Triz methods and techniques in elementary school. workshop

Modern parents and teachers set themselves the task of developing the child creatively in the first place. Great attention is paid to the development of such abilities. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find educators who use TRIZ for preschoolers in their educational programs. The games and tasks on which this system is based contribute to the development of active thinking, and also make the process of the creative development of a person much more exciting for both a child and an adult.

What is TRIZ?

TRIZ is an acronym that stands for "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving". Like any other theory, it has its own structure, functions and algorithm. Many parents use TRIZ elements in their own without even knowing it.

TRIZ for preschoolers is a program that does not pretend to replace the main one. It was created in order to increase the effectiveness of existing methods of learning.

Many games are familiar to mothers and caregivers, but when training and development take place systematically, it is easier for a child to acquire new skills and abilities. Therefore, those who are interested in the formation of a harmonious creative personality of a child need to become more familiar with TRIZ for preschoolers. This is not only useful, but also very interesting.

At the origins of the theory

The theory of inventive problem solving is one of the most unique methods for the development of a child. Its founder in 1956 was G. S. Altshuller, a Soviet engineer. He believes that anyone can learn to invent, and for this one does not need to have an innate talent.

Heinrich Saulovich himself invented from childhood and already at the age of 17 he had a copyright certificate. In addition, he was also a science fiction writer, among whose works are the famous "Icarus and Daedalus", "The Ballad of the Stars", "Legends of Star Captains" and many others.

Situation today

To date, several development centers have been created, which are based on the classical TRIZ methodology for preschoolers. But gradually, in the process of work, they add new sections.

It is noteworthy that many methods of the theory of solving inventive problems are gradually being introduced into the system of classical preschool education in order to develop in children

The essence of the technique

TRIZ for preschoolers - classes in which the child rejoices at his first creative discoveries. Here, children have no time to be bored, because during the training dialogues, live communication, and discussions are used.

Educators who adhere to the development of TRIZ for preschoolers, first of all, pay attention to curious things. At the same time, they offer to look at an interesting event or object from different angles. Find something good, then bad. If the object being studied allows, then interesting experiments can be carried out, but at the same time, the child cannot be explained why this particular result was obtained.

All this develops curiosity and interest in new discoveries in the child. As the founder of this technique himself said: "TRIZ is a controlled process of creating something new, combining precise calculation, logic, intuition".

The purpose of TRIZ (games for preschoolers) is not just to develop imagination, but to teach a child to be creative in solving a particular problem.

TRIZ Basic Methods and Techniques

To organize a proper research process with children, a teacher or parent must understand and use various methods and techniques that are used in TRIZ.

The main ones are the following.

  1. Brainstorm. In the process of this lesson, the children are given an inventive task. Students, in turn, try to find different ways to solve it by sorting through resources. Every effort must be made to find the ideal solution.
  2. Each proposed solution is evaluated from the position of "what is good, what is bad." From all available, the optimal one is selected.
  3. This method develops the child's ability to analyze, has a stimulating effect on creativity in the search for new answers, shows that any problem can be solved.
  4. "Yes-no-ka" is a kind of game that allows children to learn to highlight the main feature of an object, classify things according to general indicators, and also be attentive to the statements of other children, build their proposals based on their answers. This TRIZ method plays an important role in the development of the speech of preschoolers.
  5. Synectics is a method of analogies. It is divided into several areas: empathy, direct analogy and fantastic. In the first case, children are given the opportunity to be the object of a problem situation. In direct analogy, the child is looking for similar processes in other areas. A fantastic analogy is responsible for everything that is beyond reality, and here you can offer the most incredible ways out of a difficult situation.
  6. is necessary in order to check all the options for solving the problem that could be missed during the usual enumeration.
  7. The method of focal objects lies in the fact that they try to substitute properties and characteristics of something that does not suit it at all (at first glance) to a certain phenomenon or object.
  8. The Robinson method will teach preschoolers to look for the use of any, even completely unnecessary, at first glance, objects.

What are the goals of the course?

TRIZ technology for preschoolers has many more different teaching methods and techniques that are used in the development of children. For example, agglutination, hyperbolization, accentuation and others. All this makes it possible to conduct learning in a fun way, different from the lessons. Such methods provide a strong assimilation and systematization of the information received by children.

During such classes, the child's thinking is stimulated, as well as the comprehensive development of a creative personality with the help of children's imagination and fantasy.

The fact is that in modern society people are needed who can think outside the box, find and offer bold solutions, who are not afraid to do something differently than everyone else. This is what TRIZ for preschoolers is dedicated to. Classes are structured in such a way that children easily learn the proposed material thanks to a clearly structured research activity.

Stages of conducting classes

Each lesson has several stages of work. Each of them has its own specific purpose.

  1. At the first stage, the child learns to detect and distinguish between inconsistencies and contradictions that surround us in everyday life. What do trees and grass have in common? What do paper and tree bark have in common?
  2. The second stage teaches the child to show imagination and ingenuity in solving problems. For example, come up with a toy that you would like to play all the time so that you never get bored.
  3. In the third stage, children are given fairy-tale tasks and given the opportunity to compose their own stories. In this case, it is necessary to use TRIZ techniques for preschoolers.
  4. The fourth stage enables children to apply new knowledge for non-standard problem solving.

Two main rules of TRIZ classes

There are rules that will make the process as efficient as possible.

  1. At each stage of the lesson, children are offered objects, phenomena from areas that are understandable: "I and nature", "I and I", "I and another person", "I and the object". This helps the child to more easily learn the contradictions of the world around him.
  2. All TRIZ classes for preschoolers are conducted in a playful way. At the same time, each game, each task should be accompanied by visual material.

Interaction between caregiver and child

During TRIZ (games for preschoolers), communication between children and adults should be based on certain principles:

  • When children answer, they need to listen carefully, admire the new idea.
  • The absence of negative assessments and criticism of the child.
  • Habitual evaluative words are replaced and diluted with synonyms, for example, use not the word "correctly", but the words "wonderful", "great", "interesting solution", "unusual approach".
  • Support the child when he wants to object to an adult, do not stop these attempts, on the contrary, teach him to prove, object, argue, defend his point of view.
  • Do not be afraid of mistakes, but apply them in order to look at the solution of the problem from the other side.
  • Communication between children and the educator should be accompanied only by positive impressions: the joy of a new discovery, creativity, awareness of one's own significance.
  • Motivating the child to actively participate in games and activities.

What games are there in TRIZ

Naturally, in the classroom, the teacher actively uses TRIZ games for preschoolers. The card file of this technique is very diverse. Let us consider some examples of characteristic games for the theory of inventive problem solving.

  1. "Yes, no." An adult comes up with a word. The child is required to ask leading questions. At the same time, the one who conceives the word can only answer a monosyllabic "yes" or "no" until the correct answer is received.
  2. "Black and white". An adult shows the children a card with a picture of a white object. Children should name all the positive qualities of this object. Then a card with the same subject is shown, only in black. This time it is necessary to name all the negative traits.
  3. "Changes". You need a ball to play. An adult throws a ball to the baby and says a word, and the child comes up with a word that is opposite in meaning and throws the ball back.
  4. "Masha-bewildered". For the game you will need cards with the image of various objects. "Masha" is selected. She pulls out a card and says, "Oh!" One of the players asks her a question: "What's wrong with you?" She looks at the image on the card and answers: "I have lost what is shown (for example, scissors). How am I going to make an application now?" The rest should offer different options for getting out of this situation. "Masha-confused" chooses the best answer and gives a coin. At the end of the game, the number of coins is counted and the winner is determined.

Speaking about the one developed by G. S. Altshuller, we note not only the harmony of the scientific theory, but also its ability to lead to a strong solution without enumeration. This is an undoubted advantage, because it has a large number of practical tools for solving creative problems and production cases of any complexity.

To demonstrate this clearly, we have collected tasks and exercises and explained their solution using the TRIZ methodology. Despite the fact that the theory is intended to work with technical problems, the examples are chosen so that even a person without special education can appreciate its effectiveness.

This page contains some tasks and exercises that G. Altov (a pseudonym under which G. S. Altshuller wrote science fiction) published in the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper for young inventors. And, as often happens in such cases, not every adult could cope with these tasks, as you can see for yourself. Cases have also been selected - descriptions of real situations when the contradictions that have arisen have been resolved with the help of TRIZ. They are more difficult to solve, but allow you to complete the idea of ​​​​the theory as a practical tool.


Condition . During a scientific expedition to Mars, the spacecraft landed in a valley. The astronauts equipped the rover to better study the planet, but as soon as they left the ship, they ran into a problem. The fact is that it was difficult to move along the surface - numerous hills, pits, large stones prevented this. On the first slope, the wheeled all-terrain vehicle with inflatable tires turned over on its side. The astronauts coped with this problem - they attached a load from below, which increased the stability of the machine, but caused a new problem - the load touched irregularities, which complicated the movement. So, what needs to be done to improve the rover's cross-country ability? At the same time, astronauts do not have the opportunity to change its design.

Suggested Solution

Solution . The technical is formulated in the condition of the problem. The ideal end result is to achieve absolute passability. At the same time, the astronauts operate in the conditions of Mars, they do not have the opportunity to change the design of the rover. Based on this, the resource is the cargo. You should also not forget about, and make sure that changing one part does not affect the functioning of other elements. With this in mind, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to lift the load into the cab or onto the roof, as the center of gravity will shift and the problem cannot be solved. It is also impossible to bleed air from the tires - stability will increase slightly, but patency will suffer, shaking will increase.

To understand how to deal with a load and get a strong solution, you need to remember how we usually do when there is not enough space? We try to place everything as compactly as possible: combine, put one into another. In TRIZ, this technique is called “matryoshka”. With its help, the problem of the rover is easily solved: the load (metal balls, heavy liquid) must be placed inside the tires. This method has a practical application, it was proposed to use the Japanese inventor P. Shoho, to increase the stability and maneuverability of cranes and loaders.

Water in the pipe

Condition. A fairly simple and well-known task. There is a metal pipe laid underground through which water flows. To troubleshoot the system, part of the pipe was excavated and faced with the need to determine in which direction the water was moving. Attempts to find out by tapping, by ear, ended in failure. Question: how to understand in which direction the water flows in the pipe? It is impossible to break the tightness of the pipe (drill, cut).

Suggested Solution

Solution. This task is solved very simply. TRIZ provides not only a strict solution algorithm, but also a clear study of the task conditions. G. S. Altshuller always advised before starting work to try to formulate the conditions of the problem in other words. In our case, there is a pipe and water that moves through it. You cannot influence the pipe, so you need to influence the water. From here, the simplest solution is to heat the pipe in one place, and by which direction the heated liquid will flow, heating the pipe, determine the direction.

Safe pool

Condition . This is not a task, but an exercise in the ability to find. The goal is to offer the safest possible swimming pool for people who cannot swim.

Suggested Solution

Solution . Using the method , one can find a number of acceptable solutions, since the conditions of the problem do not restrict us in choosing means. So, you can build a pool of a unique design (with a shallow depth, rope fences for each track, pushing fountains). It is also possible to supply swimmers with auxiliary watercraft, for example, life jackets. From the point of view of ideality, the proposal to fill the pool with a solution of concentrated table salt can be considered the most successful option. In it, the body will be pushed to the surface without additional effort. By the way, on this topic there is: “In which sea is it impossible to drown?”. Since you already know the physical component of the necessary condition, think about the geographical one as an addition to the exercise.

Medicines for astronauts

Condition. Not many people know that "seasickness" affects not only sailors and travelers on the sea, but also astronauts. There are cures for this disease, but there are reservations about its use in space. So, small doses need to be taken often, which is inconvenient, and large doses are harmful. How to solve this problem?

Suggested Solution

Solution . The contradiction lies in the need to supply the body with the required amount of medicine without constantly distracting the astronaut to this process. To solve it, the medicine was presented as a crowd of people who want to get to the right place. Obviously, to improve this process, a certain organization is needed - a queue, a gradual advancement. This idea was implemented in the drug, coming to the conclusion that it should be absorbed in parts, and not all at once. According to this principle, tablets with scopolamine were invented to help astronauts cope with "seasickness". They are in the form of a flat disk, which is attached behind the ear like a patch. In this case, the active substance enters the body in a normalized manner due to diffusion.


Condition. Dandelions have a set of chromosomes very qualitatively close to the human. How can this be used to control the operation of a nuclear power plant?

Suggested Solution

Solution. Here, as we see, is not quite a traditional task. Nevertheless, it is solved quite simply, all that is needed is to apply one of the - the law of coordination of the rhythm of the parts of the system. Both dandelion and man are systems, and the fact that their chromosomes are similar makes it possible to judge the reliability of the results of experiments on plants and in the case of people. But the dandelion rhythm is more frequent (generational change once a year), which in a fairly short period of time allows us to trace the genetic changes in specimens growing near nuclear power plants and draw appropriate conclusions about the impact on humans.

Fish food

Condition. You have an aquarium with fish that feed on cyclops. You need to go away for a few days and solve the feeding problem. You can't ask anyone to help. It is impossible to launch many cyclops at one time - the fish will eat them, and they will still starve. How to proceed in this case?

Suggested Solution

Solution. A domestic situation that (with possible variations - cats, parrots, etc. instead of fish) everyone has encountered. By analogy with the previous problem, it becomes obvious that the supply of food to the aquarium must be constant. In other words, in this case, IFR is an independent static feed intake. How to do it? Those familiar with physics, and in particular with thermodynamics, should find a solution fairly quickly using the description of J. Maxwell's thought experiment, known as "Maxwell's Demon". Transferred to our case, the solution may be the partition of the aquarium with a wall of organic glass with small holes - sufficient for the movement of cyclops through them and, at the same time, restricting the movement of fish to the “side of the cyclops”.

Ice on wires

Condition . Finally, a difficult task that very few people can handle. In our climatic conditions in winter there is a danger of ice accretion on the wires of the power line. Over time, the resulting block can break off the wires with its weight, and even damage what is on the ground below them. What methods to deal with icing?

Suggested Solution

Solution . As it was announced, the solution of this case required significant efforts from the inventors. At first, proposals were made to clean the wires by external methods, for example, with the help of a person. But such methods were discarded due to their inexpediency. The idea came up to heat the wires by passing a current through them under high voltage. But this created a new contradiction, because at such a time, users would not be able to use energy. In this case, the resource itself (current) was chosen correctly and the scientists began to develop the idea of ​​heating the wires through it. Soon a solution was found - along the entire line at a distance of 5-6 m, special rings were put on the wires made of a material with magnetic properties - ferrite. Under the influence of alternating current, the magnet was heated, which excluded icing.

But this solution was not optimal either. The fact is that the wires continued to heat up even in the warm season, which was unnecessary. The invention was improved - the rings began to be made from a magnet with a Curie point (P. Curie was the first to notice that different magnets retain their properties at different temperatures) equal to zero degrees. Such magnets did not heat up when the air temperature rose above 0°.

Look for more interesting problems and cases on TRIZ on the official website of the G. S. Altshuller Foundation, on the Creative World website, in the book by N. and A. Narbut “TRIZ Textbook and Collection of Problems”. We wish you success in the practice of solving inventive problems!

We also offer to play our game for the development of a non-standard approach to solving problems.

The main attractiveness of using TRIZ techniques is that they are all interesting for the student, form cognitive activity, develop all operations of thinking, all types of universal learning activities. They help to find options for solving a problem situation, to reflect on the material covered, to develop creative and logical thinking, to evaluate their work.

Reflection is an indispensable component of the modern lesson. When organizing it, it is important to remember that reflection is carried out not for the teacher, not to complete the lesson, but for the student. This is a kind of self-analysis, which allows you to understand the result achieved and evaluate your work. In order for the child to want to analyze his activity in the lesson, mood, level of knowledge on the topic, he needs to be interested, that is, it is interesting to conduct reflection.

Reception "Backpack"

Reception of reflection of the study of educational material. This technique is more often used in lessons after studying a large section. The purpose of this technique: the student must understand and fix their progress in their studies. You can use a picture that passes from one student to another. Each student talks about what he puts in this backpack (acquired knowledge of the skill on the topic).

For example, “I have learned to identify cases of nouns in phrases well” or “I have learned well to distinguish between genitive and accusative cases.”

Reception "Cause - Fact - Consequence".

This technique allows you to determine the causal relationship to carry out a mini-research. This technique is effective at the stage of reflection, as it allows you to see the prospects and suggest a further course of events, motivates students to further study the material and do their homework.
To solve a logical chain, only one of its components is proposed. Students select a cause (or causes) for a given fact and determine its consequences, or look for a fact and a consequence arising from it for the named cause.

For example, “I got a three on my dictation (fact). Reason: didn't learn the rule. Consequence: made many mistakes on this rule. In order to write the next dictation well, you need to learn this rule and be able to apply it when writing from dictation (correctional work is planned).

Literary reading lesson
Theme of the lesson S.Ya. Marshak "Old woman, close the door" based on the Russian folk tale "Who should wash the pot".

Strategy "Ideal"

This is a technology strategy for the development of critical thinking.
The strategy allows you to create:
ability to define a problem;
the ability to find and formulate ways to solve problems;
the ability to choose a strong decision.

An example in the Russian language lesson.
To the attention of the students, the teacher offers the word B..yes
I wonder what's the problem? What letter should be written in this word?
Let's find as many solutions to this problem as possible. How do we know which letter to write? All possible ways and means of solving the problem are proposed.
-Look up in a dictionary
-Ask adults
-Find words where this letter will be in a strong position: water, water, whirlpool, water, water, rivers, water carrier, water,
Are there good solutions? Good, effective solutions are selected from a variety of proposed solutions.
And now we choose the only solution. The strongest solution to the problem is chosen. In this case, there is no single solution.
Curious, but how it will look in practice? Work is planned to implement the chosen solution.

The "Ideal" technique can be introduced into lessons starting from grade 2, and the preparatory work for it will be the "Masha the Confused" technique.

Reception "Masha-confused"

This is a universal TRIZ technique that contributes to the accumulation of information about different ways of solving problems.
One student plays the role of Masha the Confused, sets the action to be performed.

For example, "Oh, what's wrong with you? Lost the pen. What will I write in class now? (ask the teacher, classmates, call parents). Other children offer solutions to this problem. The one who proposed a good solution becomes the leader himself (the role of Masha the confused passes to him).
Or an example in a math class.
-What's the matter?
Masha is confused.
-Lost Number 5. How can I increase 15 by 5 now?
Students offer solutions: instead of the number 5, use the sum of the numbers 1 and 4, 2 and 3 or the difference of the numbers 6 minus 1, 9 minus 4)

Reception "I'm taking you with me"

The technique is aimed at developing the ability to combine objects on a common basis, the ability to compare, compare a large number of objects, the ability to compose a holistic image of an object from its individual features. It is aimed at the formation of cognitive skills: classification is worked out especially well.
This technique can be used both at the stage of updating the knowledge of students, and at the stage of consolidating the material, you can change it as required by the topic of the lesson and the skill that we are forming.

For example, in a Russian language lesson: distribute verbs into groups. The names of the groups are already given. 1 row past tense verbs, 2 row present tense verbs, 3 row future tense verbs. The child asks a question, determines the question and says "I'm taking you with me" or "I'm not taking you with me."

Another advantage of this technique is that it can lead to a problem situation, and then to a learning task, which will be solved in the lesson. If you use an interactive whiteboard or handout, then the whole class will be involved. The advantage of the reception is that it can be used as a dynamic pause in the lesson. In the lesson, using this technique, the guys themselves go to the blackboard and put the words in the right place.

Acceptance "Good - bad"

The technique is aimed at activating the mental activity of students in the lesson, forming an idea of ​​how the contradiction works. Forms cognitive skills: students consciously and voluntarily build speech statements in oral form; establish causal relationships; build logical chains of reasoning and provide evidence.
In addition, there are:
the ability to find positive and negative sides in any object, situation;
ability to resolve conflicts;
the ability to evaluate an object, a situation from different positions.

For example, in the lesson of the surrounding world, the teacher sets the situation: The topic is "Weather". One of the natural phenomena is rain. Find the pros or cons of this phenomenon.
The class is divided into 2 teams. One is looking for pluses, the other is looking for minuses.
Task: for a teacher - a participant or a presenter - is a master class good or bad?

Reception "Non-standard entrance to the lesson"

A universal TRIZ technique aimed at engaging students in active mental activity from the first minutes of the lesson.
The teacher begins the lesson with a contradictory fact that is difficult to explain on the basis of existing knowledge.

For example, the words: garden, gardener, gardener. Root garden (students know that the root is the same part of the word)
Light, shine, light, candle (the root differs by one letter. Problem: the root is light, candle or light?)

Reception "Chain of signs"

A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge about the features of those objects that are included in the work. Aimed at the formation of cognitive skills (comparison, analysis and synthesis), regulatory (drawing up an action plan).
the ability to describe an object through the names and values ​​of features;
the ability to determine the hidden parts of the given parts of the model;
ability to draw up an internal plan of action.

For example, grammatical signs of nouns. Words are given: from the aunt, from the fox, from the dog, from the candy.
The 1st student names the gender, the second student - the declension, the third - the case.

Reception "Jockey and horse"

Reception of interactive training, the author of which is A. Kamensky.
The class is divided into two groups: "jockeys" and "horses". The first receive cards with questions, the second - with the correct answers. Each "jockey" must find his "horse". This technique can be used even in the lessons of learning new material.

The most unpleasant feature is the need for the entire group of students to walk around the classroom at the same time; this requires a certain formation of a culture of behavior.

Example (lesson “World around”)

Reception "POPS-formula"

Students learn to express thoughts competently and convincingly. This technique is used at the stage of reflection, but it can also be used at the stage of studying new material, because it teaches you to prove your point of view.
The structure of the POPS formula contains 4 important components that are necessary elements for constructing a text.
P - position. It is necessary to express your own opinion on the given problem. To do this, you can use the following wording: "I believe that ...", "In my opinion, this problem deserves / does not deserve attention", "I agree with ...".
O - justification, explanation of one's position. Here the student gives arguments to support your opinion. The answer must be reasonable, not empty. The main question here is why do you think so? And this means that it should be opened with the words "Because ..." or "Because ...".
P - examples. To confirm the understanding of your words, you must provide facts, and there must be at least three of them. This item reveals the ability of students to prove the correctness of their position in practice. You need to start with the words "For example ...", "I can prove this with an example ...".
C is a consequence. This step is final, it contains the final conclusions confirming the stated position. You can start: "Thus ...", "Summing up ...", "Therefore ...", "Based on what has been said, I conclude that ...".

Example, Russian language lesson. I believe that unstressed vowels should be checked with stress, because in a weak position we hear a different sound. For example: in the word water we hear an unstressed vowel sound [a], and if I put the vowel under the stress of water, then o will be heard clearly. Based on this, I conclude that the unstressed vowel at the root of the word must be checked with stress.

Reception "Step by step"

Acceptance of interactive learning. It is used to activate previously acquired knowledge.
The students, walking to the blackboard, at each step name a term, concept, phenomenon from the previously studied material.

For instance. At the lesson of the Russian language on the topic "Noun". Task: Name the feminine nouns. The student walks and calls a noun for each step.

Reception "Colored fields"

Acceptance of interactive learning. Used to create a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom.

The student, performing a written test work, marks out the fields with colored pencils. Each color has its own meaning, but each time it is an appeal to the teacher.

Red fields - "Please check everything and correct all errors",

green fields - "Please mark all the errors, I want to correct them myself",

blue fields - "Indicate the number of errors, I will find and correct them myself."

This approach has been changed in my work. I removed the black fields, but added yellow ones, which indicate "I am sure that everything is correct in my work."

Example of student work

This technique is convenient for both children and the teacher.
Firstly, the teacher sees the motivation of each child to improve their own results of work.
Secondly, no matter what fields the students draw, when checking the work, I understand at what level the skill that is being tested is formed. This technique is convenient when carrying out verification work on the current control. After all, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for current control, the child has every right to receive only 4 and 5 in the journal. Students develop control and evaluation activities.

20.03.2017 10:00

The founder of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) is Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. Initially, all his developments were aimed at engineering creativity, but later they moved into the areas of human activity that went beyond the technical ones: art systems, management, team management, solving commercial, social, socio-technical and pedagogical problems, the tasks of the education system.

The adapted TRIZ mental tools, which activate and accelerate the processes of thinking development, are widely used in pedagogy. This is perhaps the only systemic theory of teaching creativity in the world.

Parents can try to apply certain methods of TRIZ pedagogy in communication with the child from a very early age, as soon as the child begins to speak in phrases. It makes sense to send a child to TRIZ group classes no earlier than 4.5 years.

Goals and objectives of the methodology

TRIZ pedagogy aims to form strong thinking and nurture a creative personality, prepared to solve complex problems in various fields of activity.


    The development in the child of the natural need for knowledge of the world around him, laid down by nature.

    Formation of systemic dialectical thinking (strong thinking) based on the laws of development.

    Formation of skills of independent search and obtaining the necessary information.

    Formation of skills for working with information that the child receives from the surrounding reality spontaneously or as a result of targeted training.

    Education of certain personality traits

    Qualities of a creative person

    Strong Thinking Skills

    Guided Imagination Options

    Algorithms of mental activity necessary for successful work with problems

    Developed trainings and methods aimed at developing thinking skills

Models of using TRIZ

In practice, there are various models of using TRIZ tools, which can be episodic and systemic.

The following models can be distinguished

    Use in personal practice of individual tools or techniques used in TRIZ pedagogy. For example, a teacher uses the “Picture without hesitation” technique to work with a picture, and compiling situational data to analyze the meaning of fairy tales. The rest of the material is given according to the traditional method.

    Result: children develop those skills that are laid down by the result in these methods. Those. the child will learn to compose stories according to the picture and danetki according to the literary plot.

    Possible negative: this approach does not always form the skills of strong thinking, but only if the teacher specifically sets himself this task of TRIZ pedagogy.

    A special TRIZ and RTI course (development of creative imagination), in the process of implementation of which children learn the basics of TRIZ as a separate educational discipline (at school - a lesson on RTV, in kindergarten - a lesson on RTV).

    Result: children learn the terminology and tools of TRIZ and RTV, perform creative tasks of various levels of complexity, solve problems within the framework of this course.

    Possible negative: children do not know how to transfer or find it difficult to transfer the acquired skills to a domestic or educational situation. That is, being able to solve problems, they do not use this skill in their practice when a need arises.

    The use of TRIZ-RTV tools in the educational process under a regular program as a set of effective methods for implementing standard content.

    Result: the educational tasks laid down in the basic programs are solved at a lower cost, the motivation of children increases, the principles of working with certain tools are assimilated.

    Possible negative: there remains a problem with the skills of personal use of problem-solving tools; there is no transfer of the learned skills of working with information to the conscious plane.

    Integration of the standard educational program with the program for the formation of skills in creative activity.

    Result: the formation of the KKN system (knowledge, abilities, skills), incorporated in the basic programs, is organically combined with the process of formation of systemic dialectical thinking and the development of creative imagination. Moreover, ZUN is not transmitted in the traditional sense from a teacher to children, but is formed as a natural consequence of learning to work with information. The result is complex: TRIZ tools help the teacher to solve didactic problems, and the child to learn and transform the world around him.

    Possible negative: the option does not work without correcting the content of the basic programs, they have to be rebuilt and adapted to the program for the formation of creative activity skills and in accordance with the requirements of systemic thinking.

It is likely that the fourth model is the most promising and effective, but also the most difficult to implement.

TRIZ methods

    Brainstorming method - setting an inventive problem and finding ways to solve it with the help of enumeration of resources, choosing the ideal solution.

    Synectics is the so-called method of analogies: comparing and finding the similarity of objects or phenomena. Presentation of oneself as some object or phenomenon in a problem situation. Synectics is always paired with brainstorming.

    Morphological analysis is the identification of all possible facts of solving a given problem, which could be missed with a simple enumeration. This method is effective in working with a small number of children (from two to five).

    The method of focal objects (FFO) is the establishment of associative links with various random objects (properties and characteristics of other objects that are not related to it are "tried on" to a certain object).

    Yes - no - ka - finding an essential feature in an object, classifying an object and a phenomenon according to common features.

    Robinson's method - finding a use for a seemingly completely unnecessary subject.

    Typical fantasizing - fantasizing using specific techniques.

    System operator - analysis and description of the system of connections of any object of the material world: its purpose, the dynamics of development in a certain period of time, signs and structure, etc.


The results of the lessons can not always be visually presented to parents, as, for example, when teaching reading, counting or writing. However, empathetic parents will quickly notice the changes.

    The range of ideas is enriched in children, vocabulary grows, creative abilities develop.

    TRIZ helps to form dialectics and logic, helps to overcome shyness, isolation, timidity; a small person learns to defend his point of view, and when he gets into difficult situations, he independently finds original solutions.

    TRIZ contributes to the development of visual-figurative, causal, heuristic thinking; memory, imagination, affects other mental processes.

Children who regularly use such techniques in their work become more active, inquisitive, argue more often, put forward more detailed and complex arguments, their imagination becomes richer and more interesting. Such children begin to explore everything around, which is why TRIZ, in principle, contributes to the formation of a scientific picture of the world. TRIZ classes will serve you well and will definitely come in handy in the future when solving life problems.

It is probably already difficult to surprise the reader with the paradoxical nature inherent in invention. But here's another paradox: a task can only be difficult because it's... easy.

A foreign company produced chemical products, in particular alcohol, which was taken to various chemical enterprises, including a paint and varnish factory located five kilometers from the manufacturer. Three or four times a week a truck came, a filled and sealed tank with a capacity of 10 m3 was attached to it, and the truck took it to the paint and varnish factory. There, the alcohol was poured, carefully measuring its amount, and the tank was returned to the manufacturer. For some time, alcohol began to disappear: each time they found a shortage of 15-20 liters, and before Christmas even 30 liters disappeared ... We checked the dosing equipment at the manufacturer and the recipient plant - everything is in order. Checked the tank - not the slightest crack. We checked the seals of the next tanker that arrived at the paint and varnish plant - all the seals are absolutely intact ... And again, 20 liters are missing! Not so much, but it's insulting, and dangerous: if you don't find the cause, hundreds of liters will disappear...

The owner of the company ordered that the tanker be transported accompanied by security, but it did not help. The enraged owner hired private detectives, and they took up observation posts along the entire route - it didn’t help ...

But one day the problem was solved. What do you think the answer was?

Solving this problem by enumeration of options, they usually begin With“revisions” of the conditions: “Maybe the measuring equipment was still inaccurate? .. Or did the alcohol evaporate from a loosely closed tank? .. Or did the truck driver collude with the guards? ..” Then they move on to physics and chemistry: can alcohol enter into a chemical reaction with the substance from which the walls of the tank are made?.. Maybe the volume of alcohol changed due to changes in atmospheric pressure and external temperature?.. "Meanwhile, the answer is very simple, and if the invited detectives knew the typical techniques for resolving contradictions, they would solve the problem without arranging surveillance. Technique 10: An action that is difficult to perform at the moment must be carried out before this moment. It is difficult to steal alcohol from a sealed and guarded cistern, but it is not difficult to do this the day before, when the cistern is empty and no one is guarded: go with a bucket to an empty cistern - no one will stop ... The attacker did just that: the day before he hung the bucket inside the empty tanks. The next day, the cistern was filled with alcohol... and the bucket was also filled. Then the tank was taken to the recipient plant and poured alcohol. And the filled bucket remained inside the tank. When the empty tank was returned to the factory, the guards, of course, were removed, and the attacker could safely extract his prey.

Attempts to compile lists of receptions have been made for a long time. Some lists had 20-30 receptions. But the selection was made subjectively, the lists included techniques that for some reason seemed important to one or another author. And the very concept of “reception” did not have a clear definition: “fragmentation” and “analogy” could coexist in the lists, although the first refers to the technical system, and the second to the thinking of the inventor.

The techniques used in ARIZ are operators of transformation of the original technical system (device) or the original technical process (method). And not any transformations, but only those that are strong enough to eliminate technical contradictions in solving modern inventive problems. Such techniques can only be identified by analyzing large arrays of patent information related (this is very important!) not to all inventive solutions, but only to solutions of higher levels (from the third and higher).

The work on compiling a list of such techniques was started at the early stages of the formation of the theory of inventive problem solving. The number of inventor's certificates and patents examined was constantly increasing. The list included in ARIZ-71 already included 40 tricks. To identify them, it was necessary to look through an array of patent information in the hundreds of thousands of items and select over 40 thousand strong solutions, which were then subjected to a thorough analysis.

When getting acquainted with these techniques, please note that many of them include sub-techniques, which often form a chain, where each next sub-technique develops the previous one.

Do not be confused by the "frivolous" names of some techniques. Of course, instead of the "matryoshka principle" one can say "the principle of concentrating integration". The essence is the same, but the "matryoshka" is remembered from the first meeting and forever. And one more consideration: for clarity and compactness, the techniques are explained with simple examples, this does not mean that the techniques are suitable only for simple inventions.


Let's look at 40 basic techniques for eliminating technical contradictions.

1. The principle of crushing

a. Divide an object into independent parts.

b. Make the object collapsible.

v. Increase the degree of fragmentation of the object.

EXAMPLE The cargo ship is divided into sections of the same type. If necessary, the ship can be made longer or shorter.

2. The principle of issuance

Separate the “interfering” part (“interfering” property) from the object or, conversely, select the only necessary part or property.

Unlike the previous technique, which dealt with dividing an object into identical parts, here it is proposed to divide an object into different parts.

EXAMPLE Typically, on small pleasure craft and boats, electricity for lighting and other needs is generated by a generator powered by a propeller engine. To generate electricity in the parking lot, it is necessary to install an auxiliary electric generator driven by an internal combustion engine. The engine naturally creates noise and vibration. It is proposed to place the engine and generator in a separate capsule located at some distance from the boat and connected to it by a cable.

3. The principle of local quality

a. Move from a homogeneous structure of an object or an external environment (external influence) to an inhomogeneous one.

b. Different parts of the object should perform different functions.

v. Each part of the facility must be in the most favorable conditions for its operation.

EXAMPLE To combat dust in mine workings, water is supplied to tools (working bodies of drilling and loading machines) in the form of a cone of small drops. The smaller the droplets, the better the dust control goes, but small droplets easily form fog, which makes it difficult to work. Solution: a layer of large drops is created around the cone of small drops.

4. Principle of asymmetry

a. Change from a symmetrical object shape to an asymmetric one.

b. If the object is already asymmetric, increase the degree of asymmetry.

EXAMPLE The impact-resistant car tire has one sidewall of increased strength - for better resistance to impacts on the curb stone of the sidewalk.

5. The principle of association

a. Connect objects that are homogeneous or intended for adjacent operations.

b. Combine in time homogeneous or adjacent operations. Example. Dual tandem microscope. One person is working with the manipulator, and the second person is fully occupied with observation and recording.

6. The principle of universality

The object performs several different functions, thereby eliminating the need for other objects.

EXAMPLE The briefcase handle also serves as an expander (AS No. 187964).

7. The principle of "matryoshka"

a. One object is placed inside another, "which, in turn, is inside a third, and so on.

b. One object passes through a cavity in another object.

EXAMPLE “An ultrasonic concentrator of elastic vibrations, consisting of half-wave segments fastened together, differing in that in order to reduce the length of the concentrator and increase its stability, the half-wave segments are made in the form of hollow cones inserted one into the other "(A.S. No. 186 781). In a. With. No. 462 315 absolutely the same solution was used to reduce the dimensions of the output section of the transformer piezoelectric element. In a device for drawing metal along a. With. No. 304 027 "matryoshka" is made up of tapered drags.

8. Principle of anti-weight

a. Compensate for the weight of an object by connecting it to another object with a lifting force.

b. Compensate for the weight of the object by interaction with the environment (mainly due to aero- and hydrodynamic forces).

EXAMPLE “A centrifugal brake-type regulator of the speed of a rotary wind turbine, mounted on the vertical axis of the rotor, characterized in that in order to maintain the speed of rotation of the rotor in a small range of speed with a strong increase in power, the weights of the regulator are made in the form of blades that provide aerodynamic braking” (a. s No. 167 784).

It is interesting to note that the claims clearly reflect the contradiction overcome by the invention. With a given wind force and a given weight of cargo, a certain number of revolutions is obtained. To reduce it (with increasing wind strength), you need to increase the mass of cargo. But the loads rotate, it is difficult to get close to them. And now the contradiction is eliminated by the fact that the cargoes are given a form. creating aerodynamic braking, i.e., the loads are made in the form of a wing with a negative angle of attack.

The general idea is obvious: if you need to change the mass of a moving body, but the mass cannot be changed for certain reasons, then the body must be given the shape of a wing and, by changing the inclination of the wing to the direction of motion, obtain an additional force directed in the desired direction.

9. The principle of preliminary counteraction

If, according to the conditions of the problem, it is necessary to perform some action, it is necessary to perform an anti-action in advance.

EXAMPLE “A method of cutting with a cup cutter rotating around its geometric axis during the cutting process, characterized in that, in order to prevent the occurrence of vibration, the cup cutter is preloaded with forces that are close in magnitude and directed opposite to the forces that occur during the cutting process” (A. C. No. 536866 ).

10. The principle of preliminary action

a. Perform the required action in advance (completely or at least partially).

b. Arrange objects in advance so that they can enter into action without spending time on delivery and from the most convenient place.

The above solution to problem 41 can serve as an example.

11. The principle of "pre-planted pillow"

Compensate for the relatively low reliability of the object with pre-prepared emergency means.

EXAMPLE “A method for processing inorganic materials, such as glass fibers, by exposure to a plasma beam, characterized by the fact that, in order to increase mechanical strength, a solution or melt of salts of alkali or alkaline earth metals is preliminarily applied to inorganic materials” (A.S. No. 522 150). Substances that “heal” microcracks are applied in advance. There is a. With. No. 456 594, according to which a ring is placed on a tree branch (before cutting down), compressing the branch. The tree, feeling "pain", sends nutrients and healing substances to this place. Thus, these substances accumulate before the cutting of the branch, which contributes to the rapid healing after cutting.

12. Principle of equipotentiality

Change the working conditions so that you do not have to raise or lower the object.

EXAMPLE A device is proposed that eliminates the need to raise and lower heavy molds. The device is made in the form of an attachment with a roller table attached to the press table (AS No. 264 679).

13. The opposite principle

a. Instead of the action dictated by the conditions of the problem, carry out the opposite action.

b. Make the moving part of the object or the environment immobile, and the immovable - moving.

v. Turn the object upside down, turn it inside out.

EXAMPLE Considering problem 9 (on a dust filter), we met with a. With. No. 156 133: the filter is made of magnets, between which there is a ferromagnetic powder. Seven years later, a. With. No. 319 325, in which the filter is turned out: “An electromagnetic filter for mechanical purification of liquids and gases, containing a magnetic field source and a filter element made of granular magnetic material, characterized in that, in order to reduce the specific power consumption and increase productivity, the filter element is placed around the magnetic source field and forms an external closed magnetic circuit.

14. Principle of spheroidality

a. To move from rectilinear parts to curved ones, from flat surfaces to spherical ones, from parts made in the form of a cube or parallelepiped to spherical structures.

b. Use rollers, balls, spirals.

v. Go from rectilinear motion to rotational, use centrifugal force.

EXAMPLE A device for welding pipes into a tube sheet has electrodes in the form of rolling balls.

15. The principle of dynamism

a. The characteristics of the object (or the external environment) must change so as to be optimal at each stage of work.

b. Break an object into pieces that can move relative to each other.

v. If the object as a whole is motionless, make it mobile, moving.

EXAMPLE “A method of automatic arc welding with a strip electrode, characterized in that, in order to widely control the shape and size of the weld pool, the electrode is bent along its generatrix, giving it a curvilinear shape, which is changed during the welding process” (AS No. 258 490).

16. Principle of partial or redundant action

If it is difficult to get 100% of the desired effect, you need to get "a little less" or "a little more" - the task can be greatly simplified.

The technique is already familiar from problem 34: the cylinders are stained with an excess, which is then removed.

17. The principle of transition to another dimension

a. Difficulties associated with the movement (or placement) of an object along a line are eliminated if the object acquires the ability to move in two dimensions (ie, on a plane). Accordingly, the tasks associated with the movement (or placement) of objects in one plane are eliminated when moving to a space of three dimensions.

b. Use a multi-story layout of objects instead of a single-story layout.

v. Tilt an object or lay it on its side.

d. Use the reverse side of this area.

e. Use optical flows incident on an adjacent area or on the reverse side of an existing area. Reception 17a can be combined with techniques 7 and 15c. It turns out a chain that characterizes the general trend in the development of technical systems: from a point to a line, then to a plane, then to a volume, and, finally, to the combination of many volumes.

EXAMPLE “A method of storing a winter supply of logs on the water by installing them in the water area of ​​the raid, differing in that in order to increase the specific capacity of the water area and reduce the volume of frozen wood, the logs are formed into bundles, with a width and height of cross section exceeding the length of the logs, after which the formed bundles are installed in a vertical position ”(a. with. No. 236 318).

18. Use of mechanical vibrations

a. Bring an object into oscillatory motion.

b. If such a movement is already taking place, increase its frequency (up to ultrasonic).

v. Use resonant frequency.

d. Use piezovibrators instead of mechanical vibrators.

e. Use ultrasonic vibrations in combination with electromagnetic fields.

EXAMPLE “A sawtooth cutting method of wood, characterized in that, in order to reduce the effort of introducing the tool into the wood, cutting is carried out with a tool whose pulsation frequency is close to the natural frequency of the cut wood” (a. s. No. 307986).

19. The principle of periodic action

a. Move from continuous action to periodic (impulse).

b. If the action is already running periodically, change the frequency.

v. Use the pauses between impulses for another action.

EXAMPLE “A method for automatic control of the thermal cycle of resistance spot welding, mainly of small-thickness parts, based on the measurement of thermal e. d.s., characterized by the fact that in order to improve the accuracy of control during welding with pulses of increased frequency, thermo-e is measured. d.s. in pauses between welding current pulses” (a.c. No. 336 120).

20. The principle of continuity of useful action

a. Work continuously (all parts of the facility must operate at full load at all times).

b. Eliminate idle and intermediate moves.

EXAMPLE “The method of processing holes in the form of two intersecting cylinders, for example, nests of bearing cages, differs in that, in order to increase processing productivity, it is carried out with a drill (drill), the cutting edges of which allow cutting as in forward as well as during the reverse stroke of the tool ”(a.c. No. 262 582).

21. Breakthrough principle

Conduct the process or its individual stages (for example, harmful or dangerous) at high speed.

EXAMPLE “A method of processing wood in the production of veneer by heating, characterized in that, in order to preserve natural wood, it is heated by short-term exposure to a gas flame with a temperature of 300-600 ° C directly in the process of manufacturing veneer” (a. C. No. 338 371).

22. The principle of "turning harm into benefit"

a. Use harmful factors (in particular, the harmful effects of the environment) to obtain a positive effect.

b. Eliminate the harmful factor by adding to other harmful factors.

v. Strengthen the harmful factor to such an extent that it ceases to be harmful.

EXAMPLE “A method for restoring the flowability of frozen bulk materials, characterized in that, in order to speed up the process of restoring the flowability of materials and reduce labor intensity, the frozen material is exposed to ultra-low temperatures” (a. s. No. 409 938.

23. Feedback principle

a. Enter feedback.

b. If there is feedback, change it.

EXAMPLE "A method for automatically controlling the temperature regime for firing sulfide materials in a fluidized bed by changing the flow of the loaded material as a function of temperature, characterized in that, in order to increase the dynamic accuracy of maintaining the set temperature value, the supply of material is changed depending on the change in the content of sulfur dioxide in the exhaust gases" (a pp. No. 302 382).

24. The principle of "intermediary)

a. Use an intermediate object that wraps or passes the action.

b. Temporarily attach another (easily removed) object to an object.

EXAMPLE “A method for calibrating instruments for measuring dynamic stresses in dense media under static loading of a medium sample with a device embedded inside it, characterized in that, in order to increase the calibration accuracy, the sample with a device embedded inside it is loaded through a fragile intermediate element” (A.S. No. 354 135).

25. The principle of self-service

a. The object must maintain itself by performing auxiliary and repair operations.

b. Use waste (energy, substances).

EXAMPLE In an electric welding gun, the welding wire is usually fed by a special device. It is proposed to use a solenoid powered by welding current to feed the wire.

26. The principle of copying

a. Instead of an inaccessible, complex, expensive, inconvenient or fragile object, use its simplified and cheap copies.

b. Replace an object or system of objects with their optical copies (images). Use scaling (enlarge or reduce copies).

v. If visible optical copies are used, switch to infrared or ultraviolet copies.

EXAMPLE “A visual textbook on geodesy, made in the form of an artistic panel written on a plane, differing in that for the purpose of subsequent geodetic survey from a panel of an image of the area, it was made according to tacheometric survey data and at characteristic points terrain is equipped with miniature geodetic slats” (A. C. No. 86560).

27. Cheap fragility instead of expensive durability. Replace an expensive object with a set of cheap objects, while sacrificing some qualities (for example, durability).

EXAMPLE Single action mousetrap: plastic tube with bait; the mouse enters the trap through the cone-shaped hole; the walls of the hole unbend and do not allow it to come out back.

28. Replacing the mechanical circuit

a. Replace the mechanical circuit with an optical, acoustic or "smell" one.

b. Use electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields to interact with an object.

v. Move from stationary to moving fields, from fixed to time-varying, from non-structural to structured.

d. Use fields in combination with ferromagnetic particles.

EXAMPLE “The method of applying metal coatings to thermoplastic materials by contact with a metal powder heated to a temperature exceeding the melting point of the thermoplastic, characterized by the fact that in order to increase the adhesion strength of the coating to the base and its density, the process carried out in an electromagnetic field ”(A. C. No. 445 712).

29. Use of pneumatic and hydraulic structures

Instead of solid parts of the object, use gaseous and liquid ones: inflatable and hydraulically filled, air cushion, hydrostatic and hydrojet.

EXAMPLE To connect the ship's propeller shaft to the propeller hub, a groove was made in the shaft, in which an elastic hollow container (narrow "air bag") is placed. If compressed air is supplied to this container, it will inflate and press the hub against the shaft (AS No. 313 741). Usually, in such cases, a metal connecting element was used, but the connection with the "air bag" is easier to make: there is no need for an exact fit of the mating surfaces. In addition, such a connection smooths out shock loads. It is interesting to compare this invention with the later published invention according to a. With. No. 445 611 for a container for transporting fragile products (eg drainage pipes): the container has an inflatable shell that presses the products and prevents them from breaking during transportation. Different areas of technology, but the tasks and solutions are absolutely identical. In a. With. No. 249 583 The inflatable element works in the crane arm. In a. With. No. 409 875 - presses fragile products into the sawing device. There are many such inventions. Apparently, it's just time to stop patenting such proposals, and introduce a simple rule into design textbooks: if you need to delicately press one object against another for a while, use an "air bag". This, of course, does not mean that the entire method 29 will cease to be inventive.

An "air bag" that presses one part against another is a typical su-field, in which the "bag" plays the role of a mechanical field. In accordance with the general rule for the development of su-field systems, a transition to a fe-field system was to be expected. Such a transition actually took place: in a. With. No. 534 351, it was proposed to introduce ferromagnetic powder into the “air bag”, and to use a magnetic field to increase the pressure. And again, the imperfection of the form of patenting led to the fact that it was not the universal idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcontrolling the "air bag" that was patented, but a particular improvement in the grinding "air bag" ...

30. Use of flexible casings and thin films

a. Use flexible sheaths and thin films instead of conventional designs.

b. Isolate the object from the external environment using flexible shells and thin films.

EXAMPLE “A method for the formation of aerated concrete products by pouring the raw mass into a mold and subsequent holding, differing in that in order to increase the degree of swelling, a gas-tight film is laid on the raw mass poured into the mold” (a. p. No. 339 406).

31. Application of porous materials

a. Make the object porous or use additional porous elements (inserts, coatings, etc.).

b. If the object is already made porous, pre-fill the pores with some substance.

EXAMPLE “The evaporative cooling system of electrical machines, characterized in that, in order to eliminate the need to supply a cooling agent to the machine, active parts and individual structural elements are made of porous materials, for example, porous powder steels impregnated with liquid coolant. an agent that evaporates during the operation of the machine and thus ensures its short-term, intensive and uniform cooling ”(A. C. No. 187 135).

32. The principle of color change

a. Change the color of an object or environment.

b. Change the degree of transparency of an object or environment.

v. To observe poorly visible objects or processes, use coloring additives.

d. If such additives are already used, use phosphors.

EXAMPLE US Patent No. 3,425,412: A transparent dressing that allows the wound to be observed without removing the dressing.

33. The principle of homogeneity

Objects interacting with this object must be made of the same material (or close to it in properties).

EXAMPLE “A method for obtaining a permanent mold by forming a working cavity in it according to the standard by casting, differing in that in order to compensate for the shrinkage of the product obtained in this mold, the standard and the mold are made of a material identical with the product ”(a.c. No. 456 679).

34. The principle of discarding and regeneration of parts

a. The part of the object that has fulfilled its purpose or has become unnecessary must be discarded (dissolved, evaporated, etc.) or modified directly in the course of work.

b. Consumable parts of the object must be restored directly in the course of work.

EXAMPLE “A method for studying high-temperature zones, mainly welding processes, in which a probe-optical guide is introduced into the zone under study, differing in that in order to improve the possibility of studying high-temperature zones in arc and electroslag welding, a consumable probe is used - a light guide that is continuously fed into the area under study at a rate not less than the rate of its melting” (a.c. No. 433 397).

35. Changing the aggregate state of an object

This includes not only simple transitions, such as from solid to liquid, but also transitions to "pseudo-states" ("pseudo-fluid") and intermediate states, such as the use of elastic solids.

EXAMPLE German patent No. 1 291 210: the braking section for the landing strip is made in the form of a "bath" filled with a viscous liquid, on which a thick layer of elastic material is located.

36. Application of phase transitions

Use phenomena that occur during phase transitions, such as a change in volume, the release or absorption of heat, etc.

EXAMPLE “A plug for sealing pipelines and necks with various cross-sectional shapes, which differs in that, in order to unify and simplify the design, it is made in the form of a glass into which a low-melting metal alloy is poured, expanding upon solidification and ensuring the tightness of the connection ”(a.c. No. 319 806).

37. Application of thermal expansion

a. Use thermal expansion (or contraction) of materials.

b. Use several materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion.

Example. In a. With. No. 463423, it was proposed to make the roof of greenhouses from hinged hollow pipes, inside of which there is an easily expanding liquid. When the temperature changes, the center of gravity of the pipes changes, so the pipes themselves rise and fall. By the way, this is the answer to problem 30. Of course, you can also use bimetallic plates mounted on the roof of the greenhouse.

38. Use of strong oxidizers

a. Replace normal air with enriched air.

b. Replace enriched air with oxygen.

v. Exposure to air or oxygen with ionizing radiation.

d. Use ozonized oxygen.

e. Replace ozonated (or ionized) oxygen with ozone.

EXAMPLE “A method for producing ferrite films by chemical gas transport reactions in an oxidizing environment, differing in that in order to intensify oxidation and increase the uniformity of films, the process is carried out in an ozone environment” (a. with. No. 261 859 ).

39. Application of an inert environment

a. Replace the usual environment with an inert one.

b. Run the process in a vacuum.

EXAMPLE “A method for preventing the fire of cotton in a storage facility, characterized by the fact that, in order to increase the reliability of storage, cotton is treated with an inert gas during its transportation to a storage site” (a.c. No. 270 171) .

40. Application of composite materials

Move from homogeneous materials to composite.

EXAMPLE “A medium for cooling metal during heat treatment, characterized in that, in order to ensure a given cooling rate, it consists of a suspension of gas in a liquid” (AS No. 187 060).


A set of techniques, like a set of tools, forms a system whose value is higher than the arithmetic sum of the values ​​that make up the set of tools. But even in themselves, individual techniques give excellent results in some cases. Interesting in this regard is the study conducted by the Sverdlovsk inventor, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V. E. Shcherbakov. There is a heat and mass exchange apparatus quite widely used in technology - a Venturi tube (high-speed washer, Venturi scrubber, turbulent washer). This is a simple tube. narrowed in the middle. The rate of passage of gas in the place of narrowing increases, the gas crushes the liquid supplied to the tube and mixes with its particles. In essence, this is an ordinary spray gun. But the sprayer works with small volumes of substances, and the Venturi tube sometimes has to rely on a throughput of tens of thousands of cubic meters of gas per hour. With the growth of throughput, the size of the device also grows unacceptably. As the name itself indicates, the apparatus has an elongated shape, so it can be considered as an object with a linear layout. According to technique 17, such objects should develop in the direction of "line - plane - volume". Based on this, V. E. Shcherbakov created a number of compact and powerful heat and mass transfer apparatuses with planar and volumetric layouts (AS No. 486 768, 502 645, etc.)

A good knowledge of the techniques significantly increases the creative potential of the inventor. Therefore, in Bulgaria, a list of techniques included in ARIZ-71 was published as a separate book. Each technique is illustrated with many examples, allowing you to better feel its capabilities.

Simultaneously with the identification of techniques, tables for the application of techniques were compiled and gradually improved to eliminate typical technical contradictions. The tables contain indicators that need to be changed (improve, increase, decrease), as well as indicators that deteriorate unacceptably if conventional (already known) methods are used. In the cells of the table, at the intersection of rows and columns, techniques are recorded. The last modification of the table has 39 rows and 39 columns. Not all cells are filled in, but even so the table indicates techniques for more than 1200 types of technical contradictions.

When compiling a table for each cell, it is necessary to determine the avant-garde branch of technology in which this type of contradiction is eliminated by the most powerful and promising methods. So, for contradictions such as "weight - duration of action", "weight - speed", "weight - strength", "weight - reliability", the most suitable methods are contained in inventions in aviation and space technology. The contradictions associated with the need to improve accuracy are most effectively eliminated by the techniques inherent in inventions in the field of equipment for physical experiments.

The table of application of techniques used in the leading branches of technology helps to find strong solutions to common inventive problems. In order for the table to be suitable for problems that are just emerging in leading industries, it must additionally contain the latest techniques that are beginning to enter inventive practice. These techniques are most often found not in those “successful” inventions for which copyright certificates are issued, but in applications rejected because of “impracticability”, “unreality”. The table thus reflects the collective creative experience of several generations of inventors.

For example, in problem 28 (measuring manufactured cones), the measurement accuracy clearly conflicts with its complexity: if you use the known method, you will have to operate with a very large number of templates and conduct each measurement with great care. According to the table (the intersection of line 28 and column 37), we get methods 26, 24, 32, 28. The first method (26th) offers a fundamental change in the known method: no templates are needed, we will measure not the cone itself, but its stumps, images , pictures.

However, it must be emphasized that the table is by no means intended for solving "raw" problems. The table is part of ARIZ and should be used in conjunction with its other mechanisms. In ARIZ-77 application of the table is step 4.4; the task must first be carefully analyzed.

Let's take problem 28. Two substances are given: a hollow cone and a template (according to rule 4, there must be one pair in the problem model), there is no interaction; the problem belongs to class 4, like the grinding wheel problem. Up to a certain point, the solutions are similar: in the problem of a circle, an object was transferred from a solid state to a pseudo-liquid one (mobile powder); the template can also be made pseudo-liquid or just liquid (no centrifugal forces, no need to think about how to keep the particles). However, this is where the similarity ends, because the problem of a circle is about changing, processing, and the problem about templates is about measuring, detecting (the gaps between the template and the cone). Now that the analysis has given the idea of ​​a liquid template, easy to rub in, but not adapted to measurements, technique 26 suggested by the table acquires an exact meaning: one must remove the liquid template and compare the images with a control image. The cone is placed in the bath, water is poured to a certain level and the level is fixed with a camera located on top. Then water is added to the next level and photographed again on the same plate. As a result, a series of concentric circles is obtained on the plate, which are easy to compare with the circles in the reference image (ac. no. 180 829).

Techniques are like tools - they don't work by themselves. You need to practice their application, solve several dozen tasks,

To get started, solve at least four problems.

Hot gaseous petroleum products when moving through pipes form solid paraffin deposits. We have to stop the equipment and remove the paraffin with a solvent. It is proposed to pre-saturate gaseous petroleum products with solvent vapors (AS No. 412 230). What technique is used in this invention?

There are sprinkling machines that spray water from a pipe raised above the surface of the earth and untwisted. The longer the pipe, the larger the area such a machine can water. But with an increase in the length of the pipe, its weight increases, and this complicates the design of the machine, increases energy consumption, etc. What method should be used to eliminate this technical contradiction?

As shown in numerous examples, the use of an "air bag" has become trivial in solving problems in which it is necessary to temporarily press one fragile object to another. And if instead of a "bag of air" we take the antipode - a "bag of vacuum"? What does he look like? Find an inventive application of the "vacuum bag".

Many technical devices use moving tapes in the form of an endless ring. If, for example, the outer surface of such a belt is coated with an abrasive composition, a sanding belt will be obtained. In a. With. No. 236 278, it was proposed to cut the sanding belt, twist one end by 180 ° and reconnect, obtaining the so-called Möbius strip. Both surfaces of the belt became grinding steel. Its length remained the same, but also, as it were, doubled. Other inventors have done exactly the same thing with tape (A.C. No. 259449), filter belt (A.C. No. 321 266), anode-mechanical cutting machine tape (A.C. No. 464 429, nine authors), conveyor belt (AS No. 526 395) and dozens of other belts. What approach is used here?

And one more question. The Möbius strip doubles the length of the usable surface. But you can take a triangular grinding belt and move the ends by 120 ° before joining into a ring. Then the working surface will be three times longer (though becoming narrower). You can twist the multi-faceted belt and lengthen the surface five or ten times. But this invention issued a. With. № 324 137. Predict the inventions that may appear in connection with this copyright certificate.

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