Presentation "protection of the profession - teacher" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation - Profession “Teacher Profession teacher best presentation

Essay “My educational philosophy”

And I don’t need more happiness,
When I see the sparkle in their eyes!
There is only one reward for the teacher’s work -
The response step is mutual understanding.

Teaching is a difficult job, but youth, healthy optimism, good mood and a feeling of joy from every day you live help you start working. And today I can say that the teacher is rich and strong not only in his knowledge and beliefs, but also in his love for children and his ability to share the warmth of his soul.

School is a big and complex world. A world filled not only with joys and discoveries, but also with problems, sometimes difficult to solve. I often ask myself the question: why did I come into this world, what can I say to this world?

I remember a fine September day when, as a little girl with a huge bouquet of red tulips in her hand and an ABC book in her briefcase, I entered the amazing life of school. I still remember with warmth my first teacher, E.N. Rybakov. She taught me not only writing and counting, she awakened in me an imagination, a dream, a desire to think, to look for answers to the most difficult questions.
School even then became for me a country in which I wanted to live. The teachers seemed to me like celestial beings, and that’s what they were. I was lucky, they taught me how to study. And I think the desire to improve, which means to become smarter, more educated, kinder, will never dry up in me. Then, in my youth, boundless respect for the teaching profession helped me determine my future. Now I'm not disappointed with the present. Tomorrow gives me hope for an interesting, eventful life. Everything is still ahead of me - successes, mistakes, big bumps! And it makes me happy!

Only outwardly our work seems everyday, routine: endless notebooks, magazines, beatings from head teachers... But in essence it is joyful and majestic, because we cultivate a person, a personality, we dream that he will become happy, and therefore we we'll be happy.

It is very important for me that students see me not only as a teacher, but also as a like-minded person, friend, and assistant.

And how many times will I enter the classroom to my students, fidgets and whys, and I will never get tired of repeating: “Hello! Today I want to think, discuss, sort out together with you...”

I teach Russian language and literature, I am a literature teacher. A teacher should have many professional tools in his arsenal, but for me the main one is the word. The word consoles and inspires, it can be a slogan and a cry from the soul, pain and joy, celebration, hope. In a word, I try to educate, carefully and tenderly, with love and understanding.

A lesson for me is not a process of transferring knowledge, but an invaluable time of communication, the discovery of new truths, the birth of ideas and their implementation.

What do I always want to see in my lessons? What do I expect from them?

Surprise, inspiration, excitement, curiosity in the eyes of my students. Their hands are reaching up, and it is impossible for them to restrain their emotions from realizing that they are the very best...

When this happens even just a little, I am overcome with a feeling of joy, and I want it to never end...

I leaf through children’s notebooks, essays with bright pictures, these “material” evidence of a child’s life. Each of them has their own world, their own admiration, their own surprise. Everyone has their own destiny. But they also have me in their lives, simply because I chose a wonderful profession. There is nothing more expensive than feeling needed by many.

My future profession

Presentation by 9th grade student Nikolai Khlopotin
GBOU secondary school No. 318
Frunzensky district
St. Petersburg

Attractiveness of the profession

In the future I would like to become a teacher. Most likely in biology or chemistry. The profession attracts me, firstly, I like these subjects themselves, and I also want to teach them to someone, the same way they taught me.

Brief history of the profession

The emergence of the school as a social institution and teaching is associated with the further development of culture, with the advent of writing and the emergence of science. The first mention of the school is found in Egyptian sources dating back to 2500 BC. e. It was a palace school for the children of royal dignitaries. A little later, even a special educational and scientific institution “Ramesseum” arose, where not only priests, but also warriors, architects, and doctors received training.
In Ancient Greece, schools of grammarians and schools of citharists initially appeared, in which boys from approximately 7 to 14 years old were educated. Girls received exclusively family education.

A teacher is now one of the most widespread public professions, which arose as a result of both the need to educate and train the next generations for their more successful and rapid entry into public life, and the growth of public opportunities for supporting individuals performing these tasks. Thus, teaching is one of the most important professions.

Famous teachers

There are a lot of teachers in the world. Each of them is famous to some extent. Now we will not talk about the teachers of old times, but will give a far from complete list of famous teachers close to us in time:
Amonashvili Shalva Alexandrovich
Lysenkova Sofya Nikolaevna
Makarenko Anton Semyonovich
Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich
Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich
Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich
Janusz Korczak

Teacher qualities:

1. A clearly expressed stable pedagogical orientation of interests and needs.
2.Harmonious mental, moral and aesthetic development.
3. Pedagogical skills.
4. Attitude towards constant self-improvement.
5.Culture of behavior and communication, pedagogical tact.
6. Personal independence of the teacher.
7.General pedagogical erudition and competence.
8. Friendliness, sociability
and passion for work

Teacher Success Criteria

Attitude towards people
Friendly. Helps others. Able to listen and hear others and other opinions. Unenvious. Feel free to ask and learn from others. Tries to explain everything.
Attitude towards yourself
Feels quite strong and confident. Tries to solve emerging problems rather than avoid them. Takes on obligations and responsibilities. Self-critical.
Attitude to work
Efficient and organized. There is enough time for everyone. Looks for solutions and opportunities for their implementation. Feels responsible for the entire work as a whole, and not just for his own area.
Creativity, flexibility
Knows where and when to fight and when to retreat. He sets his own pace of work. Uses time rationally.
Not afraid to make mistakes in search of the best. He is engaged in self-education.

Among the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg engaged in teacher training, one of the most famous is the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen
Besides the actual
teacher training
you can take it at the university
and classic course
across different faculties.
The opposite is also true:
not all teachers come out
from this university.
This is where I'll go.

Places of work

First of all, teachers work in schools. Although, of course, in a broader understanding of the meaning of the word teacher, this can be called anyone who devotes himself to teaching, who teaches someone else something, imparts his knowledge to him. Thus, a teacher can work anywhere, but must teach students. However, in a legal sense, a teacher works in a school. Teachers work, along with schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (vocational schools, schools, colleges, technical schools). They are also in demand in institutions of additional education: various clubs, sections, etc.

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Career prospects

The phrase “teacher’s career” is not very common in Russian. The career prospects for these specialists are associated, first of all, with increasing the level of their teaching skills, winning competitions for professional achievements, and preparing successful students (for example, it is considered very honorable to prepare winners of subject Olympiads).
Opportunities for administrative and material growth are not very great. Thus, sometimes teachers become head teachers or school directors, move to management work in educational authorities, or become owners of their own businesses aimed at providing educational services.

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Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopyorsky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Spasskikh Liliya Vasilievna to teacher of the MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok”

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Basic information *Born in the village of Novokhopyorsky on September 2, 1975. *In 1994, she graduated from the Buturlinovskoye Pedagogical School with a degree in teaching in the primary grades of a comprehensive school, qualification - primary school teacher, GPD teacher. *In 2011 she graduated from the Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, qualification - primary school teacher. *Work experience - 16 years. Teaching experience - 16 years. Work experience in this institution for 3 years.

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky kindergarten of general developmental type “Rodnichok” Advanced training: * In 2013 at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute” under the program “Integration and implementation of educational areas in the work of modern innovative preschool education” in volume 72 hours. * In 2013, at the Private educational institution in St. Petersburg “Institute for Educational Development” under the program “Theory, methodology and educational technologies of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education” in the amount of 72 hours. * In 2014, at the ANO “St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education” under the program “Theory, Methods and Educational Technologies of Preschool Education” for 72 hours.

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Advanced training:

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” My publications

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” My awards and achievements

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Participation in district events District methodological association “Interaction of preschool educational institution with families of pupils”

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” “Psychological readiness of preschool children as a factor in their adaptation to school.” Presentation topic:

Professional competition “Educator of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that kindergarten, being the first step in the education system, performs an important function of preparing children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely a child is prepared for school. Readiness for school is a set of certain properties and modes of behavior (competencies) of a child necessary for him to perceive, process and assimilate educational stimuli at the beginning and during the further continuation of schooling. Relevance of the topic

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Implementation of the presented presentation topic: - topic of self-education: “Psychological readiness of children of the preparatory group for schooling”; - circle “Learning must be fun” (social and communicative direction of development).

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Goal: formation and development of components of psychological readiness for school. Objectives: 1. Formation of cognitive activity and educational motivation of children of senior preschool age. 2. Development of attention, visual-figurative, elements of logical thinking, speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, development of subtle hand movements and visual-motor integration. 3. Development of inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, fantasy, dialectical thinking, search activity, desire for novelty, sense of color. 4. Formation of cooperation skills with peers and adults. 5. Prevention of visual impairment, posture and physical well-being of children. Club “Learning must be fun” (social and communicative direction of development)

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” The work of the circle is carried out according to a developed work program based on the author’s program “Professor Mind’s Laboratory” by M. R. Grigorieva. Methods of work: - exercises of various types (graphic dictations, symmetrical drawings, labyrinths, etc.); - games (role-playing, verbal, movement, musical, dramatization games, didactic and educational games); - a story from an adult and children; - free and thematic drawing; -auto-training (using poetry, relaxation music and recording the sounds of nature); - sketches; - solving problematic and practical situations; - conversations. Club “Learning must be fun” (social and communicative direction of development)

Professional competition “Teacher of the Year 2014” MKDOU “Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten “Rodnichok” Methods of work

Use of modern technologies: - TRIZ elements; - ICT; - “Logical blocks of Dienesh”; - gaming technologies; - health-saving technologies (psycho-gymnastics, relaxation); - elements of art technology.

Use of modern technologies

Results of the work of the circle “Learning must be fun” The system of game interactions allows you to: form school-significant functions (attention, perception, speech, motor skills, organization of activities); master the necessary elements of cognitive activity; form the foundations of educational activities; -contribute to the effective socialization of the child; -allows you to minimize the risks of school maladjustment.

Comparative diagnostics of readiness for schooling over two years

Conducting psychological diagnostics of school readiness: - “Kern-Jirasek Orientation Test of School Maturity” (studying the level of development of verbal thinking); - Methodology of N.I. Gutkina “House” (studying the ability to act according to a model); - Test “Happy-Sad” (study of emotional attitude towards school); - L. Bender test (study of visual-motor coordination).

Thus, the developmental effect of this course of play interactions is manifested primarily in children’s interest in various types of exercises, which over time develops into a cognitive motive for children’s activities. Children become more active and confident in their strengths and capabilities. By the end of the school year, children's graphic skills and visual-motor coordination improve, arbitrariness is formed, and memory and attention processes improve. There is a steady positive trend in the parameters of children’s psychological readiness for school.

“What kind of children are born does not depend on anyone, but so that through proper upbringing they become good and smart - this is in our power...” Plutarch Thank you for your attention!

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Presentation by Nikolay Khlopotin, 9th grade student of GBOU Secondary School No. 318 of the Frunzensky District of St. Petersburg My future profession

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Attractiveness of the profession In the future I would like to become a teacher. Most likely in biology or chemistry. The profession attracts me, firstly, I like these subjects themselves, and I also want to teach them to someone, the same way they taught me.

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A brief history of the profession The emergence of the school as a social institution and teaching is associated with the further development of culture, with the advent of writing and the emergence of science. The first mention of the school is found in Egyptian sources dating back to 2500 BC. e. It was a palace school for the children of royal dignitaries. A little later, even a special educational and scientific institution “Ramesseum” arose, where not only priests, but also warriors, architects, and doctors received training. In Ancient Greece, schools of grammarians and schools of citharists initially appeared, in which boys from approximately 7 to 14 years old were educated. Girls received exclusively family education.

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Contents of the profession A teacher is now one of the most widespread public professions, which arose as a result of both the need to educate and train the next generations for their more successful and rapid entry into public life, and the growth of public opportunities for supporting individuals performing these tasks. Thus, teaching is one of the most important professions.

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Famous teachers There are a lot of teachers in the world. Each of them is famous to some extent. Now we will not talk about teachers of old times, but will give a far from complete list of famous teachers close to us in time: Amonashvili Shalva Aleksandrovich Lysenkova Sofya Nikolaevna Makarenko Anton Semenovich Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich Janusz Korczak

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Qualities of a teacher: 1. A clearly expressed stable pedagogical orientation of interests and needs. 2.Harmonious mental, moral and aesthetic development. 3. Pedagogical skills. 4. Attitude towards constant self-improvement. 5.Culture of behavior and communication, pedagogical tact. 6. Personal independence of the teacher. 7.General pedagogical erudition and competence. 8. Friendliness, sociability and passion for work

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Criteria for success as a teacher Attitude towards people Friendly. Helps others. Able to listen and hear others and other opinions. Unenvious. Feel free to ask and learn from others. Tries to explain everything. Attitude towards oneself Feels quite strong and confident. Tries to solve emerging problems rather than avoid them. Takes on obligations and responsibilities. Self-critical. Attitude to work Efficient and organized. There is enough time for everyone. Looks for solutions and opportunities for their implementation. Feels responsible for the entire work as a whole, and not just for his own area. Creativity, flexibility Knows where and when to fight and when to retreat. He sets his own pace of work. Uses time rationally. Not afraid to make mistakes in search of the best. He is engaged in self-education.

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Among the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg that train teachers, one of the most famous is the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen. In addition to the actual training of teachers at the university, you can also take a classical course in different faculties. The opposite is also true: not all teachers come from this particular university. This is where I'll go.

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Places of work First of all, teachers work in schools. Although, of course, in a broader understanding of the meaning of the word teacher, this can be called anyone who devotes himself to teaching, who teaches someone else something, imparts his knowledge to him. Thus, a teacher can work anywhere, but must teach students. However, in a legal sense, a teacher works in a school. Teachers work, along with schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (vocational schools, schools, colleges, technical schools). They are also in demand in institutions of additional education: various clubs, sections, etc.

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Career prospects The phrase “teacher’s career” is not very common in the Russian language. The career prospects for these specialists are associated, first of all, with increasing the level of their teaching skills, winning competitions for professional achievements, and preparing successful students (for example, it is considered very honorable to prepare winners of subject Olympiads). Opportunities for administrative and material growth are not very great. Thus, sometimes teachers become head teachers or school directors, move to management work in educational authorities, or become owners of their own businesses aimed at providing educational services.

Profession teacher

There are many professions, good and different,

we have no doubt about it,

But we will now imagine one that is better than her on Earth...

Simply no.

“It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself...” (M. Montaigne)

The importance of the profession

The importance of the teacher profession can hardly be overestimated - it is one of the most honorable and necessary professions on Earth. However, teachers also have a great responsibility - after all, these are the people who are responsible for improving the younger generation, on whom our future depends!

“To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach...” (V. Klyuchevsky)

Requirements for the profession

The main requirements that society places on a teacher are, first of all, civic responsibility, socio-political and social maturity, professional and pedagogical competence, professional knowledge and skills, as well as broad-mindedness and high culture. The requirements for the personality of a master teacher are highlighted.

“Where there is a good teacher, there are well-mannered students...” (D. Likhachev)

The most important quality of a teacher is the ability to give - to share knowledge and experience. A true teacher has a generous and kind soul. The most wonderful teachers are those who

who is interested with children,

a piece of childhood in you!

In primary school

each class has one

teacher. He leads everything

lessons: reading, writing, mathematics, drawing, labor and often even

physical education and singing.

You taught us from the very beginning,

When they first brought us to school.

We knew practically nothing:

Neither two and two, nor the ABCs.

Thank you for this invaluable work,

For tons of nerves, they can’t be returned,

For the education of new generations

And instructions on the bright path.

Beautiful at heart and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find your way to the children,

May success await you on this path!

Not far away and forests Wizards live now They come to school with you. Or rather, a little earlier than you. You rediscovered with them And the starry world, and the distance of the earth. They inspired you with a dream, Hearts were lit with hope. Is it snowing, is autumn rustling, Plucking yellow leaves They always bring with them And they generously give you spring...

You can become a teacher by:

  • 1. Samara Social Pedagogical College
  • 2. Samara College of Transport and Communications (preschool education)
  • 3. Tolyatti Social Pedagogical College
  • 4. Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy
  • 5. Samara State University no

South-Eastern Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

Profession teacher

GBOU secondary school village. New Kutuluk, 2018

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