Dedicated to the baptism of the Lord. Holy Epiphany, Epiphany

On January 19 (January 6, old style), believers celebrate the Epiphany, or Epiphany. Epiphany, like Easter, is considered the most ancient holiday in Christian culture. This day is associated with the gospel event - the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

We talk about the history, meaning and traditions of the holiday.

Meaning of the name

The Feast of the Epiphany is closely connected with the event in the earthly life of Jesus Christ, described by the evangelists - the baptism that was performed in the Jordan River by the prophet John the Baptist, also known as John the Baptist. The second name of the holiday is Epiphany. This name recalls the miracle that occurred during the baptism of Christ: the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven called Jesus son.

This day was also often called the “day of Enlightenment”, “feast of Lights” or “holy Lights” - as a sign that the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses a person from sin and enlightens him with the Light of Christ.

history of the holiday

According to the Gospel, after wandering in the desert, the prophet John the Baptist came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed religious ablutions. Here he began to talk to the people about repentance and baptism for the remission of sins and to baptize people in the waters.

When Jesus was 30 years old, he also came to the waters of the Jordan River and asked John to baptize. After baptism, the heavens “opened” and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, everyone heard the words of God the Father: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

They pointed out to John the Baptist and the people present the Divine dignity of the baptized Jesus Christ. It is believed that in this event the Holy Trinity was revealed to people: God the Father - with a voice from heaven, God the Son - with the baptism of John in the Jordan, God the Holy Spirit - with a dove descending on Jesus Christ.

How to celebrate

On this day, services and Epiphany bathing in ice holes (Jordans) are held throughout Russia. For this purpose, special ice holes are made in reservoirs, and swimming pools are installed in the squares of cities and towns. People believe that swimming in an ice hole provides cleansing power for the soul and body.

Meanwhile, swimming in Jordan remains an exclusively voluntary activity for believers. For Christians, the main thing on this day is to attend a church service, confess, take communion and take baptismal water.

On the eve of January 18, Epiphany Eve, Orthodox Christians observe strict fasting, eating a traditional Lenten cereal dish - sochivo. You can have a meal only after taking out the candle after the liturgy in the morning and receiving the first communion with Epiphany water.

Blessing of water

The main tradition of the holiday is the blessing of water, which takes place in temples and reservoirs. The water is blessed twice. The day before, January 18, on Epiphany Eve, and directly on the day of Epiphany, January 19, at the Divine Liturgy.

Baptized water is called “agiasma” and is considered a shrine that heals soul and body. You can drink Epiphany water throughout the year. Holy water can be sprinkled on living quarters, things, taken during illness, applied to sore spots, and also given to drink to those who cannot be admitted to Holy Communion.

According to church workers, even tap water is blessed on this day. Water consecrated in the temple cannot be used for domestic needs, washing or laundry. It is recommended to store holy water in the house, preferably near icons.

The healing properties of Epiphany water

Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday and, according to the Christian faith, holy water is the most effective cure for all diseases. To get rid of physical and spiritual ailments, you need to drink it hourly, deeply believing in its healing power. Women are not allowed to touch holy water during menstrual periods, only in exceptional cases, for example, in case of a serious illness. —

In Orthodox traditions, the history of the holiday is well known. The Baptism of the Lord gives water miraculous powers. A drop of it can sanctify a huge source, and it does not deteriorate under any storage conditions. Modern research has confirmed that Epiphany water does not change its structure without a refrigerator.

Where to store Epiphany water

Water collected on the day of Epiphany should be stored in the Red Corner near the icons; this is the best place for it in the house. You must take it from the Red Corner without swearing; at this moment you cannot quarrel and allow yourself ungodly thoughts, as this will lose the holiness of the magic drink. Sprinkling a house with water cleanses not only the home, but also family members, making them healthier, more moral and happier.

Baptism of the Lord: traditions, customs, signs and fortune telling

The day before, as well as before Christmas, is called Christmas Eve. Believers fast until the evening and have “hungry” kutia for dinner. According to the canons, the dish is prepared from steamed wheat and uzvar (unsweetened compote), additional ingredients: honey, ground poppy seeds, walnuts.

At Epiphany, people sit down at the table after attending a service and swimming in an ice hole. The menu is at the discretion of the owners. However, according to tradition, it is customary to prepare cookies in the shape of crosses. By the way, in some houses these sweets were given special significance. Housewives wished for a cookie for each family member, and then watched how the year would go for the household members: if after baking the cross turned out even and ruddy, everything would be wonderful; if it got burnt, it meant illness and trouble.

You are not allowed to work on Epiphany.

In the evening on Christmas Eve, all the shoes were brought from the entryway into the house; boots or felt boots forgotten at the threshold foreshadowed health problems. No money was lent during the entire Christmas season, otherwise the family would be in need all year long.

Unmarried girls awaited the holiday with special trepidation, the reason for this being the bridesmaid ceremony, which was held in the church or near the Jordan ice hole. An engagement that took place at Epiphany was considered the key to a long and prosperous family life.

Our ancestors noted the features of this day, using them to predict various future events, weather, and harvest.

Here are some examples:

  • Snow and a blizzard on Epiphany are harbingers of a good “grain” year.
  • The clear starry sky on the night before Epiphany symbolizes the rich harvest of berries and peas.
  • Hunters paid special attention to dog barking; the better you can hear it, the more game there will be. The modern interpretation of this sign is curious: barking and yapping mean profit as such.
  • Birds knocking on the window on this day are identified with the souls of deceased loved ones. Such an event happened, a memorial must be distributed.

Young ladies who took care of their appearance collected snow at night and then washed themselves with it so that “the skin would shine and the cheeks would blush.”

The Orthodox holiday Epiphany is celebrated on January 19. Why is this holiday extremely important for Christians? The thing is that on this day Christians remember the event recorded in the Gospel - the baptism of Christ. This happened in the waters of the Jordan River, where at that time John the Baptist, or Baptist, was baptizing Jews.

history of the holiday

The Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord is also called Epiphany as a reminder of the miracle that took place: the Holy Spirit descended from heaven and touched Jesus Christ immediately as he emerged from the water after immersion and a loud voice said: “Behold, this is my beloved Son” (Matthew 3:13). -17).

Thus, during this event, the Holy Trinity appeared to people and it was witnessed that Jesus is the Messiah. That is why this holiday is also called Epiphany, which refers to the twelve, i.e. those celebrations that are designated by Church doctrine as events related to the life of Christ.

The Orthodox Church always celebrates Epiphany on January 19 according to the Julian calendar, and the holiday itself is divided into:

  • 4 days of pre-feast - before the Epiphany, during which liturgies dedicated to the upcoming event are already heard in churches;
  • 8 days of post-feast - days after the great event.

The first celebration of Epiphany began in the first century in the First Apostolic Church. The main idea of ​​this holiday is the memory and glorification of the event in which the Son of God appeared in the flesh. However, there is another purpose for the celebration. As is known, in the first centuries many sects arose that differed in dogmatic principles from the true church. And heretics also celebrated Epiphany, but explained this event differently:

  • Ebionites: as the union of the man Jesus with the Divine Christ;
  • Docetes: they did not consider Christ to be half-man and spoke only about His Divine essence;
  • Basilidians: did not believe that Christ was half-god and half-man and taught that the dove that descended was God's mind, which entered into a simple man.

The teachings of the Gnostics, who had only half-truths in their teaching, were very attractive to Christians and a large number of them turned into heresy. To stop this, Christians decided to celebrate Epiphany, simultaneously explaining in detail what kind of holiday it was and what happened at that time. The Church called this holiday the Epiphany, confirming the dogma that then Christ revealed himself to be God, being originally God, One with the Holy Trinity.

In order to finally destroy the Gnostic heresy regarding Baptism, the Church combined Epiphany and Christmas into a single holiday. It is for this reason that until the 4th century these two holidays were celebrated by believers on the same day - January 6, under the general name of Epiphany.

They were first divided into two different celebrations only in the first half of the 5th century by clergy under the leadership of Pope Julius. Christmas began to be celebrated on January 25 in the Western Church, so that the pagans would turn away from celebrating the birth of the sun (there was such a pagan celebration in honor of the sun god) and began to cleave to the Church. And Epiphany began to be celebrated a few days later, but since the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas according to the new style - January 6, Epiphany is celebrated on the 19th.

Important! The meaning of Epiphany remains the same - this is the appearance of Christ as God to his people and reunification with the Trinity.

Icon "Baptism of the Lord"


The Feast of Epiphany is dedicated to the events that are set out in the 13th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew - the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River, as it was written by the prophet Isaiah.

John the Baptist taught the people about the coming Messiah, who would baptize them into fire, and also baptized those who wished in the Jordan River, which symbolized their renewal from the old law to the new one that Jesus Christ would bring. He spoke about the necessary repentance, and washing in the Jordan (which the Jews had done before) became a prototype of Baptism, although John did not suspect it at the time.

Jesus Christ began his ministry at that time; He turned 30 years old, and he came to the Jordan to fulfill the words of the prophet and announce to everyone the beginning of His ministry. He asked John to baptize Him too, to which the prophet, very surprised, replied that he was not worthy to take off Christ’s shoes, and He asked him to baptize. John the Baptist already knew then that the Messiah himself was standing before him. Jesus Christ responded to this that they should do everything according to the law so as not to confuse people.

While Christ was immersed in the waters of the river, the sky opened, and a white dove descended on Christ, and everyone nearby heard the voice “Behold my Beloved Son.” Thus, the Holy Trinity appeared to the people in the form of the Holy Spirit (dove), Jesus Christ and the Lord God.

After this, the first apostles followed Jesus, and Christ himself went into the desert to fight temptations.

Traditions on the holiday

The Epiphany service is very similar to the Christmas service, since when the Church adheres to strict fasting until the consecration of the water. In addition, a special liturgy is served.

Other church traditions are also observed - the blessing of water, the procession to the reservoir, as was done by Palestinian Christians who went to the Jordan River in a similar way for baptism.

Liturgy on the day of Epiphany

As on any other important Christian holiday, a festive liturgy is served in the church, during which the clergy dresses in festive white vestments. The main feature of the service is the blessing of water, which occurs after the service.

On Christmas Eve, the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is served, after which the font in the church is consecrated. And at Epiphany, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is served, after which communion is celebrated and the water is re-blessed and a religious procession to the nearest body of water for consecration.

About other significant Orthodox holidays:

The troparia that are read tell about the division of the Jordan by the prophet Elijah and about the baptism of Jesus Christ all in the same river, and also point to the fact that believers are spiritually renewed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Passages from Scripture are read about the greatness of Christ (Acts, the Gospel of Matthew), the power and authority of the Lord (Psalms 28 and 41, 50, 90), as well as about spiritual rebirth through baptism (the prophet Isaiah).

Bishop's service for Epiphany

Folk traditions

Today, Orthodoxy resembles the mixing of two rivers with clear and muddy water: the clean one is doctrinal Orthodoxy, and the muddy one is folk Orthodoxy, in which there are extremely many admixtures of completely non-church traditions and rituals. This happens because of the rich culture of the Russian people, which is mixed with the theology of the church, and as a result, two lines of traditions are obtained - church and folk.

Important! It’s worth knowing folk traditions, because they can be separated from the true, church ones, and then, knowing the culture of your people is simply a must for everyone.

According to folk traditions, Epiphany marked the end of Christmastide - at this time the girls stopped fortune telling. Scripture prohibits fortune telling and all witchcraft, therefore Christmas fortune telling is only a historical fact.

On Epiphany Eve the font in the church was consecrated, and on the 19th the reservoirs were consecrated. After the church service, people walked in procession to the ice hole and, after prayer, plunged into it to wash away all their sins. After the consecration of the ice hole, people collected water from it in containers to take the consecrated water home, and then plunged themselves.

Swimming in an ice hole is a purely folk tradition, unconfirmed by the doctrinal teaching of the Orthodox Church.

What to put on the holiday table

Believers do not fast on Epiphany, but do so in advance - on Epiphany Eve, the eve of the holiday. It is on Epiphany Christmas Eve that it is necessary to observe strict fasting and eat only lean dishes.

Articles about Orthodox cuisine:

On Epiphany you can put any dishes on the table, but on Christmas Eve only Lenten ones, and the presence of sochiva is required - a dish of boiled wheat grains mixed with honey and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.).

Lenten pies are also baked, and washed down with uzvar - dried fruit compote.

Water for Epiphany

Water has a special meaning during the Epiphany holiday. People believe that she becomes pure, sanctified and holy. The Church says that water is an integral part of the holiday, but it can be sanctified by prayer anywhere. The clergy bless the water twice:

  • on Epiphany Eve the font in the church;
  • water brought by people to temples and reservoirs.

The troparion of Epiphany records the necessary consecration of the home with holy water (a church candle is also used for this), but swimming in an ice hole is a purely folk tradition, not obligatory. You can bless and drink water for a whole year, the main thing is to store it in glass containers so that it does not bloom or spoil.

According to Tradition, all water on the night of Epiphany is sanctified and, as it were, acquires the essence of the waters of the Jordan, in which Jesus Christ was baptized. All water is sanctified by the Holy Spirit and is considered holy at this moment.

Advice! It is recommended to drink water during communion along with wine and prosphora, and also drink several sips daily, especially on days of illness. It should be remembered that, like any other object, it is consecrated in the temple and requires respectful treatment.

Is water holy for Epiphany?

The clergy answer this question ambiguously.

Consecrated water, brought to temples or in reservoirs before bathing, according to the Traditions of the elders, is sanctified. Traditions say that on this night the water becomes similar to the water that flowed in the Jordan at the moment when Christ was baptized there. As Scripture says, the Holy Spirit breathes where it wants, so there is an opinion that at Epiphany holy water is given wherever they pray to the Lord, and not just in the place where the priest performed the service.

The process of consecrating water itself is a church celebration that tells people about the presence of God on earth.

Epiphany ice hole

Swimming in an ice hole

Previously, in the territory of the Slavic countries, Epiphany was called (and continues to be called) “Vodokhreshchi” or “Jordan”. The Jordan is the name given to the ice hole, which is carved with a cross in the ice of a reservoir and which was consecrated by the clergyman at Epiphany.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition - immediately after consecrating an ice hole, take a swim in it, because people believed that in this way they could wash away all their sins. But this applies to worldly traditions,

Important! Scripture teaches us that our sins are washed away by the Blood of Christ on the Cross and people can only accept salvation through repentance, and swimming in an icy pond is only a folk tradition.

This is not a sin, but there is no spiritual meaning in this action. But bathing is just a tradition and should be treated accordingly:

  • this is not mandatory;
  • but the execution can be done reverently, because the water was consecrated.

Thus, you can swim in an ice hole, but you must do this with prayer and after the festive service in the Church. After all, the main sanctification occurs through the sinner’s repentance, and not through bathing, so one should not forget about personal relationships with the Lord and visiting the temple.

Watch the video about the Feast of Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the most important and symbolic holidays in Orthodoxy. Many church and folk traditions and signs are associated with this day.

Do not confuse the holiday of January 19 with the baptism of Rus'. The feast of the Epiphany has a completely different meaning, which can only be understood by knowing the biblical story about the beginning of the earthly journey of Jesus Christ. The rite of baptism was given to us by Jesus himself. The Savior showed how it is possible and necessary to introduce people to faith in God.

History of Baptism

Many have heard the name of the holiday as Epiphany. This name shows us even better the secret meaning of everything that happens on January 19 from year to year. Around this time, Jesus Christ turned 33 years old. He decided to declare himself openly to the world, so he accepted the sacrament of baptism. Like all children or adults who are initiated into the faith, Jesus plunged into water. It was the Jordan River, and the baptism was performed by the prophet John the Baptist, also called the Baptist in the Bible.

At first the prophet was discouraged by the appearance of the Savior, for even the most believing people have the weakness of doubting what Scripture says. The prophecy came true - John said that he did not dare to fulfill what was written, for he was unworthy of such an honor. Jesus answered: “We must fulfill all righteousness.” After these words, John the Baptist agreed to do what was destined for him from above.

Jesus plunged headlong into the water of the Jordan, thereby not only receiving baptism, but also making all the waters holy and healing. It was a kind of baptism of humanity, a mutual favor - we accepted Jesus as God, and he accepted us as people worthy of living forever in Heaven.

After this, he had two disciples - the first of the 12 apostles of Christ. The first sermon was preached, so Christ’s earthly journey as a prophet and teacher begins with Baptism. This was the appearance of God to the people, his unity with them. Jesus said that anyone can be baptized because he himself has been given that honor.

Feast of Epiphany in 2017

On January 19 of each year, Orthodox people around the world read prayers, visit churches, perform the sacraments of communion and confess their sins. On this day there is a church tradition of collecting blessed water to use for food throughout the year. Church workers say that water from any source becomes holy at Epiphany, but many people specifically go to church to scoop up water for themselves and their loved ones.

In Rus', this tradition originated almost a thousand years ago. It is still relevant today. You can collect water on Epiphany Eve on January 18, after the pre-holiday liturgy.

At Epiphany, Christians plunge into water, which greatly strengthens health and faith. This is a relatively young, but very widespread and beloved tradition by believers. On January 19, 2017, many will plunge into Jordan to cleanse themselves spiritually and find inner harmony.

At home, people celebrate Epiphany and Epiphany with a festive table with fish and wine. People take care of each other and try not to sin on this great day. They meet with loved ones and friends, give each other gifts, enjoying life and praising the Savior.

Epiphany on January 19 is one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays that everyone should remember. Many clergy say that the Feast of the Epiphany is almost as important as Easter or Christmas. It strengthens the body, spirit and unites all people, giving them hope for a bright future in 2017. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2017 03:23

The Baptism of the Lord is often called the Epiphany. Many people believe that different names mean the same thing...

It is not the day on which the Savior was born that should be called an appearance, but the day on which He was baptized. He did not become known to everyone through His birth, but through Baptism, which is why the Epiphany is not called the day on which He was born, but the day on which He was baptized


Epiphany water can be stored in food containers for a whole year. If you treat it correctly, the water does not spoil, does not bloom or smell.
The vessel into which Epiphany (or any holy) water is collected must be clean; it is advisable to store it in a dark place without access to sunlight. If there is any label on the bottle (for example, “Lemonade”), it must be removed. There is evidence that Epiphany water, which was stored in such containers with inscriptions, began to bloom and mold appeared. But, despite this, it still does not lose its beneficial properties; it can be sprinkled on your home. In this case, it is better to collect other baptismal (or consecrated) water from the church, and the one that has spoiled can be watered at home flowers, or poured into a pond.

As the Tradition says, all aquatic nature is sanctified on the night of Epiphany and becomes similar to the Jordanian waters, directly related to the Baptism of the Lord. The Holy Spirit sanctifies all the water with His breath; at this moment it is believed that it is holy everywhere, and not just where the priest sanctified it. Consecration itself is a visible solemn rite that reminds us that God is here, next to us on earth.

It is customary to drink Epiphany or other blessed water, together with a piece of prosphora, in the morning on an empty stomach before meals, after reading the prayer:
« Lord my God, may Your gift of holy prosphora and Your holy water be for the forgiveness of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through Your prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen«.

In case of illness or temptation, you must drink this water. Moreover, if you add a little Epiphany water to a carafe of ordinary water, then all of it becomes holy.
And she said that you can pour a little Epiphany or consecrated water into the bottom of a mug or glass, dilute it with regular water and pour it over yourself while taking a shower or bath.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude.


The magnification of Jesus Christ our Lord on the day of His Epiphany:

We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, for our sake now baptized in the flesh by John in the waters of the Jordan.


Video about the feast of Holy Epiphany, Epiphany

One of the most important and significant twelve Orthodox holidays is Epiphany, or as it is also called Epiphany. It ends the holidays, so it is necessary to observe important rituals on January 19, the day when Epiphany is celebrated. In this article we will tell you about the history of the holiday and the traditions associated with it.

The entire Orthodox world is celebrating 1 January 9 is the feast of the Baptism of God's Son Jesus Christ, who was baptized by John the Baptist (Forerunner) in the Jordan River. It was on this day that God called Jesus his son, appearing to people in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Epiphany is also called Epiphany. At the time of his baptism, Jesus was 30 years old.

Jesus came to John and preached a sermon to the people about the need for baptism, which cleanses the souls of people from sins. After this event, the son of God went into the desert, where he spent a lot of time fasting and abstaining from the temptations of the devil. The Apostles followed his example.

The feast of Epiphany in the church began to be celebrated immediately. Only during Jesus' lifetime was it celebrated on the same day as Christmas. The holiday of Christmas and Epiphany was called Epiphany. These holidays began to be celebrated separately in the Church of Constantinople. This happened in 377. The traditions of mutual celebration have been preserved to this day only in the Armenian church.

Baptism: traditions and customs of the holiday

The celebration of Epiphany actually begins not on January 19, but the day before it. On January 18, the Orthodox people prepare Epiphany Christmas Eve, which is a fasting kutya made from rice, millet, raisins and honey. However, it could not be eaten before the water was blessed. You don't have to go to church to bless water. There is a belief that at exactly midnight the water in rivers, reservoirs and even in the tap becomes holy. If you collect it at this particular time, it will be of particular value as a medicine for the treatment of fatal diseases and more.

However, you still shouldn’t trust tap water. Go to the nearest lake, where the priest conducts a special ritual of illuminating the water. It is also advisable to dedicate a church service before this, which must be held on the night of January 18-19.

As a rule, a hole in the ice is made in the form of a cross, over which the priest reads prayers, and then everyone who wants to harden themselves and cleanse themselves of sins and other evil spirits bathes in it. You need to plunge into the ice hole 3 times. After each immersion in water, it is necessary to be baptized:

  • Diving into the water symbolizes the death of Christ.
  • Emerging from the water signifies the resurrection of the Son of God.

After you dive, be sure to drink a strong drink to warm up. But it shouldn't be alcohol. Tea with honey and lemon will do. However, if you do not sincerely believe that water will help you get rid of ailments, and that it has any power at all, then it is better not to drink it or bathe in it, because in this case it really will not bring you any benefit .

The priests warn that you need to swim in the ice hole correctly:

  • Don't undress ahead of time. Remove clothing immediately before entering the water.
  • Immersion in water should be slow. First wash your knees and face.
  • After the diving processes are completed, immediately get out of the water to avoid hypothermia.
  • If you are drunk or too full, you should not dive into ice water. After all, gluttony, like drunkenness, are church sins. In this case, the blessing will not descend on those who want to be cleansed at Baptism. In addition, it is simply very life-threatening. Due to a sharp change in temperature due to alcohol intoxication, the heart can stop.
  • If before diving you did not visit a church, did not pray and did not light a candle, then you should not expect the miraculous effect of sacred water either.
  • Women are not allowed to dive into the ice hole in an open swimsuit. To plunge into the ice hole, you need to buy a new, clean shirt or shirt, since the body must be covered. This shirt needs to be saved. A woman can put it on herself or her children when she or her children get sick. It is believed that the shirt will have special powers throughout the year until the next Epiphany.

Important! Water collected from an ice hole on the day of Epiphany does not spoil throughout the year. You can bless houses with it, give it to sick people in the family. After a year, it is better to somehow get rid of this water, because it loses its healing power. You need to collect new water on the same holiday in order to be able to use it next year.

Other less important traditions, but revered by Orthodox people, are also associated with the Baptism of the Lord:

  1. After going to the temple and blessing the water, you must go to a meal. There should be 12 dishes with butter and meat on the table.
  2. You can prepare so-called square pancakes for the holiday table. Pancakes of this shape attract wealth to the house.
  3. You need to celebrate Epiphany with your loved ones, since this is a family celebration. If you do not neglect this tradition, then the whole family will live in full force throughout the year, not get sick and feel good.
  4. After the meal is over, everyone present at the table should pray. The prayer should express gratitude to the Almighty for the fact that there is food on the table.
  5. After the prayer, all relatives must release the white dove from the cage. This is a symbol of letting go of all the past Christmas holidays.
  6. Before Epiphany after Christmas, women were forbidden to go to the water to simply draw it home or, especially, to wash it in it. It was believed that unconsecrated water contained devils that could cause great harm to a woman. Therefore, men always went to fetch water for 2 weeks before Epiphany.
  7. To preserve youth and beauty, women dipped rowan or coral into any container that contained sacred water. They always made the girl's cheeks rosy.
  8. Before sunrise on the day of Epiphany, every unmarried girl could find out her destiny. To do this, she had to go outside and wait for the first passerby. If it turned out to be a man, it meant that she would get married during that year.

There are also many signs associated with the feast of the Epiphany. Based on what was happening around them and changes in the weather, people determined what their harvest would be like and what awaited them. As an example, we will give you some popular signs associated with the Epiphany:

  • If on the night of January 18-19 there are many stars in the sky and not a single cloud, this means that spring will come early, summer will be hot, and autumn will be rainy.
  • If there is a full moon on Epiphany, then in the spring you need to expect dangerous river floods.
  • If the sun shines brightly on Epiphany and there is no wind, it means that the year will pass calmly for everyone, without incidents or special shocks. If you have some kind of undertaking in your plans, then you don’t have to be afraid, it will be crowned with success. If the weather is rainy, cloudy and windy, then this is a sign that this year the Orthodox people will shed a lot of tears because of the troubles that will overcome them.
  • If on the day of Epiphany everything around is covered with snow or it snows all day, this means that all year round the Orthodox people are not threatened by epidemics and terrible diseases from which it is impossible to recover.
  • If a person prays all night at Epiphany to heaven, which opens to a person in a special way, then everything that he asks God for will certainly come true.
  • To protect your home from evil spirits for the whole year, you need to draw crosses on all windows and doors with white chalk on the night of Epiphany.
  • If snow fell on January 18, then it can be applied to a person in the family who is very sick, then he will definitely be cured.
  • If you baptize a child on the day of the Epiphany, he will be very happy in life. Such children are called blessed.
  • If you get engaged on the day of Epiphany, the family will be strong and happy. The spouses will be able to live a long life together.
  • All the dreams that you have on the night of Epiphany come true because they are prophetic. Any fortune-telling, just like Christmas fortune-telling, is very powerful and always comes true.

Do not miss the opportunity this year to take advantage of all the benefits that the Lord gives us on the day of Epiphany. Let them bring harmony, happiness and health to your family!

Video: “Feast of Epiphany”

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