Nuclear weapon of the threat. Nuclear threat

It's time for us to fight for our lives seriously. Why are we going to look at nuclear potentials for many years? We understand that any application of this potential will remove life on the planet. Who threatens who? We understand that any application nuclear weapons will affect all people of the earthbecause his strength is so muricer, and every year everything is murderous than the weapon, the murderers of mankind that it will not bring victory to anyone. So why produce it? After all, there is a huge factor of human psyche. Very many times, this nuclear war could already begin, and the fingers of the leaders of the countries stretched to the nuclear buttons. Caribbean crisis, UFO flights even over the European part of Canada. The Minister of Defense of Canada told how a little these flights did not cause the application of a nuclear response. So why do we look at it calmly?

After all, there are so illiterate citizens of the world who think that nuclear weapons are local weapons. We know that one of the American journalists revealed that 9 out of 10 Americans agree to the use of nuclear weapons against Russia. And the history of the only, thank God, so far, in the world of this weapon is August 6, 1945 Hiroshima and August 9, 1945 Nagasaki. Blastingly that the American Bombarder Enola Gay was named after Mother Mother Crew Commander, Tibbets Paul Colonel. Who gave birth to this mother? Murderer thousands and thousands of people. The total number of dead was up to 166 thousand in Hiroshima and up to 80 thousand people - in Nagasaki. This is immediately, and then hundreds of thousands of databases from radiation sickness, oncology and other consequences.

I think that this date should really be remembered by all people of the world, and we forgot about it. If all people of the world order their managers to destroy nuclear weapons, if we all stand for peace, it will happen. We do not know what we manage the world. We think that they are controlled by the world, those who stood up to the Ruta truth and untrue. And these are we - citizens of the planet must and are obliged to create the fate of the planet, and not wait until it is created by others at their discretion. Therefore, of course, no person in the world needs a nuclear war. And everyone should show their will obviously, strongly, definitely. Can we be afraid to defend our lives? Then why live, if we are afraid to protect your life?

The most valuable thing is that we have - this is life, and we are obliged to protect it. And before act, of course, you need to pray. Before all sorts of good things, we pray the only source of life on earth is the sun. We understand that the world is alive, live space, the planet is alive and the sun is alive, and it hears us, it responds to our appeals. They knew our ancestors, and a single religion on the whole earth to Christianity was Mitraism - the worship of Mitre, Ra - the God of the Sun. And this lunar cult, which is a deadly reflection of the light of the Sun, pushed out the living powerful faith of our ancestors. Let's go back to the sun, because according to all the eastern beliefs, Cali-South erects - the era of space darkness, there comes a space day - the golden age, strive for him, strive for the Sun, to harmony, fortunately, only then you will deserve this golden age. Egoists, panties, never deserve divine mercy, happiness, joy. And therefore, we must become, first of all, really strong, honest, bold. Ask yourself if you really want to live? Want to? Protect your life, contact the Sun, do not hesitate. Attract for this prayer for the world of all: both relatives, and acquaintances, because prayer is energy.

From us hide the existence of mental energy, but it is. Ayurvedists know about it, and Chinese doctors know about it, vital energy They adjust in man, and person recover. So let's send this vital energy to the Sun all together. The more we will, the faster the sun will hear us and help us remove this deadly weapon from the planet. With God blessing!

In 1894, Robert Cecil, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, in his appeal to the British Association for promoting scientific progress, listens to the unresolved problems of science focused on the task: what really represents an atom - it exists on the case or is only the theory suitable only To explain some physical phenomena; What is his pitch.

In the US, they love to say that an atom is a native of America, but it is not.

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, they were mainly engaged in European scientists. The English scientist Thomson proposed a model of an atom, which is a positively charged substance with intelligent electrons. French Bekkeral opened radioactivity in 1896, he showed that all substances containing uranium, radioactive, and radioactivity proportional to the content of uranium.

The French Pierre Curie and Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie opened the radioactive element of radium in 1898. They reported that they were able to highlight a certain element with radioactivity and a close one from uranium waste. chemical properties to Baria. Radium radioactivity is about 1 million times more uranium radioactivity.

The Englishman Rutherford in 1902 developed the theory of radioactive decay, in 1911 he opened the atomic nucleus, and in 1919 observed the artificial transformation of the nuclei.

A. Einstein, who lived before 1933 in Germany, in 1905 developed the equivalence principle of mass and energy. He connected these concepts and showed that a certain amount of energy corresponds to a certain amount of mass.

Dane N. Bor in 1913 developed the theory of the structure of the atom, which was the basis of the physical model of a sustainable atom.

J. Kokfort and E. Walton (England) in 1932. Experimentally confirmed Einstein's theory.

J. Chadwick in the same year opened a new elementary particle - neutron.

DD Ivanhenko in 1932 put forward the hypothesis that the nuclei of atoms consist of protons and neutrons.

E. Fermi used neutrons for the bombardment of the atomic nucleus (1934).

In 1937, Irene Zolio-Curie discovered the process of uranium division. Irene Curie and her student-Yugoslav P. Savich turned out to be incredible: the product of the decay of uranium was Lantan - the 57th element located in the middle of the Mendeleev table.

Maitner, who for 30 years worked at Ghana, together with O. Frisch, who worked at Bora, found that when dividing the core of uranium parts received after division, in the amount of 1/5 of the so-old uranium kernel. This allowed them by Einstein's formula to calculate the energy contained in 1 uranium core. It turned out to be equal to 200 million electron volts. Each gram contains 2.5x10 21 atoms.

At the beginning of the 40s. 20 V. A group of scientists in the United States developed the physical principles of the implementation of a nuclear explosion. The first explosion was made at the test polygon in Alamogordo on July 16, 1945 in August 1945 2 atomic bombs with a capacity of about 20 CT each were reset to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Bomb explosions caused huge victims - Hiroshima over 140 thousand people, Nagasaki - about 75 thousand people, and also caused colossal destruction. The use of nuclear weapons was then not caused by military necessity. The ruling circles of the United States pursued political goals - to demonstrate their power to intimidate the USSR.

Soon the nuclear weapon was created in the USSR by a group of scientists led by Academician Kurchatov. In 1947, the Soviet government stated that for the USSR there is no longer the secret of the atomic bomb. Having lost a monopoly on nuclear weapons, the United States strengthened in 1942 work on the creation of thermonuclear weapons. On November 1, 1952, the Thermonuclear device with a capacity of 3 MT was blown up. In the USSR, the thermonuclear bomb was first tested on 12 Aug. 1953.

To date, the secret of nuclear weapons is in except Russia and the USA also France, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Pakistan, India, Italy.

For more than a 50-year period after the establishment of nuclear weapons in SSA, the basis of all existing American military strategies, such as "massive retaliation" (50s), "flexible response" (60s), "realistic elimination" (70 - And years) defining the goals, forms and methods of using this barbaric means of destroying people, the principle remained unchanged - a frank nuclear blackmailing and the threat to the use of nuclear weapons in any conditions of the situation. In general, if you analyze the essence and focus of the modern policy of the United States and the specific plans for the development of their strategic forces, then their aggressive aspirations are clearly visible. In the context of the established military-strategic parity between the United States and the Russian Federation, Washington is trying to give its nuclear potential such properties that would ensure the opportunity, according to US President, "win in a nuclear war." And although at the present stage, the warming of the international situation is observed: an agreement on the destruction of medium-range missiles in Europe has been signed, plants for the destruction of chemical weapons are built, one-sided reduction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc. We must be prepared for the conduct of hostilities under the use of weapons of mass lesion. This is possible if we know the action to protect against OMP, its combat properties affecting factors.

The first time the nuclear bombs were thrown into the Japanese cities: Nagasaki and Hiroshima, during World War II. All the spring of 1945 on many Japanese were constantly raised by American bombers B-29. These aircraft were practically invulnerable, they flew to an inaccessible height for Japanese aircraft. For example, as a result of one of these raids, 125 thousand inhabitants of Tokyo died, during the other - 100 thousand, on March 6, 1945, Tokyo was finally turned into ruins. The American leadership had concerns that as a result of subsequent raids, they would not have a goal for demonstrating their new weapons. Therefore, in advance selected 4 cities - Hiroshima, Kokuura, Niigata and bumps - were not subjected to bombing. On August 5, at 5 o'clock 23 minutes 15 seconds, the first atomic bombing in history was performed. The hit was almost perfect: the bomb exploded 200 meters from the goal. At this time of day, in all ends of the city, small stoves heated with coal were lit, since many were busy cooking breakfast. All these stoves were overturned by an explosive wave, which led to the emergence of numerous fires in places that are strongly removed from the epicenter. It was assumed that the population would be tightened in asylums, but this did not happen for several reasons: firstly the alarm was not given, and secondly, a group of aircraft who did not drop the bombs were also flown over Hiroshima.

Other disasters followed the original outbreak of the explosion. First of all, it was the effect of heat wave. It lasted only a second, but it was so powerful that even melted even the tile and quartz crystals in granite slabs, turned into corners with telephone poles at a distance of 4 km. From the center of the explosion.

The heat wave replaced the drums. Gusting the verta swept at a speed of 800 km / h. With the exception of the pair of walls everything else. In a circle with a diameter of 4 km. It was turned into a powder. The double exposure to the thermal and shock wave in a few seconds caused the appearance of thousands of fires.

Following the waves in a few minutes, a strange rain went to the city, large, like balls whose drops were painted in black. This strange phenomenon is due to the fact that the fireball turned into a pair of moisture contained in the atmosphere., Which was then concentrated in the cloud rising in the sky. When this cloud containing water vapors and small dust particles, rising up, reached the colder layers of the atmosphere, there was a re-condensation of moisture, which then fell in the form of rain.

People who were exposed to the fiery ball from the "kid" at a distance of up to 800 m. It was so burned so that turned into dust. The surviving people looked still terrible dead: they are completely burned, under the influence of a thermal wave, and the shock wave threw the burnt skin with them. Drops of black rain were radioactive and therefore they left non-leaving burns.

Of the 76,000, 70,000 existed in Hiroshima were completely damaged: 6820 buildings were destroyed and 55,000 completely burned down. Most hospitals were destroyed, 10% remained from all medical personnel. The survivors began to notice strange forms of the disease. They consisted that the man was sick, vomiting, the loss of appetite. Later fever began and attacking drowsiness, weaknesses. A low number of white balls was noted to the blood. All this was the first signs of radiation sickness.

After the successful bombardment of Hiroshima on August 12, a 2nd bombardment was appointed. But since meteorologists promised the worsening weather, it was decided to hold bombardment on August 9. The goal was elected the city of Kokura. About 8 30 in the morning, American aircraft reached this city, but I could have been bombarded from the steel plant. This plant was raid on the eve and so far burned. Airplanes turned towards Nagasaki. In 11 02 bombs "Tolstik" was reset to the city. It exploded at an altitude of 567 meters.

Two atomic bombs, discarded to Japan, destroyed more than 200 thousand people in seconds. Many people were exposed to radiation, which led to the emergence of ray diseases, cataracts, cancer, infertility.

Lost atomic monopoly, the administration of Truman grabbed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating thermonuclear weapons. In the first stages of work on the hydrogen bomb there were serious difficulties: to begin the reaction of the synthesis, a high temperature is necessary. A new model of the atomic bomb was proposed, in which the mechanical blow of the first bomb is used to compress the core of the second bomb, which in turn flames itself from compression. Then, instead of mechanical compression, radiation was used to ignite fuel.

On November 1, 1952, a secret test of the thermonuclear device was carried out in the United States. The power of "Mike" was 5-8 million tons of trinitrotoloole. For example, the power of all explosivesUsed in the 2nd World War was equal to 5 million tons. The nuclear fuel "T-shirt" was a liquid hydrogen, the explosion of which was detonated by an atomic charge.

On August 8, 1953, the first thermonuclear bomb was tested in the USSR. The explosion power exceeded all expectations. The nearest observation station was located at a distance of 25 kilometers from the explosion site. After the experiment, Kurchatov, the creator of the first Soviet atomic and thermonuclear bomb, stated that it was impossible to allow the use of this weapon to be assigned. His work subsequently continued by A.D. Sakharov.

On November 22, 1955, another test of thermonuclear bomb was performed. The explosion was so powerful that accident occurred. At a distance of several tens of kilometers, soldiers died - the trench was poured. In the nearby settlement, people were killed who did not have time to hide in bomb shelters.

In the spring of 1955, Khrushchev announced a unilateral maranty on nuclear tests (In 1961, the tests will be resumed, since American researchers began to overtake Soviet developments).

In the spring of 1963, the first neutron charge version was tested in Nevada. Later, a neutron bomb was created. Her inventor Samuel Cohen. This is the smallest weapon in the family of atomic, it kills not so much an explosion as radiation. Most of the energy is spent on the release of high-energy neutrons. When an explosion of such a bomb capacity in 1 kilotonne (which is 12 times less than the capacity of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima), the destruction will be observed only within a radius of 200 meters, while all living organisms will die at a distance of 1.2 km from the epicenter.

In the early 1990s, the concept of which the country's armed forces should have an emergence of not only nuclear and conventional weapons, but also special means that ensure effective participation in local conflicts without appreciation of unnecessary losses and material values.

Generators EMI (Super AM), as theoretical works and experiments carried out abroad can be effectively used to output electronic and electrical equipment, to erase information in data banks and performing computers.

Theoretical studies and the results of physical experiments show that the nuclear explosion can lead not only to the failure of semiconductor electronic devices, but also to the destruction of metal conductors of the cables of ground structures. In addition, it is possible to defeat the equipment of the USS located in low orbits.

What nuclear explosion It will be necessary to be accompanied by electromagnetic emission, it was clear to theoretical physicists before the first test of the nuclear device in 1945. During the nuclear explosions held at the end of the 50s - early 60s, the presence of EMI was recorded experimentally.

Creating semiconductor devices, and then integrated circuits, especially digital equipment devices based on them, and widespread funds in radio electronic military equipment forced military specialists to yield the threat of AM. Since 1970, issues of protection of weapons and military equipment from Amy began to be considered by the US Department of Defense as having the highest priority.

The mechanism of generation AM is as follows. With a nuclear explosion, gamma and X-ray radiation occur and the neutron flow is formed. Gamma radiation, interacting with the molecules of atmospheric gases, knocks out the so-called compaton electrons from them. If the explosion is carried out at an altitude of 20-40 km., These electrons are captured by the magnetic field of the Earth and, rotating relative to the power lines of this field, create currents generating AMI. In this case, the field of EMI is coherently summed towards ground surface. The magnetic field of the Earth acts a role like a phased antenna lattice. As a result, the field strength increases sharply, and therefore the amplitude of Amy in the areas of south and the north of the explosion epicenter. The duration of this process from the moment of explosion from 1 to 3 to 100 ns.

At the next step, lasting from about 1 μs, up to 1 s, the AM is created by compaton electrons, beaten from molecules with repeatedly reflected gamma radiation and due to the inelastic collision of these electrons with a stream of neutron emitted during the neutron explosion. The intensity of EMI is approximately three orders of magnitude lower than in the first stage.

At the final stage, occupying the period of time after the explosion from 1 ° C to a few minutes, the EMI is generated by the magnetohydrodynamic effect, generated by the perturbations of the magnetic field of the Earth by a conductive flame ball of the explosion. The intensity of Amy at this stage is quite small and is several dozen volts per kilometer.

Accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant According to their long-term consequences, the largest catastrophe of our time was.

There were other accidents associated with nuclear power.

In the United States, the largest accident, which is called today the warning about Chernobyl, has happened in 1979 in Pennsylvania at NPPs in Trimail Island. Before it and after - another 11 smaller accidents on nuclear reactors.

In the Soviet Union, in some extent, three accidents can be considered before Chernobyl, since 1949, in the production association "Mayak" on the Tcha River.

After it, more than ten accidents at the country's nuclear power plants.

The scale of the global Chernobyl catastrophe is striking imagination. In the Soviet report at a meeting of the IAEA in the 1986 meeting, it was noted that 50 million Curie radioactive radionuclides were received in the external environment.

The release only on one of its radioactive component - cesium-137 is 300 Hiroshimams.

One way or another, the Chernobyl zone includes in a broad sense of the word the whole globe, in particular the entire population of the Soviet Union.

Four areas of Russia, five regions of Ukraine and five areas of Belarus underwent the most intensive radioactive pollution in the Soviet Union.

Scientists believe that with several large-scale nuclear explosions, resulting in the combustion of forests, cities, huge layers of smoke, Gary would have risen to the stratosphere, thereby blocked the path of solar radiation. This phenomenon is called "Nuclear Winter". Winter will last for several years, maybe even a couple of months, but during this time the ozone layer of the earth will be almost completely destroyed. The streams of ultraviolet rays are hung on the ground. The simulation of this situation shows that as a result of an explosion with a power of 100 kt, the temperature drops on average at the surface of the earth by 10-20 degrees. After the nuclear winter, the further natural continuation of life on Earth will be quite problematic:

    there will be a shortage of nutrition and energy. Due to the strong climate change, agriculture will fall into decline, nature will be destroyed or changed.

    there will be a radioactive pollution of the area, which will again lead to the extermination of wildlife

    global changes ambient (pollution, extinction of many species, wildlife destruction).

Nuclear weapons are a huge threat to all mankind. So, according to the calculations of American experts, the explosion of thermonuclear charge with a capacity of 20 MT can compose from the ground all residential buildings within 24 km radius and destroy all the living at a distance of 140 km from the epicenter.

Given the accumulated reserves of nuclear weapons and its destructive strength, experts believe that world War With the use of nuclear weapons, the death of hundreds of millions of people would mean, transformation into ruins of all the achievements of world civilization and culture.

Fortunately, the end of the cold war slightly discharged the international political environment. A number of contracts for the termination of nuclear testing and nuclear disarmament were signed.

Also an important problem today is the safe operation of nuclear power plants. After all, the most ordinary non-fulfillment of safety equipment can lead to the same consequences as the nuclear war. Today, people should think about their future, about that in which world they will live in the coming decades.

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Presentation on the topic: Nuclear weapon - the threat of life on earth

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Nuclear weapons - an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or division of atomic nuclei - nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy that is highlighted in the synthesis of light nuclei is called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear ammunition and means of their delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons refers to weapons of mass lesion (OMP) along with biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear weapons - an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or division of atomic nuclei is a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy that is highlighted in the synthesis of light nuclei is called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear ammunition and means of their delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons refers to weapons of mass lesion (OMP) along with biological and chemical weapons.

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The nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), at the surface of the Earth (ground) or water (surface), under the ground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and cosmic ). The nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), at the surface of the Earth (ground) or water (surface), under the ground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and cosmic ).

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On July 24, 1946, a 21-kiloton ammunition "Baker" (USA) were tested. On July 24, 1946, a 21-kiloton ammunition "Baker" (USA) were tested. Underwater nuclear explosion on the Bikini Atoll.

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August 30, 1961 in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear landfill on the new land (73 ° 51 'p. Sh. 54 ° 30', century), the height of 4500 m was blown up the thermonuclear bomb (tsar-bomb). The explosion power was 58 megaton in TNT equivalent. August 30, 1961 in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear landfill on the new land (73 ° 51 'p. Sh. 54 ° 30', century), the height of 4500 m was blown up the thermonuclear bomb (tsar-bomb). The explosion power was 58 megaton in TNT equivalent.

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On July 7, 1977, the first test of "humane weapons" was held in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapons, with the help of neutron irradiation destroys organic life, without damaging buildings, structures and techniques. On July 7, 1977, the first test of "humane weapons" was held in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapons, with the help of neutron irradiation destroys organic life, without damaging buildings, structures and techniques.

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Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulaw". Successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 h. Moscow time by the Russian submarine rocket cruiser from the underwater position. Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulaw". Successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 h. Moscow time by the Russian submarine rocket cruiser from the underwater position.

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Hence, modern War turns into global problem In total mankind. Consequently, the modern war turns into the global problem of all mankind. The catastrophe does not pass agriculture and the main ecosystems and will entail the global ecological catastrophe.

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According to the report of the US National Academy, up to 10,000 Mt nuclear charges can be blown up in the world nuclear war. The first detrimental effects of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires in the stratosphere (as high up to 80 km), up to 5 million tons of soot will fall. According to the report of the US National Academy, up to 10,000 Mt nuclear charges can be blown up in the world nuclear war. The first detrimental effects of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires in the stratosphere (as high up to 80 km), up to 5 million tons of soot will fall.

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Absorbing sunlight, soot will heat up and heat the surrounding gases, which will significantly speed up chemical reactionsleading to the decay of the stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in medium latitudes - by 25-45%, as a whole, by 70% over the northern hemisphere and by 40% over the southern one. Absorbing sunlight, soot will heat up and heat the surrounding gases, which will significantly speed up the chemical reactions leading to the decay of the stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in medium latitudes - by 25-45%, as a whole, by 70% over the northern hemisphere and by 40% over the southern one.

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The ozone layer supports life on Earth, shielding (delaying) about 2/3 ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms appeared and in general life on Earth. The ozone layer supports life on Earth, shielding (delaying) about 2/3 ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms appeared and in general life on Earth.

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Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will result in destructive consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of water ecosystems): People will get extensive burns and skin cancer; Some plants and small organisms will die instantly; Many people and animals will blind and lose their ability to navigate. Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will result in destructive consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of water ecosystems): People will get extensive burns and skin cancer; Some plants and small organisms will die instantly; Many people and animals will blind and lose their ability to navigate.

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With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of air over all continents. Especially serious consequences will be in the summer, when the temperature drops below the water freezing point in the northern hemisphere. In other words, everything is alive that will not burn in fires, will freeze. With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of air over all continents. Especially serious consequences will be in the summer, when the temperature drops below the water freezing point in the northern hemisphere. In other words, everything is alive that will not burn in fires, will freeze.

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The Scientific Committee for the Study of Environmental Problems (Skop) has issued a two-volume edition dedicated to the assessments of climatic and environmental consequences nuclear war. "Nuclear Winter", "says it," means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions, not involved directly into a nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on earth, a catastrophe, unprecedented in human history, and will appear Threat to the very existence of humanity. " The Scientific Committee for Studing Environmental Protection (Skop) issued a two-volume edition dedicated to the assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of the nuclear war. "Nuclear Winter", "says it," means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions, not involved directly into a nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on earth, a catastrophe, unprecedented in human history, and will appear Threat to the very existence of humanity. "

Electromagnetic impulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and electromagnetic field of the Earth. Destruction electromagnetic field Earth will cause the strongest natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoon, floods and so on. Water and air will be mixed in one mass. Will be considered good weather when there is no hurricane wind. Electromagnetic impulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and electromagnetic field of the Earth. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause the strongest natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoon, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed in one mass. Will be considered good weather when there is no hurricane wind.

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People who survived with nuclear explosions in the first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be spread natural disasters And it will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in the soil. Penetrating radiation acts only 10-15 s after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause severe disease from unprotected people and animals called radiation disease. The effect of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of alive fabrics. People who survived with nuclear explosions in the first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be dealt with natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in the soil. Penetrating radiation acts only 10-15 s after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause severe disease from unprotected people and animals called radiation disease. The effect of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of alive fabrics.

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Wars imposed their imprint on the development of society in all previous era of the development of human civilization. Only in the XX century in the two world and local wars, more than 100 million people died. And in the second half of this century, nuclear weapons appeared, and there was a real threat to the destruction of entire countries and even continents, that is, almost all modern civilization And in general, life on earth.

Nuclear weapons - an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or division of atomic nuclei is a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy that is highlighted in the synthesis of light nuclei is called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear ammunition and means of their delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons refers to weapons of mass lesion (OMP) along with biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear weapons - an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or division of atomic nuclei is a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy that is highlighted in the synthesis of light nuclei is called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear ammunition and means of their delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons refers to weapons of mass lesion (OMP) along with biological and chemical weapons.

The nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), at the surface of the Earth (ground) or water (surface), under the ground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and cosmic ). The nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), at the surface of the Earth (ground) or water (surface), under the ground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and cosmic ).

On July 24, 1946, a 21-kiloton ammunition "Baker" (USA) were tested. On July 24, 1946, a 21-kiloton ammunition "Baker" (USA) were tested. Underwater nuclear explosion on the Bikini Atoll. Underwater nuclear explosion on the Bikini Atoll.

On August 30, 1961 in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear landfill on the new land (73 ° 51 s. Sh. 54 ° 30 V.), The height of 4500 m was blown up the thermonuclear bomb (tsar-bomb). The explosion power was 58 megaton in TNT equivalent. On August 30, 1961 in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear landfill on the new land (73 ° 51 s. Sh. 54 ° 30 V.), The height of 4500 m was blown up the thermonuclear bomb (tsar-bomb). The explosion power was 58 megaton in TNT equivalent.

On July 7, 1977, the first test of "humane weapons" was held in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapons, with the help of neutron irradiation destroys organic life, without damaging buildings, structures and techniques. On July 7, 1977, the first test of "humane weapons" was held in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-power nuclear weapons, with the help of neutron irradiation destroys organic life, without damaging buildings, structures and techniques.

Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulaw". Successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 h. Moscow time by the Russian submarine rocket cruiser from the underwater situation. Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 "Bulaw". Successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 h. Moscow time by the Russian submarine rocket cruiser from the underwater situation.

Consequently, the modern war turns into the global problem of all mankind. Consequently, the modern war turns into the global problem of all mankind. The catastrophe does not pass agriculture and the main ecosystems and will entail a global ecological catastrophe. The catastrophe does not pass agriculture and the main ecosystems and will entail a global ecological catastrophe.

According to the US National Academy of Sciences, in the global nuclear war, it can be blown up to MT nuclear charges. The first detrimental effects of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires in the stratosphere (as high up to 80 km), up to 5 million tons of soot will fall. According to the US National Academy of Sciences, in the global nuclear war, it can be blown up to MT nuclear charges. The first detrimental effects of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires in the stratosphere (as high up to 80 km), up to 5 million tons of soot will fall.

Absorbing sunlight, soot will heat up and heat the surrounding gases, which will significantly speed up the chemical reactions leading to the decay of the stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in medium latitudes - by 25-45%, as a whole, by 70% over the northern hemisphere and by 40% over the southern one. Absorbing sunlight, soot will heat up and heat the surrounding gases, which will significantly speed up the chemical reactions leading to the decay of the stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in medium latitudes - by 25-45%, as a whole, by 70% over the northern hemisphere and by 40% over the southern one.

The ozone layer supports life on Earth, shielding (delaying) about 2/3 ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms appeared and in general life on Earth. The ozone layer supports life on Earth, shielding (delaying) about 2/3 ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms appeared and in general life on Earth.

Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will result in destructive consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of water ecosystems): People will get extensive burns and skin cancer; Some plants and small organisms will die instantly; Many people and animals will blind and lose their ability to navigate. Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will result in destructive consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of water ecosystems): People will get extensive burns and skin cancer; Some plants and small organisms will die instantly; Many people and animals will blind and lose their ability to navigate.

With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of air over all continents. Especially serious consequences will be in the summer, when the temperature drops below the water freezing point in the northern hemisphere. In other words, everything is alive that will not burn in fires, will freeze. With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of air over all continents. Especially serious consequences will be in the summer, when the temperature drops below the water freezing point in the northern hemisphere. In other words, everything is alive that will not burn in fires, will freeze.

The Scientific Committee for Studing Environmental Protection (Skop) issued a two-volume edition dedicated to the assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of the nuclear war. "Nuclear Winter", "says it," means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions, not involved directly into a nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on earth, a catastrophe, unprecedented in human history, and will appear Threat to the very existence of humanity. " The Scientific Committee for Studing Environmental Protection (Skop) issued a two-volume edition dedicated to the assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of the nuclear war. "Nuclear Winter", "says it," means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions, not involved directly into a nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on earth, a catastrophe, unprecedented in human history, and will appear Threat to the very existence of humanity. "

In the central regions of the continents of the northern hemisphere, the temperature will decrease to - 31 ° C. The temperature of the waters of the world's ocean will remain above 0 ° C. Due to the high temperature difference, cruel storms will occur, to form tsunami. In the central regions of the continents of the northern hemisphere, the temperature will decrease to - 31 ° C. The temperature of the waters of the world's ocean will remain above 0 ° C. Due to the high temperature difference, cruel storms will occur, to form tsunami.

Electromagnetic impulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and electromagnetic field of the Earth. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause the strongest natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoon, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed in one mass. Will be considered good weather when there is no hurricane wind. Electromagnetic impulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic communication systems, electrical networks and electromagnetic field of the Earth. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause the strongest natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoon, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed in one mass. Will be considered good weather when there is no hurricane wind.

People who survived with nuclear explosions in the first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be dealt with natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in the soil. Penetrating radiation acts only after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause severe disease from unprotected people and animals called radiation disease. The effect of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of alive fabrics. People who survived with nuclear explosions in the first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be dealt with natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in the soil. Penetrating radiation acts only after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause severe disease from unprotected people and animals called radiation disease. The effect of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of alive fabrics.

This leads to a violation of the normal metabolism in the human body or an animal, a change in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. Irradiation for a person is unnoticed. Signs of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the received dose of irradiation. This leads to a violation of the normal metabolism in the human body or an animal, a change in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. Irradiation for a person is unnoticed. Signs of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the received dose of irradiation.

IN modern world The headlines of many news editions are filled with the words " Nuclear threat". Many scares this, and even more people do not represent what to do if it becomes a reality. With all this we will figure it out further.

From the history of study of atomic energy

The study of atoms and energy allocated by them began in late XIX. century. A huge contribution to this was made by European scientists and his wife Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, Rutherford, Nils Bor, Albert Einstein. All of them B. varying degrees discovered and proved that an atom consists of smaller particles that have a certain energy.

In 1937, Irene Curie, with his student, opened and described the process of dividing the uranium atom. And already in early 1940s in the United States of America, a group of scientists has developed the principles of nuclear explosion. Polygon Alamogordo for the first time felt all the power of their development. It happened on June 16, 1945.

And after 2 months, the first atomic bombs with a capacity of about 20 kilotons were reset to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Residents of these settlements did not even imagine the threat of a nuclear explosion. As a result, the victims amounted to about 140 and 75 thousand people, respectively.

It is worth noting that the military necessity in such actions from the United States was not. The country's government thus simply decided to demonstrate its power to the whole world. Fortunately, at the moment it is the only case of using such a powerful weapon of mass lesion.

Until 1947, this country was the only one who possessed knowledge and technologies for the production atomic bombs. But in 1947, the USSR caught up with them, thanks to the successful development of a group of scientists under the leadership of Academician Kurchatov. After that, the armament race began. The United States hurried to create thermonuclear bombs as soon as possible, the first of which had a power of 3 megatons and was blown up at the test landfill in November 1952. The USSR caught up with them here, after a little more than six months, having experienced such a weapon.

Today, the threat of global nuclear war constantly hovers in the air. And although dozens of world agreements on non-use of such weapons and the destruction of already existing bombs have been adopted, there are a number of countries that refuse to accept the conditions described in them and continue developing and testing all new warheads. Unfortunately, they do not quite understand that the massive use of such weapons can destroy all their lives on the planet.

What is a nuclear explosion?

North Korea

The sharper of the entire threat to the nuclear war in the modern world is due to the tests that are held in the DPRK. Her leader declares that scientists have already managed to create warheads that can fit on intercontinental missiles that are easily achieved by the United States. The truth is or not, it is difficult to say, since the country is in political and economic isolation.

From North Korea, demands all the development and testing of the new weapons. Also asked to allow the IAEA Commission to study the situation using radioactive substances. To stimulate the DPRK to actions, sanctions are imposed. And Pyongyang and the truth reacts to them: spends all new tests that were repeatedly separated from orbital satellites. More than once in the news, I slipped the idea that at a certain point, Korea could start a war, but by agreements it was able to restrain.

What will end this confrontation, it is difficult to say, especially after the post of President of the United States occupied Donald Trump. What is American that the Korean leader is distinguished by unpredictability. Therefore, any, seemingly threatening country action can lead to the fact that the third war will begin (and this time) World War.

Peaceful atom?

But not only in the military power of states is a modern nuclear threat. Atomic energy is used in power plants. And no matter how sad it sounds, there are also accidents on them. The most famous is Chernobyl disasterwhich happened on April 26, 1986. The amount of radiation that during it was thrown into the air can be compared with 300 bombs in Hiroshima only by the number of cesium-137. The radioactive cloud covered a significant part of the planet, and around the Chernobia itself is still so contaminated territory that they can award a serious radiation disease for them in a couple of minutes.

The cause of the accident was the tests that ended in deplorable: workers did not have time to cool the reactor in time, and the roof was melted in it, causing a fire at the station. A beam of ionizing radiation hit the open sky, and the contents of the reactor turned into dust, which became the radioactive cloud.

The second in fame is an accident at the Japanese station "Fukushima-1". It caused a strong earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. As a result, they were faced with an external and emergency power supply system, which did not give the opportunity to cool reactors on time. Because of this, they melted. But the rescuers were ready for such developments and the most promptly accepted all measures to prevent disaster.

Then serious consequences were avoided only thanks to the well-coordinated work of liquidators. But there were several dozen minor accidents in the world. They all carried the threat of radioactive contamination and radiation disease.

Therefore, it can be said that a person has yet been completely able to tighten the energy of the atom. And even if destroying all radioactive warheads, the problems of the nuclear threat will not completely disappear. This is just that power that, except benefit, is able to cause serious destruction and destroy life on Earth. Therefore, it is necessary as soon as possible refers to atomic energy and do not play with fire, as they do strong Mira of this

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