asked:

How much money was in it?

Four hundred rubles,” the owner replies;


The rich khan had accumulated ten thousand gold coins. Then he ordered to take one hundredth of the coins and feed all the hungry.

The cooks began to prepare delicious pilaf, and the khan's servants went in all directions to look for the poor and beggars. They met a man in torn clothes in the forest, chopping brushwood, and ordered him to go to the khan's feast.

Our khan’s generosity knows no bounds,” said the servants.

Only God can determine the measure of generosity, but I am used to living by my labor,” answered the poor man.

The servants got angry, grabbed the woodcutter and brought him to the khan. “Today I fed a thousand people, but what did you do?” - the ruler asks the poor woodcutter menacingly.



The six were watering the flowers and were so absorbed in this activity that they shuddered when they heard an unfamiliar voice: “Please tell me where the numbers live”?

Number Six turned and saw a cute oval creature.

The Queen of Mathematics sent me to you,” explained the oval creature. - After all, it was you who wrote her a letter asking for help?

Don't worry, I will help you! - the oval creature consoled Six.


When the apricot trees bore fruit, the numbers decided to count them, but, alas, such long examples did not fit in the notebooks.

“I have wallpaper to repair,” Nolik said.

Everyone praised him for his ingenuity. One unfolded the wallpaper and began to write: 1+1+1+1+1... Long rolls snaked around the house of each number, only Two wrote on them: 2+2+2+2+2..., and Three - 3 +3+3+3+3...

Hello numbers! Silver hair flowed over the fairy's shoulders. In her hand she held a silver cross, turned diagonally. And the fairy’s casket was also silver.

“I am the fairy of Multiplication,” the stranger explained, “my younger sister, the fairy of Addition, asked me to help you.” The magic multiplication sign will multiply in one minute...

Initial LESSON


One day, Six, walking through the forest, got caught in the rain. She decided to wait out the rain under the branches of a large spruce tree and found a girl and a boy there.

At the sight of the strange creature, the boy shouted joyfully:

Hurray, this squiggle will help us, just like the one I caught from the lake helped me.

I’m not a squiggle at all, but a number, and I’ll try to help you if you tell me what happened.

The boy began to tell: “I wanted to weave a strong basket and secretly ran into the forest to get some branches. Soon I became lost and began to cry.

Math for kids

Good mathematics: Numbers and figures.
Mathematical operations and laws.
The world of mathematics is an interesting and magical world

Math for kids

Mathematical TALE
"Proud Number One"

Hello rocket! - exclaimed Number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm Number One like you! You are alone in deserted space and you are not afraid of anything! I love counting those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important!

“I’m not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and there are stars around me,” the rocket objected from above.

Number One, let’s go for a walk,” her neighbor Number Two called One.

I want to walk alone. “The one who alone is the most important,” Unity answered proudly. – There is only one sun shining in the sky and a person has only one head.

But a person walks on two legs and does everything with two hands,” Number Two objected.

The most important thing in a person is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly.

But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. - Can the head work well without them?

Help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?


Why do you think a person has one tongue, but two ears and two eyes?

Why is it better to see once than to hear a hundred times?

Why does the road seem longer when you drive somewhere alone?

What events in each person's life happen only once?

Make a wish for an object and tell, without naming your object, how people live in the house if they only have one object. For example: if he is alone in the house, then you cannot do homework when everyone is eating (table). If he is alone in the house, then the oldest person (chair) sits on him. The rest guess what subject we are talking about.

Drawing “Portrait of a Unit”

Children are divided into groups. Each group on a sheet of whatman paper draws a portrait of the Unit in the form of a fairy (queen, girl, little man), etc. Then, based on the drawings, the children talk about the character of the depicted Unit.

Game "Naughty One"

Children stand in different places in the room. The teacher goes around them and quietly places a card with a Unit in someone’s hands. This person becomes a mischievous One. When counting: “One, two, three, One, drive!” the one who has the card raises one hand, and everyone tries to gallop away from him on one leg. In turn, Unity is also on one leg and must make one of the children look bad.

The one who was insulted freezes in place. One's task is to knock down as many players as possible. If One gets tired and falls on two legs, the game is repeated again with another One.

Mathematical TALE
"What does number two dream about"

One day Number Two met a swan and said to him:

I'm like you, and I dream of learning to fly.

“I don’t want to fly anymore,” the swan answered sadly. “My swan fell into a hunter’s snare, and I’m sad without her.

“I will help you free the swan,” promised Deuce.

Soon two beautiful swans bowed to the number Two and said:

Thank you for your help, you are like us and as kind as we are.

But I can’t fly like you,” Deuce sighed.

Take these two white feathers from us as a souvenir, they will fulfill your deepest desire,” the swan suggested.

The next day, Number Two proudly soared in the air on two large wings.

The swans gave me two feathers, but when they flew away, the feathers turned into wings,” Two excitedly told the numbers.

Anyone who dreams of flying will definitely fly, the numbers decided.

What else do you think number Two dreams of?


Where do you think the Two will fly first on its wings?

Explain the meaning of the proverb “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.” Remember any two of your most important things and tell me which one is more important and necessary for you.

When do they say about people: “Two boots are two in a pod” or “like two peas in a pod”? Do you think friends should be “like two peas in a pod”, and why?

Why do they say that a lazy person works twice?

Game "Whose pair is faster"

Children are divided into pairs and join hands. Each pair, without lifting their hands, runs to the table and quickly puts notebooks, textbooks, pencils, pens, etc. scattered on the table into a briefcase. Then the children return to their place and tell how many and what objects were on the table. The fastest and most attentive pair wins.

Game "Find a Pair"

One person is number two. In five minutes, the number two must divide all the children into pairs so that:

Both were fond of the same sport;

Both of the pair were the same height;

Both had the same hair or eye color;

They both had the same color clothes, etc.

The game is played several times. The winner is the one who manages to collect the most pairs in five minutes.

Drawing “Two objects”

Draw any objects associated with the number two, for example: gates (two crossbars, a bicycle (two wheels), mittens, skis, glasses, knitting needles. Write or draw short stories about the friendship of number two with these objects of number two.

Mathematical TALE
"Who is number three friends with"

Number Three has a cheerful friend, Traffic Light. He stands at the intersection and winks at all cars and pedestrians with three multi-colored lights: red, yellow and green. Number Three likes red best. While it burns, she treats the traffic light with her delicious triangular cookies.

Traffic light eats a cookie and tries to guess what it is made of:

Raisins, almonds and rice.

“No, I treated you to such cookies yesterday,” Troechka laughs.

“Cherry, peanuts and oats,” Traffic Light guesses again.

Triangular number three cookies always consist of three products: fruits, nuts and grains. But it is difficult for Svetofor to guess what exactly it consists of.

What is connected with the number three in your life?


What three qualities will help you solve any problem?

Can a person have three parents, and who is the third? (Homeland, teacher, nature, etc.) Give an example to support your opinion.

What does it mean to “get lost in three pines”? Come up with three ways to find your way if you get lost in a forest or city.

Creative task “Lay by size”

On the table there are cards with drawings of different animals (fish, birds, insects, objects). Everyone in turn comes to the table, selects three cards and arranges them so that the largest is in first place, medium-sized in second, and smallest in third. The winner is the one who arranges the cards correctly and fastest.

Game "Three compliments"

Children stand in a line 15-20 steps from the driver. The driver turns his back to them and says: “The slower you go, the further you will go. Once. Two. Three!"

The children walk forward slowly. When the count is “three,” the driver turns around sharply, and everyone freezes. The one who did not have time to freeze must say three compliments to the person whom the driver points to. Those who fail to complete the task return back. The one who reaches the driver first becomes the new driver. Then the game is repeated with another task, for example: say three polite words.

Drawing “Funny traffic light”

Imagine that you made friends with a magical traffic light that told you three stories about how its three colors work. Draw this story.


How to make friends with Mathematics? What is needed to make the formulas seem like residents of a magical land that you can’t wait to visit? So that mathematical knowledge does not look dry, requiring only blind memorization? How to learn to see beauty in the amazing building of science, each brick of which is an image of universal harmony?

In this book, through good fairy tales, games and tasks, we try to answer these questions.

In all schools in the world, children are taught mathematics, because once upon a time without mathematics it was impossible to grow crops and build housing that could repel the onslaught of the elements. Mathematics was needed like air. This was the BEST, MOST IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE, which was respected and even deified.

But wouldn’t our whole life stop now without Mathematics? We have simply accumulated too much “adult” knowledge about it, which not every seven-year-old child is able to learn. But today's children, like once upon a time the children of the wild tribes of the earth, need a simple, clear understanding of science and living its formulas in their daily lives.

We are in a hurry to teach children the intricacies of mathematical science, sometimes forgetting to explain to them how to learn to notice and respect its achievements. WE'RE IN TOO HURRY!

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Target group:
For children from 5 to 12 years old, parents, teachers, psychologists

Description: This book is intended for everyone who wants to make friends with Mathematics. In it you will find good fairy tales, funny games, wise tasks; creative tasks that develop logical thinking. The fantastic world of numbers coexists with the world of primitive people, and numbers first discover their inexhaustible possibilities for themselves, and then try to explain them to people. A typical question for assignments is: what is the correct way? How fair? Reading these fairy tales, it is easy and simple to understand fractions and proportions within a few lessons after mastering the laws of addition... but the main thing in this book is the idea of ​​​​the connection of everything with everything, in particular, the harmony of pure science - with the harmony of beauty and morality. The book is intended for classes with children of primary and middle age.

Functional purpose: emotional and volitional development (including the development of volition), the development of verbal and logical thinking, the enrichment and activation of vocabulary, the expansion of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, the development of imagination, perception, memory, attention, abstract thinking, creative abilities, playful and theatrical activity, spatial orientation and combinatorial abilities, preparation for school.

Mathematics - reviews from parents

Do you know that mathematics has a good character? That you can be friends with Mathematics, play and learn about the world. When your child makes friends with it, all numbers and figures, formulas and mathematical laws will become unattractive, simple and cheerful helpers.

Don't believe me? I didn't believe it before either. Mathematics seemed to me a strict, exact science that my son Andreika had to learn at school.

As long as Andreika and I were counting soldiers or birds, everything was fine. But when we began to learn numbers and figures, counting became a boring and incomprehensible phenomenon for my boy. I was literally exhausted trying to explain to him the simplest laws of addition and subtraction. There was practically no result; my son did not want to remember how to write certain numbers, how to add tens and ones.

Sometimes we played “school”, and my son enjoyed “learning”, but not mathematics. When I offered even the simplest task, he became bored, distracted and tried to finish the game. My boy's mind seemed to simply turn off when I started telling him about numbers and figures.

The time had come to slowly get ready for school, but mathematics still did not want to submit. I was frightened by the upcoming prospect of failure in class, since Andrei stubbornly did not want to perceive numbers. Somewhere at the beginning of summer, I came across the book “Good Mathematics”, and I decided to try: maybe some ideas from it would help my son cope with his dislike of counting? Of course, I didn’t expect miracles. But any changes for the better begin to occur gradually.

And when Andryusha and I gradually began to read stories from “Good Mathematics,” I began to notice that he was actually interested! However, this is not surprising: after all, the book wonderfully combines beautiful fairy tales with game elements and puzzles. The amazing quality of the material in this wonderful book is that it is presented in a way that is inseparable from the world around them, so that your child can immediately imagine how specific mathematical concepts relate to the real world. At first, I chose the simplest fairy tales, then added tasks to them, and, if my son was not distracted or protested, I gradually complicated them. For me, Andryusha’s successes were obvious, but I was looking forward to September with some anxiety.

When the long-awaited day arrived and my son went to school, I realized that my fears were in vain. Andreika really enjoyed studying. He also likes it when, in addition to homework, we read and play with Good Math. The son not only learned the basics of counting. It seems to me that his logical thinking has become more developed and flexible. And most importantly, he really enjoys learning!

I would like to advise all parents: do not put pressure on your child, do not insist on studying if he does not want it. Discover everything new gradually, and always subject to the interest of your little explorer. That's all, actually. But I also want to add that I will definitely buy a few more books from the “Good Tales” series. Many thanks to the authors!

Anastasia, accountant.

Mathematics - reader reviews

When the baby goes to school the first time, all mothers experience a special feeling - a certain mixture of pride and excitement. Pride that your child is already so big and almost independent, and excitement - how he will feel there, in a new environment, how he will do with his studies, whether he will not lag behind his classmates.

I experienced approximately the same feelings when I sent my child to first grade for the first time. But in order to provide my child with a stock of knowledge worthy of school, in order to make his life more comfortable, I decided to take an active part in my son’s education, and the book provided me with great help in this matter - good math.

As is known, mathematics is a very complex science, but at the same time, understanding it is simply necessary for the child’s further education. Often, when a child does not understand something, he becomes bored talking about this topic.

It was exactly the same with my son, I showed him the numbers, tried to explain how to count correctly, but not only did he not understand me, he simply did not try to understand. Then I decided that I couldn’t cope with this problem alone, I was already starting to have nightmares that my child was bringing straight D’s in his diary, and I turned to a friend teacher She explained to me that sometimes we are in too much of a hurry, trying to teach children the intricacies of counting, and advised me to turn my son's learning into an exciting game that would be interesting primarily for him.

It was she, a teacher I knew, who introduced me to the “Good Mathematics” methodological course for children. This is a really good course to teach a child. In this book, learning about numbers is turned into fascinating tales. My son enjoyed doing creative tasks that helped him master the features of counting.

The entire book is presented in an easy to understand manner, making it a pleasure to read not only for children, but also for their parents. Funny stories, exciting tasks, the child himself did not even notice how he began to understand everything that had previously seemed like a dense forest to him. So, with the help of the “Good Mathematics” course, the child mastered all the complexities of calculations that can be carried out with various numbers. Subsequent studies at school were not difficult for him; he happily did his homework, without even asking for my help. If he had questions, he always looked for the answers in the book himself.

So, with the help of fairy tales and fun tasks, my child learned not only mathematics, but also independence. He finished the first grade with special praise from his teachers, but in his further studies “Good Mathematics” helped us out. After all, this book covers the course of the entire elementary school, up to the fifth grade.

Complex topics such as fractions were described in such an accessible and easy way that the math teacher even used materials from our book for some lessons. And most importantly, each new material is written taking into account the age-related characteristics of a growing organism. Therefore, the children never found the book boring or too childish; they liked it at any age.

The most important thing is that the book turns difficult lessons into exciting adventures, which is very important for a child’s worldview. Mathematics is an international language, which is very important to know in our developing society. By giving your child a book, you give the child confidence in the future, which he will feel later and will definitely say “thank you” to you.

Galina Valerievna, research fellow.

We have a 7-year-old daughter who didn’t seem to have the slightest inclination towards exact sciences. Each homework was given to us with a "fight".
Fortunately, our grandmother (who is already 62!) tries not to miss a single book exhibition. And it was she who gave us a book that, without exaggeration, I will say, changed and made life easier for all of us: my daughter, me and my husband.
It was a book with pictures, and my grandmother presented it to our daughter along with a chocolate bar. After eating the chocolate, Leah began to look at the new book.
The husband sat down with her and began to read. I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner... About twenty minutes later, Igor, my husband, came up to me: “Do you know what kind of book my mother gave me?” “Something about math,” I answered and shrugged: “What?” To my surprise, Igor with admiration began to retell to me the first 2 fairy tales from this book that he had just read.
For just a week, Igor read a new book to his daughter and played “Good Math” with her. I was glad that my husband was working with my daughter, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. Imagine my amazement when a week later Leah sat down to do her math homework INDEPENDENTLY. I admit that I almost cried with happiness.

Marina, reader, artist and MOTHER

Introduce children to the number and number 3, the formation of the number 3, teach them to relate the number to the number of objects. Teach to write the number 3. Exercise children in the ability to decrease and increase by 1. Use appropriate signs when solving examples and problems. Strengthen the ability to determine spatial location and copy it. Strengthen counting skills. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Develop logical thinking and attention. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.



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Slide captions:

Number 3 Compiled by: Lyagushina L.V.

The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a hook, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how similar the friendly Brothers are! Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Mystery.

Find the error and restore order. 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10

How many hares are there in a basket? Why do you say that? 3

Look! Bird flock! Troikas fly across the sky. With the number 3, bending the branches, it’s easy to make a bow.

A rooster flew up onto the fence and met two more there. How many roosters are there? Who has the answer?

How many apples were there? How much is left? 3 2 3 – 1 = 2

3 1 2 Formation of the number 3

3 Look at this, the number three appears. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. 2 1 0 3

The magic of numbers Guys, many of you already know how to count, you can count your toys, your friends, the trees in the garden, and much more. And in ancient times, people learned to count to two with great difficulty, and only after many, many years they began to advance in counting. Every time something unknown and mysterious began after the deuce. when they counted “one, two, many,” then after two there was “everything.” Therefore, the number 3, which should have followed the number 2 when counting, meant “everything.” For a long time, the number 3 was for many peoples the limit of counting, perfection, a symbol of completeness, and a lucky number. The number 3 has become the most favorite number in both myths and fairy tales. Remember the fairy tales about the Three Little Pigs, the Three Bears, the Three Heroes, the Three Brothers who tried three times to achieve some goal? It has become a tradition to write works in three parts (trilogies), paintings (triptychs). The ancient Greeks considered this number lucky, and in Ancient Babylon they worshiped three main deities: the Sun, Moon and Venus. The number 3 was considered magical in ancient times because it was the sum of the previous numbers (3=2+1); symbolized by a triangle, which represents the past, present and future. Well, what does three mean as a name number? This is talent, versatility, cheerfulness, an indication of science, the world of art, sports, everything that serves as an outlet for a person. So, Katya, Viti, Alyosha, Dima and Fedya, if you take this into account when choosing a profession, you will definitely come to success and fame.

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