At the cost of your life. Video lesson "Heroes of Russia - S. Solnechnikov" Acted according to the situation

Major Sergei Solnechnikov. Biography

Hundreds of people came to say goodbye to the deceased battalion commander Sergei Solnechnikov
Major-hero Sergei Solnechnikov will be buried at home

In 1997 he graduated from school in the city of Akhtubinsk. Then he entered the Kachin Military School.

Dmitry Zelenyak, a friend of Sergei, told the Vysota 102 news agency that they lived in neighboring houses. They dreamed of becoming pilots and entered the Kachin Military School. But it was not possible to finish it: the school was disbanded, then Solnechnikov entered the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications. Graduated from it in 2003.

In 2004, he entered the service in unit No. 53790 in the Amur Region. Colleagues and soldiers considered him a real officer and called him "the sun."

On March 28, 2012, Major Solnechnikov died. One of the conscripts during the exercises unsuccessfully threw a grenade, which hit the edge of the parapet - this is an earthen embankment on the outer side of the trench for sheltering shooters - then ricocheted and remained lying in the affected area of ​​​​several employees.

In a few seconds, Sergei Solnechnikov made a difficult decision. To save about 10 people, he covered himself with a shell.

The major died on the operating table an hour and a half after the accident - rupture of the spleen, liver, shrapnel wounds to the heart and lungs, with such injuries they do not survive.

Major Solnechnikov will be presented for the award posthumously. This was also requested by the mothers of the servicemen of the unit.

At the same time, the soldiers of the unit where the real hero served are perplexed, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.

Well, what kind of relationship is that? We soldiers are more worried about what happened than officers. Today, at the morning divorce, no one even took off their hats in memory of the hero. Not a word was said about the tragedy, no moment of silence, no mourning. Everything is the same - the music is playing, the flag is in full swing, the anthem ... My friend has already called me from another part in Belogorsk, asking what happened to us.
Even they were told about the tragedy at the divorce. And we - as if nothing had happened. All the officers are just rushing about and talking about commissions and inspections, the soldiers are indignant.

President Medvedev conferred the title of Hero of Russia on Major Solnechnikov

Russia, Amur region, Blagoveshchensky district, Blagoveshchensk

One of the streets of Blagoveshchensk will be named after Sergei Solnechnikov, a heroic officer who, at the cost of his own life, saved soldiers during exercises and covered a grenade with his body. Vesti.Ru 02.04.12 17:46

According to the wording in the document, the title was awarded "for heroism, courage, selflessness shown in the performance of military duty," press secretary of the head of state Natalya Timakova. The commander of the communications battalion, Major Sergei Solnechnikov, died during fire training in Belogorsk, Amur Region, on March 28. Vesti.Ru 18:41

The day before, in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, hundreds of fellow countrymen said goodbye to Sergei Solnechnikov, who covered a grenade with himself during exercises in the Amur region and saved his subordinates at the cost of his life. ITAR-TASS 18:32

The commander of the communications battalion, Sergei Solnechnikov, died on March 27 during an exercise near Belogorsk, Amur Region. During the exercise of throwing grenades, an emergency situation occurred - a grenade, after being thrown by a conscripted soldier, hit the parapet.
RIA Novosti 02.04.12 17:10

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

18 33 45 59 65 89 103 113 124 139 142 160 166 183 187 193 203 204 216 222 233 251 252 266 271 288 303 306 316 340
340 322 307 295 281 275 251 237 227 216 201 198 180 174 157 153 147 137 136 124 118 107 89 88 74 69 52 37 34 24

18 24 41 45 51 61 62 74 80 91 109 110 124 129 146 161 164 174 198 216 231 243 257 263 287 301 311 322 337 340
340 322 316 299 295 289 279 278 266 260 249 231 230 216 211 194 179 176 166 142 124 109 97 83 77 53 39 29 18 3

Let's read individual words and sentences:

SOLNECHNIKOV \u003d 142 \u003d Slaughter, Courageous \u003d 85-CASE, INSTANT + 57-GRENADE \u003d 47-DIE + 34- FROM + 61- EXPLOSION.




203 - 137 \u003d 66 \u003d THREAT, DEAD, UNLIFE.


SERGEY = 61 = (from) EXPLOSION.

279 - 61 = 218 = 57-GRENADE + 110-END + 51-LIFE = 90-IMPACT + 77-LOAD + 51-KILL = 158-DAMAGE + 60-EXPLOSION.

The resulting three check digits 56, 66 and 218 are inserted into the FULL NAME code of SERGEY SOLNECHNIKOV:

340 \u003d 56 + 284 \ 66 + 218 \. Where 284 = 84-DEPLOYMENT + 130-TRAGIC + 70-OUTCOME = 84-DEPLOYMENT + 57-MAJOR + 143-SOLNECHNIKOV.

340 \u003d 66 + 274 \ 56 + 218 \. Where 274 = 190 - UNPRECEDENTED + 84 - EXPLOSION = 84 - EXPLOSION + 190 - DEATH.

340 \u003d 218 + 122 \ 56 + 66 \. Where 122 = EXPLOSIVE, EXPLODED = 60-EXPLOSION + 62-BLAST = 57-GRENADE + 65-FALLEN, BLOWED.

DATE OF BIRTH: 08/19/1980. This is \u003d 19 + 08 + 19 + 80 \u003d 126 \u003d 60-EXPLOSION + 66-NON-LIFE, DEADLY \u003d 57-GRENADE + 69-END.

340 = 126 + 214


DATE OF DEATH: 03/28/2012. This is = 28 + 03 + 20 + 12 = 63 = DEATH.

340 \u003d 63 + 277 - CRUSHING.

Number of complete years of life = 123-THIRTY, CATASTROPHE + 44-ONE, DAMAGE = 167 = DEATH = 65-BEATED + 102-DEATH = 57-GARNET + 34-FROM + 76-BREAK.

340 = 167 + 173-LIFELESS.

Number of completed years + Date of death = 167-THIRTY-FOUR + 63-DEATH = 230 = LETHALITY.


340 = 100-REACTION + 47-DIE + 43-ON + 66-EXPLOSION + 84-GRENADES = 53-FEAT + 94-DEATH + 43-ON + 66-EXPLOSION + 84-GRENADES = 101-HERO + 130-DEED + 43-AT + 66-EXPLOSION \u003d 62-ONLY + 78-CLOSED + 59-OWN + 65-BODY + 76-GRENADE \u003d 44-DAMAGE + 78-CLOSED + 65-BODY + 77-BATTLE + 76-GRENADE \u003d 151- UNORDINARY + 130-ACT + 59-KILL = 145-DEAD DEAD + 60-EXPLOSION + 51-BATTLE + 84-GRENADES = 114-CLOSING + 77-BATTLE + 76-GRENATE + 73-FOLD = 120-SUDDEN + 66 - THREAT + 61-EXPOSURE + DEFEAT = 161-PREVENTION + 44-DEATH + 70-SOLDIER + 65-BODY, SUCKED = 70-LIFE, EXODUS + 137-ACCEPTED + 15-ON + 58-SELF + 60-EXPLOSION = 154- KILLER + 99-EXPLOSIVE + 87-SHELL = 110-END + 51-LIFE + 34-HE + 61-EXPLOSION + 84-GRENADE = 52-KILL + 140-SAFE + 70-SOLDIER + 34-HE + 44-DEATH.

- can be awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Posthumously. At the cost of his own life, he saved the soldiers of his battalion. During an exercise at a training ground in the Amur Region, a live grenade without a pin fell into a trench. Sergei Solnechnikov covered her with his body. Investigators are now investigating the circumstances of the incident. A criminal case has been opened. But the feat of a real battalion commander remains a feat.

Parents are reviewing the photo archive, where their son Sergei is still alive. On one of them - he is with his nephew during the holidays. The father, a retired officer, barely holds back his tears, because he himself taught his son that defending the Motherland is the honorable duty of every man. He knows that Sergei simply could not do otherwise.

“Who is to blame here?” Alexander, the father of the deceased Sergei Solnechnikov, argues. “The boy who dropped this grenade? Yes, of course, you can’t blame him at all. .

“I don’t know what his thought was at the same time. But I know that he could not have acted differently,” adds Sergei’s mother, Zoya Solnechnikova.

In the memory of friends, colleagues and subordinates, he will forever remain the Sun. They called him that behind his back. The battalion commander with a sunny surname was a real father-commander for the soldiers. And in that fateful moment, when 2-3 seconds remained to make a decision, he acted like a real officer.

Major Sergei Solnechnikov corrected the mistake of Private Maxim Zhuravlev at the cost of his own life. It happened during exercises. Throwing a grenade from a firing line. The RGD-5, with the pin pulled out, fell just a few meters away, right on the parapet, from where it then rolled into the trench, where at that moment, in addition to the commander himself, there was a whole squad, that is, about 10 people. If not for Major Solnechnikov, then there would have been more dead, for sure.

“We paid attention only when our battalion commander pushed the soldier away and covered the grenade with himself,” says conscript Rustam Khisamov. “And when everything happened, they called the orderly.”

The wounded battalion commander was sent to the Belogorsk hospital. For an hour and a half, surgeons and resuscitators fought for Sergei's life. But the wounds were too serious. The statutes say nothing about how to throw yourself at a grenade. Each officer makes his own decision.

“There will be a farewell in the brigade,” says brigade commander Sergei Buntsev. “The personnel want it, I want it too. He was the best officer. Few people can compare with him.”

Sergei Solnechnikov graduated from the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications. Since 2004 he served in the Amur Region. I didn't have time to start a family. Friends say he gave too much time to work. He was a successful officer and became commander of a communications battalion at the age of 30. His soldiers, whose lives he saved, are still in shock.

According to experts, the soldier is now in the deepest depression. The parents of the rescued and the command of the unit believe that the officer's feat is worthy of a state award.

“For our part, we will do our best to provide all possible assistance to the family of the deceased,” assures State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov. “I received a command from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to prepare award documents for Major Solnechnikov. We will represent him to the state award posthumously.

A specially created commission is investigating the incident. A criminal case has been initiated under the article "Violation of the rules for handling weapons, resulting in the death of a person." The battalion commander will be buried at home, in Volgograd.

The battalion commander - Major Sergey Solnechnikov - can be awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Posthumously. At the cost of his own life, he saved the soldiers of his battalion. During an exercise at a training ground in the Amur Region, a live grenade without a pin fell into a trench. Sergei Solnechnikov covered her with his body. Investigators are now investigating the circumstances of the incident. A criminal case has been opened. But the feat of a real battalion commander remains a feat.

Parents are reviewing the photo archive, where their son Sergei is still alive. On one of them - he is with his nephew during the holidays. The father, a retired officer, barely holds back his tears, because he himself taught his son that defending the Motherland is the honorable duty of every man. He knows that Sergei simply could not do otherwise.

“Who is to blame here?” Alexander, the father of the deceased Sergei Solnechnikov, argues. “The boy who dropped this grenade? Yes, of course, you can’t blame him at all. Let him just remember that the major left his life, leaving him life” .

“I don’t know what his thought was at the same time. But I know that he could not have acted differently,” adds Sergei’s mother, Zoya Solnechnikova.
In the memory of friends, colleagues and subordinates, he will forever remain the Sun. They called him that behind his back. The battalion commander with a sunny surname was a real father-commander for the soldiers. And in that fateful moment, when 2-3 seconds remained to make a decision, he acted like a real officer.
Major Sergei Solnechnikov corrected the mistake of Private Maxim Zhuravlev at the cost of his own life. It happened during exercises. Throwing a grenade from a firing line. The RGD-5, with the pin pulled out, fell just a few meters away, right on the parapet, from where it then rolled into the trench, where at that moment, in addition to the commander himself, there was a whole squad, that is, about 10 people. If not for Major Solnechnikov, then there would have been more dead, for sure.

“We paid attention only when our battalion commander pushed the soldier away and covered the grenade with himself,” says conscript Rustam Khisamov. “And when everything happened, they called the orderly.”

The wounded battalion commander was sent to the Belogorsk hospital. For an hour and a half, surgeons and resuscitators fought for Sergei's life. But the wounds were too serious. The statutes say nothing about how to throw yourself at a grenade. Each officer makes his own decision.

"There will be a farewell in the brigade," says brigade commander Sergei Buntsev. "The personnel want it, I want it too. He was the best officer. Few people can compare with him."

Sergei Solnechnikov graduated from the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications. Since 2004 he served in the Amur Region. I didn't have time to start a family. Friends say he gave too much time to work. He was a successful officer and became commander of a communications battalion at the age of 30. His soldiers, whose lives he saved, are still in shock.

Maxim Zhuravlev blames himself for the commander's death. According to experts, the soldier is now in the deepest depression. The parents of the rescued and the command of the unit believe that the officer's feat is worthy of a state award.

“For our part, we will do our best to provide all possible assistance to the family of the deceased,” assures State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov. “I received a command from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to prepare award documents for Major Solnechnikov. We will represent him to the state award posthumously.

A specially created commission is investigating the incident. A criminal case has been initiated under the article "Violation of the rules for handling

Sergei Aleksandrovich Solnechnikov(August 19, 1980, Potsdam - March 28, 2012, Amur Region) - Russian officer, major of the communications troops, who at the cost of his life saved his subordinate soldiers during the explosion of a combat grenade. Hero of the Russian Federation (2012).


Sergey Solnechnikov was born on August 19, 1980 in the city of Potsdam (German Democratic Republic), where his father, Alexander Vasilyevich Solnechnikov, served as a military man. After returning to the USSR, the family lived in Volgograd, where Sergei studied at secondary school No. 81 (from September to October 1986) and No. 27 (from October 1986 to June 1995). After the 8th grade, he continued his studies at the Akhtuba General Education Cadet Boarding School. P. O. Sukhoi (Astrakhan region). In 1997, without exams, he was admitted to the Kachin Military School. However, he did not manage to finish it, since in 1998 the school was disbanded. Then S. A. Solnechnikov entered the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications, which he graduated in 2003. In 2004, he was assigned to military unit 53790 in the Far Eastern Military District (the city of Belogorsk, Amur Region).


On March 28, 2012, during the exercises, one of the conscripted soldiers (19-year-old private Maxim Zhuravlev) unsuccessfully threw an RGD-5 grenade from a standing position. The ammunition hit the edge of the front parapet that protected the firing position, ricocheted and flew off into the zone of destruction of colleagues. The major instantly realized what had happened, pushed the confused soldier away and covered the grenade with himself. An hour and a half later, the major died on the operating table from injuries incompatible with life - rupture of the spleen and liver, shrapnel wounds to the heart and lungs.

The day after the death of Sergei Solnechnikov, a criminal case was opened on this fact. The military investigation department for the Belogorsk garrison began a preliminary investigation into all the circumstances of the incident.

On April 2, 2012, S. A. Solnechnikov was buried with military honors at the city cemetery No. 2 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region, where his parents and sister live.

On April 3, 2012, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major S. A. Solnechnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.


  • On April 2, 2012, the Duma of Blagoveshchensk, after an appeal from the Governor of the Amur Region Oleg Kozhemyako, decided to name one of the streets of the new quarter of the city after Sergei Solnechnikov.
  • On April 24, 2012, a memorial stele to Major Sergei Solnechnikov was unveiled in Belogorsk.
  • May 7, 2012 in Belogorsk on the Walk of Fame, a plate with a star was installed in memory of the Hero of Russia, Major Sergei Solnechnikov.
  • In the city of Volzhsky in June 2012, the cadet school was named after S. A. Solnechnikov. In November 2012, an unnamed street No. 11 in the Akhtuba Pearl microdistrict was also named after him.
  • In July 2012, the name of Solnechnikov was given to a street in the Rodnikovaya Dolina district of the Sovietsky district of Volgograd.
  • In 2013, the Orsk Transport College was named after S. A. Solnechnikov.
  • The poet Dmitry Bykov dedicated a poem to the deceased officer in the “Hero of the Week” section of the “Sobesednik” magazine, in which he noted with regret that in modern Russia, in his opinion, the hero is more often considered the one who covered himself with others, and did not save them at the cost of his life.
  • In 2015, the Russian Post issued a stamp from the Hero of the Russian Federation series with the image of S. A. Solnechnikov.


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (2012).
  • Medal "For military valor" II degree (Ministry of Defense).
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" III degree (Ministry of Defense)


  • Father - Alexander Vasilyevich Solnechnikov
  • Mother - Zoya Aleksandrovna Solnechnikova
  • Sister - Elena Aleksandrovna Solnechnikova
  • Was not married

31-year-old major Sergei Solnechnikov, who died heroically at a training ground in the Amur region, covering a grenade ready to explode, saved more than one soldier, as originally reported. He owes the lives of at least a dozen conscripts. Colleagues told the details of his feat. The commander of the communications battalion did not just cover the soldier with himself. Seeing that the danger threatened the fighters, he pushed the guy who was standing next to him, and he lay down right on the grenade and took the whole explosion on himself.

On Wednesday, the commander of the communications battalion, Sergei Solnechnikov, personally checked the execution of exercises by his subordinates during planned firing at a training ground near Belogorsk, Amur Region. "In the morning, he went to the exercises with the battalion. There, the soldiers threw grenades, including live grenades. And then one somehow unsuccessfully either ricocheted, or fell off the soldier’s hand and fell next to the soldiers. Everything happened very quickly" , - Sergey Frolov, a colleague of Solnechnikov, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“He didn’t have time to think. Here a grenade falls in the wrong place, at that very second the major rushes at it. An explosion. If he hadn’t done this, it’s even scary to think how many guys could have died ... The whole company was around, more than a hundred people," Frolov said.

“When the soldier made the throw, the grenade ricocheted off the parapet. Maybe the hand fell off, it’s difficult to say for what reason the throw didn’t work,” a source told RIA Novosti. “Sergei probably immediately estimated what the explosion would turn out to be. , to push the conscript to a group of soldiers who were nearby waiting for their turn to throw grenades, and covered the projectile with himself. Otherwise, more than one person would have been crippled."

"Solnechnikov had a matter of seconds to make a decision, about ten conscripts could be within the radius of destruction," Life News was told at the headquarters of the 35th Army.

The wounded officer was promptly taken to a military hospital in Belogorsk. For more than an hour and a half, military doctors fought for the life of the major, but the wounds were too serious, and they could not save him.

In Solnechnikov's battalion, many soldiers cannot recover from the shock. “There is deathly silence on the floor in the barracks,” conscript soldier Ivan told KP. “Some of the toilets don’t come out - they still feel sick. It was a terrible sight. saved lives. Such officers in our army can be counted on the fingers of one hand."

The case of the death of Major Solnechnikov is being conducted by the military investigation department for the Belogorsk garrison. A criminal case has been initiated under Part 2 of Article 349 (“Violation of the rules for handling weapons, resulting in the death of a person through negligence”), Interfax reports. If the soldier who threw the grenade is found guilty, he could face up to five years in prison.

"Any Lieutenant's Nightmare"

In theory, every officer should be ready for the feat that Solnechnikov accomplished. “This is a nightmare for any lieutenant,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes an unnamed retired military man. “Before leaving for the training ground, each commander scrolls such a situation in his head. It is believed that everyone should do as Solnechnikov did. A sort of “duty feat.” Another question that not everyone is ready for this. His deed, of course, deserves an order. "

The mothers of the soldiers rescued by Major Solnechnikov also think so. They have already applied to the army headquarters with a request to award the officer posthumously. "We consider his act a feat, - commented at the headquarters. - But the decision on the award will be made and announced only after a full check of the incident."

By the name of the sun

Major Solnechnikov was one of the most promising officers not only of the unit, but of the district as a whole, they said after his death in the press service of the Eastern Military District. Decent, competent, modest, responsible - this is how Solnechnikov's colleagues characterize him, emphasizing that rarely does anyone become a battalion commander at the age of 30.

The correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who happened to serve in the army under the command of Solnechnikov, also remembered him from the best side: "He was also my battalion commander. One of the few officers in the unit who unconditionally deserved respect." Among themselves, the fighters called him the Sun.

The officer who saved the soldier was born in Volgograd. His relatives live there, and he will probably be buried there. Initially, Solnechnikov was preparing to become a military pilot, but later changed his preferences and graduated from the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications. He served as a battalion commander for a little over a year - since the end of 2010. Sergei Solnechnikov did not have time to start a family.

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