Presentation for the research work "the origin of the word Rus". Presentation on the history of Russia on the topic "the origin of the word "Rus" Presentation on the topic the origin of the word "Rus"

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Version 1 Slavic In the VIII-IX centuries. Among the Eastern Slavs, a tribe began to stand out living along the middle reaches of the Dnieper: south of Kyiv to the Ros River and along the course of this river and its tributary Rossava. Here, at the confluence of the Ros and the Dnieper, there was the chronicle city of Rodnya, the remains of which can be seen in Knyazhaya Gora, rich in archaeological finds. Several centuries later, Yaropolk fled from Kyiv to the city of Rodnya “at the mouth of the Ros”, running away from his brother Vladimir the Saint. Thus, Ros, Rossava, Rodnya are connected in one place. The Varangians who came to these places, without further ado, called the land of the aborigines Rus.

Version 2 Swedish Ruotsi, Roots, Rotsi - this is how the Finnish tribes (Suomi, Karelians, Vod, Chud, etc.) inhabiting the territory of Northwestern Russia nicknamed the Swedes. The latter (in Norman and Varangian guise) from the 6th to the 9th centuries were frequent guests in those places. Not always invited.

Version 3 Sarmatian The defender of this hypothesis was Mikhailo Lomonosov, who believed that the Rus are direct descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes of the Roxolans or Rosomans. By the way, the Polish gentry were also competitors of Rus' for the right to bear the title of descendants of the Sarmatians.

Version 4 “Tax” A number of historians claim that “Rus” was not a separate tribe, but a profession - tribute collectors. Remember the term “polyudye”? Among some Finno-Ugric peoples, the word “people” meant those who were forced to pay tribute, and Rus probably meant those who collected this tribute. Among the collectors of that time there were many Varangian warriors, so the social term, apparently, was transferred to the ethnic name of the Varangians. It is interesting that the word “people” even became the self-name of one of the Finno-Ugric peoples (Ljudi)

Version 5 “Grebnaya” Recently, a hypothesis has spread that there was no “Rus” tribe at all. And there were international (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) rowers, participants in rowing boat trips, who called themselves “robs” in Norman maritime jargon. Well, the local residents (Slavs and Finno-Ugrians) for convenience renamed them to the more harmonious “Rus”.

Version 6 “Military” In the early stages of the formation of the Old Russian state, “Rus” was the name given to the military class. By the way, among the then vigilantes there were many people from Scandinavia. A little later, “Rus” began to be called a form of government (like a military republic), and only then, the name passed on to the entire people.

Version 7 “Red-faced” As you know, the Byzantines called the aggressors who periodically raided Constantinople, going “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” “Russians” (that is, “red” or “redheads”). This gave rise to hypotheses that the guests from Kievan Rus received their nickname for their complexion (either for their blush, or for their tendency to burn in the southern sun - it is unclear). It is interesting that Ibn Fadlan, who met the Varangians in 922, said about them: “They are like palm trees, ruddy, red.”

Version 8 Hyperborean The Russian language is the oldest language of the Hyperboreans, the single Proto-language of all humanity. Thus, a simple stick "I" denotes a person. A stick, and on top there is a circle - dot "i" - a reasonable person. "O" is a sign of a person's aura. P - a stick with an attached part of the Universe, - the sign of God b - a soft sign, a mirror image of the sign "P". This is a sign of the Holy Spirit. C - an oval sign with an outgoing point. The Holy Spirit begins with the human mind.

Two lines emanating from one source: “Y” - light Light connected inside by AXIS: “A” is the sign of YUSA Bolshoi, which is currently deformed into the letter “A” - the sign of God Thus, “RA” is read as GOD of the Universe. "YARA" - God of the Small Universe, - Small God. Because the sign “I” used to denote YUS Maly. Thus, the ancient cry of the Slavs: “HURRAY!” reads the LIGHT of the God of the Universe. That is, the Slavs at all times went into battle for a just cause with the Light of God"

In former times, Russia was called: "Rus'". That is, we must understand the name “Rus'” - the Light of God and the Holy Spirit. Rus' is the Glory of the Hyperboreans. The Slavs are the descendants and bearers of the glory of the Hyperboreans and the most ancient single Protolanguage. Why then did “RUS” change to “RUSSIA”? It is immediately obvious that in the name “Russia” the sign of the Big, Great God is lost - YUS Bolshoi - “A”. LIGHT and the Holy Spirit are also lost in the name “Russia”. But a double "SS" sign appeared. Thus, the double sign “SS” in the name “Russia” symbolizes the replacement of the Holy Spirit with a monster - the she-devil Dog Star Algol.

To the name "Rus" YUS Maly was added - "I". From the country of the Universal Big God, Rus' turned into a small fiefdom of the Little God. Moreover, two traits have been added that do not have intelligence with an oblique crossbar "I". The sign "I" denotes brokenness and bitterness. Thus, since the name of Rus' changed, bitterness and breakdown began to haunt the entire country and the Russian people.

In principle, it is not so important which version is closer to the truth. The main thing is that this in no way affects the love for the Motherland!

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The history of the appearance in the language, the very origin of the word "Rus" has always been of interest to scientists - philologists, historians, linguists. Many Russian writers gave their understanding of the term. It is also used in works of oral folk art. The first attempts to explain the meaning of this word go back to ancient times. Over the past centuries, several versions of its interpretation have emerged, but none of them can be called absolutely correct.

The origin of the word "Rus" and the literary heritage of the Russian people

In support of the idea expressed above, we can give examples of literary works, the authors of which present their vision of the origin and interpretation of the word “Rus”.

The version expressed by Nestor is generally considered to be one of the most ancient. The author left his descendants with notes that make them think about many things, including the origin of the Russian people, their historical homeland. Other famous literary figures of the past offer a different interpretation of the concepts. The research works of M. V. Lomonosov, N. M. Karamzin (“History of the Russian State”), L. N. Gumilev (“From Rus' to Russia”) deserve special attention.

In the novel “Memory” by V. Chivilikhin, the author puts forward a version about the existence of inexplicable sources that are capable of feeding the energy of every person living in their native land. Thanks to the ability to honor their historical homeland, to know the language and customs of their ancestors, people can withstand and overcome any adversity. The work provides evidence of the emergence of the first Russian settlements on the banks of numerous rivers and lakes.

The origin of the word "Rus" is discussed in many school and university textbooks. Some authors' interpretations of the concepts are very similar. Other scientists present to the readers their own vision, which differs from the views of their colleagues. It should be taken into account that each of the authors did a lot of research before putting forward their assumption. And this deserves respect.

The influence of foreign and on the birth of hypotheses

There are many versions in which the theory of the origin of the word “Rus” is associated with foreign languages. So, for example, in the Western European group the root “rus” is used, the meaning of which comes down to the word bear. In the Finno-Ugric languages, a lexeme with a similar sound also existed. All this served as the basis for the emergence of another additional version, explaining the origin of the word “Rus”.

The Latin language also gave rise to a hypothesis trying to explain the meaning of this concept. in this language meant the countryside.
Variants of the origin of the proper name and the name of the people are available in Swedish, Iranian, Old Russian, and many Slavic languages. Traditionally, the interpretation of the concept is associated with the ancient state located on the territory of Eastern and Northern Europe, as well as the peoples who inhabited it. Most linguists are still inclined to believe that the word “Rus”, for many reasons, cannot be of Slavic origin - it came from a foreign language.

Version one

There is a large group of scientists, linguists, and historians who connect the origin of the word “Rus” with the name of a river or a noun denoting a body of water. This version looks the most reliable and has concrete evidence.

It is known that most of the ancient Slavic settlements appeared on the banks of rivers and lakes. Water greatly facilitated people’s lives, was used in economic activities, and was a natural barrier to the enemy army’s route; it was easy to move on water in the summer and build roads in the winter.
So the meaning of the word “Rus” is in direct connection with the name of the rivers, on the banks of which, in ancient times, settlements were founded, which became the beginning of great cities. It is known that Ros is the right tributary of the mighty Dnieper. Neman had the same name many centuries ago. The word "Rus" refers to the name of one of the branches of the river in its delta. The bay into which it flowed was called Rusnaya.

Other small rivers that were tributaries of larger bodies of water had similar names. In this regard, we must not forget that the great Volga in ancient times was also called Ras or Ros.

Version two

According to B. A. Rybakov and a group of other scientists, the origin of the word “Rus”, “Russians” is associated with the name of the tribe that lived in ancient times in the vast territories of modern Eastern Europe - to Kiev in the north and the steppe zone in the south. Later, the tribes of the Ros, or Rus, as they were called, were joined by their neighbors. The unification of tribes served as a prerequisite for the birth of a people who later began to be called Russian, and the territory where they lived - Rus.

Version three

Another group of scientists trying to explain the origin and meaning of the word “Rus” says that its interpretation is closely connected not with water, but with forest. The Dews are forest uprooters, people who settled in areas covered with forests. It was the forest that helped the tribes survive in harsh climatic conditions, providing warmth, food, and allowing them to make much-needed household items.

One more version can be attributed to the same group of versions. As mentioned above, the word “bear” in some Western European languages ​​sounds very similar to the root “rus”. It follows that Rus could be called people who settled in the forest, leading a secretive lifestyle, but strong and powerful, like a bear. This animal was considered the strongest and most formidable inhabitant of the forests.

Version four

This hypothesis of the appearance of the word is associated with the languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric group. In some of them there was also a word similar in sound and pronunciation to the root “ros”. Translated, it sounds like “Varangian,” which means “mercenary warrior.” Mostly, the Varangians became people who came from the territory of Eastern Europe. Later, the places where most of them came from began to be called Russia. Initially, the word “Varangians” was not the name of a people, but indicated the social status of a group of people.

Now there is an assumption that Varangians and Russians are words that are close in meaning. They mean the name of the same people who lived on the territory of an ancient state located in northern Europe.

Version five

One of the common hypotheses explaining the meaning of the word and its origin indicates that “Rus” is not the name of a tribe. According to scientists, this was the name given to those who collected tribute from people who had to pay it.

This version is confirmed by the modern translation of The Tale of Bygone Years, where the names of the Slavic tribes are contrasted with the word “Ros”.

Words with the same root, their interpretation

Considering the meaning of the word Rus, it is impossible to believe that there is a whole group of forms that are close to it in meaning. After a little research, it is not difficult to notice that each of the above interpretations is again connected in one way or another with water, river, or sea.

Instead of a conclusion

Versions of the origin of the word “Rus”, their huge diversity indicate great interest in this issue not only among scientists around the world, but also among ordinary people. Attention to the topic has not waned for many centuries.

The large number of existing versions indicates that the problem has not been resolved. But the following becomes clear: the formation of a powerful Old Russian state became the basis for the formation of a single nationality and the emergence of the Russian language. Circumstances associated with the feudal fragmentation of Rus' and the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars led to the fact that the cultural development of individual territories followed its own special path.

But, despite the years of fragmented existence, it still took place, which subsequently led to the emergence of an independent, united Russian state.

Formation of the Old Russian state Concepts of the origin of the state Class Contractual The state arises during the period of collapse of tribal relations as a result of the emergence of property inequality, social differentiation, ownership of tools and land. The state arises as a result of an agreement between people.

Theories of the emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs Slavic (anti-Norman) Centrist Norman The role of the Varangians in the formation of the Old Russian state and their calling to reign is denied The Old Russian state arose as a result of the internal social development of the Slavs, but also with the participation of the Varangians The Old Russian state was created by the Normans (Varangians) with the voluntary consent of the Slavs M.V. Lomonosov B.A. Rybakov A.L. Yurganov L.A. Katsva and most modern historians G.Z. Bayer A.L. Shletser XVIII G.F. Miller N.M. Karamzin S.M. Solovyov XIX

Rurik Dynasty (IX-XII centuries) Rurik (Truvor, Sineus) Oleg Igor I Olga Svyatoslav Oleg d.977 Yaropolk Vladimir St. Gleb d.1015 Boris d. Yaroslav the Wise Svyatopolk I the Accursed

Yaroslav the Wise Vladimir d.1032 Svyatoslav II Izyaslav I, Vsevolod I Rostislav Oleg d David d Svyatopolk II Vladimir Monomakh Volodar Vsevolod II Igor 1146 Izyaslav III Mstislav the Great Yaropolk II Yuri Dolgoruky, Vladimir Yaroslav Ostromysl d.1187

Izyaslav Mstislav the Great Yuri Dolgoruky, Izyaslav II Rostislav Andrey Bogolyubsky Mikhail Vsevolod Big Nest Mstislav II Yaroslav mind Roman Galitsky mind Vasilko mind 1271 Daniil Galitsky mind Konstantin Yuri II Svyatoslav Yaroslav II Mikhail Andrey Alexander Nevsky Yaroslav III Vasily Kostromskoy

FIRST PRINCE The founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first ancient Russian prince. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, he was called to reign in 862 by the Ilmen Slovenes, Chud and all of the Varangian lands. He reigned in Ladoga, and then in all the Novgorod lands. Before his death, he transferred power to his relative (or elder warrior) - Oleg Rurik

Oleg Messrs. The first real ruler of Ancient Rus', who united the lands of the Slavic tribes along the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” In 882 he captured Kyiv and made it the capital of the ancient Russian state, killing Askold and Dir, who had previously reigned there. He subjugated the tribes of the Drevlyans, Northerners, and Radimichi. Strengthened the foreign policy situation. In 907 he made a successful military campaign against Constantinople, which resulted in two peace treaties beneficial for Rus' (907 and 911).

Igor Mr. He expanded the borders of the Old Russian state, subjugating the Kulich tribe and contributed to the founding of Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula. He repelled the raids of the Pecheneg nomads. Organized military campaigns against Byzantium - ended in failure - concluded a mutually beneficial treaty Killed by the Drevlyans while collecting tribute in 945

Olga Messrs. The wife of Prince Igor, she ruled in Rus' during the childhood of her son Svyatoslav and during his campaigns. For the first time, she established a clear procedure for collecting tribute (“polyudya”) by introducing: 1) lessons - determining the exact amount of tribute. 2) churchyards - establishing places for collecting tribute. Trip to Byzantium (957) and adoption of Christianity under the name Helen. In 968, she led the defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs.

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