First title page. Lowercase letter

Lowercase letters are used in European alphabets: Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian and Japanese.

Initially, when writing, they used exclusively capital letters with clearly defined upper and lower boundaries. Later, with the development of writing, ordinary letters begin to be opposed to initials (in European languages ​​this occurs in the 11th-15th centuries). With the development of cursive writing, the shape of the letters became more rounded, which resulted, for example, in such a form of writing as the uncial. In Cyrillic, lowercase letters appear in the 18th century with the introduction of the civilian script.

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An excerpt characterizing a lowercase letter

Boss, closing his eyes and bowing his head, took a deep breath, with this gesture showing how he knew how to appreciate and understand the words of the emperor.

All this day on August 25, as his historians say, Napoleon spent on horseback, inspecting the area, discussing the plans presented to him by his marshals, and personally giving orders to his generals.
The original line of the disposition of the Russian troops along the Koloche was broken, and part of this line, namely the left flank of the Russians, as a result of the capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt on the 24th, was carried back. This part of the line was not fortified, no longer protected by the river, and in front of it alone there was a more open and level place. It was obvious to every military and non-military man that this part of the line was to be attacked by the French. It seemed that this did not require a lot of considerations, that such solicitude and troublesomeness of the emperor and his marshals was not needed, and that special superior ability called genius, which they love to ascribe to Napoleon, was not needed at all; but the historians who subsequently described this event, and the people who then surrounded Napoleon, and he himself thought differently.
Napoleon rode across the field, gazed thoughtfully at the area, shook his head with himself approvingly or incredulously, and without informing the generals around him of the thoughtful move that guided his decisions, he passed them only final conclusions in the form of orders. After listening to the proposal of Davout, called the Duke of Eckmühl, to bypass the left flank of the Russians, Napoleon said that this should not be done, without explaining why it was not necessary. On the proposal of General Compan (who was supposed to attack the flushes), to lead his division in the forest, Napoleon expressed his consent, despite the fact that the so-called Duke of Elchingen, that is, Ney, allowed himself to notice that movement through the forest was dangerous and could upset the division ...

One of the criteria by which different websites can be divided into two main categories is whether or not they have a splash page.

The header page is an html document that does not include any substantial information and navigation elements. The title page file is named index.html, while the start page is named differently and is called by organizing a hyperlink from the title page, which is loaded first when the site is accessed. The main page contains, as a rule, the logo of the company that owns this resource, a counter of visits and a proposal to choose the Cyrillic encoding, or choose between the English and Russian versions of the site. An example of a web resource equipped with such a page is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Rice. 3.2. An example of a site equipped with home page th

When accessing sites that are not equipped with a home page, the start document is displayed first, which includes some kind of content, navigation elements and sometimes announcements of the thematic headings that make up this resource. In fig. 3.3 shows an example of a site without a home page.

Rice. 3.3. An example of a site without a title page

Whether or not to use the home page when creating your own project on the Internet is a matter of taste for every webmaster. It is difficult to give any comprehensive recommendations in this regard, since the final decision depends primarily on your artistic preferences and sometimes on the desire of the customer who pays for your work.

Dynamic and static site layout

Modern video cards support several arbitrarily set video modes, characterized by screen resolution and the number of colors used when displaying information on a computer screen. Using the built-in functions of the operating system, the user can set several standard screen resolutions, such as 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 pixels. Of course, when a web page is opened in the same browser, it may not be displayed in the same way, depending on the screen resolution used by the site visitor.

In order to avoid "sliding" elements of the html document relative to each other and, as a result, deformation of the web page as a whole when changing the screen parameters, a fairly simple and effective technique is used: all components of the web page are enclosed in the corresponding cells of an invisible table, when this each object is assigned one, strictly defined position. Thus, a second criterion appears, according to which all existing websites can be divided into two conditional categories. This table can be assigned a strictly defined width in pixels, for example, 640 pixels, and then rigidly positioned in the center of the screen or "pressed" to its left edge. This type of site layout can be called static because the width of the table does not change depending on the screen resolution. Of course, when you change the screen parameters, not the slightest displacement of the elements of the page design occurs.

Another approach is when the width of an invisible table containing fragments of a web page is set as a percentage of the current screen width. When the screen resolution is increased, the table is "stretched" horizontally, and all elements placed in its cells, positioned either in the center or along the edges of the columns, are displaced according to the established algorithm. Due to the fact that the table parameters change depending on the screen settings, this principle of the layout of an html document can be called dynamic. Both approaches have both advantages and disadvantages, which are listed below.

    Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Now Wikipedia has 397,572 articles in Russian ... Wikipedia

    Completed discussions are here. Please do not make changes. Contents 1 Galician Wiki 2 MMM 3 Wrong time 4 NOTOC ... Wikipedia

    This page is not a forum, only the homepage itself and the templates included in it, interwiki, etc. are discussed here. If the title page does not change after modifying the templates shown on it, click here. Archive: February 2008 ... ... ... Wikipedia

    The title page of the fourth volume of the KNE of the Russian version Kazakhstan. National Encyclopedia (Kaz ... Wikipedia

    The main page of the Leningrad Code of the Tanakh (1008) ... Wikipedia

    The title page from Izbornik 1073. "Izborniks" of 1073 and 1076 were compiled for the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich by a certain clerk Gregory. The original for the first Izbornik was a collection translated at the end of the 9th and beginning of the 10th century. with ... ... Wikipedia

One criterion by which various Web sites can be divided into two main categories is whether or not they have a splash page.

The header page is an html document that does not include any substantial information and navigation elements. The title page file is named index.html, while the start page is called differently and is called by organizing a hyperlink from the home page, which is loaded first when the site is accessed. The main page contains, as a rule, the logo of the company that owns this resource, a counter of visits and a proposal to choose the Cyrillic encoding, or choose between the English and Russian versions of the site. An example of a Web resource with such a page is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. An example of a site equipped with a home page

When accessing sites that are not equipped with a home page, the start document is displayed first, which includes some kind of content, navigation elements and sometimes announcements of the thematic headings that make up this resource. In fig. 3 shows an example of a site without a home page.

Rice. 3. An example of a site without a home page

Whether or not the title page is used when creating your own Internet project is a matter of taste for every webmaster. It is difficult to give any comprehensive recommendations in this regard, since the final decision depends, first of all, on your artistic preferences and sometimes on the desire of the customer who pays for your work.

Dynamic and static site layout

Modern video cards support several arbitrarily set video modes, characterized by screen resolution and the number of colors used when displaying information on a computer screen. Using the built-in functions of the operating system, the user can set several standard screen resolutions, such as 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 pixels. Of course, when a Web page is opened in the same browser, it may not display the same way, depending on the screen resolution used by the site visitor.

In order to avoid "sliding" elements of the html document relative to each other and, as a result, deformation of the Web page as a whole when changing the screen parameters, a fairly simple and effective technique is used: all components of the Web page are enclosed in the corresponding cells of an invisible table, when this each object is assigned one, strictly defined position. Thus, a second criterion appears, according to which all existing Web sites can be divided into two conditional categories. This table can be assigned a strictly defined width in pixels, for example, 640 pixels, and then rigidly positioned in the center of the screen or "pressed" to its left edge. This type of site layout can be called static because the width of the table does not change depending on the screen resolution. Of course, when you change the screen parameters, not the slightest displacement of the elements of the page design occurs.

Another approach is when the width of an invisible table containing fragments of a Web page is set as a percentage of the current screen width. When the screen resolution is increased, the table is "stretched" horizontally, and all elements placed in its cells, positioned either in the center or along the edges of the columns, are displaced according to the established algorithm. Due to the fact that the table parameters change depending on the screen settings, this principle of the layout of an html document can be called dynamic. Both approaches have both advantages and disadvantages, which are listed below.

Material from Clavopedia

Homepage discussion. For information on how to properly format discussions, see this link: - Artch 22:38, 25 September 2011 (MSD)

Maybe make a list of created articles on the main page? It will be more convenient to navigate. And now it is inconvenient to search for an article if you do not know its exact title. Uncle Sam 17:22, 2 October 2011 (MSD)

I believe that after all the modes costs mark with color! --Fragrance 18:09, October 21, 2011 (MSD)

I don't mind either, but I just didn't know how to color the link. --Uncle Sam 21:40, 21 October 2011 (MSD)

How to understand the expression "At the moment"? At what moment? The reader should climb into the story and look at what second the change was posted? In general, is it allowed by the rules to write like that? Maybe I don’t know something - please explain to me if this is so. I propose to write in the following format (I do not know the exact dates): "Since such and such a date, there are 8 main ones in Key Races ..." - This replica was added by Nezemlyanin ()

Of course, expressions like "at the moment" in documents without dates should be avoided and corrected. There are two options here: 1) rule boldly yourself - it's not difficult; 2) Wait while others fix it. --MMMAAANNN 11:58, 11 September 2012 (MSK) I have no rights to correct, but the section still remained written, somehow, not in Russian. I would rewrite it like this: There are 8 main modes (Normal, Abracadabra, Yandex.Abstracts, Error-free, Marathon, Letters, Numbers, Sprint) and the "By dictionary" mode - Nezemlyanin 01:28, September 20, 2012 (MSK) You can now edit , I reconfigured the protection. Your advice has been taken into account. --MMMAAANNN 12:47, 20 September 2012 (MSK)

New capital design

Filled in a new design for the home page. The design was originally borrowed from the Italian section of Wikipedia, but I took the already localized version from the Wikifocus project as a basis. Italian design is considered one of the best, we still have it in a reduced form (you need to draw or borrow icons somewhere).

However, with any normal design, it becomes noticeable that the title page is overloaded with information, and the sections are poorly structured. Work is needed to further design, reduce the number of sections and rewrite the text. It seems to me that it is best to create an article, an overview article of Klavogonka, where you can collect everything in a structured form, and on the title page give a concise introduction of an article with a wikification of terms. What sections do you think we need, what is bad in the current design, how to format the text? - Rusinov 03:31, January 3, 2012 (MSK)

  • Got better. Any specific proposals for further development I do not have. Develop your ideas and rule boldly. --MMMAAANNN 15:36, January 3, 2012 (MSK)
In my opinion, it is now clearer what to what and where. I like the new design. I thought about the review article, but did not figure out what to write there :) But you can still format the text as it is, since I don't see any reason to change anything yet. --Fragrance 23:59, January 3, 2012 (MSD) It seems to me that the review article should collect all the important aspects related directly to Key Races, potentially most of the sections were previously contained on the title page. Each important subsection should potentially have a main article for convenience and completeness of the disclosure of the topic. Now I do not like the empty space in the left section of the home page, I am also not sure that the ratio of the width of the left and right sections of 60% to 40% is justified, there are still some doubts about the background of the right margin - is this color suitable for the keyboard race color scheme? --Rusinov 10:58, January 4, 2012 (MSK)

Developing a new and improved home page


Some templates need to be tweaked, for some reason they do not work quite as expected. --Fragrance 03:33 Sep 1, 2012 (MSK)

  • Specify. Which ones? --MMMAAANNN 21:18 September 3, 2012 (MSK)
    • to crunch, for example come in; there is a curve pattern - sticking out on the left. Similarly with footer "s. Fenex)), but everything is not as simple there as with cards, and my knowledge is not enough. The same problem also affects templates built on the basis of ((Navigation bar)), as far as I understand. We should ask Artyom to fix the problems with the Common.css processing, and not to sculpt these crutches into all the basic templates, I guess. --MMMAAANNN 13:10, 11 September 2012 (MSK)
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