How to put a quote (copyright) icon. How to Make Quotes in a Coursework: Practical Tips! How quotes are made

Citation of the text is a prerequisite for any scientific work. A quotation - an accurate, literal excerpt from some text - must be inextricably linked with the text and must serve as evidence or confirmation of the author's provisions put forward.

There are the following rules for quoting:

The quotation should be given in quotation marks, exactly according to the text, with the same punctuation marks and in the same grammatical form as in the original source;

The omission of words, sentences, paragraphs when quoting is indicated by an ellipsis; punctuation marks preceding omitted text are not preserved, for example:

"I AM I despise myself ... "- Pechorin admits;

If a quotation in a source ends with an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark, then after the quotation, a dash is put in front of the words of the citing person:

“I despise myself sometimes - Pechorin admits, - isn't that why I despise others too? .. ";

It is not allowed to combine several passages taken from different places in one quotation; each such passage should be framed as a separate quotation;

A quotation as an independent sentence (after a period ending the preceding sentence) must begin with an uppercase letter, even if the first word in the source begins with a lowercase letter, for example:

I.S. Nikitin. "... Not to read - for me it means not to live ..." - writes the poet N.I. Vtorov;

The quote included in the text after the subordinate union ( what, for, if, because etc.), is enclosed in quotes and written with a lowercase letter, even if in the cited source it begins with an uppercase letter, for example:

S.I. Vavilov believed that "we must by all means save mankind from reading bad, unnecessary books.";

A quote placed after a colon begins with a lowercase letter, if in the source the first word of the quote began with a lowercase letter (in this case, an ellipsis must be placed before the quoted text), for example:

and with an uppercase letter, if in the source the first word of the quotation began with an uppercase (in this case, the ellipsis in front of the quoted text is not put), for example:

F. Engels wrote about the Renaissance: "It was the greatest progressive upheaval of all humanity experienced before that time.". ;

When a sentence ends with a quote, and at the end of the quote there is an ellipsis, a question or exclamation mark, then no sign is put after the quotes if the quote is an independent sentence:

Lermontov's hero asks himself: "And why was fate to throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?" ;

or put the necessary sign if the quote is not an independent proposal (included in the text of the author's proposal), for example:

A.N. Sokolov writes: "Misunderstanding is the absence of unification".

Or: A.N. Sokolov writes: “Misunderstanding is the absence of unification,” thereby trying to explain ...;

If a word or phrase is quoted, it is enclosed in quotation marks and entered into the sentence outline, for example:

Calling his hero "a prominent person", Gogol emphasizes ...;

If you want to convey someone's thought in your own words (indirect quotation), you need to do this accurately enough, not forgetting to refer to the author; such a quote, framed as indirect speech, is not enclosed in quotation marks, for example: According to the theory of symbolism, when depicting reality in poetry, only subtle hints and semitones can be used; in it (poetry) should not be, according to P. Verlaine, no colors, nothing but nuances ;

A dash is placed after the quotation marks that close the quote, if, according to the context, the following text is not supposed to be separated by a comma, for example:

(there is a subject before a quote, and a predicate after it), or a quote ends with an ellipsis, an exclamation mark, or a question mark, for example:

When an editorial staff member signed the answer to a reader's question: "Are the benefits retained upon retirement?" - he, apparently, was not concerned ...

The main requirements for a quotation are its relevance, i.e. necessity dictated by reasonable substantive goals, and accuracy - its literal coincidence with the source: the general idea of ​​the cited author must be conveyed without any distortion, which occurs in the following cases:

When a quote is arbitrarily cut off, artificially adapting it to their goals;

When quoted words are taken out of context;

When thoughts about one subject are quoted as referring to another;

When the quoted words are interspersed with the retelling, changing the meaning or shades of the meaning of the source.

According to the law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights", it is allowed to quote in the original and in translation without the consent of the author and without payment of royalties, but with the obligatory indication of the name of the author whose work is used and the source of borrowing. If a quotation is provided for scientific research, polemical, critical and informational purposes, extracts are taken from legally published works to the extent justified by the purpose of the citation, including the reproduction of extracts from newspaper and magazine articles in the form of press reviews (Article 19, paragraph 1).

Thus, each quote must be accompanied by an indication of

Previously, copyright was also very important, but in the age of information technology, its importance has increased significantly. An essential role in copyright protection is played by the copyright mark - the copyright protection mark.

This symbol is a natural companion to almost any product the author is interested in protecting.

The design of the mark was approved in 1952 by the Universal (Geneva) Copyright Convention. Most often, copyright notice is posted on the site, in the "footer" of the page.

If there is no copyright icon, this does not mean that the document is not protected. Copyright arises naturally when a product is created. However, it should be borne in mind that in those countries that have acceded only to the Universal Copyright Convention, the copyright symbol is the determining factor in order for the author to be granted protection of his rights.

This symbol looks like this: it is the Latin letter "C", which is located in the center of the circle. This letter was not chosen by chance, because it is with it that the word "copyright" begins. The symbol was chosen very well, because due to its specificity, it is striking.

How to put a copyright mark in different ways

Do you need to put this icon on the keyboard or on the phone? This is not at all difficult to do. It all depends on which gadget you are currently armed with.

You can put it as follows:

What rights does the Copyright sign give?

In fact, this symbol only notifies that the rights to the work belong to a particular person or legal entity. The icon does not create any additional rights. However, you should not neglect this symbol, because sometimes it can play a significant role in copyright protection.

It is important to note that the symbol is used with the name of the legal or natural person who owns the copyright for the product. Either the publication year or date range must be specified, or the immediate object that is protected by copyright can be specified.

The copyright mark is, of course, a trifle, but an important trifle in copyright protection. If a person is serious about this issue, then this icon will definitely not be superfluous for him. It is difficult to say whether the copyright symbol will be relevant in the future, but now it is more relevant than ever.

Working with the documentation or just "walking" on the Internet, we have seen such a quote icon more than once -. In fact, originally this symbol was created with the aim of notifying others about copyright protection for any work, but nowadays it is often used to quote someone's statements, although this is wrong.

Many have encountered it, but not everyone knows how to put it on the keyboard. If you are one of those who are curious to know how to make a quote badge, then this article is for you.

Copyright badge: how to recognize it?

Probably, each of us knows what this symbol looks like - the Latin letter C (from the word - copyright), placed in the center of the circle. The use of this mark does not yet guarantee you additional rights, but only informs other people that the copyright belongs to you. Often this symbol is used to quote someone's utterances, despite the fact that it does not comply with the rules of spelling.

What does this sign mean?

The symbol was created for a copyright notice. The absence of this sign does not mean at all that they are not protected. This is explained by the fact that copyright protection does not require any registration, but it arises at the time of the creation of any work. It is used by those people who own it. It can be both individuals and legal entities.

When using such a symbol, as a rule, an additional year of publication is indicated, and sometimes a range of dates. In Russia, the presence or absence of a copyright icon does not affect the licensing of a particular work, but in other countries it is required to provide copyright protection.

This symbol is widely used when quoting someone's words, but according to the norms of the Russian language, this is considered not entirely correct, since the purpose of creating an icon is to inform other people about copyright protection for a particular object.

How to put a quote icon: the most popular ways

Want to put a quote icon but don't know how? No problem! In fact, this is all very easy. So, the most common ways are given below:

Putting the symbol in Microsoft Word

Some other methods are suitable for those who want to put a quote icon while working with documents using Microsoft Word. So, in order to carry out this procedure, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Press the Alt and 0169 keys at the same time, as mentioned a little above.
  2. In the upper menu of the program, you can select the "Insert" item, and find "Symbol" in it. By clicking on it, a window with symbols from which you can select the appropriate one will open in front of the user.
  3. Some versions of Microsoft automatically quote quotes if you type (c) on the English keyboard.

The above are the most common ways you can put a quote icon. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing difficult in this, even a child can easily cope with all this.

Quote a logically complete snippet. You cannot break off a quote if, in an abbreviated form, it changes the meaning.

A source
This story creates the impression that journalists can participate in the life of the special services, interact with them. This is very bad. Especially in the context of the safety of journalists and freedom of the press in Russia, Ukraine, around the world.

Text with quote
The head of the international organization "Reporters without Borders" Christophe Deloire believes that "journalists can participate in the life of the special services, interact with them."

In this example, the quote is taken out of context and distorts the author's thought. Unscrupulous journalists use this technique to attract attention, manipulate and spread false information. To avoid accidentally becoming an “unscrupulous journalist,” check that you have correctly understood the meaning of the passage you want to quote. To do this, read the previous and subsequent paragraphs and check if the meaning of the quote coincides with the general idea of ​​the author of the source.

Something else to check:

1. Whether the quote is appropriate. You cannot confirm your thought with a quote that contradicts it.

2. Whether what was said in the quote coincides with the time to which it is quoted. It is impossible to cite the words that were spoken a hundred years ago as an argument for the current state of affairs.

3. Does the meaning of the quotation coincide with the conclusions that the author draws on its basis?

How to make a quote

The main rule for the design of quotations is that the reader must understand where it begins and ends. To do this, use quotation marks or editorial and design techniques: changing the font style, highlighting in color, typing on a plate or in a frame.

Kamal Meriem, COO of The Story Lab: “As practice shows, if a blogger does not turn into a kind of media, he will not have enough inspiration to keep interest. The same thing is not interesting, you need to develop. "

Kamal Meriem, COO of The Story Lab:

As practice shows, if a blogger does not turn into a kind of media, he will not have enough inspiration to keep interest. The same thing is not interesting, you need to develop.

You cannot repeat quotation marks of one figure. Therefore, if there are words in quotation marks inside the quote, use a different picture.

If it is not possible to type quotation marks for a different picture, then remove the outer quotation marks by highlighting the quotation in one of the editorial and layout methods.

If you are citing a poetic work with the preservation of lines of poetry, then the quotes are not put, the quote is highlighted in a recess or in a smaller font.

As Pushkin wrote:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still asleep, dear friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your eyes closed with bliss
Towards the northern Aurora
Appear as the star of the north!

If you quote without saving lines of poetry, but you need to show where they should be, then put a slash in their place. The punctuation mark and capital letter before the forward slash are retained.

As Pushkin wrote: “Frost and sun; a wonderful day / You are still dozing, dear friend. "

What punctuation marks to put

If in the source the quotation ends with a period, then a comma and a dash are placed in front of your remark.

A source
In short, bureaucracy is carrion. He penetrates into fiction, and into everyday life, into oral speech.

Text with quote
"Chancery is carrion", - considered Nora Gal.

If in the source the quotation ends with an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, then just a dash is put.

A source

Text with quote
"Never ask for anything!" - Woland advised.

If a quote is part of an adverbial or a complex sentence, then a comma is placed after the quote.

Quoting Griboyedov: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve," Kolya drank.

The colon is not placed before the quote if it logically continues the sentence.

Nora Gal believed that "the office is dead".

If there is an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark in front of the closing brackets, and the quotation is a separate sentence, then the period is not put at the end.

As Behemoth said: "Dostoevsky is immortal!"

If you break a quote and insert your own words, then you need to put a comma and a dash.

A source
I love New York in the midst of a summer day, when the streets are deserted. At this time, there is something very sensual in it, a kind of overflow with ripeness, as if a variety of miraculous fruits are about to fall into your hands.

Text with quote
"I love New York in the midst of a summer day," Fitzgerald wrote, "when the streets are deserted."

If you insert your words between two quoted sentences, then put a comma and a dash before your remark, and after a period and a dash.

“I love New York in the midst of a summer day, when the streets are deserted,” Fitzgerald wrote. “At this time, there is something very sensual in it, a kind of overflow with ripeness, as if a variety of miraculous fruits are about to fall into your hands.”

If one of the quoted sentences ends with an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, then you do not need to put a comma in front of your remark.

A source
Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially with those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything!

Text with quote
“Never ask for anything! - Woland advised. - Never and nothing, and especially with those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything! "

If there are two verbs in your reply: one refers to the first part of the quote, and the other to the second, then put a colon and a dash after the second.

“Never ask for anything! - Woland advised and added: - Never and nothing, and especially with those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything! "

What letter to start with: uppercase or lowercase

If you are quoting the beginning of a sentence and the quote comes after a colon, start with an uppercase letter.

A source
When I edit the text, I don't have the stop words in my head, but I remember the categories. It helps me to recognize those stop words that I haven’t seen before.

Text with quote
Maxim Ilyakhov told how he finds new stop words: “When I edit a text, I don’t keep the stop words in my head, but I remember the categories. It helps me to recognize those stop words that I haven’t seen before. ”

If you do not quote the sentence first, then start the quote with a lowercase letter.

A source
Mom often said that a person is never completely unhappy. In prison, when the sky was filled with paint and the light of a new day slipped into the cell, I realized that she was right.

Text with quote
And then I remembered Camus's phrase: "... a person is never completely unhappy."

If a quote is embedded in a sentence without a colon, then it starts with a lowercase letter, even if the beginning of the sentence is quoted.

A source
The two main concepts in design are logic and aesthetics. One designer, having solved all the logical problems, comes as a result to an aesthetic ending. The other is the other way around.

Text with quote
Artemy Lebedev believes that "the two main concepts in design are logic and aesthetics."

There are two cases where a quote always starts with an uppercase letter:
1) if there is a proper name at the beginning of the quote,
2) if the quote is at the beginning of the sentence.

How to shorten a quote

A few words or even sentences can be removed from a quote, if the thought of the author of the quote is not distorted. But it is important to warn the reader about this. In the place of the omitted words, ellipsis are put, in the place of sentences - ellipsis in angle brackets.<...>

An ellipsis at the beginning of a phrase is written in one piece with the next word.

A source
The order is recorded with managers in CRM. It makes no sense to cross sales and production, because the project may not happen yet, which means that it is not necessary to clog the intranet with it. Managers decide for themselves the questions of their effectiveness - why they answered for a long time, why the deal fell through, and the customer survey. After signing the contract, the project goes to the conveyor.

Text with quote
Artemy Lebedev - about why in his studio they start working on a project only after signing a contract: “... the project may not happen yet, which means that it is not necessary to clog the intranet with it”.

An ellipsis in the middle and at the end of a phrase is written in one piece with the preceding word.

Artemy Lebedev told how orders are processed in his studio: “The order is recorded with managers in CRM. It makes no sense to cross sales and production ... Managers decide their own efficiency issues ... After signing the contract, the project goes to the conveyor ".

Ellipsis in angle brackets are separated by a space from the previous and following text.

Artemy Lebedev told how orders are processed in his studio: The order is recorded with managers in CRM.<...>Managers decide on their own effectiveness ... After signing the contract, the project goes to the conveyor.

If a separate word or phrase is quoted, then the ellipsis can be omitted. The reader will already understand that words have been omitted before and after this phrase.

Artemy Lebedev believes that "there is no point in crossing sales and production."

But if a word is omitted within a phrase, then an ellipsis is added.

More questions on using quotes

How to clarify a quote?

If an explanation needs to be added to a quote, for example, to decipher an abbreviation or a pronoun, then it is written in parentheses.

"... There is no doubt that he [Pushkin] was a great poet."

Is it possible to change the case in a quote?

If one word or phrase is quoted, then it is permissible to change the case.

Do I need to correct errors in the quotation?

There are 11 letters in total in the mailing list with basic rules for editorial text: how to design a list, shorten words, highlight text, write numbers and signs, design headings, draw tables, write titles, make notes on the main text, and sign illustrations.

The text is no less important than its semantic load. In particular, this applies to quotes. Mistakes with such elements of the text are one of the most common, in one form or another most students make them. Next, we will analyze in detail how to format quotes in a coursework, and give some practical examples.

  1. Abuse of direct citations is a sign of low quality coursework, deliberately "inflated" in its volume. In addition, non-unique quoted text passages reduce the overall uniqueness of the term paper. Do not forget that this parameter is fundamental in many universities, and its unsatisfactory value leads to a decrease in the student's score.
  2. Quotes that are too large, occupying almost a third of the page, are unacceptable. The reasons are the same - a decrease in the uniqueness of the work, and, consequently, its quality. Large quotations are permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, when it is necessary to analyze a fragment of a work of art, consider the means of artistic expression used by the author, the manner of presentation, etc.
  3. Citation of reference books is not always appropriate. Mentioning various kinds of dictionaries and reference books of taste is not encouraged, references to such literature are permissible only in the introduction and, if necessary, definitions of terms.

How to make quotes in a term paper: the most common ways

There are two types of quotations:

  • direct
  • indirect

In turn, direct quotations can be introduced into the text of the work in several ways:

  • with indication of the author and source directly in the text
  • with reference to the author and source

Indirect citation

By design, this method is the simplest. Another advantage is that the text of the quote can be changed; it is not necessary to use it verbatim. The student can state the essence of the quote in his own words, choose key thoughts from it.

Examples of indirect citation:

Direct citation

A few punctuation rules for direct quoting:

How to give an incomplete quote? Sometimes it is necessary to quote a quotation without a specific part of it. In such a case, words that are omitted are replaced with three dots. Such a structure can be located anywhere in the passage - at the end, in the middle, or at the very beginning. If three dots are located in front of the text, that is, the beginning of the phrase is omitted, its continuation is written already with a small letter. Several passages can be replaced with dots in one quotation, at the discretion of the author of the work.

How to cite when referring to the source?

This is the most frequently used method of introducing quotations. The use of footnotes or square brackets is acceptable here.

If you choose to use footnotes, do so as follows:

That is, the quoted phrase should be quoted, followed by the footnote number. The number is indicated with the inclusion of the "Superscript" parameter. A shortened horizontal line is placed at the bottom of the page, under which the footnote number is duplicated (that is, "1"), a period is put and the source is indicated, most often - with the designation of the page.

Note! Footnotes should be paginated. In other words, it is unacceptable for the quoted phrase to remain on one page, and a footnote indicating its source on the next or further. The fact is that the numbering of footnotes may not be continuous throughout the text of the course work, but paginated. That is, each subsequent footnote is considered the first for a new page.

When using square brackets, the quotation is entered into the text in a separate sentence, without changing the text and without the punctuation marks mentioned above. After it, square brackets are opened, which indicate the number of the source and its specific page.

It looks like this:

Note! When using square brackets, consider the requirements of your institution regarding the compilation of a bibliography. The numbering of citations can be either in the order of their appearance in the text, or in alphabetical order (by the names of sources).

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