Literary reading lesson “The Healing of Ilya Muromets. Bylina

Epics are an amazing part of folklore. Tales about heroes, about Mother Rus', about true friendship and honor sometimes turn out to be much more interesting than the intricate legends and myths of Western Europe. And everyone knows the names of the defenders of the Russian land: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets - they are the first to be remembered when it comes to heroes. Each of the trinity has its own functions, but together they are invincible, just as Rus' is invincible under the protection of its knights.

Not only their actions, but also their words allow you to reveal the image of the characters more fully. And often it is individual phrases that make it possible to understand the hero much better. What are the features of the speech of Ilya Muromets, the eldest of the heroes? How do the words he uttered characterize him? Let's try to find out.


First you need to figure out who Ilya Muromets is. As the epics say, he was partially paralyzed, lay on the stove for thirty years, and then was healed by Kalika elders passing through his native village of Karacharovo. They endowed the man with heroic strength, told him how to properly raise a horse that would withstand any test, and assured Ilya that he would not face death in battle.

The newly minted knight went to Kyiv, where he became the head of all Russian heroes. Since then, Ilya Muromets stood guard over the borders of Rus' and faithfully served Prince Vladimir, despite all the latter’s machinations.

It is curious that many researchers consider the epic hero to be the incarnation of Saint Elijah of Pechersk, whose relics rest in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In all the legends, he is an authority not only among the heroes, he allows himself to object even to the prince (here the emphasis is on the fact that Ilya can disobey Vladimir only because the order contradicts his Christian principles). The constant confrontation between the hero and the prince is where the features of Ilya Muromets’ speech stand out especially clearly. Not a single person in all of Rus' could say a word against the will of Vladimir, but the eldest of the knights not only disputes orders, but also allows himself to insult the Baptist of Rus': in the epic about Ilya Muromets and Kalina the Tsar, he says that “for a dog - then, Prince Vladimir, may I not leave the cellar!” As another feature of Ilya Muromets’s speech, one can note the constant teaching of others, but not aggressive, but rather friendly: the hero sincerely wants to help others. Undoubtedly, Ilya Muromets can be called the most peace-loving, but at the same time the most implacable defender of the Russian land.


In the first part of the tales about Ilya Muromets, the future hero appears before the reader as a sick man who, for thirty years, has not been able to take a single step. He is healed of his illness by passing elder pilgrims, who convey enormous strength to the main character and give parting words regarding his service to the prince.

What are the features of Ilya Muromets’ speech in this epic? He uses repetitions in order to better convey his thoughts (“I’m sitting”), and also diminutive suffixes (“the great strong man”) - this is a feature of all positive heroes of epics. And even despite the fact that he is taller than the elders, he treats them with respect and warmly thanks them for their healing.

Even from a couple of remarks uttered by the hero in this legend, one can understand that the speech of Ilya Muromets in the epics is extremely polite, he treats those who are weaker than him with respect, and knows how to be grateful.

Nightingale the Robber

The second most famous legend tells about the battle of Ilya with the Nightingale the Robber. The epic begins with the already noted feature of the speech of Ilya Muromets - courtesy (his dialogue with the men from Chernigov). But then, during a still indirect meeting with the Nightingale, when the horse, having heard the villain’s whistle, stopped and refused to go earlier, the hero uses both abuse (“grass bag”, “wolf’s fill”) and an orderly tone. You can also note a large number of repetitions (for example, when describing his path to Kyiv, the hero pronounces the preposition “past” several times, listing all the famous places through which he happened to pass).

Kalin the Tsar

At the very beginning of the epic about the battle with Tsar Kalin, the words of the hero sharply diverge from his original image. The speech of Ilya Muromets, when he wants to receive food and water for free in a tavern, does not at all look like a request, even with an explanation it looks more like an order. True, in the knight’s monologue before the heroes, a reference to his Christian prototype again appears: Ilya insists that they must protect not so much Prince Vladimir from the threat, but stand up for the temples and for the faith. In addition, in this tale he acts as a real peacemaker, forbidding his comrades to kill the captured enemy. Additional features include an abundance of prepositions and diminutive suffixes (when meeting other knights, he emphasizes his kind attitude).


So, what are the features of Ilya Muromets’ speech? He uses a large number of repetitions and diminutive suffixes in his speech, which is typical for all epic heroes. At the same time, his words are filled with wisdom and peacefulness. This hero is one of the brightest images of Russian literature.


Learn to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, give a coherent answer.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.


To develop the creative imagination of students through poetry and painting. Music.

Develop the ability to work in groups.

Develop the ability to give an adequate assessment of your activities.


To foster a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and mutual respect.

Attach to the facts of historical reality.

Equipment :

Reproduction of a painting by M.V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs". Audio recording: A.P. Borodin "Bogatyrskaya".

Cards with tasks for working in groups.

I. Organizing time.(greeting, getting ready to work).


Wide are you, Rus', across the face of the earth

She turned around in royal beauty.

Don't you have heroic powers?

Old saint, high-profile feats?

There is a reason for this, mighty Rus',

To love you, to call you mother,

Stand up for your honor against your enemies,

I need to lay down my head for you in need!

How did this poem make you feel? What time are we talking about, the present or the past? (slide 1)

Today we will take another virtual trip to ancient times. Let's talk about such works of oral folk art as “The Tale of Ilya Muromets” and the epic “Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor”.

II. Updating knowledge.(Slide 2)

1. - Guys, who knows the name of this picture? (“Bogatyrs”, author Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, worked on the film for more than 20 years).

Who is shown in the picture?

(Ilya Muromets is a favorite of the people, on the right is Dobrynya Nikitich - with a sword in his hand, ready to rush into battle at the first call, on the left is Alyosha Popovich - a merry fellow, his weapon is a bow and arrows, and instead of a shield - a harp).

What is shown in the background of the picture? (steppe, heroic outpost)

Why did the heroes go out on patrol? (They protect the Russian land from infidel raids)

At all times, Russian people were famous for their courage, heroism, and ability to defend their Fatherland. Artists, composers and writers dedicated their works to them. (Slide 4)

We have studied three works about heroes. We can use a working technique called a “cluster”. (Slide 5)

Name the works from which you read excerpts at home? What genre do these works belong to?

How are these works similar? (they tell about Russian heroes, in content, in design).

2. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Try to determine the topic of the lesson yourself. (Compare the epic and the fairy tale. Name the common and distinctive features)

On the desk:

Subject: Comparison of a heroic tale and an epic.

III. Conception stage.(25 min)

  1. Highlighting the features of epics and heroic tales.

We will work in groups.

Groups 1 and 2 will explore the heroic tale.

Groups 3 and 4 will explore the epic.

I will write down my research on cards that are on your desks.

At the end of your research work, all your data will be compiled into a common table.

Pivot table on screen.


Fairy tale


1. The basis of the work.

Historical event.

The Basurman princes surrounded the city of Chernigov.

Meeting of Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor.

2. Heroes of the work.

Russian bogatyrs.

Ilya Muromets


3.Fairytale signs.

Magical heroic power.

Magic characters.

Magic items.

The power of Ilya Muromets.

Two wanderers.

Healing water.

The power of Svyatogor.

Talking horse.

Svyatogor's clothes containing Ilya of Muromets along with his horse

4.Construction of the work.


Poetic form.

5.Nature of the work.




Archaisms, respectful dialogues, words with diminutive suffixes.

Archaisms, set expressions.

Take a close look at the table. What does it reflect? (features by which we distinguish the epic not only from the heroic tale, but also from other genres of fiction indicated in the “cluster”.

ІY. Consolidation.

We talked to you about the heroes who lived in ancient times. Do you think there are heroes in our time? Who in our days could say such words: “There are still people in Rus' who can stand up for the Russian land.” And it will be easier for you to answer the question of where you can find them if you guess my riddles.

We must fight the fire -

We are brave workers.

We are partners with water,

People really need us.

So who are we? (firemen)

Who. Guys, on the border

He guards our land,

To work and study

Could our people calmly? ( border guards)

Alyosha has an older brother,

He is always happy to help everyone.

Cat remover from tree,

This is the future... (rescuer)

He is ready for fire and battle,

Protecting you and me

He goes on patrol and into the city,

Will not leave his post... ( soldier )

Well done! Of course, a hero is not necessarily a strongman. A person with great willpower is also a hero.

Y. Summing up.

Reflection stage.

1.- Remember what goals we set at the beginning of the lesson? (find common and distinctive features of epics and heroic tales).

Did we cope with the task?

2. Working with a “cluster”.

What is the name of the section we are studying?

Name the genres of works you worked on.

What heroes were you talking about?

Have you studied the entire section?

Has the entire cluster been filled? (No)

We'll do this in our next reading lesson.

  1. Self-esteem.

I'm happy today. I'm not happy with myself because...

Show a circle of the color that indicates how you rate your work.

There are “faces” on your table. Sad and happy. Leave those faces on the “Mood” tree that reflect your mood.

Fairy tale

1. The basis of the work.

  1. Historical event.
  2. Fiction.

2. Heroes of the work.

1. Ilya Muromets

2. Svyatogor

3.Fairytale signs.

Magical heroic power.

Magic characters.

Magic items.

4.Construction of the work.

1. In prose.

2. In poetic form

5.Nature of the work.

1. song

2. narrative

6.What is in the work?

1. repetitions

2. outdated words

3. words with diminutives


4.Double vowel

Information sheet.

Review the theoretical materials in your information card. Listen to the teacher's message. Complete the card with the information you think is necessary.

An epic is a work of oral folk art that glorifies …………………


The epic consists of the following parts:

1) chorus (introduces the reader into the world of folk art);

2) the beginning (the location of the action and the name of the main character are indicated);

3) plot (important event);

4) culmination (central event);

5) denouement (victory of the positive hero);

6) ending (glory is given to the hero).

Artistic features of the epic:

1) repetitions of words, expressions, episodes;

2) appeals;

3) trinity (the number three or numbers that are multiples of three are often found).

Epic verse is a special verse based on an equal number of stresses in the lines (usually 3 stresses in a line) and the same arrangement of stressed syllables at the end of each line (usually the 3rd syllable from the end of the line is stressed).

Appendix No. 2

Epics. Artistic features of epics.

Oral folk poetry arose many centuries ago, when people did not yet know how to read or write. (Slide 2 ends here)

Folk art is rich and varied. In fairy tales and songs, people talked about important historical events, about their work, about their worries and sorrows, and dreamed of a happy, fair life. (Slide 3 ends here)

Folk wisdom, observation, accuracy and expressiveness of folk speech are embodied in proverbs, sayings, and riddles. (Slide 4 ends here)

Of exceptional interest among works of folk art are epics - artistic and historical songs about heroes, folk heroes. (Slide 5 ends here)

The main cycles of epics: Novgorod and Kiev (Slide 6 ends here)

The action in most epics is confined to Kyiv. Some epics tell about the life, events and people of another largest city of ancient Rus' - Novgorod (epics about Sadko, about Vasily Buslaev). (Slide 7 ends here)

Kyiv epics are heroic (or heroic) epics. Heroic epics tell about the courageous defense of the homeland, about heroes, their struggle against nomadic enemies who attacked the country. (Slide 8 ends here)

Epics are built according to a specific plan.

Most epics begin with a beginning. It usually talks about the location of the action or about where and where the hero went (Slide 9 ends here)

From either the city of Murom, from that village and Karacharova, a distant, portly, good fellow was leaving. He stood at matins in Murom, and he wanted to be in time for lunch in the capital Kiev-grad. Yes, and he drove up to to the glorious city to Chernigov, or near the city of Chernigov, the forces are overtaken black and black, and black and black, like a black crow. (Slide 10 ends here)

Events in epics are presented in strict order, sequentially. The narration is told slowly, without haste. (Slide 11 ends here) Since the epics lived in oral transmission, the performer told them to focus the attention of the listeners on places that, in his opinion, were especially important. For this purpose, repetitions are widely used in epics, usually three times. Thus, in the epic about Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber, the description of the strength of the Nightingale the Robber is repeated three times. (Slide 12 ends here)

To add melodiousness to the epic, to make its presentation more expressive and musical, individual words are often repeated in epics.

The straight path is blocked,

The path was blocked up and walled up.

In the capital in the city of Kyiv,

From the affectionate prince from Vladimir. (Slide 13 ends here)

Repetitions occur not only in the text of the same epic. Different epics describe similar actions and phenomena in the same way, for example, saddling a hero’s horse, a feast at Prince Vladimir’s, enemy strength, a battle between heroes and enemies, etc. Such similar descriptions found in different epics (and fairy tales) are called commonplaces. (Slide 14 ends here)

Sometimes epics end with a special ending - a conclusion from the entire content of the epic:

Now the old days, now the deeds,

that is, this is how it was in the old days, this is reality. (Slide 15 ends here)

The main character of the epics is a Russian hero. To more clearly imagine the strength of the hero, the technique of hyperbole (exaggeration) is used. For example, this is how the battle between a hero and an enemy force is described. If the hero waves his right hand, a street will form among the enemy camp, and an alley will form with his left hand. The hero's club (sword) weighs forty or even ninety pounds. (Slide 16 ends here)

If the hero falls asleep, then “heroic sleep for twelve days” (days). His horse matches the hero: “the horse’s first leap is many miles away, but the second leap cannot be found.” To emphasize the strength of the Russian hero, his enemy is depicted hyperbolically. The countless forces of the enemy “a gray wolf... cannot outrun a day, a black crow cannot fly around a day.” (Slide 17 ends here)

In epics, as in works of oral folk poetry in general, every word is precise and expressive. Over the centuries, folk singers and poets have improved the language of their poetic works, achieving the most accurate and vivid, expressive disclosure through words of the most essential qualities of heroes and their actions. Thus, epithets are very rich and varied in oral poetry - colorful definitions indicating the most essential feature of people, objects, and phenomena of life. (Slide 18 ends here)

Often the same epithets constantly characterize certain heroes, objects, phenomena of life, nature, etc. Therefore, they are called constant epithets. In epics, for example, there are such constant epithets: stout, good fellow, great strength, glorious capital Kyiv-grad, tight bow, silk string, red-hot arrows. (Slide 19 ends here)

Comparisons are often used in epics:

The forces are caught up in black and black,

Black, black, like a black crow.

Volga walks like a pike fish in the blue seas,

Volgo flies like a falcon bird under the covers,

Prowl like a wolf in open fields. (Slide 20 ends here)

Negative comparisons are used:

It is not the damp oak that bends to the ground,

Not paper leaves are spread out,

The son worships his father... (Slide 21 ends here)

Wanting to emphasize some shade of the meaning of the word, which, in the opinion of the folk singer, is important for understanding the narrative, epic storytellers widely use synonyms: “Volga began to grow and mature”; “And yell and plow and become peasants,”; “Here it seemed to Ilya that he was offended, that he felt great annoyance...” (Slide 22 ends here)

Nouns with diminutive and affectionate suffixes play an important role in the language of epics. They express the people's assessment of the heroes of epics. Bogatyrs are often called by affectionate names: Ilyushenka, Dobrynyushka Nikitich, Mikulushka Selyaninovich, etc. (Slide 23 ends here) Suffixes of endearing meaning are also used in words denoting objects belonging to the hero. He has “hot arrows”, “saddle”, “bridles”, “felts”, “sweatshirts”, etc. (Slide 24 ends here)

The epic is chanted. Obeying the melody, the narrator puts emphasis on certain words, while other words, without stress, seem to merge into one word (“mother-earth”, “pure field”). In this regard, sometimes a word has different stresses in the same epic (“Nightingale-Nightingale”, “young”, “young”, “young”). (Slide 25 ends here)

In ancient oral folk poetry there are epics that tell about the peaceful, working life of the Russian people. These are everyday epics. The most important of them is the epic about Volga and Mikula. It glorifies people's labor. In Ilya Muromets, the people sang the praises of the peasant warrior, the hero - the defender of the homeland. In the image of Mikula, he glorified the peasant cultivator, the hero - the breadwinner of the country.

Ilya Muromets is the main character of the Kyiv cycle of epics. The most important of them: “The Healing of Ilya of Muromets”, “Ilya and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Ilya and Sokolnik”, “Ilya in a quarrel with Prince Vladimir”, “Ilya and Kalin the Tsar”, “Ilya and the Foul Idol”. The most ancient epics are considered to be about the battle of Ilya Muromets with the Nightingale the Robber and about the battle with Sokolnik (his son).

Back in the 19th century, scientists wondered who was behind the epic image of the enemy of the Russian hero - Nightingale the Robber. Some saw him as a mythical creature - the personification of the forces of nature, the tree-climber, while others expressed the opinion that this image was borrowed from the folklore of other peoples. Still others were of the opinion that Nightingale was an ordinary person engaged in robbery. For his ability to whistle loudly, he was nicknamed Nightingale. In the epic narrative, the Nightingale the Robber is depicted as a creature living in the forests with all his brood.

The epic tells about the military exploits of Ilya. He leaves home, from the village of Karacharovo, near Murom, to the capital city of Kyiv to serve Prince Vladimir. Along the way, Ilya accomplishes his first feat. At Chernigov he defeats the enemy army that besieged the city.

Is it near the city of Chernigov?
The forces are caught up in black and black,
And he is black and black, like a black crow.
So no one walks here like infantry,
No one rides here on a good horse,
The black raven bird does not fly,
Let the gray beast not prowl.

And Ilya, “a burly, good fellow,” began to trample this great force with his horse and stab him with a spear. And he defeated this great force. For this, the Chernigov men invited him to Chernigov as a governor, but the hero did not agree, since he was going to serve the entire Russian land.

He is warned that the road to Kyiv is turbulent and dangerous:

The path has been blocked up, walled up,
Like that one of Gryazi or Black,
Yes, whether it’s near the birch tree or the gag...
The Nightingale the Robber sits with oak cheese,
The Nightingale the Robber sits Odikhmantiev1 son.2

Ilya’s opponent is depicted in the epic in a hyperbolic way, his formidable power is exaggerated. This is a robber villain. He “whistles like a nightingale”, “shouts like an animal”. Because of this, “the ant grasses are entangled, all the azure flowers are crumbling, the dark forests are all bowing to the ground, and what people there are are all lying dead.”

However, Ilya was not frightened by the warning of the Chernigov men. He chooses the "straight road". Ilya’s good heroic horse, hearing the Nightingale’s whistle, “rests and stumbles on the baskets.” But the hero is fearless. He is ready to accomplish his second feat. The duel is described laconically, in the epic tradition. Ilya takes a tight “explosive” bow, pulls a “silk bowstring”, puts on a “hardened arrow” and shoots. He fastens the defeated Nightingale to a “damask stirrup” and takes him to Kyiv. This is the hero’s first visit to Kyiv; no one here knows him yet. The prince himself turns to Ilya with questions:

"Tell me, you're crazy,
Portly good fellow,
Somehow, well done, they call you by your name,
Call him, the daring one, after his fatherland?

The prince does not believe Ilya’s story, he doubts that it is possible to travel along that road where many forces have been gathered and the Nightingale the Robber rules. Then Ilya leads the prince to Nightingale. But the robber recognizes only the power of Ilya over himself, seeing in him a worthy opponent and winner, he honors him above the prince. To Vladimir’s order to demonstrate his art, Nightingale replies:

“It’s not with you today, Prince, that I’m having lunch,
It’s not you that I want to listen to.
I dined with the old Cossack Ilya Muromets,
Yes, I want to listen to him."3

Then Ilya Muromets orders him to whistle “half the whistle of a nightingale” and “half the cry of an animal.” But the Nightingale disobeyed and whistled with all his might. “The poppies on the towers were crooked, and the knees in the towers scattered from him, Nightingale’s whistle, that there are little people, they are all lying dead.” And Vladimir the Prince “covers himself with a marten fur coat.” Only Ilya remained on his feet. With the words: “You are full of whistling and like a nightingale, you are full of crying and fathers and mothers, you are full of making widows and young wives, you are full of letting little children become orphans!” he chops off the Nightingale's head.

Ilya’s feat was filled with special meaning for his contemporaries, who advocated the unification of Russian lands and the integrity of the ancient Russian state. The epic affirms the idea of ​​serving Rus', of performing a national feat in its name.

The epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" has features characteristic of the artistic originality of epics. This is a story genre. Events are depicted in development, characters in action. The epic is characterized by unique expressive and graphic means: triple repetitions (in the description of the silushka near Chernigov, the hero’s whistle), hyperbole (image of the Nightingale the Robber, the heroic horse of Ilya), similes, metaphors, epithets (dark forest, ant-grass, azure flowers), diminutive suffixes, etc. Fantastic and real images are intertwined in the epic (Nightingale - Ilya).

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