Nikitin meeting winter summary. Analysis of Nikitin's poem "Winter Meeting

Subject: Acquaintance with the work of I.S. Nikitin "Meeting of winter" Lesson 16

The bell rang and fell silent. The lesson starts. Quietly the girls sat down at the desk, Quietly the boys sat down at the desk, Everyone was looking at me.

Checking homework

  • With. 66 - 67 - drawing, learn an excerpt from the drawing

  • White snow. White chalk.
  • White sugar is also white.
  • But the squirrel is not white,
  • It wasn't even white.
  • - What picture did you present?

winter meeting

Read the phrase.

What can you say about this?

"Meeting Winter"

Nikitin Ivan Savvich

1. What do you think, what could Ivan Sergeevich Nikitin write to us about?







gloomy -

expanse -

drunk -

breadth, space

from a long time ago

now, immediately

winter meeting

  • The rain was pounding, the fog was rising, it was blowing cold, the rain stopped, the snow began to fall, the river froze, the snow glitters, the forest looks, winter is a guest, take a walk, build bridges, spread carpets, the frost crackles, blood burns, the blizzard twists, stirs up, the blizzard sings songs .

Read the keywords. Specify the content of the poem.

Read the poem. Have your assumptions been confirmed?










Rampant bad weather



Read the words.

Do you understand all the words?

  • - You need to read slowly, pondering the meaning of words.
  • - after each line it is necessary to make a short pause,
  • - Speak clearly and clearly
  • - try to convey the mood of the author and his feelings.

  • With. 68 - 71

  • To what time is the poem dedicated?
  • What parts can be distinguished?
  • What pictures did the poet paint?
  • Why do people enjoy the first snow?

Find lines

Rain yesterday morning

He knocked on the glass of the windows,

Fog over the ground

I got up with clouds.

Blowed cold in the face

From gloomy skies

And God knows what

The gloomy forest wept

Find lines

The night has passed. It's dawn.

There are no clouds anywhere.

The air is light and clean

And the river froze.

In yards and houses

Snow lies in sheets

And shines from the sun

colorful fire

Find lines

Into the empty space

whitened fields

Looks fun forest

From under the black curls

As if he is happy about something, -

And on the branches of birches,

Like diamonds, they burn

Drops of restrained tears

Find lines

Hello winter guest!

Please have mercy on us

Sing the songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

We have a space -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

Find lines

We can't get used to it,

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

Burning in the cold!

  • What happened in the morning? at noon? at night? at dawn?
  • Did the poet love the Russian winter?
  • How does the author relate to ordinary Russian people? to the motherland?
  • Reread the greeting to winter. Can we say that the author animates nature? Why is he doing this?
  • Did the poet love the Russian winter? Why do you think so?

  • - Do you know that in Rus' there was a holiday of meeting winter? This is October 14 - Intercession. The first snow fell, covered (covered) the earth, which had fallen asleep until spring. On this day, children sang invocations to the snow, which keeps the earth warm. Mother Earth is resting from her labors, and with her all the peasants. In rural schools, classes began only at this time, weddings were played in the villages.
  • - Why Russian people are not afraid of winter?
  • - How do you understand the last three lines of the poem?


He painted it in 1946, 100 years after I.S. Nikitin. Pay attention to how the two works are consonant, how the poet and the artist saw and conveyed the beauty and charm of the first frosty morning, the first snow.

  • How did you see the snow? Air? Sky? .
  • What do children feel?

Highlighting figurative expressions METAPHOR, COMPARISON OR EPITET?


1._________________________ The fog rose up in clouds, the snow lies in a sheet, drops of tears burn like diamonds, a hero grows, which is an oak under storms.

2._________________________ gloomy skies, the air is light and clean, in an open field golden spring,

Holy Rus', an uninvited guest, on the side of a stranger, a deserted expanse.

3._________________________ the forest was crying, the snow began to fall, the river froze, drops of tears burn, the forest looks merrily, the frost crackles, the blood burns, the blizzard twists and stirs, the blizzard sings.



Summing up the lesson

- With the work of which poet did you get acquainted in the lesson?

What are Ivan Nikitin's poems about?

  • With. 68- 71- by heart 5-6 stanzas Mini-essay "First snow"
  • With. 68- 71- memorize 5-6 stanzas
  • Mini-composition "First Snow"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“Here is the north, catching up the clouds ...”

Lesson Objectives: Create in the imagination of children a picture of winter nature, a poetic image of a magical winter, evoke a sense of joy in them, show those artistic means by which the arrival of winter is depicted.
Equipment: illustrations with pictures of nature, P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

During the classes
I. Organizing time
II. Preparing for the perception of a new work.
1) The teacher's story about the poem and the time of his work.
Target: expand the horizons of children; draw their attention to the work being studied.
Moscow gave the world many great writers and poets: A.S. Pushkin was also born here. The future poet loved poetry from an early age and began to compose poetry as a child. Such a fact is known: somehow the boy did not fall asleep for a long time, tossing and turning in bed. They asked him: “Why, Sasha, are you not sleeping?” “I compose poetry,” the boy replied. My father had a large library, where Sasha spent long hours reading, reading everything that came to hand. By the age of seven, he was already fluent in reading, speaking and writing French, and his grandmother taught him Russian to read and write.
The poet's passion for writing was strengthened during his studies at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. During these years, Sasha was often found in secluded corners, hiding from prying eyes, concentrated and thoughtful. They did not touch him, they knew that he was composing poetry. The great poet rewarded us by leaving more than a thousand verses.
- Guys, the poem that we will read today is called “Here are the clouds catching up the north ...” - this is an excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”.
- What did you think when I said this name? (about winter).
III. Primary reading of the text.
Target: create a holistic perception of the text, give the image an expressive reading. Listen to a poem by A.S. Pushkin. From it we learn how the poet perceived the Russian winter, how he portrayed it, what feeling the onset of winter evoked in him.
(The poem is read by the teacher).
IV. Checking the initial perception.
Target: check how the children perceived the content of the poem.
What surprised you about the poem? (the poet welcomes the arrival of winter as a person)
- What do you remember the most? (winter came, dressed the trees, everyone is happy for winter). Now take the pencils and, marking the words-pictures, read the poem in an undertone.
V. Repeatedreading.
improve reading skills: in an undertone

on one's own,

aloud along the chain.
VI. Vocabulary work.
What words did you underline? (walks, came, hung, lay down, in epithets: mother winter, sorceress winter).
VII. Analysis of the work.
learn to see beauty in nature; learn to find colorful means to help draw pictures of nature.
- But after all, winter is a natural phenomenon and cannot really walk, hang, lie down, frolic.
- Who can do it? (People).
- And if the poet gives these qualities to natural phenomena, what does he do in this way? (makes alive).
- Yes, it animates, makes them alive, winter becomes the hero of the poem.
- What pictures of the arrival of winter did the poet draw, what words did he use for his paintings?
Physical education minute.
Rereading the work.
- What words did you underline for 1 picture?

- here the north is catching up the clouds ... - dark clouds, the wind howls, it's cold
- What colors did you use for the 1st picture? (gloomy, the weather is waiting for the winter to come)
What about the next picture? (bright, happy)

- the sorceress winter is coming - winter has come, crumbled - all around
fresh snow is whitening, the trees are cleared in
snow outfit.
How does the author say about it?
It hung in tufts on the boughs of oaks; She lay down with wavy carpets. Among the fields around the hills; A shore with a motionless river Compared with a lush veil. Tufts of snow hung on the oaks; and in the field - over the hills; pure snow sparkles and lies in waves; the river is not visible; fluffy snow lies on it and its banks.
The whole picture is illuminated by sunlight.
Frost flashed. And we are happy with the pranks, the pranks of mother winter, People enjoy winter. People can’t sit at home, they went out into the air:
Who walks, who rides on a sleigh. Children are especially happy about winter. They are playing
snowballs running. Happy winter and animals.
- What kind of mischief of winter can be discussed in the poem? (The poet calls everything that frost did by leprosy). Winter: winter covered everything with snow, covered the rivers with ice, froze everything around.
- Guys, what mood did you create after reading the poem?
VIII. Preparation for expressive reading.
How are we going to read this poem? (joyfully, solemnly).
- Right. The tone cannot be mournful, it is rather solemn:
comes a significant event in nature, the arrival of winter. The magical winter is coming.
- At what pace: fast, moderate or slow? (reading pace is even, clear)
- Guys, use your voice to highlight important words and phrases.
- Read what miracles "magic winter" does. (came, crumbled, hung, lay down with carpets, leveled the banks).
- What else is important to observe when reading a poem? (poetic pauses, rhythm).
- And also, guys, it is important to observe the semantic and grammatical pauses within the line. So the words: sighed, howled- are clearly separated from each other, and a significant pause is made before the dash, the result of the onset of winter is shown. Pay attention to reading the line: Came to pieces. After the word crumbled- a pause is needed, because word shreds refers to the following stanza:
It hung in tufts on the branches of oaks.
- Which sentence should be separated from the previous part by a pause and why? (And we are glad for the leprosy of mother-winters- shows how the arrival of winter affects a person. We welcome winter as a long-awaited guest).
- Which sentence is read most solemnly and why? (The sorceress winter is coming, because she, like a good sorceress, pleases everyone).
- That's right, guys. Therefore the proposal is And we are glad to the mischief of mother - winter- it is read somewhat accelerated, cheerfully, with enthusiasm, as the joy of the arrival of winter is expressed.
IX. Expressive reading.
It is carried out by children with simultaneous analysis: what happened, what didn’t and why? - Did you like how the poet described the winter landscape? (yes, very, precisely, expressively)
- Read the poem expressively, while reading, try to convey a picture of the mood of winter so that they appear alive before the audience, they like them.
- Listen to how these children (the best students) read the poem. Listen carefully to the pace of reading, listen to how the reader pronounces the end of the poetic line.
X.Conversationaccording to the content of the picture by K.F.Yuona"Winter".
Among the paintings that you see, find a picture that fits the poems of A.S. Pushkin.
- What is common in the content, in the moods of these two?
- How are people and nature depicted? (Nature is magical. Everything around is white, and the trees put on snow caps, became elegant white, bizarre. Their branches remind us of fairy-tale creatures.
Are people happy about winter?
- How to prove it? (The picture shows everything in motion. They want to move on this wonderful winter day).
- That's right, guys, the picture resembles in content and mood a poem by A.S. Pushkin.
What lines of the poem are especially close to the picture? (And we are glad for the pranks of mother winter).
XI. Summary of the lesson.
- What is the main idea of ​​the poem? (The poet's love for the winter pictures of the sorceress of winter).
- How did the poet manage to reflect his admiration and joy from the pictures of winter, her mood? (The tone is solemn, uses expressions: the sorceress winter is coming. She says: she came, crumbled, and, as if, summing up everything, she says at the end of the poem: And we are glad to the leprosy of mother winter, like your own mother).
XII. Homework.
Learn the poem by heart.

(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

The work "Meeting of Winter", written and published in 1854, became one of the most striking poems of the "natural" cycle, a special thread running through the life and work of Ivan Savvich Nikitin. In his works, the author sang of Russian nature and people living in harmony with it.

The main theme of the poem

At first glance, the central theme of the work is the change of seasons. On the one hand, this is true, the poet dedicates his lines to the end of the black, rainy autumn, rejoices in the snow, clean and cold, covering everything with a white veil and as if renewing the world.

On the other hand, “Meeting of Winter” is a much more complex and multifaceted work. In addition to the joy of the onset of the coldest time of the year and a detailed, truly beautiful description of nature, covered with the first snow, Nikitin writes about the people inhabiting Russia. In an allegorical form, the poet expresses admiration for people who are not afraid of the cold, but welcome it, who are not afraid of either blizzards or severe cold.

Life in Russia does not stop with the advent of winter. Despite the harsh frosts, sometimes simply life-threatening, despite all the hardships associated with the need to pave the way through snow-covered fields and forests, Russian people rejoice in winter, celebrate it. Even children get used to the harsh winter from childhood, “the blizzard sings songs” to them. According to Ivan Savvich, this tempers the character: "... a hero grows, like an oak tree under storms." Nature itself, sometimes cruel and merciless, nevertheless lives in peace with the Russian people - and even helps them defend their homeland from conquerors.

It is to this theme that the last part of the poem is devoted. Nikitin urges winter to receive an uninvited guest "on the side of a stranger", prepare a feast for him and sing a song, lay down white fluff for the bed and cover the trail with a blizzard. These lines refer the reader to the numerous wars that were fought on the territory of Russia in the winter - from the Battle of the Ice, when Lake Peipus itself seemed to contribute to the victory of Russian weapons, dragging the Teutonic Crusaders under the cracked ice, to the recently died down war of 1812, in which the Russians , according to the French who fled in fright, "General Frost" himself helped.

Structural analysis of the poem

In the "Meeting of Winter" archaisms are actively used (drunk feast, from time immemorial, etc.), but high vocabulary is practically absent. Nikitin sings of the beauty of the Russian winter, without resorting to overly solemn, pretentious expressions. The only exception is the sentence about Holy Rus', ending with an exclamation, which only emphasizes the poet's attitude to his homeland.

However, the lack of high vocabulary poet compensates for the abundance of other figurative and expressive means. Personifications, metaphors, comparisons and epithets are especially often used. Thus, a child is compared to a hero who grows like an oak under storms, a snowstorm sings songs, and in general, winter - like all nature - acts as a living, understanding and feeling being.

Cross rhyme and short lines make the poem melodious, easy to remember.

In The Meeting of Winter, Ivan Savvich Nikitin not only sings of the beauty of Russian nature and admires the cold season, but also notes the special kind of people who live in this nature.

Date: 3.12.14
Subject: Literature
Class: 2 "B"

Subject: I.S. Nikitin. "Meeting Winter"
Lesson Objectives:
to acquaint students with the content of the poem by I.S. Nikitin "Meeting of winter";
to teach to understand the mood, thoughts of the poet;
develop expressive reading skills; to cultivate the ability, the desire to see in music, in the paintings of artists, all the beauty of winter nature.
Equipment: textbooks; snowflakes cut out of paper; paintings by artists: A. Plastov "First Snow", K.F. Yuon "The end of winter. Noon”, I.E. Grabar "February Blue"; musical recording, musical excerpt “December” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, envelopes with assignments, A3 sheet, colored pencils, computer, Power Point presentation, multimedia.
I. Organizational moment
From early childhood, we remember poems about spring, summer, winter nature. Reading them, we seem to open the book of nature.
positive attitude
The musical excerpt “December” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky
Journey to the winter forest
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax. We are going for a walk in the winter forest. Imagine you are slowly walking through a fabulously beautiful winter forest. Stop for a moment and look around. Feel the beauty and freshness of winter nature. The whole earth is covered with white fluffy snow. Winter walks with us through the forest in large soft felt boots, steps quietly, inaudibly. She dressed the pines and ate in heavy snow coats; she pulled snow-white caps on them to the very eyebrows; I put on downy mittens on the branches. The forest heroes stand next to each other, stand decorously, calmly.
The winter forest lives. The whole picture of the sorceress of Winter lives on. You can show it to the Sun. The sun parted a gray cloud, looks at the winter forest. And under his gentle gaze, everything around becomes even more beautiful. The snow flared up. Blue, red, green lights lit up on the ground, in the bushes, in the trees. A breeze blew, shook off the frost from the branches, and in the air, too, sparkled, multi-colored lights danced. The picture turned out great!
It's time to return. We slowly walk back. Take a look around again, take a deep breath of fresh air, open the door to the school, to the classroom and return to your seat. Keep in yourself this feeling of silence, peace, beauty of winter nature.
Open your eyes and smile.

2. Updating the topic. Setting the objectives of the lesson.
slide 1
Today we have an unusual lesson of literature. You probably already guessed, we will talk about winter. At all times, writers and poets, musicians and artists, photographers in their works tried to convey the unique beauty of winter, its enchanting magic.

Majestic Winter -
I want to call her
Not just by name
And by name - patronymic.
Oh, Winter, you are Morozovna!
Oh, Winter, you are Metelievna!
Looks pink in the morning
Snow under blue firs.
Wind in the birch branches
Throws flakes on their heads
Oh, Winter, you are Morozovna!
Oh, Winter, you are Metelievna!
"Winter" (K. Ibryaev)
- How differently did poets and writers beautifully call this wonderful time of the year?
Slide 2.
Winter is winter.
Mother is winter.
The guest is winter.
Sorceress - winter.
Enchantress - winter.

Prepared children read poems about winter
You listened to the lines that gave you a deeper understanding and see the beauty of winter nature. And today we will see how I. S. Nikitin depicted winter in his poem. We will make a journey into the world of poetry, art, music, and see how poets, artists, musicians depict winter in their works
II. Work on the topic of the lesson
1. Introduction to the topic
Working with the textbook
Read the title of the poem. (The poem is called "Meeting of Winter".)
What do you think it is about? (It is probably about how winter comes and how it is met.)
Guys, which one of you loves this time of year?
How do you welcome winter? (Answers of children. They share their impressions.)
2. Reading a poem by a teacher
(After reading, the teacher pauses.)

winter meeting

Rain yesterday morning
He knocked on the glass of the windows,
Fog over the ground
I got up with clouds.
Blowed cold in the face
From gloomy skies
And God knows what
The dark forest was crying.
At noon the rain stopped
And that white fluff
On the autumn mud
The snow began to fall.
The night has passed. It's dawn.
There are no clouds anywhere.
The air is light and clean
And the river froze.
In yards and houses
Snow lies in sheets
And shines from the sun
Multicolored fire.
Into the empty space
whitened fields
Looks fun forest
From under the black curls
As if he is happy about something, -
And on the branches of birches
Like diamonds, they burn
Drops of restrained tears.
Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have an expanse -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We can't get used to it,
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
Burning in the cold! It's like that
Orthodox people:
In the summer, you look, the heat -
In a short fur coat goes;
Burning cold smelled -
All the same for him:
Knee-deep in the snow
Says: "Nothing!"
In an open field a blizzard
And twists and stirs, -
Our steppe man
Rides in a sled, groans:
“Well, falcons, well!
Get it out, friends!"
He sits and sings:
“Snowballs are not white!”
And do we sometimes
Death is not to be jokingly met,
If we have storms
Does the child get used to it?
When the mother is in the cradle
He puts his son at night,
Under the window for him
The blizzard sings songs.
And rampant bad weather
From an early age he loves
And the hero grows
What is oak under the storms.
Scatter, winter
Until spring golden
Silver by fields
Our Rus' is holy!
And will it happen to us
An uninvited guest will come
And for our good
Will start a dispute with us -
You already accept it
On the side of someone else
Prepare an intoxicating feast
Sing a song to the guest;
For his bed
Save white fluff
And fall asleep with a blizzard
His trace in Rus'!

3. Primary understanding of the text
- Did you like the poem?
What feelings did you experience while reading this poem? (In the beginning, I was sad, it was autumn cold rain, it was cold in my face and the forest was crying. And then nature changes: white fluffy snow fell on the dirty ground, the air became clear, the forest was fun to watch. And my feelings changed. It became joyful, light in my heart...)
4. Independent reading by children of a poem by “buzzing” reading
5. Selective reading
– Watch how everything around you changes in the morning, at noon, at night and at dawn. (Children read the lines at the beginning of the poem.)
What period is the poem about? (The poem is dedicated to the pre-winter. When winter has not yet come, but the first snow is falling.)
Think about why people are happy with the first snow. Find these lines and reread them. (The guys read these lines. The first snow covers the dirt all around. It becomes clean, light and beautiful.)
- Reread the greeting to winter. Can we say that the author animates nature? (Yes, he calls the winter guests, invites them to his place.)
- Guys, did the poet love winter? (Yes, he loved her.)
- And how did he treat people, the common man? (We see from the poem that he loved and respected the people.) (Read excerpts about the peasant, about mother.)

6. Expressive reading in class
Prepare to read expressively. Read to each other.
- A trained student reads the poem by heart
III. “Winter” enters, reads a poem about winter and makes riddles. Conducts a physical minute with the guys "Blow off a snowflake"
Information for children: Did you know that in nature, in one snowfall, snowflakes can be of different shapes (from 8 to 40 shapes). In total, people have 246 different shapes of snowflakes. But they all have six rays.

IV Compilation of a literary newspaper. Creation of a project activity product
Task number 1
Guys! Let each page of our literary newspaper have its own title. So we will start our work by choosing a title. You have an A3 sheet and envelopes on your desks. Open the envelope at number 1, it has several options for the title of your page. Choose one of them, the one you like best, and stick the blank on your page.
Page title options:
1. Guest - winter. 2. Sorceress - winter.
3. Mother - winter. 4. Enchantress-winter.

Task number 2.
Yes, winter is a sorceress, sorceress, mother, guest. This is how poets and writers called winter so tenderly and affectionately. Open envelopes under #2. Take out the blanks.
What associations does this time of year evoke in you? Think and write them on the blank and stick the blank on the page, at your discretion.
Task number 3. Guys, open the envelope at number 3, there you will find a quatrain about winter. Your task is to collect the lines in the correct sequence and paste them on your literary newspaper.
1) Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Roll like snow!

2) Winter has a lot of worries:
Release snow, blizzards,
Cover the paths everywhere
No drive, no pass!

3) The sorceress winter has come,
Carpet brought with you
And spread on the ground
As if in a hut.

Task number 4
Guys, open the envelope number 4. There you will find proverbs in 3 languages. Your task is to read them and explain their meaning.

Zhyl yellow sandy ayaktaydy -
Qysty bastaida
(In December, winter begins, the year ends).

What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter
That summer is born, then winter will come in handy.

Take care of your nose in a big frost
Task number 5.
The beauty of winter, winter nature inspired not only poets and writers, but also artists and composers. Slideshow #3
Before you are reproductions of paintings by A. Plastov, K. Yuon, I. Levitan. In these paintings, each artist shows snow in different months of winter. At Arkady Plastov's - the first snow is airy, tender, smelling of the freshness of a watermelon; K. Yuon and A. Savrasov depict Russian winter with an abundance of soft, fluffy snow. I. Levitan depicts the snow leaving, beginning to melt, March.
I invite you to feel like artists and decorate the page with your winter drawings. You will work to the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”. Music dedicated. It conveys the enthusiastic feelings of people, their admiration for winter nature.
Children decorate their pages with drawings.
. Product presentation. Presentation (defense) of works
Guys, we are visiting the winter months. They will tell poems about themselves.
Guest-Winter gives us a song about winter "By the forest at the edge"
Cartoon First Snow

V. Summary of the lesson
If you liked the lesson, fire up a blue snowflake, and if not, a white one.
Homework to learn the poem by heart

Theme of the lesson: I. Nikitin "Meeting of winter."
Lesson objectives: 1. introduce I. Nikitin's poems "Winter Meeting";
2. to promote the development of skills to find comparisons and epithets in the text; see the beauty of nature; find synonyms for words.
3. education of love for nature, for the environment.
Lesson type: combined
Equipment: illustrations on the theme of winter
During the classes
Organizing time.
Turn on the smile lights, Give a spark of kindness, After all, very often someone lacks a ray of warmth!
- Look at each other, smile. Extend your palms to me as the gentle sun sips its kind rays from the board, and I will accept your smiles and your desire to work in the lesson. I want the lesson to bring the joy of communicating with each other. This lesson will expand your knowledge. Let's wish each other success!
II. Checking homework.
III. The study of new material poem "Meeting of winter".
Now read the poem of the Russian poet I. Nikitin “Meeting of Winter” and determine which epithets helped you imagine what the author is writing about.
Winter meeting. Nikitin
...In the yards and fields
Snow lies in sheets
And shines from the sun
Multicolored fire.
Into the empty space
whitened fields
Looks fun forest
From under the black curls
It's like he's happy...
Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have an expanse -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
snow lies like a sheet - ak, matadaikarzhatyr
we ask for mercy to us - koshkeldinizder
deserted space - elsiz gave
expanse - ken dala
spread carpets-kilemzhayiptasta
We pronounce it correctly: deserted, whitened fields, from under black curls, hello, spread carpets.
Read the poem. Think about where you need to pause, with what intonation to read.
What comparisons and epithets does the poet use to describe winter?
Do you think the poet likes winter, is he happy about it? What words and expressions can support your answer?
What songs of the north will winter sing?
What bridges and carpets are mentioned in the poem?
IV. Vocabulary work.
steppe - gave
deserted space - elsiz gave
expanse - ken dala
In winter, the steppe is very beautiful. It seems deserted - only snow lies in a sheet. In the forests and steppes, winter expanse - she loves space.
V. Reading a poem by students.
- Read the poem slowly, as you peer into the pictures of nature that the poet has depicted.
VI. Physical minute
If you're cold, then do it
If you're cold, then do it
If it's cold in winter
If it's cold in the forest
If you are completely cold, then do this.
(1- claps, 2- cheeks, 3- in front of the chest, 4- claps on the knees)
VII. Make drawings for a poem or a collage "Hello, winter guest! .."
VIII. Summary of the lesson.
What feelings did the lesson awaken in you?
- What made you think about it?
IX. Homework:
I. S. Nikitina "Meeting of Winter" page 62, learn by heart

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