Kindness lessons based on the story, French lessons. Lessons of kindness in a story, French essay lessons

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is a famous Russian writer. He created many works in which he shows the relationships between people and discusses how a person should act in various life situations.

The story “French Lessons” is based on events from the life of the author himself. He dedicated it to the mother of another Russian writer A. Vampilov, who to some extent is the prototype of the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, the heroine of the story. It was she who taught the main character several lessons of kindness, which he remembered for the rest of his life.

The main character of the story found himself in a very difficult life situation. Left alone in a strange village, he was forced to starve because his food was secretly eaten by the owner’s son. The hero was looking for a way out of this situation. Playing for money helped him for a short time. But as soon as he began to play better than the rest and was constantly winning, he was beaten and was no longer accepted into the game. And the boy only needed a ruble to buy milk.

Lidia Mikhailovna did not immediately find out about her student’s problems. And as soon as I found out, I decided to help him at all costs. She assigned him additional classes and began inviting him to her apartment. As soon as the boy arrived, Lydia Mikhailovna prepared dinner for the table. But the hero never sat down at the table, because it was not customary in their village to eat with strangers and because he was embarrassed: Lydia Mikhailovna seemed somehow extraordinary to the hero.

Only later did he realize that the teacher was doing this to feed him. When her attempt failed, she came up with another trick. Lydia Mikhailovna sent the hero a parcel with pasta on behalf of his mother. But even here she didn’t succeed, because pasta was never sold in the hero’s village.

But failures did not break Lydia Mikhailovna. She wanted to help the hero, make his life easier. She realized that the boy would not take what he did not earn himself, what did not belong to him. And then Lydia Mikhailovna found a way. She began to play chica with the boy for money, and she taught him this game herself. For those years it was a very serious crime. But Lydia Mikhailovna deliberately violates the law, because this was the only way to help her student, to feed him.

Forced to leave for her hometown, Lidia Mikhailovna did not forget that the boy was starving. She sent him pasta and three apples, which the boy never ate. They only saw apples in pictures. The hero remembered these lessons of kindness, the desire to come to the aid of another person, no matter what, for the rest of his life.

In the story “French Lessons,” the author reveals the image of the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, who teaches the hero of the work a real lesson in kindness. In the center of the story is a boy who came to the district school from the village. He comes from a poor family, is constantly malnourished, wears old clothes and teals, which no one else wears and which he himself is ashamed of. The boy is very homesick and can’t get used to his new place. Playing for money with local boys helps him improve his situation a little - he begins to win. However, the leader of the company, Vadik, quickly regains his championship by beating up the lucky boy with his friend and kicking him out of the game.

Despite all the hardships of life, the hero is a very smart and quick-witted boy. In the village he was considered literate, which is why his mother decided to gather her strength and send her son to study. French comes easily to him, like other subjects, but the boy just can’t cope with pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna still pays attention to the smart student who is poorly dressed. She is the first to see the bruises that the hero receives as a result of his financial victories, and learns about gambling. She quickly understands why the boy needs money, she sees that he went to the “dirty business” only because of his difficult situation.

Lydia Mikhailovna decides to help the boy. She deliberately loads him with extra classes and tries to get closer to the student. But he does not give in and does not meet her halfway. The boy does not agree to stay for dinner with the teacher after class, quickly running away. He does not accept the package of pasta that Lidia Mikhailovna secretly leaves for the boy in the school locker room. Then she decides to use a trick, offering the hero another, similar game for money. The boy learns quickly and begins to win. The teacher is happy: the boy is getting at least some help from her. But he is not so ashamed: he justifies himself by saying that this is an honest win.

It all ends in revelation: the school director, her neighbor, unexpectedly comes to Lidiya Mikhailovna and witnesses the game. The teacher is fired for such an offense. But, even having lost her job for a simple human desire to help a child, she takes the blame on herself and makes sure that this story does not affect the boy in any way. And after some time, the hero receives a package from his patroness - in addition to pasta, which the starving child perceives as a miracle, it contains apples, which he has never even seen.

Thus, Lydia Mikhailovna, with her care and generosity, shows: kindness is alive in people, but it happens that the desire to help someone is higher than one’s own interests. This is how the boy learns the main lesson - the lesson of kindness and self-sacrifice.

Valentin Rasputin is a famous writer. He wrote many instructive works. One of them is the work “French Lessons” filled with kindness.

Rasputin wrote a story about a poor boy and a kind teacher who was ready to help. In the work, the author concluded several lessons of kindness, examples of morality and simply good people.

The poor fifth-grader was betrayed by his so-called friends immediately after his several victories in a children's game. He received a couple of blows from the older boy in the group. The next day, coming in with bruises on his face, he was afraid that the French teacher would find out everything and scold him. She really found out that the boy did not have enough money for food, and that he was forced to gamble for money. But the boy received only understanding and support from the teacher in his direction. This was the first lesson of kindness.

Lydia Mikhailovna tried to help the student in every way. She sent parcels of food, invited him to her house and treated him to dinner, but the boy did not accept her help. Being quite modest, the boy did not consider it right to accept “handouts”. The next lesson of kindness is that you need to be able to accept help if you really need it. But no matter how the teacher tried to feed the student, he did not agree and returned everything back.

Taking a risk, Lidia Mikhailovna offered a fifth-grader a game for money. She gave in to him so that he could win money and buy milk. One day the director caught them in the office playing another game and the teacher calmly admitted everything. Soon she returned to her hometown, but did not forget about the boy, just as he did not forget about her. The woman sent the boy a huge parcel containing pasta and apples, which the child had only seen in pictures.

The boy remembered his French teacher and class teacher for the rest of his life. Lidia Mikhailovna's kindness towards him became priceless for the boy. The teacher became the embodiment of a humane person. The work "French Lessons" proves the kindness of some people and gives hope that humane people still exist. The main idea of ​​the story: you need to help others when they need it and believe that they will help you and will not leave you alone in difficult times.

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It is fair to apply the title “lessons of kindness” to V. Rasputin’s autobiographical story “French Lessons.” For the main character, the most significant thing in childhood was not learning a foreign language, but the caring attention with which the teacher treated him. Lydia Mikhailovna's kindness allowed the boy to believe that not all people are evil and ruthless. No matter how difficult a situation a person finds himself in, one should never lose hope for help and sympathy.

Unlucky fate

A little boy begins an independent life in the regional center very early. Here he has to rely only on his own strength. Food parcels rarely arrive from the village. The main character tries to spend it sparingly, but notices that someone is stealing food from him. The boy rightly suspects an acquaintance of his mother, with whom he lives. This significantly undermines his faith in the kindness of people.

The boy feels like an outcast. Timid and shy by nature, he is very ashamed of his shabby village clothes. The main character's silence and isolation are intensified due to the constant feeling of hunger. The “skinny, wild boy” doesn’t even hope for anyone’s sympathy.

Ruthless Lessons

Having started playing “chica” for money, the boy realized that he was taking a huge risk. For this, he could easily be kicked out of school, which would be a heavy blow for his mother. However, this was not the only danger.

Good luck in the game turned into disaster. The boy had to learn the harsh rule of life the hard way: “No one is ever forgiven if he gets ahead in his business.” “Lucky” was severely beaten and banned from taking part in the game.

The boy learned another important “lesson” at school. Tishkin’s betrayal did not fit into his head. The main character was sure that Lydia Mikhailovna would take him to the director, where he would be forced to admit to doing “dirty business.”

Lessons in Kindness

To the boy’s great surprise, Lidia Mikhailovna did not scold him. The teacher simply asked about the game and where he spent his winnings. The child, of course, did not yet understand how amazed the woman was that he needed money to buy milk. He could not believe that there would be no punishment for the “crime” and easily promised to stop gambling.

In the person of Lydia Mikhailovna, the boy encountered humane treatment for the first time in a new place. The teacher appeared before him not as a strict teacher, but as a good and close person.

Unlike other teachers, Lidia Mikhailovna felt that the capable student needed help somehow. The school gives him knowledge, but does not provide any support in life. Punishment will only embitter the developing personality and teach it to see all adults as enemies.

Lidia Mikhailovna takes on the matter very delicately. Through additional activities at home, she hopes to get to know the child better and earn his trust. In addition, French lessons should become a firm goal in life for a boy, helping him to believe in his own strength.

To Lidia Mikhailovna’s chagrin, the proud child categorically refuses food and gifts. It is absolutely impossible to persuade him to accept selfless help. Too obvious “lessons of kindness” are wasted.

The teacher uses a trick. She easily manages to awaken a child's interest in playing wall games. Unnoticedly giving in, Lidia Mikhailovna gives him the opportunity to honestly “earn” the necessary ruble.

As one would expect, the director, having caught the teacher and a student playing for money, was unable to appreciate the significance of this “lesson of kindness.” Yes, he doesn’t care about the hunger and miserable life of one of the students. Lidia Mikhailovna is fired. She takes full responsibility for “this stupid incident” upon herself.

The teacher does not forget about the boy and after some time sends him a parcel with food that he will no longer be able to return. The main character sees the apples sent for the first time in his life.


The author was able to fully appreciate the significance of “lessons of kindness” only many years later. For the rest of his life he retained the warmest memories of Lydia Mikhailovna, who became for him the embodiment of kindness and humanity. The main lesson of the French teacher is that you need to help people in need of support. This allows you to hope and believe that you will not be abandoned in difficult times.

Fiction is aimed at teaching, education and enlightenment. The lessons of kindness in the story “French Lessons” raise the problem of morality and philanthropy. The meaning of the theme is eternal, only kindness holds a person for many centuries, does not allow him to turn into soulless creatures.

Different families

The boy lives with Aunt Nadya. The woman has three children: two girls and a boy. Someone else's aunt turns out to be inattentive. She only cares about her children; a strange boy, whom she was entrusted with while studying, finds himself in a difficult situation. Food transmission from the mother quickly disappears. Aunt Nadya's children or the woman herself sneak food from the boy. Hunger pushes people to search for food. The child begins to play “chika”. He needs money for milk and bread. One mother is exhausted to give her child an education. Another robs an orphan without thinking about where he will find the means to live. Kindness and cruelty, care and insensitivity live side by side.

Lessons in Kindness

The lesson of treating people kindly is clearly shown in the image of a teacher. A 25-year-old girl is morally superior to an experienced man who is entrusted with the school. He is only interested in his own situation: a large apartment, calmness and severity. We must not forget about the time described in the book. Difficult post-war years. It would seem that the war made everyone kind. Children were supposed to live better than their parents and not repeat their mistakes. But the war embittered many and made them cruel egoists.

A real teacher is a kind, frank and open person. He does not ignore children's problems.

Story Lessons

Lydia Mikhailovna’s lessons of kindness do not have to be perceived only as the plot of the story suggests - the relationship between teacher and student. The plot is easy to transfer to adults and children. Lydia could be a neighbor, a high school student. Reasoning will help you understand the meaning of the text - this is true for any attentive person. The lesson is understanding. The narrator realized that one cannot become cruel and adapt to the conditions dictated by circumstances. The teacher showed that there are people who are ready to help selflessly; they give hope for the future. The one who is helped gains strength himself and helps others. This is how humanity turns. The story teaches you to believe in kindness and shows how easy it is to be needed by the people living nearby. Sometimes an apple, a word or a look is enough and the problem goes away.

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