Preparing for a summary I'm sorry mom. concise statement

WRITING A SUMMARY Preparation for the implementation of part 1 of the GIA assignment STATEMENT is the transfer in writing of the content of the text read or listened to. Types of presentation: a detailed summary with elements of composition correctly highlight macro- and micro-themes of the text, master the skills of compressing the text logically, harmoniously, without distortion, convey the content of the source text in your own statement, using compression methods, maintain stylistic and stylistic unity in the work and observe speech norms, build a statement, taking into account the author's attitude to the problem IMPORTANT! In a condensed presentation, it is necessary to preserve all the micro-themes of the original text. But the number of paragraphs in a condensed presentation may differ from the number of paragraphs in the author's text. The division into paragraphs of a condensed presentation corresponds to the plan drawn up by the student after the first reading of the text. TECHNIQUES OF COMPRESSION (COMPRESSION) OF THE TEXT exclusion generalization simplification EXCLUSION - the ability to remove words or sentences from the text without violating its semantic and speech integrity. GENERALIZATION - identifying common features of objects in the area under consideration SIMPLIFICATION - replacing complex syntactic structures with simpler ones (complex sentences - simple, direct speech indirect, part of the text in one sentence) EXCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION You can exclude: examples of the same type, - rhetorical questions, exclamations, - quotes, - details that do not affect the train of thought, - explanations, descriptions, reasoning, - sentence words that can be deleted without damaging the text. In case of exclusion, it is necessary to: 1. Select the main (key) words from the point of view of the main idea of ​​the text. 2. Remove details and details. 3. Combine what has been received using the main means of communication between sentences GENERALIZATION (OR UNION) You can generalize: - parceled sentences. - a series of sentences connected by one thought. parts of complex sentences. - specific single facts, events, phenomena. When combining, it is necessary: ​​1. Find small single facts in the text. 2. Identify common. 3. Combine facts based on common. 4. Formulate the rest into sentences. REPLACEMENT You can replace: - homogeneous sentences with a generalizing word; - complex sentences simple; - parts of a sentence or a series of sentences by a common concept or expression; - direct indirect speech; - part of the text in one sentence. When replacing, it is necessary: ​​1. Find words, semantic parts or sentences that can be shortened by replacing with a generalizing word. 2. Formulate this proposal. Let's try it in practice Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and even very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me . I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. (119 words) We use different techniques: And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” This is direct speech. REPLACE: And I still mentally ask my mother for forgiveness. We use different methods: She told relatives, acquaintances and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. These are sentences with homogeneous members. EXCLUDING THEM, REPLACING WITH OTHER WORDS: She told everyone what a good son she had, because she wanted to be treated well, respected me. I also tried to save her from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her requests. We use different techniques: But the words that are now so overflowing that they rise to the throat, I did not express. This is a complex sentence, EXCLUDING THE SUDDENDENT: But I didn’t find the right words, I didn’t express it. We use different techniques: Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. TRYING TO ELIMINATE INTRODUCTORY WORDS We realize a lot too late, when nothing can be changed. We use different techniques: It happened that I forgot to ring at the appointed hour. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. WE SUMMARIZE A FEW SUGGESTIONS How often I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles, And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her. Now you won’t call, you won’t come running, you won’t express. Late. What happened? Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally ask her for forgiveness. Mom told everyone what a good son she had because she wanted me to be treated well. I also tried to save her from everyday hardships, I wanted to say a lot of good things, but I could not find the right words. Much we realize too late, when nothing can be changed. I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles. And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her. Now you can't fix anything. Late. (80 words)



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In order to study the level of readiness of IX grade students for the final assessment in a new form, the city information and methodological center prepared the texts of the test in the Russian language in accordance with the content and requirements of the new form of final assessment and recommends testing it in educational institutions.

The text of the test in the Russian language in grade 9

(in the format of the new form of final certification)

Work structure

You have 4 hours (240 minutes) to complete the test. The work consists of three parts.

Part 1 includes 1 task (C1) and is a short written work on the text listened to (concise presentation).

This task is performed on a separate signed sheet.

Part 2 performed on the basis of the read text. It consists of 7 multiple choice items (A1-A7) and 14 short answer items (B10-B14).

For each task with a choice of answers (A1-A7), 4 possible answers are given, of which only one is correct. Answers to tasks B1-B14 must be formulated by students on their own.

Part 3 performed on the basis of the read text.

Getting to the third part of the work, you must choose one of the two proposed tasks. (C2.1 or C2.2) and give a written detailed reasoned answer. This task is performed on a separate signed sheet.

70 minutes after the start of the exam, it is allowed to use spelling dictionaries.

Listen to the text and complete task C1 on a separate signed sheet. First write the task number, and then the text of the summary

Forgive me mom

Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late.

"Take care of mothers!" - one venerable poet proclaimed in a poem. It would be nice to add: “Take care of mothers the way they take care of us!” This call would look beautiful, but unreal: what a mother can do, only she can. Now I think that sometimes we too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers. Accepting them, we are obliged to ask ourselves every time the question: “Does not the mother give us the last? Doesn't it give away something without which a person cannot survive on earth?

The sacrifice of maternal feeling is natural, but our readiness to resist the noble “unreasonableness” of maternal generosity must also be natural.

“In agony, we remember our mother,” he wrote. And for salvation from childhood ailments, we also turn to her. "It's okay, I'm with you. Everything will pass ... "- whispers mom. And the disease recedes, because She is near. “Oh, if only it were so forever!”

I come to my mother, bend over a granite slab. Sometimes in reality, sometimes mentally... In time, during their lifetime, we must tell our mothers everything good that we can say, and do everything good that we can do for them. Forgive me mom... (According to A. Aleksin)

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-theme and

the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 90 words.

All subsequent material (pp. 2-5) is given to each student in printed form.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7; B1-B14.

I remember your hands...

1) Mom, mom! 2) I remember your hands from the moment I became aware of myself in the world. 3) Over the summer, they were always covered with a tan, he no longer departed in the winter - he was so gentle, even, only a little darker on the veins. 4) Or maybe they were rougher, your hands - after all, they had so much work in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on the dark veins.

5) Yes, from the very moment when I became aware of myself, and until the last minute, when you, exhausted, quietly, for the last time, laid your head on my chest, seeing me off on the hard path of life, I always remember your hands at work.

8) But most of all, for all eternity, I remembered how gently they stroked, your hands, slightly rough and so warm and cool, how they stroked my hair, and neck, and chest, when I lay half-conscious in bed. 9) And, whenever I opened my eyes, you were always near me, and the nightlight burned in the room, and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, as if from darkness, yourself all quiet and bright, as if in robes. 10) I kiss your clean, holy hands!

11) Look at you too, young man, my friend, look around like me, and tell me who you offended in life more than your mother - is it not from me, not from you, not from him, not from our failures, mistakes and whether our mothers turn gray from our grief? 12) But the hour will come when all this at the mother's grave will turn into a painful reproach to the heart.

(According to A. Fadeev)

Complete tasks A1-A7 based on the analysis of the content of the read text. For each task A-1-A7, 4 possible answers are given, of which only one is correct. Circle the answers to tasks A1-A7.

Why does the hero say that the mother's hands are "clean, holy"?

How does the information contained in sentence 14 characterize the hero?

What is the meaning of the word heart in sentence 12?

central organ of the circulatory system

this organ as a symbol of the soul, experiences, feelings

the most important place of something, the focus

a symbolic image in the form of an oval elongated along the sides, gently forked from above, tapering downwards and pointed

In which answer option does the content of the second sentence contain a conclusion from the first?

6) I remember your hands, unbending, red, lubricated from the icy water in the hole where you rinsed your clothes when we lived alone - it seemed, completely alone in the world - and I remember how imperceptibly your hands could take a splinter out of your finger son and how they instantly threaded a needle when you sewed and sang - you sang only for yourself and for me. 7) Because there is nothing in the world that they would abhor!

3) Over the summer, they were always covered with a tan, he no longer departed in the winter - he was so gentle, even, only a little darker on the veins. 4) Or maybe they were rougher, your hands - after all, they had so much work in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on the dark veins.

9) And, whenever I opened my eyes, you were always near me, and the nightlight burned in the room, and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, as if from darkness, yourself all quiet and bright, as if in robes. 10) I kiss your clean, holy hands!

13) Mom, mom! Forgive me, because you are the only one in the world who can forgive, put your hands on your head, as in childhood, and forgive ...

Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Why does the author call the mother’s hands not “hands”, not “handles”, but precisely “hands”? This wording says...

Please indicate the proposal that contains comparisons?

But most of all, for all eternity, I remember how gently they stroked, your hands, slightly rough and so warm and cool, how they stroked my hair, and neck, and chest, when I lay half-conscious in bed.

And, whenever I opened my eyes, you were always near me, and the night-light burned in the room, and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, as if from darkness, you yourself were all quiet and bright, as if in robes.

Yes, from the very moment when I became aware of myself, and until the last minute, when you, exhausted, quietly, for the last time, laid your head on my chest, seeing me off on the hard path of life, I always remember your hands at work.

But the hour will come when all this at the mother's grave will turn into a painful reproach to the heart.

From sentence 11 write out the words with unstressed unchecked root vowel.

From sentence 6, write out the word in which the spelling H or HH is determined by the rule: “As many N are written in the adverb as there were in the adjective from which it is formed.”

In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas between the parts connected writing connection.

And, (1) whenever I opened my eyes, (2) you were always near me, (3) and the night light was burning in the room, (4) and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, (5) as if from darkness, (6) all quiet and bright yourself, (7) as if in robes.

Replace phrase WAY OF LIFE(sentence 5), built on the basis of a subordinate relationship CONTROL, a synonymous phrase with connection CONSOLIDATION. Write the resulting phrase.

Among sentences 8-12, find an offer with an appeal. Write the number of this offer.

Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 9.

Among sentences 1-5 find complex sentence with heterogeneous clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Attention! Tasks of part 2 are issued in printed form to each student!

Part 3

Using the text of part 2 you read, do it on a separate signed sheet ONLY ONE from tasks: C2.1 or C2.2. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: C2.1 or C2.2.

C2.1 Familiarize yourself with the opinions of Pavel and Nikolai on the role of appeals in journalistic and artistic speech.

Nicholas : “Why do writers use appeals in their works? In conversations, it is clear why, in order to name the one to whom we will say something.

Paul : "The writer is addressing the reader."

Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "Why are appeals needed?"

pondering theoretical principles of their work, read once again the text of A. Fadeev and find the necessary examples of the use of appeals. Arguing your thoughts .

In an essay-reasoning, bring from the read text two examples illustrating appeals.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use partial quoting.

You can start a phrase either with a phrase belonging to Nikolai, or with your own statement.

You can write work on your own behalf or on behalf of Nikolai.

Write an essay-reasoning. explain how do you understand the meaning of the final text: “Forgive me, because you are alone, only you alone in the world can forgive, put your hands on your head, as in childhood, and forgive ...»

Lead in essay two arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations (avoid overquoting).

The essay must be at least 50 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Instructions for checking and evaluating the work of students in the Russian language

Checking and grading task C1


1. When writing a presentation, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the source text or in the information about the text.

2. The number of paragraphs in a condensed presentation should correspond to the number of micro-topics of the original text.

Criteria for evaluating the presentation


reflecting All important micro-themes for his perception.

The student conveyed the main content of the listened text, But missed or added 1 microtheme.

The student conveyed the main content of the listened text, But missed or added more than 1 microtheme.

Source Compression

Student Right applied at least 2 different text compression techniques (exclusion, generalization, simplification) and used them to compress at least 3 text micro-themes,

student Right applied 1 compression technique, using it throughout the text.

Student Right applied at least 2 different text compression techniques (exclusion, generalization, simplification) and used them to compress 2 text microthemes,

student Right applied 1 compression technique, using it to compress 3 microthemes of text.

Student Right applied at least 2 different text compression techniques (exclusion, generalization, simplification) and used them to compress 1 micro-topic of the text,

student Right applied 1 compression technique, using it to compress 2 microthemes of text.

Student Right applied 1 compression technique and used it to compress 1 microtheme of text,

the student did not use text compression techniques,

student wrong used text compression techniques and distorted the author's intent.

Semantic integrity speech coherence and sequence of presentation

The work of the student is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations of paragraph articulation of the text in the work.

The student has a sufficient vocabulary, but there is a monotony of the grammatical structure of speech, which does not allow him to accurately and clearly express his thought. There are some violations in the transfer of speech features of the source text.

The work is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech. The speech features of the original text in the work of the student are not transferred.

The maximum number of points for the presentation according to the criteria I1–I3

Part 2

Workshop on preparing for a summary

Goals of our lesson:

learn to highlight microthemes;

draw up a plan, collect working materials;

use various methods of text compression (exclusion, generalization, simplification).


Highlighting the micro-topics of the text, we thereby draw up its plan, a well-written plan is an excellent tool for writing a presentation.


(The text is on your tables)

Microtheme. - the theme of each semantic part of the text, which reflects part of the general theme, the same for the entire text.

1. Mom has been gone for a long time ... And

I'm still mentally

I say: "Forgive me,

2. We sometimes

Too thoughtlessly

accept sacrifices

their mothers

3. Natural bound

Be our readiness

oppose the noble


maternal generosity.

4. “In agony we are a mother


5. In time, during their lifetime,

we have to say everything

good and do for them

all good

Forgive me mom

Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late.

“In agony, we remember our mother,” wrote N.A. Nekrasov. And for salvation from childhood ailments, we also turn to her. "It's okay, I'm with you. Everything will pass ... "- whispers mom. And the disease recedes, because She is near. “Oh, if only it were so forever!”

I come to my mother, bend over a granite slab. Sometimes in reality, sometimes mentally... In time, during their lifetime, we must tell our mothers everything good that we can say, and do everything good that we can do for them. Forgive me, mother ... (According to A. Aleksin)

Micro topics


text reduction techniques

exclusion of additional information;

replacement of homogeneous members by a generalizing word,

the exclusion of participial and participial phrases, means of expression;

transformation of complex sentences into simple ones;

replacing direct speech with indirect speech.



You can exclude:

Introductory words,

Homogeneous members of the proposal,


similar examples,

Rhetorical questions, exclamations,

Details that do not affect the train of thought,

Explanations, descriptions, reasoning,

Sentence words that can be removed without affecting

In the event of an exception:

Highlight the main (key) in terms of the main idea

word text.

Remove details and details.

Combine received, using the main means of communication between


Generalization or union

1. Packaged offers.

2. A number of proposals related to one

3. Parts of complex sentences.

4. Specific single facts, events,

When merging, you must:

1. Find small isolated facts in the text.

2. Identify common.

3. Combine facts based on common.

4. Formulate the rest in


You can replace:

Homogeneous sentences with a generalizing word;

Complex sentences simple;

parts of a sentence or a series of sentences

a general concept or expression;

Direct speech indirect;

Part of the text in one sentence.

When replacing it is necessary:

Find words, semantic parts or sentences,

which can be reduced by replacing

generalizing word.

Formulate this proposal.

Let's try it in practice.
Shorten the first paragraph

Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. (119 words)

We use different methods

And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” This is a direct speech. REPLACE:

And I still mentally ask my mother for forgiveness.

She told relatives, acquaintances and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. - These are sentences with homogeneous members.


She told everyone what a good son she had, because she wanted me to be treated well, respected. I also tried to save her from worldly hardships, in a hurry to fulfill her requests.

And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Difficult sentence,

EXCLUDING THE SUBJECT: But I didn’t find the right words, I didn’t express it.

Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late.


REPLACE A SERIES OF SENTENCES WITH ONE EXPRESSION: We realize a lot too late, when nothing can be changed. How often I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles, And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her.

Now you won’t call, you won’t come running, you won’t express.

So what did we get?

Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally ask her for forgiveness. Mom told everyone what a good son she had because she wanted me to be treated well. I also tried to save her from everyday hardships, I wanted to say a lot of good things, but I could not find the right words. Much we realize too late, when nothing can be changed. I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles. And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her.

Now you can't fix anything.

Late. (80 words)

Using different methods of text compression, try to reduce it as much as possible.

"Take care of mothers!" - one venerable poet proclaimed in a poem. It would be nice to add: “Take care of mothers the way they take care of us!” This call would look beautiful, but unreal: what a mother can do, only she can. Now I think that sometimes we too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers. Accepting them, we are obliged to ask ourselves every time the question: “Does not the mother give us the last? Doesn't it give away something without which a person cannot survive on earth?

The sacrifice of maternal feeling is natural, but our readiness to resist the noble “unreasonableness” of maternal generosity must also be natural.

“In agony, we remember our mother,” wrote N. A. Nekrasov. And for salvation from childhood ailments, we also turn to her. "It's okay, I'm with you. Everything will pass ... "- whispers mom. And the disease recedes, because She is near. “Oh, if only it were so forever!”

I come to my mother, bend over a granite slab. Sometimes in reality, sometimes mentally... In time, during their lifetime, we must tell our mothers everything good that we can say, and do everything good that we can do for them. Forgive me mom


Blue color - sentences with direct speech.

Green - complex sentences.

Purple packaged offer.

Black color - repetitions.

Shall we check?...

It is necessary to accept motherly generosity reasonably and with gratitude.

Nekrasov wrote: "In agony we remember our mother." When we are in trouble, we turn to her. And difficulties recede, because mom is nearby. But that was only when she was alive...

Either in reality, or in my mind, I lean over a granite slab. What a pity that I did not say kind words to my mother in time, did not do good deeds ... Forgive me, mother!

(113 words)

113 +80 =193 (And there were 284 words in the original text).

Thus, we completed our task, managed to:

1. To convey the main content of the listened text, reflecting all the micro-themes that are important for its perception.

2. Correctly apply at least 2 different methods of text compression (exclusion, generalization, simplification) and used them to compress at least microtext text.

3. Saved the semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

Text from the Russian language test in grade 9

(in the format of a new form of final certification).



Department of Education



Highlighting the micro-topics of the text, we thereby draw up its plan, a well-written plan is an excellent tool for writing a presentation. LET'S TRY! (You have the text on the tables) Micro-theme. the theme of each semantic part of the text, which reflects part of the general theme, the same for the entire text.

Text of the Microtopic Forgive me, Mom Mom has long been gone ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, Mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and even not very close ones, what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well respected me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. "Take care of mothers!" - one venerable poet proclaimed in a poem. It would be nice to add: “Take care of mothers the way they take care of us!” This call would look beautiful, but unreal: what a mother can do, only she can. Now I think that sometimes we too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers. Accepting them, we are obliged to ask ourselves every time the question: “Does not the mother give us the last? Doesn't it give away something without which a person cannot survive on earth? The sacrifice of maternal feeling is natural, but our readiness to resist the noble “unreasonableness” of maternal generosity must also be natural. “In agony, we remember our mother,” wrote N.A. Nekrasov. And for salvation from childhood ailments, we also turn to her. "It's okay, I'm with you. Everything will pass ... "- whispers mom. And the disease recedes, because She is near. “Oh, if only it were so forever!” I come to my mother, bend over a granite slab. Sometimes in reality, sometimes mentally... In time, during their lifetime, we must tell our mothers everything good that we can say, and do everything good that we can do for them. Forgive me, Mom ... (According to A. Aleksin) 284 words 1. Mom has long been gone ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, Mom ...” 2. We sometimes Too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers 3. Must be natural our willingness to resist the noble "irrationality" of maternal generosity. 4. “In agony we remember our mother”, 5. In time, during their lifetime, we must say everything good and do everything good for them

Reminder: text reduction techniques - exclusion of additional information; -replacement of homogeneous members with a generalizing word, -exclusion of participial and adverbial phrases, means of expression; - transformation of complex sentences into simple ones; -replacement of direct speech by indirect. WE SPECIFY:

Exceptions You can exclude: - introductory words, - homogeneous members of a sentence, - repetitions, - examples of the same type, - rhetorical questions, exclamations, - quotes, - details that do not affect the train of thought, - explanations, descriptions, reasoning, - sentence words, which can be removed without damaging the text. In case of exclusion, it is necessary to: Highlight the main (key) words from the point of view of the main idea of ​​the text. Remove details and details. Combine received, using the main means of communication between sentences

Generalization or association 1. Packaged proposals. 2. A number of sentences connected by one thought. 3. Parts of complex sentences. 4. Concrete single facts, events, phenomena. When combining, it is necessary: ​​1. Find small single facts in the text. 2. Identify common. 3. Combine facts based on common. 4. Formulate the rest into sentences.

Replacement You can replace: -homogeneous sentences with a generalizing word; - complex sentences simple; -parts of a sentence or a series of sentences with a common concept or expression; - direct indirect speech; - part of the text in one sentence. When replacing, it is necessary: ​​-Find words, semantic parts or sentences that can be shortened by replacing with a generalizing word. - Formulate this proposal.

Let's try it in practice. Let's shorten the first paragraph Mom has long been gone ... And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, friends and not even very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me . I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. (119 words) And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” She told her relatives, acquaintances and not even very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat.

We use different techniques And I still mentally say: “Forgive me, mom ...” This is a direct speech. REPLACE: And I still mentally ask my mother for forgiveness. She told relatives, acquaintances and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, respect me. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. - These are sentences with homogeneous members. EXCLUDING THEM, REPLACING WITH OTHER WORDS: She told everyone what a good son she had, because she wanted to be treated well, respected me. I also tried to save her from worldly hardships, in a hurry to fulfill her requests. And he didn’t express the words with which he is now so overwhelmed that they rise to the throat. A complex sentence, EXCLUDING THE SUDDENDENT: But I didn’t find the right words, I didn’t express it.

Alas, we realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. Sometimes I forgot to call at the appointed time. "I understand how busy you are!" Sometimes he got annoyed over trifles ... "I understand how tired you are!" She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. If you could call now, come running, express! Late. WE TRY TO EXCLUDE THE INTRODUCTORY WORDS (Alas, IT HAPPENED), TO REPLACE A NUMBER OF SENTENCES WITH ONE EXPRESSION: We realize a lot too late, when nothing can be changed. How often I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles, And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her. Now you won’t call, you won’t come running, you won’t express. Late.

So what did we get? Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally ask her for forgiveness. Mom told everyone what a good son she had because she wanted me to be treated well. I also tried to save her from everyday hardships, I wanted to say a lot of good things, but I could not find the right words. Much we realize too late, when nothing can be changed. I forgot to call, got annoyed over trifles. And my mother tried to understand everything: the interests of her son are higher than the truth for her. Now you can't fix anything. Late. (80 words)

Using different methods of text compression, try to reduce it as much as possible. "Take care of mothers!" - one venerable poet proclaimed in a poem. It would be nice to add: “Take care of mothers the way they take care of us!” This call would look beautiful, but unreal: what a mother can do, only she can. Now I think that sometimes we too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers. Accepting them, we are obliged to ask ourselves every time the question: “Does not the mother give us the last? Doesn't it give away something without which a person cannot survive on earth? The sacrifice of maternal feeling is natural, but our readiness to resist the noble “unreasonableness” of maternal generosity must also be natural. “In agony, we remember our mother,” wrote N. A. Nekrasov. And for salvation from childhood ailments, we also turn to her. "It's okay, I'm with you. Everything will pass ... "- whispers mom. And the disease recedes, because She is near. “Oh, if only it were so forever!” I come to my mother, bend over a granite slab. Sometimes in reality, sometimes mentally... In time, during their lifetime, we must tell our mothers everything good that we can say, and do everything good that we can do for them. Forgive me mom

Thus, we completed our task, managed to: 1. Convey the main content of the listened text, reflecting all the micro-themes that are important for its perception. 2. Correctly apply at least 2 different methods of text compression (exclusion, generalization, simplification) and used them to compress at least microtext text. 3. Saved the semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

Text from the Russian language test in grade 9 (in the format of a new form of final assessment). ADMINISTRATION of Vladimir Education Department CITY INFORMATION AND METHODOLOGY CENTER

Listen to the text and do task C1 on a separate sheet. First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

C1 Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Listening text

The homeland of red kangaroos cannot be called a paradise. Basically, these are the interior regions of the continent, the very ones that are rightly called the "Dead Heart" of Australia. There is little water here, and there is nothing to hope for rain: precipitation falls annually, barely wetting the parched earth. The vegetation here is not rich: only isolated islands of hard grass, even less often - thickets of Australian thorn bushes. Only very hardy creatures can feel comfortable in such conditions - red kangaroos - the largest living marsupials. Only males can rightly be called "redheads", the fur of females is usually bluish-gray.

Red kangaroos have short front legs and long, powerful hind legs. There is a legend that once all kangaroos walked on four legs, but then the front ones were badly burned during a fire, and they had to learn to move on two. True, this legend has nothing to do with evolution, but the fact remains: with the help of their hind legs, these animals move in jumps at speeds up to 65 kilometers per hour, and in one energetic jump they overcome more than nine meters. The muscular “legs” armed with steel claws are also used by animals as a defense weapon. But they resort to this method of struggle extremely rarely, when they are “pressed against the wall” and there is nowhere to retreat, in all other cases they prefer to run away. And during the mating season, the males deftly “box” with their front paws, inflicting very sensitive blows on each other. A powerful wide tail is used as a support or balancer when running. The giant red kangaroo does not know how to move backward, it always strives only forward. The marsupial aborigine and, in general, well done anywhere: muscular, picky, hardy, which allows him to adapt perfectly to a dry climate.

Red kangaroos are real hermits. They are not only extremely unpretentious to food, but also endure the lack of water. (265 words)

(According to the materials of the magazine "Around the World")

- - - Text information for condensed presentation - - -

1 - The homeland of red kangaroos is the interior of Australia with a difficult climate and living conditions

2 - Powerful hind legs and tail of red kangaroos are well adapted for moving in the desert

3 - In the event of an attack, kangaroos use their paws as a weapon

4 - Red kangaroos are unpretentious in food and tolerate lack of water

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7; B1-B9. For each task A1-A7, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct.

(1) Mom has been gone for a long time ... (2) And I still mentally say: "Forgive me, mom." (3) She told relatives, acquaintances and even not very close ones what kind of son she had: she really wanted people to treat me well, to respect me. (4) I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests. (5) And he did not utter the words with which he is now so full that they rise to the throat. (6) We, alas, realize much belatedly, when nothing can be corrected. (7) It happened that I forgot to call at the appointed hour, but my mother was not offended: “I understand, you are so busy!”

(8) Sometimes he was irritated over trifles, but she did not answer the same: “I understand how tired you are!” (9) She tried to understand everything, proceeding from the interests of her son, which were sometimes higher than the truth for her. (10) If you could call now, run, express! (11) Late.

(12) In the history of the Second World War, there are many such tragic facts that are half-forgotten or completely overgrown with weeds of oblivion.

(13) Aluminum factories before the war were located in very vulnerable places, not far from the western border, and all those factories were destroyed in the first months of the battle. (14) The country was practically left without aluminum, this was a catastrophic event. (15) And then it was decided on the basis of a small Ural aluminum plant in the shortest possible time and, of course, "regardless of losses" to create a giant of the aluminum industry. (16) The most powerful and experienced construction team in the country, in which my mother worked, was thrown into a "historic" task.

(17) "We'll need you!" - Andrey Nikitich Prokofiev, the head of the construction site, told me, who was loved and called the old man, although now I understand that he was barely over fifty. (18) He knew me both because I was the son of my mother, and because even then, as a boy, he often published and spoke on the radio. (19) In a word, my mother and I went together.

(20) The train reached its destination for half a month, and my mother fell ill on the way ... (21) I remember the first of November forty-first, when we unloaded, left the train, and an immense, dank space stretched out before us: swollen, all in puddles and pits of earth, barracks, tents, lonely, sooty houses and workshops. (22) The cold, dull rain seemed to go on forever ...

(23) I was approached by Yakov Belopolsky, later a famous architect, winner of all and sundry awards.

(24) - Tolya, you must be a man, - he said. - (25) Mom, you know, she fell seriously ill on the road ... (26) And no one here will be able to help her. (27) Urgent operation needed! (28) And they said they wouldn’t have time to take them to the city ...

(29) I remember that I immediately, on inspiration from above, collapsed on my knees on the wet earth and raised my hands to the sky:

God save my mommy!

(30) Fifteen minutes later it turned out that the wife of one of the engineers was a skilled surgeon, that she had brought tools and medicines with her. (31) In the barracks, militantly unsanitary conditions, she performed the most difficult operation, and my mother lived another thirty-seven years, and from that day, from the first of November forty-one, I began to believe in God. (32) He heard me... (33) Can I doubt?..

(According to A. Aleksin)

A1 Which of the following statements answers the question: What is the author's biggest regret?

  1. He didn't help his mother enough.
  2. He couldn't save her from sickness.
  3. He often came home irritated.
  4. He did not tell his mother enough about his filial love.

A2 Indicate the meaning in which the word is used in the text "worldly"(proposition 4).

  1. vital
  2. household
  3. family
  4. personal

A3 Indicate the option in which the means of expressiveness of speech is gradation.

  1. Mom has been gone for a long time ... And I still mentally say: "Forgive me, mom."
  2. I really tried to save her from illnesses, from everyday hardships, I was in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests.
  3. She told relatives, acquaintances and even not very close ones, what kind of son she had ...
  4. The most powerful and experienced construction team in the country, in which my mother worked, was thrown into a "historic" task.

A4 Specify erroneous judgment.

  1. In the word REQUEST (sentence 4), as a result of voicing, a consonant sound [з '] is heard.
  2. In the word CLOSE (sentence 3), the sound [h] is heard.
  3. In the word WILL (sentence 17), the letter b (soft sign) does not indicate the softness of the consonant.
  4. In the word RAIN (sentence 22) there are fewer sounds than letters.

A5 Enter the word with verifiable unstressed root vowel.

  1. got annoyed
  2. interests
  3. located
  4. echelon

A6 In what word is the spelling of the prefix determined by the fact that after it a dull consonant sound is heard?

  1. swollen
  2. approach
  3. to correct
  4. uplifted

A7 Which word has the spelling -HH- or -N- determined by the fact that the word comes from an adjective with the same number of letters H?

  1. mentally
  2. appointed
  3. sooty
  4. crowded

Complete tasks B1-B9 based on the text you have read. Answers to tasks B1-B9 write down in words or numbers.

IN 1 Replace word VODEL from sentence 29 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

AT 2 Replace phrase CONSTRUCTION TEAM(Proposition 16), built on the basis of the connection agreement, a synonymous phrase with connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 3 You write grammatical basis suggestions 10.

AT 4 Among sentences 12-16, find the sentence with homogeneous predicates

AT 5 In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word.

He knew me both because (1) that I was the son of my mother, (2) and because (3) that even then, (4) at a boyish age, (5) was often published and performed on the radio. In a word, (6) my mother and I went together.

AT 6 Specify Quantity grammar basics in sentence 30.

AT 7 In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas between the parts complex subordinate offers.

He knew me both because (1) that I was the son of my mother, (2) and because, (3) even then, (4) at a boyish age, (5) was often published and performed on the radio.

AT 8 Among sentences 17-23 find complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

AT 9 Among sentences 1-11 find compound sentence with non-union and allied subordination between parts. Write the number of this offer.

- - - Answers - - -

A1-4; A2-2; AZ-3; A4-2; A5-1; A6-3; A7-1.

B1-raised; B2-team of builders; B3-it would be possible to call, run, express; B4-12; B5-6; B6-3; B7-1,2,3; B8-17; B9-3.

Part 3

Using the read text from part 2, complete task C2 on a separate sheet.

C2 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “The word is the thinnest touch to the heart, it can become both a delicate, fragrant flower, and living water, returning faith in good, and a sharp knife, and red-hot iron, and clods dirt ... A wise and kind word brings joy, a stupid and evil, thoughtless and tactless - brings trouble. A word can kill and revive, dispel doubts, plunge into despondency, inspire and numb the forces of the soul.

Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

The meaning of the phrase

Words play an important role in human life. A word can denote everything that we see, what we think about. Words are different. Words should be chosen carefully, as a word can both please and hurt a person.


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