Food problem - how to provide food for the growing population of the Earth? A unique element Phosphorus is an indispensable element of plant nutrition as a matter of fact.

Minimum 1

The night fell (not) upon us.. and the surrounding..n..sti in darkness... Everything..about eat... and that's it... about one p.. (s, ss).. the fat came out on the p.. (r, rr) he. A bright g..gust of wind immediately forced stick his head..into his..r.tnik. The pr..v..dnitsa,nn)o sighed and h..kno..stooped on the chest of the elm..(n,nn)y cat..tu . It’s dangerous..but for an honest person such..time in (Z, S) there’s not even a right here sh..(s,ss)e a (z,s)danie in..(g,k)ala at night (not) ..y..sya and even ka(s, ss)a (not) working in it. Previously (z, s) there was a well-known not..t.. (n, nn) ​​oh pr..claim but ended a long time ago and p..the village is not..tya (n,nn)ikov..empty. Only the estate of the former owners..was preserved and their heiress comes here in the spring and lives until their..(p,p).. rt..mentah. But this (un)happy one with a rucksack made of (s,ss)ku (s,ss)of your (n,nn) leather is not (to) visit her! Yes, she’s probably not even at home! All the nobility gathered today in the K..R.. Palace and for three days will..participate in the honor..honor.. and (s, ss)ku (s, ss).. of the new war (n, nn) ​​chief of the s..ra Art.. (l, ll) erus. No in vain..but this poor fellow decided to travel by night train and wander in the pitch darkness!


Minimum 2

Meanwhile, the,nn)ik was (not) at and so on..bright..but aware..of the good.. nick.. in the door.. and this (that) and that.. pushed him on the way to the terrible.. (not) us.. night. He ra..reads..the absence of his..wife and his exact..n. The wind was f..sorry..but’s in the’s raining..t..yanie until whole..s..solid but he knows..on and he’s already for the ra..dull..msya forest with countless(n,nn)s in..rands and t..(r,rr)a(s,ss)ami. The decorated with graceful..lo(n,nn)s and they really(n,nn)o protrude from the darkness. Around the house there is a so..(r,rr) area of ​​an (un)enormous park. This park is the only..(n,nn) Between the city..gan..trunks of hundred..year-old trees..there are wild grapes and they the open windows of the second..floor and this is.. it's cunning..sly. It’s a mere trifle to get into the house under such p..roof! He will be able to sneak in quietly and he will have time to find the right thing. Darkness, rain and clouds from Vingrad's clothes are his be..tse(n,nn)s with..allies. And then everything is f..of course..but easy and he is a miracle..but s..plays his role in the p..e(s, ss).. boss. That night.. just luck! All fears are be..thoughts..(n,nn)s the object is be..protected. (Forward! The boss's plans always... happen and the job will... be done.


56. In which sentence is the word paragraph misused?

  1. Lisitsyn made adjustments to the text, rewriting entire paragraphs.
  2. In some literature textbooks, paragraphs contain quotes from the works of Russian writers.
  3. Jumping from paragraph to paragraph, she read the article about her new novel with bated breath.
  1. The guys copied the text, dividing it into paragraphs.

57. In which sentence is the word pride misused?

  1. His soul, filled with pride, was tired of struggle and self-affirmation.
  2. The joy of success, unbeknownst to him, grew into pride, fame turned his head.
  3. Exorbitant pride overwhelmed this man.
  4. The new club is the pride of the village.

58. In which sentence is the word long misused?

  1. The residents of this Japanese town made all their purchases extremely rarely, making long journeys.
  2. The canal turned out to be navigable and very long.
  3. This time the long applause turned into a standing ovation.
  4. The skill of a writer grows from a subtle and long-term observation of the people around him.

59. In which sentence is the word rocky misused?

  1. A rocky block almost fell on us, but we managed to run to the side.
  2. On steep slopes with rocky soil, melting snow water runs down.
  3. The river valley is straight, open and rocky at the bottom.
  4. The soil in this area is rocky and difficult to cultivate.

60. In which sentence is the word dress misused?

  1. The coniferous forest covered all the mountains and came close to the sea.
  2. Daria Alexandrovna was thinking about how to dress the children warmer tomorrow.
  3. Perhaps, not just galoshes, but hunting boots are the right time to put on to cross the street.
  4. Andrey sheltered his nephew, dressed him and put on shoes, and helped him find an interesting job.

61. In what sentence the word fishy misused?

  1. Several decades ago there was still a seashore here and there were fisheries.
  2. This lake, separating us from the ill-fated cape, was deep and fishy.
  3. The cat, who was sniffing fish aspic on the window, suddenly jumped onto the floor and hid behind the closet.
  4. In the summer we often went to the lake, taking fish nets with us.

62. In which sentence is the word violent used inappropriately?

  1. Stones rattled and two wild mountain rivers fought.
  2. And he is no longer able to calm down his violent rage and anger.
  3. In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Rus'.
  4. His wild imagination had to be restrained and directed.

63. In which sentence instead of the word act need to use the word misdemeanor?

  1. His words remain words and never turn into actions, into actions.
  2. This young man is capable of noble actions.
  3. Selfless act The guys discussed their classmate with delight.
  4. In the old days for big actions students were punished with soldiering.

64. In which sentence instead of the word introduce need to use the word provide?

  1. This house represents something like a castle.
  2. The actor knew how to imagine the singing of a nightingale.
  3. Do you need it urgently introduce trip report.
  4. I imagined You can decide these issues yourself.

65. In which sentence instead of the word subscription need to use the word subscriber?

  1. I found an expired library card subscription, which was lost six months ago.
  2. Season tickets telephone network are obliged to pay for station services on time.
  1. Sale of subscriptions is open to the swimming pool.
  1. We have purchased season tickets to the museum for a series of lectures on Russian painting of the 19th century.

66. In which sentence instead of the word hostile need to use the word hostile?

  1. Oksana was ready for anything, but still didn’t expect something so dry, even hostile reception.
  2. In this capricious air there was the elegance of the south, its emphasized beauty hostile to the north.
  3. Around this settlement is located hostile regiment
  4. In folk tales, animals sometimes act as hostile force dangerous to people.

67. In which sentence instead of the word military need to use the word warrior

  1. Fedorov was a military man man and had a good idea of ​​what trials lay ahead for the soldiers of his regiment.
  2. For bravery and valor he received another military rank.
  3. He experienced a lot in life, but managed to preserve even military bearing.
  4. Military The industry of this country is very developed.

68. In which sentence instead of the word explosive need to use the word explosive?

  1. Explosive the wave threw the boy three meters away.
  1. The war has long ended, but in these places you still meet explosive items.
  2. Snipers neutralized explosive device that endangered people's lives.
  3. There were burning, burning, passionate, sometimes explosive feelings.

69. In which sentence instead of the word memory need to use the word reminder ?

  1. Often a memory akin to invention, creativity.
  2. These ruins serve us mournfully memory that the ancient building is not guarded by anyone.
  3. Memories surrounded me, and, indulging in them, I slowly drove through the forest.
  4. The artist worked for several years on memories, the result is an interesting book.

70. In which sentence instead of the wordguaranteedneed to use the word warranty?

  1. Nothing lifts a person up and instills confidence in him like the absolute,guaranteedtrust by law.
  2. Only in conditionsguaranteedlasting peace, science can develop normally for the benefit of people.
  3. The new VCR had to be handed over to theguaranteed repair.
  4. The writer entered into a contract with a publishing house for a book withguaranteed circulation.

71. In which sentence instead of the word shake need to use the word shake it off?

  1. He waited prudently for the enemy to approach, with a calm movement shook grenade to trigger the impact mechanism.
  2. She shook head, probably to stop crying, but the tears kept pouring down her cheeks.
  3. A holiday was born out of need shake to pull people out of a state of stupor and indifference.
  4. Panteleev quickly jumped up with a short strong movement shook the ground off his shoulders and walked forward.

72. In which sentence instead of the word hygienic need to use the word hygienic?

  1. Founder hygienic science in Russia was A.P. Dobroslavin.
  2. We got acquainted with the children's recreation room, it seemed quite hygienic.
  3. The ability to eat neatly and beautifully is important not only aesthetically, but also hygienic positions.
  4. Hygienic and medicinal baths appeared in ancient times.

73. In which sentence instead of the word double need to use the word dual?

  1. Ivan Matveevich was the first to come up with the idea of ​​the entire large plot plant a double row of linden trees.
  2. He threw the magazine away with a mixed feeling of envy and contempt, this double the feeling did not leave him for a long time.
  3. All this could be a clever trick, designed to ensure that the employee gains the trust of his enemies and begins double play.
  4. In Yelets, in my hometown, all the old merchant families were double

74. In which sentence instead of the worddemonstrativeneed to use the worddemo?

  1. Upset everyone presentdemonstrativedeparture of colleagues from the meeting room of the journal's editorial board.
  2. Academy graduates provideddemonstrativeattention to first year students.
  3. It wasn't artificialdemonstrativekindness, but the natural behavior of a deeply educated person.
  4. Demonstrative apparatus was placed in the very center of the huge hall.

75. In which sentence instead of the word confiding need to use the word trustful?

  1. Among the gullible squirrels you will certainly meet one with a bare, stick-like, singed tail.
  2. The relationship between a boss and his subordinate gradually became more trusting character.
  3. It was a creature gullible, timid and weak.
  4. His brothers were so naive and gullible, that it was not at all difficult to deceive them.

76. In which sentence instead of the word artistic need to use the word artistic?

  1. This letter was addressed to a direct descendant artistic Asenkov dynasty.
  2. Alevtina understood perfectly well that she was far along the way artistic she would not have been able to pursue a career.
  1. Everything that Kachalov read and showed on stage was soulful, highly artistic and artistic.
  2. Artistic and literary Moscow was awaiting the opening of a new literary and artistic circle with great hopes and impatience.

77. In which sentence instead of the word clay should I use the word clayey?

  1. Both banks of the river were high and steep; one could see underlying layers of gray-black clay slate.
  1. The floor in almost all rooms was clay.
  1. Natalya looked with respect at her grandfather’s brown hands, clay colors, senile freckles.
  2. I remembered the Novgorod of my childhood, clay whistles that were sold at markets.

78. In which sentence do you put the words humane need to use the word humanitarian?

  1. Both brothers were extremely polite to people, and generally very humane and kind.
  2. It seems to me that you too, apparently, have a greater inclination not towards the exact sciences, but towards humane.
  3. In the studio of this great master, sincerity and humane, the subtlest truth of human experiences.
  4. Russian literature has given many outstanding works, deeply humane, wise, truly beautiful.


Minimum 3

However, the decision...was not easy. In the window he,nn)o but that’s where the chain of pleasant surprises broke.. Under the window, a cat lay on its..bed..and its its tail. A tail for a cat is pr..dmet pr..dr..g..tse(n,nn)..the best! She clung to the foot of the criminal and both of them howled profusely and roused the criminal's servant. Everything in the house.. started to move and.. rushed to at.. the new... incident. The gatekeeper turned on the floodlight above the entrance and it became light in the manor park. The old..mature housewife wander around the house with the..l..l..raised above the city level and the night..guest had to..m. .touches...on the closet. The cupboard turned out to be a stove and it had obviously been warmed up in the evening and heavily p..r..improved. Just put yourself in the place of our city and you (don’t) want to have such adventures. to the wall and suddenly s..knowledge is from pain! From the portrait on the wall (on) pr..dirty..but winks pr..squints..(n,nn)th) eye pr..z..dent of the country. And in the k..r..door one can already hear footsteps approaching..and it is impossible to another place. Pr..hustle to the g..ryach..m-pr..g..ryach..m to..rp..cham and so!


Minimum 4

Just..keep..wait for the e..nomka to pass. She her shadow pr..earthly..stands in the s..tiny pr..wonderfully..swimming.. Xia and on the d..ric k..lo(n,nn)ah as if (as if) the .xia pr..v..denii. But the one who pr.. clung to ra..k..le(n,nn)ym k..rp..cham (not) lying to pr..dra(s,ss )fishing rods When you,s)m..gave.. wild pain you no longer (no) think.. about another danger..n..sti... When will this torture end..end? It seems that the woman is walking the right way..(n, nn)o slow..(n, nn)o. What a ..reversal.. of fate! There are so many obstacles to fly..obstacles to have all the take all measures pr..d..strength..strengths pr..dusm..third all in..variants but (not) put your plan into action because I came across a nice cat that I decided to treat... under the window! How is it (not) ra(s, ss) three..sya? He s..r..s..consoling himself with the fact that is the best remedy for rad..kulitis, although just in case he feels the n..gan in his pocket.

But then the st..rukha and..h..cries and you can noisily...slip...noisily into the bedroom where the necessary things are... and begin the search.

He stuck his head in the open door of the closet and it seemed to him that for each of his heads there were five r..k..le (n, nn) ​​needles. Again this stupid... cotton cat! If only the cat... psody doesn't start again!

How the hell... is my heart! He straightens up and, to calm him down, continues to breathe. And yet, although the adventure has faded away, he (doesn’t) lose the presence of the spirit and if you believe in the pr..presence, then he (doesn’t) have enough ,nn)o pov..zet!


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Spelling N-NN Difficult cases

RELATIVE ADJECTIVES leather A N silver YAN oat YAN clay YAN sand A N Exceptions: cranberry ENN, pumpkin ENN, straw ENN, fire ENN -AN, -YAN (denoting what it is made of...)

WE DIFFERENTIATE BY MEANING 1. Direct. Lubricated, soaked in oil; stained with oil (oily pancake; oily hands). 2. Portable. As if covered with oil; sensual, voluptuous (about the look, eyes). 3. Portable. Flattering, ingratiating (oily voice; oily smile). oily oily 1. Consisting of oil; relating to oil (oil stain; oil fumes). 2. Oil-powered, using oil; intended for oil (oil pump; oil lamp; oil tank). 3. Made with paints ground in oil (oil painting). 4. Containing oil (oil varnishes).

REMEMBER Nominal adjectives with a non-derivative base YOUNG GREEN BLUE RED RUSH RED ZEROIOUS DRUNK SPICY PORK SINGLE BULAN Attention! The words FAZANY, SAZANY are formed using the suffix -II

REMEMBER Nominal adjectives with two suffixes sheep - sheepskin - ovch IN N y true - was different - was IN N y old - old - old - old IN N y depth - depth - deep IN N y canvas - canvas a – canvas IN N whole – whole – whole IN N empty – empty – empty E N N

ATTENTION From nouns starting with -MYA: time EN N y seed EN N oy tribe EN N oy named EN N OH DIFFECTABLE NOUNS Time – time EN and Seed – seed EN and Crown – te EN and Tribe – tribe EN and Udder – udder EN and Banner - banner EH and Burden - burden EH and Stirrup - stride EH and Flame - flame EH and Name - named after EH and

ATTENTION From two-type verbs: Always NN: executed, born, betrothed, promised. All other two-aspect verbs are considered to be non-conforming verbs.

ATTENTION From two-type verbs: wound N y fighter FROM wound NN y wound NN y in battle All other two-type verbs are considered verbs not.v.

REMEMBER quit deprive decide buy captivate give reveal finish offend let Unprefixed verbs of the perfect form - broshe NN y - deprived NN y - decided NN y - purchase NN y - captivity NN y - yes NN y - manifest NN y - finished NN y - offended NN y - more than NN y always NN

REMEMBER N smart mad icy stained sophisticated vigorous burnished named brother imprisoned father forgiven Sunday finished man uninvited guest dowry – substantivized adjective

REMEMBER NN Strange, desperate, (not) seen, (not) seen, (not) heard, (not) heard, unexpected, unexpected, (not) expected, unexpected, watchful eye, desired, cutesy, sacred, not worn, fragrant, made, read, counted, harrowed, chased, arrogant, plastered, cursed, slow.

ATTENTION Complex adjectives KEEP quantity N. goldsmith Ny, smooth-dyed Ny, freshly frozen Ny Excl.: perochinny, home-grown, adj. -boiled, -smoked, -gon.

ATTENTION Adverbs of measure and degree (absolutely, very, etc.) DO NOT GIVE two letters N. absolutely unbeautiful absolutely uncut

COMBINATIONS WITH REINFORCED REPEATS There are as many Hs in the second part as in the first. washed Ny-rewashed Ny, ironed Ny-re-ironed Ny, decided NN y-re-decided NN y many times





  • if it is not used without “NOT”
  • if it can be replaced with a synonym without “NOT” or an expression similar in meaning
  1. With noun, adj. (in full and short form), adv. on -o, -e
  • if there is or is implied opposition
  • if there are particles NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, FAR NOT, NOT AT ALL, NOT NOT AT ALL and any negative pronoun
  • adverbs not in -o, -e
  • possessive and relative adjectives
  • with some adjectives. as predicates:not happy, not ready, etc.
  • if no pretext is inserted (no one)
  • in local adverbs

no need, nowhere, nowhere

  1. Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs
  • if an excuse is inserted (with no one)
  1. Verbs and gerunds
  • if they are not used without “NOT”
  • if the prefix “NEDO” means “shortage in the required quantity”
  1. Verbs and gerunds
  • always separately

5. Verbal adjectives and participles

  • complete, without opposition and dependent words, i.e. when there are no conditions for separate writing

5. Participles

  • brief
  • there is a dependent word (participial phrase)
  • there is a contrast with the conjunction “A”








ignoramus, ignoramus


absurdity, absurdity


bad weather



stainless steel (steel)

slob, sloppiness



Nesmeyana (princess)




sad sack


a lack of

evil spirits


tawny owl (grass)























impenetrable (darkness)

unsightly (action)




countless (quantity)



merciless (swearing)





























by chance

a lot of trouble

it is forbidden



be indignant

be perplexed

lack (something)

overlook (child)

not to see (the light)



go on a rampage

I'm not feeling well

he's itching

you're in trouble

feel unwell

bad luck

I can't

not coming





At the word level

not one (many)

more than once (many)

a lot (a lot)

none (nobody)

never (never)

not at all (not at all)

At the level of phrases

Double negative is not a problem. not ch.

I couldn’t help but understand (cf.: He will definitely understand.)

Strengthening denial is not a ch. no noun (local)

There is not a cloud in the sky.

The sky is clear.

Didn't meet anyone

Nothing more than

None other than

  • there is how
  • the combination is not part of the sentence
  • it is possible to replace the combination with particles only, exactly

Nothing else

No one else

  • There is not
  • the combination is a member of the sentence
  • replacement is not possible
  • no union like


Neither fish nor fowl

Neither give nor take

Neither light nor dawn

Neither day nor night

Set expressions

Through thick and thin

As it were

Out of nowhere

At the supply level


Not only but …

Not that..., not that...


No no …

Statement in rhetorical questions and exclamations

What Russian doesn't like driving fast?


No matter how much he did, he could not understand anything

In SPP - negation

Those who do not pass the test will not be allowed to take the exams.

In the SPP - approval

Whoever passes by will bow down.

In SPP with subordinate clauses and conjunctions “yet”, “while” and the particle “not”

Strike before the iron gets cold.

Work until they call you.


(1) Technology is a set of knowledge and procedures that a person uses to improve his life and ensure the forward movement of society and development. (2) Since prehistoric times, man has tried to transform the natural materials and substances around him and make from them the objects necessary for the creation of material wealth, which are called tools, and the methods of their use are called technology. (3) Technology is a very broad concept that includes knowledge about how and what tools are made of, what these tools are for, and what energy is used when using them.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1) Technology, which ensures progress in various spheres of human activity, is a body of knowledge about the material for making tools, methods of their use and the energy used.

2) Since prehistoric times, man has tried to transform the natural materials and substances around him, making tools from them in order to use them in his life.

3) Technology is a very broad concept that unites many ideas; it is a body of knowledge and procedures that a person uses.

4) Trying to transform natural materials, people learned to make various tools and use them to make objects necessary for life.
5) To ensure progress in various fields of activity, people accumulated knowledge about the material for making tools, methods of their use and the energy used in this process - they created technology.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Contrary to this


Vice versa

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word MATERIAL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 2. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MATERIAL, -a, m.

1) Source, information that serves as the basis for something. Material for observations.
2) Usually plural. A collection of documents on any issue. Investigation materials.

3) Items, substances used to make something. Construction material.

4) Fabric, knitted or synthetic product intended for sewing. Wool material.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

will call

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
A good strategist knows how to calmly WAIT for an opportune moment, has excellent situational intuition and always acts taking into account changing conditions.

To REPLACE the lack of phosphorus in the body, you need to regularly eat fish.

The experienced staff of the boarding house did everything possible to make vacationers feel COMFORTABLE.

The unlucky traveler, casting a CAREFUL glance at the rapidly darkening sky, headed towards his hut, glad that he had built it under a dense canopy.

Next year, the SELECTION of players for the junior team will be carried out by a famous coach, who several years ago ended his football career with a brilliant match in which he brought his team three points.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.



RIDE faster

THEIR victory

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) In the September issue of the magazine “Comfort” you can read a number of articles about how to make your home warmer and living in it more economical.
B) Everything around: the forest, the field, the babbling stream - it was beautiful, incredibly touching beauty, saying so much to the Russian heart.

B) A pictogram is a drawing that directly depicts not only things, but events and phenomena.
D) Each of the creators of this film said a few words at its premiere about the filming process.

D) Immediately upon his arrival in Kolomna, the boyar Vsevolozhsky was captured and chained in iron.

1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
settle down


skip... read

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
in..go, enter..weigh

on..stab, oh..give it up,

pr..darling, pr..attached

and..torture, ra..color

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap. pliable

to heal


11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.lost



12. Find a sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

When the sun finally emerged from behind the low clouds, millions of iridescent iridescent sparks shone on the (untouched) whiteness of the snow.

(Despite the “home” nature, the meetings in the Olenins’ house had a significant influence on the state of literature and theater.

My comrades, (not) seeing the lighted fire, scolded me for my carelessness.
Attempts to plug the leak that had formed in the boat were (un)successful.
In 1904, an (un)known historian discovered one very interesting fact in the notary’s papers, which were kept in the Genoese archives.

13. Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

In the Sea of ​​Japan, (IN) NEAR the Kuril Islands, a small but very dangerous jellyfish is often found, which local residents ONCE called a cross for the cross-shaped arrangement of four dark radial channels.
RAM is a working area for the computer processor, in which programs and data are stored (DURING) its operation and which is only temporary storage for them, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) data and programs are saved in it only when the computer is turned on or until the reset button is pressed .
If we have to defend our country, then SOMEWHERE in the depths of our hearts we will know that we are also defending this thoughtful forest land, which taught us to see and understand beauty, NO MATTER inconspicuous in appearance.
TO expend less effort every day, (THROUGH) throughout history, man has tried to mechanize his daily work, for which he used devices and mechanisms that were at first very simple, but gradually became more complex and finally reached today's level of technical perfection.

On a hot (HALF) DAY, along a narrow path along a field densely sown with golden rye, a young woman dressed in a white muslin dress walked slowly along a narrow path along a field densely sown with golden rye, towards a village visible in the distance, shielding herself from the sun with an umbrella.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The unbroken (1) horse kept trying to throw off the desperate (2) rider, and he, sending enthusiastic (3) kisses to the audience, fearlessly (4) demonstrated to them circus riding techniques.

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Behind the king’s back on the canvas there is no battlefield, no naval battle, no palace chambers with mirrors stretching into the distance.

2) Nikolai Struisky knew several foreign languages ​​and was well versed in art, but he was distinguished by some character quirks.

3) The poet wrote down his creations in a notebook and read them to his friends at meetings in the literary salon.

4) Beautiful and sweet at any time of the year, river flowers, trees, wild forest.
5) The sun set and the dark southern night immediately took over.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Peter I (1) when selecting his assistants (2) sought to select people (3) who had diverse interests and a penchant for learning (4) who were ready to serve the Fatherland faithfully.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.

The swimmer (1) apparently (2) again got entangled in the coastal algae. But this time (3) fortunately (4) everything turned out well.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

A continuous three-story strip of residential buildings (1) on the corners (2) of which (3) four small churches with golden domes (4) are built surrounds the wide courtyard of the Smolny Monastery.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

To save electricity (1) we only occasionally allowed ourselves to listen to concerts from Moscow (2) but (3) when this happened (4) we felt our capital very close to us (5) because the transmission was received absolutely clearly and without interference.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) There was a war going on, which we, sixteen-year-old boys, had not yet experienced.

(2) It was a hungry time. (3) With student cards we were given only four hundred grams of bread.

(4) Meanwhile, even butter, ham, eggs, sour cream existed in our dorm room - in the bedside table of Mishka Eliseev, whose father worked in a warehouse and every Sunday came to his son and brought fresh, plentiful food.

(5) There was a lock on Mishka’s bedside table. (6) We didn’t even approach it: the inviolability of someone else’s castle has been developed by man for centuries and has been sacred at all times, excluding social cataclysms - spontaneous riots or natural revolutions.

(7) One winter we had two days off, and I decided that I would go to my village and bring a loaf of black bread. (8) The guys tried to dissuade me: it’s far away - forty-five kilometers, it’s cold outside and a snowstorm is possible. (9) But I set myself the task of bringing bread to the guys.

(10) In the morning, despite the blizzard, I made it to my parents’ house. (11) After spending the night and putting the precious loaf in my backpack, I went back to my friends in the cold, hungry hostel.

(12) I must have caught a cold, and now the illness was beginning. (13) I was overcome by incredible weakness, and, having walked twenty-five kilometers in the cold, I raised my hand to a passing truck.

- (14) Do you have alcohol, tobacco, lard? - the driver asked menacingly. - (15) Eh, why talk to you!

- (16) Uncle, don’t leave! (17) I have bread.

(18) I took a large, heavy loaf out of the bag in the hope that the driver would cut off a part and take it to Vladimir for it. (19) But the entire loaf disappeared in the cab of the truck. (20) Apparently, the illness had a strong grip on me, if even the very disappearance of the loaf, for the sake of which I endured such torment, was no longer of any concern to me.
(21) Arriving at the hostel, I undressed, climbed into the icy interior of the bed and asked my friends to bring boiling water.

- (22) What about the boiling water?.. (23) Didn’t you really bring anything from home?

(24) I told them how it happened.

- (25) Wasn’t that driver similar to our Mishka Eliseev? - asked Volodka Ponomarev.

“(26) I was,” I was surprised, remembering the driver’s round red mug with small gray eyes. - (27) How did you find out?

- (28) Yes, all grabbers and greedy people must be similar to each other!
(29) Then Mishka appeared in the room, and the guys, unable to bear it, turned to him for the first time with a request.

- (30) You see, a man has fallen ill. (31) I would at least give him something to eat.
(32) No one expected Mishka to explode in this way: he suddenly started yelling, stepping on one, then the other.

- (33) Look, how clever they are at looking into someone else’s bag! (34) I don’t have anything in my nightstand, you can check it. (35) Allowed.

(36) At the same time, he managed to cast a sly glance at his heavy lock.
(37) The onset of illness, terrible fatigue, the compassion my mother put into the only loaf of bread, the unceremoniousness with which this loaf was taken from me, the grief that I didn’t bring it, the children’s concern, Mishka’s shameless lie - all of this suddenly began to slowly swirl inside me how the July thundercloud swirls, becoming darker and more terrible.

(38) The clouds grew, expanded, obscured the eyes and suddenly hit the brain from below with a dark wave.

(39) They told me later that I calmly took the stick that we used to smash discarded bedside tables in order to burn them in the stove and keep warm, and moved towards the bedside table with a lock. (40) I raised the stick once and twice, and now the hidden insides of the “barn” were exposed: a glass jar with butter rolled, white-white sugar scattered into pieces, larger and smaller packages flew in different directions, and at the bottom under the packages appeared bread.

“(41) Eat all this and burn the nightstand in the stove,” I allegedly ordered before I went to bed. (42) I didn’t want to eat myself, I even felt nauseous. (43) I soon fell into oblivion, because the illness came into full force.

(44) Bear didn’t complain to anyone, but he didn’t live in our room anymore. (45) His castle lay for a long time near the stove, like an unnecessary and useless object. (46) Then the commandant of the hostel took him away.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich (1924-1997) - Russian writer and poet, a prominent representative of “village prose”. In the writer’s heritage, a special place is occupied by autobiographical prose, in which the author comprehends the history of Russia in the 20th century.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) The students had long been planning to knock down the lock on Mishka’s bedside table in order to confiscate his products.

2) The narrator went home to bring a loaf of bread to his comrades.
3) Mishka himself wanted the guys - his roommates - to check his bedside table.
4) Mishka’s father obtained food using his position as head of the warehouse.
5) The narrator’s comrades, despite the hunger, tried to persuade him not to go to the village to buy bread.

21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.
1) Sentence 2 explains the content of sentence 3.

2) Sentences 10-11 contain a narrative.

3) Sentences 37-38 include a description of the human condition.

4) Sentences 39-40 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 44-46 provide a description.

22. From sentence 40, write down the antonyms (antonymic pair).

23. Among sentences 32-38, find one that is related to the previous one using cognate words. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“In an effort to explain the reasons for the character’s action, the author reliably conveys his state, using the syntactic means of expressiveness ___ (A) (in sentences 37, 38) and the trope ___ (B) (“how the July thundercloud swirls, becoming darker and more terrible” in sentence 37, “dark wave” in sentence 38). ___ (B) (“greedy”, “grabbers” in sentence 28) and the trope ___ (D) (“Mishka’s shameless lie” in sentence 37), used by the author, reveal the attitude of students towards those who, in pursuit of their own benefit, are able to commit low action."

List of terms:
1) anaphora
2) comparison
3) dialectisms
4) phraseological units
5) parcellation
6) emotional-evaluative words
7) rows of homogeneous members
8) litotes
9) epithet

Option No. 2147263

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The growing population of the Earth can be provided with food only if phosphorus fertilizers are used in agriculture.

2) High crop yields are impossible without the use of phosphorus fertilizers.

3) Both the plant and animal world cannot do without phosphorus, which is extracted from rocks rich in phosphates.

4) The cycle of phosphorus - an essential element for all life on Earth - in nature is very insignificant, therefore reserves of rocks rich in phosphates cannot be renewed.

5) Reserves of rocks rich in phosphates cannot be renewed, since the cycle of phosphorus, a substance that is indispensable for all living things, is extremely insignificant.


Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text?


For example

Because of

For this

(1) Phosphorus is an indispensable nutritional element for plants, as well as all other organisms, and maintaining high crop yields, necessary to provide food for the growing population of the Earth, is possible only through the massive use of mineral fertilizers. (2) Phosphorus fertilizers are obtained by developing deposits of rocks rich in phosphates in some places. (3) Phosphorus bound by plants passes further through food chains (goes to animals, humans), is released with metabolic products, ends up in wastewater, is carried by rivers into the ocean, where it eventually ends up in marine sediments, but in very small quantities; (....), reserves available on Earth

Phosphates are virtually non-renewable resources.


Read the dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word CULTURE. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 1. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

CULTURE, -s; and.

1) The totality of production, social and spiritual achievements of people. History of K.K. ancient Greeks.

2) Education, mental and moral. A man of high quality.

3) Breeding, growing something. plant or animal (special). K. flax. K. silkworm.

4) A cultivated plant, as well as (special) microorganism cells grown in a nutrient medium in laboratory or industrial conditions. Technical tests of organic tissue.

5) High level of something, high development, skill. K. production. K. speech

(1) Phosphorus is an indispensable nutritional element for plants, as well as all other organisms, and maintaining high crop yields, necessary to provide food for the growing population of the Earth, is possible only through the massive use of mineral fertilizers. (2) Phosphorus fertilizers are obtained by developing deposits of rocks rich in phosphates in some places. (3) Phosphorus bound by plants passes further through food chains (goes to animals, humans), is released with metabolic products, ends up in wastewater, is carried by rivers into the ocean, where it eventually ends up in marine sediments, but in very small quantities; (....), reserves available on Earth

Phosphates are virtually non-renewable resources.

(1) Phosphorus is an indispensable nutritional element for plants, as well as all other organisms, and maintaining high crop yields, necessary to provide food for the growing population of the Earth, is possible only through the massive use of mineral fertilizers.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The film “A Beautiful Mind” is dedicated to the fate of the great mathematician John Nash, based on the FACTS of the scientist’s biography.

The SUBSCRIPTION fee is one hundred twenty rubles per month.

This is one of the most famous works of the MAJESTIC Russian poet.

Unfortunately, the theory had no PRACTICAL significance.

EVERYDAY worries sometimes completely absorb a person’s attention.


In one of the words below, there is an error in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word right.

DI-REK-TO-RA pre-pri-ya-tiy

in two thousand years ago

The fireworks will be LIT

platoon SOL-DA-TOV

three-hundred KI-LO-GRAM-MOV


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Oleg tried to unhook the sled, but it seemed to be stuck, and the rider turned and shook his head, and Alena just looked after her friend.1) incorrect construction of a complex sentence
B) Traveling with a backpack along hiking trails requires considerable endurance.2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Many critical comments and valuable suggestions were made during the discussion of the issue.3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) The house is full of people.4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) One of the Russian customs valued by many old Muscovites was oral storytelling.5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) violation of management standards


Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.







Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..grandmother, pr..getting a cold;

pre..say, na..break;

ras..meltsya, ras..tattered;

pr..handled, pr..dear;

wow..mother, not without..interesting.


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.






Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

It was an (un)known artist.

Often there is (not) enough determination to defend one’s convictions.

I had to endure (in)describable horror.

He had no conscience, no kindness, no honesty.

No one could call him an evil person.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Saffron milk caps can be collected both in the fall and (DURING) the whole summer: it all depends (ON) what kind of summer it is.

(FINALLY) I managed to catch (THAT) HOUR when the slanting rays of the sun begin to pierce the forest, like golden knitting needles.

Just as a person’s childhood seems beautiful to him (IN) THE SAME, memories of the harsh dawn of humanity are colored for us in a romantic haze.

He mastered the language AS easily as people master their voice, BECAUSE he learned the language from ordinary people.

At the foot of the pine tree, translucent (ON) THROUGH, fragile, delicate, (FROM) INSIDE lilies of the valley glow.


Indicate the number(s) in whose place N is written.

In the distance, on a steep limestone bank, washed away by floods, in the morning(1) air a village with a white stone(2) church and wind(3) mills can be clearly seen.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the desired direction even with a headwind.

2) Leaves of all kinds of flowers are scattered in the forest and you expect to see mushrooms among them.

3) Bright poppies and delicate tulips and shaggy marigolds were planted in the flowerbed.

4) Representatives of the intelligentsia have always strived for semantic accuracy and expressiveness of speech and fought against distortion and contamination of their native language.

5) The yellowish or pink petals of this plant grow singly or in pairs.


In Crimea, Vasiliev spent a long time admiring the mountains (1) reaching towards the sun (2) and (3) trees shrouded in pink haze.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Now the oak is blooming, and (1) as expected (2) it has become cold. I love northern nature with its silent gloom (3) must be (4) for its primitive loneliness.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

A major role in Tchaikovsky's operas is played by the orchestra (1) in different parts (2) of which (3) often develop independent musical themes.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The anxious feeling intensified with the approach of the thunderstorm (1) and (2) when the majestic moment of silence came (3) this feeling reached such an extent (4) that the heart sank with excitement.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Peter decided, having got out of the trap, to move forward no matter what, because he did not want to tarnish the glory of the Russian army with the shame of an inglorious return.

2) The Swedish king dreamed of revenge for the defeat at Poltava, so he insisted that the Turks begin the battle with Peter’s army.

3) Peter understood better than others the dramatic situation in which the Russian army found itself.

4) The Grand Vizier decided to enter into battle with the Russian regiments, which were four times larger than the Turkish troops.

5) It seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 6 of the text contains a descriptive element.

2) Sentences 8–9 present the narrative.

3) Sentence 14 lists the actions that occurred sequentially.

4) Sentences 22–23 present the reasoning.

5) Sentence 26 presents a narrative.

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had kept the whole of Europe in check, was completely defeated near Poltava, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (b) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps better than others, understood the seriousness of the situation, but he needed to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(14) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, until the last breath, until the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of one hundred and fifty thousand will most likely defeat 40 thousand Russian soldiers, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It’s better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments and become the subject of deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, in that campaign, military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons that wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky(born in 1967) - modern prose writer.

Text source: Unified State Examination 2013, Center, version 3.


Indicate a sentence that contains synonyms. Write down his number.

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had kept the whole of Europe in check, was completely defeated near Poltava, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (b) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps better than others, understood the seriousness of the situation, but he needed to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(14) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, until the last breath, until the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of one hundred and fifty thousand will most likely defeat 40 thousand Russian soldiers, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It’s better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments and become the subject of deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, in that campaign, military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons that wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky(born in 1967) - modern prose writer.

Text source: Unified State Examination 2013, Center, version 3.


Among sentences 10–16, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using contextual synonyms and a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had kept the whole of Europe in check, was completely defeated near Poltava, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (b) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps better than others, understood the seriousness of the situation, but he needed to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(14) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, until the last breath, until the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of one hundred and fifty thousand will most likely defeat 40 thousand Russian soldiers, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It’s better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments and become the subject of deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, in that campaign, military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons that wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky(born in 1967) - modern prose writer.

Text source: Unified State Examination 2013, Center, version 3.

(10) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (11) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(12) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (13) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (14) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (15) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (16) Yes, this vizier is crazy!


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“The author of the text, showing the confidence of many Russian statesmen in an easy victory over the Turks, uses the trope - (A)_____ (“the miracle heroes will only whistle and the Turks will immediately throw out the white flag” in sentence 3). The plight of the Russian army is depicted using tropes such as (B)_____ (“terrible heat,” “funeral music”) and (B)_____ (for example, “like ghosts from the underworld” in sentence 6). Technique - (G)_____ (“impossible” in sentence 8) - emphasizes the complexity of the situation described.”

List of terms:

1) lexical repetition

2) opposition

3) book words

4) parcellation

5) comparison

7) dialectism

9) rhetorical question

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had kept the whole of Europe in check, was completely defeated near Poltava, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (b) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps better than others, understood the seriousness of the situation, but he needed to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(14) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, until the last breath, until the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of one hundred and fifty thousand will most likely defeat 40 thousand Russian soldiers, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It’s better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments and become the subject of deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, in that campaign, military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons that wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky(born in 1967) - modern prose writer.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not work out right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes, many Russian statesmen began to experience what would later be called dizziness from success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had kept the whole of Europe in check, was completely defeated near Poltava, it seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miracle heroes would only whistle and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured the Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded them. (b) The terrible heat, hunger and thirst, the Turkish horsemen silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, the incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability... (7) No one knew what to do. (8) It was impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them fourfold; it was impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to tighten the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, strength melted away, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who found themselves in a trap.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps better than others, understood the seriousness of the situation, but he needed to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives the last orders to his associates, asking them to be guided in their activities by the interests of the state.

(14) The Turks grabbed the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Charles XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the Grand Vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thought, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude a truce with the encircled Russian army and was releasing it on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy who has fallen into a trap? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, until the last breath, until the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of one hundred and fifty thousand will most likely defeat 40 thousand Russian soldiers, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It’s better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments and become the subject of deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this seemingly inglorious campaign from the point of view of direct results, the strength that is called the national spirit clearly manifested itself. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions “mysterious”, “unknown”, “incomprehensible”, but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) It is born out of the need to protect one’s family, friend, home, Fatherland, that is, out of the need to be responsible for something greater than one’s own life. (26) Yes, in that campaign, military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but the main wisdom was gained: it is not the one who has more people and weapons that wins, but the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky*)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky(born in 1967) - modern prose writer.

Phosphorus is an essential nutritional element for plants (as well as all other organisms). Maintaining high crop yields, necessary to provide food for the growing population of the Earth, is possible only through the massive use of mineral fertilizers. Phosphorus fertilizers are obtained by developing deposits of rocks rich in phosphates in some places. Phosphorus bound by plants passes further through food chains (it goes to animals, including humans), is released with metabolic products, ends up in wastewater, and is carried by rivers into the ocean, where it eventually ends up in marine sediments, but in a very dispersed form. Thus, the phosphate reserves available on Earth are actually non-renewable, exhaustible resources. How long will they last for humanity? In an editorial published recently in the magazine Nature, an analysis of expert assessments of the current situation is given. The experts' forecast is not too optimistic: we will have enough phosphorus for no more than 50-125 years.

On the pages of popular publications and scientific journals, the question of how long the natural reserves of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) will last for the growing population of the Earth is often discussed. These resources, although non-renewable, can be substituted for each other. In addition, there are alternative renewable energy sources (rivers, wind, sun, biofuels). But in addition to the lack of energy sources, a growing humanity is faced with another, very important, but for some reason not attracting so much attention problem - namely, a deficiency of essential plant nutrients - nitrogen and phosphorus. Adding these elements to the soil in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is a prerequisite for maintaining high crop yields.

However, the situation with nitrogen and phosphorus is quite different. Nitrogen - although in a molecular form inaccessible to plants and animals - is available in huge quantities in the air. Some bacteria (for example, those living in nodules on the roots of leguminous plants) can bind it and transform it into a form suitable for use by plants. In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century, a process was developed for the industrial fixation (binding) of atmospheric nitrogen and converting it into ammonium form (the Haber-Bosch process). Currently, the amount of nitrogen introduced into the soil with such artificially synthesized fertilizers already exceeds the amount that is bound on land during the natural nitrogen fixation of bacteria.

With phosphorus the situation is fundamentally different. This element does not form gaseous compounds, and its movements across the surface of the planet are carried out mainly with water flows. Essentially, phosphorus gradually flows from the land into the ocean. Its return to land is determined by long-term geological processes of raising the ocean floor. However, in natural ecosystems undisturbed by humans, the phosphorus cycle is almost closed. Most of it, being used by plants for their own growth, returns again to the environment during the decomposition of organic residues by microorganisms, as well as in the form of metabolic products of animals.

Problems arise when growing agricultural crops, since a significant part of plant products is removed by humans, and with these products, elements of mineral nutrition are taken from the fields. In addition, a person strives to obtain the highest possible yield, and this requires the addition of additional fertilizers to the soil. It is impossible to return the phosphorus used in the fields or to circulate it again.

Phosphorus fertilizers are obtained from the development of certain rocks containing large amounts of phosphates. Such, for example, is apatite, deposits of which are found on the Kola Peninsula. A large amount of phosphates is concentrated in northern Africa, Morocco and Western Sahara. But in general, the distribution of reserves of rocks containing phosphorus over the land surface is extremely uneven. According to current estimates, more than 70% of them are concentrated in just a few countries: Morocco, China, the USA and Russia.

As for the total amount of phosphates that can, in principle, be developed by humans, according to the US Geological Survey, it is 62 billion tons. This figure includes both those 15 billion tons that are already being developed, as well as those that are considered unprofitable to develop: they are either located in the sea or contain significant impurities of toxic elements, primarily cadmium. In 2008, the total amount of phosphate mined was 161 million tons. According to experts from the US Geological Survey, the need for fertilizers in the next 5 years will increase annually by 2.5-3%. If this rate of phosphate use continues, then all the world's reserves could be used up in 125 years. Experts from the International Fertilizer Industry Association also give similar estimates. They believe that the demand for fertilizers will initially increase and then begin to decrease from the middle of this century. According to their calculations, the existing reserves of phosphates should last for about 100 years.

However, other forecasts are even more alarming. Thus, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization), in order to provide food for the growing population of the Earth, it is necessary that agricultural production double by 2050. If we allow the currently observed annual increase in fertilizer consumption to continue by 3% and take into account only deposits convenient for development, then phosphate reserves will only last for 50 years.

In the article discussed in Nature At the same time, it is emphasized that fertilizer manufacturing companies do not fully disclose the data they have. Individual governments are also making conflicting statements. For example, China, when it joined the World Trade Organization, indicated that its phosphate reserves amounted to 8 billion tons, although previously it cited the figure as only 2 billion tons. Experts from international associations call for the establishment of a system of independent examination of existing reserves, but admit that it is very difficult to establish such an examination. Recently, some companies have begun to invest heavily in the development of sediments that are characterized by relatively low phosphate content and are also located under water. It is not surprising that prices for phosphates immediately jumped sharply. Last year, at some points the price reached 500 US dollars per ton, although the year before the average price was 5 times lower.

Obviously, the issue of at least partial return of used phosphorus to circulation, reducing its runoff into the ocean and reusing it on agricultural land is on the agenda. An important source of phosphates can be, in particular, wastewater from livestock farms, as well as sediments formed in sewer pipes. Related technologies are likely to rapidly develop soon. Phosphorus is an element that is too expensive for us to allow its irreversible use in the future.

20. Which of the statements do not correspond content of the text? Specify numbers answers.

1) Moving into a new empty apartment, the narrator saw an old poplar tree in the window.

2) Looking at the poplar, the hero recalled his childhood and looked for answers to the questions: who are you? What is a sense of life?

3) The poplar still grows next to the narrator’s house.

4) Every spring, leaves bloomed on the poplar. And the narrator calls this process a miracle of renewal.

5) The hero does not regret at all that the old poplar was cut down, because it could have fallen and damaged the house or injured a person.

21. Which of the following statements is wrong? Specify numbers answers.

1) Sentences 1-2 contain a narrative element.

2) Sentence 17 provides a description.

3) Sentences 21-22 contain a narrative.

4) Proposition 12 presents the reasoning.

5) Sentence 2 contains reasoning.

Answer: ___________________________

22. From sentence 15, write down the antonyms.

Answer: ___________________________

23. Among sentences 14-17, find one that is connected to the previous one using a possessive pronoun and word forms. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the gaps (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell , no spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “Remembering the poplar tree that once grew under the window, B. Yampolsky uses such paths like

(A)___________ (“lived by thousands of thousands of leaves” in sentence 6), (B)______________ (“the poplar told them about me” in sentence 9). Such a technique as (IN)_________________ (in sentence 27), conveys the author’s feelings. And such a trope, How (G) _____________________(For example, " beautiful branches" in sentence 1), strengthens imagery of the text."

List of terms

1) series of homogeneous members

4) hyperbole

2) personification

5) parcellation

8) rhetorical question

3) comparative turnover

6) opposition

9) epithet






Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulateand comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulateposition of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 10

Part 1

(1) Phosphorus- indispensableelementnutritionplants, How, however, Andeveryoneothersorganisms, Andmaintaininghighharvestsagriculturalcrops, necessaryForprovisionfoodgrowingpopulationEarth, Maybeonlythanks tomassiveapplicationmineralfertilizers. (2) Phosphorusfertilizersget, developingavailableVsomeplacesdepositsmountainbreeds, richphosphates. (3) Connectedplantsphosphorusgoes overFurtherByfoodchains ( getsanimals, person), stands outWithproductsexchange, hitsVsewagewater, riversis taken outVocean, WhereVendafter allturns outVmarineprecipitation, ButalreadyVVerysmallquantity; (....) availableonEarthstocksphosphates- Thisactuallynon-renewableresources.

1. IN what from given below proposals right transferred HOME information , contained V text ?

1) GrowingpopulationEarthCanprovidefoodonlyVvolumecase, IfVruralfarmwillapplyphosphorusfertilizers.

2) Reservesbreeds, richphosphates, resumeimpossible, That's whyWhatcyclephosphorusVnatureveryinsignificant.

3) Highharvestsagriculturalcropsimpossiblewithoutapplicationsphosphorusfertilizers.

Food problem - how to provide food for the growing population of the Earth?

An old saying goes: “Man eats to live, but does not live to eat.” The amount of food he needs for normal life and activity,

depends on gender, age, weight, height. on the nature and conditions of work, life, and the climatic features of the territory. Scientists believe that the medical norm for caloric intake of food should be no less than 2300-2600 kcal and 70-100 g of protein per day. But currently, according to the UN, 1.2 billion people live in countries where there is a constant shortage of food. This is why the food problem should be considered global.

Of course, it must be borne in mind that the phenomenon of hunger and malnutrition in general is no longer typical for the countries of the North. These countries now produce and consume more than 3/4 of the world's food, although they are home to less than 15% of the world's population. In most developed countries, the average calorie intake exceeds 3000 kcal/day. On the contrary, in these countries there are more and more people who overeat and are overweight. . In the countries of the South, despite a noticeable increase in the average calorie intake in recent decades, this figure barely reaches the medical norm, and in sub-Saharan Africa it is only 2000 kcal/day. That is why, to solve the food problem, humanity must make fuller use of the resources of crop production, livestock farming and fishing. However, it can go in two ways.

The extensive way is to further expand arable, pasture and fishing grounds.

Example. The area of ​​land suitable for agricultural cultivation on our planet is 3.2 - 3.4 billion hectares, of which less than half is still used. The main reserves of such lands are located in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

However, since all the most fertile and conveniently located lands have practically already been developed, this path requires very high costs.

The intensive way consists primarily of increasing the biological productivity of existing land. Biotechnology, the use of new, high-yielding varieties and new methods of soil cultivation, the further development of mechanization, chemicalization, as well as land reclamation, the history of which goes back several thousand years, starting with Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and India, will be of decisive importance for it.

Example. Only during the twentieth century. The area of ​​irrigated land increased from 40 to 270 million hectares. Nowadays these lands occupy approximately 20% of cultivated land, but provide up to 40% of agricultural products. Irrigated agriculture is used in 135 countries, with 3/5 of irrigated land located in Asia.

A new unconventional method of food production is also being developed, which consists of “designing” artificial food products based on protein from natural raw materials. Scientists have calculated that in order to provide the world's population with food, it was necessary in the last quarter of the twentieth century. increase the volume of agricultural production by 2 times, and by the middle of the 21st century by 5 times. Calculations show that if the level of agriculture achieved to date in many developed countries were extended to all countries of the world, it would be possible to fully satisfy the food needs of 10 billion people and even more. . Consequently, the intensive path is the main way to solve the food problem of mankind. Already now it provides 9/10 of the total increase in agricultural production.

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