What is the value of life. Human life values

Living without values?

This is where the inconsistency is most obvious. First, atheists, having refuted God, continue to adhere to the values ​​of love and brotherhood. Albert Camus was rightly criticized for believing both in the absurdity of life and in the ethic of love and brotherhood between people. These two things are logically incompatible.

Bertrand Russell was guilty of the same inconsistency. Being an atheist, he was also a zealous critic of social relations, denounced war, etc.

To deny the existence of God means to deny the existence of absolute good and evil. A person living on the ground floor is obliged to come to the logical conclusion that “everything is permitted,” in the words of Dostoevsky. But Dostoevsky showed that a person cannot live with such views. In his novel Crime and Punishment, a young atheist brutally kills an old woman. He knows that, according to his theories, he shouldn't feel guilty. However, the feeling of guilt wears on him until he confesses and surrenders his life to God.

In another of Dostoevsky's masterpieces, The Brothers Karamazov, Smerdyakov kills his father after believing Ivan that there is no God or absolute values. Then he accuses Ivan himself of this murder: after all, it was he who said that there is no God. Unable to accept the logical conclusions of his own worldview, Ivan ends up with “delirium tremens.”

A person cannot live without values. He can't imagine. that soldiers have every right to kill innocent children, that it is natural for dictatorial regimes to torture political prisoners, that it is perfectly acceptable when a man like Idi Amin mercilessly exterminates thousands of his fellow countrymen. Everything in a person cries out that such actions are evil - truly evil. But if there is no God, then there is neither evil nor virtue! And yet a person appeals to values, not noticing that he has entered the realm of faith. Doesn't this behavior indicate that a world devoid of God is missing something very important?

Secondly: if there is neither God nor immortality, then many atrocities will remain unpunished, and heroic victims will remain without reward.

The English theologian Cardinal Newman once said that if he did not believe that in the afterlife all the atrocities of human history would be avenged, he would go mad. And he can be understood. It is intolerable to find ourselves in a universe in which moral responsibility and moral values ​​are absent. Therefore, it is hardly possible to find an atheist who would live in full accordance with his ideas, thought out to the end.

For each of us, life values ​​are the fundamental guideline in various types of activities. They contribute to personal growth, creating a comfortable life, the formation of creative thinking, etc. Everything is achieved by a person thanks to the hierarchy of values ​​he has built, which determines what priorities come first. This is the measure of human happiness.

Some people put family first, others can’t imagine their well-being without others, others devote themselves to interests and hobbies. Some representatives of humanity, refusing material wealth, see their happiness only in spiritual self-improvement. In general, life values ​​are goals and priorities that, controlling a person’s life, determine his essence. The choice of fundamental guidelines is carried out by people depending on the level of development of their consciousness. However, either material should not be an extreme, as this will inevitably lead to excessive materialization or, conversely, illusoryness. Therefore, it is very important to achieve balance in the system of life priorities.

There are universal human values ​​that are equally important for all people. Each era sets its own system of priorities for the individual. In modern society, values ​​include health, family, work and education. The implementation of priorities that are significant to a person is very important for his recognition and self-affirmation.

Beginning to form in the family, life values ​​subsequently determine the image and their worldview. By analyzing them, one can determine the scarcity or richness of a person’s inner world, the diversity of his interests and individuality. In the formation of a person’s value systems, a significant role is played by his close environment (friends, family), religious views, as well as national and social traditions.

The basics of life can be divided into several groups:

  • Family. Involves long-term relationships (with parents, children, marriage partner, loved ones and friends) that are viewed as valuable. Thanks to the improvement of a person in a couple, his personal growth occurs more effectively. And warm relationships with family allow you to feel the fullness of happiness.
  • Career. It involves targeted actions aimed at achieving a certain goal, which opens up new opportunities and spheres of influence for a person.
  • Favourite buisness. Helps reveal the inner world of a person. With a reasonably constructed hierarchy of life guidelines, your favorite pastime, hobby and many other interests will help strengthen your state of mental harmony and happiness.
  • Money, comfort. An orderly life is considered as a value that requires certain financial costs.
  • Education. Improving professional skills contributes to personal development and represents a certain value. Thanks to the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, it is possible to perform high-quality and competent work and career growth.
  • Health and beauty. Body values ​​(fit figure, developed muscles, well-groomed skin) are considered an important component of a healthy lifestyle, requiring systematic exercise.
  • Personal growth. Includes certain social and psychological skills that contribute to the formation of maturity in views, attention to others, the manifestation of wisdom, and control of one’s feelings and emotions.

Thus, life values ​​are a person’s way of self-affirmation, regulating his behavior.

Life as a value... To combine two concepts into one, it is necessary to answer two questions: “What is life? What is value? Man is, first of all, a biological being. The evolution of the animal world lasted hundreds of millions of years, during which the most perfect creation of nature was formed - man. The human body consists of millions of cells, all of which perform a specific function. Thanks to cells, the body grows, multiplies, and organs and tissues are restored. And as soon as a certain group of cells dies, the body breaks down. Life is very fragile, but we often do not realize this and therefore do not appreciate it. Scientists have not come to a consensus: some believe that a person can live more than one hundred and fifty years, others - more than two hundred years. And now there are centenarians on Earth who are more than a hundred years old. Why do some live more than a hundred years, while others live for forty, fifty years... There are many reasons: stress, ecology, alcoholism, drug addiction, incurable diseases. Each person has his own reasons, but everyone will sooner or later end their life cycle.

Man is a biosocial being. An important feature of a person is that he is a public or social being. Only in society, in communication, were such human qualities as language (speech) and the ability to think formed.

A person lives in a certain system of values, the objects and phenomena of which satisfy his needs. The same objects and phenomena may have different values ​​for different people. Value orientations are also different. The rules of individual behavior depend on them. But the highest and absolute value is the person himself, his life. A person is an intrinsic value, an absolute value. There is no point in talking about values ​​outside of a person. What are values?

Values ​​are what is dear to people, what makes a person’s life more meaningful, allows them to understand the phenomena of the surrounding world and navigate it.

The highest values: the meaning of life, goodness, justice, beauty, truth, freedom... They increase life expectancy. Life will be unbearable if a person does not find the meaning of life and cannot realize himself. Higher values ​​play a big role in the socialization of an individual. Sometimes a person becomes confused about values ​​or does not find them. He is overcome by boredom, which leads to suicide. We live at the stage of formation of market relations. They influence the value orientations of the individual. A double morality appears, a general alienation... Sometimes a person loses his highest values, which constitute the meaning of his life. “There is only one really serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. To make a judgment about whether life is worth laboring to live or not is to answer the basic question of philosophy. Everything else - whether the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or thirteen categories - comes later. This is already a game, and first you need to answer. the values ​​that give it meaning. In an effort to understand the meaning of life, a person takes a closer look at society. It seems to him a world of lawlessness, alienation, indifference. Only on the threshold of death does a person feel free, peaceful and happy.

An important function of a person is to establish continuous interaction with the outside world, which is achieved through mental activity. Thanks to it, a person forms a spiritual picture of the external world and controls his behavior in accordance with it. As a result, he achieves his goal and solves various life situations.

Life as a value...

Every person sooner or later asks himself questions: is life worth living? Does a person’s life have any meaning or value? I completely agree with the ancient Chinese, for whom life and health are absolute values. The highest and absolute value is the person himself, his life. There is no point in talking about values ​​outside of a person.

What is life and what is value?

Life is one of the forms of existence of matter that distinguishes the world of organisms from the rest of reality. In a biological sense, life is a sign of an organism. First of all, life marks a higher stage in the evolution of matter.

Now we need to understand the concept of value. Values ​​are what is dear to people, what makes life more meaningful, allows them to understand the phenomena of the world around them and navigate it. The highest values ​​are: the meaning of life, goodness, justice, beauty, truth, freedom... They increase life expectancy. Among the highest values, I would highlight the meaning of life. Life will be unbearable if a person does not find the meaning of life and cannot realize himself. Higher values ​​play a big role in the socialization of an individual. Sometimes a person becomes confused about values ​​or does not find them. What is of great value to one person is of little or no value to another.

Before philosophers turned to the phenomenon of life and tried to “find out what can be called living,” various interpretations of the origin and meaning of life began to emerge in the history of human culture. “Where, I often asked myself, is the beginning of life hidden?” - thought the hero of M. Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus.” “What is life? No one knows. No one knows the point of existence at which it arose and ignited,” - T. Mann “The Magic Mountain.”

The value of life is undeniable. After all, if there is no earthly existence, then other values ​​lose their significance. Humanity will not be able to prolong its own existence if it stops reproducing life as an eternal value. Life is a precious gift, but someday the inevitable death comes and every person knows about this inevitability. But he lives, tries to find the meaning of life, identifies values ​​that are significant to him.

“A person himself evaluates participation in the world process. He realizes the value of life. But what logic makes a person live and appreciate life if inevitable death awaits him? What could be the meaning in this life, which is full of horrors and sorrow?” (V.S. Soloviev). And yet a person lives, fights the inevitable to the end. Sometimes he fights for his life with unimaginable efforts, and begins to appreciate what he had not noticed before. There are many examples of this.

But life has not always been a universal value. In ancient Indian culture, where the idea of ​​the resurrection of the soul dominated, people sought to complete their next karmic existence and return to earth in a new bodily form, throwing themselves under chariots or into the waters of the sacred Ganges. In the value system of ancient Japan, honor was more important than life. Samurai voluntarily committed hara-kiri.

The New Testament says that man himself and his earthly interests are of no value. Man, according to the Bible, is a “servant of God.” The Bible orients a person towards religious activity, which is aimed at realizing the religious meaning of life - achieving immortality. The meaning of life is not in life itself, but outside it; life in the real world becomes only a stage towards “eternal” life.

But philosophers believe that immortality is not a universal good.

“I somehow dreamed that I would never die,

And I remember that in my sleep I cursed this mercy,

Like a poor bird that cries in a pine forest,

My soul languished heavily with the consciousness of immortality.”

/ V. Lifshits /

DI. Dubrovsky: “We must have the courage not to create illusions about the possibility of life after death in some other world. The life of each of us is a “random gift” - unique, unique, inimitable, non-renewable. And this gives it a special value, which differs from its value subject to the possibility of an afterlife, some way of prolonging life after death. Under various other conditions, the non-renewable is more valuable than the renewable. The problem of the meaning of life also becomes significantly different in each case.”

The meaning of human life is a philosophical reflection on the purpose and purpose of such a human gift as life. This is a concept that helps a person live his years with dignity and meaning.

Sometimes life ceases to be valuable: a serious illness, the loss of a very close person, sometimes a person loses his highest values, which make up the meaning of his life. “To make a judgment about whether life is worth laboring to live or not is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy” (A. Camus - French philosopher). Many thinkers from almost all nations at all times have spoken very negatively about life. Life is suffering, an abyss of evil, vanity, struggle, wandering through a foreign land, eternal night... Death was shown not as the end, but as the crown of life. It orients human life, makes a person find meaning and justify his existence to himself.

Life is priceless. “Life cannot be defined by any specific content. What is its meaning? What is its purpose? – asked V.V. Versaev. – There is only one answer: in life itself. Life itself is of the highest value, full of mysterious depth. Any manifestation of a living being can be full of life, and then it will be beautiful, light and valuable in itself; but there is no life - and the same phenomenon becomes dark, dead, and, like grave worms, questions begin to swarm within it: why? For what? What is the point? We do not live to do good, just as we do not live to fight, love, eat or sleep. We do good, we fight, we eat, we love, because we live.”

So, the meaning of existence is in existence itself, in the very being of a person, and the value of his life is in the ability, despite all the difficulties, while improving the world, to improve himself. I love life and consider it the highest value given to man.

Try to ask any person about his first crush, and you will almost certainly hear the answer: he was in love with someone he barely knew. Perhaps not only were they not close, but they had never even spoken to each other! When you are in love, it means that you really like a person you know quite well. You create an ideal image in your head and fall in love with this image, and not with the real person.

These feelings can be very strong; It may seem to you that there is nothing more important in the world than what is happening in your soul, but whether this hobby lasts one day, a month or even a year, only one thing is certain: sooner or later it will pass. Almost every person experiences the feeling of falling in love in their youth. These feelings are important because they gradually help us understand what love is. Often, students fall in love with their teachers and start making up stories about them or imagining talking to them after class. Many people in their youth fall in love with book characters, theater and film actors, and popular musicians. They see the talent and beauty of these people and, although they don’t know them, they think about them and dream of talking to them. It probably happened to you, when you were seven or eight years old, to come home and say that when you grow up, you will get married with such and such a classmate or classmate. Maybe you thought you were in love with someone in your class, and then, when this person moved to another school or another class, you forgot about him after a month or two.

What is falling in love?

You suddenly feel that some person is the most wonderful person in the world. He can do no wrong; he is the most beautiful, kind, smart, etc. You are filled with very strong feelings, but they do not last very long.
You don't know the person you're in love with very well.
You have your head in the clouds when you are near the object of your love, but you feel sad when he is not around. You think about him all the time, even when you should be thinking about something else.
Falling in love has its dark side as it can turn into depression. If you are in love with someone now, or have been in love before and can remember your feelings, try testing yourself by answering the following questions. If you haven't been in love yet, perhaps this will help you in the future.

Are you familiar with the following feelings:

loss of interest in life.
frequent bouts of despair.
lack of desire to do anything.
strong feelings of jealousy when someone else talks about someone you have a crush on.
feeling of hopelessness.
the feeling that you are unworthy of your chosen one.
you constantly think about him/her.
If you answered yes to more than two questions, then you need to do something before your crush turns into depression.

There is no need to spend long hours thinking about him (her).
Don't forget about your friends. Friends are very important, but if you distance yourself from them, your friendship may soon weaken.
Talk to an adult about what you are going through.
Don't neglect your schoolwork and other interests. Try to channel your feelings into something constructive - studying, playing sports, etc.

From Anya's diary.

Anya realizes that she was mistaken about Marina, and she feels sorry for her.

April 15. Today I saw Marina. Her face was paper white and her eyes were red, as if she had been crying all day. I asked her what happened, and in response she started crying again. She said that the boy she was friends with found another girlfriend and left her. He even told his friends that she was a selfish fool. I just can't imagine that this is true. I used to be so jealous of Marina, it was my secret. I envied her beautiful, fashionable clothes, her maturity, the fact that she had a boy who visited her every day. But now I just feel sorry for her. She looks like a broken doll, a beautiful broken doll. Mom was right. She may be pretty, but now I would never want to be in her place.

I never thought about this before. Every time I saw them hugging in our hallway, I felt so jealous. I thought: “If only there was a person who thought I was so beautiful!” It never occurred to me how their romance would end. But now I'm so glad that I am me. I can do anything. I don't have to worry about pleasing some boy. And I'm not afraid to be alone if I do something wrong. I can be friends with everyone I like - both boys and girls. I don't want to be a broken doll like Marina. I want to have only one love in my life, and that it would happen later, not now. Mom said I was like a growing flower, and now I understand what she meant. I think that Marina's flower opened too early, and now she feels lonely, abandoned and unsure of herself. Poor Marina, I’m glad that all this didn’t happen to me.

And my mother also said that everything that happened between Marina and her friend had nothing to do with love, it was just infatuation. It can often be easy to mistake infatuation for love because of the overwhelming feelings you have. At the same time, you forget about time, where you are, about school, friends - in general, about everything. The one you are in love with seems so extraordinary to you, unlike anyone else, ideal. But in reality this ideal is

Mom said that every woman is like a delicate flower that should slowly open up in preparation for blooming. If you open too quickly, the flower will soon wither. Mom said that if you marry a person who will be your first true love, then you will be able to share with him your whole soul, everything that is in you. But if you waste your soul on different friends before, then you won’t be able to give so much to your husband, and your relationship will no longer be special, the only one. Mom said that love is not just a feeling. When you love a person, you are ready to do anything for him. Love is actions, it is real care for another person, shown even in those moments when you don’t want to do anything. Love is very beautiful, but part of that beauty is that you care about each other, not just spending time together, but doing something important. She said that true love takes a long time to grow and is based on deep friendships. When two people love each other, they not only have fun together, but also overcome difficulties, share joys and sorrows. I think all this is very important, and I would like to think about it myself.

When you are in love, you need to learn to control your feelings and not obey any of their impulses. Senses are like horses - when they are well trained, they will take you where you need to go; but try to ride an unbroken horse, and he will probably throw you off. So make sure you can control your feelings and emotions. Sometimes you will have to consciously manage them, but only then can you find the freedom to love. So there is a line that you should not cross because otherwise you will lose your purity and innocence. Some time will pass, you will become adults and meet the person with whom you want to start a family. And the best gift that you can give to your future husband or wife is your pure heart, your chastity. In the meantime, you can learn to love by caring for your friends, helping your parents, classmates, and those who live next to you.

Let's compare falling in love and true love.

Falling in love first of all thinks about itself: “When he is near, I am so happy!”
Love is aimed at the benefit of another person.
Falling in love grows quickly and suddenly disappears.
True love begins slowly and grows deeper over time.

Falling in love looks at a person's appearance, not their heart.
Love is addressed to the person as a whole, and not just to his appearance!
When you are infatuated with someone, your studies, relationships with friends, etc. often suffer.
When you love, you become a better person.
You think the person you're in love with is perfect and don't see any flaws in him.
If it's love, you may disagree with the one you love about something, but together you can overcome any differences.

Our interview.

Have you ever fallen in love, and if so, how long did your crush last? How did that make you feel?

Yes, it happened, but it was completely frivolous, and a lot of times, I can’t even remember how many times, but it lasted from several minutes to several months, no more, that is, it all happened in childhood. (Kirill, 6th grade)

Well, there were some sympathies, of course; when you read, often
you fall in love with the characters of the books. (Vasilisa, 6th grade)

What is love?

Love is a feeling that cannot be conveyed, you are in the clouds, and it is very difficult to see the bad, and even if you saw the bad, it is very quickly forgotten, and all the time you switch to the creature you love. (Alyosha, 5th grade)

And I can say that it is difficult to explain, and sometimes it is difficult even for yourself to decide whether you like this person or not, and it is difficult to look at the other side of a person, the bad side, although sometimes you have to do this. (Ksenia, 6th grade)


Love and infatuation are different things. Some people get married because they are in love with each other, and then discover that they have little in common. True love grows and becomes deeper over time. Love is not just a feeling, but devotion to another person.

About friendship and falling in love.

Even if you are in love, it is important not to forget your friends. Friends are very important in the life of any person. They will help you when needed and will stay with you even in the most difficult moments. You also help your friends. In friendships, sometimes you share things with your friends, and at other times you accept their support. Some people make the mistake of forgetting about their friends when falling in love. They spend all their time with or dreaming about the person they are passionate about. But then a feeling of loneliness and disappointment inevitably comes - when they come to their senses, they realize that they have already lost all their friends. Many happy married couples say that they married a person who was previously their friend. For a long time they were friends, got to know each other well and only then decided to get married. So never forget your friends and remember that there is a big difference between being in love and being in love!

1. Discuss the following. What do you think, if a mother loved her child only when she wanted to, what would happen to her love when the baby upset or angered her in some way? Does mother's love depend only on feelings? Does a mother really love her child only when it pleases her, or does she love him even when she has to do boring or unpleasant things? Try to compare such maternal love and falling in love.

2. Answer the following question in your journals. Boys and girls can be good friends, as long as this friendship does not develop into a romantic interest. Why do you think it is good to be friends with someone of the opposite sex?

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but don't forget that it's not love yet!

Scarlet Sails. Based on the story by A. Green

In Kaperna, a small village on the seashore, lived Longren, a former sailor. His wife died when their baby daughter was only five months old. Longren had to take charge of the ship, and from then on he raised Assol himself. After the death of his wife, Longren became gloomy and unsociable. He made a living by making toys from wood - boats, boats, yachts. Only with his daughter did Longren become different, telling her amazing stories for a long time. And the girl grew up in a world of unusual adventures and fairy tales. One day, eight-year-old Assol went to the city to take toys made by her father to the store. In the forest she met an old man whom she mistook for a wizard. In fact, it was Aigle - a famous collector of songs, legends, tales and tales. This is what he predicted to the spellbound girl:

“I don’t know how many years will pass, but in Kaperna one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time.” You will be big, Assol. One morning, in the distant sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you. This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without shouts or shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping; and you will stand there. The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him. "Why have you come? Who are you looking for?" - people on the shore will ask. Then you will see a brave, handsome prince, he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol!” he will say. “Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you to my kingdom forever. You will live there with me in a deep pink valley. You will have everything you want.” “We will live with you so friendly and cheerful that your soul will never know tears and sadness.” He will put you on a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival...

Having run home, Assol told her father everything. Terribly tired, she tried to add some more details, but the heat, excitement, and weakness made her sleepy. Her eyes were stuck together, her head fell on her father’s hard shoulder, a moment - and she would have been carried away into the land of dreams, when suddenly, worried by a sudden doubt, Assol sat up straight, with her eyes closed and, resting her fist on Longren’s vest, said loudly:

Do you think the magic ship will come for me or not?

“He will come,” the sailor calmly answered, “since they told you this, it means everything is correct...

The dream of a ship with scarlet sails filled the girl’s life with light and joy. But she also became a source of suffering. The village already didn’t like Longren, but now the residents had a new reason for ridicule.

Hey hangman! Assol! Look here! Red sails are sailing!

The girl, shuddering, involuntarily looked from under her hand at the flood of the sea. Then she turned towards the exclamations; there, twenty paces from her, stood a group of guys; they grimaced, sticking out their tongues. Sighing, the girl ran home...

Years passed. Assol grew up. Her peers lived an ordinary village life, flirted with guys, got married... And only Assol was waiting for her Prince, increasingly becoming an object of ridicule. More than once, worried and timid, she went at night to the seashore, where, after waiting for dawn, she quite seriously looked out for a ship with scarlet sails. These minutes were happiness for her... At other times, thinking about all this, she sincerely marveled at herself, not believing that she believed; Forgiving the sea with a smile and sadly turning to reality, the girl recalled her life. There was a lot of boredom and simplicity. Loneliness sometimes weighed heavily on her... They laughed at her, saying: “She’s touched,” “out of her mind.” She got used to this pain too; the girl even happened to endure insults, after which her chest ached as if from a blow... Maybe a ship with scarlet sails and a handsome prince who will come to take her with him, forever freeing her from the melancholy of loneliness and misunderstanding, is this just a fairy tale? But Assol continued to believe...

Gray was not a fairy tale prince. He was the captain of the Secret, a three-masted galliot. But, having learned about Assol, he felt a kindred spirit in her.

Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands... When the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, do this miracle if you are able. He will have a new soul and you will have a new one. When the warden himself releases the prisoner, and the jockey at least once holds his horse for the sake of another horse who is unlucky, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything. As for me, our miracle - mine and Assol's - will remain for us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depths of the heart, which knows what love is...

And Gray created this miracle for Assol. In a neighboring city, he bought two thousand meters of scarlet silk, from which new sails were sewn for his ship...

Assol was reading... But suddenly a random shift of her gaze revealed to her a white ship with scarlet sails on the blue sea slit of the street space. She shuddered, leaned back, froze; then she jumped up sharply, with her heart falling dizzily, breaking out in uncontrollable tears of inspired shock... Not remembering how she left the house, Assol was already running to the sea, caught by the irresistible wind of the event; at the first corner she stopped almost exhausted; her legs were giving way, her breathing was faltering and extinguished, her consciousness was hanging on by a thread. Beside herself with fear of losing her will, she stamped her foot and ran on. At times the roof or the fence hid the scarlet sails from her; then, fearing that they had disappeared like a simple ghost, she hurried to pass the painful obstacle and, seeing the ship again, stopped to breathe a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, such confusion, such excitement, such general unrest occurred in Caperna, which would not yield to the effect of the famous earthquakes. Never before had a large ship approached this shore; the ship had those same sails whose name sounded like a mockery; now they glowed clearly and irrefutably with the innocence of a fact that refutes all the laws of existence and common sense. Men, women, children rushed to the shore in a hurry, who was wearing what; the inhabitants called to each other from courtyard to courtyard, jumped on each other, screamed and fell; Soon a crowd formed by the water, and Assol quickly ran into this crowd. While she was gone, her name flew among the people with nervous and gloomy anxiety, with angry fear... As soon as Assol appeared, everyone fell silent, everyone moved away from her in fear , and she was left alone in the middle of the emptiness of the sultry sand, confused, ashamed, happy, with a face no less scarlet than her miracle, helplessly stretching out her hands towards the tall ship. A boat full of tanned oarsmen separated from him; among them stood someone whom, as it seemed to her now, she knew, vaguely remembered from childhood. He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried... The oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray bent down and her hands grabbed his belt. Assol closed her eyes, then quickly opened her eyes, boldly smiled at his shining face and, out of breath, said:

Absolutely like that.

And you too, my child! - Gray said, taking the wet jewel out of the water. - Here I come. Do you recognize me?

She nodded, holding onto his belt, with a new soul and tremulously closed eyes. Happiness sat inside her like a fluffy kitten. When Assol decided to open her eyes, the rocking of the boat, the shine of the waves, the approaching, powerfully tossing board of the Secret - everything was a dream, where the light and water swayed, swirling, like the play of sunbeams on a wall streaming with rays. Not remembering how, she climbed the ladder in Gray's strong arms. The deck, hung with carpets and splashed with scarlet sails, was like a heavenly garden...

Gray took her hands, and, knowing now where it was safe to go, she hid her face, wet with tears, on the chest of her friend, who had come so magically. Carefully, but with laughter, himself shocked and surprised that an inexpressible, precious moment, inaccessible to anyone, had come, Gray lifted up by the chin this long-dreamed-of face, and the girl’s eyes finally opened clearly, They contained all the best of a person...


Why do you think Assol was still able to wait for Gray? Was it easy for her? If she, like most girls in their village, lived an ordinary life, met guys, would this miracle happen in her life?

How do you understand Gray’s words about miracles: “Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands... As for me, our miracle - mine and Assol's - will remain with us forever in the scarlet glow of the sails created by the depth of a heart that knows what love is..."? Can you bring joy to another person by “making a miracle for him with your own hands”? Or maybe this has already happened in your life? If yes, please tell us about it.

Why did Gray think that Assol knew what love was? Do you agree with him? All people dream of something wonderful happening in their lives - just like it happened with Assol. Do you think it depends on yourself?

We continue the New Year's Preparatory Training. And today we have an unscheduled article, which makes it even more useful. In yesterday’s article “Where Are You Coming?” we talked about how important it is to ask questions about the correct choice of your path, your life values ​​and priorities.

Today you will have an exercise to determine what is most valuable to you. First of all, let's define what it is -life values.

Life values- these are ideals, concepts, faith, beliefs, principles, aspirations and other abstract aspects that are most significant to you. These values ​​serve as guidelines in life, standards, criteria for the quality of life and the “correctness” of decisions and actions.

For example. Family, children, love, health, self-development, comfort and safety, well-being, career, travel or vacation with loved ones - these are the very values ​​on which we happily spend time, energy, and resources.

These values ​​may be different for different people:

  • For example, for one person the most valuable thing is self-development, learning, learning new things. If you choose between an interesting seminar and a vacation trip, this person definitely chooses the seminar. And even if he is on vacation, he will find a way to connect to the Internet during the seminar.

    For many of us, the most valuable thing is family. A person with such a priority will easily refuse additional work and additional income just to spend more time with his family. And if you need to improve relationships in the family, strengthen connections, breathe former freshness into relationships or ensure financial stability - such a person will do everything to learn how to achieve what the family lacks.

  • For some, loneliness is comfort and the highest good. Well, this makes it easier for a person to work, think, live and relax. therefore, he will go on vacation to a place where he will not be found, where they speak a different language, or where there are very few people at all, but a lot of nature. This person will prefer remote work to office work, and will choose individual consultations (coaching) instead of large seminars.

This is neither good nor bad, this is normal, there is no comparison here. We can’t say that green is good and wet is bad. It's just that everyone is different and has different needs.

It's good when you know your needs. In this case, you have clear guidelines in life, you know who you are, where you are going and why you need it. When you know your path, you focus on the movement and are not distracted by extraneous factors and doubts.

Your desires and goals are the “material” embodiment of your life values, their implementation in this world, in your life

Where do life values ​​come from?

  • From the Heart - each Soul comes into the world to realize its tasks, to go through its own individual path. Therefore, everyone has their own values.

    From the parental family- this is your upbringing. If your parents valued family and loved ones, then this will be important and valuable for you too.

  • From life experience- each of us has a unique experience. And from this experience we draw conclusions. For example, if you had to make great efforts to restore your health, then it will be very valuable to you, and your behavior will also change - to prevent a recurrence.

Three reasons why I tell you about life values.

1. Values ​​are your guidelines in life.If you understand what is important to you, then it is easy for you to make a choice. Doubts ruin your nerves, your mood and take up a lot of time.

2. Values ​​are the best motivation.If you really value health, then you will not need to specifically motivate yourself in any other way to do it regularly. You just need to remind yourself of your values ​​sometimes.

3. Set the right, your own goals.There is a lot of information noise around us. Society imposes its rules of the game, its tastes and decisions on you - for its own benefit, not yours. But if you know your life values, you will receive inner support, a core, and easily determine what is right for you personally.

Today, all participants in the Preparatory Training will have an exercise on this topic.The exercise is called “The most valuable thing for me” - in the evening a letter with the exercise is waiting for you in your mailbox. And by the way, do you remember that this evening I will also send you the “Testing for Truth” meditation?

I remind you. Only participants of the preparatory training will receive letters with the exercise and meditation. Therefore, if you have not signed up yet, join us by filling out the form below.

  • Reiki initiation is not necessary.
  • Participation in the Preparatory Training and Seminar is free.
  • If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. You will receive all materials.

Preparatory New Year's training

Preparatory New Year's training

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  • The training is free.
  • Reiki initiation is not required.
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