Nature calendar in the form of a tree. Nature and weather calendars to teach kids

Marina Suzdaleva

The change of seasons, day and night, various atmospheric phenomena and precipitation are the subject of study for the entire preschool period. To facilitate the task of observing the changes that occur in nature, the participants "" made nature calendars for their kids with their own hands. As it turned out, there can be many options for creating such a didactic manual. I am sure you will like one of them, and very soon you will have your own center for observing the weather with children in your home.

Source materials:

  • Whatman sheet;
  • A sheet of colored cardboard;
  • Color blanks (we have these natural phenomena, time of day, and seasons);
  • Magnetic tape;
  • Magnets holders;
  • File;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thick thread with a needle.

Manufacturing process:

Victoria Pechieva, mother of 2 kids: Nastenka 2 years old. 5 months and Matveyka, 8 months old, Belorechensk.

Nature calendar for kids

I made a calendar of nature on a large sheet of drawing paper. First, I developed a sketch, thought out where which elements would be located. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that my daughter could understand.

The calendar has:

  • Seasons;
  • days of the week;
  • weather;
  • Times of Day.

I printed out color pictures on the printer, painted some. The days of the week are arranged in colored circles made of self-adhesive paper strictly according to the colors of the rainbow, numbered and signed. The days of the week and the time of day are located in a circle that I pasted onto hard cardboard.

The most difficult thing was to make spinning arrows, dad helped with this. The arrows themselves are made from pieces of a yogurt bottle (originally cut out of cardboard, but seemed fragile). The arrow is attached with a bolt and nuts, the nuts are screwed on both sides of the poster, for strength everything was laid with cardboard. The metal elements were sealed with white self-adhesive paper.

First, you can look at the poster, study the numbers, colors, weather, and then the daughter herself will show what the weather is like now.

Olga Antonenko and daughter Olesya, 1 year 5 months, Yaroslavl

Calendar - a window on the refrigerator

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored beautiful paper;
  • soft magnets;
  • printed thematic pictures;
  • glue.

I immediately liked the idea of ​​creating a weather calendar. The only thing was that there was no time to do something large-scale, project-based. Yes, and I wanted something small and on magnets. Therefore, I decided that it would be a window on the refrigerator. Our refrigerator is conveniently located near the window, and as a rule, it is with it that the day begins. So I thought it would be great to start not only with food, but also with observing what is now outside the window, what day of the week, in what mood we woke up and fill our window.

The window itself was made of thick cardboard. Then I decorated it with beautiful colored paper and glued a soft magnet on the back. Then I printed pictures. Decided it would be:

  • Day of the month - will help us to study the numbers;
  • The days of the week are in the form of wagons, so that they can be either attached to the window or assembled side by side in order;
  • Weather - we will look out the window and analyze what we see now;
  • - help the son to better understand what he feels;
  • Months - I think, it is already possible to slowly master.

And the last one is the most difficult to implement, but I really want it to be the most important event of the day. It can be put down in the morning, as an expectation of what lies ahead for us today, or in the evening, so that the son himself chooses what he remembers the most.

Until this column is filled, I need to think about which pictures to choose, most likely it will be replenished gradually, because going to the theater and buying ice cream can become an important event.
In any case, I hope filling this box will become a good tradition to start the day.

Olga Danilova and son Yura, 2.6 years old, St. Petersburg.

The calendar was made in several visits. It consists of three blocks:

  • season;
  • day / night (days of the week are still difficult for us to realize).

The idea was this: to make sensory seasons.

Winter- covered the sheet with heavily diluted blue gouache, then sprinkled with salt. When it dried, it turned out very beautifully, the salt crystals shimmer like snow.

Spring- first they picked napkins, then soaked them in a solution (water + green gouache + PVA). I glued it to the sheet. After drying, the child applied flowers with his finger - yellow, blue, red.

Summer- the butterfly was painted with fingers.

Autumn- first, the child drew falling leaves with a finger, then glued the sticks in the form of trees.

Rain painted with fingers. I cut out the snowflake. The sun from clothespins (there is another modification of it on cardboard). The cloud was cut out of a sponge. Night - stars were drawn on the cream lid with a finger.

Seasons are constantly placed, the rest is inserted into transparent pockets. We will study the weather outside and the time of day.

Alla Shuvalova and daughter Lenochka, 11 months old, Samara.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

Calendar - poster on self-adhesive film

I wanted to make a functional, useful thing for my daughter, but at the same time, so that she would be interesting to her, understandable, meet her interests and age appropriate. So it didn't load too much. Since my daughter loves to draw, it was decided to allocate a special place for this: she painted a tree (apple tree). Then we will draw color, leaves, apples. In general, what we will observe in nature.

Made the main natural phenomena in the form of Velcro toys:

  • the sun from the threads of floss. Crocheted a cardboard circle;
  • a synthetic winterizer served as a filler for the cloud;
  • a cloud with rain is filled with millet - "rain";
  • I wove a snowflake from beads (you can find many patterns on the Internet).

The entire poster was sealed with a self-adhesive film, due to which it achieved multifunctionality.

The apple tree turned out to be of the “draw-erase” type, cards can be glued to the rest of the area with adhesive tape or on the same film: signs of spring, other natural phenomena (rainbow, fog, thunderstorm, etc.). I pasted short poems for myself about the cloud, the sun, spring, and it turned out to be little cheat sheets.

Katerina Efremova and daughter Olya 1 year 3 months

The whole family undertook to make a weather calendar: mom cut it out, daughter glued it, and dad assembled the whole structure! For our age, we decided that it would be enough to determine the weather according to the following parameters: the sun is shining, cloudy weather, it is snowing or raining. Over time, the calendar will be supplemented with other criteria. In the meantime, before going for a morning walk, Alena and I look out the window and say what kind of weather is outside our window, and then we go to the weather calendar and hide either the sun, or clouds, or snow, or rain behind its window.

We needed:

Manufacturing process:

  1. Blanks of colored paper were glued onto a large sheet of cardboard (a circle and rays for the sun, clouds, snowflakes were made using a figured hole punch, raindrops).
  2. A window was cut out of a small cardboard, on one side of which a thin cocktail tube was glued.
  3. They pulled a fishing line in the center of the calendar, inserted it into the window with a straw. Smaller pieces of the tube were glued along the edges of the wrong side of the calendar, a fishing line was inserted into them and its ends were tied in the middle of the wrong side.

Thus, the window easily moves from one end of the calendar of nature to the other and can both rise to the top row and fall to the bottom.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena, 2 years old, 2 months old, Yekaterinburg.

My daughter and I already had a calendar indicating the seasons that we made together: we cut out a cardboard circle, divided it into 4 parts, in each of which we drew a tree (covered with snow, blooming and flowering, with a bright green crown and yellow-red ).

After that, I glued our “Dial of the Seasons” onto an A3 sheet, signed and supplemented it with a sheet with the name of the season and months (the colored paper clip acts as an index here), as well as a pocket where we show the number.

Now it's the turn of the weather calendar. We made another round scoreboard with an arrow pointer. They came up with symbols, drew and attached a new scoreboard and an arrow to the already existing calendar with a button.

It turned out much easier and faster than I expected, seeing similar calendars!

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children Anya (4.4 years old) and Misha (1.2 years old), St. Petersburg.

Here is our version of a simple weather calendar. Printed the days of the week, time of day and time of year. On a separate sheet, they drew a circle with months and decorated it, added the seasons to it and divided it into sectors.

They hung it on a magnetic board, and with the help of magnets, the daughter sets the desired value. And in the date and weather column writes the corresponding values. Here we have such a mobile board. The most interesting thing is that the daughter can show her imagination and draw the weather as she herself feels. This is mini art - therapy is obtained.

Trukhacheva Maria and daughter Vasilisa, 6 years old

I really liked the idea of ​​a do-it-yourself weather calendar, since my son and I have already begun to learn such concepts as seasons, weather, precipitation.

To begin with, I took a base sheet of A3 watercolor paper, pasted over it with colored paper, depicting clouds. The main theme of the calendar, I took exactly the concept of seasons and the fact that each season has 3 months.

I found these pictures, made one corner rounded and glued it to the main sheet. Then I wrote down the names of the months. I plan to hang the calendar on the refrigerator, next to the window, so that my son and I can look in there and see what the weather is like now.

On the left, I drew a scale with types of precipitation, opposite which you can put a magnet. I signed the calendar and made an arrow to determine the month. Here is the calendar!

It is clearly visible: it is now spring, the month of March, it is snowing outside. The son has already examined it and it seems to me that he liked the calendar.

Geido Olga and son Vanya, 1 year 3 months old, Novosibirsk

Did you like do-it-yourself nature and weather calendars? Share with familiar mothers by clicking on the buttons of social networks below and please your child with the same useful toy!

Elena Zubareva

Every day, together with my preschool children, we celebrate changes in nature(season, air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind direction, etc.) nature calendar. Now there are many different nature calendars(printed, magnetic, ready-made stands, but I decided to try to make diy nature calendar. And here's what came of it.

As a basis, I took the usual plastic panels sold in any hardware store and corners. Two-piece panel held together the foundation for the future nature calendar. I designed this field with plastic corners so that the children could not injure their hands. Then I started to create my own calendar. Using a printer, I printed out suitable pictures, laminated them with adhesive tape and carefully pasted them onto the base.

Placed funny letters at the top NATURE CALENDAR with suns and clouds and a symbol of our groups - sunshine.

Then I carefully pasted 3 dials with arrows (seasons and months, weather conditions and precipitation, parts of the day).

Under them are 2 transparent pockets for cards with the name of the month and date.

And below, I decided to place a funny train with 7 wagons that will help the guys fix the names of the days of the week.

Our calendar really liked the kids. They are pleased to note the changes in nature with its help, they consolidate knowledge about the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week and the characteristic features of the seasons.

We celebrate the weather every day, day after day

We learn a lot of new things together every day.

Changes in nature we celebrate like old

We come to the rescue of our funny calendar.

Time of the year, day of the week, parts of the day without problems

We can easily identify them and tell everyone about them.

We watch with love nature every day

We are not too lazy to make many secrets, new discoveries.

I will be glad if you like our idea. Thank you for your attention!

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Corners of nature as a comprehensive means of environmental education in kindergartens pay great attention. Teachers show imagination, creativity and high skill, equipping and decorating them. There are many new interesting ideas to make the corner of nature even better and more diverse.

Why do preschoolers need a corner of nature

The purpose of a preschool educational institution (DOE) is to ensure the full physical, mental and mental development of the child for his timely transition to the next, higher level of education. Undoubtedly, the formation of a harmonious, competent personality is impossible without the creation of a rich and diverse developmental environment. An important component of this environment is a corner of nature, which should be in every kindergarten group room.

A corner of nature in kindergarten teaches children how to handle it with care

Its significance is especially great for urban children, who, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to often be in the bosom of nature, to get acquainted with its gifts and amazing secrets, as required by the inquisitive nature of children. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the natural history zone in the preschool educational institution is to maximize the filling of children's lives in the garden with communication with inanimate and wildlife. In addition to this, the corner performs many other equally important tasks:

  1. Rehabilitation of children. Many plants present there help to clean the air from dust and carbon dioxide. In addition, contemplation of pictures of nature, communication with birds and animals helps to relieve stress after classes, reduces aggressiveness and irritation in children prone to negative emotions, and has a positive effect on the mental state of children.
  2. Development of cognitive abilities. Preschoolers learn the world with the participation of all the senses, they need to see everything, explore, touch everything. The space of the group should be filled with objects, materials and objects that stimulate the cognitive activity of kids, give space to their research needs and encourage creativity. A corner of nature is created as a place where a child can experiment, act, learn new things (and therefore poisonous plants and aggressive animals should not be there).

    A corner of nature in the kindergarten group performs aesthetic, educational and educational functions

  3. aesthetic education. All materials and objects presented in the corner should be selected in such a way as to awaken in children the ability to see the beauty of their native nature and appreciate it. Bright autumn leaves, photographs and paintings of winter forest landscapes, autumn parks and summer meadows, models of mushrooms, trees, colorful images of animals and birds evoke a response from pupils and contribute to the development of interest in nature.
  4. Moral education. Communication with nature gives children the first lessons of kindness, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. Animals and plants in the corner are dependent on a person: they need his care, attention.

    The opportunity to take care of other living beings instills kindness and responsibility in children.

    Caring for plants, animals, birds and fish, children learn to be responsible for the safety of someone else's life, to be caring and generous towards the weak and defenseless. Thus, the first ideas about humanity and nobility are laid in the children's consciousness.

  5. Education of ecological culture, that is, the ability to behave in the natural environment so as not to harm it. Competent and rational use of natural resources is also an integral part of ecological culture. Only people who know the laws of nature and know how to appreciate its gifts will be able to save the planet from troubles caused by humanity's ignorance in the field of ecology.

Requirements for corners of nature in kindergarten

When creating corners of nature in the preschool educational institution, both general requirements for all groups and specific ones, corresponding to the age characteristics of children, are taken into account.

The organization of corners of nature is regulated by paragraph 6.13 of the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool institutions (SanPiN - 10, dated 01.10.2010).

The list of acceptable plants is regulated by the document "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" dated 06/01/2011.

General requirements for corners of nature

These requirements, which are growing and expanding year by year, are reflected in the educational programs:

  • According to sanitary standards, it is forbidden to place animals in group rooms, locker rooms, bedrooms. If a kindergarten wants children to be able to observe and care for them, a separate room is allocated for keeping hamsters, parrots, etc. The inhabitants of the living corner are brought from there to the younger groups, and the children of other groups can go to this room under the supervision of a teacher.
  • Location with natural light. The plants that are there should not be shaded by furniture, toys, that is, they need to be given maximum sunlight during the daytime.

    It may be a good idea to install a fence near the corner with plants, which will remind the children that running and making noise is not allowed in this place.

  • One of the key requirements is safety. Plants, materials and tools must not harm children or pose a potential hazard.
  • The furniture should be well fixed, and the shelves should be at the level of the children's eyes. Toddlers should not reach up to see everything.
  • Aesthetics of design, brightness and attractiveness. In any group room, a corner of nature usually also has aesthetic functions: it decorates the group thanks to the green parts of plants, flowers, as well as the calendar of nature, children's drawings and other crafts.
  • Diversity. Fulfillment of this requirement is achieved by filling the corner according to the age of the children with the necessary plants, materials and equipment.

Requirements for the selection and maintenance of plants in the corner of the nature of the kindergarten

There are also general requirements for plants that are placed in a natural history corner:

  • typicality, that is, they should be bright representatives of their group (ficus - tall, with a straight strong stem, violet - with noticeable pubescence of leaves, etc.);
  • external attractiveness (thick leaf rosette, rich color of the leaves, abundant flowering);
  • starting from the second junior group, in the corner it is desirable to have two or three plants of some species that have distinctive features (for example, white and pink violet) to compare the characteristics of living objects and establish conclusions about the uniqueness and exclusivity of each of them;
  • unpretentiousness and ease of care, so that preschoolers, under the guidance of a teacher, can take care of them;
  • each plant should have a name plate and a passport, which will indicate the requirements for caring for it (frequency and abundance of watering, the need for spraying, etc.) and optimal conditions for growth.

Most of the plants approved for kindergarten still should not be eaten. Children, especially small ones, need to be explained that plants must be protected, that leaves should not be torn off unnecessarily, and that they should not indulge in a corner of nature.

Equipment corner of nature in different age groups

The full and systematic use of all the possibilities of a corner of nature will allow older preschoolers to form extensive knowledge about the world of animate and inanimate nature, about the connections in it, the role of man in the conservation of natural resources, as well as to educate the foundations of ecological culture and environmentally sound behavior and nature management. In each age group, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of natural materials for crafts: leaves, maple lionfish, chestnuts, acorns, twigs, feathers. Young children make crafts together with the teacher, older pupils may well use these materials for independent creativity. But teachers equip the corners in accordance with the program requirements and the age of the pupils.

Due to the need for many approvals from parents and veterinary control, it is now rare to find animals in kindergartens and schools.

For most children, communication with animals is of interest, but due to sanitary requirements, animals in modern kindergartens are rare

Natural corner for toddlers

The tasks of natural history and ecological work at an early age are not yet very extensive and include:

  • acquaintance with living objects of the nearest natural environment;
  • the formation of ideas about the most characteristic features of the appearance and habits of animals;
  • about the plant in general, its features and parts;
  • children are also given simple and understandable knowledge about the seasons based on observations of changes in nature.

The nature calendar for the little ones represents the four seasons

What should be in the corner:

  • 3-4 plants with large leaves, a well-defined stem, bright and long-blooming (common geranium, fuchsia, evergreen begonia, primrose, balsam, camellia, Chinese rosan);
  • a calendar of nature, in which the teacher marks the season with a picture with clearly distinguishable seasonal signs;
  • doll in seasonal clothes and shoes;
  • models of vegetables and fruits;
  • natural material in containers (chestnuts, acorns, cones, dry leaves);
  • didactic games of natural history content corresponding to the age of children (“Who is this?”, “Find and name”, “Fold the picture”);
  • subject pictures depicting animals, plants, natural phenomena (cat, Christmas tree, sun);
  • tools for caring for plants, watering cans, sponges for wiping dust from leaves, which the teacher uses, if possible involving children in the work.

Children should be encouraged to explore materials in a corner of nature. Together with the kids, it is worth repeating the names of plants and their parts, examining and discussing the images in the pictures. It is important to include in natural history games and observations in the corner of nature emotional moments that evoke a positive response in children: a bunny (toy) is soft, fluffy, let's stroke it; the flower (live) has blossomed, it smells good, let's carefully smell it, admire how beautiful it is.

Photo gallery: plants for a corner of nature in the first junior group

During flowering, fuchsia should be watered sparingly. A layer of pebbles should be placed on the bottom of the pot of ever-flowering begonia to retain water. Flowering primrose needs top dressing twice a week.
Balsam gets sick if the room temperature is above 22 ° C or below 10-15 ° C Chinese rose loves soil rich in humus Camellia hates drafts

Features of a corner of nature in the second junior group

Children's knowledge of nature at this age is significantly expanding: they are more fully acquainted with objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, seasonal changes, flora and fauna. Children learn the division of animals into domestic and wild and the corresponding differences in their lifestyle and habitat. More extensive information is given about birds (migratory and wintering), the concept of insects (ants, butterflies) and other representatives of the animal world (lizard, turtle, frog) is formed.

The idea of ​​the plant world is also enriched: kids learn the concepts of “grass”, “tree”, “flower” and learn to distinguish them by external signs. A primary idea is being formed about the needs of living organisms for food, water, warmth, about the work of a person to care for animals and plants. Children begin to show feelings for objects of nature, animals, plants, to express elementary value judgments about its phenomena: “I like the dog, it guards the house. I don't like when it's raining and cold." There is an interest in experimenting with water, sand.

In the corner of nature for the second youngest group, there should be models of vegetables and fruits, figurines of wild and domestic animals

A corner of nature for this age contains:

  • New plants - coleus, aralia, ficus. The total number of plants reaches 4–5. Large leaves of ficus or aralia are suitable for learning how to take care of the plant on their own (cleansing from dust). Children can water their own plants.
  • Nature calendar. It takes on a more complex look: in addition to the seasons, it can contain windows or pockets where children, after walking, insert an image of a natural phenomenon that they observed, as well as their drawings or applications on environmental topics.
  • The range of didactic games, subject and plot pictures is expanding - in them, children are introduced to the features of the appearance and lifestyle of fish, insects, amphibians. For free viewing, children are offered sets of toys depicting animals and their cubs, as well as inhabitants of various ecological systems (pond, forest).
  • It is also necessary to equip an area for simple experiments with sand and water, where a sand mill, various molds, stamps for printing footprints in the sand, shovels, rakes, small toys for digging and searching, pouring vessels, floating toys (ordinary rubber and clockwork moving).

As a result of purposeful and systematic work, by the end of the year, children of the fourth year of life will recognize and name two or three indoor plants, confidently find parts of plants, navigate the representatives of the animal world of their area, and name the basic conditions they need for life. The children will have a desire to observe seasonal phenomena, weather changes, mark its condition on the calendar. Valuable at this age is the realization that plants and animals are alive, they need to be protected and protected.

Photo gallery: plants for a corner of nature in the second junior group

Coleus is easy to grow from seeds Ficus leaves must be periodically wiped with a soft cloth
Aralia loves partial shade

Natural history zone in the middle group

The middle group is a team of fidgets and inquisitives. Many teachers and psychologists note that it is at this age that the cognitive abilities and mental development of children make a significant qualitative leap. Preschoolers have the ability to absorb more information, and much more complex and diverse in content than last year. This age is characterized by the manifestation of inquisitiveness, interest in the surrounding world and events in it, the development of stability of attention and observation.

Children of the middle group quickly develop speech, there is a need to communicate, share their impressions.

As a result of these features, new knowledge about plants and animals becomes available to middle-level preschoolers, both in their own area (distribution according to their habitats and habitats) and in other natural zones (tropical, polar). Children not only acquire new knowledge about natural objects, but also give a definition of their essential features (wild animals find shelter and food themselves, and people feed domestic animals), establish a connection between the structure of a plant, an animal and its adaptability to the world around it (a plant needs a root, in order to hold on to the soil and get nutrients from it, the hare changes the color of its fur for the winter in order to become invisible in the snow).

The value of the natural history zone lies, among other things, in expanding children's ideas about the world around them

Very often, children notice signs of inanimate (water pours, spreads; dry sand is free-flowing, and wet sand is molded) and living objects (they feed, grow, breathe). Many preschoolers at this age like to make up short stories based on their own observations of well-known natural objects, using comparison words, generalizations. The beauty of nature at different times of the year leaves them indifferent. The foundations of environmentally literate behavior and thinking are emerging: children understand and can explain why it is bad to pick flowers, offend birds, and litter in nature.

By the end of the middle group, children:

  • distinguish between 4-5 ornamental plants, know how to care for them, what they need for development and life;
  • show a strong interest in the phenomena of inanimate and animate nature, the change of seasons, weather, changes in people's lives at different times of the year;
  • understand the distinctive properties of living organisms;
  • have a primary understanding of the ecosystems of forests, meadows, rivers;
  • they are able to explain how the structure of an animal depends on its mode of movement, lifestyle (a fish has fins to swim in water, and a bird needs wings to fly, a hedgehog needs thorns to protect itself from predators).

In order to meet the increased need for knowledge of the natural world, the equipment of the nature corner in the middle group is greatly enriched and expanded.

Plants in the corner of nature for the middle group

First of all, they replenish with new plants: aloe, agave, rex begonia, asparagus, fragrant geranium. Plants are selected to have different types of leaves, and children are taught how to care for each one. For example, fleshy leaves with notches, like agave, are wiped with a damp, hard brush or brush, and pubescent, like geranium or violet, with a soft, dry brush. Plants with small leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle.

To make it easier for children to remember which particular way of caring for the leaves is preferable for a particular plant, they stick a schematic representation of the corresponding tool located on a wooden skewer into the pot, or fix it in a different way. At the same time, up to 8 different plants can be in a corner of nature, and some of them should be presented in two or three types (begonias, geraniums) so that children can compare their appearance and properties.

In addition to plants, you must have a set of tools for caring for them: brushes, sponges, watering cans, sticks for loosening the earth, a basin, rags, as well as aprons and oversleeves to protect children's clothes during work and experimenting with natural materials.

Nature calendar for the middle group

The calendar of nature in the middle group serves not only to indicate the time of year, but also the state of the weather on the current day. Draw it up in the form of several circles with a movable arrow, on which certain phenomena of both animate and inanimate nature are indicated, and after observing and discussing the state of the weather, the children point to the necessary picture with an arrow. Also, observations of the weather can be recorded on a strip of paper drawn into five squares (according to the number of working days of the week). Every day from Monday to Friday is indicated by a certain color (preferably the colors of the spectrum from red to blue). The number of children in the middle group is not announced, but the days of the week are called.

It is important to ensure that children like to work in a living corner

Since observations of natural objects are carried out in kindergarten every day and the teacher carries out long-term planning, he prepares in advance the required number of small images of clouds, the sun, raindrops, snowflakes. This material can be stored in a special pocket on the weather calendar. After observing the weather and noting its features, upon returning to the group before lunch or in the afternoon, the teacher invites the children to remember what the weather is like today and what icon it is denoted by. Children find the desired designation in the pocket and stick it in the window of the corresponding color.

The calendar of observations of the weather and living objects in the middle group can be calculated for a week

These actions can be accompanied by explanations first by the teacher, and then by the children themselves: “Today is Tuesday, the second day of the week, the weather is good, the sun is shining, so you need to stick a picture with the sun in the second window.” The windows are counted on the left. The weather that was on the weekend is not noted by the children, as it is difficult for them to remember it in two days. At the end of the week, the teacher, together with the children, examines the images of weather phenomena, analyzes which days were more: rainy, sunny, cloudy.

In the calendar, you can combine the observation of animate and inanimate nature. To do this, a sheet of paper is drawn into two strips of five squares, at the top they note what the weather was like, and at the bottom - a living object of observation. In this case, the teacher must prepare a sufficient number of simplified images (flower, bird, bug, grass). If purposeful observation of wildlife during a walk was not planned, you can paste the image on the basis of episodic observations of children. To do this, they conduct a conversation: “What interesting, beautiful things did we see on a walk?” In the course of the conversation, they find out what object they met (leaf, ants, grass) and, after discussion, paste the picture.

Games and visual aids for a corner of nature in the middle group

Didactic games of natural history content become more complex and diverse, include information about animals of different climatic zones and ecological systems, the same applies to the content of paintings, albums, folders that will be relevant and interesting in the fifth year of life. Their subject matter can be very diverse, but it should be borne in mind that it is preferable for children of this age to give drawn images rather than photographs.

Models and images of vegetables and fruits are supplemented with new ones, and those that do not grow in the area (orange, pineapple, banana). Figurines of animals - inhabitants of tropical countries (giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, monkey) and the North (polar bear, walrus).

The collections of seeds, feathers, stones are of interest to children of the middle group, but they should be designed so that the kids cannot mix them, scatter them (they are well attached to the base, laid out in closed transparent jars, bags).

Video: ecology laptop

An excellent tool for environmental education, starting from the middle group, can be a laptop - an innovative methodological guide, designed in the form of a folder or a folding book with many pockets, envelopes that contain a variety of materials on a single topic.

Equipment for experiments in the middle group

Mandatory for this age is a variety of equipment for experimental activities and experiments. This:

  • water-soluble and water-insoluble materials (sand, clay, salt, sugar, cereals);
  • objects that float and sink (stones, shells, paper, acorns, dry leaves);
  • magnifying glasses, magnets.

Children are interested not only in the process of experimentation itself, but also in the reasons that caused this or that result (a magnet attracts everything metallic, it attracted a nail and a paper clip, which means they are made of metal).

In the corner of nature for the middle group, you can arrange a research mini-laboratory

How to use toys when decorating a corner of nature

A funny and evoking a lot of positive emotions addition to the corner will be a fairy-tale hero, a toy in the form of a gnome, a fairy, a woodsman. This character may appear one day with an interesting or unusual gift: a particularly bright autumn leaf, a basket of sweet apples for kids, a luxurious rowan bunch, which will then be dried for bird food. The fairy-tale hero remains to live in a corner of nature, introducing an element of magic and fantasy into the natural environment, which children really like. Communication with this character can turn into a tradition: children are much more willing to share their impressions of what happened on a walk with their favorite character than simply retell what they saw at the request of the teacher.

A kind and funny fairy-tale character can live in a natural corner

The hero can "take part" in all kinds of activities for kids: help them mark the weather on the calendar, take care of the plants, play a didactic game. He can be "rejoiced" when the children do good deeds, take care of pets in the ecological room, and "sad" when the children forgot to water the plants or tidy up the equipment for experiments.

Photo gallery: samples of layouts of climatic zones

Rare exotic animals live in the tropical forest Model of the North introduces children to the harsh nature of the Arctic Region Rubber bath toys are used in the equipment of the model of the pond A model of a cozy rural courtyard will also interest children

It would be great to create a simple layout of one or more natural areas characteristic of the area where children live, for example, a forest clearing, a pond, a river.

A corner of nature for children of the senior and preparatory groups

Children of the sixth or seventh year of life are future schoolchildren. Their knowledge of nature and ecological ideas are most fully formed. They know about the diversity of representatives of the three kingdoms: plants, animals and fungi, they know how to apply this knowledge in practice, identifying medicinal and rare protected plants, poisonous and edible mushrooms.

Understanding the cyclic nature of processes in nature, the regularity of certain of its phenomena becomes available to children. When caring for living objects, older preschoolers are able to regulate their behavior (for example, independently determine whether watering is needed and in what volume). The circle of cognitive interests of children expands as much as possible: they are interested not only in plants and animals of various climatic zones of their native planet, but also in celestial bodies, the nature of the cosmos, as well as the underground world of minerals and minerals. Knowledge about the diversity and richness of the living world allows children of senior preschool age to compare plants, animals and humans, draw conclusions, establish correspondences and differences (breathes, grows, eats all living things, but only a person can speak, think, experience feelings).

The desire of older preschoolers to take care of living objects should be supported and encouraged.

On the basis of all of the above, the concept of the ecosystem of the planet Earth, its uniqueness and value is formed. With constant support and the creation of a sufficient developmental environment, children master the norms of cultural behavior in nature, they have a desire to follow them, protect and increase its gifts and wealth. The activities of children in the corner of nature become more intense and varied, as well as the very filling of the corner with materials and manuals.

Duty corner in the senior group

Duty shifts are introduced - accordingly, a duty area is needed. The desire of children to be on duty depends to a large extent on its appearance, so the teacher should think about how to make it bright and attractive, with what images to decorate it. See below for more details on assignments.

A colorful duty corner will interest and attract children to work

Selection and maintenance of plants for a corner of nature in the senior group

In order for children to receive the most complete and diverse knowledge about them, both upright and climbing and creeping plants are placed in a corner of nature, as well as with roots in the form of bulbs and corms.

It can be:

  • tradescantia;
  • indoor grapes;
  • climbing ivy;
  • cyclamen;
  • primrose;
  • clivia.

Since they all have different needs for lighting and watering, the educator himself should study well how to care for such plants in order to pass on knowledge to children. In addition, plants with drastically different needs, such as tradescantia and violet, for example, are needed so that children can see a significant difference. Up to 10 plants can be in the senior group at the same time, up to 12 in the preparatory group. Children should know 6-7 of them, name the parts, the shape of the rhizome (bulb, tuber), describe the most striking interesting signs of indoor flowers (for example, that saxifrage can be propagated "live children", offspring). Since we are dealing with preschoolers who can "play too much" and forget about the needs of the plant, signal cards should be made to remind.

Knowledge about plant life, along with the ability to care, enriches both the mind and soul of the child.

It’s easy to make them: print sad and funny emoticons, cover with waterproof transparent material (adhesive tape) and attach to a small stick. Noticing that the plant needs watering (or loosening, wiping the leaves from dust), the teacher sets up a card - a sad smiley.

The teacher himself can attract the attention of children to him, or he can turn to a fairy-tale hero who lives in a corner of nature for help, taking a toy in his arms and pretending to listen to her words: “Guys, our fairy tells me that someone is in a corner of nature cries. What plant can be sad here and why? Focusing on the signal card, children quickly find who needs help, establish what exactly needs to be done and eliminate the cause of the green friend's "bad mood". Later, when the attention of the children is diverted by another type of activity, the teacher sets a cheerful smiley on this plant, praises and thanks the little plant protectors on behalf of the fairy-tale character.

Calendars and observation diaries

In addition to the general calendar, where children already independently draw icons depicting the state of the weather, other forms of work to consolidate knowledge about nature can be introduced in the senior and preparatory groups:

  • seasonal diaries of nature observations;
  • calendars of bird watching, plant growth;
  • individual calendars.

Their design and maintenance largely depends on the creativity and desire of the teacher to instill in children the skills of observation.

The calendar of nature in the senior group includes many different items: weather, date, month and day of the week, live objects of observation

You can start with an autumn diary. To do this, you need to take an ordinary sketchbook, make an appropriate cover for it, explain to the children that the nature around is interesting and beautiful, but very diverse, and it is impossible to remember everything that happens in it. This autumn diary of observations will help you remember the gifts of a wonderful autumn.

If the album has 40 sheets, then there will be 80 pages in it, which is quite enough for every day of the week spent by children in the garden in the autumn months.

At the top of the sheet, a strip about three centimeters wide is separated, in which the number and name of the month are written in the color established by tradition for each day of the week: “September 6”, “November 12”, etc. Since many children of older groups already know how to read, write in block letters and know for months, this work can be entrusted to such developed guys.

Further, the landscape sheet is drawn into 8 divisions, into which the following data is entered daily: it was a sunny or cloudy day (an image of the sun or clouds), precipitation, wind (its symbol can be a tilted tree or a schematic image in the form of several wavy lines).

Observation diaries teach children to be more attentive to the world around them, thereby developing curiosity in them.

The temperature is recommended to be indicated by a figure of a little man of different colors: red in the heat, yellow in warm weather, green in cool weather and blue in frost. Children fill in the rest of the cells with images of living objects that were observed during the day. Such work is carried out in the evening, during the time allotted for free activities, with children who have expressed a desire to help with the design of the album.

The bird watching calendar is kept in winter, for two or three weeks, and the observation of the growth of plants (onions, peas) is drawn into a separate album once a week.

Children who are interested in this type of work may want to keep individual observation calendars, and the teacher should help them with this: draw an album sheet as the child wants, sign, help with filling. Individual observation calendars can be stored in a corner of nature in a folder with files and given to children in their free time. The desire of preschoolers to keep a calendar on their own indicates a high self-organization and developed cognitive abilities.

Visual aids for a corner of nature in the senior group

Visual material is replenished in accordance with the growing horizons of children. These can be both sets of drawings and photographs purchased in specialized stores, or images downloaded from the Internet by the educator himself, beautiful and exciting:

  • phenomena of inanimate nature (hoarfrost, frosty patterns, starry sky, volcanic eruption, thunderstorm);
  • landscapes of various climatic zones, such as tropical forest, desert, Arctic ice;
  • enlarged images of small living creatures (snail, ant, ladybug);
  • photos of exotic animals with cubs (koala, lioness, kangaroo);
  • open space pictures.

Visual aids - a necessary addition to a corner of nature

But the focus, of course, should be the nature of the native land. As part of local history work, together with the parents of the pupils, it is possible to make photo albums “The nature of my city”, “My flourishing native village”. Here you can display the beauty of squares, lush summer flower beds, landscaping of courtyards. Children will be happy to look at such an album, look for familiar places, see the beauty of their native settlement in a new way - and fall in love with their small homeland even more. If there is a reservoir near the settlement, then you can make an album “Our river and its inhabitants”, “Who lives in the pond”, by combining drawings and photographs. Also, such topics of photo collections will be fascinating: “The trees of our park”, “We are harvesting”, “We are friends of nature” - of course, if the children themselves are present in the photo.

Didactic games in the corner of nature for the older group

Here the educator has the opportunity to show their talents, pedagogical skills and creativity to the fullest, because the range of topics is almost limitless, like the natural world itself. But special attention in older groups should be paid to games of an ecological and environmental orientation, such as the game "Ecological Sun". A large image of the sun with six rays is made, in the center of which and at the tips of the rays there are pockets. They include specially selected pictures. Children should explain how the object depicted in the center depends on those that are on the rays: “The rain waters the apple tree with water. The earth gives the apple tree nutrients. The birds save her from the caterpillars. The man collects apples from it, etc.”

It is welcome when a corner of nature is also equipped with didactic games and manuals

Equipment for experimentation and experiments

It should also be chosen in such a way that children can perform simple environmental actions in their mini-laboratory or simulate situations that reflect human protection of nature (cleaning polluted water with a gauze filter). Older preschoolers can use schematic step-by-step guides for performing experiments, comparing their actions and results with those shown in the diagram.

Literature for a corner of nature in the senior group

Senior preschoolers enthusiastically study children's encyclopedias, cognitive literature. It will not be superfluous to place several children's encyclopedias of natural history. You can also include works of fiction about nature and animals, such as books by Vitaly Bianchi, stories by Evgeny Charushin, fairy tales by Sergei Kozlov, and others.

Older preschoolers are attracted to cognitive literature

Original name for a corner of nature

Traditionally, natural areas in kindergartens are simply called "Corner of Nature". But the name can be diversified by showing a little imagination and fiction.

For younger groups, simple names are suitable:

  • "Nature and kids";
  • "We and nature";
  • "A window into nature".

Older preschoolers will like more romantic, fabulous names:

  • "Nature Defenders (Friends) Club";
  • "Green Planet";
  • "Kingdom of the secrets of nature";
  • "The Magical World of Nature".

Instead of a name, a poetic motto can be placed above the corner, for example: “We study, love and protect nature”, “In the Gnome group (“Bunny”, “Fish”), kids love nature from the bottom of their hearts.” This will make the natural history area of ​​the group more original and different from the corners of other groups.

Labor and duty

It is necessary to involve pupils in work in a corner of nature from a very early age.

Education of labor skills in the younger groups of kindergarten

In the first younger group, children can water the plants together with the teacher, wipe large dense leaves under his control with a damp cloth. Also, kids can be entrusted with planting in the ground with ready-made grooves or holes of bulbs and large seeds (beans). This is a short-term episodic work, to which all the children of the group are involved in turn. Of course, after each action performed, the kids are praised and informed of the expected result of the work: “What a great fellow you are! We planted an onion, now it will grow green, lush, we will give it to the kitchen, it will be added to the soup, and the soup will become even tastier!

Sprouting onions is one of the very simple and visual experiments for kids.

In the second younger group, work is possible in subgroups and collective (by the whole group of children), but due to limited space in the corner, the first option is usually chosen. Working in a subgroup of 4-6 people, children do not yet coordinate their actions, but simply work side by side, performing the same operations. Since voluntary memory and attention in babies at this age are poorly developed, they should be explained the order of doing the work in stages, accompanied by a show, and after each action, continue showing and explaining. At this age, positive evaluation and encouragement are also needed.

Children of the fifth year of life also work in subgroups, but they can perform various operations (one subgroup waters the flowers, the other wipes the leaves). At this age, they can perform the following actions:

  • water the plants with an already measured portion of water;
  • Children should be taught to carefully and carefully treat indoor plants.

    When arranging a garden on the window, children sow peas, cucumbers, and plant onions. Their actions are more coordinated and meaningful. However, it is impossible to leave babies without control: they are not yet independent enough and can harm plants without wanting to. In addition to caring for plants, children can be involved in the work of arranging a corner of nature: offer to arrange stones or shells in containers, beautifully arrange equipment for playing with sand and water, arrange folders with pictures, etc. Thus, children will learn to notice the mess and eliminate it.

    Younger preschoolers will be happy to help the teacher water the plants

    Explaining the procedure for doing work to children of this age, the teacher first gives full instructions, then repeats, dividing into important completed stages (make grooves, spill water, spread seeds, cover with earth). When children work, they are only reminded of individual episodes, and not the whole process.

    Since preschoolers of the middle group tend to be more critical of their own actions and the ability to control their emotions, their actions are evaluated taking into account real results, and not just positive ones. But this is always done in a benevolent form of advice, not instructions or censure. In the fifth year of life, children develop a sense of responsibility, an understanding of the importance of their work to save the life of a living being. At this age, animal care also begins, for which children are taken to an ecological room or an animal in a cage is brought into the group.

    Labor in a corner of nature in senior preschool age

    The process of labor in nature is much more complicated. Pupils develop the ability to independently set a labor task for themselves, to see ways to achieve it, the future result, to select the necessary tools and materials.

    Older children can be entrusted with more complex operations with plants.

    The explanation becomes the main method of a new type of labor, and the educator resorts to showing only when he gets acquainted with the most difficult operations, for example, when transferring plants to a larger pot. Pupils can independently perform most of the actions, bringing them to completion (grow flowers as a gift to their mother in separate cups, take care of their favorite plant until it blooms).

    Children are able to perform a much larger number of actions, and they are more difficult, require attention and organization. In addition to watering, loosening the soil, washing and rubbing the leaves, children perform the following types of plant care:

    • transshipment and transplantation;
    • pruning;
    • top dressing;
    • propagation of plants by bulbs, cuttings, rhizomes and offspring. Of course, the educator helps them to perform these complex operations.

    For top dressing, environmentally friendly folk remedies are chosen: infusion of eggshells, banana peels. If it becomes necessary to treat a plant for diseases or to control pests with chemical means, these works are performed by a teacher in the absence of children.

    For older preschoolers, work is collective or in subgroups with a division of duties. They can work together, agree on who is responsible for what, what they do, what items they use.

    Older preschoolers can share responsibilities

    Starting from the senior group, duty is introduced in a corner of nature. It is organized in pairs or subgroups of 4 people and can last a day or two or even a whole week. Duty involves the performance of all work on caring for plants, as well as maintaining general cleanliness and order in a corner of nature.

    The people on duty in the corner of nature not only take care of the flowers, but also maintain the general order in this area.

    Duty officers should be able to negotiate among themselves, work together, not quarrel. Therefore, when selecting pairs for duty, the teacher should take into account not only the level of preparedness of the children and the development of labor skills, but also personal attachments and relationships between children in the group. The teacher can help with advice, reminders, leading questions. At the end of the duty, the attendants share their impressions: what they liked to do, what was difficult, etc. The rest of the children evaluate the work of the attendants, its results.

    Analysis of design and work

    When analyzing the organization and design of a corner of nature, the following criteria are taken into account:

    • accessibility for children;
    • safety;
    • compliance of materials, facilities, equipment with sanitary standards, program requirements and the age of children;
    • the variety and functionality of the material (can children use it on their own, use it in games);
    • the presence of calendars of observations, the systematic conduct of their conduct;
    • availability of material for experimentation, crafts, creative games;
    • aesthetic design;
    • the presence of seasonal, temporary objects (for example, bouquets of autumn leaves, winter plantings of onions, branches of lilac, birch, cherry for forcing leaves and flowers in winter).

    The analysis is especially important for young teachers who seek to improve their skills and take an example from more experienced colleagues.

    A corner of nature is a necessary and important part of the developing environment of the kindergarten. The knowledge, skills and abilities that children acquire in it will definitely be useful to them in the future, when studying at school. In addition, it is a wonderful means of environmental education for preschoolers. The successful development of the kids and the formation of their feelings of love and respect for the natural world depend on how the educator is able to organize this.

In each corner of the nature of the kindergarten, its own calendar of nature should be organized. Acquaintance with natural phenomena begins at a younger preschool age. Maintaining calendars of nature is of great importance for the environmental education of children. In a child who is just beginning to understand the world around him, changes in nature are of great interest. One of the most accessible ways to understand the surrounding reality is to observe it. The child observes, analyzes, draws conclusions.

Especially for kindergartens, the National company has developed colorful stands for keeping a calendar of nature. Nature calendars will teach children such concepts as seasons, months, days of the week, and will also help to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them, determine the state of the weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snow fell. The person on duty at the Corner of Nature can record calendar and weather changes in the Nature Calendar.

We offer several areas of work with the calendar of nature.

Stands Calendar of nature and posters with rotating arrows

Laminated posters with rotating arrows are inserted into the cells of the Nature Calendar stand. The pictures are made in the form of a circle, where each sector is represented by a certain season, month, date, day of the week, weather event. With the help of rotating arrows, calendar and weather changes for the day are fixed. You can set the outside temperature on the thermometer.

Stands Calendar of nature with cards and holders

With the help of specially designed cards for the Nature Calendar, various natural changes are recorded. The cards contain pictures with the name of the months, dates, days of the week, weather phenomena. Introductory posters of the Seasons go to the stand of the Calendar of Nature. Working with cards, children will be able to keep a calendar of nature every day. Cards are stored in special pockets. The thermometer displays the outside temperature.

4680 rub.
Code: 25572

Exhibition of children's works in the corner of nature

In the Corner of Nature you can arrange exhibitions of children's works. Every day, children can reflect the weather, natural phenomena associated with a given season in drawings or with the help of crafts, the best of which are placed on a cord system. Kids can cook children's work at home or in a group in the classroom with a teacher. At the end of the month, children, together with a teacher in drawings and children's crafts, analyze changes in natural phenomena and weather over the past period.

Stands Calendar of nature with pockets for cards

Colorful cards record calendar and weather changes. Cards on topics (month, date, day of the week, weather) are inserted into special pockets on the stand. Used cards are removed at the end of the pile. Screensaver pictures Seasons show the current season. The thermometer displays today's outside temperature.

Stands Calendar of nature with pictures Seasons

Colorful pictures of the Seasons are inserted into the cells of the Nature Calendar stand. Posters are designed to fill children with daily information about natural phenomena. Pictures of the Seasons will teach children to understand the symbols denoting natural phenomena, to keep a graph of temperatures and precipitation.

Marina Vandysheva

It is a useful decoration for every group. It should be not only bright and interesting, but also informative and understandable for children.

The main features calendar is included:

Formation of children's ideas about ecology.

The development of thinking, the ability to establish causal relationships between different natural phenomena.

Cultivating respect and love for nature.

For the manufacture of calendar need material: plastic panel; plastic corners; scotch; magnet; pictures downloaded from the Internet and printed on self-adhesive paper.

I used a plastic panel for the base of the stand, and plastic corners for the frame.

On the bottom corner I pasted the numbers cut out from the tear-off calendar.

I pasted the numbers on top with tape.

She pulled two threads along which the red window moves freely. In the red frame, children mark the desired day of the month.

I printed color pictures from the Internet on self-adhesive paper, pasted them with wide adhesive tape and placed them on the base.

three circles: change of seasons, parts of the day, various atmospheric phenomena and precipitation. I placed spinning arrows in the center of each circle.

A train with wagons indicates the days of the week, where by moving the Hedgehog in the wagons, you can specify the day of the week.

Pictures of trees and children correspond to seasonal changes.

Each of the pictures is attached to the base with a magnet, which allows you to change them according to the seasons.

I attached 2 transparent pockets to the base and inserted images into them in accordance with the season.

I also printed a thermometer.

The moving indicator of the thermometer is made of ordinary cord, half dyed with red lacquer.

I think that having such nature calendar you can maximize the activity of children in the corner nature.

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