Battle of Azov. Azov campaigns of Peter

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The first and second Azov campaigns of Peter 1

Campaigns of Peter I to Turkish Azov in 1695 and 1696. (the so-called Azov campaigns) represent an essential link in the chain of those undertakings that Peter carried out so energetically and persistently. The Azov campaigns undertaken by Peter in the very first years of his reign open up important pages in the military history of the Russian state, extremely colorfully showing how our army grew and became stronger in battles and battles, how the Russian navy, whose banners were already during the years of Peter 1 they were covered with the unfading glory of resounding victories.

The history of the Azov campaigns is Peter's first major step in his foreign policy.

Reasons for the Azov campaigns of Peter I

Today historians highlight Among the main reasons for Peter’s Azov campaigns:

All these factors allowed Peter to raise the question of actually moving the country’s southern border to its border on the Black Sea coast.

Note! The main reasons for the Azov campaigns were the desire to gain access to the Black Sea and the rapid growth of the power of the Moscow state.

What was the Azov fortress like?

Azov, in particular, was a strong fortress. After 1637-1641 (the capture of Azov by the Don Cossacks and its heroic defense from the enormous forces of the Turks - the so-called Azov Seat), Azov was returned by the Turks and the Azov fortress was strengthened even more. Many people worked on the restoration and strengthening of fortifications. About three versts from the Azov fortress, on one and the other banks of the Don, the Turks erected two stone “towers”, and on the northern tributary of the Don, the so-called Dead Donets, a stone fortification (castle) Buttercup was built. Thus, Azov was given a network of auxiliary fortifications. As before, the Turkish fleet always had the opportunity to provide assistance to the Azov fortress from the sea.

Progress of the Azov campaigns of 1695 and 1696

The first Azov campaign of 1695

On January 20, 1695, a gathering of so-called military men of the old order for a campaign against the Crimea was announced in the capital. Boyar B. Sheremetev was appointed head of the preparation and collection of an army of one hundred and twenty thousand people for the military campaign. He had to wait some time, join the Little Russian Cossacks to the army and then go down to the lower reaches of the Dnieper.

While the “deceptive” army was being formed at points determined by the tsar, a secret army was gathering in Moscow for the Azov campaign. It consisted of forty-four arquebuses, one hundred and four mortars and thirty-one thousand soldiers) and included the three best divisions, led by the famous Golovin, Lefort and Gordon. At the same time, the actual command of this army was not concentrated in one hand, but was carried out by special military councils, making their decisions on the orders of bombardier Peter Mikhailov (pseudonym of Peter the Great).

In mid-spring, Gordon's troops, totaling ten thousand people, gathered in Tambov, began a military campaign.

The siege of Azov begins on the third of July. On the ninth of the same month, powerful bombings were carried out, which were able to cause serious damage to the fortress. However, the further siege dragged on. Due to the lack of a strong fleet, Russian troops were unable to carry out a complete blockade of the stronghold. Otherwise, Azov would not have lasted long, because it would not have received supplies and reinforcements by sea.

The Turks, who enlisted the forces of the Tatar cavalry, which operated outside the fortress, carried out partisan attacks every now and then. Historians note among the reasons for the defeat of the Russians the military’s lack of familiarity with engineering and lack of discipline.

On the night of July 20, Peter's regiments moved to the right bank of the main branch of the Don, after which they built a fortification there, installing artillery there and thus gaining the opportunity to fire at the fortress from the north side. After this, at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn, two unsuccessful assaults were carried out, but Peter was unable to take the fortress by storm.

Disappointed with the second assault attempt and considerable losses of personnel, Peter gives the order to end the siege. On September 28, the disarmament of the batteries began, and on October 2, the last regiments left for Moscow.

Second Azov campaign of Peter the Great in 1696

Wanting with all his might to still achieve his intended goal and get Azov, and realizing exactly what reasons led him to failure, Peter begins to prepare a second military campaign against the fortress, barely moving away from it towards Moscow.

The most important part of the Russian Tsar’s new plan was that in the future it would be very important to close Azov with a fleet, depriving it of the opportunity to regularly receive food and guns. To accomplish this, Peter the Great this same winter gives the order to build ships in Voronezh and Preobrazhensky. And in order for everything to work out, he himself heads this matter.

Along with the construction of ships and the expansion of the fleet, there is also a recruitment of a new Azov army, which was significantly strengthened by Sheremetev’s ten-thousandth army, the conscripted Cossacks and the recruitment of freemen. Also, to fill the lack of sophisticated engineers, the ruler turns for help to his allies, the Austrian emperor and the Polish king, who in response send him experienced foreign military personnel.

So, in the early spring of 1696, the seventy-five-thousandth Russian army was ready to go to Azov. The new fleet, placed under the command of Lefort, and consisting of four fireships, twenty-three galleys and two ships, was also fully prepared for battle.

On May 19, Gordon's units landed three miles above the Azov fortress. After several small clashes near the mouth of the Don, the Turks send reinforcements. However, seeing that the Russian ships are weighing anchor, the Turkish ships turn back. Then the covering Turkish squadron goes to sea and does nothing more to protect Azov. At the same time, the fortress garrisons were clearly not ready for a second siege, because even last year’s Russian trenches were not filled up. Therefore, in the period from the twenty-eighth of May to the third of June 1696, Russian units quickly strengthened their camps from last year and began installing artillery.

On the sixteenth of June, the bombardment of the fortifications begins, but two weeks of shooting does not give positive results, after which Peter decides to build a higher rampart and, moving it through the ditch, begin the assault.

A day later, the Zaporozhye units, bored from the long siege, agreed with the Don Cossacks and launched a spontaneous attack on Azov and forced the Turks to retreat. After this, the main troops entered the battle and easily took the fortress.

Consequences of the capture of the Azov fortress

As for the future fate of Azov, it must be said that Peter, despite his ardent desire for it, did not manage to secure Azov for himself forever. After the unsuccessful Prut campaign, in 1711 Azov again ceded to Turkey. Peter was very upset about the need to give Azov to Turkey.

Until his death (1725), Peter was haunted by the thought of returning Azov and Taganrog. In 1735, when a new Russian-Turkish war began, Russian troops launched a siege of Azov. In the spring of 1736 Azov was taken. However, the final annexation of Azov to Russia occurred only in 1774 (actually in 1769). The history of the Azov campaigns is connected with the history of the struggle of Peter I to eliminate the backwardness of Russia.

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    In what year did Peter the Great's first Azov campaign take place?



One of the main life goals of Peter I from the very first days of his reign was the struggle for Russia to gain access to the Black Sea. And one of the means of realizing this dream was the Azov campaigns

Historical background

The problem of lack of access to the southern sea was repeatedly tried to be solved in the pre-Petrine era. In particular, even under Alexei Mikhailovich, the Chigirin campaigns were organized. And during the regency of Peter’s elder sister Sophia, Prince V. Golitsyn conducted two Crimean campaigns. However, both the first and second attempts ended in failure.
In the next war with Turkey and Crimea (1970s), Russia took part as part of a coalition that included Austria and Poland. However, later, when concluding peace agreements, the allies did not take Russian interests into account at all. As a result, Russia not only did not gain any benefit, but also continued to be subjected to barbaric raids by Crimean troops.

Having come to power, Pyotr Alekseevich demanded to stop the raids and allow Russian ships to move freely in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas. But the demands of the Russian Tsar were constantly disputed by the Turks, which delayed negotiations for many years.
Realizing that it was unlikely to be possible to resolve the issue peacefully, Peter decided to act by force. His main goal was the Azov fortress, the capture of which would open the gates to the Black Sea.

First trip

The young king began implementing his plan in 1695, using his characteristic ingenuity. The military trick was that, having announced mobilization, he indicated the lower reaches of the Dnieper as the target of the campaign. In parallel with active preparations for this campaign, the best divisions were being assembled under the leadership of experienced generals to march to Azov. Among the fighters was the king himself.

Having reached their destination by different routes, separate parts of the army united and besieged the fortress, periodically showering it with a hail of shells.
But being besieged from land, the defenders of the fortress had constant and uninterrupted supplies from the sea. The siege could last indefinitely.

Having carried out several unsuccessful assaults on the fortress walls, Russian troops were forced to retreat.
But Peter was not the type to give up after the first unsuccessful attempt. Having analyzed all the shortcomings and mistakes of the first campaign, he began to prepare for the second campaign against Azov.

Second try

Realizing that the main reason for the failure was the lack of a fleet and the inability to block the fortress from the sea, Peter actively began building various ships. In Voronezh and its environs, as well as in Preobrazhenskoye, thousands of people, under the strict guidance of the tsar himself, worked to create a flotilla.
In parallel with this, new army regiments were formed.
As a result, in just a few months, 23 galleys, 2 ships and 4 banderas were built, and 75,000 people underwent military training.

The new siege came as a complete surprise to the garrison of the Azov fortress. The Turkish fleet, after several clashes with the Russian flotilla, did not dare to engage in a serious battle and abandoned attempts to help the besieged.

However, despite improved tactics and not very active resistance from the defenders of Azov, it was still not possible to take the fortress.
But a solution was found. This was the construction of additional ramparts, higher than the fortress wall. The work was long and grueling, but as a result the fortress was taken.
The second Azov campaign of Peter I was crowned with success.

Significance and result of the campaign

As a result of both campaigns, the autocrat was able to discern and appreciate many of the shortcomings of his troops, which influenced his decision to personally visit European states and become familiar with their systems of army organization.
In addition, he did not want to stop there and wanted to continue the war with Turkey, for which he also needed to go and negotiate with the allies.
He also needed specialists in shipbuilding, who could only be trained in foreign countries.
Therefore, the main results of the campaign against Azov were the Grand Embassy organized by the Tsar, further reform of the army and the establishment of closer cooperation with the West.

The years 1695 and 1696 were very difficult for the Russian Empire. They were forever written into history by the famous Azov campaigns of Peter 1, an ambitious young and purposeful tsar. It is unacceptable for young people, specialists, and future applicants not to be aware of these fateful events. It’s like pulling out one tooth - you can live without it, but it’s more natural to have a full row. So, back to our topic.

What led to the decision that stimulated the continuation of the Russian-Turkish war?

The king had plenty of arguments:

  • Regular raids by the Crimean Khan caused significant damage to the state, destroying the southern borders;
  • Russian merchants were deprived of the right to unhindered navigation in two seas at once: the Azov and Black Seas - Turkey refused them this;
  • Another reason for the sovereign’s more decisive mood was the ineffective campaigns to Crimea by V.V. Golitsyn;
  • One glance at the map is enough to see that an important object at the mouth of the Don, the Azov fortress, after its capture, would contribute to consolidation on the territory of the Azov Sea coast for further advancement into the Black Sea.

Can I state It can be said that this fortress was a very important strategic object for Russia. Having taken possession of it, Peter hoped to make control over the Khanate more influential on the one hand, and on the other hand, to control the Don Cossacks. It was tempting and very promising, in short, to get unhindered access to the Sea of ​​Azov. He also considered the fact that the path to Azov lay through the Don and Volga rivers, the coast of which was a populated area. This made it possible to avoid a grueling trek across the sultry steppe. In addition to all this, the sovereign had the intention of testing his regiments in real combat operations.

From plans to actions

The goals were set, and the transition to execution was inevitable. March 1695 marked the beginning of the first Azov campaign. The main blow was dealt by the army commanded by the generals: Golovin, Lefort and Gordon. There was another wing, it was led by Boris Sheremet. The Russians had great potential, but did not have a fleet. Until October, hostilities took place and the siege was held.

But the result was not positive, and the troops were given the command to return to Moscow. The only trophy of the campaign was a captured Turk. He was taken through the streets of the capital and shown to those who wanted to look at the prisoner. This campaign had no significance, but its negative result was carefully studied in order to draw conclusions.

Map of Azov hikes

The second campaign - a campaign of not lost hopes

In 1696, the second campaign against Azov was carried out. It was supposed to use a fleet. A city was chosen for the construction of ships - it was Voronezh. The creators worked tirelessly; they built 2 ships, 23 galleys, 4 fire ships, as well as 1,300 plows.

75 thousand people took part in this campaign. Crimean troops were repulsed. The Turks' attempt to break through the attack and take Azov did not change events. Russian troops were preparing for the assault, but the enemy surrendered without it. The capture of Azov was Russia's first significant victory over the Ottoman Empire.

Analysis of past events

    • The date of the first Azov campaign, 1695, was not victorious. But conclusions were drawn, and the implementation of plans was predetermined;
    • The Tsar not only saw the reasons, but also did everything to ensure victory in the future: there was no fleet - it was built, the poor organization of troops was eliminated, there was not enough artillery - this was also eliminated;
    • It was the artillery and fleet, with the help of which the fortress was cut off from supplies from the sea at the hour of the second campaign, that predetermined the outcome of events. Everything led to the fact that the Turks surrendered the fortress to Russian troops on July 19 and a peace treaty was signed;
    • In 1698, campaigns led to the founding of a new city - Taganrog. It became the base of the Russian fleet.

To summarize, it should be said that after all the events, the Russian army secured the title of winner, Tsar Peter the Great began to be received with great respect in different countries. In addition, the presence of a fleet was of enormous military importance, and access to the Sea of ​​Azov was of strategic and economic importance. But this was only part of the great sovereign’s plan - Access to the Black Sea still had to be won.

As you understand, this topic is only part of a larger topic on Peter. And in our training courses we analyze it in detail in two large lessons, which, by the way, involves solving tests by period. so as not to bite your elbows later.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

National Mineral Resources University "Mining"

Department of History and Political Science

Abstract on the discipline "National History"

On the topic: “Azov campaigns of Peter I”

Completed by: student gr. APM-12 Tereshkov A.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor L.G. Pozina

Saint Petersburg


Politics of Peter I

2. First Azov campaign

Second Azov campaign

The significance of the Azov campaigns




Relevance of the topic. Peter's Azov campaigns very clearly characterize the personality of Peter I. They revealed the organizational and strategic abilities of the tsar. They can be considered the first significant accomplishment of the young king. Nowadays, the study of Peter I is a developing area in history. Events that characterize his leadership skills cannot be left unnoticed. Also, the Azov campaigns had a significant impact on the course of Russian history. They decided whether Russia would gain access to the Azov and Black Seas. A detailed study of this topic allows us to evaluate one of the most important events of the Russian-Turkish War of 1686-1699.

Historiography of the problem.This problem has been of interest since the 17th century. Historians were able to study it in more detail in the middle of the 19th century. The problem is still being studied.

Review of sources on the topic.The works of N.A. Shefov turned out to be the most complete and easy to understand. “The most famous wars and battles of Russia” and Shishkin “From Ancient Rus' to the Russian Empire.” Other sources, including Internet resources, also provided quite specific and informative information on the chosen topic.

Goal of the work.Study the course of the Azov campaigns, their influence on the fate of Russia and the policies of Peter I.

1. Policy of Peter 1

Azov campaigns of 1695 and 1696 - Russian military campaigns against the Ottoman Empire; were undertaken by Peter I at the beginning of his reign and ended with the capture of the Turkish fortress of Azov.

The choice of the southern direction as the first goal is due to several main reasons:

the war with the Ottoman Empire seemed an easier task than the conflict with Sweden, which was closing access to the Baltic Sea;

the capture of Azov would make it possible to secure the southern regions of the country from attacks by the Crimean Tatars;

Russia's allies in the anti-Turkish coalition (Rzeczpospolita, Austria and Venice) demanded that Peter the Great begin military action against Turkey.

It was decided to strike not at the Crimean Tatars, as in Golitsyn’s campaigns, but at the Turkish fortress of Azov. The route was also changed: not through the desert steppes, but along the Volga and Don regions.

The number of the Russian army participating in the First Azov Campaign was 32 thousand people. It should be noted that this Russian army consisted mostly of new troops, organized according to a foreign model, with foreign commanders, as well as from the former amusing Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments.

The Azov fortress was defended by a 7,000-strong garrison under the command of Bey Hassan-Araslan. With the capture of this strategic Turkish fortress, the land connection between the possessions of the Crimean Khanate in the Northern Black Sea region and the Northern Caucasus was disrupted.

Owning Azov, the tsar strengthened control not only over the Khanate, but also over the Don Cossacks. The relative convenience of communication also played an important role in choosing the destination of the hike. Unlike the road to Perekop, the path to Azov ran along rivers (Don, Volga) and through fairly populated areas. This freed the troops from unnecessary convoys and long marches across the sultry steppe.

In the winter and spring of 1695, transport ships were built on the Don: plows, sea boats and rafts to deliver troops, ammunition, artillery and food from the deployment to Azov. This can be considered the beginning, albeit imperfect for solving military problems at sea, but the first Russian fleet.

In the spring of 1695, the army in 3 groups under the command of Golovin, Gordon and Lefort moved south.

The entire detachment, according to the original order, was under the command of a “consultation” of three persons: Golovin, Lefort and Gordon; During the campaign, Peter the Great combined the duties of the first bombardier and the de facto leader of the entire campaign. Rivalry and disagreement between these commanders, weak discipline and grumbling of individual units against foreign commanders, the tsar’s inexperience in military matters, who also did not have any military talent, as well as the lack of horses and food supplies could not promise a favorable outcome for this company.

Gordon was more experienced than the others, but Lefort, a layman in military affairs, had more influence on Tsar Peter the Great.

The Azov campaigns (1695-1696) of Peter I were a continuation of Russia's policy in the southern direction. After the fruitless Crimean campaigns (1687, 1689), Peter planned a campaign not directly against the Crimea through the endless waterless steppes, but along the Don, to its mouth - the Turkish fortress of Azov [Founded in the 1st-3rd centuries. AD as a Maeotian settlement, from the 13th century. Golden Horde city Azak. In the 14th century - a Venetian and Genoese colony (Tana). In 1395 it was destroyed by Tamerlane. Since 1475 Turkish fortress. Part of Russia since 1739 (finally since 1774).].

The change in direction of the main attack was explained by a number of reasons. The unsuccessful experience of Golitsyn’s campaigns predetermined the choice of a more modest goal. The object of the attack was now not the center of the Khanate, but its eastern flank, the starting point of the Crimean-Turkish aggression towards the Volga region and Moscow. With the capture of Azov, the land connection between the possessions of the Crimean Khanate in the Northern Black Sea region and the North Caucasus was disrupted. Owning this fortress, the tsar strengthened control not only over the Khanate, but also over the Don Cossacks. In addition, Azov opened Russia's access to the Sea of ​​Azov. The relative convenience of communication also played an important role in choosing the destination of the hike. Unlike the road to Perekop, the path to Azov ran along rivers (Don, Volga) and through fairly populated areas. This freed the troops from unnecessary convoys and long marches across the sultry steppe.

2. First Azov campaign

"Azov seat" (1637-1641).The prologue to the Azov campaigns of Peter I was the so-called Azov seat - the defense of the Azov fortress by the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks, taken from the Turks in 1637. In 1641, the Cossacks withstood the siege; in the summer of 1642, having destroyed the fortifications, they left Azov. Reflected in a military story created on the Don - “A Poetic Tale” (1642).

The first Azov campaign (1695).The first Azov campaign began in March 1695. The main blow to Azov was dealt by an army commanded by generals Autonomous Golovin, Franz Lefort and Patrick Gordon (31 thousand people). In this army, the tsar himself was in the position of commander of the bombardment company. Another less significant group led by Boris Sheremetev operated in the lower reaches of the Dnieper to divert the troops of the Crimean Khan. Sheremetev captured 4 Turkish fortresses on the Dnieper (Islam-Kermen, Tagan, etc.), destroyed two of them, and left Russian garrisons in the other two.

However, the main events took place on the Don. In July 1695, all Russian troops finally gathered under the walls of Azov and on the 8th began shelling the fortress. At one of the batteries, bombardier Pyotr Alekseev filled grenades himself and fired around the city for 2 weeks. This is how the tsar’s military service began, which he reported with the note: “I began to serve as a bombardier from the first Azov campaign.”

Azov was a strong Turkish fortress, surrounded by stone walls, in front of which rose an earthen rampart. Then followed a ditch with a wooden palisade. Upstream of the river there were two stone towers on different banks, between which three iron chains were stretched. They blocked the path along the river.

The fortress was defended by a 7,000-strong Turkish garrison. The siege lasted 3 months, but a complete blockade of the fortress was not achieved. The Russians' lack of a fleet allowed the besieged to receive support from the sea. The delivery of food to the Russian camp along the river was prevented by towers with chains. They managed to take them by storm. But this was, perhaps, the only success of the first Azov campaign.

Both assaults on Azov (August 5 and September 25) ended in failure. The artillery was unable to break through the fortress wall. Those who stormed did not act in concert, which allowed the Turks to regroup their forces in time to fight back. In October, the siege was lifted and the troops returned to Moscow. The only trophy of the campaign was a captured Turk, who was taken through the streets of the capital and shown to the curious.

After the overthrow of the government of Princess Sophia, military operations against the Turks and Tatars were suspended. Russian troops only repelled the raids of the Tatars. In 1694, it was decided to resume active hostilities and strike not at the Crimean Tatars, as in Golitsyn’s campaigns, but at the Turkish fortress of Azov. The route was also changed: not through the desert steppes, but along the Volga and Don regions. In the spring of 1695, the army in 3 groups under the command of Golovin, Gordon and Lefort moved south. During the campaign, Peter combined the duties of the first bombardier and the de facto leader of the entire campaign.

In the spring of 1695, the army in 3 groups under the command of Golovin, Gordon and Lefort moved south. During the campaign, Peter combined the duties of the first bombardier and the de facto leader of the entire campaign. On the Ukrainian side, Sheremetyev’s group and Mazepa’s Cossacks acted.

On the Dnieper, the Russian army recaptured three fortresses from the Turks (July 30 - Kyzy-Kermen, August 1 - Eski-Tavan, August 3 - Aslan-Kermen), and at the end of June the main forces besieged Azov (a fortress at the mouth of the Don). Gordon stood opposite the southern side, Lefort to his left, Golovin, with whose detachment the Tsar was also located, to the right. On July 2, troops under the command of Gordon began siege operations. On July 5, they were joined by the corps of Golovin and Lefort. On July 14 and 16, the Russians managed to occupy the towers - two stone towers on both banks of the Don, above Azov, with iron chains stretched between them, which blocked river boats from entering the sea. This was actually the highest success of the campaign. Two assault attempts were made (August 5 and September 25), but the fortress could not be taken. On October 20, the siege was lifted.

The Azov campaign is the first campaign of the Russian army with the participation of Tsar Peter I (31 thousand people) against the Turkish fortress of Azov in July-October 1695 (Russian-Turkish War, 1686-1700). The fortress was defended by a 7,000-strong garrison under the command of Bey Hassan-Araslan. Taking into account the experience of unsuccessful campaigns of Prince V.V. Golitsyn (see Crimean campaigns of 1687, 1689), Peter decided to deliver the main blow to Azov, which blocked Russia’s access to the sea. With the capture of this strategic Turkish fortress, the land connection between the possessions of the Crimean Khanate in the Northern Black Sea region and the Northern Caucasus was disrupted. Owning Azov, the tsar strengthened control not only over the Khanate, but also over the Don Cossacks. The relative convenience of communication also played an important role in choosing the destination of the hike. Unlike the road to Perekop, the path to Azov ran along rivers (Don, Volga) and through fairly populated areas. This freed the troops from unnecessary convoys and long marches across the sultry steppe.

In July 1695, the Russian army besieged Azov. On July 8, shelling began. At one of the batteries, bombardier Pyotr Alekseev (Peter 1) filled grenades himself and fired around the city for 2 weeks. This is how the tsar’s military service began, about which he wrote: “I began to serve as a bombardier from the first Azov campaign.”

It was not possible to achieve a complete blockade of the fortress. The Russians' lack of a fleet allowed the besieged to receive support from the sea. The delivery of food to the Russian camp along the river was prevented by towers with chains. They managed to take them by storm. But this was the only serious success of the first Azov campaign. Both assaults on the fortress itself (August 5 and September 25) ended in failure. The artillery was unable to break through the fortress wall. The attackers acted uncoordinated, allowing the Turks to regroup their forces in time to fight back.

3. Second Azov campaign

Second Azov campaign (1696).

After the failure of the 1st Azov campaign, the tsar did not lose heart. Peter discovered remarkable strength to overcome obstacles. Returning from the campaign, he began to prepare for a new campaign. It was supposed to use a fleet. The place of its creation was Voronezh (founded in 1585 as a fortress). The king himself worked here with an ax in his hands. By the spring of 1696, 2 ships, 23 galleys, 4 fire ships were built, as well as a significant number of plows (1300), on which Peter set out on a new campaign in the spring of 1696.

In the 2nd Azov campaign, the number of Russian forces, led by governor Alexei Shein, was increased to 75 thousand people. To divert the troops of the Crimean Khan, Sheremetev’s group was again sent to the lower reaches of the Dnieper.

As a result of joint actions of the army and navy, Azov was completely blocked. The attacks of the Crimean troops, who tried to prevent the siege, were repulsed. The onslaught from the sea was also repelled. On June 14, 1696, Cossack plows attacked a Turkish squadron with a 4,000-strong landing force that had entered the mouth of the Don. Having lost two ships, the squadron went to sea. Following her, the Russian squadron entered the sea for the first time. The Turks' attempt to break through to Azov was unsuccessful, and their ships left the combat area.

After the naval victory, the assault Cossack detachments under the command of atamans Yakov Lizogub and Frol Minaev (2 thousand people) launched an attack. They were knocked out of the internal fortifications, but managed to gain a foothold on the rampart, from where direct shelling of the fortress began. After this, Peter ordered all troops to prepare for a general assault. However, it did not come. Deprived of support, the garrison threw up a white flag and surrendered on July 19, 1696. The capture of Azov was Russia's first major victory over the Ottoman Empire.

After the first Azov campaign, the tsar began preparing a new campaign, in which it was planned to use the fleet. For this purpose, construction of a fleet began in Voronezh.

By the spring of 1696, 30 ships had been built. The Russian army was facing the Second Azov Campaign...

All the Dutch and English shipwrights who were there were transferred from Arkhangelsk to Voronezh and the carpenters from neighboring provinces were driven away. Up to 26 thousand people worked all winter. All interests were relegated to the background. The thirst for victory over the Turks overwhelmed the king. His unyielding will strengthened the activities of the masters.

By the spring of 1696 the fleet was ready. Lefort was appointed admiral of the new fleet, and command of the land army was given to boyar Shein.

The second Azov campaign of the Russian army against the Turkish fortress of Azov took place in March - July 1696. It became a logical continuation of the First Azov campaign of Peter I. In this campaign, the number of Russian forces was increased to 75 thousand people.

Throughout the winter of 1696, the Russian army prepared for the second campaign. In January, large-scale construction of ships began at the shipyards of Voronezh and Preobrazhenskoye. The galleys built in Preobrazhenskoye were dismantled and transported to Voronezh, where they were reassembled and launched on the Don. Over 25 thousand peasants and townspeople were mobilized from the immediate surroundings to build the fleet. Craftsmen from Austria were invited to build the ships. 2 large ships, 23 galleys and more than 1,300 plows, barges and small ships were built.

The command of the troops was also reorganized. Lefort was placed at the head of the fleet, the ground forces were entrusted to boyar Shein.

The highest decree was issued, according to which slaves who joined the army received freedom. The land army doubled in size, reaching 70,000 men. It also included Ukrainian and Don Cossacks and Kalmyk cavalry.

May Russian troops again besieged Azov.

In May, Cossacks in galleys at the mouth of the Don attacked a caravan of Turkish cargo ships. As a result, 2 galleys and 9 small ships were destroyed, and one small ship was captured. On May 27, the fleet entered the Sea of ​​Azov and cut off the fortress from sources of supply by sea. The approaching Turkish military flotilla did not dare to engage in battle.

June and June 24, the attacks of the Turkish garrison, reinforced by 60,000 Tatars camped south of Azov, across the Kagalnik River, were repulsed.

July preparatory siege work was completed. On July 17, 1,500 Don and part of the Ukrainian Cossacks arbitrarily broke into the fortress and settled in two bastions. On July 19, after prolonged artillery shelling, the Azov garrison surrendered. On July 20, the Lyutikh fortress, located at the mouth of the northernmost branch of the Don, also surrendered.

Already by July 23, Peter approved the plan for new fortifications in the fortress, which by this time was heavily damaged as a result of artillery shelling. Azov did not have a convenient harbor for basing the navy. For this purpose, on July 27, 1696, a more favorable place was chosen on Tagany Musa, where Taganrog was founded two years later.

Voivode Shein became the first Russian generalissimo for his services in the second Azov campaign.

4. The significance of the Azov campaigns

The Azov campaign demonstrated in practice the importance of artillery and navy for warfare. It is a notable example of successful interaction between the fleet and ground forces during the siege of a seaside fortress, which stands out especially clearly against the background of the similar failures of the British during the assault on Quebec (1691) and Saint-Pierre (1693).

The preparation of the campaigns clearly demonstrated Peter’s organizational and strategic abilities. For the first time, such important qualities as his ability to draw conclusions from failures and gather strength for a second strike appeared.

Despite the success, at the end of the campaign, the incompleteness of the achieved results became obvious: without capturing the Crimea, or at least Kerch, access to the Black Sea was still impossible. To hold Azov it was necessary to strengthen the fleet. It was necessary to continue building the fleet and provide the country with specialists capable of building modern sea vessels.

October 1696, the Boyar Duma proclaims “Sea vessels will be...” This date can be considered the birthday of the Russian regular navy. An extensive shipbuilding program is approved - 52 (later 77) ships; To finance it, new duties are introduced.

November, a decree was announced sending nobles to study abroad.

The war with Turkey is not over yet, and therefore, in order to better understand the balance of power, find allies in the war against Turkey and confirm the already existing alliance - the Holy League, and finally strengthen the position of Russia, the “Grand Embassy” was organized.

The war with Turkey ended with the Treaty of Constantinople (1700).

Treaty of Constantinople 1700- concluded on July 3 (14), 1700 between Russia and Turkey in Constantinople. It was the result of the Azov campaigns of Peter the Great.

Russia received Azov with the adjacent territory and newly built fortresses (Taganrog, Pavlovsk, Mius) and was freed from the annual payment of tribute to the Crimean Khan. The part of the Dnieper region occupied by Russian troops with small Turkish fortresses, which were subject to immediate destruction, was returned to Turkey. The parties pledged not to build new fortifications in the border strip and not to allow armed raids. Turkey was supposed to release Russian prisoners, and also grant Russia the right to diplomatic representation in Constantinople on an equal basis with other powers. The treaty ensured Turkey's neutrality and allowed Peter I to enter the Northern War.

The agreement concluded for 30 years was observed until November 1710, when the Sultan declared war on Russia.

In Azov, the Russians took 96 copper cannons, 4 mortars and a large number of military shells.

Peter the Great made a reconnaissance of the sea coast and laid the foundation of the port and fortress of Trinity on Taganrog. After this, leaving a strong garrison in Azov led by Prince Lvov, he triumphantly returned to Moscow. The whole burden of defending this fortress again fell on the Cossacks. All the following years were spent in hot battles between the Donets and the Turks and Tatars, both at sea and on land.

The capture of Azov was Russia's first major victory in the wars with the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century. This serious strategic success of the Russians was secured in 1700 by the Treaty of Constantinople. Azov ceased to serve as the northeastern stronghold of Turkey's imperial aspirations, and access to the sea in southern Russia became open.

The significance of the Azov campaigns in the history of Russia is not limited only to the sphere of military success. Their consequences became more important. These campaigns gave rise to the most important undertakings of Peter I, which largely determined the further nature of his reign.

Azov's experience convinced the Tsar of the need to reorganize the Russian armed forces. The Azov campaigns marked the beginning of the creation of Peter the Great's fleet.

In honor of the capture of this fortress, a medal with the image of Peter the Great was stamped. The inscription on it read “By lightning and water, the winner.”

The capture of Azov made a great impression on his contemporaries. The authority of the Russian state abroad increased even more. Almost no one imagined that Peter, after the failure of the 1695 campaign, would be able to take control of Azov so quickly. Many misunderstood Peter's plans. Others were inclined to believe that by capturing Azov the task set by Peter was resolved. However, with all his actions, Peter showed that the capture of Azov marks only the first step in his further actions in the south. The very next day after the surrender of Azov, engineer de Laval received Peter’s order to urgently develop a plan for creating new reliable fortifications in Azov, according to all the rules of military art. This plan was ready in three days. According to the plan, it was planned to build 5 stone bastions with ravelins in the west, with a crownwork in the east, and a retrenchment in the steppe on the Kuban side. A separate fort should be built on the right bank of the Don opposite Azov. Having approved the plan, Peter ordered the immediate dispatch of soldiers to work on the construction of fortifications.

In honor of this victory, a medal with the image of Peter was knocked out. The inscription on it read: “The winner is by lightning and water.” For successful actions in the 2nd Azov campaign, governor Alexei Shein was the first in Russia to receive the rank of generalissimo. The consequences of the Azov campaigns for the history of Russia were enormous.

Firstly, they expanded Peter's foreign policy plans. Access to the Sea of ​​Azov did not solve the problem of Russia’s access to the Black Sea, since the path there was reliably covered by Turkish fortresses in the Kerch Strait. To solve this problem, Peter organizes a Grand Embassy to European countries. With their help, the Tsar hoped to oust the Turks from Europe and achieve Russia's access to the Black Sea shores.

Secondly, the experience of the Azov campaigns convincingly confirmed the need for further reorganization of the Russian armed forces. The Azov campaigns marked the beginning of the creation of the Russian fleet. In 1699, the recruitment of a new regular army began. Its distinctive feature was the lifelong service of conscripts (in foreign regiments, soldiers, as a rule, went home after a military campaign). The mission of the Grand Embassy did not live up to Peter's hopes. In Europe in those years, the confrontation between France and Austria intensified, and no one sought a serious fight with Turkey. In 1699, at the Congress of Karlowitz, representatives of the Holy League countries, with the exception of Russia, signed peace with the Ottoman Empire. A year later, Russia also made peace with Turkey. According to the Treaty of Constantinople (1700), the Russians received Azov and the surrounding lands and stopped the tradition of sending gifts to the Crimean Khan. The collapse of the Black Sea hopes leads to a reorientation of Peter's foreign policy plans towards the Baltic shores. Soon the Northern War began there, which became a turning point in the history of Russia.

azov campaign peter fleet


During the study, all the tasks were solved, and the goal was achieved. Having received a sufficient amount of information on the Russian-Turkish wars, it is possible to make a final and reasonable conclusion.

Before Peter the Great, the last attempts were two Russian campaigns in Crimea. One is worse than the other. Failure was not scary; Peter the Great was still impatient to measure his strength with the Turkish Sultan. In addition to Turkey itself, the huge Ottoman Empire was formed by North Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans.

The hand of the Turkish Sultan was recognized by the Crimea, the Black Sea steppes, and the North Caucasus. It was a “wild field”. These peoples, even by Russian standards, did not have proper statehood. Russia did not have a strict southern border. The nomads reached Tula in their raids. They robbed, burned and drove thousands of Russians to the slave markets of Istanbul.

Peter the Great's first campaign to the Turkish fortress of Azov at the mouth of the Don was unsuccessful. Azov was stormed, burned in places, and a hole was broken in the wall. But due to the lack of a fleet, the fortress could not be surrounded. And they didn’t take it from that. Here for the first time Peter’s fortitude showed itself to the point of arrogance, giving himself and others a year to correct any failure. And then get back to the old ways. In Voronezh, the first domestic shipbuilding center, a fleet is being built with great haste. So far only galleys, river-sea class vessels.

Second Azov campaign. From Voronezh they descend along the Don, surround the fortress and a month later the Turks surrender. Alekseevsky Gate in the fortress wall of Azov in honor of the son of Peter Tsarevich Alexei. Two churches are being founded in Azov. This is how Peter first had an outpost in the south. The Turks in Azov blocked traffic down the Don. Later, at the height of the war with the Swedes, after another unsuccessful southern campaign, Peter the Great did not want to return these lands to the Turks. The Russians pledged to destroy the fortress and tear down all the fortifications, but they did not do this either, realizing that further clashes were inevitable. There will be many more throws to the south and the last one won’t be coming soon. In the 18th century alone, three Russian-Turkish wars would occur. But for now, Peter the Great is truly “knee-deep in the sea.” He felt like a naval commander. But Azov will still have to be given back to the Turks in order to be taken again. And the first Peter's fleet rotted in Azov as unnecessary, never moving anywhere from here.

Like any first victory, Azov, of course, is a great victory, but access to the Sea of ​​Azov is not even half the battle. The sea is small with huge coastal shallows. The Sea of ​​Azov is purely internal, locked by the Kerch Strait, and in Kerch the Crimean Tatars are the main allies of the Turks. And beyond Kerch there is another purely inland sea - the Black Sea. And it is locked by the Bosphorus Strait. And on the Bosphorus, the main Turkish shrine is Istanbul. Even if Peter the Great had not rushed north from here and would have kept the south as the main direction, it is still difficult to imagine that a new strategic direction for Russia would have taken shape here. And the capital of the Empire would not be St. Petersburg, but Taganrog or Azov.


1. Brickner A. “The History of Peter the Great”

2.S.P. Shishkin "From Ancient Rus' to the Russian Empire", Ufa

Nikolai Shefov Battles of Russia. - Moscow: "Military Historical Library", 2002

Waliszewski K. “Peter the Great”

Tarle E.V. Russian fleet and foreign policy of Peter I. - St. Petersburg, 1994

Web resource (29.10.12)


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Second Azov campaign (1696).

After the failure of the 1st Azov campaign, the tsar did not lose heart. Peter discovered remarkable strength to overcome obstacles. Returning from the campaign, he began to prepare for a new campaign. It was supposed to use a fleet. The place of its creation was Voronezh (founded in 1585 as a fortress). The king himself worked here with an ax in his hands. By the spring of 1696, 2 ships, 23 galleys, 4 fire ships were built, as well as a significant number of plows (1300), on which Peter set out on a new campaign in the spring of 1696.

In the 2nd Azov campaign, the number of Russian forces, led by governor Alexei Shein, was increased to 75 thousand people. To divert the troops of the Crimean Khan, Sheremetev’s group was again sent to the lower reaches of the Dnieper.

As a result of joint actions of the army and navy, Azov was completely blocked. The attacks of the Crimean troops, who tried to prevent the siege, were repulsed. The onslaught from the sea was also repelled. On June 14, 1696, Cossack plows attacked a Turkish squadron with a 4,000-strong landing force that had entered the mouth of the Don. Having lost two ships, the squadron went to sea. Following her, the Russian squadron entered the sea for the first time. The Turks' attempt to break through to Azov was unsuccessful, and their ships left the combat area.

After the naval victory, the assault Cossack detachments under the command of atamans Yakov Lizogub and Frol Minaev (2 thousand people) launched an attack. They were knocked out of the internal fortifications, but managed to gain a foothold on the rampart, from where direct shelling of the fortress began. After this, Peter ordered all troops to prepare for a general assault. However, it did not come. Deprived of support, the garrison threw up a white flag and surrendered on July 19, 1696. The capture of Azov was Russia's first major victory over the Ottoman Empire.

After the first Azov campaign, the tsar began preparing a new campaign, in which it was planned to use the fleet. For this purpose, construction of a fleet began in Voronezh.

By the spring of 1696, 30 ships had been built. The Russian army was facing the Second Azov Campaign...

All the Dutch and English shipwrights who were there were transferred from Arkhangelsk to Voronezh and the carpenters from neighboring provinces were driven away. Up to 26 thousand people worked all winter. All interests were relegated to the background. The thirst for victory over the Turks overwhelmed the king. His unyielding will strengthened the activities of the masters.

By the spring of 1696 the fleet was ready. Lefort was appointed admiral of the new fleet, and command of the land army was given to boyar Shein.

The second Azov campaign of the Russian army against the Turkish fortress of Azov took place in March - July 1696. It became a logical continuation of the First Azov campaign of Peter I. In this campaign, the number of Russian forces was increased to 75 thousand people.

Throughout the winter of 1696, the Russian army prepared for the second campaign. In January, large-scale construction of ships began at the shipyards of Voronezh and Preobrazhenskoye. The galleys built in Preobrazhenskoye were dismantled and transported to Voronezh, where they were reassembled and launched on the Don. Over 25 thousand peasants and townspeople were mobilized from the immediate surroundings to build the fleet. Craftsmen from Austria were invited to build the ships. 2 large ships, 23 galleys and more than 1,300 plows, barges and small ships were built.

The command of the troops was also reorganized. Lefort was placed at the head of the fleet, the ground forces were entrusted to boyar Shein.

The highest decree was issued, according to which slaves who joined the army received freedom. The land army doubled in size, reaching 70,000 men. It also included Ukrainian and Don Cossacks and Kalmyk cavalry.

May Russian troops again besieged Azov.

In May, Cossacks in galleys at the mouth of the Don attacked a caravan of Turkish cargo ships. As a result, 2 galleys and 9 small ships were destroyed, and one small ship was captured. On May 27, the fleet entered the Sea of ​​Azov and cut off the fortress from sources of supply by sea. The approaching Turkish military flotilla did not dare to engage in battle.

July preparatory siege work was completed. On July 17, 1,500 Don and part of the Ukrainian Cossacks arbitrarily broke into the fortress and settled in two bastions. On July 19, after prolonged artillery shelling, the Azov garrison surrendered. On July 20, the Lyutikh fortress, located at the mouth of the northernmost branch of the Don, also surrendered.

Already by July 23, Peter approved the plan for new fortifications in the fortress, which by this time was heavily damaged as a result of artillery shelling. Azov did not have a convenient harbor for basing the navy. For this purpose, on July 27, 1696, a more favorable place was chosen on Tagany Musa, where Taganrog was founded two years later.

Voivode Shein became the first Russian generalissimo for his services in the second Azov campaign.

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