Call to the royal army. How many years did conscripts serve in the army in the USSR

In pre-revolutionary Russia:

Until 1874, recruits (peasants and philistines) served in the army. At first, military service was indefinite., from 1793 the service life was reduced to 25 years. Gradually, it decreased - and by the time of the military reform of 1874 it was already 7 years old.

After the reform, recruitment was replaced by universal military duty. The total service life in the ground forces was 15 years (directly in the service - 6 years, and the rest of the time - in reserve), the total service life in the fleet - 10 years (directly in the service - 7 years).

In 1906, the term of active soldier service was reduced to 3 years. Then, in August-December 1914, a general mobilization took place - in connection with the outbreak of the First World War.

After the revolution of 1917 and the civil war, a new army began to form in the new state.


On the basis of various decrees and resolutions of the Central Executive Committee, the term of service changed several times, until the law on compulsory military service was adopted in 1925.

In the ground forces until the beginning of World War II, it was 2 years. In aviation: from 1925 to 1928 - 3 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 2 years, from 1939 to 1941 - again 3 years. He also varied in the fleet. So, from 1924 to 1928, it was necessary to serve 4 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 3 years, from 1939 - 5 years.

After the Great Patriotic War (with the beginning of which mobilization was again carried out), a new law on universal military duty was adopted already in 1949. In accordance with it, men were drafted into the ground forces and aviation for 3 years, into the navy - for 4 years.

In 1967, a new law on universal conscription was adopted, the service life was reduced and amounted to 2 years for those who were sent to the ground forces and aviation, and 3 years to the navy.

In modern Russia:

In 1993, the normative act that existed in the USSR was canceled - the law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service" came into force. Initially, the document reduced the service life to 18 months (i.e. 1.5 years), and in the fleet - to 2 years.

In 1996, in connection with the start of the Chechen campaign, a new law came into force, according to which the duration of service in the army and navy was equal - and amounted to 2 years.
In the early 2000s, preparations began in Russia for the separation of conscription and contract military service, and at the same time to reduce the conscription service from 2 years to 1 year. For the first time that the Russian leadership plans to reduce the term of military service on conscription, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced back in 2002.

The transition took place in stages: for example, young people who went into the army in the fall of 2007 had to serve 1.5 years. And since January 2008, the service life was 12 months - 1 year.

In November 2012, the media, citing the statement of the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, reported that the term of service in the Russian army would be revised again. Thus, according to the chairman of the committee, Vladimir Komoyedov, the optimal duration of service is one and a half years, and the reduction of service to 1 year was a “political decision” and actually has a bad effect on the combat readiness of the army.

A source in the Kremlin almost immediately denied this information, recalling the president's initiative to reduce the deadlines.


Until the end of the 17th century, the archery army performed the protective function of the state.

They lived on the lands given out by the king and were ready to attack the enemy at the first call.

The first regular army appeared only under the first Russian emperor, Peter the Great.

The history of the creation of the Russian army takes from the village of Preobrazhenskoye, to which young Peter was exiled, along with his mother Natalia Naryshkina. There he gathered his army from the children of the boyars, his peers.

On the basis of this amusing army, the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments of Peter the Great were created.

They showed themselves brilliantly, arriving to protect Peter in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The second time they proved themselves at the battle of Narva, where they were the only ones who fought to the death. As a result of this battle, the Life Guards were created, which became the basis of the army of the Russian Empire.

Start of conscription in the Russian army

During the northern war, in 1705, Peter issued a decree on the introduction of a recruiting set of soldiers in the Russian army. From that moment, the training of the lower ranks began. Service in the tsarist army was difficult and many wonder how many years they served in the tsarist army?

In those days, the country was constantly at war, for this reason they were drafted into the army for life.

There was no choice for the nobles, they had to serve everything, though in the officer rank, except for the guards regiments. The peasants had to choose whom they would send to serve. Most often, this choice was determined by lot.

The nobles lived in the regimental barracks and received the usual soldier's rations. In the early years of the creation of the state army, the escapes of recruits were frequent, therefore, for reliability, they were shackled with shackles. Later, recruits began to be marked with a tattoo in the form of a cross on the palm. But for good service, Peter generously rewarded his soldiers. A number of bonuses were introduced for participation in significant battles.

Changing the term of military service

Under Peter the Great, they carefully ensured that family ties were not used in the appointment of titles, the title was assigned only thanks to personal merit. Soldiers called up from ordinary peasants had the opportunity to receive a noble rank for serving the Fatherland and pass it on by inheritance.

After the change of Peter's reign, the nobles gradually began to receive the possibility of exemption from military service. At first, one family member had such a right to manage the estate, later the service life was reduced to 25 years.

Under Catherine II, the nobles did not have the opportunity to serve at all. But the bulk of the nobles continued to serve, as it was a good source of income, and not all had estates. In those days, it was possible to pay off the service by paying for an expensive recruiting ticket.

Retirement for retired soldiers

In tsarist times in Russia, soldiers who had already served and were of advanced age were taken care of with reverence. Under Peter the Great, almshouses were created at the monasteries, where they took care of the injured soldiers.

Under Catherine II, the state took over such care. All soldiers received a pension, and if a soldier had an injury, pensions were assigned regardless of how long he had served. When they were transferred to the reserve, they were entitled to a considerable payment, on which they could build an estate, as well as a small monetary allowance in the form of a pension.

Due to the fact that the term of service in the army was reduced, there were many retired officers who were still able to serve. Under Paul, such soldiers were collected in separate companies. These companies served in the protection of prisons, city outposts and other significant objects, they were sent to train young replenishment. After the service, retired soldiers and officers were exempted from paying taxes and had the right to do what they liked.

Private life of soldiers

Soldiers were not forbidden to marry. In addition, the girl, being a serf, became free after marrying a soldier. To accompany the husband, after a certain time, the wives were allowed to settle next to the regiment. Soldiers' children were under the control of the military department almost from birth. Upon reaching a certain age, they were required to study. Regimental schools were created for their education. Through training, they had the opportunity to obtain an officer's rank.

In matters of housing for soldiers, everything was more complicated. At first they stayed with local residents, but later they began to build soldier settlements for soldiers. Each settlement had a church, a hospital and a bathhouse. Barracks began to line up only towards the end of the 18th century.

Organization of the draft principle in the army

In the 19th century, there was a significant revolution in matters of military service. During this century, the service life was reduced to 10 years. Emperor Alexander II carried out a military reform, as a result of which there was a change in recruitment service to a general conscription. The reform affected not only conscription, but also the system of military administration and the system of military educational institutions.

In addition, the development of the military industry and the rearmament of the army were carried out. The whole country was divided into military districts. A central headquarters for command and control of the ground forces was created. The entire male population, aged 21 and over, served in the army.

But too many people were subject to conscription, so not everyone was sent to the service, but only those fit for military service and who would draw lots. Everyone was divided into two groups:

  • The first to be drawn by lot were sent to the location of the active army.
  • The second to the militia, from which they could be called in case of mobilization.

The call was held once a year in the autumn after the harvest.

Army of the early 20th century

At the beginning of the 20th century, the service life was 3 years for infantry and artillery. Served in the Navy for 5 years. After serving in the army, a semi-literate peasant could get decent knowledge and advance in life, and the service life was not as long as, for example, in Peter's times. But while serving in the imperial army, an ordinary soldier had some restrictions. He had no right to marry and engage in trading activities. For the duration of the service, the soldier was exempted from paying debts. If he was in debt, you had to wait until he retired from the army.

Under Nicholas II, the army still formed the backbone of the state. It was completed according to the principle of conscription, adopted even under Alexander the Second. As long as they were proud of the officer's uniform and kept the memory of the conquests that the Russian army made, it was invincible. But at the beginning of the 20th century, an unhappy time began for the Russian army.

The war of 1904-1905 was a significant blow. As a result of the First World War, the Russian Empire itself disappeared. Active mobilization took place throughout the country. The soldiers, as one, went to the front to repulse the enemy. Only the leaders of the Bolsheviks did not support the outbreak of war. The leader of the proletariat, Vladimir Lenin, condemned the actions of the authorities. A few years later, this war was used to change power. The tsarist system was replaced by a revolutionary system, which finally changed the composition of the army and its principles.
They tried to destroy the memory of the Russian army by all possible means. The image of the tsarist officers was denigrated in the Red Army, but faced with a real threat, the army of the Red Army during the battles of World War II showed the best features of the old Russian army.

The exploits of the great commanders were not forgotten, the Russian army spirit, which was the basis of all victories, was remembered.

in what period of time in Russia did compulsory military service last 25 years? and got the best answer

Answer from Valent[guru]
Since the creation of the army under Peter I and for a long time, recruits have served for 25 years. Then the service life was reduced to 15 years. At the beginning of the last century, military service was “cut down” first to 10 and then to 5 years.
General conscription was introduced in Russia in 1874. Prior to that, from the time of Peter I, who established the regular army, young men of the peasant and petty-bourgeois classes were serving military service according to the RECRUITMENT. The nobles until 1762 were required to serve without exception, then, until 1874, on a voluntary basis. Peter I attached to the army and the COSSACK TROOPS, with which before that, in order to participate in military campaigns, it was necessary to negotiate every time.
The term of military service was at first lifelong, from 1793 to 1834 it was limited to 25 years, then it gradually decreased, then, according to the law on universal military service, that is, from 1874, active service began to last six years, and from 1905 to 1908 three to five years.
Military service in the pre-reform period forever or for a long time tore a man away from his family and permanent place of residence, but forever freed him from serfdom.
Recruits for the army were not always made annually, but were announced as needed. Based on the need for a certain number of RECRUITS, they were assigned to provinces, counties, and volosts. Who exactly to go to the recruits determined the urban or rural communities. Under serfdom in the landowner villages, candidates were approved by the master himself. The victims were usually young people of independent behavior and strong character, the so-called "troublemakers", or bad, negligent workers, whom they wanted to get rid of.

Answer from Boris[guru]
since 2010!

Answer from Kot Pustyrnik[guru]
during the time of Nicholas I

Answer from Laura Bozhko[guru]
during the reign of kings.

Answer from Ggg[guru]
in no .. before the introduction by Alexander the Third of universal military duty .. just like now .. not everyone served but by lot .. but also 25 years was only the total registration period .. but in fact they were directly in the service for 5-7 years ..the rest of the time they were sitting at home in reserve ..

Answer from GALA[guru]
This service life was established by Emperor Peter III in 1762. It was from this year that Russian men began to pull the 25-year-old strap of soldiery. The winners of the Turks served in the "Age of Golden Catherine" for 25 years, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 served for 25 years

in what period of time in Russia did compulsory military service last 25 years? and got the best answer

Answer from Valent[guru]
Since the creation of the army under Peter I and for a long time, recruits have served for 25 years. Then the service life was reduced to 15 years. At the beginning of the last century, military service was “cut down” first to 10 and then to 5 years.
General conscription was introduced in Russia in 1874. Prior to that, from the time of Peter I, who established the regular army, young men of the peasant and petty-bourgeois classes were serving military service according to the RECRUITMENT. The nobles until 1762 were required to serve without exception, then, until 1874, on a voluntary basis. Peter I attached to the army and the COSSACK TROOPS, with which before that, in order to participate in military campaigns, it was necessary to negotiate every time.
The term of military service was at first lifelong, from 1793 to 1834 it was limited to 25 years, then it gradually decreased, then, according to the law on universal military service, that is, from 1874, active service began to last six years, and from 1905 to 1908 three to five years.
Military service in the pre-reform period forever or for a long time tore a man away from his family and permanent place of residence, but forever freed him from serfdom.
Recruits for the army were not always made annually, but were announced as needed. Based on the need for a certain number of RECRUITS, they were assigned to provinces, counties, and volosts. Who exactly to go to the recruits determined the urban or rural communities. Under serfdom in the landowner villages, candidates were approved by the master himself. The victims were usually young people of independent behavior and strong character, the so-called "troublemakers", or bad, negligent workers, whom they wanted to get rid of.

Answer from Boris[guru]
since 2010!

Answer from Kot Pustyrnik[guru]
during the time of Nicholas I

Answer from Laura Bozhko[guru]
during the reign of kings.

Answer from Ggg[guru]
in no .. before the introduction by Alexander the Third of universal military duty .. just like now .. not everyone served but by lot .. but also 25 years was only the total registration period .. but in fact they were directly in the service for 5-7 years ..the rest of the time they were sitting at home in reserve ..

Answer from GALA[guru]
This service life was established by Emperor Peter III in 1762. It was from this year that Russian men began to pull the 25-year-old strap of soldiery. The winners of the Turks served in the "Age of Golden Catherine" for 25 years, the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 served for 25 years

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