Engineering Education in School Articles. The problem of engineering education is in school

Main problems: - Low level of students' interest in mastering the exact and natural sciences, fear of these areas of knowledge, at the stage of obtaining general education; - Lack of a clear understanding of the prospects for work in these areas. Objectives: 1. To provide an opportunity for development to interested children. 2. Increase interest in the development of exact and natural sciences.

Development: research skills, design ability, abstract and logical thinking. Focus on results (getting a product). Can you become an engineer when trained in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard? Technology lessons ... What should a school do for an engineering education? Only by changing the forms of classes. Other lessons, metasubject approach, hands-on exercises, project work, small groups. What is an engineer?

Networking Project partners Gymnasium 1 "Univers" and district schools; Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University; Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport; Siberian Federal University; Siberian State Aerospace University; Institute of Physics, Computational Modeling SB RAS; Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; RUSAL company; AstroSoft company; Russian branch of National Instruments; Krasnoyarsk Radio Plant; Association CMIT. Joint development of original programs; Sharing equipment; Co-financing; A united team of educators and representatives of the profession; School University Enterprises Parents

Questions - Who is an engineer and what should a school do for an engineering education? - Is the extracurricular activity enough or is it necessary to change the lessons? - What is the peculiarity of engineering education? (How does it differ from the physical-mathematical class?) - How should the network interaction be arranged? -What needs to be done to make schools want to interact? - At what age does engineering training begin?

A little about the background of the issue

Why do our compatriots prefer to drive foreign cars? Why won't you find users of domestic smartphones in your environment? Why Russian wristwatches, which were successfully exported abroad 40 years ago, are far behind the products of the Swiss watch industry today? ...

The answer to all such “why” is simple: over the past decades, the country has significantly lost its engineering and design personnel, without creating fundamental conditions for their replacement. The result is a lag behind competing countries in a variety of industries that require highly skilled designers and engineers. And they are required in all areas where it comes to the development and industrial production of anything - from pieces of furniture to military and space technology.

Nowadays, awareness of the situation has come, and systemic measures have been taken to correct it. It is clear that in this case everything should start with education, because you cannot get a first-class engineer “out of thin air”. The chain of education of the relevant personnel needs to be extended from school through engineering universities to high-tech innovative enterprises.

So in September 2015, under the auspices of the Moscow Department of Education, the project “Engineering class in a Moscow school” was launched, with the main goal of training competent specialists necessary for the city's economy and in demand in the modern labor market (similar projects were launched in the regions). Gymnasium №1519 became one of the project participants.

One year after the start

The 2015/2016 academic year has become very dynamic in terms of promoting the "Engineering class in a Moscow school" project. About a hundred schools in the capital joined the project, opened a total of more than two hundred engineering classes, enrolling about 4.5 thousand students. By the end of the year, more than 130 new schools had declared their willingness to participate in the project. 16 federal technical universities are involved in the implementation of the project, which are support sites for vocational guidance work with students in engineering classes. A pool of project partner enterprises from various industries is being formed. Acquaintance with the work of real high-tech enterprises should serve as an effective "immersion" of students in the engineering field.

In June 2016, in Moscow, at the site of the M.V. N.E. Bauman International Congress “SEE-2016. Science and Engineering Education ”. The Congress was attended by representatives of Russian and foreign universities and scientific and industrial enterprises, potential employers, domestic schools. The congress was focused on improving the efficiency of engineering education in modern conditions, and the exchange of experience with foreign colleagues made it possible to identify the not yet realized opportunities and weaknesses in the revival of the domestic engineering potential.

"We want ready-made"

As the communication at the Congress showed, some Russian enterprises and universities still proceed from the idea that to educate a professional engineer, it is enough to adapt university programs to the needs of enterprises that need engineering personnel. The result of this approach is the “underreaching” of university graduates to the required level. Domestic experts believe that the horizon for the education of an engineer is approximately seven years, from which it follows that the beginning of this education should be laid already at school... The opening of engineering classes and the active position of universities - project participants in building effective interaction with specialized schools and introducing certain forms of engineering training starting from the senior grades - meet this need.

Gymnasium No. 1519 has two engineering classes (10th and 11th) and the so-called “pre-engineering” 9th, whose students are also involved in relevant career guidance activities and receive advanced training in specialized subjects (physics, mathematics, computer science). By the time they graduate, students in this class overwhelmingly choose a specialized technical direction in high school. Enrollment in the 10th and 11th engineering classes takes place on the basis of an analysis of the integrated educational results of students in specialized subjects, the results of design and research work and scientific and technical creativity.

Gymnasium No. 1519 has signed agreements on cooperation with MIEM NRU HSE and Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman. Partnerships with these universities provide students with a wide range of diverse engineering and educational opportunities, including career guidance lectures, special courses, laboratory work, master classes, summer engineering practice at university departments, research and educational centers and laboratories.

And it should be even earlier

It can be stated that the understanding of the need to start educating future engineers already from school covers more and more supporters and becomes practically irreversible. At the same time, comparison with foreign experience shows that abroad, the involvement of schoolchildren in engineering activities occurs much earlier than in our country - already from the elementary grades.

Russian schools have already begun to adopt this experience. So we become witnesses the trend towards lowering the age barrier of entry into the field of engineering... And there are good prerequisites for this at the moment: students and their parents, seeing a high and informal activity to revive the prestige of the engineering profession, become highly motivated and demonstrate a clear response to this signal. Probably, in a year, the coverage of students with specialized engineering classes will multiply, and the beginning of pre-profile training will shift towards grades 5-8.

Realizing this trend, Gymnasium No. 1519 also plans to introduce elements of pre-profile engineering training in grades 5-8 in the 2016/17 academic year. One of these elements will be a course in three-dimensional computer graphics, aimed at the formation of spatial thinking of schoolchildren. Another element is the circle of intelligent robotics, which contributes to the development of basic skills in using computers and controlled robotic devices, programming skills and solving algorithmic problems.

What can you really do?

An important message shared by the engineering and educational community: until a person begins to do something with his own hands, his engineering knowledge is illusory... That is why practically all participants in the movement to revive the country's engineering potential emphasize the exceptional importance of the design and research activities of schoolchildren and students. Understanding the importance of this factor and relying on the provisions of the second generation FSES, it is necessary to give design and research activities the status of a mandatory component of training schoolchildren... This approach is likely to become a trend in the coming years as well.

It seems, however, that not all methods of organizing the design and research activities of students are equal and effective. In my opinion, there are three levels of organization of such activities:


We are talking about projects invented at home or at school... The leaders of such projects are the child's parents or the teacher. On the one hand, this makes it possible to single out active children, increase their motivation, and gain minimal research experience. On the other hand, the disadvantages of this method are very significant: behind such works, as a rule, there are no such important organizational resources as the production base and the scientific potential of the leader. Accordingly, such projects, for the most part, have almost no applied value and prospects for serious further development.

"Basic" (currently)

This level involves the implementation of projects at university sites under the guidance of university specialists and researchers... In these conditions, the student performing the project is at the service of a variety of equipment, and the scientific experience of the leader, which makes it possible to set a truly urgent and promising task, and the possibility of further promoting the completed development, if it deserves it. This level meets modern ideas about the design and research activities of students in engineering classes and is provided for by most cooperation agreements between the universities participating in the project and specialized schools. Basically, it is for this form of design and research activity that there is currently a request from participants (schools, universities, enterprises) involved in the revival of the engineering profession.

"Higher" (guess)

A breakthrough step forward in the development of design and research activities would be the formation of groups of students and schoolchildren involved in the implementation of specific projects at specific enterprises representing knowledge-intensive and innovative industries. Such an approach would give the maximum degree of immersion of future engineers in the profession, would ensure the undoubted practical value of their work, as well as the prospect of introducing the completed developments into practice. The motivation of students in such a model would reach the highest level.

In the context of design and research activities, the No. 1 task of our gymnasium is to maximize the coverage of students with this activity at a level not lower than the "basic" level and giving it the status of an obligatory component of the training of schoolchildren. In addition, we intend to make efforts to introduce a “top” level model in the gymnasium.

Can you “sell”?

At the SEE-2016 Congress, an interesting discussion unfolded on the topic: should an engineer be an entrepreneur at the same time to be able to commercialize your ideas and developments, find investors for them, "punch" their way into life? The participants agreed that such a dual role - "engineer-entrepreneur" - is, rather, ideal model, and it cannot be raised to the rank of standard... Although, if an engineer, not to the detriment of his professionalism, in one way or another master the skills of an entrepreneur, then this can only be welcomed.

A reasonable solution is created in various universities faculties and departments that train specialists in the promotion of engineering developments. And although the emphasis in the Engineering Classes project is not on the commercialization of engineering developments, but on mastering the engineering profession itself, certain career guidance work related to the engineering business would not be superfluous. In any case, it is useful for a student aiming at the profession of an engineer to imagine in advance that a prototype of something created by an engineer, even if it is very promising and in demand, is not the end of the process, but only the start of a whole complex of special business events leading to a life.

In this regard, the following idea arises: by promoting engineering classes in a broad sense, you can find a useful place in this process for a part of students in classes of a socio-economic profile. In any case, the experience of our gymnasium shows that students in these classes are interested in the direction of "Engineering business and management". It seems that the involvement of classes in the socio-economic profile in interaction with the relevant faculties and departments of universities not only does not "overload" the project "Engineering classes", but also reasonably complements it due to what has been said above about the separation of the roles of the engineer and the entrepreneur promoting engineering developments. in life.

IT - nowhere without them!

According to the apt remark of one of the SEE-2016 speakers, modern aircraft, missiles and many other pieces of equipment are, in many ways, IT products... In the sense that a significant part of them are the software and hardware systems that control them. What can we say about "pure" IT-services, completely consisting of the actual programs and representing a huge field of activity. And then another problem emerges - the lack of not only engineers in the classical sense of the word, but also an acute shortage of highly qualified programmers... Another confirmation of this was given at the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Territory of Meanings” taking place in June-August, namely, at the third session “Young Scientists and Teachers in IT”, which opened on July 13, 2016.

Thus, this problem also deserves to be dealt with starting from school. Turning again to the topic of design and research activities, it is appropriate to “enrich” its content with IT projects and create conditions for schoolchildren to gain programming practice, to participate in real projects of automation of processes at enterprises as part of design teams.

At a meeting on June 30, 2016 on plans for the development of the project "Engineering class in a Moscow school" for 2016/17, the Moscow Department of Education informed that a pool of partner enterprises from the IT industry is already being formed, which will be involved in career guidance work with schoolchildren. We will probably see another trend - an increase in the proportion of students in engineering classes focused on working in the IT field and choosing the appropriate universities and departments for admission.


Understanding, accounting and responding to existing and emerging trends in any segment of education, in particular, within the framework of the project "Engineering class at the Moscow School", is a prerequisite for effective training of students.

The project "Engineering class in a Moscow school" creates conditions for expanding network interaction between educational organizations, organizations of higher professional education and research and production enterprises. The pooling of the resources of the project participants opens up new real paths to the profession of an engineer for schoolchildren.

Koposov Denis Gennadievich,

MBOU OG No. 24 of the city of Arkhangelsk, teacher of informatics,
[email protected],


The article presents the experience of organizing and conducting engineering-oriented elective and elective courses in computer science at school. The issues of increasing educational motivation, vocational guidance of students are discussed.


Computer science teaching, elective courses, robotics at school, microelectronics at school, educational laboratories, informatization.

This article describes the experience of organizing and conducting an engineering-oriented elective and optional courses on Informatics in school. Discusses improving learning motivation, mental development and vocational orientation of pupils.
Key words:

Education, K-12, STEM, robotics, microelectronics, school laboratories, informatization.
Today, there is an engineering crisis in the Russian Federation - a shortage of engineering personnel and a lack of a young generation of engineers, which can become a factor that will slow down the country's economic growth. This is noted by the rectors of the largest technical universities, this issue is regularly raised at the government level. “Today in the country there is a clear shortage of engineers and technicians, workers and, first of all, workers, corresponding to the current level of development of our society. If recently we said that we are in the period of Russia's survival, now we are entering the international arena and must provide competitive products, introduce advanced innovative technologies, nanotechnologies, and this requires appropriate personnel. Unfortunately, we do not have them today ”(V.V. Putin).

What is usually suggested to change the current situation? In addition to raising the status of the profession and increasing salaries for engineers, all the "variety" of proposals comes down to two directions: to strengthen the selection of applicants and to organize, either at school or at a university, pre-university additional training of graduates:

  1. “We need other, constructive approaches to ensure the flow of well-trained applicants focused on entering technical universities. One of these approaches is the widespread development of school Olympiads ... Another way to form the contingent of applicants is targeted admission ... We must pay the most serious attention to the polytechnic education of schoolchildren, restore the necessary volumes of technological training for students in secondary schools, which was relatively recently, develop circles and at home children's technical creativity "(Fedorov IB);

  2. “Part of the 10th and 11th grades should be made a“ pre-university course ”. There, in addition to school teachers, university teachers should work. If we thus transfer part of the fundamental disciplines to school, four years of the program at the university will be enough to prepare not an "unfinished" engineer, but a bachelor's degree capable of taking an engineering position " (Pokholkov Y.P.).
Unfortunately, we must state the fact that each university is trying to build a system for selecting students, and the larger the university, the larger this system. For a particular educational institution, this, of course, is positive - they attract the best, most talented applicants, whose successes can be beautifully reported, but for the country as a whole, this is an unacceptable approach. The country now needs not only 2–3% of very talented young specialists who will graduate from leading universities, but many more. The existing system is not suitable for this. The number of gifted people does not depend either on the number of good universities or on the number of Olympiads held. At this stage, the task of the entire educational system is to educate, form a good engineer, a competitive employee, a free and creative personality from an ordinary student (not a winner of olympiads and competitions). This task is much more difficult, and requires the full potential of computer science teachers, who in high school are one of the main driving forces of educational innovation. For this reason, large IT companies have turned their attention to school education, support interesting and dynamic projects related to the informatization of education in general, and with specific schools in particular.

The second approach involves transferring part of the teaching material to the secondary school - at first glance, a wonderful proposal from the “top”, but provoking the indignation of teachers. Now there is a gap between secondary and higher education, and neither one nor the other side is in no hurry to meet each other: teacher training courses can only take place in advanced training institutes (other schemes simply do not work). It is necessary to clearly understand what percentage of students in a regular school are ready to listen to lectures by university teachers, and understand how school teachers will look like against the background of university professors and associate professors (and vice versa). This scheme is more or less realizable only in urban lyceums, the capabilities of which, again, will not be enough to meet the needs of both universities and the country in trained applicants. A vicious circle that forms both panic and reluctance to change anything, or simply “appoint” someone to blame (“they teach poorly at school” is the most popular belief of higher school workers). “The education system itself began to degrade everywhere. In this regard, the oldest and most powerful educational institution - the family - with its ability to holistic education and the transfer of "informal knowledge" acquires exceptional importance. Accordingly, engineering training at a university, in a small company, in the form of additional education, acquires an integral personal character ”(Saprykin DL). “In my opinion, there is no need to specifically identify aptitude for the exact sciences. We need to develop circles, electives, elective courses, subject Olympiads - that will be enough. You can add career guidance. For the development of abilities in both the exact and the humanities, it is necessary to work according to the principle: to teach in proportion to the psychological readiness for perception ”(Krylov E.V.).

It was in such a social environment that in 2010 we began to implement a project to create an accessible educational environment that would allow us to bring the study of computer science to a qualitatively new level, within which we have created engineering laboratories (robotics and microelectronics) in our school since 2012 - a gymnasium) and we use them within the framework of the model of continuous information education.

When we started the development of this direction, it turned out that in the Russian Federation there is no opportunity to rely on someone's experience, which is usually represented by classes with a small group of enthusiastic students (3-5 people), ie. there is no work and research within the direct educational process, there is no integration and continuity of engineering courses and, of course, there are practically no teaching materials for ordinary general education schools. Therefore, when choosing the main vector for the development of laboratories, we turned to international analytics and forecasts.

In 2009, the New Media Consortium - an international consortium of more than 250 colleges, universities, museums, corporations and other learning-oriented organizations to research and use new media and new technologies predicted widespread use for learning by 2013-2014 smart objects, including the Arduino microcontrollers, an open source platform for designing electronic devices that allow students to control how these devices interact with the physical environment.

It is worth paying special attention to the full name of our school: municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation "City of Arkhangelsk" "Secondary school №24 with in-depth study of subjects of artistic and aesthetic direction" (since June 2012 - "General education gymnasium №24"; www., this is important, since in a non-core school, the effectiveness of educational technologies and student motivation come first.

In 2010, the US National Science Foundation (together with The Computing Research Association and The Computing Community Consortium) published an analytical report detailing which educational technologies will be most effective and in demand until 2030:

User Modeling- monitoring and modeling of professional qualities and educational achievements of students;

Mobile Tool s - turning mobile devices into an educational tool;

Networking Tools- the use of networked educational technologies;

Serious Games- games that develop conceptual competencies;

Intelligent Environments- creation of intelligent educational environments;

Educational Data Mining- educational environments for data mining;

Rich Interfaces- rich interfaces of interaction with the physical world.

The first task that we had to solve was the creation of an educational environment that reflects all the trends and directions of development of these educational technologies - engineering laboratories.

For 2010-2012, without government funding, we created and are used in the educational process engineering laboratories in the following areas:

  • robotics LEGO (15 training places based on the educational constructor LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT);

  • programming of microcontrollers (15 training places based on microcontrollers ChipKIT UNO32 Prototyping Platform, ChipKIT Basic I / O Shield);

  • design of digital devices (15 training places based on the Arduino platform and various electronic components);

  • data collection and measuring systems (15 training places based on the student mobile laboratory complex National Instruments myDAQ and NI LabVIEW software);

  • sensors and signal processing (15 training sites based on kits of 30 different sensors compatible with Arduino, ChipKIT and NI myDAQ);

  • mobile robotics (15 educational DIY 2WD robots on the Arduino platform).
When, having created the LEGO robotics laboratory, we began to work in three directions: mass education of schoolchildren, integration with additional and higher education, the development of educational methods - we began to be supported by companies (and their representatives) interested in the development of engineering education in the Russian Federation.

The second task is to use the capabilities of laboratories in the educational process, in particular, in teaching computer science and ICT. Currently, this equipment is used in lessons, elective and elective courses, elective subjects in computer science and ICT.

In the above laboratories, practically in every lesson, students are faced with a situation where further technical activities, inventions become impossible without a scientific basis. In the classroom, for the first time in their lives, students receive real skills in organizing work; make decisions; carry out simple technical control, build a mathematical description; carry out computer modeling and development of control methods, carry out the development of subsystems and devices; structural elements; analyze information from sensors; trying to build multicomponent systems, debugging, testing, upgrading and reprogramming devices and systems; keep them in working order - all this is the most important foundation for future research, design, organizational, managerial and operational professional activities. This is no longer just vocational guidance, it is the promotion of science with the most modern educational technologies.

At the same time, informatics teachers are the main driving force, therefore, in the system of training (and advanced training) of informatics teachers, it is necessary to take into account the educational capabilities of laboratories in robotics and microelectronics and include relevant disciplines in training programs. On the basis of the school, future teachers are trained - students of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of NArFU named after M.V. Lomonosov (direction "Physics and Mathematics Education"), classes are also held for teachers.

After several sessions with teachers of computer science in the Arkhangelsk region, a rather important fact was noted - the teachers' unwillingness to apply the experience they saw. The survey revealed the reasons for this.-many teachers are either not interested in the development of engineering, or believe that this area is not their forte. For this reason, we began to regularly conduct expansive consultations, workshops, master classes for teachers, in order to present our experience to the entire pedagogical community, we held webinars on the Intel Education Galaxy (records are available for viewing).

What results have we achieved in 2 years, except for the creation of the educational environment itself? Firstly, it is worth noting that among school graduates in 2011, 60% chose further education in higher educational institutions specifically in engineering specialties (i.e., after graduation, they will receive an engineering diploma).

Secondly, we have begun preparations for the publication of textbooks. In May 2012, the publishing house "BINOM Laboratory of Knowledge" released the educational and methodological kit on computer science and ICT "The first step into robotics": a workshop and workbook on robotics for students in grades 5-6 (author: DG Koposov). The purpose of the workshop is to give schoolchildren a modern understanding of applied science, which is engaged in the development of automated technical systems - robotics. The workshop contains a description of urgent social, scientific and technical problems and problems, solutions to which future generations have yet to find. This allows students to feel like researchers, designers and inventors of technical devices. The manual can be used for both classroom activities and self-study. Training sessions using this workshop contribute to the development of design, engineering and general scientific skills, help to look differently at issues related to the study of natural sciences, information technology and mathematics, and ensure the involvement of students in scientific and technical creativity. The workbook is an integral part of the workshop. Robotics training sessions contribute to the development of design, engineering and general scientific skills, help to look differently at issues related to the study of natural sciences, information technology and mathematics, and ensure the involvement of students in scientific and technical creativity. Working with a notebook allows you to more productively use the time allotted for informatics and ICT, and also gives the child the opportunity to control and comprehend their activities and their results. The workbook helps in the implementation of practical, creative and research work.

Thirdly, the curriculum of additional education for students in grades 9-11 "Fundamentals of microprocessor control systems" was created and tested, the core of which is the modeling of automatic control systems based on microprocessors, as a modern, visual and advanced direction in science and technology, with a simultaneous consideration of the basic , theoretical provisions. This approach presupposes the conscious and creative assimilation of the material, as well as its productive use in development activities.

In the process of theoretical education, students get acquainted with the physical foundations of electronics and microelectronics, the history and prospects for the development of these areas. The program provides for a workshop, consisting of laboratory-practical, research work and applied programming. In the course of special assignments, schoolchildren acquire general labor, special and professional competencies in the use of electronic components in microprocessor-based automated control systems, which are fixed in the process of project development. The content of the program is implemented in conjunction with physics, mathematics, computer science and technology, which corresponds to modern trends in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). The program is designed for 68 teaching hours and can be adapted to deliver 17 hour or 34 hour elective courses. This program is being implemented for the second year in MBOU OG №24 of the city of Arkhangelsk in optional classes for students in the 9th and 10th grades.

The question should arise: what is the reason for such a number of teaching laboratories? Having created the first laboratory, we, together with a teacher-psychologist, investigated the dynamics of educational motivation of schoolchildren. Methods used: observation, conversations with parents and teachers, scaling, the technique of T.D. Dubovitskaya. The purpose of the methodology is to identify the focus and determine the level of development of internal educational motivation of students when they study specific subjects (in our case, computer science and robotics). The methodology is based on a test questionnaire of 20 judgments and proposed answer options. Processing is carried out in accordance with the key. The technique can be used in work with all categories of students capable of introspection and self-report, starting from about 12 years of age. The results obtained, on the one hand, allow us to confidently speak of an increase in the level of educational motivation in almost every student, on the other, after a year, the level of motivation began to decrease and tend to the level that it was before classes in the robotics laboratory (based on LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT). It is this fact that determines the further quantitative development of educational laboratories. Learning motivation is a major factor in a non-core school that affects student success. We will continue to study changes in learning motivation in the future.

The second question that teachers often ask is: how can microelectronics, robotics and engineering education in general be related to the specifics of our school - in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic direction? First, the fact is that the Arduino platform, which most of the labs are based on, was originally developed to train designers and artists (people with little technical experience). Even without programming experience, after just 10 minutes of familiarization, students already begin to understand the code, change it, make observations, and do small research. At the same time, at each lesson, a really working prototype of a device can be created (a lighthouse, traffic light, night light, garland, a prototype of a street lighting system, an electric bell, a door closer, a thermometer, a household noise meter, etc.), and students increase the level of their technological self-efficacy. Secondly, what it means to be an engineer, Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa remarkably formulated: “In my opinion, there are few good engineers. A good engineer should have four parts: 25% - be a theoretician; by 25% - by an artist (you cannot design a car, you need to draw it - I was taught that way, and I think so too); by 25% - by the experimenter, i.e. explore your car; and 25% must be an inventor. This is how an engineer should be composed. This is very rough, there may be variations. But all these elements must be there. "

Separately, I would like to emphasize that the existing educational programs in computer science allow using robotics, microelectronics (and engineering components) as a teacher's methodological tool, without the need to change the teacher's work program. This is very important, especially when starting such projects in schools, when the fear of the inevitability of a huge number of papers can stop any teacher.

Recently, digital educational resources have been extremely popular. Statistics of downloads from sites fcior. edu. ru and school - collection. edu. ru this confirms. Regional and municipal departments of education run a huge number of competitions and workshops on the use of CRD in schools. During the last 56 years, many universities have been effectively using the software environment National Instruments LabVIEW in research and educational work. Virtual laboratories and workshops in natural sciences are being developed and introduced into the educational process. Analyzing the abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations in 20092011, it is worth noting a large number of works in which software is used NI LabVIEW , including specialty 13.00.02 (theory and methods of teaching and upbringing). This software is installed in our school. Thus, students in the framework of computer science training will be able to get acquainted with how such laboratory complexes are designed and developed.

I would also like to note the developmental function of studying robotics and microelectronics at school. Systematic work with small details in children and adolescents has a positive effect on the development of motor skills of small muscles of the hands, which in turn stimulates the development of the basic functions of the brain, which positively affects attention, observation, memory, imagination, speech and, of course, develops creativity. thinking.

The bottleneck of many studies and projects is often the inability to scale quickly. The experience we have accumulated allowed us to scale up the project in the shortest possible time (30 days) at the general education lyceum No. 17 in the city of Severodvinsk, which underlines the practical significance of our work.

Research by tech companies shows that if we don't have kids interested and passionate about engineering as early as 7–9 grades, the likelihood that they will successfully pursue an engineering career is very low. By promoting science, mathematics, engineering, and technology through interdisciplinary elective and elective courses and continuing education systems, informatics teachers can more effectively influence students' career choices. The use of engineering laboratories in schools in the model of continuous information education will allow for effective end-to-end learning (school-additional education- university ) on modern information and communication technologies, ensuring the continuity of the educational program at different levels of education.

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Engineering classes have been operating in a number of schools in the Novosibirsk Region for two years now. We decided to find out how the project is being implemented and how engineering education differs from ordinary education at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth in the Novosibirsk Region.

Do we need engineers?

Such classes are in demand today, - says the center's methodologist, robotics teacher Sergei YAKUSHKIN. - We all observe not the best situation in production, the time has come to turn it around. And new engineers must do it. Now we need people with a new vision of the problem, familiar with modern equipment, advanced technologies, and our task is to prepare them.

There is no oil or gas in our region. Our main potential is intellectual, - complements her colleague Ekaterina DYOMINA, head of the department of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of intellectual giftedness at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth. - Now specialists who have good engineering skills, and can perform high-quality work in this direction, are 50-60 years old. This is the pre-retirement and retirement age. There are no young people among them. And the industry, innovative, science-intensive business has a demand for such specialists.

The training of new engineers, according to teachers, should be started not at a university, but at school. However, school graduates today are not ready to effectively study technical specialties.

If you look at today's USE statistics, then the level of two in mathematics is 20 points. And the minimum passing score in mathematics in technical universities is 36. The difference is only 16 points, and the applicant enters the university! - Sergey Yakushkin explains the situation. - The training of those who go to technical universities is extremely low. What engineers will be graduated with this level of training of schoolchildren?

- Our goal is to nurture the engineering elite, to revive that strong engineering corps, which we lost in the post-Soviet era, but already at the modern level.

To solve this problem, not only new programs are used, but also new teaching methods.

Today we cooperate with the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NGASU), the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) and the Technical University (NSTU). The main principle of our work is the joint teaching of schoolchildren and students, when students become mentors of schoolchildren under the supervision of a curator from the university. This is very effective when the mentor does not differ much in age from the trainee.

I must say that such educational institutions as the Engineering and Technical Lyceum at NSTU, the Aerospace Lyceum and others worked in Novosibirsk before. But the project of creating engineering classes became the know-how of Novosibirsk, and during its development the experience of teaching children in the physics and mathematics school at NSU was also used. The educational institutions themselves turned out to be very interested in the innovation.

When the project opened, it was decided to recruit 10 special classes, but 26 educational institutions wished to participate in the qualifying competition, and therefore 15 classes were scored, ”recalls Julia KLEIN, head of the special class support department at the Center for the Development of Children and Youth Creativity in the Novosibirsk Region. - In addition to Novosibirsk, engineering classes were created in Berdsk and Karasuk. In 2014, they opened in two more districts of the region - Kupinsky and Maslyaninsky. Today there are 35 such classes, since our task is to make engineering education accessible to all gifted children, this project has gone into the region.

How to train an engineer

As Ekaterina Dyomina explained, a fundamentally important aspect of learning in new classes is instilling practical skills in working with equipment. Technically gifted children are recruited into engineering classes, who study not only theory - mathematics, physics, but also engineering graphics, 3D design, modeling, and robotics.

But today we still have to deal with a lack of modern equipment, it is in most schools, especially rural ones, at the level of 50-60 years, - Ekaterina admits. - These are the machines used by our parents, if not grandparents. Therefore, it is necessary to move away from the old equipment, and introduce new - with CNC (numerical control).

However, the technical support of the educational process is not the only problem facing the organizers of engineering classes. The training concept is also still in the formation stage.

According to Ekaterina Demina, an equally good command of theory and practice is a fundamentally important point:

In engineering classes, there is a risk of replacing the development of engineering thinking with a simple solution to Olympiad problems. And we are faced with the task of training a new generation of specialists.

On the other hand, if we supplant intellectual training with technological training, - thinks Sergei Yakushkin, - then we will reduce it to the level of vocational school. And then at the end we will get, perhaps, a good worker, but not an engineer. Therefore, of course, an engineering class is more difficult than just a mathematical or physical class: it must also have a high level of training in fundamental subjects, in addition to technological training.

Robotics - the first step in engineering

So far, engineering classes use robotics as a subject that combines both theoretical and practical components. To start training in this area, the school needs to purchase small and inexpensive desktop machines.

For larger tasks, collective use centers with more expensive equipment are being created, for example, the Children's Technopark and the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity, located in the Academpark.

These centers are equipped with completely new machines and devices, such as 3D printers, that allow you to make any part, ”explains Sergey Yakushkin. “One school cannot afford to buy them, so general classes are being organized. Children from Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Lyceum No. 22 "Hope of Siberia" come to us.

If we talk about the methodology of teaching robotics, - continues Sergey, - then, of course, we use world experience. But we have changed Western methods a lot, so we can assume that now Russia has its own school of robotics, and this is one of the components of the intellectual potential of Akademgorodok. Researchers from the institutes of the SB RAS may not be engineers by and large, but they acquire very serious engineering skills. And this is being used in the engineering classrooms of the new high school.

Become an engineer. When?

In engineering classes, children study from the age of 12, although, according to Sergei Yakushkin, it would be optimal to start teaching adolescents from the age of 14, that is, from the 7th grade, when the children already have a conscious motivation for their future profession. But children are drawn to robotics as soon as they start playing Lego, so they study it in the form of a game from the first grade.

After the 5th grade, - says Sergey Yakushkin, - we give conscious tasks. The child must make exactly the robot. The game is present, but it recedes into the background. For seniors, the task becomes even more difficult. And the oldest are already engaged in very complex programming of androids, humanoid robots. They teach them to see, recognize objects, read texts, communicate.

- In the summer science school "Laboratory Z", which gathers gifted children from all over the region, this year six schoolchildren of grades 6-8 have developed a "robotic arm" exoskeleton. They were given a technical challenge, and the children themselves figured out how to develop such a robot. During the season, under the guidance of the head of the laboratory and his assistants, they created a model that could completely repeat the movements of a human hand.

According to Julia Klein, almost 86% of graduates of special classes plan to continue their studies in their chosen profile, which means they follow their dreams. The first graduation of two engineering classes, which took place in 2013 and this year, will take place in the spring of 2015.

Photo courtesy of the "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth" NSO

In Arkhangelsk about one of the first experiences of introducing robotics into the school curriculum, developing thinking and inspiration.

- Denis Gennadievich, tell us how your path in educational robotics began. When did you start interested in her? How did it all start?

- Is there a day that drastically changed my worldview? In principle, there are two such days. On September 1, 2006, I finally started working as a teacher at school. At that moment, our school did not yet have a second computer science room and we had to run around the classrooms and teach computer science to schoolchildren with chalk in their hands. When you have been working as an engineer in an IT company for 10 years, the contrast is breathtaking. Therefore, at the first stage, it was necessary to create a normal office. In principle, the computer science office acquired its recognizable shape in the summer of 2008. The second question arose: in the form in which informatics was present in textbooks, this academic discipline did not please me much. In addition, in 2008, fabulously talented children came to the 5th grade. "Giving a textbook" to such children is not self-respect.

It so happened that at that time I received the mayor's award and ended up in the Detsky Mir store, which sold a Lego MINDSTROMS NXT set at a discount. The amounts matched. And the next day, the 10th graders were happy to independently study the robotics constructor, and stayed in the office for 6 hours. And then everything began to develop very actively. Now in the gymnasium we have the best base for technical creativity in the field of robotics in the Arkhangelsk region and we have everything: Lego WeDo, MINDSTORMS, VEX, ARDUINO, myDAQ, myRIO, TRIK, etc., etc.

These children from 2008 to 2015 (grades 5-11), with their talent, just an irrepressible desire to learn, practically forced them to work, work, work. Until now, all roboticists remember them: how was it possible on December 30 to engage in technical vision on the TRIK platform until 22:30, while studying in the 11th grade? And not because there were some competitions or conferences (there were none). But because it is interesting and it turns out.

- Tell us about yourself, where did you study, what is your professional path?

- By education - a teacher of mathematics, computer science and computer technology. Graduated with honors from the Pomor State Pedagogical University named after M.V. Lomonosov, this is in Arkhangelsk. Later, the educational institution became part of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. However, he did not go to work at the school right away. He served in the Border Troops, was engaged in scientific activities in graduate school (theory of semigroups; but did not defend himself), worked as an engineer, at the same time became interested in the physics of condensed matter, learned to write scientific articles ...

And only after that, having the knowledge, methodology, experience and understanding of what I would do and how, I went to work "by profession."

- Why is technical creativity important? Do future engineers “open up” in robotics lessons?

- Engineers should be trained and trained at the university. And engineers turn out when they themselves, having received an education, implement engineering projects and perform engineering tasks.

Everything the school can do: career guidance, motivation, education and development. I didn’t even use the word “teaching”. Since you cannot teach anyone anything, you can only learn. Therefore, in the gymnasium we are trying to create conditions in which the child will have the opportunity to find his own path, there will be a choice of an educational trajectory that ensures his development and there will be motivation. This year, 67% of 9th grade graduates have chosen computer science as an exam - this is about technical creativity as an effective career guidance.

On the other hand, it is important who hears the answer. Being engaged in technical creativity, it is easier for the teacher to work with children, since the issues of educational motivation no longer bother him. When we first started our path in educational robotics, we conducted research on the educational motivation of schoolchildren. For the sake of this, I even went to the “School of Educator-Researcher”, in which candidates of pedagogical sciences explained how to do everything correctly and “according to science” so that the result was real, and not the one that I really want. The motivation of schoolchildren is definitely growing.

For parents, information: you sent your child to the sports section (or similar in direction), you sent it to the art, but you have not forgotten about the development of intelligence? Tutors don't develop it.

For schoolchildren: while engaging in technical creativity, grades in mathematics, physics, computer science, English and Russian languages ​​improve. Are you surprised? Each robotics technician will tell his or her success story. You want to understand that your knowledge is really scattered. Yes, there are grades, but what about knowledge? Come and check. Or are you only learning for grades? When you solve a problem, the teacher always knows the answer. But in robotics, it's different. We will search together. This is real creativity, this is your independent thinking!

- In Gymnasium No. 24, robotics is included in the general education curriculum, is that so? When did it happen? In Russia, this is still a rarity.

- I'll start from afar again. The educational organization in which he came to work in 2006 had the following name: "Secondary school № 24 with in-depth study of subjects of artistic and aesthetic direction." Music, theater, choreography, visual arts - these are the core subjects. In such an environment, it was very striking that children really lack the technical component in the educational trajectory. Where can I get her? For this reason, all the equipment began to be used as a methodological tool for a computer science teacher. The training programs allowed this. That is, children programmed both robots and microcontrollers in computer science lessons (in 2009 this happened with the Lego MINDSTORMS platform, in 2011 - with the Arduino platform).

Then we started the project "Beginning of Engineering Education in School", within which, in a specially created educational environment based on engineering laboratories, students from grades 5 to 11 study informatics in an inextricable connection with physics, engineering, mathematics. This is how we implement STEM training (STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, math, i.e. science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Later, in the curriculum of the gymnasium, the fifth-graders had robotics, and the older ones had elective academic subjects in technical areas. So, for example, 10-graders of the profile physics and mathematics class have a compulsory elective "Introduction to digital electronics", this course already uses the educational capabilities of the myDAQ platform of the well-known company National Instruments.

It so happened that in 2012 we ceased to be "with in-depth study of subjects of artistic and aesthetic direction" and became a gymnasium.

In 2015, I read out fragments of the approved Model Program of Basic General Education to graduates, in which robotics, microcontrollers, 3D printers became an integral part of informatics in grades 5-9. And everything that a few years ago was some kind of innovation became commonplace.

- Tell us about your textbooks on robotics, because these are also rare textbooks in Russian education, not counting translated ones.

- To be honest, as they say, textbooks materialized "not from a good life". Just at that time (2010, it was then that I handed over the first manuscript to the publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge") there was nothing, except for one book by Sergey Alexandrovich Filippov. In 2012, the publishing house published a workshop and workbook "The first step into robotics" (then reprinted 2 times). The peculiarity of the manual was that the Lego MINDSTORMS robot could be effectively used when studying various topics, for example, studying the coordinate method (which, by the way, is in the computer science program) and creating prototypes of various devices.

In 2013, National Instruments suggested writing a tutorial on the NI myDAQ platform without restricting creativity and ideas. A year later, the workshop "Introduction to Digital Electronics" appeared, and the wonderful platform myDAQ was an effective tool for this. The tutorial was published on the Intel Education Galaxy website (in the form of posts), but unfortunately, the site will cease to exist this summer.

In 2015, I was lucky to participate in the preparation of the training manual "Microcontrollers - the basis of digital devices" for the educational TETRA kit by Amperka. This is the Arduino platform programming in grade 5-7.

In 2016, prepare a textbook “Technology. Robotics ", divided into 4 parts (grades 5, 6, 7 and 8). It can be used as a workshop for new textbooks on technology (authors: Beshenkov S.A., Labutin V.B., Mindzaeva E.V., Ryagin S.N., Shutikova M.I.).

Right now I am writing a book on modeling in OpenSCAD. I do not know how her fate will develop further, but in my work she is simply vital to me. In computer science, there is such a topic as Algorithm Executors, and among these executors is the Draftsman. In my opinion, it is no different from a 3D printer, and in OpenSCAD, the model is not drawn, but is described by a script in a C-like language. That is, again, programming.

- How are classes held in the 211 classrooms? And outside of the lesson? Why did you abandon the circle model?

For the first time, children encounter technical (engineering) areas in grade 5, again in computer science lessons or in an elective. And then the principle "If you want to live in the office - live!" Is included. Pupils themselves choose when it is convenient for them to come. The result is an educational environment where students in grades 5-11 are simultaneously doing what they like about technical creativity. The older ones help the younger ones, the younger ones “copy” the older ones. It is like a school, not in the sense of an "institution", but as a direction in science and culture.

The mug model ... I'm not going to criticize the mug model. The circle model is about finances and teacher salaries. Not a single methodologist, and not a single examiner will give classes to students in grades 5-11 at the same time, because no one can write a program (which, of course, should take into account age characteristics). And on a voluntary basis, everything is possible. So, I have no circles.

In 2015, we had an amazing graduation of schoolchildren at our gymnasium, who formed our trend "Live in the office!" I had an emotional "explosion" - as a result, the book "Beginnings of Engineering Education in School" appeared with the Intel logo on the cover. If any of the teachers is at a crossroads whether to start his path to educational robotics - look through, and you will make an unambiguous choice.

- You use different equipment, you have as many as 15 directions. Why is this variety needed? Do children interact with everything?

- Firstly, the variety of equipment is very convenient for the teacher, as it allows taking into account the individual characteristics of students and the characteristics of the class as a whole. In addition, we tried to build the entire age range of grades 5-11, and this is already 7 directions at once.

Secondly, in the specialized physics and mathematics classes, we try to provide such areas as research and project activities. There are about 60 people in specialized classes. Everyone will die of boredom if the direction is one, and I will be the first.

It is worth noting that referrals do not arise from equipment. For example, we started the directions related to National Instruments technologies at the gymnasium for the reason that our Northern (Arctic) Federal University has 8 research and educational laboratories based on their equipment. That is, in each of the areas you can continue to work after graduating from our gymnasium.

In fact, most likely, we would not have had such a number of directions and equipment without the 2015 graduates. I simply did not have time for them, as they say, to "bring the shells." That release knew and worked with all the equipment: it was unpacked right in front of them, and very often the delivery was right at the lessons. I will give one more example. In that class there was a guy who adored English (now he is studying to be a linguist), naturally, for him I got a thick book of 700 pages Arduino Cookbook. You have no idea with what thirst he "ate" it (the word read does not sound here), while performing experiments with the Arduino. Three guys came to collect the first 3D printer in the office on Sunday, then they studied the software faster than me (it’s necessary to model) and they helped me. What I prepared for the lessons for a week - they absorbed in 2 days. Well, I had to cook something new, new, new.

- You are holding your own festival - RoboSTEM. Was the first festival in January this year?

- Yes, together with the Arkhangelsk Center for Youth Innovative Creativity. The first one took place this year. We decided that it is important to hold our own (regional) festival. Why now? Our robotics graduates have already matured enough: the panel of judges consisted of graduates who were engaged in robotics in our gymnasium and in the 17th lyceum in the city of Severodvinsk (this is another powerful center for the development of educational robotics in our region).

- How it was? How many children participated in it?

- On January 15, in our Arkhangelsk gymnasium No. 24, an open festival on technical creativity in the field of robotics "RoboSTEM" took place, which brought together 132 students from 23 schools in the Arkhangelsk region. The extensive program of the forum made it interesting for participants of all ages. Playgrounds were organized for students where it was possible to work / play with equipment, exhibitions for the guests of the festival. And, of course, everyone could feel like a fan or a participant in a robotics competition.

At the opening of the festival, parting words to the participants were addressed by: Vitaly Sergeevich Fortygin, Deputy Chairman of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies; Semyon Alekseevich Vuymenkov, Minister of Economic Development of the Arkhangelsk Region; Sergey Nikolaevich Deryabin - Chairman of the Regional Association of Small and Medium Business Development Initiatives, General Director of InterStroy LLC and other distinguished guests of the festival.

Schoolchildren participating in the festival prepared more than 100 robot models assembled on the basis of various platforms: Lego EducationWeDo, Lego MINDSTORMS, Arduino, VEX EDR, TRIK, NI myRIO and others.

The youngest participants are 9 year olds. Among the winners and prize-winners of the festival are representatives of 12 schools, and 42% of them are girls. It is important to maintain gender balance.

On the one hand, the festival allows to support schoolchildren in their hobby for robotics, on the other hand, to attract new participants, popularize this area of ​​innovative creativity, make young northerners feel like real engineers and inventors, educating designers of the future.

I would like to separately thank Lego Education, which supported our festival and established prizes for 5 educational institutions for training the best teams and supporting the best coaches.

- How will the festival change in 2018? Are you planning any changes in the program or nominations?

- Of course, we are planning evolutionary changes. There will be more nominations. There will be more contests. For example, there will be a competition for working with 3D pens. We have already purchased the required amount. The Lego WeDo and WeDo 2.0 Olympiad will be organized, with the help of teachers from the Archangel Center for Technical Creativity, Sports and Children's Development. The 3D modeling competition will already be strictly based on T-FLEXCAD.

- What other educational and competitive projects are you involved in? What are you planning?

- The most unexpected and amazing result of the festival, of course, was the "Future Engineer" Olympiad held in April. Representatives of small business manufacturing companies, having visited the festival, set the task of making a prototype of a grinding machine based on Lego MINDSTORMS, ensuring good repeatability of actions and clearly describing the mathematical model. This is how the Future Engineer Olympiad appeared, which took place on April 26. The winners of the Olympiad “handed over the work” for 4 hours, as they say “on the record” (dictaphone, camera). Schoolchildren's decisions will be embodied in real equipment, in operating machines.

Now, on the territory of our gymnasium, the reconstruction of the old building of the greenhouse is underway, in which, after the completion of the work, the center of technical creativity is located. This project, called "Promshkola", is overseen by his non-profit partnership "Association in the field of shipbuilding, ship repair, mechanical engineering and metalworking" Krasnaya Kuznitsa ", which unites 16 small enterprises.

This year, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Arkhangelsk Region plans to create a regional program for the development of robotics, teachers are also included in the working group.

There is also a "project" that needs to be done, but it does not lend itself to me: a robotics tutorial based on the National Instruments myRIO platform. The deadline is 09/01/2018, since the students under whom all this is being started will be in the 11th grade.

- Tell us about your successes, the successes of schoolchildren, what have you especially remembered recently?

- The most important thing is that we have built a system. Reliable, flexible, renewable.

This year we had an event, the results of which we plan to very carefully and slowly dispose of (and for the first time we will not rush anywhere). This year, for the 5th regional robotics tournament Robonord, which takes place in Severodvinsk (this year on April 23), most of our teams were trained by schoolchildren, that is, I was not the coach, but our experienced robotics. And on April 26 we have the "Future Engineer" Olympiad, of course, I was all in preparation for an important Olympiad. So, our superheroes (coaches) prepared teams better than I ever prepared schoolchildren for competitions (24 prizes out of 33 possible).

At the same time, 5 teams of fifth-graders were prepared by the sixth-grader Polina: she organized everything and everyone through a social network, explained the regulators to them, and never once used this word (she reworked and adapted the whole theory), developed a strategy, controlled everything, “fought” with the judges at competitions, citing the provisions. And she was very happy when her five-graders did everything. All five-graders know why they need to do robotics. To become like Polina.

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