Lesson "Ilya's three trips." Subscribe to news of the magazine Literary reading by Ilya Three Trains

Goals :

continue to acquaint students with the diversity of oral creativity of the Russian people; give students an idea of ​​the epic as a Russian folk epic song.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Checking homework can be done as follows: students take turns going to the board with drawings made for the text of the chronicle “And Oleg remembered his horse”, the rest of the students find and read out an excerpt from the chronicle corresponding to this drawing. The teacher may also ask students why they illustrated the particular passage.

– Today in class we will talk to you about what epics are, to whom they are dedicated, how they were created.

Next, the teacher asks the students how they understand the word epic. After students have expressed their opinions, the teacher introduces them to how the concept epic explains the explanatory dictionary. ( the word and its meaning are written on the board.)

Bylina - Russian folk epic song about heroes.

Since in this interpretation the word epic is unfamiliar to students, the teacher explains its meaning in an accessible form. (Epic - belonging to epic. Epic - from Greek - word, story - a type of literature that tells about events and heroes.)

Then the teacher asks the students about what epic heroes they know, what heroic exploits they have read or heard about.

Students talk briefly about this.

– Which of the epic heroes do you like best?

- Why?

Physical education minute

IV. Expanding students' understanding of the epic as a Russian folk epic song.

The teacher informs students that according to the content, epics can be divided into heroic, telling about the exploits of heroes, and epics about the lives of heroes of folk tales.

– When studying this section, we will get acquainted with both types of epics.

Then the teacher talks about how and when epics appeared.

– Epics can still be heard in villages. These songs, passing from generation to generation, served as a way of transmitting ancient beliefs, ideas about the world, and information from history. Therefore, the old, actually popular name for the epic is old man, that is, a narrative about ancient events.

The epics were performed by singer-storytellers accompanied by the harp. The epic verse is measured and smooth. it usually does not rhyme. In epics there are many repetitions of all kinds; usually the hero succeeds in the most important deeds the third time or he accomplishes three feats.

In many epics the same episodes are repeated. In epics, a peculiar manner of depicting heroes and their exploits is used to describe everything connected with the main character: his strength, weapons, horse, the task that he must complete. hyperbole - deliberate exaggeration. Everything that surrounds the hero is as great and unusual as he himself.

For example:

The main opponents of the heroes are described in the same way - they are also special, exceptional. This is understandable, because a hero must have an equal opponent, whom no one but him can defeat.

The first recordings of epics were made in the mid-seventeenth century, and published for the first time in 1804.

V. Lesson summary.

– What do you especially remember?

– What would you like to know?

Homework: search the library for epics about the hero Ilya Muromets.


Goals: continue to introduce students to epics; expand your horizons; work on speech development.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

The teacher asks the students what epics about Ilya Muromets they brought to class.

– What interesting things did you learn from the hero’s life in epics?

– What particularly struck you and attracted your attention?

– What was unusual about the childhood and youth of the future hero? (Ilya could not walk and sat on the stove for 30 years.)

– How did Ilya’s miraculous healing happen? (One day, some passers-by came into the house where Ilya lived, to whom Ilya gave alms, after which his miraculous healing occurred.)

– Who did Ilya Muromets have to fight with?

III. Learning new material.

1. Preparing students to perceive new material.

– Today in class we will get acquainted with the new exploits of this epic hero.

Next, the teacher can draw students’ attention to the fact that the events of most epics take place in Kyiv or are to some extent connected with this city, since the heroes are in the service of the Kyiv prince Vladimir the Red Sun. This cycle of epics is called Kyiv, and it includes epics about Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and other heroes.

Physical education minute

2. Getting to know the work.

The text of the epic is read by the teacher. It is advisable to divide the work on the epic into two lessons. In the first lesson, consider two trips of Ilya Muromets, in the second lesson, complete work on the epic.

You should definitely do vocabulary work. The teacher, at his own discretion, can carry out this work either before reading the epic, or by explaining words that students do not understand during the reading of the epic (the second method of vocabulary work on this work is preferable).

Hiking advice – advice before going.

This is prescribed - it's intended.

Kremnyovenkikh – made of silicon (a rock that can be used to make fire).

Damask armor – metal clothing made of patterned solid steel.

Got rich - envied.

Quiver – arrow bag.

Fathom – Russian measure of length equal to 2 m 13 cm.

The teacher first reads the description of Ilya's first trip.

– Why do you think Ilya chose the road on which he was ordered to be killed?

– Did you expect that Ilya would deal with the robbers so easily?

Then the teacher reads about Ilya's second trip.

- Why didn’t Ilya get married?

– What seemed unusual to you in this part of the epic?

– What new qualities of Ilya Muromets did you become familiar with?

IV. Lesson summary.

Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the passage you like most, make a drawing for it


Goals: continue to introduce students to epics, broaden their horizons, work on developing speech, instill love for their homeland and cultivate pride in it.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Students read the passage they like and explain their choice. Work with drawings can be done as follows: the teacher shows the students one of the drawings and asks the children to read an excerpt from the epic corresponding to this drawing.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary work is carried out by the teacher in the same way as in the previous lesson.

Bashlyk – a warm headdress made of cloth with long ends, worn over a hat.

Hoodie – spacious long robe.

They promise sulu - promise.

Golytba – beggars, poor .

Call – call for.

Ileiko – Ilya.

2. Continued acquaintance with the work.

The teacher expressively reads the rest of the epic.

– What do you want to say?

– From what new side did the character of Ilya Muromets reveal itself to us?

– At what moment were you especially worried about the hero?

– At what point were you scared?

– How do you understand the words of Ilya Muromets with which the epic ends:

“And I catch fate by the mane,

I go around the restive one,

And fate for me is for the horse!”

IV. Lesson summary.

Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the epic; memorize your favorite passage

Topic: Epics. "Ilya's three trips."
Lesson objectives:
Introduce the contents of the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” and the rules for performing the epic;
Improve the skills of listening and expressive, conscious, competent reading: teach awareness of what is read through the creation of images and the establishment of associations with the content of the studied works. To introduce the heroic personality, the symbol of Russian power, its defender, a native of the Nizhny Novgorod land - Ilya Muromets, and his unusual childhood.
To develop imaginative thinking, cognitive interest in the history of the native land based on the emotional perception of what is read, to form a culture of expressing feelings, to develop imagination and ideas about the peculiarities of the way of peasant life in the conditions of patriarchal Russia, arbitrary attention to the folk word.
To cultivate interest in the native melodic and expressive language, the heroic history of our small homeland, a sense of pride in its glorious and brave sons; the desire to continue the traditions and mentality of our ancestors in defending the independence of the Motherland.
Contribute to the formation of universal learning activities;
Promote the use of Internet resources;
textbook L.F. Klimanova “Literary reading” part 1, grade 4;
reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”;
collections of epics;
self-assessment cards;
historical map “Ancient Rus'”.

During the classes:
1. Organizational point: motivation for educational activities.
(Organizational-regulatory: volitional self-regulation
Personal: actions of meaning formation)

There is a guslar on the screen. The harp is heard.

Hello, good people. Sit down and listen. You and I have gathered for a good and harmonious conversation. So that we have peace and harmony. I also want to wish you to participate in the conversation and listen carefully to everything. Everything you hear may be useful to you.

2. Checking homework (Communicative: participation in discussion. Cognitive: ability to structure knowledge; model)
T: You were given homework, an expressive reading of the text of the chronicle “And Oleg remembered his horse” and draw a picture for the text of the chronicle.
Now one of you goes to the board, shows a drawing, and everyone else finds and reads out an excerpt from the chronicle that corresponds to this drawing.
U: Let’s make a syncwine:
Brave, courageous.
Rules, fights, wins.
Worthy of being an example to follow.

3. Preparation for perception. (Cognitive: information search, semantic reading.)
T: Read the proverb.
(The saying is written on the board.)
The land is glorious for its Russian heroes.
- Determine which word is important. (Bogatyrs).
- What will we talk about in class today? (about heroes)
- Right.
-Listen to the poem:
Wide are you, Rus', across the face of the Earth
Unfolded in royal beauty
Don't you have heroic powers?
Old saint, high-profile feats?
There is a reason for this, mighty Rus',
To love you, to call you mother,
Stand up for your honor against your enemy,
I need to lay down my head for you in need!

How did this poem make you feel?
- What Rus' is the poem talking about?
- At all times, Russian people loved their Motherland. In the name of love for their dear side, they were ready to defend it. They glorified their beloved Motherland in poems, songs, and epics.

W: What is an epic?
(Bylina is a Russian folk epic song - a legend about heroes.)
U: Who are the heroes?
(Bogatyrs are warriors, defenders of their Motherland, endowed with self-esteem and distinguished by extraordinary strength, courage and daring.)
(Reproduction of the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov)
U: Demonstration of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” to the sounds of the gusli.
Who do you see in the picture?
(Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets)
- What is the name of the hero in the center of the picture?
Select two cognates from the data:
(The words are given on cards on the board)

Muromets gloomy Murmansk Murom walled up

What connection could there be between Ilya Muromets and the city of Murom?
- Indeed, Ilya Muromets comes from near Murom, and, therefore, he is our countryman, glorified by the people for all times.
To see this, look at the map of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal principality of the 13th-15th centuries
(Nizhny Novgorod, Suzdal, Murom are marked with flags on the map).
These are the kind of sons the Nizhny Novgorod land gave birth to!
And, as you might guess, today we will read about Ilya Muromets... Decipher the words:

B n
A and

W: What epics do you know?
W: What distinctive features of the epic do you know?
(Epic beginning, repetitions, figurative language - hyperbole, epithets, melodiousness, rhythm, certain content - a tale about the heroic deeds of heroes; leisurely, thorough, detailed narration.)

W: What qualities must a person have to be called a hero? (Fearlessly fight enemies, be strong, wise, protect and love your native land).

4. Studying new material. (Regulatory: goal setting, as setting an educational task; planning, forecasting. Communicative: cooperation; ability to express one’s thoughts.)
1) Introduction to the topic and setting goals
U: Today we will get acquainted with the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”.
T: Tell me, what goals will we set for this lesson?
(Find out who and what this epic is about.
What three battles did the hero have? Whom did the hero protect?)
W: Listen to the epic.
(Listen to audio recording: Epics “Ilya’s Three Trips.”)
W: Did you like the epic? How was the epic performed? (smoothly, sing-song)
Who is the epic about?
Which passage did you find most interesting? Why?
2) Vocabulary work
U: Were all the words and expressions clear to you?
How do you understand the meaning of these words?
(Vocabulary work - words on the screen) (Regulatory: correlation with forecasting
Cognitive: searching and highlighting the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods; semantic reading depending on the purpose; building a logical chain of reasoning; analysis, synthesis, hypotheses.)
FLINT – made of flint;
DAMAGE ARMOR – steel and patterned, antique patterned Asian steel;
SIE is;
CASTLE - a heavy club with a heavy end;
YACHONTS is an ancient name for sapphire and some other precious stones;
SWIVELS - a hinged link for connecting two parts of a mechanism, allowing one of them to rotate independently of each other;
SAZHEN – 2.134 meters (3 arshins)
MONK – a member of a religious community who has vowed to lead an ascetic lifestyle;
VITYAZ - in Ancient Rus': a brave warrior;
BARN – a shed for storing crops, supplies, goods;
TSELOVALNICHKI - an official involved in the collection of taxes and some judicial-police matters;
CONVERT – convert to the Catholic faith;
ZASTAVA BOGATYRSKAYA – 1) military unit providing security; 2) place of entry into the city;
ESTIMATE - here: untold, uncounted wealth;
LOCK - lock in the basement;
OIL SPEECHES – oil is olive oil used in church services. In a figurative sense: something affectionate, soothing;
WHERE THE DEVELOPMENT IS TOLD - a secret, secluded refuge;
BY HORDES - horde - the state or army of the Tatars, or in the initial version - the tent of the khan;
DON'T JUST FILTER – don't be deceived.
W: Were your assumptions confirmed?
(comparison, juxtaposition)

They stood up together - one, two, three.
We are now heroes.
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs,
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms.
And to the right, and again
Over the left shoulder.
Let's spread our legs with the letter L
Just like in a dance - hands on hips.
Leaned left, right,
It turns out great!

3) Reading the text.
U: How high is the height of heaven,
How deep is the depth of the ocean - the sea,
Russian rivers are swift and bright.
And strong, mighty,
Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'.
- So who is the epic talking about?
(About the hero Ilya Muromets.)
W: Remember once again the origin and meaning of the word “hero”.
The meaning of the word “hero” can best be determined by a dictionary. There are sheets of paper in front of you. Find the dictionary entry in them.
(Children read the article)

Bogatyr - 1. A hero of Russian epics who performs feats in the name of the Motherland.
2. (figurative) A man of immeasurable strength, fortitude, and courage. An unusual person.

How many meanings does this word have? What can we say about him? (it's ambiguous)
- Try to choose words that are close in meaning.
Strongman, warrior, defender, knight

It was believed that heroes were mighty knights, endowed by God with an extraordinary mind and ingenuity.
T: Open the textbook. Let's read the epic again.
(Reading epics by students)
4) Conversation on the content of the epic with selective reading. (Cognitive: the ability to construct a statement; semantic reading; logical; establishing cause-and-effect relationships.)
U: Why did the glorious Russian heroes gather?
– Where did Ilya Muromets go?
– How many inscriptions were on the stone?
– Which road did the hero choose? What does this mean?
(Ilya Muromets chose the straight road. This suggests that he is brave, courageous, achieves his goal, goes only forward, not afraid of difficulties.)
W: The enemy is shown in the epic, what is he compared to?
– Why are diminutive suffixes used in describing enemies - -enk-, -onk-, -ichek-, -echek-?
(To show the heroic strength and power of Ilya Muromets.)
U: What did the enemy try to do to Ilya Muromets?
(Convert, take prisoner...)
U: How did you understand who was in captivity? (Russian people.)
U: What did they try to do with Ilya? How did they do it?
(The enemy called Ilya Muromets to treason. They promised him wealth, honor and respect, and noble service.)
W: What awaited him if he refused?
(They threatened him with force, but Ilya was not afraid of this, but accepted the fight.)
U: What is the significance of Ilya Muromets’ three trips for the Russian state?
– How do the last three lines help to understand the character of the hero?
– Why did Ilya Muromets return to the stone and make a new note on it?
– How did Ilya Muromets feel about predictions?
- Why is the epic called “Three Trains”?
-What moment in the epic did you find most exciting?
- What historical event was reflected in the epic? (Baptism of Rus', attempts of foreign invaders to convert the Russian people to the Catholic faith).

5. Consolidation of the studied material. (Cognitive: modeling. Regulatory: control)
A. Expressive reading of the epic in an “echo” and in chorus behind the teacher, repeating the intonation.
b. Characteristics of the hero.
Selective reading.
- How is Ilya Muromets described in the battle with the robbers? Find hyperboles.
- Why is this technique needed? What features of it are emphasized using hyperbole?
Generalization of the image of Elijah.
- Choose those words that relate to Ilya.
(Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous, courageous, strong, courageous, greedy, generous, rude, fair).

Working with an interactive whiteboard:
(3 trips – 3 fights (with whom?) – pair up

6. Lesson summary. Reflection on learning activities. (Personal: moral and ethical assessment of the content being learned.)
U: Why did Ilya Muromets try all three roads?
- How did the hero’s trip end?
- Using supporting words: brave, courageous, cowardly, wise, smart, cowardly, wise, stupid, fair, cunning, strong, cruel, kind, greedy, capable of compassion, characterize Ilya Muromets (work in pairs). Exchange opinions, discuss with a neighbor.

Compiling a syncwine:
Strong, wise
I rode, I fought, I won
The Russian land is famous for its heroes

U: Homework: (Cognitive: reflection on the methods and conditions of action; control and evaluation of the process and results of activity; Personal: self-assessment based on the criterion of success; adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities.)

1) Re-read the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” and answer the questions.
2) Using additional literature and Internet resources, prepare a report about one of the Russian heroes.
Students receive cards from the teacher:
1. Literature
1. Ukhov P.D. Epics. – M., 1987;
2. Shevchenko F.P. In the world of epics. – M., 1987;
2. Internet resources
1. http://wikipedia.org/wiki/ru
2. http://litheroy.blogspot.com/
3. http://www/youryoga.org/article/dictionary/slav-ar-veda2htm
4. http://www.oprichnina.chat.ru/opr
5. http://www.rusinst.ru/articlctext.asp

T: You did a good job in class and deserve grades. Evaluate your own work. Showcase your grades.

(Self-esteem on cards)
I DID A GREAT WORK! – O (green)
I'M SURE I CAN DO BETTER! – O (yellow)
I WILL TRY! – O (red)
Thank you for the lesson!

Literary reading lesson notes.

Subject: Literary reading

Program: School of Russia

Class: 4 B

Teacher: Plotnikova E.S.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Subject:Epic "Ilya's Three Trips"

Target: To form the concept of epic and understanding of its features as a genre of folklore.

Planned result


Skill: correct, expressive; consciously read epics; apply in speech the literary concepts of “epic”, “beginning”, “repetitions”, “exaggeration”, “epic storytellers”; highlight the features of an epic, compare it with a fairy tale.

Form UUD:

- Personal UUD: manifestation of a creative attitude to the learning process; students' awareness of the degree of responsibility for the fate of the people, the Motherland through the actions and actions of epic heroes.

- Regulatory UUD:

Ability to: work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; Set a goal based on a correlation between what the student already knows and what is still unknown; draw up an action plan together with the teacher; monitor the results of work in the lesson, detect deviations from the sample.

- Communication UUD:

Ability to: formulate your thoughts in oral speech, express your point of view, correctly formulate a statement; cooperate with others, agree on the sequence of actions and results, present to others the progress of your work and its results, listen to the opinions of others.

- Cognitive UUD:

Ability to: process received information, convert information from one form to another; find similarities and differences between epics and fairy tales; find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in class; evaluate your actions, evaluate the results.


Textbook “Literary reading” part 1, grade 4. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova

Computer, media projector. Support sheet.

Organization of space: Front work, work in pairs.

During the classes.

I . Motivation for learning activities

(2 minutes)

Look at the board, you see the drawing “Stone at the Crossroads.”(Slide 1.)

In what works have you come across signs for the main character? (In epics).

What is an epic?

There are scrolls on your desks, read them slowly.

As in the glorious city of Kyiv,

Like the affectionate prince Vladimir,

There were also cross-bellied boyars who lived here,

They said it against Ilya against Muromets,

Oh, what words does he boast about:

“I’ll survive Prince Vladimir,

I myself will sit in his place in Kyiv,

I myself will be in Kyiv and the prince of the prince!”

Read expressively. What did you just read?


II . Formulating a lesson topic, setting a goal (3 min)

What do you think we will do in class today?

What is our goal?

( Get acquainted with the epic "Ilya's Three Trips". Learn to analyze, compare epics and fairy tales, look for similarities and differences.)

Who performs epics and how?

Who were the heroes of the epics?

Why did people love Ilya Muromets?

(He loved for strength, justice, the fight against enemies. He accomplished feats for the sake of the people, the Motherland, protected the work of peaceful people.)

III . Learning new things. (15 minutes)

1.Work in pairs.

What do you think is the difference between an epic and a fairy tale?

Difference fairy tales from epics.

Fairy tale .

1. They don’t believe in reality.

2. uniform composition (construction);

3.Heroes: people, princes, animals


1 They believe in reality.

2. Individual composition;

3. Hero-heroes.

General : fiction.

Think about how epics appeared?

2.Reading the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips.”

Open your textbook to page 12.

What epic will we meet today?

(We will get acquainted with the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”)

Before we begin our acquaintance with the epic, Maria Alekseeva will tell us a message about the main character.

What did you learn about the main character from the story?

What do you think the epic will be about?

What will it be about?

Let's test your assumptions.

(Read by the teacher and children who read well)

What feelings did the heroes of the epic evoke in you? Why?

What unfamiliar words did you come across?

Where can we find their meanings?

3. Vocabulary work. (Work in groups)

Rosstani (textbook dictionary) -Igroup.

Damask steel armor - ancient patterned steel.-IIgroup.

This -IIgroup.

Mace - a heavy club with a thickened end.-IIIgroup

Fathom - 2,134 m-IIIgroup.

4.Work on what you read.

Why is the epic called “Three Trains”? What moment in the epic did you find most exciting?

Characteristics of the hero.

Selective reading.

Why does Ilya Muromets choose the straight road?

How does he reason at the crossroads at the stone? P.14

What character traits does this indicate?

(Brave, decisive, does not look for loopholes and workarounds.)

Find a description of the robbers.

Why are words with suffixes used in the description of robbers - onk, ichek, echek.

What meaning do these suffixes give?


Why is this done?

(To contrast with the strength of Ilya Muromets).

How is Ilya Muromets described in the battle with the robbers?

5. Work in pairs .

Generalization of the image of Elijah.

Choose those words that relate to Ilya.

(Brave, cowardly, modest, polite, kind, affectionate, courageous, courageous, strong, courageous, greedy, generous, rude, fair).

IV . Lesson summary (15 minutes)

What work did we meet in class today?

What is the genre of this work called?

What does this epic teach us?

VII . Reflection on learning activities in the classroom (3 min)

Self-analysis and self-esteem of the student.

(Slide 2)

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I completed tasks...

I realized that..

I purchased...

Now I can..

I was surprised...

Homework. (Differentiated)

Igroup-s. 12-18 read expressively.

IIgroup - learn your favorite passage by heart.

IIIgroup - draw a picture for the epic.

On this page you can read the epic “The Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” in various versions. As you know, epics are one of the forms of folk art. Since ancient times, people have passed on stories they heard about by word of mouth. And therefore it is not surprising that we find the same story in different versions of the presentation. For convenience, use the article navigation.

The original epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets” from the collection “Onega Epics”, recorded by A.F. Hilferding.

Whether from the city of Murom,
From that village and Karachaev
It was a heroic trip here.
A good fellow leaves from here,
Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Does he ride out on his good horse?
And whether he rides out in a forged saddle.
And he walked and walked and was a good fellow,
From his youth he walked until old age.
A good fellow is riding in an open field,
And the good fellow saw Latyr-pebble,
And from the pebble there are three steps,
And on the stone was signed:
“If you take the first path, you will be killed,
Go to a different path - to be married,
Take the third road - you will be rich.”
The old man stands and marvels,
They shake their heads and say:
“For how many years have I walked and driven in the open fields,
And I haven’t seen such a miracle yet.
But what am I going to do on that little road, and where will I be rich?
I don't have a young wife,
And a young wife and beloved family,
There is no one to hold and waste the golden treasury,
There is no one to hold and colored dresses.
But why should I go on that path, where should I be married?
After all, all my youth is gone now.
How can a young person take it - but it’s someone else’s self-interest,
How can I take the old one - just lie on the stove,
Lie on the stove and feed him jelly.
Am I going to go, good fellow?
And on that little road where you’ll be killed?
And I, a good fellow, have lived in this world,
And the good fellow went for a walk in the open field.”
Non the good fellow went to the path where he was killed,
Just saw the good fellow after sitting down,
How they didn’t see the goodness of the young man after traveling;
There is a smoke in an open field,
Kureva stands there and the dust flies in a column.
The good fellow jumped from mountain to mountain,
The good fellow jumped from hill to hill,
After all, you let rivers and lakes flow between your legs,
He is the blue of the sea, you galloped around.
The good fellow just passed the damned Korela,
The good fellow did not reach rich India,
And the good fellow ran into Smolensk in the mud,
Where are forty thousand robbers standing?
And those night thugs?
And the robbers saw the good fellow,
Old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
The big robber chieftain shouted:
“And you goy, my brother-comrades
And you are daring and kind fellows!
Take care of the good fellow,
Take away from him the colored dress,
Take away some good horse from him.”
The old Cossack and Ilya Muromets see here,
He sees here that trouble has come,
Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.
A good fellow will say here, and this is the word:
“And you goy, forty thousand robbers
And those night thieves and plantains!
After all, no matter how much you beat and thrash, you will have no one to beat,
But you won’t have anything to take from the old one.
The old man has no golden treasury,
The old man doesn’t have a colored dress,
But the old one doesn’t even have a precious stone.
Only the old man has one good horse,
The old and heroic horse has a good horse,
And on a good horse, the old one has a saddle,
There is a saddle and a heroic one.
It’s not for beauty, brothers, and not for bass -
For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one,
And so that you can sit and be a good fellow,
Fight and fight for a good fellow in an open field.
But the old man also has a lace bridle on his horse,
And whether in that bridle or in the lace
How it’s hardwired to eat one pebble at a time,

For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one.
And where does my good horse go for walks?
And among the dark nights walks,
And you can see him from fifteen miles away;
But the old man still has a cap rustling on his head,
The cap and forty pounds are rustling.
It’s not for beauty, brothers, not for bass -
For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one.”
He screamed and shouted in a loud voice
Robber and great ataman:
“Well, you gave the old man so much time to reprimand him!
Let’s get down to military work, guys.”
And here the old man is in trouble
And for great annoyance it seemed.
Here the old man took off his violent head and rustled his cap,
And he, the old man, began to wave his helmet.
As soon as he waves to the side, the street is here,
And he’ll wave it away to a friend - it’s a side street.
And the robbers see here that trouble has come,
And how trouble came and was inevitable,
Here the robbers shouted in a loud voice:
“Leave it, good fellow, at least for seeds.”
He nailed down all the infidel power
And he did not leave the robbers for seed.
Turns to the pebble to Latyr,
And he signed his signature on the pebble, -
And has that straight path been cleared?
And the old man went to the path where he would be married.
An old man goes out into an open field,
I saw here an old white stone chamber.
An old man comes here to the white stone chambers,
I saw a beautiful maiden here,
The strong clearing is daring,
And she went out to meet the good fellow:
“And please come to me, you’re a good fellow!”
And she hits him with her forehead and bows low,
And she takes the good fellow and his white hands,

And he leads the good fellow into the white-stone chambers;
She seated the good fellow at the oak table,
She began to treat the good fellow,
I began to ask the good fellow:
“Just tell me, tell me, good fellow!
What kind of land are you and what kind of horde are you,
And whose father and mother are you?
What else is your name?
Do they honor you according to your fatherland?”
And here the answer was given by a good fellow:
“And why are you asking about that, is the girl beautiful?
And now I’m tired, but good fellow,
But now I’m tired and want to rest.”
How beautiful a maiden and a good fellow takes here,
And how he takes him by the white hands,
For white hands and golden rings,
How does a good fellow lead here?
Whether in the bedroom, richly decorated,
And then he lays the good fellow on that deceptive little bed.
A good fellow will say here, and this is the word:
“Oh, you, darling, beautiful maiden!
You yourself lie down on that wooden bed.”
And how the good fellow grabbed it here
let the girl blush,
And he grabbed her in the crotch
And he threw it on the thuja on the little bed;
How this little bed turned up,
And the beautiful maiden flew away into that deep cellar.
Here the old Cossack shouted in a loud voice:
“And you goy, my brothers and all your comrades
And daring and kind fellows!
But grab it, and here she comes.”
Opens deep cellars,
Releases twelve and good fellows,
And all the strong and mighty heroes;
I left Edina alone in a deep cellar.
They hit their foreheads and bow low
And to the daring and good fellow
And to the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
And the old man comes to Latyr’s pebble,
And on the pebble he signed:

And the good fellow guides his horse
And whether it’s on the right path, where to be rich.
In an open field I ran into three deep cellars,
And whose cellars are filled with gold and silver,
Gold and silver, precious stones;
And here the good fellow robbed all the gold and silver
And he distributed this gold and silver among the poor among the brethren;
And he distributed the gold and silver to the orphans and the homeless.
And the good fellow turned to the pebble to Latyr,
And on the pebble he signed:
“And how clear this straight path is.”

Source: Onega epics, recorded by A.F. Hilferding in the summer of 1871. Ed. 4th. In 3 vols. M. - L., 1950, vol. 2. No. 171.

Three trips of Ilya Muromets (retold by A. Nechaev)

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets was riding across an open field, along a wide expanse, and came to a fork in three roads. At the fork there is a burning stone, and on the stone there is an inscription written: “If you go straight, you will be killed, if you go right, you will be married, and if you go left, you will become rich.” Ilya read the inscriptions and thought about it:
“For me, an old man, death is not written in battle.” Let me go where the dead man is.
No matter how long or how short he drove, thieves and robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred plantain thugs. They are bawling and waving their shawls:
- Let's kill the old man and rob him!
“Stupid people,” says Ilya Muromets, “if you don’t kill the bear, divide the skin!”
And he unleashed his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and struck with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.

He returned to the fork and erased the inscription: “If you go straight, you will be killed.” He stood near the stone and turned his horse to the right:
“There’s no need for me, old, to be married, but I’ll go and see how people get married.”
I drove for an hour or two and came across white stone chambers.
A beautiful girl-soul ran out to meet her. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands and led him to the dining room. She fed and watered the hero and cajoled him:
- After the bread and salt, go and rest. I probably got tired on the road!
She led me into a special room and pointed to a feather bed.
And Ilya, he was a savvy, dexterous person, noticed something was wrong.
He threw the beautiful maiden onto the feather bed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the mistress fell into a deep dungeon.
Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and released forty captives, unlucky suitors, into the world, and locked the owner - a beautiful maiden - in an underground prison tightly.

After that I came to a fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: “Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.”
- I won’t go to the third direction. Why should I, old, lonely, be rich? Let someone young get the wealth.
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and rode to the capital city of Kiev to perform military service, fight with enemies, stand for Great Rus' and for the Russian people!
That’s where the tale of the glorious, mighty hero Ilya Muromets ended.

Arrangement of the epic “Three Trips of Ilya Muromets”

The old Cossack Ilya Muromets was traveling through Great Rus', but he came across a wonderful miracle. There is a white flammable stone lying on the road, called Alatyr, and on the stone there are three inscriptions. The words written in those inscriptions are:

“If you go to the left, you will be rich,
If you go straight, you'll be married,
If you go to the right, you will be killed."

Ilya began to think deeply:

Why should I, an old man, be rich? I never had my own wealth, and in my old age I don’t need someone else’s. Why should I, an old man, be married? Taking a young one is someone else’s gain, but I won’t take an old one myself. I'll go where I'll be killed.

Ilya Muromets went to the right. Ilya reached the dark forest, forty robbers jumped out of the dark forest at him. Ilya spoke to them and said:

Oh, you wandering robbers! There is no glory for you to kill me, an old man, and there is nothing to take away from me - you have no self-interest. In total, I have seven thousand money in my pockets, a braid bridle on a horse worth one thousand, and a forged saddle worth ten thousand. But I don’t even know the price of my horse: he has pearls in his mane, and semi-precious stones burn between his ears, not for beauty, but for the sake of the dark autumn night, so that I can see where my good horse is going.

The robbers answered him:

Oh, you old dog, you mock! What a long time to talk to you!

Yes, they attacked Ilya Muromets.

Here Ilya jumped off his good horse, took off his cap from his wild head, and began to wave his cap. Wherever he waved, there was a street; when he waved back, there was a side street, he scattered all forty robbers.

Ilya went and called to the Alatyr-pebble, he erased the old inscription, wrote a new inscription:

“Ilya Muromets drove to the right, but was not killed.”

Ilya took the straight path to get married. How long, how short, he sees: there is a wide courtyard in the middle of an open field, in that courtyard there is a high tower - white stone chambers, a carved patterned porch leads into those chambers. On that porch stands a beautiful girl with a brown braid down to her waist, and she says these words to Ilya:

Oh, you are a brave, good fellow! Come to my high tower, I’ll give you something to drink and feed you with bread and salt.

Ilya got off his good horse, left the horse untied, climbed onto the patterned porch, and went with the red maiden into the high tower. They sat at oak tables and ate and drank all long day until evening.

In the evening, the beautiful darling maiden comes out from the table and says to the old Cossack Ilya Muromets:

Oh, you are a brave, good fellow! Won't you go to a warm bedroom, a plank bed, a feather bed - to sleep and rest after a long journey?

The girl took Ilya Muromets into a warm bedroom, led him to a planked bed, and said:

You, good fellow, lie down against the wall, and I’ll lie down on the edge.

Ilya Muromets answers her:

No, lie down, beautiful maiden, against the wall, but for me, an old man, it’s more comfortable to sleep on the edge.

He grabbed the girl and threw her onto the soft feather bed. But that bed turned out to be false, it fell into the deep cellars, and with it the deceiving beautiful maiden.

Ilya ran out into the street and found the doors of that cellar: they were blocked with a log, they were covered with sand. Ilya shoved the wells with his feet, scattered the sand with his hands, he kicked forged doors, knocked them out of hooks, out of damask castles, released into the light of God forty kings and princes, forty king-princes, forty strong mighty heroes. And he cut off the head of that deceiving red maiden from her shoulders.

Here Ilya Muromets sat on his good horse, returned to the Alatyr-pebble, erased the old inscription, wrote a new inscription:

“Ilya Muromets went straight, but was never married.”

Then Ilya went along the last path - where to be rich. How long, short - I ran into three deep cellars. Ilya went into those cellars and saw that they contained countless treasures of gold, silver, and white sting pearls. Ilya gave away red gold to the poor brethren, gave pure silver to the Kaliki and pilgrims, built churches and monasteries with round pearls, but left nothing for himself.

He returned to the Alatyr stone, erased the old inscription, and wrote a new inscription:

“Ilya Muromets drove to the left, but was never rich.”

That's where Ilya Muromets' trips ended.

Ilya's three trips (poetic version)

In the middle of a clean field,
At sunset the sun is red,
At sunrise the month is clear
To the heroic outpost
Gathered for a marching council
Glorious Russian heroes.
We thought and thought about the Duma,
We got dressed according to our outfits.

Got it to Ilya Muromets
Go to the West side
On the great heroic watch.

Ilya Muromets went out,
He reached Rosstana,
Under the western night cloud.
Ilya ran into a white stone.
The moon peeked out from behind the clouds:
Read it over there on the stone
Roadside inscription
Clearly and clearly engraved:

“Go straight and you’ll be killed!
To go to the left is to be married!
To go to the right - to be rich!
All this is prescribed by fate! »

Ilya is in deep thought.
He stands there and says to himself:
“God be with you, what is fate:
I am ready to fight with fate!
Just choose what fate
So that I can enter into a fight with her?
I don’t need a wife on hikes,
I don't need wealth.
Oh, I'll go, well done, I'm there,
Where is the murdered person shown to be? »

A black cloud has fallen,
She swallowed up the bright month.
And Ilya Muromets went
To death as prescribed
On a dark, dark night.
Suddenly, out of the darkness of the night
Because of the low bushes,
Because of the flint pebbles
Looked out, jumped out
Walking robbers,
Dogs are night plantains.
Their voices are loud,
And their shields are cross-shaped,
They wear helmets like upside down buckets
Horses in damask armor.
And the title dog is a robber
It presses on and threatens:
“Stop! Where to, hillbilly?
Pray before you die! »

A good fellow does not pray,
He does not bow to the dog.
The bright month has come out again,
I illuminated all the decorations on Ilya:
A helmet of forty thousand shone,
The yacht stones began to shine
A hundred thousand in the horse's mane,
The horse itself is higher than prices, higher than estimates!
This is where the robbers are
We've become rich,
They egg each other on
They incite, incite:
"We'll kill him, rob him,
Let's separate him from his horse! »
Ilya swung his club
Yes, he hit the leader lightly,
And the leader softened from the blow,
He swayed, fell, did not get up.
From the archer the bow is tight,
From the quiver I cast an arrow
Ilya took it out and let it in
The cracked oak is explosive.
Torn and split by an arrow
Old oak into wood chips and cuttings.

Cuttings and slivers
Scattered, they got caught
Into robbers and every one of them
They destroyed it in a row overnight!
Ilya turned to the stone.
I crossed out the old inscription,
He wrote a new inscription:
“Bogatyr Ilya Muromets
Was there, but was not killed.
I traveled the road,
Cleared the wide one! »

Source: Klimanova L.F. Literary reading. 4th grade. Textbook for general education. organizations in 2 parts. Part 1.

The epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” (prose version) retold by I. V. Karnaukhova

Ilya rode across an open field, defending Rus' from enemies from his youth to old age.

The good old horse was good, his little Burushka-Kosmatushka. Burushka's tail is three fathoms long, his mane is knee-length, and his fur is three spans long. He did not look for a ford, he did not wait for transportation, he jumped over the river with one bound. He saved old Ilya Muromets from death hundreds of times.

It is not the fog that rises from the sea, it is not the white snow in the field that turns white, it is Ilya Muromets who is riding across the Russian steppe. His head and his curly beard turned white, his clear gaze became clouded.

- Oh, you old age, you old age! You caught Ilya in an open field and swooped down like a black raven! Oh, youth, youthful youth! You flew away from me like a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three paths, at the intersection there is a stone, and on that stone it is written: “Whoever goes to the right will be killed, whoever goes to the left will be rich, and whoever goes straight will be married.”

“The Knight at the Crossroads” - painting by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1882

Ilya Muromets thought:

“What do I, an old man, need wealth for?” I have no wife, no children, no one to wear a colored dress, no one to spend the treasury. Should I go, where should I be married? Why should I, an old man, marry? It’s not good for me to take a young woman, but to take an old woman and lie on the stove and slurp jelly. This old age is not for Ilya Muromets. I’ll go along the path where the dead man should be. I will die in an open field, like a glorious hero!

And he drove along the road where the dead man should be.

As soon as he had driven three miles, forty robbers attacked him. They want to pull him off his horse, they want to rob him, kill him to death. And Ilya shakes his head and says:

“Hey, you robbers, you have nothing to kill me for and nothing to rob from me.” All I have is a marten coat worth five hundred rubles, a sable hat worth three hundred rubles, a bridle worth five hundred rubles, and a Cherkassy saddle worth two thousand. Well, another blanket of seven silks, embroidered with gold and large pearls. Yes, Burushka has a gemstone between her ears. On autumn nights it burns like the sun; three miles away it is light. Moreover, perhaps, there is a horse Burushka - so he has no price in the whole world. Is it worth cutting off an old man’s head for such a small thing?!

The chieftain of the robbers became angry:

“He’s the one making fun of us!” Oh, you old devil, gray wolf! You talk a lot! Hey guys, cut off his head!

Ilya jumped off Burushka-Kosmatushka, grabbed the hat from his gray head and began waving his hat: where he waves, there will be a street, and where he waves, there will be a side street.

In one swing, ten robbers are down, in the second - not even twenty in the world!

The chieftain of the robbers prayed:

- Don't beat us all, old hero! Take from us gold, silver, colored clothes, herds of horses, just leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets grinned:

“If I took the gold treasury from everyone, I would have full cellars.” If I took a colored dress, there would be high mountains behind me. If I took good horses, great herds would follow me.

The robbers tell him:

- One red sun in this world - there is only one such hero in Rus', Ilya Muromets! You come to us, hero, as a comrade, you will be our chieftain!

- Oh, brother robbers, I will not go to be your comrade, and you too will go to your places, to your homes, to your wives, to your children, you will stand by the roads, shedding innocent blood!

Ilya turned his horse and galloped away. He returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, and wrote a new one: “I drove in the right lane - I was not killed!”

- Well, I’ll go now, where should a married man be!

Ilya drove three miles and came out into a forest clearing. There are golden-domed mansions there, silver gates are wide open, and roosters are crowing on the gates. Ilya drove into a wide courtyard, twelve girls ran out to meet him, among them the beautiful princess.

- Welcome, Russian hero, come into my high tower, drink sweet wine, eat bread and salt, fried swan!

The princess took him by the hand, led him into the mansion, and sat him down at the oak table. They brought Ilya sweet honey, overseas wine, fried swans, grainy rolls... She gave the hero something to drink and feed, and began to persuade him:

- You are tired from the road, tired, lie down and rest on a plank bed, on a feather bed.

The princess took Ilya to the sleeping quarters, and Ilya walked and thought:

“It’s not for nothing that she’s kind to me: that the king’s son is not a simple Cossack, an old grandfather.” Apparently she has something planned.

Ilya sees that there is a chiseled, gilded bed against the wall, painted with flowers, and he guesses that the bed is tricky.

Ilya grabbed the princess and threw her onto the bed against the plank wall. The bed turned and a stone cellar opened up, and the princess fell into it.

Ilya got angry:

“Hey, you nameless servants, bring me the keys to the cellar, otherwise I’ll cut off your heads!”

- Oh, unknown grandfather, we have never seen the keys, but we will show you the passages to the cellars.

They took Ilya into deep dungeons; Ilya found the doors of the cellar: they were covered with sand and covered with thick oak trees. Ilya dug up the sands with his hands, pushed the oak trees with his feet, and opened the cellar doors. And there sits forty kings-princes, forty tsars-princes and forty Russian heroes.

That’s why the princess invited the golden-domed ones into her mansion!

Ilya says to the kings and heroes:

“You, kings, go through your lands, and you, heroes, go to your places and remember Ilya of Muromets.” If it weren't for me, you would have laid your heads in a deep cellar.

Ilya pulled the queen's daughter out into the world by her braids and cut off her wicked head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: “I went straight - I was never married.”

- Well, now I’ll go to the path where the rich man can be. As soon as he drove three miles, he saw a large stone of three hundred pounds. And on that stone it is written: “Whoever can roll a stone will be rich.”

Ilya strained himself, braced himself with his feet, went knee-deep into the ground, gave in with his mighty shoulder, and rolled the stone out of place.

A deep cellar opened under the stone - untold riches: silver, gold, large pearls, and yachts!

Ilya Burushka loaded her with expensive treasury and took her to Kyiv-grad. There he built three stone churches so that there would be a place to escape from enemies and to sit out from the fire. He distributed the rest of the silver, gold, and pearls to widows and orphans, and did not leave a single half for himself.

Then he sat down on Burushka, went to the white stone, erased the old inscription, and wrote a new inscription: “I went to the left - I was never rich.”

Here Ilya’s glory and honor went forever, and our story reached its end.

Lesson summary

in literary reading in grade 4 "B"

"Ilya's three trips"


Vysotskaya Olga Mikhailovna

primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 1 Nogliki

Teaching experience – 29 years

Lesson summary on literary reading.

Item: Literary reading

Program:"School of Russia"

Class 4 "B"

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 1: Vysotskaya Olga Mikhailovna

Lesson type : Learning new material

Subject: Epic "Ilya's Three Trips"

Target: To form the concept of epic and understanding of its features as a genre of folklore.

Planned result


Skill: correctly, expressively; consciously read epics; apply in speech the literary concepts of “epic”, “beginning”, “repetitions”, “exaggeration”, “epic storytellers”; highlight the features of an epic, compare it with a fairy tale.

Form UUD:

- Personal UUD: manifestation of a creative attitude to the learning process; students' awareness of the degree of responsibility for the fate of the people, the Motherland through the actions and actions of epic heroes.

- Regulatory UUD:

Ability to: work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; Set a goal based on a correlation between what the student already knows and what is still unknown; draw up an action plan together with the teacher; monitor the results of work in the lesson, detect deviations from the sample.

- Communication UUD:

Ability to: formulate your thoughts in oral speech, express your point of view, correctly formulate a statement; cooperate with others, agree on the sequence of actions and results, present to others the progress of your work and its results, listen to the opinions of others.

- Cognitive UUD:

Ability to: process received information, convert information from one form to another; find similarities and differences between epics and fairy tales; find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in class; evaluate your actions, evaluate the results.

Equipment: Textbook “Literary reading” part 1, grade 4. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova, computer, media projector.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

So, let's start the lesson with a warm-up, with the help of which we will tune in to active and fruitful work.

If you are in a good mood, smile at each other.

If you love your school, clap your hands;

If you want to enjoy the lesson, I ask you to be my active assistants, listen to me carefully, answer correctly and completely.

2.Checking homework.

What is the name of the reading section that we started studying right after the summer holidays? (“Chronicles. Epics. Lives”)

What new work did we learn about in the last lesson? (“And Oleg remembered his horse”)

Find and read where Oleg lived and ruled? (students read lines)

What did the Magi prophesy for Prince Oleg? Read it.

Did their predictions come true? Tell us about it. Now let's read this episode.

Why did people mourn Oleg?

3. Goal setting. Updating knowledge.

Guess the names and tell me what they have in common? BODNYYAR KINICHTI, SHALEA POCHIVOP, IYAL RUMOTSEM- heroes of epics. Slide No. 1

We are starting to study epics.

Read the topic of the lesson in the textbook: “Ilya’s three trips.” Slide No. 2

Let's set goals for our lesson: (Today we will get acquainted with the new epic “Ilya’s Three Trains”, find out who the heroes are, in detail about the hero Ilya Muromets, we will learn to read the epic correctly, melodiously, beautifully. Foster a love of reading, a love for our Russian land.

4. Studying new material.

What epics did you and I read last year? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Dobrynya and the Serpent, Healing of Ilya, Ilya and the Nightingale - the Robber).

Work based on the painting: Slide number 3

Before you is the famous painting “Bogatyrs”, V.M. Vasnetsov is its author.

Now listen to Albina Absalyamov tell us about this picture. (a student comes to the board and talks about this picture)

About the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

The field stretched wide and wide. Boundless, irresistible. The free wind hums in the feather grass steppe. High in the summer afternoon sky, wisps of clouds float slowly and proudly. Eagles guard the mounds. A gusty whirlwind picked up, scattered the manes of the mighty horses, and brought the bitter smell of wormwood. The eye of the frantic Burushka, the beloved horse of Ilya Muromets, sparkled. A stern hero. A spear has been made. The heavy right hand is raised. Looks far, far into the distance. His friends are wary - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. There is a formidable force in this silent expectation. Sleepless squad. Not a single creature, not even a winged one, will break through.

Vasnetsov worked on this painting for many years. He painfully searched for people from whom he could write epic heroes. The prototype of Ilya Muromets was the peasant Ivan Petrov, who worked as a cab driver in Moscow in the winter. In the face of Dobrynya Nikitich there are features of Vasnetsov himself, his father and uncle. The artist based Alyosha Popovich on the young son of Savva Mamontov.

In the Russian epic tradition there are many heroes. But Vasnetsov chose these three. Probably because they successfully complement each other. Powerful, stern Ilya Muromets, noble Dobrynya and savvy, resourceful Alyosha Popovich all together form the image of a good force - the defender of Russian borders. This picture is so well known that, wherever the conversation turns to the epic knights, everyone remembers these three, standing at an outpost in a wind-swept field. It seems that they are the most popular and beloved heroes of Russianpeople for all times.

From what real enemies could the heroes defend the Russian land? (From the invasion of the Tatars - Mongol). Slide No. 4

What does the word epic mean? Slide No. 5 - №6 (Epics are Russian folk tales about heroes who defended Russian lands). The first epics developed in Kievan Rus.

Slide No. 7 - No. 8

In ancient times, people composed epics. They were performed by folk storytellers to the accompaniment of an ancient stringed instrument called gusli.

What qualities must a person have to be called a hero? (Fearlessly fight enemies, be strong, wise, defend your native land).

Let's remember the origin and meaning of the word"hero"

Where can we find out the meaning of the word “hero”? (A dictionary is best)

(A prepared student gives the meaning of the word “hero” and reads it to the class)
Bogatyr -1.Hero of Russian epics, performing feats in the name of the Motherland.2. (figurative) A man of immeasurable strength, fortitude, and courage. An unusual person.-How many meanings does this word have? What can we say about him? (it's ambiguous)
- Try to choose words that are close in meaning.
Strongman, warrior, defender, knight
- It was believed that heroes were mighty knights, endowed by God with an extraordinary mind and ingenuity.
- Besides strength and intelligence, what else should a hero have? (Health)
-How is your health? Is it only physical? (Spiritual) What does this mean, how do you understand it?
Slide number 9
- Do you think there are heroes in our time?

5. Physical exercise. Slide No. 10

They stood up together one, two, three

We are now heroes.

We put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs

Turn right

Let's look around majestically.

6. Continued work on new material. Work with text.

Today we will just get acquainted with the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”, and in the next lesson we will study this epic in more detail.

Vocabulary work Slide No. 11 - No. 12

Flint-from silicon.

Damask armor -steel and patterned.

Decoration-decoration, external decoration.

Estimate-untold, uncountable wealth.

Mace-a heavy club with a thickened end.

Sazhen-2.134 meters (3 arshin)

Cheat-convert to the Catholic faith.

Pile up-lock in the basement.

Don't be a fool -don't be deceived.

Bashlyki-a warm headdress over a hat. Cloth hood with long ends.


Barns-sheds for storing crops. Supplies, goods.

- Reading the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips” by trained students (Desyaterikov Ruslan, Bendyak Alena, Sin-Lun-Hin Ekaterina, Absalyamova Albina)


- What is the story about in the epic? Will its title help answer this question? (The epic tells how Ilya Muromets fought the enemy. From the title you can understand that Ilya had three battles.)

What moment in the epic did you find most exciting?

What feelings did you experience while listening to the epic?

7. Summing up.

What is an epic?

What epic heroes do you know?

What qualities should an epic hero have? (Health, strength, mind)

What does the epic “Ilya’s Three Trains” teach us? (Love your homeland, protect it, be kind)

In the next lesson we will continue to work on the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”

Slide No. 13

I found out ……..

It was interesting ……..

It was difficult for me......

I am satisfied……..

8. Homework.

Thanks for your effort! Well done!Slide No. 15

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