Summary of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy in the preparatory group Topic: Consonant sound, letter Ш plan-summary of a lesson in teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic. Presentation on the topic “Sound and letter “Ш Studying the letter w with preschoolers

Hissing and whistling sounds are not always easy for growing babies. Some features of the pronunciation of sibilants can persist until the end of primary school, and without the control of teachers - for life.

It is important that the child, under the supervision of parents or a speech therapist, trains in the correct articulation of the sound “sh”, then other difficult sounds will give in under the pressure of exercises.

From this article you will learn

Examination of the pronunciation of the sound “sh”

Usually, problems with pronunciation are indicated by kindergarten teachers or teachers. Parents can attribute much of their child’s speech to individual characteristics and not notice the impending difficulties. It's worth taking a few minutes as part of your daily book exercises to test your child's phonics.

There are at least two ways to do the procedure yourself: observation and exercise. In the first case, it will take quite a long time to notice how the baby pronounces sounds. In the second, you need 25-30 minutes of perseverance and doing several simple exercises.

Invisible test. There is no point in explaining to your son or daughter what to do. The easiest way is to involve the child in the game " Repeaters" Start with words and sounds that are not related to the topic. Then let your child set the tasks themselves. In your next turn, offer one of the blocks.

1. Syllables.

Start with two-letter combinations:

[sha] [she] [shu] [shi] [sho].

Then move on to three-letter ones with two vowels:

[a-sha] [eh-she] [u-shu] [i-shi] [o-sho] [y-shi].

The next block is combinations of “sh” with consonants:

[shka] [ksha] [shki] [kshi].

More complex:

[sshi] [shis] [shish] [shush] and [as-shi] [u-shis] [i-shish] [ush-ush].

Pronounce all sounds clearly, deliberately articulate them so that it is easy for them to repeat after you. As you complete the exercise, notice which combinations are most difficult for your child. They work in a similar way with the sounds “sch”, “zh”, “ch”.

2. Words.

To diversify the lesson a little with a new activity, prepare in advance cards with known objects that have a difficult sound in their names:

  • Next to vowels: mouse, reeds, shower, lily of the valley, hat, fur coat, car, galoshes, hut, pencil, overcoat, neck.
  • Next to consonants: cat, flip flops, hat, closet, hairpin, bumblebee.
  • Occurs twice: cone, checkers, whisper, rustle.
  • With another complex sound: ball, scarf, skin.

3. Suggestions.

Automation of the sound “sh” in sentences requires the readiness of the speech apparatus. Therefore, the sentence test will show how much the child has mastered the art of sh-articulation:

  • The mouse rustles behind the stove.
  • Papa waves his hat to Masha.
  • I sewed a shirt for the bear, I will sew pants for him.
  • Everyone knows the tongue twister about Sasha on the highway, etc..

If you have any difficulties at this stage, do not try to finish the block. Better return to the phrases from the previous block: cat in a hat, got out of the shower, scarf for Dasha etc. and end the test on a positive emotional note.

Important! In some children with a normally developed articulatory apparatus, the production of the “sh” sound can occur right during test exercises or the first lessons, simply because targeted training is needed to develop the skill. Other children will need to take it in stages over time.

Possible deviations

Pronunciation may differ from ideal. Despite the fact that in the language “sh” is a dull sound, it must be pronounced loudly and clearly. There are speech therapy characteristics of the incorrect “sh”:

  • A lisping sound occurs when a child pushes his tongue too far between his teeth. This is an interdental pronunciation.
  • A nasal tint (sigmatism) in “sh” occurs when the deep part of the tongue is overly tense, its root seems to be pulled towards the palate, and a deep hissing “x” appears.
  • With lateral sigmatism, the sound is like cotton.
  • If the tongue rests on the upper incisors, this is called parasigmatism. As a result, “w” is replaced by “t”;
  • With labiodental parasigmatism, “w” is forced to turn into “f”. It is worth checking if the baby has bite problems.
  • If instead of "sh" the sound is "s", this is whistling parasigmatism.

You need to tell your child how to form his lips correctly and hold his tongue so that the sound comes out correctly. It is best to demonstrate on yourself and use visual analogies.

What to do to make “sh” hiss

Among the methods of stimulating speech development at an early age, we need to talk about the necessary stage of crawling, the dangers of early sitting, and the importance of sensory development. Finger gymnastics, rhymes, nursery rhymes and sand work help the kids.

Even a simple wooden ball is a source of sensory sensations. You can roll it between your palms, with your finger on your palm, hold it in different ways, studying its physical properties is also very useful for broadening your horizons.

Don't limit yourself to making sand pies and don't forbid your child to play with castles in the yard or on the beach. Bury pebbles and small toys in the sand. Ask your child to guess the toy's shape without removing it from the sand. Do the same with other textures: rice, buckwheat, semolina. Any wide container can serve as a sandbox, even in winter.

When it comes to correcting the “sh” sound in a preschooler, fine motor skills and sensory exercises should not be neglected, but you can already include the child in full-fledged structured classes, logarithmics. It is necessary to use tongue twisters, tongue twisters and more complex poems.

Methodological basics for parents

Reluctance to visit a speech therapist may be due to financial difficulties and parental beliefs. In any case, the parent himself needs to know how to teach his child to say the letter “SH”. If you seriously decide to work with your child on your own, do it systematically. It’s a good idea to introduce a kind of preparation ritual for the lesson so that the child is included in it without conflict. The lesson itself should contain:

  • 1-2 minutes: organizational moment (activation of the child’s attention). Do not speak " Now you and I will teach...", it's better to say " Come, let's play together!”, because play is the most effective way to teach a child something important.
  • 1-2 minutes: introduction (interest activation). Tell us what kind of fun game you offer and why.
  • 10-15 minutes: warm-up 2-3 minutes and main part(the actual activity). Every 3-7 minutes, depending on the perseverance and age of the baby, be sure to do physical education. This is necessary to switch attention and relieve tension.
  • 1-2 minutes: conclusion: Thank and praise the child for his efforts.

When each activity has a structure, it is easier for parents to navigate the situation, while the child perceives the exercises as a game and is simply happy to communicate with mom or dad. Lessons become welcome. You can build any other home activities using the same structure.

Warm up for tongue and lips

Before practicing at home, you also need to warm up. The child should not be tired, but interested and immersed in a fairy tale or an interesting competition with himself. There are a lot of ready-made warm-up programs based on classical articulatory gymnastics.

Warming up helps relieve tension in the lips and tongue, making them more mobile and obedient. Gradually, warming up will take less and less time and will turn into a fun ritual.

Don’t forbid your child to squirm a little - it won’t harm his behavior if it’s built into a learning activity. Combine gymnastics with training of emotions (for example, use cards or masks) and intonation range (facial expressions and intonations should be interconnected). Integrated development is more interesting and effective.

Exercises for the main stage of the lesson

Never try to follow the same algorithm. Change speech therapy exercises from time to time. Give them in different combinations and don’t try to do everything in one lesson!

Exercise "Cup"

The lower jaw is relaxed, a flat, wide tongue rests on the lower lip, while the tip and edge are raised, forming a flat bowl. In a similar way, “ Pancake"- the tongue remains flat on the lower lip. It is advisable to periodically alternate the two exercises for 10-15 seconds. If the bowl is lowered and raised without changing its shape, the result will be “ Chatterbox».

Exercise "Focus"

You need to stick the already familiar cup out of your mouth and, without touching your lips, turn the tip of your tongue up. You can put a piece of cotton wool or a napkin on the tip of your nose. As you exhale, the air must be directed precisely at the object.

Exercise "Horse"

All children love to imitate the clatter of horse hooves, but as part of the exercise this must be done not just once, but for 10-15 seconds. Naturally, you can combine speech therapy with a game of knights!

After the exercises, you definitely need to talk: read poetry, train in the speed and purity of pronunciation of sounds. The more often the repetition occurs, the faster the skill will be consolidated.

Exercise "Fence"

Young students really like it. Task: smile widely and fix the smile for a few seconds. This trains the facial muscles of the cheeks.

Other exercises - " tube"(pull your lips forward with a tube and fix them), " Jam"(lick your lips deliciously and widely in a circle), " Swing"(open your mouth wide, and rhythmically move your tongue alternately to the upper and lower teeth) - can be left at the end of the lesson to engage all the muscles in turn.

Remember with your child in what situations the sound “sh” still appears:

  • how the trees rustle in the wind
  • how an angry cat hisses
  • how the leaves rustle under your feet in autumn
  • like a punctured wheel hissing
  • how the mouse rustles under the table

The child must depict all this using his voice and sound [Ш].

Sound production and automation

With the help of exercises, the correct articulation of the sound “sh” is developed. But skill is a mechanical process that requires practice. It will take time to consolidate. It happens that during a lesson, pronunciation improves, but by the next session it again turns into a lisp or whistling. To prevent the opposite effect from appearing, constant supervision of the skill plays an important role:

  • Gently and jokingly remind the student that he needs to watch his tongue.
  • Control your own pronunciation.
  • Pay attention to the phonemic errors of others and ask your child to pronounce sounds correctly every time. If he is already a schoolchild, let him read aloud with the correct pronunciation.

Try to use a new skill more often. For example, ask questions, the answer to which will be words or sentences with the sound “sh”, learn corrective nursery rhymes instead of regular poems. Pure twisters and tongue twisters in daily household chores starting with “sh” will help you quickly automate the sound:

  • Let's knit a hat for the baby, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
  • We dress the baby, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha.
  • Collect your pencils, shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi.
  • Kids love fairy tales, sha-shu-shi, sha-shu-shi.

You can come up with any simple rhymes and combinations, or your own rhyme. Give one of your favorite toys a special name that will help your child master sound: “ Little Bunny», « Wolf-tail».

Use this name daily in familiar situations to continually refer to the skill. It is important that the parent himself does not feel awkward when using speech therapy techniques. Try to hiss yourself as sincerely as possible.

Important! Throughout the lesson, monitor your voice volume and intonation. Don't forget about physical exercises. And, of course, every lesson should end positively. You can even give ratings if this seems to be an effective technique.

When activities become familiar, add similar sounds to them: “zh”, “ch”, “sch”. Teach your child to distinguish them articularly. This will help you at the same time put in all the difficult sounds and master the Russian alphabet. Pictures and instructions can now be purchased at any bookstore.

Why doesn't the letter "Ш" hiss?

The speech apparatus and the child’s speech itself require time to develop. If a child uses the sound “sh” for the first time, then imperfect pronunciation is normal. The only thing that needs to be done is to correct the children's skill in time.

  • Other possible reasons for the incorrect sound may make up a ranking in which the following will be in first place: physiological characteristics: structure of the bite, tongue, palate, diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The second place has a direct relationship with the first place: Sucking on a pacifier for too long. It has long been noted that the bite is sensitive to the presence of the pacifier, and it is hissing and whistling sounds that suffer in speech.
  • Parental errors You can give an honorable third place. Think about whether you have “wobbled” and “lisped” the child too much, and whether he is trying to imitate your manner of sound pronunciation. Any speech disorders in adults can be the cause of children's speech therapy errors. Imitation and copying for children are the same ways of learning from the experience of adults as games or directed learning. Watch your own articulation.
  • Only in a fifth of cases are we talking about truly significant difficulties for two reasons: general underdevelopment, inhibiting the development of speech; impairment of hearing and sound reproduction apparatus.

Advice. If you suspect that you will not be able to cope on your own, do not put off visiting a specialist. Getting rid of the habit of pronouncing sounds unclearly is more difficult than forming the correct pronunciation right away.

When you can't do without a speech therapist

If a child cannot speak clearly, his speech is incoherent or too illegible, it is worth seeking advice from an educational psychologist, and then from a speech therapist. There are two factors to consider:

  • level of formation and readiness of the speech apparatus;
  • level of mental development in accordance with age.

Deviations in at least one factor should be considered as a reason to work with a specialist. Visit them at least some of the time and seek parental advice on how to work at home. What exercises to use, how to normalize speech development, communication and development in general.

If there is underdevelopment or defect of the articulatory apparatus, dysfunction of some of its parts, a speech therapist will definitely be needed. Speech therapy massage in combination with articulation exercises is very effective. The speech therapist gives elements of such a massage at home, depending on the problem. Speech therapy probes are only applicable in a specialist’s office.

Sometimes you need to visit a neurologist (for disorders of the nervous system, changes in the brain, autism spectrum disorders and cerebral palsy, disorders of perception and reproduction of information). A method that can be recommended by a neurologist is pharmacological assistance. In some cases, the use of drugs actually gives impetus to the development of the necessary brain structures and, accordingly, speech function.

A special place in the formation of sound pronunciation is given to working with deaf children. Their training is based on a special method; parents are specially taught it as part of rehabilitation courses.

Fortunately, problems of a serious level arise infrequently, and most cases of abnormal hissing can be dealt with at home by purchasing a ready-made set of educational pictures or watching video tutorials.

When working on hissing children, perseverance and attentiveness are required. These are complex sounds. It’s even more difficult for parents: they must maintain self-control, a friendly attitude and restraint, as well as perseverance and methodicality. But the main element in this work is your love and desire to help.

Valuable literature. There are several books with the general title “Help your baby talk.” These manuals provide comprehensive information on how to teach a child to say the letter “Ш” and others.

It is, of course, more correct to correct the pronunciation of each sound in isolation, in a separate exercise. But the best way to reinforce any skill is to transfer it to real life and connect it with others. That is why it all starts with individual sounds, then they are combined into syllables, words, phrases and sentences. In this way, the child understands that everything is interconnected, and everything that adults teach is really necessary.

Do not send your child to a class or group where they study foreign languages ​​until he has mastered the sounds of his native language. Under no circumstances should you form a negative attitude towards speech impairments. This will not only reduce motivation for classes, but can also make the student withdrawn and affect his self-esteem.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Let's play a little. I will name words, namely, clothes, and if there is a new sound in this word, then you clap your hands, and if not, then just sit quietly: hat, fur coat, jacket, shorts, dress, shoes, pants, suit, shirt , skirt. Fine!

The sound [sh] is denoted by the letter “Sha”

Let's remember the name of the letter - "Sha". Let's repeat in chorus - “Sha”.

What does the letter "Sha" look like?

Scallop, fence, fork, hat

“What does the letter Sh look like?

On the teeth of this bucket"

It also looks like the teeth of an excavator bucket.

Look at the capital and lowercase letters "Sha". Similar?


How are they different?

The size of the capital letter is larger than the lowercase letter

Let's see where this letter will live on the letter strip. Where is her place?

What sound does it mean, tell me again. Give him a full description.

Consonant, voiceless, hard

If he is deaf, will he live on the top line or the bottom line?

On the bottom

What letters live next to each other?


Look at the slide. Let's read the syllables. We read the syllables in unison.

We read from top to bottom.

Now read the vowels that indicate the hardness of the consonant.

Uh, oh, uh

Before them we read the consonants firmly

And what vowels indicate the softness of a consonant?

E, and

How did we read it? Hard or soft?


Let's read the syllable on the board in unison. Please note that the letter “i” is written, but we pronounce the consonant firmly, because it is never soft, it is always hard.

Therefore, it is very important to remember the rule:

Shi is written with the letter i.

Find the rule at the bottom of the page. Let's read in chorus

We all find columns of words. We read the words in a chain.

Find a word that starts with a new sound?


Find a word that has a new sound at the end of the word?


Find words that have a new sound in the middle?

Cat, Misha, Grisha, pencils

What is this sound in all words, hard or soft?


'Cause he's always hard

So, what do you remember about this sound, what is it like?

Deaf and always hard

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted

Spun, spun

And everyone sat down at their desks.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to five together

Open it, blink and

Let's start working.

Look carefully at the illustration on page 17

Who is drawn?


Are these just kids from kindergarten?


Who are they?


Where did they come?

Into the forest, to the clearing

What are they collecting?

Cones, leaves

Let's read the text one by one.

What time of year are they talking about?

Talking about autumn

What were the days like?

The days were clear

Where did the children go?

The children went to the forest

What is said about rowan tassels?

The clusters of rowan trees burned brightly

What did the children collect in the forest?

Children collected pine and fir cones

Find words in the text that contain a new letter?

Let's go, bigwigs

Let us come up with names for the children, but such names that they contain the sound [w]

Sasha, Shura, Misha, Masha, Dasha, Pasha

Fine! Well done!

Now open page 18.

Look at the top pictures. The fruits of which trees are shown?

Pine trees, rowan trees, spruce trees

What are the names of the fruits of pine and spruce?


How many new sounds are in the word shishki?

Read the title of the poem


Look at the illustration. What cockerels are talked about in the poem?

About poultry, pugnacious ones

Let's read the poem.

Find words in the poem with the syllable “shi”

They got cocky, they decided to get cocky, to lose,

What rule have we learned?

In all words “shi” is written with “i”

Let's play the game "Good night" When I say "Good night", you close your eyes, and when I say "Good morning", you open them.

"Good night"

Look at the presentation slide.

What words are written?


What is this? What happens?

By car, motorcycle

And now, “Good night,” we close our eyes.

“Good morning” - open your eyes.

Let's read the word.


What has changed on the slide? What was added to the first word.


I say, “Good night,” and we close our eyes. “Good morning” - we wake up.

What word did you get now?


What changed?

The syllable “ma” was replaced by the syllable “ti”

Let's read three more words: kids, widely, in a hurry.

What syllable was repeated in all the words?

+ "shi"

Look at the illustration on page 19.

Who is in the picture?

Grandson and grandfather

What is the boy doing?


Who is he laughing at?

Over grandpa

What made him laugh? Why is he laughing?

Grandfather can't climb onto the stove

Let's read the text in a chain.

Now I will read the text to you again.

What did you find out about your grandfather? What couldn't he do?

Climb onto the stove

How did your grandson behave? Do you think he is doing the right thing?

No, that's not right

Which sentence gives us all a lesson?

Let's read it.

It’s not bad that the grandfather is old and weak, but it’s bad that the grandson is young and stupid.

What does the story teach us?

Help the elderly

Read the headline at the bottom of the page

What's for what

What sign is at the end of the sentence


What for what?

Let's read the first column.

Can we say that these are complete sentences?


They need to be continued, and the words of the second column will help us continue

Let's read the second column

Pencil to


Needle to


Handle to


Book to

Here is the game “Sound and letter Sh”, aimed at preschoolers aged 5-7 years. The game can be used both with a group of children and individually in preschool institutions, as well as at home. The game is convenient in that the teacher can choose any task or game from those proposed in the content, and also easily return to the content. To maintain the interest of preschoolers, the game is equipped with visual and sound effects (by clicking on the pictures with the left mouse button). Each slide contains instructions for completing tasks (“How does a snake hiss?”, “Characteristics of sound” - the slides were voiced by a speech therapist). D/i “We play snowballs and read syllables” – in order for snowballs with syllables to appear, you need to click the left mouse button. To go to the next slide, click on the arrow in the lower right corner - . The game can be completed by clicking on the house in the upper right corner - . You may need to help your child complete assignments by asking guiding questions. Don't forget to praise him for his efforts.

This summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write is one of the notes of the work program “From Sound to Letter”, compiled by me, speech therapist teacher N. K. Sazhaeva. The work program for preparing for learning to read and write includes 72 lessons and is designed for senior preschool age . The “Speech Therapy Primer” by N. S. Zhukova was taken as the methodological basis. I have been working with children for more than five years using this teaching aid.


1. Continue learning to navigate in the space-time categories “week”, “season”;

2. Continue to develop the ability to name an object according to its genus and species (“clothing”);

3. Continue to teach inflection techniques, namely: singular and plural nouns, including practicing the plural genitive case of nouns; diminutive suffixes;

4. Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “sound”, “vowel sound”, “consonant sound”, learn to name the characteristic features of vowels and consonants, learn to distinguish them from each other;

5. Continue to develop the ability to name a generalizing concept;

6. Give an idea of ​​the concept of “letter”, continue to teach to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “letter”;

7. Give a graphic representation of the letter Ш, Ш;

8. Continue to develop the ability to correlate the letter being studied with familiar objects;

9. Continue to develop the ability to identify a given sound by ear in various positions: beginning, middle, end of a word;

10. Continue to develop the ability to come up with words for a given sound and determine the location of the sound in a word;

11. Continue to develop the ability to work with letters and syllables;

12. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers with the help of finger exercises;

13. Continue to develop gross motor skills through physical warm-ups.

Equipment: subject pictures HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE; “Magic bag”, a cash register of letters, cards for indicating sounds, cards for laying out the syllabic structure of a word, a magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Specifying the day of the week. Saying all the days of the week in forward and reverse order. Story “Days of the Week” (choral recitation).

“I know the seven days of the week: these are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are days off.”

Name the current season and list the autumn months.

2. Checking homework

  • “Name the vowel sounds from those passed” (“A, U, O”). “Why are they vowels?” (“When they are pronounced, air passes freely in the oral cavity. They consist of a voice. They form a syllable”).
  • “Name the consonant sounds from those passed” (“M, S, X, R”). “Why are they consonant?” (“When they are pronounced, the air in the oral cavity encounters a barrier. They consist of voice and noise”).
  • Reading the page of the ABC book “R” (this is the previous topic of the lesson).

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Pictures from the “Magic Bag”: HAT, SCARF, BALL, MOUSE.

(Words are spoken and pictures are hung on a magnetic board).

“Name the word that means headdress” (“This is a hat”).

“Name a word that refers to a piece of clothing worn around the neck to retain heat” (“It’s a scarf”).

“Name a word that denotes a round object filled with air” (“It’s a ball”).

“Name a word that means a small rodent” (“It’s a mouse”).

  • Game "Classification"

“Which pictures can be put together and why?” (“You can put a scarf and a hat together, because they are clothes.”)

  • Game “One-many” (“Hat - hats”...).
  • Game “Name it affectionately” (“Hat - cap”...).
  • Game “Name the huge one” (“Hat – hat”...).
  • Game “Who/what is missing”: children close their eyes, and the speech therapist hides the picture (“The hat is missing”...).

Sound stands out from spoken speech. “What sound is heard in all these words?” (“Sound [SH]”). “Today in class we will get acquainted with the sound [Ш].”

4. Analysis of classification characteristics.

Is the sound [Ш] a vowel or a consonant and why?” (“The sound [Ш] is consonant because the air meets an obstacle in the oral cavity”).

“Is the sound [Ш] voiced or unvoiced and why?” (“The sound [Ш] is dull because the throat does not sing - the vocal cords do not work.” Check with tactile-vibration control).

“Is the sound [SH] hard or soft and why?” (“The sound [SH[ is hard because the tongue is straight”).

“The sound [SH] is a hard voiceless consonant, we denote it with a blue square” (The speech therapist presents a blue square).

5. Development of phonemic hearing and perception.

“Raise your hand if you hear the sound [Ш]:

in the audio range: a, w, r, g, o, m, w, l, s, w, r, w...;

from the syllabic series: sha, ash, sa, zha, shu, sha, ach, shi, sho, sy, then, so, ku, shu...;

from the words: juice, ball, crust, fur coat, samovar, hat, bug, mouse, acorn …».

“Determine the place of the sound in the word” (beginning, middle, end of the word): HAT, SCARF, MOUSE, BALL.

“Come up with your own words with the sound you are studying and determine the place of the sound in the word” (beginning, middle, end of the word).

6. Correlating sounds with letters.

A card with a printed letter (large and small) is presented. “The sound [Ш] is denoted in Russian by the letter “Ш” (sha).”

We hear and speak sounds, we see and write letters.

7. Analysis of the letter image.

“The capital and small letter “Ш” are written the same way.” “What elements does our letter consist of?” “We draw three straight lines from top to bottom at the same distance from each other. Below we will draw one line, only from left to right, it connects all three lines together. The result is the letter “SH” (the speech therapist accompanies writing the letter by showing it on the board).



— Quickly inflate the balloon,

(Fingers are gathered into a pinch near the mouth and gradually “expand”)

- He's getting big.

(Hands over the top to the side, describe a circle)

- The ball burst

— The air is out,

(Tilt down, sit down)

- He became thin and thin.

(Stand up with your hands close to your body)


- This is mommy mouse.

(Stroke your head)

- She is beautiful like all mice.

(Stroke your face)

- She has big ears

(Stroke the ears)

- She has big eyes
(Stroke the area around the eyes)

- She has soft cheeks

(Stroke cheeks)

- She has a sharp nose

(Stroke your nose)

— She has a toothy mouth.

(stroke lips)

8. Correlating the image of a letter with familiar objects.

— Shura was stirring up the hay,

I forgot my pitchfork in the hay. (G. Vieru)

-What does Sh look like?

On the teeth of this bucket. (V. Stepanov)

- Oh, the stool is good!

Turn it over - and the letter Sh!

“What objects does the letter “SH” look like (children’s answers).

“What letters of the Russian language is the letter “Ш” similar to (children’s answers).

“What numbers does the letter “Ш” look like (children’s answers).

9. Working with the ABC book.

(Pages 29-30). Reading of speech material first by a speech therapist, then by children.

Finger gymnastics

Winter clothes

- Mom will tie it for her daughter

(“Knitting on knitting needles”)

— Scarf

(Run your palm over your neck and move your hand behind your shoulder - “throws a scarf”)

- And socks,

(Point to feet)

- A hat and mittens,

(Point to head and hands)

- So as not to freeze Varyushka.

(Threaten - shake your index finger left and right).

(O. Krupenchuk)

10. Working with a bank of letters and syllables.

Place the letters and syllables at the box office:

- capital/capital “Ш”;

- small/lowercase “sh”;


- sha - Masha


- Shu - Shura


There are as many syllables as there are vowels.

“How many syllables are in the words: ball, balls, Masha, noise, noises, Shura?” Accompany the laid out words with cards to indicate sounds.

11. Summing up.

“What sound did you teach?” (collective response of children).

“What letter did they use?”

12. Homework.

Reading the ABC book page (pp. 29-30). Place capital and lowercase letters Sh, sh. Make up words using the sounds you are learning. Come up with names for boys and girls that contain the sound being studied. Think about what the letter looks like Sh

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Ш, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Ш, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Ш in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Balls Bumblebee Cones Chess

The water was turned off in Brother-in-law's house. Shura opens the tap - there is no water, only the air hisses: shhhh...

  1. How does the air hiss in the tap?
  2. What was the girl's name?
  3. What is the first sound in the word SHURA?
  4. What sound is there in the word HAT, and in the word MOUSE, and in the word SHOWER?
  5. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word is the sound [w] in the word HAT? - SHOWER? - MOUSE? - FUR COAT? - CAT?

When we pronounce the sound [w], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, with only a narrow slit between them. Say: Shhh. Both the tongue and teeth prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [w].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [sh]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?
  • What other consonant sounds do you know?

Assignment: printed letter Ш for preschoolers

Examine the letter Ш. Sew the letter Ш in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

If we grow on spruce,
We are here, we are in business.
And on the foreheads of the children
Nobody needs... (bumps).

I sewed a shirt for a bear.
I'll sew him... (pants).

Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of a child
They dance for joy

The bear hears out of the corner of his ear,
Like a fly buzzing over your ear.
The bear grabs a fly with its paw!
You can't even hear a fly!
But the bear cannot understand,
Why is there... (bump) above the ear?

Tale about the letter Sh

How Mouse was naughty

Mouse Mouse was a terrible naughty boy. For example, his dad is going to hunt somewhere. He fumbles and fumbles through all the closets: looking for his slippers, pants, scarf and hat, but they are nowhere to be found.

Mouse! Where is my stuff?! - Dad asks menacingly.
- I ate them... Accidentally...
- How did you eat it? Oh, you naughty man!
- Why are you making noise? - Mom stands up.
- He was joking.
- Did you also eat your hat last year as a joke?!

Or the Mouse will climb behind the screen and rustle there: shur-shur-shur...

Cat!!! - Mom squeals, and she and Dad scurry under the closet.

Or he will tie a twine to a hose and pull it across the room.

Snake... - Dad whispers and, together with Mom, faints.
“This is not life, but a nightmare!” Dad is indignant.
- We didn’t play around like that in our time.

Riddles for children starting with the letter Sh

Our auntie needle
She drew a line across the field.
Line by line
Line by line.
There will be a dress for your daughter.
(Sewing machine)

I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for regimental battles
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Sh

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
Know more and say less.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
There are toys for the cat and tears for the mouse.
The mouse and the cat are a beast.
Murder will out.
If you don’t see, go up the mountain; if you don’t understand, ask the elder.
If you were mistaken that you hurt yourself, then science goes ahead.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
The sooner you start, the sooner you will be in time.

Funny poems about the letter Sh for children

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh?
This cone flopped, rustling.
A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge.
Insects rustle in the rose hips.
What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?
Noise and rustling near the hut.
(M. Yasnov)

The mongrel barks very loudly.
The mongrel knows very firmly:
The one who says “woof” louder
He will always be right!
(B. Zakhoder)

Air balloon,
He ran away with the wind,
And where to?
And he didn't say it.
(F. Bobylev)

The rolled ball lay
So that he doesn't run out the window.
And now I’ll fool him,
I'll go outside with him.
(G. Satir)

I was walking through the forest and was afraid...
I came across someone's scarf.
Immediately the forest became less scary.
- Hey, who lost the scarf?
(G. Vieru)

I sewed a fur coat -
I sewed a skirt
I sewed a hat -
I sewed a slipper!
Natasha is a good seamstress!
(E. Blaginina)

Bumblebee sells balloons.
The balls are so naughty!
The balls rustle and burst into the sky,
And the silk threads are torn.
(G. Satir)

The bumblebee darted and rustled in the sage,
The bumblebee made a terrible noise.
How many things has he done?
Even woke up the hornet.
(A. Pudval)

The sword swallower wasn't joking
He fearlessly swallowed five swords.
Hey, naughty people! Increase your pace!
Bring me the sixth sword.
(V. Berestov)

Autumn bushes rustle.
The leaves rustle on the tree.
The reeds rustle.
And the rain rustles.
And the mouse, rustling,
He hurries to the hole.
And there they rustle quietly
Six smart little mice.
But everyone around is outraged:
- How the naughty people rustled!
(A. Usachev)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.
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