Kuznetsov in Leningrad. Son of the former secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Valery Kuznetsov: Stalin named my father his successor, and it was a death sentence

Comrade fought with tireless energy. Kuznetsov for exposing the enemies of the people operating on the ideological front - in the State Hermitage, in the Russian Museum, the Museum of the Revolution and a number of other cultural institutions" (Leningradskaya Pravda. 1937. January 16).

Speaking on November 19, 1937 at a meeting of voters in the Volkhov district, A.A. Kuznetsov said: “I consider it a great happiness to work under the leadership of Comrade Zhdanov. Under his leadership, I will continue to smash vile fascist agents, Trotskyist-Bukharin saboteurs, spies, saboteurs, and fight for the purity of the ranks of our great communist party” (Leningradskaya Pravda. 1937. November 22).

And this, unfortunately, is not “naked demagoguery.” And before the war, and during the war, and after it, the political biography of A.A. Kuznetsova was closely intertwined with the activities of punitive authorities and punitive functions. And it is not at all by chance that in 1946 Stalin entrusted him with “monitoring” of the MGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

After the war, this dangerous path led to a tragic outcome (“Leningrad affair”. L., 1990. pp. 97-98).

During the Great Patriotic War A.A. Kuznetsov is one of the leaders of the defense of Leningrad. In June 1941, divisional commissar; member of the Military Council of the Baltic Fleet (1939-1946), North-Western (June-August 1941) and Leningrad (September 1941 - December 1942, March 1943 - May 1945) fronts.

A.A. Kuznetsov actually directed the entire life of besieged Leningrad: he headed (in the summer and autumn of 1941) the Commission for the management of the construction of defensive structures, supervised the organization of the life of Leningraders, the formation of militia units and the selection of military personnel, the creation of partisan detachments; resolved issues related to the activities of the political department of the front and fleet. A.A. Kuznetsov, as a member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front, participated in the development of operations to defeat the Nazi troops near Leningrad.

In 1945-1946. A.A. Kuznetsov is the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. Then - an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in Moscow. In 1949 he was arrested in connection with the Leningrad Case, convicted and executed. Rehabilitated in 1954 (posthumously).

The “Leningrad Affair” began on February 15, 1949, when the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee at its meeting called the Leningrad leaders an anti-party group (“The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) recalls that Zinoviev, when he tried to turn the Leningrad organization into the support of his anti-Leninist faction, resorted to to the same anti-party methods of flirting with the Leningrad organization, denigrating the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which allegedly does not care about the needs of Leningrad, separating the Leningrad organization from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and opposing the Leningrad organization to the party and its Central Committee." On February 22, 1949, a plenum of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the City Party Committee was held, which was attended by member of the Politburo of the Party Central Committee G.M. Malenkov1 and member of the organizing bureau V.M. Andrianov.2 Malenkov repeated the opinion of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on February 15, 1949, that the Leningrad leaders had turned into an anti-party group. All of them were removed from their posts. Andrianov was “elected” as the first secretary of the regional and city committees at the plenum.

And then the darker part of the Kremlin script came true. In June, the former secretary of the city party committee, Ya.F., was arrested. Kapustin and former head of the Leningrad Region MGB department P.N. Kubatkin, and a little later former member of the party Central Committee A.A. Kuznetsov and others. The investigation was carried out in Moscow for about a year, and in September 1950, a visiting session of the Supreme Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was held in the Leningrad Officers' House. The court sentenced Kuznetsov, Voznesensky, Kapustin, Rodionov to death...

By the way, capital punishment (execution) was abolished in May 1947 and reintroduced on January 12, 1949 (which was hidden from the defendants).

After this process, persecution spread like a plague throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union, people from Leningrad were arrested, “filtered,” etc. In the city itself on the Neva, a ruthless purge began: “oppositionists” not only survived from the party-Soviet apparatus from top to bottom , but also persecuted in production and in science. As a result, only in 1949-1950. in Leningrad and the region, over two thousand leading officials were expelled from party and other bodies (LIA. F. 24. Op. 70. D. 1. L. 260).

Arrests and trials continued in 1951-1952. Thus, on August 15, 1952, more than 50 people who worked as secretaries of district party committees and chairmen of district executive committees during the blockade were arrested and then sentenced to long prison terms. They were involved in the “Smolninsky District Case”, “Dzerzhinsky District Case”, etc.

It got to the point that literature that contained any mention of those executed was destroyed, their participation in the heroic blockade was emasculated, and the Museum of the Defense of Leningrad was closed. The city turned into “repressive”, “disgraced”. The outcasts could not find work even in their hometown; no merit or intercession helped.

N.S. expressed his unique opinion on this issue. Khrushchev in his memoirs. He assures that he never even saw the indictments against the participants in the “Leningrad Case,” and that he could have signed the verdict without reading it at a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. And it was as if only from the words of Malenkov and Beria that he learned that Kuznetsov and others were accused of “Russian nationalism and disagreement with the policies of the Central Committee.”

One can hardly believe in such ignorance of Khrushchev, because at that time he was a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and a close associate of Stalin, who, as K. Simonov writes, “before, and then, and then treated Leningrad with a share of suspicions that remained from the twenties years and obviously assumed the presence of some attempts to create spiritual autonomy there.” And the Hungarians Beladi and Krause in the book “Stalin” (Moscow, 1990) write that Stalin “always treated with antipathy the “special” character of Leningraders.” 3)

IN AND. Berezhkov writes: “It seems that the high-ranking security officer P.A. Sudoplatov, who in those years moved in the highest spheres of the Kremlin and had objective information, is close to the truth about the reasons for the emergence of the “Leningrad Affair”. In his book “Intelligence and the Kremlin” he writes: “All this was fabricated and caused by the ongoing struggle among Stalin’s assistants... The motives that forced Malenkov, Beria and Khrushchev to destroy the Leningrad group were clear: to strengthen their power. They were afraid that the young Leningrad team led by Kuznetsov would replace Stalin" (Berezhkov V.I. St. Petersburg prosecutors. St. Petersburg, 1998. pp. 239-241; "Leningrad affair". L., 1990).

“The so-called “Leningrad Affair” was instigated and organized by Stalin, who sought to maintain an atmosphere of suspicion, envy and distrust of each other among senior leaders and on this basis to further strengthen his power” (Rehabilitation. Political processes of the 30-50s. M., 1991. P. 312).

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Alexey Alexandrovich Kuznetsov (1905-1950) - first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee in 1945-1946.

A. A. Kuznetsov was born on February 7 (February 20), 1905 in Borovichi (now Novgorod region). He began his career in 1922 as a worker at a sawmill in Borovichi. In 1924-1932, at Komsomol work in the Novgorod province and Leningrad. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1925. Since 1932 in party work:
instructor of the Leningrad city committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the district party committees in Leningrad, head of the regional committee department. Since 1938, second secretary of the Leningrad city committee of the CPSU(b), during the Great Patriotic War, member of the military councils of the Baltic Fleet, Northern and Leningrad fronts, lieutenant general (1943).

Member of the Central Committee since 1939, in 1945-1946 first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. He was involved in the USSR atomic project: through the efforts of the director of the Radium Institute V.G. Khlopin and A.A. Kuznetsov, he received additional premises. The decision to allocate areas was made by the Special Committee in November 1945, carried out by the Chairman of the Operations Bureau of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR A. N. Kosygin and the representative of the State Planning Committee in the Special Committee N. A. Borisov.

Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee on March 18, 1946 - March 6, 1949 (removed from its composition at the same time as M.I. Rodionov), Secretary of the Central Committee on March 18, 1946 - January 28, 1949. According to some statements, with the right to conduct meetings of the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

In 1946-1949, head of the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, since February 1949, secretary of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

Arrested on August 13, 1949 in the “Leningrad case” together with M. I. Rodionov and P. S. Popkov in the office of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks G. M. Malenkov. On September 30, 1950, he was sentenced to death by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, and executed on October 1 of the same year. Rehabilitated by the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on April 30, 1954, on February 26, 1988, the CPC under the CPSU Central Committee confirmed membership in the party since 1925.

And before the war, and during the war, and after it, the political biography of A.A. Kuznetsova was closely intertwined with the activities of punitive authorities and punitive functions. And it is not at all by chance that in 1946 Stalin entrusted him with “monitoring” of the MGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

After the war, this dangerous path led to a tragic outcome (“Leningrad affair”. L., 1990. pp. 97-98).

During the Great Patriotic War A.A. Kuznetsov is one of the leaders of the defense of Leningrad. In June 1941, divisional commissar; member of the Military Council of the Baltic Fleet (1939-1946), North-Western (June-August 1941) and Leningrad (September 1941 - December 1942, March 1943 - May 1945) fronts.

A.A. Kuznetsov actually directed the entire life of besieged Leningrad: he headed (in the summer and autumn of 1941) the Commission for the management of the construction of defensive structures, supervised the organization of the life of Leningraders, the formation of militia units and the selection of military personnel, the creation of partisan detachments; resolved issues related to the activities of the political department of the front and fleet. A.A. Kuznetsov, as a member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front, participated in the development of operations to defeat the Nazi troops near Leningrad.

In 1945-1946. A.A. Kuznetsov is the first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. Then - an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in Moscow. In 1949, he was arrested in connection with the Leningrad Case, convicted and executed. Rehabilitated in 1954 (posthumously).

IN AND. Berezhkov writes: “It seems that the high-ranking security officer P.A. Sudoplatov, who in those years moved in the highest spheres of the Kremlin and had objective information, is close to the truth about the reasons for the emergence of the “Leningrad Affair”. In his book “Intelligence and the Kremlin” he writes: “All this was fabricated and caused by the ongoing struggle among Stalin’s assistants... The motives that forced Malenkov, Beria and Khrushchev to destroy the Leningrad group were clear: to strengthen their power. They were afraid that the young Leningrad team led by Kuznetsov would replace Stalin" (Berezhkov V.I. St. Petersburg prosecutors. St. Petersburg, 1998. pp. 239-241; "Leningrad case". Leningrad, 1990).

“The so-called “Leningrad Affair” was provoked and organized by Stalin, who sought to maintain an atmosphere of suspicion, envy and distrust of each other among senior leaders and on this basis to further strengthen his power” (Rehabilitation. Political processes of the 30-50s. M., 1991. P. 312).

Two Orders of Lenin
four other orders and medals

After Stalin named Kuznetsov as his successor as General Secretary of the Central Committee in 1947 and entrusted him with supervision of the state security agencies, Alexei Alexandrovich made two terrible enemies - Beria and Malenkov.

This year marks the 111th anniversary of his birth. He led the besieged Leningrad. But the finest hour in his dizzying career was the Politburo meeting in 1947. Then Stalin said: “Time passes, we are getting old. In my place I see Alexey Kuznetsov...”

Stalin's successor - - MK

The purpose of this article is to find out how the murder of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks ALEXEY ALEKSANDROVICH KUZNETSOV is included in his FULL NAME code.

Watch "Logicology - about the fate of man" in advance.

Let's look at the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

11 31 40 54 60 83 98 101 102 114 120 131 149 155 165 166 178 184 195 213 214 228 233 250 265 268 278 302
302 291 271 262 248 242 219 204 201 200 188 182 171 153 147 137 136 124 118 107 89 88 74 69 52 37 34 24

1 13 19 30 48 54 64 65 77 83 94 112 113 127 132 149 164 167 177 201 212 232 241 255 261 284 299 302
302 301 289 283 272 254 248 238 237 225 219 208 190 189 175 170 153 138 135 125 101 90 70 61 47 41 18 3


302 = 238-\ 118-CONVICTED + 120-DEATH\+ 64-EXECUTION.


302 = 170-SHOOTING + 132-DEPARTURE.

302 = 232-\ 170-SHOOTING + 62-CARE\ + 70-FROM LIFE.

302 = 171-LIFE TAKEN + 131-SHOT.

302 = 120-DOWN + 182-\51-LIFE + 131-SHOT\.

302 = 102-SHOT + 200-DEATH BY SHOT\a\.

302 = 165-\ 102-SHOT + 63-DEATH\ + 137-FROM SHOT\a\.

102 = SHOT

DEATH DATE code: 10/1/1950. This = 1 + 10 + 19 + 50 = 80 = LIFE FOR\ is over\.

302 = 80 + 222-\ 102-SHOT + 120-END OF LIFE\.

Full DATE OF DEATH code = 191-1st OCTOBER + 69-\19 + 50\-(YEAR OF DEATH code) = 260.

260 = 191-FIRST OF OCTOBER + 69-END.


Code for the number of full YEARS OF LIFE = 76-FORTY + 96-FIVE = 172 = BRAIN WOUND.

302 = 172-FORTY-FIVE + 130-BRAIN WOUND.

Let's look at the column in the top table:

184 = 102-DEATH + 82-SHOT

184 - 124 = 60 = IN ZATA\ lock\.

302 = 204-\ 102-DEATH + 102-SHOT \ + 98-IN THE NADE.


A quick decryption of the code for the FULL NAME OF ALEXEY ALEKSANDROVICH KUZNETSOV can be obtained as follows:

Sum of vowel codes:

Y=20 + E=6 x 4 + O=15 x 2 + A=1 x 3 + I-(Y)=10 x 2 = 20 + 24 + 30 + 3 + 20 = 97 = SENTENCE.

302 = 97-VERDICT + 205-\ 103-SHOT + 102-SHOT \.

205 - 97 = 108 = EXECUTED.

There is such an educational channel on YouTube called “Sinus”, they throw all sorts of historical and educational materials there. I found a story by some strange “historian” Alexey Kuznetsov about Pol Pot with a number of mistakes. I’ll leave the analysis here free for the public

Let me start with the fact that Alexey Kuznetsov himself is not exactly a historian. He graduated from MGIMO in 1990, unexpectedly found himself among the fans of Viktor Suvorov, and even hangs out on “Echo of Moscow” with such a big-faced and well-fed guy.

I will analyze several strange episodes in the video.

Maintained diplomatic relations with only a few countries, in fact with five, one of which was Romania, China, North Korea, Albania, France.

The list is incomplete: Vietnam (before the beginning of 1978 or something), Laos, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Burma (),
Yugoslavia, Cuba, Thailand and a bunch of delegations came to the Palace of Culture. It should have been said.

And by 1975, when the “Pol Pot regime” (what kind of term?) was established in Kampuchea, he had been the de facto leader of the Communist Party for several years.

It should have been written how this “mode” suddenly took hold and was established. The Khmer Rouge won the civil war, but why exactly did they win? And also explain why King (!) Norodom Sihanouk kept visiting the Khmer Rouge
photo-2 (it's 10th from the top)

13-50 Referred to the book "Kampuchea Court of the People". A book from the early 1980s. I read it in my first year. There are a lot of questions for the authors, but why is it surprising? It was published in those years when in the USSR there was not a single word about Marshal Beria in any reference book; even all sorts of Zhukvovs suddenly “forgot” who he was in their memoirs.

21 minutes
In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet there are quite a lot of materials, arguments and thoughts on the topic that the Pol Pot regime has been slandered. Many years before this, the Americans bombed and now it was profitable for them to pass off the victims of the bombing as the communist regime.

He is being cunning at the 21-22 minute mark. The American bombings were not “many years before”, but in 1971-74,

until 1970, until General Lon Nol carried out a pro-American coup d'etat, Paul Paul didn’t bother anyone much, the king even went to visit him. The photo is available with one search on Google.

Evicted 90% of Phnom Penh's population? Who counted the population there? Firstly, the city was full of refugees, they were returned back to the village. Secondly, can you imagine the social structure of Phnom Penh in the early 1970s? Do you think there are giant factories and research institutes on every corner? Noooo. Most of the population of such Asian cities are petty servants, employees of endless sidewalk catering establishments, prostitutes, small traders, monks, bureaucrats, and cops. These were kicked out. They left 10% - the working class, and those who actually did something useful in the city.

And one more thing - why did they take power? Did the Khmer Rouge with a rifle and a Chinese Kalash turn out to be stronger than a soldier of the Khmer Republic army with an American weapon? Here is a video of a military parade in Phnom Penh under the Khmer Rouge, almost all weapons are captured.

And it would be necessary to explain why Lon Nol fled to the USA, and Pol Pot went into the jungle and fought as a partisan for another 20 years.

24-55 army composition of the previous regime. I came across information somewhere that some Royal Air Force pilots did not accept the 1970 coup and fled to Pol Pot themselves. I'll find the link and make another note.

On 25-30 spoke very vaguely about the Lon Nol regime and the Khmer Republic in 1971-75. Called him " conservative pro-American politician who overthrew King Sihanouk and ruled Kampuchea for several years"
Is he really that stupid or is he being a fool on purpose?
There was a civil war going on there and it was very brutal, but it turns out that “Lon Nol was in charge, then he disappeared somewhere, Paul Paul came to the office of the main man of the country, sat in his chair and began to slowly destroy everyone.”

26 minutes- killed with hoees and sticks? And they killed more in 3 years than under Lon Nol in 3 years they died from carpet bombing? Some defective historian got caught

That's all. This is not a story about the civil war in Cambodia in the 1970s, but some kind of bullshit.
Terror was a question of causes and scale.
The Vietnamese scenario did not work out in April 1975, because there was no “Northern Kampuchea”, where a whole generation had already grown up under socialism and there were cadres. And the Laotian scenario also did not work out, where there was a “tandem” of the Red Prince + the leaders of the Pathet Lao.

Here is a photo from 1977, young female Khmer Rouge. They smile joyfully. Apparently, they had just killed several thousand people each with sticks and hoes.

A short video about the working life of Democratic Kampuchea
And a little humor.
-If not Putin, then who?
-If not Putin, then a cat!
-What if it’s not a cat?
-Perhaps Pol Pot?

look how well the three of us settled down on the sofa, Kayson Phomvikhan, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot. The first is now depicted on banknotes in Laos and monuments are erected to him, the second is the same in Vietnam, and the third is unlucky. If only history had gone a little differently and now in Cambodia there would have been something like Laos Buddhism + socialism.

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First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)


Zhdanov, Andrey Alexandrovich


Popkov, Pyotr Sergeevich

Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Borovichi, Novgorod Governorate, Russian Empire

Date of death:

A place of death:

St. Petersburg


Levashovskoye Memorial Cemetery

Lieutenant General

(February 7 (20), 1905 - October 1, 1950) - first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee in 1945-1946. One of the organizers of mass purges and repressions in Leningrad and North-West Russia, then their victim.

He began his career in 1922 as a worker at a sawmill in Borovichi. In 1924-1932, at Komsomol work in the Novgorod province and Leningrad. Party member since 1925. Since 1932, in party work: instructor of the Leningrad city committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the district party committees in Leningrad, head of the regional committee department. Since 1937, second secretary of the Leningrad regional committee, city committee of the CPSU (b), during the Great Patriotic War, member of the military councils of the Baltic Fleet, Northern and Leningrad fronts, lieutenant general (1943).

Awarded two Orders of Lenin and 4 other orders.

Member of the Central Committee since 1939, in 1945-1946 first secretary of the Leningrad regional committee and city party committee. Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee March 18, 1946-March 7, 1949, Secretary of the Central Committee March 18, 1946-January 28, 1949.

In 1946-1949, head of the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since February 1949, Secretary of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

Attended the June 1947 philosophical discussion.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st and 2nd convocations.

Arrested on August 13, 1949 in the “Leningrad Case”, sentenced to death by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on September 30, 1950, and executed on October 1 of the same year. Rehabilitated by the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on April 30, 1954, on February 26, 1988, the CPC under the CPSU Central Committee confirmed membership in the party since 1925.


  • Voinov's wife Zinaida Dmitrievna (1906-1971)

(through his wife, A. Kuznetsov was a relative of A. Kosygin)

  • daughter Alla (1928-1957) was married to Anastas Mikoyan's son Sergo.
  • son Valery (02/10/1937) - was married to the daughter of V. Ya. Kolpakchi, worked as deputy. Head of the Glavlit of the USSR, then to the Central Committee of the CPSU, during the years of perestroika he was the first assistant to Politburo member A. N. Yakovlev
  • daughter Kuznetsova Galina Alekseevna

R Born in 1915 in the village of Nokshino, now Velikoustyug district, Vologda region. Russian. Member of the Komsomol. Hero of the Soviet Union (December 2, 1942). Awarded the Order of Lenin.

In the summer of 1942, a difficult situation developed on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Hitler's command continued to intensify the pressure on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front, hoping to reach the Caucasus, Don and Volga regions. Fascist troops broke through the big bend of the Don. Defensive battles began on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. On one of the sectors of the front in the area of ​​the Dubovoy farm, Ilovlensky district, Volgograd region, the 40th Guards Rifle Division of the 1st Guards Army, which included a battalion of the 119th Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of Guard Captain A. Kuznetsov, stubbornly defended itself. This division, in cooperation with other units and formations, not only prevented the enemy from reaching the left bank of the Don, but also retained a bridgehead on the right bank of the river.

After continuous attacks, the Nazis managed to capture a height from which the entire surrounding area was clearly visible. Captain Kuznetsov's guard battalion was given the task of knocking out the Nazis from the heights. Having received the order from the regiment commander, Kuznetsov decided to act suddenly and launch a night attack. The battalion consisted mainly of paratroopers, whom the battalion commander knew well.

With the onset of darkness, the paratroopers secretly approached the height and occupied the starting line. The Nazis did not expect their swift attack. The battle to capture the heights lasted no more than an hour. The plan of the guard captain Alexander Kuznetsov was a success. All night the guardsmen fortified the heights - everyone knew that the Nazis would not leave them alone.

On the morning of August 21, 1942, the enemy, trying to regain the heights, threw 16 tanks into battle. The paratroopers bravely accepted the unequal duel. They knocked out fascist vehicles with anti-tank rifle fire and grenades.

Several tanks were already burning in front of the height. The Nazis turned back. But after a short artillery attack, the enemy tanks went on the attack again. The infantry ran after them. And this attack was repulsed by the guards. During the day, suffering heavy losses, the paratroopers repelled several enemy attacks. There were 11 damaged enemy vehicles left on the battlefield, and many corpses of fascist soldiers and officers.

The Nazis continued to attack the guards who remained on top. Six tanks and enemy infantry again headed towards the paratroopers' trenches. Guard captain Alexander Kuznetsov himself took an anti-tank rifle and personally knocked out three enemy vehicles. He had already been wounded several times, but did not leave the battlefield. The guardsmen saw their commander in the most dangerous areas; by his example, he inspired confidence, supported both strength and faith in victory. When repelling the last attack of the Nazis, the battalion commander fell, struck by machine-gun fire. But the guards paratroopers carried out the order and held the height until reinforcements arrived. At dawn, the paratroopers buried their combat commander.

The height near the Dubovoy farm, which the brave battalion commander defended from the enemy with his guards, is called by his name: “Kuznetsov’s Height.”

Now the remains of the Hero rest in a mass grave in the city of Kalach, Volgograd region.

In the Hero’s homeland in the city of Veliky Ustyug, at school No. 11 in Volgograd, the pioneer squad bears the name of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Kuznetsov.


Vologda residents are Heroes of the Soviet Union. Vologda, 1970. pp. 182–185.

I'm going to ram. Volgograd, 1978. pp. 8–24.

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