Ten major changes in the education of the future. Essay on the topic “My school in the future There will be no more grades

But eighth-graders wrote essays about how easy it is to be a teenager.

We thank teacher Oksana Anatolyevna SHEVCHUK for her help and invite you to get acquainted with some of her works.

I sincerely hope that in twenty years people will come up with new energy. And this energy will have no downsides. And no consequences (explosions, etc.). This energy will have one big plus. It can be recycled many times after its use.

I also really want there to be no tobacco or alcohol. After all, they kill a huge number of people. The country will be richer if there is no drug addiction. And then there will be more great people.

It will be good if our country can create a perpetual motion machine! And together with English scientists he will repeat the experience of thirty years ago and will be able to create a teleport through joint efforts.

It doesn’t seem to me that in 20 years there will be many cars and equipment, but there will be no wildlife... This is very bad! All the trees will be cut down, there will be no fresh air. They will come up with a lot more chips and kirieshki with different additives. There will be no animals and there will be no meat.

And I want every person on Earth to plant at least one tree. People would raise animals. And we would have a lot of meat, not preservatives.

If people make too many cars, it seems to me that we will choke on exhaust fumes. And people will gradually begin to die and perish. I will give advice to all of you! Stop inventing a lot of equipment and machines! Otherwise we will begin to die!

People build a lot of cars

Why are we swarming with them?

Let's say no to exhaust fumes.

Let the flowers be in a vase.

If I became president, I would first of all think about our pensioners. When I was abroad, I observed how pensioners live in France. They can afford to go to restaurants, travel around the world and dress very decently. What can our pensioners afford? They only have enough money for medicine and food. But our government does nothing to somehow improve their lives. I myself have grandparents; Of course, I will help them when I grow up, but what about other pensioners, who will help them?

The second issue that worries me is the pollution of the country. An elementary example is our city. The streets and courtyards are complete garbage, as if there are crooked people living there who cannot get into either the trash can or the trash can. What is happening to the environment? The right bank of our city is a continuous Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Old factories, no measures for chemical emissions or air purification. All the equipment is dilapidated and an environmental disaster could occur.

I think our generation should think about this: we still have time to live on this planet.

I believe that nothing will change in 10-13 years, except that children will not have to go to school: they will study at the computer. On the Internet you can see the teacher on the screen, and he sees all the students. Food can be ordered online or by phone. It is better for people and nature to use electricity rather than gasoline. Electric cars are great. And most of all I like the idea that everything can be planted with trees. More oxygen.

But there are also downsides to the future. Now crime has increased significantly. And it will grow if it is not stopped. All lawbreakers must be caught and executed or imprisoned for life. And then there will be no problems in the world. And we need to destroy all the alcohol and all the tobacco in the world. These are all dreams, but I hope that all this will come true. And sport will make the country proud as before.

I see myself as smart and athletic. And in the future I imagine myself as the best football player in Europe. Torres and Messi look on from the bench with envy at my abilities. I see a big country in the future, so that it includes Ukraine, Belarus, Spain and other good countries. Then, in addition to Pavlyuchenko, the team will include Shevchenko, Torres, and Beckham. A team with such players will finally defeat both Brazil and Argentina.

With my family, I would live in Madrid in a two-story house with a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a garden and drive a Porsche Cayenne.

I have a lot of wishes that should come true in 10 years. When I am 25 years old, I will be very kind, beautiful and famous throughout the world. All my close and dear people will be proud of me, and I will constantly give them kind words and pamper them with gifts. On our planet Earth, people will live longer, and for every disease a professor

will create medicines that will be available to everyone and will quickly cure any disease. I also think that I will graduate from the Oil and Gas Institute and go to live and work in America and occupy a high position. I will buy back all the shares in the Walt Disney Company, and when my grandchildren grow up, they can sell the shares and make a lot of money.

Where do I see myself in the future? Maybe a DJ in a trendy club, or maybe a student in glasses with a daddy under her arm. But the main thing is that I remain as kind and sympathetic as before. After all, even now I sometimes notice that I don’t treat others the way I should.

Of course, I would like to have a huge house, like a palace, and three cars. One SUV, a sports car and a luxury limousine. I would like to graduate from some prestigious college in America and become a guide-translator. When I traveled around Europe with my mother, I really liked this profession. Therefore, I would like to learn seven languages: English, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Turkish and Spanish. But even if I don't become a tour guide, I will become a writer, like Stephenie Meyer and Joanne Rowling.

From the essays of eighth-graders “Is it difficult to be young?”

“Oh, childhood, childhood - a pink sunrise,

Where everything around is uncompromisingly simple. »

At first glance it seems that the question is not difficult, but the more I ask myself this question, the more I am convinced that it is impossible to answer it unambiguously. In my opinion, the answer can be “yes” and “no”.

YES. Youth is the only and probably the most wonderful period of time for every person. During these years we learn the joys and delights of our life. We can also spend a lot of free time doing our interesting things.

NO. Firstly, because in your youth you don’t know what will happen to you next. But I want to know. Choose your path, make a decision in life - all this must be done in your youth. And preferably without significant mistakes, since how your life will turn out will depend on this choice. Is it easy?

It is also difficult because there are many illusions in your head that you take for reality. Many illusions burst like soap bubbles, you cannot understand why? for what? And the first pain appears in your soul... And you don’t know how to cope.

It is difficult to establish relationships with elders. It seems that the closest, dearest people do not understand you. Hence the frequent conflicts, disagreements, and misunderstandings. This means, in addition to studying, you need to build relationships with the people around you, elders and peers, friends and girlfriends, with the whole world around you. And this is not an easy science.

But the main difficulty for young people, it seems to me, is to understand themselves, to realize what kind of person you are, what is good and what is bad about you. And the main thing here is not to have complexes about your appearance if you don’t like it, but also not to exalt yourself if you really like yourself. And we also need to learn to act rationally and thoughtfully! Make compromises and control yourself, restrain surging feelings... We must learn to live with our minds, and not just with our hearts. You don't have to be an uncompromising, brash girl who says no to everything you don't like.

If now you choose the right path in life, if not all your dreams will be scattered, if you learn to live in harmony with yourself and with those around you, then your youth was fruitful. In my opinion, this is the most important and most difficult thing. But the happiness and fun of youth will not leave you.

Daria PIROGOVA, 8 "B"

I can proudly say that I, like everyone else, have positive traits. In my opinion, I am quite cheerful, it is almost not difficult for me to cheer someone up. I know how to support a person, I like to stand up for my friends. But the most important thing, of course, is that I know how to keep secrets. I'm not a robot, so sometimes I might spill the beans, but I try to take care of myself.

Unfortunately, I also have some disadvantages. And I don't know how many there are. Not because I have a lot of negative traits, but I just may not notice some of them. Now my main disadvantage is rudeness. Sometimes it happens that I snap at a person for no reason. But I don’t suffer from pride, so then I try to immediately ask for forgiveness...

Another one of my disadvantages is when I start telling lies, that is, being disingenuous. But it is very difficult to survive in a world of lies, so I want to get rid of this habit that no one needs.

I can boast that I have become more punctual. Since before I was always late everywhere, I needed a long time to work on myself.

In general, I have yet to understand the entire essence of man, but I will replenish my piggy bank and strive for perfection, although it does not exist: there are no limits. Well, wish me luck...

Foreign press about Russia and beyond

Olga R. Sanmartin | El Mundo

This is what school will look like in 2030

Over the next 15 years, the Internet will transform educational institutions into an “interactive environment” that will radically transform traditional forms of education and change the roles of teachers, parents and students, writes El Mundo journalist Olga R. Sanmartin.

The teacher's main mission will be to guide the student through independent learning, and the curriculum will be personalized to suit each individual's needs. Personal and practical skills will be valued more than academic knowledge. The main source of knowledge will be the Internet, and the global language of instruction will be English. Education will become more expensive and will last a lifetime. These are the forecasts of 645 experts surveyed for the report of the World Summit on Innovative Education (WISE), which will take place in Doha on November 4-6. The survey included linguist Noam Chomsky, former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, professor Sugata Mitra and others.

The newspaper conducted its own survey among Spanish experts, asking them to adapt these forecasts to the situation in Spain.

Every 7 out of 10 participants in the WISE survey believe that a teacher will become a guide for a student on his own path to knowledge, the publication writes. 43% of respondents believe that in 2030 the main source of knowledge will be Internet content.

“The role of teachers will become even more important. They will have to explain to students that they need a critical approach to information, that not everything found on the Internet is true, that they need to select the most reliable sources and use them,” comments Ismael Sanz, director of the National Institute of Evaluation Education at the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Sanz expects the development of a methodology in which students prepare their own lessons and give presentations in class, while the teacher advises them.

"There's no point in giving boring lectures to 250 students who can't participate when you can give them a recording of the lecture instead. But on the other hand, many of these innovations could already be introduced, but aren't happening. Maybe we're on to something we don't understand," says Antonio Cabrales, who teaches economics at University College London.

The role of the student will also change. He "will have much greater access to sources of knowledge, a more cosmopolitan and less 'local' mentality, the student will undoubtedly be the protagonist of his own educational process," says Nuria Miro, director of the Montserrat school (Barcelona). She adds that the boundaries between those who teach and those who learn will become blurred.

Cesar Garcia (University of Washington) predicts that students will become more demanding: "The student is turning into a client: he invests money and expects a return. Teachers will be forced to more convincingly explain how they assign grades."

Will the school schedule change? Spanish experts believe that training will no longer be carried out only at certain hours and in certain places. According to Garcia, there will be more courses on the Internet and at non-standard hours: “There will be an increase in the number of students forced to work, they will not be able to come during traditional hours. There will be schools where classes are held in the summer and on weekends.”

Will there be homework? “In a way, if things change, almost everything will turn into homework,” Cabrales replies. The schedule will become more free, there will be more individual tasks.

All this will affect the personal relationships between students. According to Garcia, "the concept of companionship is a thing of the past; children are more lonely now." 20 years ago, Spanish children spent a lot of time outside, but now they spend more time at home, on the Internet, and also go to extracurricular activities. “So I think communication will be more important in the school of the future,” Garcia concludes.

76% of respondents believe that personal or practical skills will be valued more than academic knowledge. "So-called 'soft skills' - the ability to speak in public, work in a team, adapt to unexpected events - are becoming increasingly important in the workplace, but Spanish experts are unanimous that they alone are no substitute for good academic preparation," the article says. .

90% of respondents believe that in the new environment, learning will last a lifetime and will not be limited to the period of compulsory schooling and studies in higher educational institutions. “This does not mean that education will be free. On the contrary, 70% of respondents believe that the state budget will cease to be the main source of financing,” the newspaper writes. Spanish experts, however, did not agree with this forecast. "Public education is key to creating equal opportunity. As far as I'm concerned, it's never going away," Sanz says.

46% of respondents believe that a global language of education will emerge - English. 35% believe that the language of instruction will remain the national language, and 19% - that the regional one.

Attention, TODAY only!

Education plays a major role in the development of a social individual. Its development cannot stand still; its task is to keep up with the times, in other words, to be subject to innovations characteristic of a certain era.

The point of any innovation is to try to create new generation approaches to education and apply them in practice. And, undoubtedly, any innovations must be based on the requirements of modern society and take into account the development of political, economic, information spheres of human life. Among the main directions that certain innovations in the educational sphere should take into account are:

Educational process

Moral and mental education

Personal development

Adequate humane sanctions structure

In my opinion, in educational institutions in 20-30 years, classes will be conducted on a voluntary basis and with a more developed qualification system. This will be a kind of educational corporation, the task of which is to educate a person as comprehensively as possible, regardless of his age, nationality, or ideological activity. The only thing a potential student of such an educational institution will need to have is desire and perseverance.

Teachers will teach their subject using completely new technologies.

Thus, students will be divided according to the level of understanding and speed of education into districts, the difference of which is only in the pace of presentation of information. The teacher’s task at this moment will be the same as at the present time - to adapt to the student, understand his psyche, and try to win him over.

If traditional lessons fade into the background, they will give way to such educational activities as: trips to laboratories, short-term training at a higher educational institution, courses for additional and basic qualifications, and practice at enterprises.

If we touch on the topic of distance learning, then there is absolutely nothing new here. Online learning has long been practiced by many tutors and teachers. Yes, it is still impossible to obtain secondary education completely remotely, but on the Internet there are many proposed options for obtaining correspondence education at a higher educational institution remotely.

I believe that in 20-30 years, most likely, the education of many countries will undergo, at most, only analog innovations, which consist in joining an already known teaching method with a private innovation. Retroinnovations, which imply the introduction into teaching of those approaches that have been forgotten over time, are being eradicated and, many would agree, have no relevance. At the moment, combined innovations are operating in the educational sphere and will operate in any era, because their meaning is the combination of different pedagogical technologies and methods in order to improve educational practice. Essential innovations, which imply the introduction into the educational system of previously unused innovations that affect the very essence of education, will not be realized soon, in my opinion, due to the economic crisis of the country and the inability to motivate and “build” education in Russia.

Finally, I would like to conclude by quoting the words of one of my favorite ancient Roman political figures - Gaius Julius Caesar: “Great things must be accomplished, and not pondered endlessly,” and I am infinitely right with him, because there are many proposals for changing the structure of the educational sphere, but not one Of these, the government is either unable to implement or has no desire.

In the next 10–20 years, education will gradually move online, and you will have to study all your life


Modern children can be called the “digital” generation: they spend a lot of time online and get information from the Internet - in general, they cannot imagine life without technology. According to the forecast of the research organization Ericsson ConsumerLab and the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, by 2020 “digital” children will make up 50% of the world’s population. In this regard, secondary education will gradually move online. For example, now in many American schools, students watch video lectures on subjects at home, and lessons are devoted to discussions. The same thing awaits universities. “Now almost anywhere in the world where there is Internet, you can listen to courses from the best professors from Harvard and Princeton. Traditional lectures with boring retelling of textbooks will be replaced by new forms of education,” predicts Sergei Kurbatov, senior researcher at the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

The only ones who won't learn entirely online are the little ones. “The main goal of elementary school is not to give knowledge, but to teach a child to learn, to accustom him to work in a team, to help him socialize. And for this you don’t need the Internet,” says Yaroslav Kovalenko, director of the DIXI experimental park school.


“The traditional school is only suitable for a small number of students; the rest do not fit into the system. Therefore, in the future there will be many new types of educational institutions designed for a wide variety of children,” says Associate Professor at Kyiv University. B. Grinchenko, President of the All-Ukrainian Tutor Association Sergey Vetrov. “The school will crumble into fragments of religious, highly specialized, national and other mini-schools, where everyone knows each other and there is parental influence on the educational process,” says Yaroslav Kovalenko. - Everything is moving in this direction. Thus, in Finland, the state pays teachers and provides premises to any new school if a dozen parents sign for its creation. And in Kyiv, at least five mini-schools have appeared over the past three years.” Experts also expect a boom in family, or home, education. “It is already problematic to enroll in external schools designed for homeschoolers - there are too many applicants,” says Yaroslav Kovalenko. Also, according to Sergei Vetrov, many centers will appear that will support families with such children, provide legal and educational advice, and organize educational leisure for those who study at home.


There will also be changes in higher education. “The development of massive online course projects, such as Coursera, EdX, will shake up the existing system, because they open access to the best professors and lectures in the world. Therefore, the value of the knowledge gained in these courses will grow rapidly. In addition, some online education providers are already combining individual courses into long-term programs. So, over time, online projects will become full-fledged players in the market, which will lead to universities losing their monopoly on higher education,” says Ivan Primachenko, founder of the University Online project. - But this does not mean that there will be no students in universities. After all, there are those who need to be forced to study. Mixed programs will be developed for them: for example, students will listen to lectures at home online, and will come to the institute for practical classes, consultations, etc. But in any case, the future lies in online courses. And those universities that do not start creating their own online product risk remaining just a place where they come to confirm the knowledge they have acquired online and get a diploma.” In addition, many online projects are now actively working on the recognition of their certificates. So it is possible that in the future they will pose serious competition to university diplomas.

“We should also expect the development of highly professional corporate universities aimed at training specialists for specific companies,” predicts Sergei Kurbatov. According to him, it is possible to predict the development of professional suitability certification centers: “These can be both independent centers and centers at companies and firms.”


The so-called will appear in your studies. "individual tailoring". “The student will choose what knowledge to receive,” says Alexey Grekov, co-founder of the Athens private school. - Now more and more schools are switching to the so-called. productive learning: children gain new knowledge by implementing team or individual projects, and knowledge in such a system is no longer a goal, but a means. That is, they first take on the task of creating a model of a ship, drawing on specific knowledge for this, and not vice versa - first they study the entire course of mathematics and physics, so that they can then apply it in practice.” Games will play a big role: educational role-playing or online games will be included in training courses. And the city, according to psychologist, business coach, head of the OpenEDU holding Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, will become a large educational platform: “This could be an astronomy lesson in a planetarium, chemistry in a research institute laboratory, or an imitation of the life of primitive people in a history lesson.”

Students will study the same subject in different ways. “So, in computer science, techies will study the technical component of PC programs, and humanities students will study how to use them to create their creations. Even though the children will be in the same room, each of them will belong to a kind of virtual class,” says Alexey Grekov. “The usual class-lesson system may sink into oblivion. Perhaps, like in Ancient Greece, students of different (!) ages, walking through the park with a mentor, will gain new knowledge and debate from him,” predicts Oleg Eresko, director of the department of general secondary and preschool education of the Ministry of Education and Science.


“There are more and more schools around the world that are abandoning assessments because they stop motivating children. Moreover, sometimes they even demotivate. In addition, in an effort to get the highest score, many schoolchildren begin to study for the sake of grades, and not for the sake of knowledge,” says Oleg Eresko. And, according to experts, there will no longer be a need for grades: since everything at school will be based on project work and the project itself will be the result of how the student has mastered the material, the mentor, seeing its quality, will decide what to do with the student . If the project is of high quality, the mentor will allow him to move further in his studies, if it is bad, he will not allow it until the project gets better.


According to Ivan Primachenko, the rapid development of the modern world will lead to the fact that education will become the work of a person’s whole life, that is, he will study constantly: “Some industries appear, others die. In 15–20 years, representatives of certain professions will be left without work - they will be replaced by robots or “smart” resources. Already, there are robotic cars that independently travel hundreds of kilometers, automated accounting or travel services, etc. People who have lost their jobs will be forced to retrain. Everyone else should constantly update their knowledge by taking master classes, trainings, and courses. After all, knowledge is quickly becoming outdated now.”


Although universities will have competitors, elite educational institutions will remain. “It is no coincidence that leading universities are primarily research universities, where research dominates the learning process,” says Sergei Kurbatov. “We can predict the preservation of the elite segment of university education as unique “factories of new knowledge” that attract intellectuals.” “Universities such as Harvard or Stanford will attract students with their studies in mini-groups, the highest quality of education, and excellent teaching staff,” says Ivan Primachenko. “But such education will continue to be available to only a few due to the high cost.”


“The modern world is changing so quickly that people, in order to keep up with it, on average change their field of activity every five years,” says Evgeniy Miroshnichenko. - Therefore, the role of the school will change: it will not be entirely focused on preparing for the profession. Instead, children will develop the ability to relearn, teach them to change quickly, etc.” “Since teachers are no longer the only source of knowledge, because there is the Internet, they will turn into mentors: they will teach schoolchildren to work with information and apply the acquired knowledge,” predicts Oleg Eresko. According to Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, education will become more individual, and each student will have his own educational trajectory. “In essence, the mentor will guarantee that the student has mastered the necessary knowledge and skills, and it will be he who will evaluate how prepared the person is,” says the expert. - That is, assessment will cease to be the prerogative of the school. However, this also applies to higher education, in which the concept of mentors and masters will also appear, who, it is possible, will even issue their diplomas.” Also, according to Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, teachers will partly give up their place to children: “Older students will teach younger ones. By passing on your experience and knowledge to them, they themselves will begin to better understand the subject.”


The development of IT technologies will bring interesting technical solutions to education. For example, according to Ivan Primachenko, resources for the so-called are already beginning to be created. adaptive learning (for example, the Knewton project), which uses artificial intelligence. “Based on what online courses a person takes, what grades he receives, what tasks he copes with and which he does not, the system will build a virtual map of the user’s knowledge and “suggest” what he still needs to complete and learn. It is possible that such a virtual tutor will accompany a person from first grade,” says Ivan Primachenko.

The development of augmented reality technologies will play a role, which will make it possible to obtain new knowledge everywhere: for example, by pointing a smartphone camera at a destroyed historical object, a person on the screen will be able to see what it was like. Similar technologies will also be used in paper textbooks (for example, in Japan such technologies already exist - when you point your smartphone camera at the page, an animation illustrating the material is activated).

Another solution that will change education is the neural interface, a system that allows our brain to exchange information with the computer and give it commands (there are already examples). At a minimum, this will create another opportunity for people with disabilities to receive an education.


Access to education will make global talent hunting possible in the future. “Projects such as Coursera have the ability to fully analyze how a student behaved during his studies, for example, whether he was an active participant in discussions, whether he quickly passed online tests and for what grades, how many times he watched the lecture. Access to such information will allow leading companies to find ideal employees, and movement in this direction has already begun, says Ivan Primachenko. - Also, thanks to the emergence of full-fledged bachelor's or master's programs that will be completed entirely in the mode of massive online courses (for example, the University of Georgia in the USA has already created such a program), anyone, regardless of their country of residence, will be able to receive a diploma from any country. This will also allow developed countries to “pump” talent from developing countries.”

Companies will not only find starlets, but also invest in them. Thus, online platforms are already being created where investors meet talented young people. The latter ask to finance their studies, pledging to pay the investor a percentage of their earnings after graduation.


In the next five to seven years, the most popular areas of training will be such areas of training as work technology, artificial intelligence, 3D design, augmented and virtual reality, cloud technologies, bioinformatics and IT in medicine, IT in education, etc. This was shown by a survey of students, top managers and analysts, conducted by HeadHunter and a number of other companies. In this regard, in the near future new professions will appear, such as, for example, a 3D printing engineer, a virtual reality architect, an online course designer, and even a GMO designer.


In Japan, as part of a collaboration between the National Institute of Information Science and technology companies (including Fujitsu and IBM), scientists are developing a smart robot that could pass the entrance exams to the University of Tokyo (they are considered one of the most difficult in the country). The robot recently passed its first tests - math exams, answering four out of ten questions correctly. According to the developers' forecasts, by 2016 the robot should pass exams with high scores, and in 2021 - score as many points as necessary for admission.

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